so ..... president Trump is now aware .........
Type: Posts; User: iota; Keyword(s):
so ..... president Trump is now aware .........
i wasn't aware that anyone actually does.
take Biden, it doesn't look like he's ever even seen the words he is having a hard time reading half the time
since THAT is a WELL established and...
you are right and it is impossible to ignore for those who pay attention
our T. (here at PA) got me interested in GME so i was watching that and others for weeks as in ALL day so as to not miss...
Rebuilding that site from scratch with the features they want could take years, and possibly fail since it's not easy job. Most clones like that fail on the first to second year, and require lots and...
just hilarious!!!
and darn it!
should've gotten in!!
was SO predictable!
so the issue that WILL be promulgated of his legitimate actions to counter this WILL be MARKETED/SOLD as CENSORSHIP
but it is not
the issue is that there ARE deceptive, controlled...
NO he cannot and does NOT "NEED TO STFU about anything
you see, he ALREADY HAS been shut up AS SOON as he got lawfully elected
which at very best was subversive but in frank...