Everyone's invited apparently. Here's Trump's statement about the new platform, released today:
Thanks Star Mariner. Well of...
Type: Posts; User: Gracy; Keyword(s):
Everyone's invited apparently. Here's Trump's statement about the new platform, released today:
Thanks Star Mariner. Well of...
Not even FB or Twitter don't ban you if you criticize them.[/QUOTE]
I withheld comment on that one, in lieu of it’s not exactly clear, to me anyway, what that really means and how it might be...
So here's an interesting "Company Overview", done with a slide show format.
They're making an effort to say all the right (pardon the pun) things, and for that I commend them as an olive branch...
That was precisely my first reaction/question Star Mariner, glad you brought it up! Because if it DOES just wind up being a pro Trump, red state echo chamber, especially if because anti Trump...