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Thread: We are the change

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    Avalon Member Eric J (Viking)'s Avatar
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    Default We are the change

    Ok, I thought I would bring this out into the open again as I believe this is the most important topic we can focus on and changing the 'play'.

    Also I wanted some feedback with regard to how we can change the present format??

    We are all at a turning point here and with a push we can all change the reality that presented to us every day.

    This is such a complex topic and in my opinion needs to be explored further to realize the significance of this. A few scientists have touched on this area and labeled it 'Quantom Physics' this label tends to shy people away as it sounds far to complicated to go into and research, but it is not, it is VERY simple as long as we understand the rules.

    To those who haven't read this please read here...otherwise skip this part...


    First of all we need to understand the power of the consciousness and how it moulds our reality. This is the first lesson of understanding how we can change the present cycle we are living in.

    Most people are beginning to realise the power of the mind and how easy it is to control situations and our environments and ultimately the outcome of life itself.

    Scientists today are starting to learn that our consciousness creates matter. So in effect we create our own reality. We are all controlled much more than we think and if only we knew the rules of our consciousness and how we have come by the life we lead, we would be more in control of the world and it would be a happier place to live. We would have far more abundance, there would be no starvation, and no wars, religions would unite. We would understand that we are not alone and never have been.

    You see we have only ourselves to blame for the way our lives and planet have turned out. We have bought into everything that is offered. We have all contributed to everything around us. And I mean everything. I mean the wars. The starving millions. The suffering of nations. Even natural disasters. Everything bad on this planet has been created by our thought processes. In other words we can say that our collective consciousness has created the reality we live in. Now whether there our groups at the top of society with the understanding and knowledge of how to control the masses of people ,or whether everything that has happened on this planet is a direct result of our collective consciousness, it doesn’t really matter. What does matter is we how understand this works, and how we can take up the challenge of change.

    What we all need to do is change our thought patterns and not be dictated by our environments and ignore what we digest daily from the mainstream newspapers, daily news articles and magazines and anything else we might read. Don’t get me wrong its ok reading, but remember do not let the imaging of what you have read control your consciousness, don‘t dwell. Whatever thought process you adopt and you keep that thought within your mindset, you will turn the thought into reality. As a species we all need to grow up and realize that we have made this mess and we alone can only put it right. So we have to raise our thinking patterns to a higher frequency and not be dictated with all that is around us.

    Now picture different groups of people around the world. Picture different countries and cultures and even the people in lands that have not the resources to feed themselves. Do you ask why they just keep going around in a constant cycle and never getting anywhere. How is it that certain groups are ok but other have not got the surroundings to support them or feed them. Think of all the wars around the planet that have been ongoing for decades and decades. Perhaps some of the wars have been orchestrated or manipulated for greed and for support of the war machine. But again we have only ourselves to blame for letting our minds accept this way of thinking and buying into this negative projection of energy.

    Our thoughts create the reality we live in. So therefore we have created our planet and the way it has been shaped over the past 1000 years. If we have had civilisations before, and my research has informed me we have. Then we have gone through the same old mistakes as usual. We have destroyed past civilisations by the same process. THOUGHT CREATES MATTER. Remember that. Embed those words into your minds and think about before you go to sleep. Remind yourself that whatever is on your minds the possibility is that your consciousness will create the matter and turn it into reality.

    You can now see why we are all living the way we are. With all the papers we are reading and different types of TV programs. This is all moulding the life we live.

    Think. Imagine you are living in a very small village that offers only a very limited choice of luxuries. You struggle every day to make ends meet. You live in a ramshackle of hut. You only just get by each day. You live in the absolute bare minimum. With this in mind what are your thoughts each and every day. You are feeding your consciousness with the ongoing cycle and the life you have manifested just goes around in the same old cycles. With the knowledge of how our thoughts create our reality we could change the outcome. It doesn’t’t really matter how scarce the surroundings are, the trick is to continually feed your consciousness with a different picture so the outcome is not the same. We can all change the current paradigm but we need to know the rules and how to change it.

    Our thought processes have a lot to answer for and create more than we can imagine! We all have this gift and if only we all knew how to use this we would all be in abundance. However the way things have taken course has led us into this reality and we all need to awaken from this slumber. If we carry on with this current paradigm the planet will not be able to support us and nature will take its course. You cannot carry on indefinitely with all this negative energy sapping up emotional pockets of consciousness which in return create negative manifestation of matter. The law of karma will intervene as has also happened in the past and mother nature decides herself how to correct the energy flow.

    Lets think of another example of human consciousness in work. Just imagine a normal day in UK or US. It does not matter where because the outcome will be the same. First thing in the morning your thoughts are processing what you will be doing for the rest of the day. Your mind reminds you of the chores you need to do to get by the end of the day. Whether it is stressful or not you are already conditioning your consciousness and creating your reality for the day. And also last thing at night you do the same, in fact any negative scenes you may have bumped into during the course of the day your mind is working overload and again you are structuring your mind with brain conditioning. This is typical consciousness working against us. We have been conditioning ourselves like this for thousands of years. We need to make a break from this cycle and create a New Paradigm.

    Let me give you another example of the consciousness working on a smaller time scale. Ok lets say we are watching the news and they are reporting about a war going in somewhere in the world (at this time there are 47 wars on going in this moment in time). The reporter shows us images of a war strewn landscape with trees obliterated, houses blown apart, looking like old ruins, children running scared and crying, hunger setting in and food shortages everywhere, food aid not getting to the points, smoke bellowing from various buildings, cars ablaze and people cowering on every corner. I am sure you get the picture. So anyway where do you think our thought processes will take us. Shortly afterwards you would be thinking about this and more than likely a few thoughts of the graphicness would filter through during the course of the day and further conditioning our minds to create a reality out of yet another negative thought process. You can see why this particular vision has been created time and time again by embedding in our consciousness. THOUGHT CREATES MATTER. We are shaping our lives every day. Day in day out. How many times have we seen these images streaming through the TV. How many times have you contributed without knowing what you are doing. The subconcious is all powerful. Nourish it with the right food!!

    With all these examples its pretty easy to imagine why we are going through these continuous cycle of living. We just go around and around. The cogs are turning around each day and nothing changes, it’s the same old cyclical event time after time. All around the world whether its wars, starvation, working, living it’s the same old.

    So what can we do?

    First of all we need to combat any negative thoughts that seep into our consciousness. For every negative image you see on TV, in magazines, newspapers and various other sources of information you need to replace that image within your consciousness, with a reversal of what you have just watched or seen. So in other words if you have just seen the news with the graphic scenery as I explained earlier here “images of a war strewn landscape with trees obliterated, houses blown apart, looking like old ruins, children running scared and crying, hunger setting in and food shortages everywhere, food aid not getting to the points, smoke bellowing from various buildings, cars ablaze and people cowering on every corner!”.
    Get to work on your mindset and reverse the image, picture in your mind beautiful landscapes with trees full of bright coloured leaves, houses with bright colours, children playing, beautiful clear flowing rivers, people talking being happy, just imagine everything in abundance. Your consciousness will soon take over with these positive images and create a better reality than the other thought process you would normally adopt. This small act of thinking and transference of positive energies works every time. The stronger the intent the more of a reality you will create from thought. So try to visualize these images as clear as you can. Now sometimes it is very difficult to train your thoughts in a different route whilst taking in disruptive and negative images. But trust me, practice makes perfect. Do this also last thing at night and first thing in the morning. THOUGHT CREATES MATTER.

    I remember reading a good few years back about a man who was a small time thief. He was just a petty thief who spent most of his time in jail. Now every time he got caught, the judge would sentence him to a few months in prison. Shortly after his release he would go back to stealing again and get caught almost immediately. Now this chap went to all sorts of help with various groups to break out of the habit, but kept finding himself back to square one. Back again. He was asked why he kept stealing, but couldn’t answer as to why he kept doing this time and time again. He knew it was wrong but something took over in the act of stealing. What he did say was that in prison he finds it comfortable and free of any hassle. And that when he was released he would often think about the hassle free world of being in prison. Now what this man was doing was conditioning his ‘mind set’ with his consciousness of being in prison. Whilst he was out of prison, his consciousness took over in order to get him back where his sub-conscious mind wanted him to go. So unbeknown to him he was being steered towards what he had fed his mind with. He conditioned his mind to go back to prison with these daily thought patterns thus creating what he thought into his reality. He could not break the cycle no matter what he did.

    This is a perfect example of how we become trapped into our own reality. Our thought processes are continually repeating themselves again and again. We create what we have been doing for years and years. Yes it is difficult to get out of the cycle. But we must change the cycle in order to evolve as humans and not be dictated to by what is presented to us each and every day.

    We will reach bifurcation which ever way you look at it. The current system cannot sustain itself much longer. If we carry on with the wars as they are, we will ultimately run out of money and we will have global collapse. Already US are trillions of dollars in debt, which is mathematically impossible to pay off the debt. So at what time do we say enough is enough, we need to change the Paradigm. Our thought patterns will change this. As I am writing this article the US has doubled its military expenditure in just one decade!! What are we going to do with all these machines. All we are doing is feeding the war machine. The war machine is the biggest racket on this planet. This is typical of what we are all engineering with our minds with the War Machine. We see negative images on TV and various news articles, we in return instil fear into our consciousness and we subconsciously buy into the war machine without realising what we are doing. We feed the machine day in day out. Take note of the previous examples of what happens when we watch images of negative content. Use the tools that I have suggested to switch your ‘mind set’ into positive vibrations.

    To say the world is our oyster is an understatement. The universe is diverse with all different types of life, it is unimaginable. We must adopt the rules and know how to use them before we can be invited to the world above. With our current thought patterns we will always be suppressing ourselves from further knowledge of what other secrets we have in the Universe. Yes our thoughts have kept us out of reach of many things that we could have been privy to. We have suppressed ourselves to the extent that we are acting with robotic minds. We have become controlled robots in our own little world which is neither reality or fiction. It is sort of a play, and we are dictating how the play unfolds, but with the wrong mind set. We need to change our thought patterns towards a positive outcome. And we will.
    We must all move into a creative stance, not a permissive posture. I know its very difficult to do with our past life experiences, but it can be done. We have to develop a much bigger creative imagination to win over what we have created in front of us. If we sit on our laurels and wait for the times too change, it will be a disaster waiting to happen. We have got to change pattern of thought NOW. Ask yourself what sort of life would you want your children to have? Look at what we have now, and imagine if we carry on with the present cycle, what will it be like in 20 or so years time. Don’t choose victim hood. Make your stand and make a better humanity. Take your thoughts to where you want to go. Your limitations are only within your mind set. The only thing that will be lacking is the ability to trust that this process indeed can reach a positive outcome. Thought released will return in manifestation in a reality more magnificent than we can all imagine. Please understand that THOUGHT CREATES MATTER. Its up to us what type of ‘matter’ we want and deliver.

    Don’t allow yourself to dwell on what we see everyday on TV and the other sources of information, but turn your thought towards what you would like to experience. We have built a fantasy land around us and seems almost impossible to break the mould, but break the mould we will. We watch TV play with computers listen to radios and all other types musical gadgets, that we have no time to really think about why we are here and where we are heading. Just sit down for a few minutes and think of all the distraction we have created here on planet earth. We need to feed ourselves with some other source of food for nourishing our consciousness. At the moment the type of food we are taking in daily is not what it should be. Do we want to become robots adopting a 9-5 routine living each day as we pretend this is how it should be. Don’t kid yourself . There is so much more than we have given ourselves, but only we can awaken the our thought processes in order to awaken us. Lets not become the laughing stock of the galactic family. They know we can do this and have handed down clues for all of us to see. Just ask your thoughts to take you where we should be.

    Yes I know with the realisation of we got here and where we could go is a big shock to the system or even ego. But what I tell you here I believe is true and can be researched within the confines of your own home. With the way the internet is used, it is one of the biggest libraries we can ever explore. The truth is out there and ‘the truth will set you free’. Remember this is our reality. We created it. We can change it. We alone can alter the course of our lives. Don’t be lazily caught up in what is presented by outlets, which are beyond our control. Yes some have been presented in a way that we have no control over what we witness. But it doesn’t mean we have to buy into what is on offer. You can visit a shop with all sorts of goodies that tempt us into buying. If you don’t like the sound of it. DON’T BUY INTO IT. Take your thoughts elsewhere. Only you are in charge of your thoughts. Don’t let the negative side hi-jack them again. It is your choice, as I have said you can create your reality just like you create your dreams most nights, but if you do not realize your power and how you can change the ‘play’ then your life will become like a flag blowing in the wind…just like a passenger on a train going around in circles. So visualize the world you want to be in and take control of your destiny. Anything you can think of becomes a possibility.

    So anyway after giving this further thought...

    1. Do we all agree that with the right imaging process we can alter our reality and if so how many of us would we need to turn our thoughts into reality?

    2. What images would change the cycle? Would we all need to focus firstly on a unified vision on one type of visualisation, and then build upward as time goes on...or could we adopt a universal image that would change the cycle in one hit??

    3. Some examples

    If we all visualize these types of images, will be be manifesting further protests...How would you visualize 'the end of wars' . The image is very important and needs alot of thought as to the outcome!

    Clean waters...again what would the outcome be with this?? The imaging process is paramount to the outcome of what we adopt in our collective thought patterns...conciousness.

    First contact?? Suppose as long as they are benvolent and for the benefit of mankind...

    I suppose it not as easy as it sounds but I know we can do this...

    Anyway i don't want to drone on, I am sure you get the gist of what I am trying to convey...lastly Bill stated very well here...
    Quote "If you are to be the true leaders of the planet, you can be the captains of Spaceship Earth with a responsibility for the entire Human Family.

    There can be a massive clean-up operation. You know that the technology exists. Between us all, this can be done.

    Clean water, clean air, clean oceans, free energy, abundant wildlife, health and education for every human being.

    Planet Earth could be a paradise planet — a model for this sector of the galaxy.

    The Human Race is a massive, long-term experiment."
    How can we achieve this??

    How do we all achieve these with our conciousness?


    And lastly...

    Last edited by Eric J (Viking); 3rd January 2011 at 13:49.
    You decide...your thoughts..your actions..your reality.
    Choose well.

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    England Avalon Member Taurean's Avatar
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    Default Re: What do we want to create?

    Maslow would argue that certain needs have to be addressed before we can persue altruistic thoughts.
    Sapere aude

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    Avalon Member Eric J (Viking)'s Avatar
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    Default Re: What do we want to create?

    Quote Posted by Taurean (here)
    certain needs have to be addressed .
    Like what?

    As for 'altruism' ... you can start this anytime...no rules!

    You decide...your thoughts..your actions..your reality.
    Choose well.

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    England Avalon Member Taurean's Avatar
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    Default Re: What do we want to create?

    Well another way I heard it was ;-

    If you're up to your backside with crocodiles, it's difficult to remember that the objective was to drain the swamp.
    Sapere aude

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    Avalon Member Eric J (Viking)'s Avatar
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    Default Re: What do we want to create?

    Quote Posted by Taurean (here)
    Well another way I heard it was ;-

    If you're up to your backside with crocodiles, it's difficult to remember that the objective was to drain the swamp.
    LOL ...wake em up Taurean... ;-)

    I see your point...however the time is NOW.

    You decide...your thoughts..your actions..your reality.
    Choose well.

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    amor (17th December 2023), Camilo (20th April 2015), Davidallany (15th May 2011), giovonni (3rd January 2011), Taurean (3rd January 2011)

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    England Avalon Member HURRITT ENYETO's Avatar
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    Default Re: What do we want to create?

    I know iv mentioned this before but the book "Three magic words" is about exactly this, Creating reality by controlling your thoughts.
    Attached Files
    The Universe at its heart is a Phantom.
    God sleeps in the Minerals, Awakens in Plants, Walks in the Animals and Thinks in Man.

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    England Avalon Member Taurean's Avatar
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    Default Re: What do we want to create?

    Quote Posted by viking (here)
    LOL ...wake em up Taurean... ;-)

    I see your point...however the time is NOW.

    Yep. Time to stop pontificating, we need a plan of action.

    perhaps that should be inaction ( non compliance )
    Last edited by Taurean; 3rd January 2011 at 13:26.
    Sapere aude

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    Default Re: What do we want to create?

    Some thoughts for starters...

    You're proposing a collective effort to consciously alter "reality." I see a couple obstacles to this.

    1) If reality is the result of conscious desire then the number of people here and elsewhere in the alternatives add up to a small fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the nearly 7 billion people on the planet. Any conscious thought we collectively muster must be strong enough to override the other 6 billion+ unenlightened who as Taurean I think correctly observes, are too busy swatting alligators to do anything else. Maybe that's why the alligator population is increasing (just kidding).

    2) I think the images you suggest are to generic. If we want to bring an end to war we need to focus on the causes of war. If we want to focus on clean water we need to focus on alternatives to the technologies that now pollute it, though much progress has already been made in this direction in the last 30 years.

    So to address these concerns I propose starting small. Choose something specific that there will be collective agreement for about both the desired outcome and the way to achieve it. Make it something that couldn't happen on its own to confirm that it is the power of our collective efforts that achieved the result. Then expand from that.

    For instance, instead of focusing on an end to war, choose a specific conflict. Learn what factors lead to it and focus on a solution to it. I don't recommend the Israeli/Palestinian ordeal as a starting point. Instead of focusing on clean water, choose a specific source of pollution, what the alternatives would be, how to achieve that and focus on that step by step.

    Or something even simpler. For starters I think it's more important to choose something simple that we can confirm was effected than it is to have any kind of major impact on current reality.

    This accomplishes two things.

    1) It reinforces for us that we can have an impact.

    2) More importantly, it provides the beginning of a track record that can be cited to recruit others to the effort.

    I have one suggestion on something we can focus on to get started. If anyone has (or knows anyone who has) a chronic illness, we can focus on eliminating it. Just a thought...

    But I do believe we should start small, learn the ropes, document succes, recruit, expand.

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    Default Re: What do we want to create?

    1. Do we all agree that with the right imaging process we can alter our reality and if so how many of us would we need to turn our thoughts into reality?
    Hmm a very interesting question viking dear heart. I dont think we agree (as in we humanity) on this subject. But if you mean "we", you and I.... Yes . We need only One.

    2. What images would change the cycle? Would we all need to focus firstly on a unified vision on one type of visualisation, and then build upward as time goes on...or could we adopt a universal image that would change the cycle in one hit?? Good Idea. Shared Imagery definetly would be a faster way to change.

    3. Some examples : Water has always been a very powerful imagery for me. Start with a drop..and we can fill a bucket

    Feel the touch of water on your skin...fill your senses with the scent of water....

    I have had very powerful experiences exchanging thoughts and feelings using water.

    How can we achieve this??
    By asking great questions

    How do we all achieve these with our conciousness?
    By answering the questions with our hearts


    With my heart to yours viking.. it is good to see you again


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    Avalon Member Eric J (Viking)'s Avatar
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    Default Re: What do we want to create?

    Thanks Ty and Celine....much appreciated...gathering info at he moment...so I'll get back to you...

    Was wondering if we could attach our thoughts to one universal image that would encompass all the answers to our problems...perhaps not...??

    Maybe one stage at a time...

    You decide...your thoughts..your actions..your reality.
    Choose well.

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    Default Re: What do we want to create?

    Good afternoon Taurean, the Earth and this Lunatic Aquarian say hello!

    Quote Posted by Taurean (here)
    Yep. Time to stop pontificating, we need a plan of action.
    perhaps that should be inaction ( non compliance )
    Why can't we do both? Surely, there's room enough for planners and pontificators and pontificating planners ... at least three flavors of paladin I tally on this side of the show?

    Don't get me wrong, I'd love to storm the proverbial Bastille, indeed, would feel right amiss not to lead the riff and the raff - and the quick-dealing rash - into a cataclysmic clash between good shoes and jackboots ... you know I would! Still, my symbolic sword hasn't been wielded in a while - quite a while (can't think of when, offhand) - and is mostly collecting metaphorical rust in the damp airs of the stable. Fear not! I've got my Rocinante well-rested for a bray ... um ... a neigh and a battle. Won't take but an hour to tie the silver saddle on for a trot ... er ... for the charge into the valley of death! And you try and stop me, friend (you will, won't you?)! Still, I'll need to drop by the local Canadian Tire to fetch a bottle of DW-40. Decades of rust cannot be adjusted by a simple tug, you know. Might cause some delay. Fear not, ye of Taurean grade! There exists between the charging sword and the planning blade, the pontificating pluck of the typing trade!

    Four hooded horsemen ... are no match for Three Stallions Of Paladin set to flight by the light of the honest day!

    ps: Hey, if they can laugh at us ... who says we can't laugh back? Question begs ... who will have that last laugh?

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    England Avalon Member Taurean's Avatar
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    Default Re: What do we want to create?

    Brilliant Uncle Zook,

    Don't know about DW-40, maybe JD 1940.
    Sapere aude

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    Avalon Member Eric J (Viking)'s Avatar
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    Default Re: What do we want to create?

    Thanks Zooks...we call it WD40 here in UK...

    Anyway some time for thoughts...from a wise man...

    "Once again I shall tell you that you create by every thought you think, every word you speak, and every action you take. Thoughts, words, and actions are energy, and energy ALWAYS creates in like kind. It is a Universal Law. Learn it. Know it. Live it. Only then will you begin to comprehend the fullness and abundance that is everywhere about you. Only with that comprehension will you become all that you are capable of. Only then will you become co-creators and masters of your own destinies.


    Do you not see that which is taking place all around you?

    Do you not see the accelerated pace at which events are unfolding?

    Do you not see the changes in your planet and in your Sun?

    Do you not see all the things occurring that have been foretold?

    Then—what is it that you ones are waiting for?"

    You decide...your thoughts..your actions..your reality.
    Choose well.

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    Ireland Avalon Member yaksuit's Avatar
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    Default Re: What do we want to create?

    cheers for your often poetic posts on the Avalon forum Zook
    Last edited by yaksuit; 4th January 2011 at 13:13.

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    Avalon Member Eric J (Viking)'s Avatar
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    Default Re: What do we want to create?

    Icke hits the nail on the head... please listen to the 'master'...

    You decide...your thoughts..your actions..your reality.
    Choose well.

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  28. Link to Post #16
    Avalon Member barefoot's Avatar
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    Default Re: What do we want to create?

    Dear Viking ---

    Oh, My God!! What a powerful post!

    Thank you for painting a very graphic picture of
    what our thoughts produce.

    For maybe a year (or less) I've been aware of the influence
    my thoughts (created vibrations) are having as a contribution
    to the health of the world. But not to the extent you have

    And where do these negative thoughts come from? I
    suspect from images held, so many of negative.Images
    instilled in us from the cradle. Our ability to hold negative
    energy has been encouraged by our religions. For example,
    Stations of the Cross where one mediates upon the
    sufferings of Christ (Catholic). From paintings like those of
    Dante where he depicts people eternally suffering in snake pits
    or in firery brimstone.

    We were/and are encouraged to have "righteous" anger.
    Encouraged to judge our neighbors. Encouraged to believe
    that there are "good" wars. Movies in my youth depicted the
    "Injuns" to be savages, the "Krauts" and "Japs" were evil.
    I remember trying to figure out where I would be safe from
    the Germans if they were to invade my town. Send
    Blessings to the youth of today that witnessed 9/11 over
    and over for weeks. At least I got my scare, maybe,
    once a month.

    The energies of fear (negative thoughts) are deep
    within our psyche, IMHO.

    If I understand Charles, he has control over the feelings he
    emotes. I, in a way, envy him this ability, because if I see a
    "war" related picture all kinds of feelings are immediately felt.
    Most of which will contribute more energy to the war.

    And Santa Claus? The beginning of "some one,
    some thing will save us" syndrome..
    And may I add, adding more fear.

    The overall picture of empowerment is getting a bit
    clearer. Our thoughts (Lipton) and intentions (Tilden?)
    create energy which in turn create material or events.
    Man!!! This is an exciting time to be alive!!

    Are you familiar with Gary Craig (founder of EFT)?
    While his touch acupuncture looks silly in action, it
    does work. For an idea of what it can do, see the
    clips on his work with veterans.

    (This flick contains medical observation as well
    as the technique in action.)

    I have used EFT, not to the extent I could, for anxiety
    and some pain problems with excellent results. I
    believe that this technique is/could be helpful in
    changing our beliefs, and then our thoughts and
    fears. For more info and a free manual on
    the technique:


    Robert Smith, fast EFT, initially came across as a used car
    salesman. The man has heart and wisdom. He's an Okie,
    (used with affection) with small town type humor. He has
    over 200 videos on You Tube.

    During those times that I work at centering myself in Love,
    I use an earth/heart image from James (Wing Maker) .
    Starting with appreciation (gratitude is better). End the
    session with sending Love or Blessings, sometimes to the
    world in general, sometimes to a grouchy neighbor who
    complains a lot.

    Energetic Heart

    Rather than another group (there are so many online,
    some with impressive results) I think it better that we
    ferret out our long-held negative beliefs which
    contribute to our negative thinking. We might start
    sending Blessings to everyone, and that includes
    our leaders and the PTB (*Quoting James: "If we
    bless people instead of judging them, we operate
    more genuinely from our hearts, and untether
    ourselves from fear." From a written interview
    by Regina Meredith, CMN, Oct 28, '09.

    We might also think about the kind of world we
    want to live in, and in our imaginations, try it
    on for size and comfort.

    Many Blessings,

    Last edited by barefoot; 10th January 2011 at 23:39. Reason: spacing

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    Avalon Member Eric J (Viking)'s Avatar
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    Default Re: What do we want to create?

    Thanks Barefoot...thats a great post...

    I just pray that folk are learning the lessons of 'conciousness' and using their 'thoughts' to take them where they would like to go...I know most folk here know exactly how this works...but the other 90%, I'm not sure...

    I'll check those links out...

    Thanks again...

    You decide...your thoughts..your actions..your reality.
    Choose well.

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    Avalon Member Eric J (Viking)'s Avatar
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    Default Re: We are the change

    Keep on trucking folks...

    You decide...your thoughts..your actions..your reality.
    Choose well.

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    Journeyon (14th March 2014)

  33. Link to Post #19
    Avalon Member jack's Avatar
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    Default Re: We are the change

    If our thoughts create/reinforce reality, what reality is this forum creating/reinforcing.

  34. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to jack For This Post:

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    Avalon Member Eric J (Viking)'s Avatar
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    Default Re: We are the change

    Hi Jack ... you've just answered that question!

    You decide...your thoughts..your actions..your reality.
    Choose well.

  36. The Following User Says Thank You to Eric J (Viking) For This Post:

    magicmanx (28th January 2011)

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