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Thread: Q Revealed??

  1. Link to Post #161
    UK Avalon Member Jayke's Avatar
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    Default Re: Q Revealed??

    Quote Posted by Dennis Leahy (here)
    So, autists, how in the hell can you conclude that republicans are the good guys? Do you now somehow really believe that all of the republicans that orchestrated 9/11 and were/are obviously deep state are washed clean of their sins, and that now, the deep state is democrats? Seriously? Or maybe I should use the Socratic method: Do you realize that the USA, INC. deep state is 100% composed of people that are politically democrats and republicans, and that voting for democrats and republicans is not going to change the agenda of the deep state?
    I’m still waiting for that regime change in Iran you were alerting us to a while back, Dennis, or the chemical gas attack in Syria that never happened. Meanwhile, in the real world, Mad dog Mattis and Pompeo have made statements declaring they’re putting pressure on the UN to bring the Yemen genocide to a close.

    Washington wants to put an end to the war in Yemen

    On 30 October 2018, General James Mattis, the Defense Secretary, spoke at the US Institute of Peace and announced that it was his intention to put an end to the war in Yemen in less than 30 days.

    Washington hopes that it will be supported by Martin Griffiths (United Kingdom). He is the Special Representative for the UN, Secretary General, and former director of the European Institute of Peace. The first president of this institution was Steffan de Mistura. He then went on to become the UN Secretary General’s Special Envoy for Syria. The European Institute for Peace is the sister organization of its US homonym. Ronald Raegan established the US Institute at the same time as NED. The thinking: the US Peace Institute would be a special purpose vehicle for the Pentagon, just as the Ned was for the Pentagon.

    Last week Martin Griffiths was received in Washington. He gave a long interview on the Saudi TV Channel, Al-Arabiya (photo). It seems that his mission is to help Saudi Arabia to clamber out of the cesspool a product of its own waste, in which it was drowning in Yemen. Yemen, like Afghanistan, is a country that has always resisted invaders and which has never been able to be occupied.

    The words of Jim Mattis were immediately echoed by Mike Pompeo, Secretary of State.

    This war is an initiative of Mohamed Ben Salmane who is both the Saudi Crown Prince and Saudi Minister of Defense. Its aim: to enable Saudi to pull the strings of the Yemen government. Why? so Saudi Arabia can exploit the oil reserves to be found in the region between the two countries. It was undertaken with Israel’s help as Israel and Saudi share a joint general staff in Somaliland. It seemed that up until now the Prince’s initiative was integrated into the Pentagon’s general strategy which was to destroy the state structures of the enlarged Middle East (Cebrowski Doctrine).

    Statement by Mike Pompeo: Ending the Conflict in Yemen

    The United States calls on all parties to support UN Special Envoy Martin Griffiths in finding a peaceful solution to the conflict in Yemen based on the agreed references.

    The time is now for the cessation of hostilities, including missile and UAV strikes from Houthi-controlled areas into the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Subsequently, Coalition air strikes must cease in all populated areas in Yemen.

    Substantive consultations under the UN Special Envoy must commence this November in a third country to implement confidence-building measures to address the underlying issues of the conflict, the demilitarization of borders, and the concentration of all large weapons under international observation.

    A cessation of hostilities and vigorous resumption of a political track will help ease the humanitarian crisis as well.

    It is time to end this conflict, replace conflict with compromise, and allow the Yemeni people to heal through peace and reconstruction.

    Has the Deep State suddenly had a change of mind? or is it possible Trumps threat of the FISA Declassification has enabled him to make a few deals behind the scenes? Deals that might have brought the worst elements of the Deep State to heel?

    Personally, if I lived in America, I’d be supporting independent for Congress, Kesha Rogers, who is running on Lyndon LaRouches 4 laws of economic revival, including National Banking, Glass Steagal, Fusion Energy, Space Exploration and Classical Education.

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  3. Link to Post #162
    United States Avalon Member Dennis Leahy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Q Revealed??

    Jayke, that's a strawman argument to my post.

    If you want to comment about my post, maybe look at my accusation (paraphrasing) that the republican party half of the duopoly is deep state just as the democrat party half of the duopoly is deep state.

    q is telling people to vote for the deep state republicans. So, q is either just another partisan dumbass idiot inadvertently helping the deep state (which is my guess) or deep state.

  4. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Dennis Leahy For This Post:

    Chris Gilbert (5th November 2018), Franny (5th November 2018), MistressJan (5th November 2018), onawah (4th November 2018)

  5. Link to Post #163
    UK Avalon Member Jayke's Avatar
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    Default Re: Q Revealed??

    Quote Posted by Dennis Leahy (here)
    Jayke, that's a strawman argument to my post.

    If you want to comment about my post, maybe look at my accusation (paraphrasing) that the republican party half of the duopoly is deep state just as the democrat party half of the duopoly is deep state.

    q is telling people to vote for the deep state republicans. So, q is either just another partisan dumbass idiot inadvertently helping the deep state (which is my guess) or deep state.
    Aren’t you’re straw-manning Q’s posts though? (Does Q say anything about voting for “deep state republicans ) Or maybe you’re just straw-manning yourself with a deep state neurosis?

    Besides, I wasn’t actually refuting your post, so it’s not a strawman argument. If you want to bring rhetoric into it, i was actually highlighting the fact that you don’t hold a good track record for making accurate predictions in geopolitics. Your ethos (character) tends to be alarmist, and as a result, your post would fall under the alarmist category, in my view at least, which means it doesn’t need refuting (no strawman needed), which is why I didn’t bother refuting it. I just offered counter-evidence to show that maybe what you call ‘the Deep State’ isn’t actually as influential anymore as you give it credit.

    Your observations are noted, Dennis, I just don’t find them valid because you don’t include any nuance as to any different deep state factions that might exist behind the scenes, or which deep state factions are implementing different agendas.

    I find your fears to be unfounded in this instance. The sky is not going to fall if the Republicans win the house. But I’d agree that people should choose the best candidate in their area, regardless of whether they’re republican or not. If only there was a Kesha Rogers in every state, “the deep state” would be having panic attacks.

  6. Link to Post #164
    United States Avalon Member Ratszinger's Avatar
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    Default Re: Q Revealed??

    McCain was republican and the Q character knew he was bad regardless of his party affiliation. While it does appear that Q is pushing for the RNC at this time I believe also he is pointing out, 'think mirror' for more than a few things but also the party affiliation. The parties are not the same parties as yesteryear. In fact the democrat of the JFK era ran on reducing taxes which is not in the DNC agenda any more and has not been since he was killed. In many ways Q points out that the parties have switched or reversed over time and in many other ways is a con, a uni-party if you will.

    I think also sometimes that it is likely Q works for the same ilk as the mega stars who speak on behave of their masters. It stands to reason Q has a master and it stands to reason he speaks for his masters and their plan. Spielberg pointed out how the elite masters, how the mega wealthy movers and shakers see the world. The way they see it, there are two kinds of people, "PIMPS" and "WHORES". The pimps hold it all together for the whores so they have a playground of 'hope' to play in and any among them willing to sacrifice what is necessary to get what they want may do so from the pimps so long as they know their place and do what is demanded of a whore. So the world as they see it, sells themselves out to the pimps giving them permission to do what they do to all of us!

    So Q works for the same pimps as everyone else basically lining up all the good stragglers getting the ducks in a row for the inevitable NWO (new world order) just around the corner.
    The genius consistently stands out from the masses in that he unconsciously anticipates truths of which the population as a whole only later becomes conscious! Speech-circa 1937

  7. Link to Post #165
    Great Britain Avalon Member samildamach's Avatar
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    Default Re: Q Revealed??

    Quote Posted by Dennis Leahy (here)
    The 'q' psyop 'typists' (if those who are researching are called "autists', let's call the psyop boys 'typists'), have gone from pseudo-intriguing clues and "the Socratic method" to just flat out GOP Republican Party cheerleading and demonizing the opposition duopoly party.
    "Planned Parenthood
    $1.5 billion provided in taxpayer funding over 3-year period.
    [Case 1]
    PP spent $30 million [disclosed - real estimates close to $65 million] in taxpayer subsidies to influence the outcome of the 2018 midterm elections.
    Should it be legal for a taxpayer [D+R+I] funded organization to donate massive amounts of money to the D party in an effort to sway an election?
    D_insider_term: T_WASH
    Re_read drops re: Soros & taxpayer funding
    rudy guiliani was involved in 9/11 as a co-conspirator and member of the cover-up team. (He can now sue me for libel, if I am wrong, but I'm not.) 9/11 was done by the deep state (and Mossad, or maybe more realistically, the Mossad is an integral part of the deep state.) So, a deep state operative is trump's counsel. trump, as you remember, famously said (in campaigning) he was going to solve 9/11. Who else on 9/11/2001 was obviously deep state and involved? Lots and lots of republicans, that's who. I guess that everyone now that points their spears at the democrats as the seat of the deep state has sort of forgotten that it was 100% deep state republicans in charge on 9/11.

    Allow me to repeat that: it was 100% deep state republicans in charge on 9/11.

    So, autists, how in the hell can you conclude that republicans are the good guys? Do you now somehow really believe that all of the republicans that orchestrated 9/11 and were/are obviously deep state are washed clean of their sins, and that now, the deep state is democrats? Seriously? Or maybe I should use the Socratic method: Do you realize that the USA, INC. deep state is 100% composed of people that are politically democrats and republicans, and that voting for democrats and republicans is not going to change the agenda of the deep state?
    you have a really strong case here Dennis about Rudy.
    Can you link in the evidence as it's compelling that if Trump would bring on board a deep state traitor into his inner council,one involved in 9/11 a crime against his own people then nothing Trump does can be trusted.

  8. Link to Post #166
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    Default Re: Q Revealed??

    It has always concerned me, and still does, that Trump brought Guliani on board.

    Maybe Trump is keeping enemies of this country closer; a variation of the adage about keeping your friends close but your enemies closer. Maybe he is unaware, or not convinced, of Guliani's role in 9/11. He, Trump, has been duped. Perhaps.

    Maybe those of us who feel Guliani bears some responsibility for 9/11, or at least its coverup, are wrong. (But I don't think so.)

    Perhaps Trump has decided that he needs fire to fight fire and that Guliani provides that firepower because he knows a lot about the forces out to defeat Trump and at this point Trump needs what Guliani has to offer.

    I don't know. Just thinking out loud, for what it's worth.

  9. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Satori For This Post:

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  10. Link to Post #167
    United States Avalon Member Dennis Leahy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Q Revealed??

    Quote Posted by Jayke (here)
    Quote Posted by Dennis Leahy (here)
    Jayke, that's a strawman argument to my post.

    If you want to comment about my post, maybe look at my accusation (paraphrasing) that the republican party half of the duopoly is deep state just as the democrat party half of the duopoly is deep state.

    q is telling people to vote for the deep state republicans. So, q is either just another partisan dumbass idiot inadvertently helping the deep state (which is my guess) or deep state.
    Aren’t you’re straw-manning Q’s posts though? (Does Q say anything about voting for “deep state republicans ) Or maybe you’re just straw-manning yourself with a deep state neurosis?

    Besides, I wasn’t actually refuting your post, so it’s not a strawman argument. If you want to bring rhetoric into it, i was actually highlighting the fact that you don’t hold a good track record for making accurate predictions in geopolitics. Your ethos (character) tends to be alarmist, and as a result, your post would fall under the alarmist category, in my view at least, which means it doesn’t need refuting (no strawman needed), which is why I didn’t bother refuting it. I just offered counter-evidence to show that maybe what you call ‘the Deep State’ isn’t actually as influential anymore as you give it credit.

    Your observations are noted, Dennis, I just don’t find them valid because you don’t include any nuance as to any different deep state factions that might exist behind the scenes, or which deep state factions are implementing different agendas.

    I find your fears to be unfounded in this instance. The sky is not going to fall if the Republicans win the house. But I’d agree that people should choose the best candidate in their area, regardless of whether they’re republican or not. If only there was a Kesha Rogers in every state, “the deep state” would be having panic attacks.
    It's sort of impossible to have a conversation where you refuse to address the issues that I have brought up. Go back and actually read what I wrote, and respond to it if you want to have a conversation.

    So far, you're basically trolling me, and making it pretty personal. Your condescending, "calm down, little fellow" tone is noted.

    You bet your ass I'm alarmist, and I will continue to sound the alarm, periodically, as necessary, with the ebb and flow of emergent situations - due to the malevolence of what the major powers on Earth are doing to innocents and sovereign nations. Feel free to sit quietly, though.

    Those paying attention to how the world is run (if you think "Global Mafia", you'll be spot on), are aware of the testimony of whistleblower John Perkins (summarized brilliantly, here), and would understand that the USA, INC is ALREADY AT WAR with Iran, in the sanction phase, and that the US military has a base - as an occupying force, against the will of Syria - in Syria, and that all the remaining terrorists in Syria are under the physical protection of the US and Israeli military and supported by the UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar. You, there, safe in your jammies in the UK, need not be alarmed. Iran, on the other hand, certainly is, as is Syria. ("Sanctions", to the USA, means cutting off as many supply lines as possible, directly targeting civilians with starvation and lack of medical supplies.) If you observe the masters of slow motion genocidal warfare - the Israelis - wiping out Palestine and Palestinians, you'll have a better understanding of modern (aggressive, war crime) war. It is conducted in "fits and starts", not a continuous siege. If you think there will not be further cause for alarm, you're simply not paying attention.

    The USA, INC. is a war machine, a war corporation. Two-thirds of the US budget is for war. That means that the #1 export from the US is war, and war is needed to keep the "military industrial complex" (that Eisenhower outed as the metastasized nucleus of what we now call the deep state) functioning.

    Again, the USA, INC. is a war machine, a war corporation. Two-thirds of the ever-increasing US budget is for war. That means that the #1 export from the US is war, and war is needed to keep the "military industrial complex" functioning. <---- THIS IS THE PROBLEM. This is the world's problem. The "Deep State" is the unelected rulers of the USA. By definition, they are unaffected by elections, unaffected by which of the duopoly parties happens to occupy more seats. The agenda of the Deep State is the agenda for the USA, INC. that is controlled by the Deep State. Some variation of the "shadow government/deep state" has been in operation since literally the beginning of the USA, with Freemasonry. In my estimation they grew in power until sometime in the 1970s, when the deep state gained full control of the US government. Although many observers over the decades since the 1970s have expressed that US citizens have no control whatsoever over the (deep state) agenda presented as the US government agenda, the "Princeton Study" laid it out in black and white: US citizen opinion has zero effect on US domestic and foreign policy. Zero. I don't pretend to know jack about the effect of voting in the UK, though I'd bet a few shillings that it also has no effect on government policy.

    The US government is a two-headed hydra, but the hydra is simply a facade for the unelected government, the Deep State. Telling people to vote for one of those duopoly political parties (or actually to participate at all in a fully duopoly-rigged faux election system) to change or even affect policy, is either insane*, ignorant, or disingenuous.

    *(Einstein's definition of insanity)

  11. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to Dennis Leahy For This Post:

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  12. Link to Post #168
    Scotland Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Q Revealed??

    I wonder; is being caught up debunking Q any healthier than being caught up believing him?

  13. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to Daozen For This Post:

    Dennis Leahy (5th November 2018), Ivanhoe (5th November 2018), Jayke (5th November 2018), Matthew (5th November 2018), MistressJan (5th November 2018), Satori (5th November 2018)

  14. Link to Post #169
    United States On Sabbatical
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    Default Re: Q Revealed??

    Quote Posted by Daozen (here)
    I wonder; is being caught up debunking Q any healthier than being caught up believing him?

    Is any obsession positive?

    Moderation......... always? (yes...)

    Quote Posted by Satori (here)
    It has always concerned me, and still does, that Trump brought Guliani on board.
    But what entry fee does one pay to play at those levels.... I dunno, I've played a round or two of politics and found it extremely distastful, and extremely multi layered (multi-interest).

    A lot of the time it seems like a personal power play at the MANY levels that lead up to even state government, much less federal.... I think there is a system in place that is silently agreed to by the majority of the players; and that system has nothing to do with representing the population, or the state at a federal level (the 10th amendment is very very important)... we are so far gone from our actual republic that it is no wonder that chaos reins supreme.

    good times, eh?
    Last edited by TargeT; 5th November 2018 at 01:48.
    Hard times create strong men, Strong men create good times, Good times create weak men, Weak men create hard times.
    Where are you?

  15. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to TargeT For This Post:

    Dennis Leahy (5th November 2018), Franny (5th November 2018), Jayke (5th November 2018), Satori (5th November 2018), Valerie Villars (5th November 2018)

  16. Link to Post #170
    UK Avalon Member Jayke's Avatar
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    Default Re: Q Revealed??

    I was only as condescending as you are to others, Dennis!

    Quote Posted by Dennis Leahy (here)
    The 'q' psyop 'typists' (if those who are researching are called "autists', let's call the psyop boys 'typists'), have gone from pseudo-intriguing clues and "the Socratic method" to just flat out GOP Republican Party cheerleading and demonizing the opposition duopoly party.
    "Planned Parenthood
    $1.5 billion provided in taxpayer funding over 3-year period.
    [Case 1]
    PP spent $30 million [disclosed - real estimates close to $65 million] in taxpayer subsidies to influence the outcome of the 2018 midterm elections.
    Should it be legal for a taxpayer [D+R+I] funded organization to donate massive amounts of money to the D party in an effort to sway an election?
    D_insider_term: T_WASH
    Re_read drops re: Soros & taxpayer funding
    rudy guiliani was involved in 9/11 as a co-conspirator and member of the cover-up team. (He can now sue me for libel, if I am wrong, but I'm not.) 9/11 was done by the deep state (and Mossad, or maybe more realistically, the Mossad is an integral part of the deep state.) So, a deep state operative is trump's counsel. trump, as you remember, famously said (in campaigning) he was going to solve 9/11. Who else on 9/11/2001 was obviously deep state and involved? Lots and lots of republicans, that's who. I guess that everyone now that points their spears at the democrats as the seat of the deep state has sort of forgotten that it was 100% deep state republicans in charge on 9/11.

    Allow me to repeat that: it was 100% deep state republicans in charge on 9/11.

    So, autists, how in the hell can you conclude that republicans are the good guys? Do you now somehow really believe that all of the republicans that orchestrated 9/11 and were/are obviously deep state are washed clean of their sins, and that now, the deep state is democrats? Seriously? Or maybe I should use the Socratic method: Do you realize that the USA, INC. deep state is 100% composed of people that are politically democrats and republicans, and that voting for democrats and republicans is not going to change the agenda of the deep state?
    If you didn't like my answers to your questions, then maybe the Socratic method doesn't fit your rhetorical style. You chose to ignore the fact that two deep state players, Pompeo and James Mattis are making declarations that they intend to bring the Yemen genocide to a close, and then you chose to troll me by saying my answers to your questions were a strawman (when in fact your accusation of a strawman is a strawman in itself, much like your other condescending attempts to dodge any real world practicalities that contradict your WAR. INC narrative)

    So, you can play the victim all you want, but that doesn't distract me from recognising that your opinions are 17 years out of date. The world changes, sands shift, things evolve, the universe is dynamic, not static. Invoking 9/11 to try and trash any deep state manouvering Trump may have been doing these past couple years is juvenile at best.

    You've gotten so wrapped up in this endless war bubble that you've missed key--and pivotally important developments--such as this one for example:


    The following article is based on the above Department of Defense report:

    The Pentagon Realised What It Has Done – the Chinese Put the US Army on Its Knees

    By Ivan Danilov
    Translated by Ollie Richardson & Angelina Siard
    cross posted with http://www.stalkerzone.org/ivan-dani...-on-its-knees/
    source: https://ria.ru/analytics/20181104/1532106144.html

    In the system of national defense of the US a gaping vulnerability was found that is very difficult to close. The reaction of the Pentagon is reminiscent of badly hidden panic, and journalists who examined the results of the research of American experts, who thoroughly studied the condition of the American army and defensive industry, admit that there is iron logic in the recent “strange” actions of president Trump — he wants to save America from transforming into a cardboard tiger with paper claws.

    The essence of the problem, according to the retelling of the columnist of the Reuters agency Andy Home, who obtained a copy of the September report of the US Department of Defence on the situation concerning key deliveries necessary for the American army, is reduced to one important figure. More than 300 (!) key elements necessary for the normal functioning of the US Armed Forces and defensive industry are under threat: American producers are either on the verge of bankruptcy or were already replaced by suppliers from China or other countries because of the deindustrialisation of national economy and the relocation of production to the countries of Southeast Asia.

    Mr. Home gives as a striking and clear example the amusing (of course, if you are not a US military man) fact from the report: it turns out that the last American producer of the synthetic threads necessary for the production of army tents “died” quite recently. This means that in the event that the US will fall under such a “textile embargo”, for some American soldiers they will seriously face the prospect of sleeping in the open-air. It is difficult not to notice that such a prospect looks slightly humiliating for an army that claims to be the most hi-tech on the planet.

    The situation could be considered as funny if it didn’t affect such a wide range of requirements of the American army and military-industrial complex. In the declassified part of the research of the American Department of Defence it is mentioned that in the US there are difficulties with future deliveries of the power switches that nearly all American missiles are equipped with. As officials of the Pentagon report, the producer of these switches was closed down, but the highest military ranks learned about it only after it became clear that the power switches ended. And there is nowhere to take new ones from, because the producer disappeared into thin air a whole 2 years ago. One more striking example: the country’s only producer of solid rocket motors for “air-to-air” missiles, as the American officials write, “encountered technical production issues”, the reasons for which couldn’t be found even after government and military experts were involved. Attempts to restart production failed, and the Pentagon was obliged to employ a Norwegian company to ensure uninterrupted deliveries. Obviously, this indicates a certain technical degradation of the entire American system, because only the loss of some key competencies can explain a situation in which production cannot be restored and the problem cannot even be determined.

    Whilst becoming acquainted with the complaints of the leadership of the American army it is difficult to rid oneself of the impression that it isn’t a document of the US Department of Defence dated September, 2018 that is in front of your eyes, but a description of the problems of the Russian army from the era of the dashing 90’s. Literally there is no direction in which there would be no serious or very serious problems, and often they even can’t be solved at the expense of the bottomless military budget.

    In the section on nuclear weapon problems the Pentagon complains that in the US there isn’t the necessary number of engineers and technicians who would have the corresponding education, training, and US citizenship that are necessary for working with army nuclear objects. The mention of nationality is of importance, because American higher education institutions produce enough engineers, physicists, and representatives of other technical specialties and exact sciences, however a disproportionately large number of these graduates are foreigners, most often from the People’s Republic of China.

    Americans can’t find not only the necessary engineers, but also the necessary microelectronics for nuclear weapons. And they complain that they no longer have the right to trust suppliers of electronic components – after all, “the supply chain is globalised”. In translation from American bureaucratese into colloquial Russian it means: “the microelectronics for our nuclear missiles are made in China, and we don’t know what the Chinese have stuffed in it”. There are serious difficulties even concerning issues that should be solved very easily in the conditions of hi-tech American economy. For example, the Pentagon complains about a lack of tools for the development of software, as well as the management of data and production, that could be trusted. The situation is exacerbated by “poor cybersecurity practices by many key software vendors”. This, when translated from American bureaucratese into colloquial Russian, means: “concerning cybersecurity, our vendors are so bad that we don’t know what the Chinese and Russian hackers cram into the software that our military use”.

    Main conclusion of the report: “China represents a significant and growing risk to the supply of materials deemed strategic and critical to U.S. national security. <…> Areas of concern to America’s manufacturing and defense industrial base include a growing number of both widely used and specialized metals, alloys and other materials, including rare earths and permanent magnets”. In general everything is bad, starting with aluminium and ending with cybersecurity, from power switches for missiles to engineers and drill operators, and from computer numerical control machines to synthetic fabric for military tents. The greed of American business, the ideology of globalisation, and the iron belief that history, as Fukuyama predicted, is about to end collectively caused such damage to the defense capability of the US that the geopolitical opponents couldn’t even dream of. It is precisely by understanding this fact that explains Donald Trump’s attempts to carry out the reindustrialisation of America almost by force.

    However, there is every reason to believe that, taking into account the present economic difficulties, it’s unlikely that Trump’s administration will be able to fix what its predecessors broke 20 years. And we [Russians – ed] and our Chinese partners need, on the one hand, not to repeat the mistakes of Americans, and on the other hand — to make the most of these mistakes. Judging by what is happening now on the world stage, this is exactly what Moscow and Beijing are doing.

    I'm sure this means nothing to you, Dennis, but it's what Joseph Farrell has been warning about for years. The outsourcing of Americas military-industrial base to China, means that it doesn't matter how much money the US sinks into war, the parts and components required to perpetuate war are deteriorating to the point of uselessness. Which means war operations are going to have to be scaled back until a new industrial base is established back on American shores, by which time, both Russia and China will have surpassed them in terms of military strength and global influence.

    There's nothing wrong with being a canary in a coal mine, its an important job that keeps people safe. I'd just ask that you don't shout 'Danger, Danger' every time one of the miners lets off a bit of gas. The boy that cried wolf is a parable proud alarmists might want to consider always keeping in mind.

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  18. Link to Post #171
    United States Avalon Member Dennis Leahy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Q Revealed??

    Quote Posted by Daozen (here)
    I wonder; is being caught up debunking Q any healthier than being caught up believing him?
    I actually don't qualify as "being caught up" debunking q. I have read probably 0.1% of the clues q has dangled, have never been to the sites where it comes from, have never watched a video about it...

    On the contrary, a light glance into what I have seen and noted makes it quite obvious that q is a republican, a trump supporter, a sessions supporter, a guilani supporter... and above all I easily saw the elephant in the room - that q is echoing netanyahu and the zionists plans (since at least 2001, when ret. Gen. Wesley Clark outed the deep state plan) to "regime change" Iran. hillary and obama took care of Libya, and by clinton emails we see that hillary literally outed that destroying Syria was for israel.

    You really don't need to wade too deeply into q waters to find the evidence of what q is and isn't.

    Unlike "debunking" someone like corey goode, which has no underpinnings of genocidal and imperialist takeovers of nations and the death of millions of innocent people, exposing q as a partisan dumbass that is indoctrinating followers into the Deep State plans for the Middle East takeover, "ending with Iran", actually is a worthy cause.

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    Default Re: Q Revealed??

    My musings about being caught up were as much for myself as anyone else. The point is, Dennis, the Q followers ain't listening. Any good points you make will get lost in the wall of double-talk and disinfo. So why bother? At least, in this thread. The whole thing's a big, black tar baby. Like the ones Br'er Rabbit used to fight. Writings about the USA INC war machine are best off in a separate thread, untainted by this macabre merry-go-round.

    Anyway, each to his own...

    Over and probably Out.

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  22. Link to Post #173
    United States Avalon Member Dennis Leahy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Q Revealed??

    Quote Posted by Jayke (here)
    So, you can play the victim all you want, but that doesn't distract me from recognising that your opinions are 17 years out of date. ...

    There's nothing wrong with being a canary in a coal mine, its an important job that keeps people safe. I'd just ask that you don't shout 'Danger, Danger' every time one of the miners lets off a bit of gas. The boy that cried wolf is a parable proud alarmists might want to consider always keeping in mind.
    Hey Jayke,

    Ever since your creative interpretation of the "regime change Iran" q drop, I really place zero credence in your discernment or opinions, especially of me.

    Quote Posted by Jayke (here)
    Quote Posted by Dennis Leahy (here)
    "q said":
    Free Iran!!!
    Regime change.
    People have the power.
    We stand with you.
    I guess those words have different connotations to different generations. My generation didn’t have as an extensive commie-vision indoctrination that the senior generation has had to shake off.

    My interpretation of the Q-post above, which I assumed to be self-evident given the context of the Q-drops:

    Free Iran!!! (Keep Iran free from the Ziocons who want to initiate a pretext for regime change in Iran)
    Fight, fight, fight (resist)
    Regime change (resist the nonsense propoganda pushed by the mainstream media who are advocating regime change in Iran)
    People have power (truth is more powerful than than the lies fed by mainstream media)
    We stand with you (we stand with truth)

    From my perspective, you’ve got to have had some extensive communist indoctrination to interpret that as a call to arms, or a call for actively pursuing regime change in Iran

    Again, your interpretation, in red, of q's call for regime change in Iran:

    "Regime change (resist the nonsense propoganda pushed by the mainstream media who are advocating regime change in Iran)"

    isn't just bafflingly nonsensical, it underscores a complete lack of discernment and displays cult-like propensity to try to 'spin' the cult leader's direct and easy to understand malevolent words into benign words. So, really, I am not interested in hearing your uninformed opinions and snotty jabs at my character. This isn't secret space programs and lunar bases, it is a guy calling for "regime change" in Iran, a euphemism for a complete takeover of a sovereign nation and murdering millions of people. It's not a game. You are helping this "q" asshole get Iranian citizens killed, and helping to push the zionist agenda. Stop trolling me, immediately, or I'll petition that you be unsubscribed from this forum.

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    UK Avalon Member Jayke's Avatar
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    Default Re: Q Revealed??

    Regime Change isn’t going to happen in Iran. The sanctions aren’t going to have a detrimental effect, despite how much you seem to be salivating for it to happen, Dennis.

    The EU Russia China Plan to Avert Iran Oil Sanctions

    It may well be that the unilateral wrecking ball politics of the Trump Administration are bringing about a result just opposite from that intended. Washington’s decision to abandon the Iran nuclear agreement and impose severe sanctions on companies trading Iran oil as of 4 November, is creating new channels of cooperation between the EU, Russia, China and Iran and potentially others. The recent declaration by Brussels officials of creation of an unspecified Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) to legally avoid US dollar oil trade and thereby US sanctions, might potentially spell the beginning of the end of the Dollar System domination of the world economy.

    According to reports from the last bilateral German-Iran talks in Teheran on October 17, the mechanisms of a so-called Special Purpose Vehicle that would allow Iran to continue to earn from its oil exports, will begin implementation in the next days. At end of September EU Foreign Policy chief Federica Mogherini confirmed plans to create such an independent trade channel, noting, “no sovereign country or organization can accept that somebody else decides with whom you are allowed to do trade with.”

    The SPV plan is reportedly modelled on the Soviet barter system used during the cold war to avert US trade sanctions, where Iran oil would be in some manner exchanged for goods without money. The SPV agreement would reportedly involve the European Union, Iran, China and Russia.

    According to various reports out of the EU the new SPV plan involves a sophisticated barter system that can avoid US Treasury sanctions. As an example, Iran could ship crude oil to a French firm, accrue credit via the SPV, much like a bank. That could then be used to pay an Italian manufacturer for goods shipped the other way, without any funds traversing through Iranian hands or the normal banking system.A multinational European state-backed financial intermediary would be set up to handle deals with companies interested in Iran transactions and with Iranian counter-parties. Any transactions would not be transparent to the US, and would involve euros and sterling rather than dollars.

    It’s an extraordinary response to what Washington has called a policy of all-out financial war against Iran, that includes threats to sanction European central banks and the Brussels-based SWIFT interbank payments network if they maintain ties to Iran after November 4. In the post-1945 relations between Western Europe and Washington such aggressive measures have not been seen before.It’s forcing some major rethinking from leading EU policy circles.

    New Banking Architecture

    The background to the mysterious initiative was presented in June in a report titled,Europe, Iran and Economic Sovereignty: New Banking Architecture in Response to US Sanctions. The report was authored by Iranian economist Esfandyar Batmanghelidj and Axel Hellman, a Policy Fellow at the European Leadership Network (ELN), a London-based policy think tank.

    The report proposes its new architecture should have two key elements. First it will be based on “gateway banks” designated to act as intermediaries between Iranian and EU commercial banks tied to the Special Purpose Vehicle. The second element is that it would be overseen by an EU-Office of Foreign Asset Controls or EU-OFAC, modeled on the same at the US Treasury, but used for facilitating legal EU-Iran trade, not for blocking it. Their proposed EU-OFAC among other functions would undertake creating certification mechanisms for due diligence on the companies doing such trade and “strengthen EU legal protections for entities engaged in Iran trade and investment.”

    The SPV reportedly is based on this plan using designated Gateway Banks, banks in the EU unaffected by Washington “secondary sanctions,” as they do not do business in the US and focus on business with Iran. They might include select state-owned German Landesbanks, certain Swiss private banks such as the Europäisch-Iranische Handelsbank (EIH), a European bank established specifically to engage in trade finance with Iran. In addition, select Iran banks with offices in the EU could be brought in.

    Whatever the final result, it is clear that the bellicose actions of the Trump Administration against trade with Iran is forcing major countries into cooperation that ultimately could spell the demise of the dollar hegemony that has allowed a debt-bloated US Government to finance a de facto global tyranny at the expense of others.


    During the recent UN General Assembly in New York, Federica Mogherini said the SPV was designed to facilitate payments related to Iran’s exports – including oil –so long as the firms involved were carrying out legitimate business under EU law. China and Russia are also involved in the SPV. Potentially Turkey, India and other countries could later join.

    Immediately, as expected, Washington has reacted. At the UN US Secretary of State and former CIA head Mike Pompeo declared to an Iran opposition meeting that he was “disturbed and indeed deeply disappointed” by the EU plan. Notably he said ““This is one of the of the most counterproductive measures imaginable for regional and global peace and security.” Presumably the Washington plan for economic war against Iranis designed to foster regional and global peace and security?

    Non-US SWIFT?

    One of the most brutal weapons in the US Treasury financial warfare battery is the ability to force the Brussels-based SWIFT private interbank clearing system to cut Iran off from using it. That was done with devastating effect in 2012 when Washington pressured the EU to get SWIFT compliance, a grave precedent that sent alarm bells off around the world.

    The fact that the US dollar remains the overwhelming dominant currency for international trade and financial transactions gives Washington extraordinary power over banks and companies in the rest of the world. That’s the financial equivalent of a neutron bomb. That might be about to change, though it’s by no means a done deal yet.

    In 2015 China unveiled its CIPS or China International Payments System. CIPS was originally viewed as a future China-based alternative to SWIFT. It would offer clearing and settlement services for its participants in cross-border RMB payments and trade. Unfortunately, a Chinese stock market crisis forced Beijing to downscale their plans, though a skeleton of infrastructure is there.

    In another area, since late 2017 Russia and China have discussed possible linking their bilateral payments systems bypassing the dollar. China’s Unionpay system and Russia’s domestic payment system, known as Karta Mir, would be linked directly.

    More recently leading EU policy circles have echoed such ideas, unprecedented in the post-1944 era. In August, referring to the unilateral US actions to block oil and other trade with Iran, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas told Handelsblatt, a leading German business daily, “Europe should not allow the U.S. to act over our heads and at our expense. For that reason, it’s essential that we strengthen European autonomy by establishing payment channels that are independent of the US, creating a European Monetary Fund and building up an independent SWIFT system.”

    A Crack in the Dollar Edifice

    How far the EU is willing to defy Washington on the issue of trade with Iran is not yet clear. Most probably Washington via NSA and other means can uncover the trades of the EU-Iran-Russia-China SPV.

    In addition to the recent statements from the German Foreign Minister, France is discussing expanding the Iran SPV to create a means of insulating the EU economies from illegal extraterritorial sanctions like the secondary sanctions that punish EU companies doing business in Iran by preventing them from using the dollar or doing business in the USA. French Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Agnes Von der Muhll, stated that in addition to enabling companies to continue to trade with Iran, that the SPV would, “create an economic sovereignty tool for the European Union beyond this one case. It is therefore a long-term plan that will protect European companies in the future from the effect of illegal extraterritorial sanctions.”

    If this will be the case with the emerging EU Special Purpose Vehicle, it will create a gaping crack in the dollar edifice. Referring to the SPV and its implications, Jarrett Blanc, former Obama State Department official involved in negotiating the Iran nuclear agreement noted that, “The payment mechanism move opens the door to a longer-term degradation of US sanctions power.”

    At present the EU has displayed effusive rhetoric and loud grumbling against unilateral US economic warfare and extraterritorial imposition of sanctions such as those against Russia. Their resolve to potently move to create a genuine alternative to date has been absent. So too is the case so far in other respects for China and Russia. Will the incredibly crass US sanctions war on Iran finally spell the beginning of the end of the dollar domination of the world economy it has held since Bretton Woods in 1945?

    My own feeling is that unless the SPV in whatever form utilizes the remarkable technological advantages of certain of the blockchain or ledger technologies similar to the US-based XRP or Ripple, that would enable routing payments across borders in a secure and almost instantaneous way globally, it won’t amount to much. It’s not that European IT programmers lack the expertise to develop such, and certainly not the Russians. After all one of the leading blockchain companies was created by a Russian-born Canadian named Vitalik Buterin. The Russian Duma is working on new legislation regarding digital currencies, though the Bank of Russia still seems staunchly opposed. The Peoples’ Bank of China is rapidly developing and testing a national cryptocurrency, ChinaCoin. Blockchain technologies are widely misunderstood, even in government circles such as the Russian Central Bank that ought to see it is far more than a new “South Sea bubble.” The ability of a state-supervised payments system to move value across borders, totally encrypted and secure is the only plausible short-term answer to unilateral sanctions and financial wars until a more civilized order among nations is possible.

    F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.”

    So, it’s ok for you to troll me, but when I reflect your behaviour back to you, you threaten to petition for me to be unsubscribed? Like that isn’t the behaviour of a tyrant!

    Keep chirping, Dennis.

    You’ve offered no substantive evidence in this discussion other than your own hot air opinions. Forgive me for not bowing down to your underwhelming threats.

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    They definitely aren't listening, and won't be until the whole edifice comes crashing down, but I think it is wiser not to give them total free and unchecked rein, otherwise the forum may fill up again with Q propaganda to the point where there are so few worthwhile discussions ongoing on the forum, it's hardly even worth a visit.
    Quote Posted by Daozen (here)
    My musings about being caught up were as much for myself as anyone else. The point is, Dennis, the Q followers ain't listening. Any good points you make will get lost in the wall of double-talk and disinfo. So why bother? At least, in this thread. The whole thing's a big, black tar baby. Like the ones Br'er Rabbit used to fight. Writings about the USA INC war machine are best off in a separate thread, untainted by this macabre merry-go-round.

    Anyway, each to his own...

    Over and probably Out.
    Each breath a gift...

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    Default Re: Q Revealed??

    Quote Posted by onawah (here)
    They definitely aren't listening, and won't be until the whole edifice comes crashing down ...
    My guess, onawah, is that the whole edifice (well, major visible portions thereof) will come crashing down ... and that a hundred years from now a few of our more conspiracy minded grandchildren and great grandchildren will still be acrimoniously debating in increasingly obscure corners of whatever passes for the "Web" at that time, as to what really happened.

    My quite dormant website: pauljackson.us

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    United States Avalon Member onawah's Avatar
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    Default Re: Q Revealed??

    Oh, Lord, let's hope upcoming generations will get enough DNA upgrades that they will be making use of their time and energy much more wisely!
    Quote Posted by Paul (here)
    Quote Posted by onawah (here)
    They definitely aren't listening, and won't be until the whole edifice comes crashing down ...
    My guess, onawah, is that the whole edifice (well, major visible portions thereof) will come crashing down ... and that a hundred years from now a few of our more conspiracy minded grandchildren and great grandchildren will still be acrimoniously debating in increasingly obscure corners of whatever passes for the "Web" at that time, as to what really happened.

    Each breath a gift...

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    United States Administrator ThePythonicCow's Avatar
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    Default Re: Q Revealed??

    Quote Posted by onawah (here)
    Oh, Lord, let's hope upcoming generations will get enough DNA upgrades that they will be making use of their time and energy much more wisely!
    Indeed !!
    My quite dormant website: pauljackson.us

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    United States Avalon Member onawah's Avatar
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    Default Re: Q Revealed??

    17 hours ago 1/15/19
    "Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy and Superman are not real…and John F Kennedy Jr is not alive after all. Many are angry and shooting the messenger, not because they were lied to but because they prefer that the “lie” be true.

    In what could go down in history as a landmark case study on the collision of 21st century social engineering, with Hope Porn, wishful thinking and the mythopoetic structures of the mind, the jig is finally up on QAnon. Or so say two men claiming to be among the original creators of QAnon, Defango and Dreamcatcher. Jason Bermas of WeAreChange is joined by these two, who take us into the world of trolldom and gamer/hacker culture that lives in online forums like Reddit, 4Chan, 8Chan, Discord, etc.

    They say no one ever expected it to last as long as it did or to take on a life of its own the way that it did.

    Defango aka Manuel Chavez is a self-described “mind-hacker” who says he had an idea to do a social engineering experiment, the main intent of which was to determine who is for real in the Alternative Media; to see who is in it for the money and who is in it for the truth. The only way he saw to do it was to be in control of something from the beginning and then to watch what happened.

    If you’ve been watching Defango, he has been broadcasting his role for some time but because he is such a complete troll, nobody believed him! Many still don’t.

    Dreamcatcher aka James Brower is a self-described “**** Lord”, a veritable master in the fine art of **** Posting on the image boards. He was a disgruntled Obama voter, drawn to the 2016 presidential campaign and ended up doing social media work as a low-level Trump campaign volunteer.

    In the Fall of 2017, Dreamcatcher teamed up with Defango and together with some friends from the Cicada 3301 puzzle site, they hatched their little moonbaby into the Interwebz, where it transformed into a LARP* – or as Jason Bermas calls it, “A ****-posting hoaxverse.”

    On October 29th, 2017, the QAnon LARP escaped from the proverbial lab when Defango leaked the “Tripcode” (i.e., the password for the QAnon account in 4Chan) in a YouTube video. QAnon was then moved by users who were not involved with its foundation to 8Chan. He says that almost immediately, “The Jerome Corsis of the world” began promoting it and QAnon metastasized into the cottage industry that it has since become.

    Creators in the Alt Media space who endorsed QAnon attracted massive amounts of new followers and traffic, which generated ad revenue, the sale of “Q-Drop” cellphone apps, mugs, T-shirts and other swag.

    Prominent QAnon proponents included David Wilcock, Jerome Corsi, Jordan Sather, SGTReport, Tracy Beanz, Praying Medic and X22 Report, who in the eyes of Defango have been left with their “pants pulled down” – to the degree to which they’ve hitched their credibility to the QAnon LARP.

    Defango and Dreamcatcher don’t like that people may have been taken advantage of by what they call the “grifters” but Defango repeats that the intent of the project was to reveal the intent of those who got involved and the only way to do that was to let them do what they did.

    Bermas asks them to reflect on the LARP and whether they have any regrets. Dreamcatcher says, “You never regret a **** post because you had the intent of it being a **** post…but I do think we can learn a lot from this.”

    He goes on to say that if we had a government that was more transparent, something like this would not have happened. People gravitated toward QAnon because they don’t trust their media and they don’t trust their government. He says that if you really, truly care and if you want something to change, you can’t do it by just sitting behind a keyboard. You have to get off the online forums and get involved in grassroots political action.

    Defango also has “No regrets.” He says this was meant to be a direct teaching episode on how to use the Internet and that the next step is to learn how to use discernment. The LARP wasn’t done with malice, it was a lesson of survival in the high tech theater of nonstop information warfare. That’s an admirable message from a legendary troll.

    For whatever it’s worth, I have two ex-military sources who tell me that it’s not a total hoax, as suggested in this video (a third such sources says it *is* a hoax). One tells me, “It started as a military intelligence op and then morphed into the more rah-rah Trump insider thing.” This observation doesn’t rule out Defango’s initial involvement, as the Cicada site is (or was) a recruitment tool of military intelligence. In another podcast on his own channel, Defango said that Mainstream News reporters were now all over him, trying to find a way to blame the LARP on President Trump or to suggest that Trump was somehow behind it, which Defango categorically denies.
    The QAnon movement has been out of the hands of these purported originators for over a year, indeed for the majority of its existence. It will be interesting to see how Q’s major proponents react to this “reveal”, if at all. The question remains who is posting as Q now?


    *LARP is the acronym for Live-Action Role Play, a hobby that emerged in the late 20th century with the board game, Dungeons and Dragons."

    Pulse Change
    Streamed live 20 hours ago 1/14/19
    Jason joins us live with Q, find out how the hoax began from the team itself.
    Last edited by Bill Ryan; 16th January 2019 at 08:23.
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    Default Re: Q Revealed??

    That above post definitely belongs in the anti-Q thread, with all the other "Q is outed as a faker" stuff.
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