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Thread: Targeted Individual for being a healer and very loving: an experience

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    England Avalon Member
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    Post Targeted Individual for being a healer and very loving: an experience

    Please move this to a suitable area as I wasn't sure where to put it.

    I worked with Angels for over ten years. I was deep in love and I was strictly told that your heart and soul is to remain as one in love. I felt that love it was rich and intense.
    could write a book on this but I'm stifled at what happened to me and very isolated. I hope that I can remain as invisible as I possibly can. I am scared I buckled but I fought them and LOVE wins.

    This is about I call them Coughs in Action (acronym). Don't ask me why I'm so scared I think it's shock more than anything.

    I had a tip off that I was a target for a secret elite cell I was told that they are after the evolved individuals which were very loving and who "are a threat to their species" pun intended for anyone into Tomorrow people (USA).

    So I was doing loving and serving. I work on my Angelic website which I still do. I have seen Angels as pure as day and trust me the real ones they do exist. They are high definition colour, pure, fun and very strong in love. They would never hurt anything.

    So here in a post is what happened.

    Originally I did get depressed they targeted my mind but I found out about them.

    They floored my head. I don't have memories and I don't use my imagination they are trying to get people to feel like nothing inside and out in fear.
    Its horrible trust me.
    Anyways, I returned home and they hit my head and tried to kidnap my soul but my heart and Archangel Michael protected me but I still fell in some way which has scared me more than anything. This is now either a real deal or an illusion but that would make it that AA Michael is not real when he is.

    I'm sorry please don't judge me I've been in isolation and I have had no one to share this with and it's very real trust me.

    I felt that I feel with the dark one and I heard that there was a big fight with the Antichrist and I felt it to be someone like the Pope or Obama are two images coming to my mind.
    Not that I'm saying it was.

    Anyhow, I feel I'm going mad, it's the mind trying to make sense.

    The vision was that it felt like a huge general demon and it was like it fell from heaven and it tried to take me but the Archangel Michael rescued me.

    After that it felt so cold in my soul and I had no mind, they damaged my head. I can describe it as being blank. I seen a demon attached to a so called friend and they used my friends to go against me. I was then left with critical individuals telling me that yeah that I was mental as I was crying all the time.
    I still was extremely scared I felt everything that the demon felt and trust me anything that is fearful of love is classed as evil.

    So It took me a while to get used to that and I lost all my friends and they would not believe me when I told them and that was highly confusing as they were the same friends who did paranormal stuff for ten years???????

    So after I was starting to get better I started to hear you are fear repeated so now they had a blow to me and tried to separate me they started booming voices in my head and that's when I figured out what was happening and when I asked in Jesus name what they were delivering I heard "torture".

    Another aspect of this was my memory keeps going blank but I have written all the accounts down. I had to reprogram my mind into love and to be honest I am exhausted.

    I would sit in a café and they the voices would go. "think of your twin" and then another set of voices were telling me the opposite "Get out of your head".

    Then I would visualise mother nature and healing her and a voice would demand " stop doing that right now" and I'd get attacked.

    I also got smacked against the back of the nape of my head in spirit like they were attacking me.

    I have been sat in a café shop and I start to think and the voices clearly were going "she's starting to think"

    I've heard "it's an experiment" and other stuff I can real off loads to you.

    The biggie was I was sat journaling in my bedroom and a massive C I A hologram I am very honest. It flashed up on my wall and a general face was there going:

    "You are warned to stop what you are doing and to stop loving to the extent that you are and to stop any form of healing" I remember it word perfect.

    I had a dream telling me that I was that evolved I had to go on the run from "secret government" that was making me fear because I was isolated.

    They visit in spirit and one was a general officer who has connections to Roosevelt and the white house. Why would I do that I'm not in UK.

    I was warned that I knew too much about love and what is the truth that the whole universe is made of love and they are keeping us from our divine birthright and ascending.

    I have not told anyone this and I am hoping that if it's too much information please delete the post.
    I don't want people to mock me. I am here for some support and help.

    There are trying to keep you and anyone in fear and I buckled because they bombarded me so much and then I fought back.

    At one point I could hear them saying "She won't let us in " and I was told "you are a power to be reckoned with.

    My mind is exhausted and so am I they are trying to get my soul to breakdown do the mind first and then get to the soul.
    They tried to get the soul to say I am fear and that is the most creepy and scary part. They now try to blame me for everything.
    If I shut down and ignore my angels the dark lights win and if I stay fighting I need my mind healing and some support as I'm not sure who is around me and how to stay in love more.

    They are more scared of you then them. I felt this. Now I worry so much because I don't feel safe in my soul. I want my heart to love it and they are trying to cause division. I am so strong but yet. I don't know it's like they are trying to.

    I was hearing blaspheming and trust me that wasn't from me it was from a male voice.
    I'm hearing it will kill her and all sorts. Get a grip and it's like my twin needs me aka the heart and I love him so deep.

    I heard about Saturn being aliens live on the rings.

    The angels want to be with me but I got so much distrust and fear I have to heal.

    I don't know if this is too much. I'd love someone opinion without judgement. This is real.

    Last edited by Angels1981; 26th June 2020 at 22:51.

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    Europe Avalon Member Icare's Avatar
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    Default Re: Targeted Individual for being a healer and very loving: an experience

    Dear Angels,
    I read your other thread as well, and responded to it, too.
    I can understand your mind is exhausted.
    What I find interesting is that you heard "She won't let us in" and also "You are a power to be reckoned with", the latter sentence sounds like it actually came from your higher self. So believe in that and trust your higher self, then they will not be able to break you. Always remember that, your higher self will not allow this to happen if you listen to yourself. I believe you can do this. So stay strong, they cannot steal your soul, nobody can do that if you don't believe that they can.
    You have always worked with the angels, now try to trust yourself, they can't destroy you, if you will not allow this to happen, keep telling yourself that and have faith, okay? You CAN do this.
    I think there are some good books about psychic protection and maybe someone will be able to recommend one is this thread.
    Sending you love and a big hug,
    Last edited by Icare; 17th February 2019 at 19:50.

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    United States Avalon Member Bluegreen's Avatar
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    Default Re: Targeted Individual for being a healer and very loving: an experience

    Psychic Self Defense by Dion Fortune
    Amazon blurb: 'Get it by Monday Feb 18. Only 3 left in stock (more on the way)'

    Still in circulation after all these years, there is a lot of what many would consider to be mere common sense advice in this book, but she is well regarded within the esoteric community as being the real deal.

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    United States Avalon Member Arcturian108's Avatar
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    Default Re: Targeted Individual for being a healer and very loving: an experience

    Just sent you a private message, as I may be able to help you.

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    United States Avalon Member Denise/Dizi's Avatar
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    I would never judge you for what you are experiencing. With so much going on these days, any and everything is not only possible, but even happening to certain individuals. I have yet to decide if it is spiritual, technological, paranormal, military, agency, AI driven, Targeting, or a combination of any and all of those things to some degree. So merely JUDGING people serves to fix NOTHING..

    We all need to understand what is going on before we can FIX IT. If one of the flock goes lame, the flock tends to run and leave them behind.. But the farmer will check that lame stock, to make sure it doesn't affect the rest of the herd. (Not suggesting you're lame, but that this is happening to our herd collectively all over the place, and we need to figure it out!).. I think we should ALL be behaving like the farmer, making sure we ALL are well and safe. And there are TOO MANY PEOPLE suggesting this is happening to them, they just use different vocabulary to describe it.. Which I believe confuses many...

    It sounds like they're really hitting you hard.. And I am so sorry that this is happening to you... I hope that you are able to find someone who can heal you. Until then, know that there are people here that will listen, even if it is just being able to share what you're going through that, helps you to get through it. I offer my friendship for that.. I have met those angelic beings and they absolutely ARE real.. It blew my mind actually... But I never had ANY bad experiences.. But knowing how deeply they can interact with this reality, and the levels to which they can interfere , both good and bad, it does not surprise me that you are finding it difficult to stay grounded.

    If I can offer one piece of advice when you have to be around others.. Focus on everything that you actually say out loud, and that you do.. Be very deliberate in everything that you do... Wear something to remind yourself to do this.. As eventually this distraction can force you to act out in other ways as you suggest, and people will get the impression that you're not grounded. GO MUTE if you have to.. openly.. They CAN speak THROUGH YOU... They can take over your body systems and affect real actions, so if you see yourself doing things and think, I never would have NORMALLY DONE THAT.. Then be very aware of every action that you DO make after that. (I think you know this based upon the fact that you have suggested that you physically felt them hit your neck. This stuff is NO JOKE. )

    I can't tell you how to get it to stop. But I can listen and offer advice as to how you may be able to keep it from destroying your daily life and relationships.. Hopefully your post will bring out some healers... I wish you well... sincerely.

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    Albania Avalon Retired Member
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    Default Re: Targeted Individual for being a healer and very loving: an experience

    Don't listen to voices and don't act according to them (that doesn't mean to act the opposite all time because your are still being controlled). Guidance from angels, higher beings or the Creator himself doesn't come as a voice in your head, it is much more complex than that and based on your experience you know what I am talking about. Even that the voices can be very intrusive, if you train yourself everyday (including prayers too), you will find a unique way to protect from them and you will see that in time the voices will fade away.

  12. The Following 8 Users Say Thank You to Eagle Eye For This Post:

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    England Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Targeted Individual for being a healer and very loving: an experience

    I feel so stupid I have reacted like an absolute idiot. Not like me. I think they use different tatics and I'm scared that I have fallen for them.
    I need to calm down and ignore family and friends as they are not in a nasty way dummed down to not question and I'm more awakened but I messed up and I don't know where I stand with anyone. Unless that is a tatic in itself to keep me in fear. who knows. thank youAngels

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    United States Avalon Member Valerie Villars's Avatar
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    Default Re: Targeted Individual for being a healer and very loving: an experience

    Quote Posted by Bluegreen (here)
    Psychic Self Defense by Dion Fortune
    Amazon blurb: 'Get it by Monday Feb 18. Only 3 left in stock (more on the way)'

    Still in circulation after all these years, there is a lot of what many would consider to be mere common sense advice in this book, but she is well regarded within the esoteric community as being the real deal.
    Jo, I skimmed the first pages of this book and it is excellent.

    Please know I understand what you are going through, as I went through it about five years ago. "They" have no more power than you do. Archangel Michael is extremely powerful and he loves you.

    I often say, and did say a lot while going through the targeting "May the white light of the Holy Spirit surround, protect and bless me, live inside of me and touch everyone and everything I come in contact with."

    A big part of what helped me was nature. I surrounded myself with it and refused to doubt my sanity.

    Please know you are loved and there are people here who understand and I am sending you strength and protection. They cannot win. They can't.
    "The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what we share with someone when we are uncool." From the movie "Almost Famous""l "Let yourself stand cool and composed before a million universes." Walt Whitman

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    Canada Avalon Member TomKat's Avatar
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    Could be, but doesn't sound like you're a targeted individual in the military sense. Sounds more like a psychic attack, maybe from a family line entity. Perhaps you're the black sheep and only one in your family in danger of waking up? Try tranceform.org

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    Canada Avalon Member Ernie Nemeth's Avatar
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    Default Re: Targeted Individual for being a healer and very loving: an experience

    No one wants to hear this but I think it may help.

    When people advance to a certain level, they get complacent about the source of their strength. They think it is their own, that they have done the work and now are receiving their just reward. On one level this is true, on a higher level it is not. We channel strength like we channel love - from our Source. If this connection is not made a sense of grandiosity will occur.

    The ego loves grandiosity and will hide that fact from its maker. It will self-identify with its host and provide the necessary circular arguments in favor of its assertion that you are special and warrant special treatment. Even though the individual is sincere, recognition of their Source and their Will is absent. In such a state a higher soul will receive correction, and that can be very painful and fearful indeed.

    I know nothing of alien tech that could mimic this experience. I leave that area for others to pursue.

    The Holy Spirit will use any means necessary to correct the errors of an advancing being, since that is its function. Such basic mistakes are handled sometimes brutally because it is a fundamental mistake. A mistake so small yet so debilitating to advancement that is must be corrected immediately. To mistake that your will is God's is to forget the order of cause and effect. The correction is simple: God's will is yours. And since you know not who you are you cannot know your will. That is the function of the Holy Spirit: to remind you that God's will is yours.

    This is the most joyous realization in all the world. If your will is God's you are in a world that can never satisfy. But if God's will is yours you are in heaven!

    It is by bringing heaven to earth that the world will be healed.

    God Bless
    Last edited by Ernie Nemeth; 17th February 2019 at 18:39.
    Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless — like water...Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend. Bruce Lee

    Free will can only be as free as the mind that conceives it.

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    England Avalon Member
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    Cool Re: Targeted Individual for being a healer and very loving: an experience

    Oh wow you are magical and I am humbled. That's where I lapsed I trusted too much that I was safe in love and that I was with my heart and soul as one and all was well. I then found it difficult to visualise and after the attack my family never cared about my wellbeing, no hugs etc they just said no one was there and that I was single. When the Angels were telling me to do the opposite. I made mistakes but I am unsure if they are able to heal the areas and change the brain that I have.
    One man voice kept repeating non stop You are fear and that was a male voice after the major attack which made me have no mental reasoning or cognitive values. I was in a ill position physically at the point but Angels told us to stick together. After the hologram that when it all went pair shaped I started shouting saying I am love not fear as the only real mechanism of defence because I was weak.
    when I review I am sometimes running from love because I'm caught up with the I'm under attack and not really thinking can it be changed and how do I do it. If that makes sense. Am I being too open?
    when I got clear instructions telling me to not accept that anyone that told me that my heart and soul is separate. I kept repeating it till nothing of substance was in there. I kept hearing voices ignoring me and saying the negative back at me and so at one point it was like a slanging match. I had to stop and that way they tried to force me to disbelief. That has almost killed me inside because Some parts of me does not even remember what has happened and what has been said. Oh well I need a holiday from it all. That's what's numbing is it needs a balance and I have not had that.
    Last edited by Angels1981; 18th February 2019 at 10:32.

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    Canada Avalon Member Ernie Nemeth's Avatar
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    Default Re: Targeted Individual for being a healer and very loving: an experience

    Magic is merely a perception. What lies behind me has nothing to do with perception at all.

    I have been under attack many times. I have also come here for help. But I did not look for a technology to explain it, or invent an enemy I could see to retaliate. I knew my attacks were not of this world. They were hindrances purposely designed and tailored to suit my sensibilities. No being or tech knows me well enough to fine tune a machine to torment me or to erase my will. Only I can do that.

    I owned my enemy. I sent out scouts to gather information and intelligence on my enemy. I watched it from afar, in a detached mode, as it thundered through my life, destroying everything I cherished, and bringing me to the brink of disaster. For ten more years I watched. At one point I thought I could never find my way back again, that I was better off dead. But my intel was sufficient to return a verdict on my attackers. It was me all along! My ego had joined forces with more malevolent energies and together they thought they had me beat. But now I had named them and they were mine. My enemy was in my cross hairs at last!

    It took a bit more doing to bring myself back from lurking mode and a bit more time to gather my forces. Now I am ready. Now is my time for victory!

    I offer this as testament to the fact that every single child of God is not bereft, alone, or without the means to anchor their lives in truth. We are the truth, and we cannot be kept down if we choose not to be.

    Remember who you are, Child of God, and call upon the power that God has sent to you for your salvation! And rejoice. For the Kingdom of God is nigh at hand.
    Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless — like water...Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend. Bruce Lee

    Free will can only be as free as the mind that conceives it.

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    Default Re: Targeted Individual for being a healer and very loving: an experience

    I also read your other thread and my interest is piqued regarding teleportation. Thanks very much for sharing. Since you are asking for opinions, I think what's happening is the realms are merging. Realms are not really like other dimensions, or even timelines, they're more like layers of reality that can overlap. What I think we are hearing is a side effect of the realms merging. Why do I think the realms are merging? Well, that's because realms are artificial. They don't belong, and so it makes sense to eventually dissolve. Personally I've heard quite a lot of weird stuff I know is not mine, like "maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all", and it's really rare that one of my thoughts seems to talk directly to me.

    My brother has the opposite effect, his thoughts more often talk to him, than to each other.
    Last edited by petra; 18th February 2019 at 20:45.

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    Avalon Member Andre's Avatar
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    Default Re: Targeted Individual for being a healer and very loving: an experience

    When you name it, you are on the way to freedom.

    God bless!
    Our destiny is in our hands. Let us visualise a world of truth, freedom and equality.

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    England Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Targeted Individual for being a healer and very loving: an experience

    I don't know I got told that I was a target for from the elite but ignored it. I had reached a really high loving level. Don't ask me head but I don't know. I thought I'd merged with my twin at one point now I have no idea like I'm stunned. They kept telling me how "you are fear" non stop till my head exploded. lol. I love teleportation it is possible but you have to shed loads of fear and lighten up. The dimensions are all loving when you rise up and so that is heaven. The dark lights here don't want us to know that we are all made from love. So they were warning me to stop telling everyone. But unfortunately anything is possible but you do have to believe it to happen. That's why everyone has many different beliefs. Love has to be at the centre of everything in order for things to work perfectly. thank you.xx

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    England Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Targeted Individual for being a healer and very loving: an experience

    I hope that you are okay double posting. I was told that I was counter acting devils. I am so tired. So anyone who wishes to pray I am really humbling request this because I don't know mentally what to believe. They are telling me that I am wrong all the time and they accuse me a lot. The good voices are saying you are you but you can have him. (another part of the story is twin flame) The ego or head is baffled about what has happened to me and they are saying I am fear and it's on repeat like they are trying to demonise me and make out that AA Michael is not happy with me and he threw me out of heaven like a demon.
    sighs sorry I'm fretting The want me to write a story which is ongoing to get a twin that they say he loves me but it's like a double bond because they want to write secret government running from them and I don't know how to write besides that. They say that is how you create him. I don't wish too do that and I feel they are saying well if you don't or you don't act like you know him then you'll be commiting folly.

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    Serbia Avalon Member XelNaga's Avatar
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    Default Re: Targeted Individual for being a healer and very loving: an experience

    Dear Angels1981,

    I'm so sorry to hear about all of this hell you are going through. I'm not wise enough or knowledgeable on this topic to give you some solid advice or a solution to your situation. All I can say is that this only shows that you are doing some really important work in this place, and that you should stay strong in what you are doing, believe that The Creator will help you and keep you safe, don't allow those bastards (whoever they are) to hinder yourself and your work.

    I can't offer you much, except for some positive and loving energies that I could sent to you through Reiki. If you wish to allow me to try and help, it would be my honor to do so.

    Kind regards friend,
    be strong...

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    Default Re: Targeted Individual for being a healer and very loving: an experience

    Quote Posted by Angels1981 (here)
    ... I was told that I was counter acting devils.
    That would certainly explain why they seem to hate you so much...
    I wasn't told anything like that by the stuff in my head.... but I do remember volunteering to be a "trap" for any "devils" (but only if it is safe!)

    Quote Posted by Angels1981 (here)
    ... I thought I'd merged with my twin at one point now I have no idea like I'm stunned.
    I felt like that too at one point, but what's more, I felt like I knew why that was happening (and what the nasty ones are trying to accomplish). There's definitely something sneaky going on - of that I am certain!

    I'm tired too, tired and suspicious. To tired and suspicious to even pray - I told God he can pray on my behalf from now on...

    I recall a posting on another forum, from a young girl who titled her posting "My spirit guide is tormenting me", and her situation sounds a lot like yours. The voice in her head started out by being nice to her, but then got really mean.

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    Canada Avalon Member Ernie Nemeth's Avatar
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    Default Re: Targeted Individual for being a healer and very loving: an experience

    The unhealed healer has this drawback: that however successful the healings they perform they themselves have not accepted healing.

    All healing is of the mind. Like miracles, healing heals errors of perception, beginning with the mind of the healer.

    An unhealed healer can cure the sick but cannot raise the dead. Nor is their inner alter in line with the agent of healing.

    In such a conflicted mental state, healings are sporadic and unreliable. Such healers resemble magicians more than agents of creation.

    Healing is merely the correction of perception, nothing more.
    Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless — like water...Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend. Bruce Lee

    Free will can only be as free as the mind that conceives it.

  38. The Following 11 Users Say Thank You to Ernie Nemeth For This Post:

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  39. Link to Post #20
    Avalon Member Flash's Avatar
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    Default Re: Targeted Individual for being a healer and very loving: an experience

    Quote Posted by Ernie Nemeth (here)
    The unhealed healer has this drawback: that however successful the healings they perform they themselves have not accepted healing.

    All healing is of the mind. Like miracles, healing heals errors of perception, beginning with the mind of the healer.

    An unhealed healer can cure the sick but cannot raise the dead. Nor is their inner alter in line with the agent of healing.

    In such a conflicted mental state, healings are sporadic and unreliable. Such healers resemble magicians more than agents of creation.

    Healing is merely the correction of perception, nothing more.

    Ernie, you are making very large strides. In a few years, you are gotten transformed (from what I knew of you 6-7 years ago). You are so right here.

    A friend of mine used to say: you cannot bring someone further than where you are at.

    healing is a correction of perception, so right.
    How to let the desire of your mind become the desire of your heart - Gurdjieff

  40. The Following 10 Users Say Thank You to Flash For This Post:

    Angels1981 (23rd May 2019), edina (18th May 2020), Ernie Nemeth (15th March 2019), Free Thinker (20th April 2021), justntime2learn (15th March 2019), Rich (16th March 2019), Sadieblue (18th May 2020), Sue (Ayt) (23rd July 2020), Valerie Villars (15th March 2019), Victoria (18th May 2020)

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