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  1. Re: "Truth Social" - Trump launches social media platform

    Everyone's invited apparently. Here's Trump's statement about the new platform, released today:[/QUOTE]

    Thanks Star Mariner. Well of...
  2. Re: "Truth Social" - Trump launches social media platform

    Not even FB or Twitter don't ban you if you criticize them.[/QUOTE]

    I withheld comment on that one, in lieu of it’s not exactly clear, to me anyway, what that really means and how it might be...
  3. Re: "Truth Social" - Trump launches social media platform

    So here's an interesting "Company Overview", done with a slide show format.

    They're making an effort to say all the right (pardon the pun) things, and for that I commend them as an olive branch...
  4. Re: "Truth Social" - Trump launches social media platform

    That was precisely my first reaction/question Star Mariner, glad you brought it up! Because if it DOES just wind up being a pro Trump, red state echo chamber, especially if because anti Trump...
Results 1 to 4 of 4