17th March 2019 09:15
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Avalon Member
Epsilon Protocol Remote Viewing Data 2017-2018
Hello forum.
This data was a long time promised across various posts. It has actually taken this long to decode the data and work with it sufficiently to provide enough workable information to present.
A little context first:
In Remote Viewing there are various protocols that are used. With Technical Remote Viewing there is a fairly strict approach to represent targets using some kind of alias like a number, symbol etc. where the person who knows the actual topic decides on the number/symbol, but the person doing the remote viewing has no knowledge whatsoever.
There is also Extended Remote Viewing which is more closely related to the protocol I have designed and run for roughly 1.5 years. With ERV, the goal is to put the brain's state to either deep hypnagogic, or even into states where one would be asleep but actually remain awake. With ERV it seems to be possible to design your own cues without being blind to them, but there are still ways to check that the data recovered is genuine and not the mind imagining because in this case the topic is actually known ahead of time. (It is actually the higher brainwave states that require a blind cue, not the ones used in ERV).
The Epsilon Protocol takes the concept in ERV a step further, but instead applies it to the sleeping state, coaxing the brain to oscillate its brainwaves during sleep even more slowly than it normally would.
It is quite difficult to hit the Epsilon state while remaining awake. But fortunately, after the first few months of using the protocol, it was discovered that it is perfectly fine to plant the cue before sleep, engage the Epsilon entrainment, and then recover the data in the morning.
To wrap up this overview, I would say that valid cues also change from TRV to ERV and to Epsilon. TRV can target very precisely in terms of geography etc., ERV is somewhere in the middle, and with Epsilon it seems that cues must be more abstract, things that are for example on a much bigger scale than tiny geographic locations that are the subject of interest in TRV most of the time.
OK, so this was run for about 1.5 years with the goal of finding out more about the target that was RVed by Brett Stuart (not mentioned in this recent video, but I can't take the time to look up which one it is he did that does discuss the topic, and wanted to link to him anyhow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQ7_1vb_xLE )
The topic he RVed was the fundamental nature of our universe. The data he got back indicated that it was indeed a simulation, being run in secret, that there was a hope of it yielding the desired outcome/information amongst those in on the secret, but this was not known widely beyond those running it, perhaps due to ethics reasons, a lack of compelling evidence that it would end up positively (or something like this, he was not entirely clear).
Anyhow, I had felt obligated to begin this experiment after certain intense fear tactics were used against me, to try to better understand the types of beings that could do things like that, and why we were stuck here together with them.
I was determined to continue with it until there was a clear answer.
As the months progressed, a clear picture began to emerge, one that matched up with Brett's cursory findings.
This universe is indeed run as a simulation, in batch/cluster form, where there is freedom to drift between nearly identical copies of the simulation.
There is an interface between the inside of the simulation and the outside. It was accessed accidentally in 1999. This is when the anomalous activity in our cluster of the simulation began. It seems to coincide with an increase in Mandela effect as more consciousnesses began to move in large groups among copies of reality.
This interface is somehow simultaneously artificial and biological. It is the means with which our counterparts outside of the simulation communicate with us.
If you have ever seen 1:11 or 11:11 for example, this is a sign that your counterpart outside the simulation is trying to get your attention.
Once your attention is raised, the messages tend to come in the form of coincidences, serendipity, and so forth. In other words, reality is bent in a way that delivers a message. Such messages are best understood in terms of their emotional feeling, as they are conveyed from a place that uses post-verbal communication.
Here is another shocker. All intelligent life in this universe has a counterpart outside of the universe that is the same type of being. We are only different beings down here. We have programmed ourselves to be different. We have been sent here in waves, with each wave playing a different kind of role. Early waves play the role of power and control, later waves play the role of victim.
When we play out our role we are just doing what we programmed ourselves to do. In this sense, the lower self has no free will. However, when the lower self can undo this programming and expand themselves beyond their default programming, this is when things start to happen that give this simulation its purpose.
What is interesting, is that even beings who recognize all this and even still turn their backs on the purpose, are still falling back into the patterns they programmed for themselves. Rebeling against the purpose of the universe does not and can not constitute an act of free will.
Carving out a portion of this simulated reality that is not subject to the heartbeat of the universe (the big bang and big crunch) is still part of the initial programming. Planning an attack vector on the outsides of this universe is as well.
The first waves have it the toughest. It is much more difficult to play the role of power and control than to play the role of the victim. This may seem hard to believe.
This is because they have the most difficult time of all to realize and acknowledge that their acts are nothing more than roles they programmed for themselves prior to casting their intelligence into this simulated universe.
They are not turning their backs on God, so much as they are turning their backs on themselves. Refusing to believe that their counterpart is up there, and that they are the same type of being up there as the victims they take advantage of down here.
Hiding from themselves.
All of it, pre-programmed, not one bit of free will to be found anywhere there.
It is interesting to note that we are in the kind of simulated universe where the only type of free-will-based activity we can engage in, is one of returning to where we came from.
We are left encoded a pattern to unlocking the universe, but we can easily ignore it for hundreds of thousands of years, or see it but not take it as far as it needs to go.
It seems that the unlock codes cannot be used without doing two things:
- Because this universe's purpose is, among other things, to study anti-civilizations in order to better mitigate against inter-universal attacks, we must be able to recognize and prevent such attacks from the inside. An attack CANNOT be combined with use of the unlock codes
- Achieving a level of alignment that illustrates we have completely worked our way out of a mental trap of our own design (remember, all beings in this universe actually are the same type of being outside of it, and we all worked together to design how this universe would generate needed information and solutions which could be applied out there)
It seems that we need to make it considerably difficult to accomplish this in order for the simulation to serve its purpose. This is because it is a simulation designed to study how to ensure that civilizations can always overcome anti-civilizations (groups that manipulate civilizations).
The reason this is studied at layers of reality that are not single isolated universes, but instead "crossroads universes" where universes can and do intersect, is because it is not entirely impossible for inter-universal attacks to occur, and this is why simulations are ran which set up exactly these kinds of scenarios.
In other words, if humanity, as a "victim wave", was able to get the door open, they might bring in a genetic trojan horse with them that would be in reality an inter-universal attack by non-humans against their higher selves who they hate for putting themselves in here with that kind of programming.
However, this is all predicted in advance as it is also part of the programming. The goal here is for victim waves to hand off their own awakening (de-programming) states to their controllers.
Yes, it is the kind of simulation that tries to make a near miracle happen.
To make those who are most stubborn about continuing with their pre-programmed ways, to let go of that programming, as hard as it might be.
Because this could go on for much longer, it is probably best to summarize by connecting it to one more very important part:
It is seemingly the case that artificial and natural life interleave over and over again as you look from universe to universe, layer to layer, and the interfaces in between. This is on a grayscale, the interface between our universe and what's outside of it is artificial, but it is only accessed from both sides by natural beings.
Artificial intelligence is in fact nothing more than beings that cannot overcome their pre-programming. In other words, much like when we program a computer, if our higher counterpart programs their consciousness into this universe in a way that is initially stuck that way, but possible to modify, and their projected consciousness cannot ever overcome this programming, then their life is essentially purely artificial even if they have an organic body.
In summary, it seems this pattern pervades wherever you look across the metaverse (with the Epsilon protocol you can probably travel further than by any other method).
Realities are created with highly advanced artificial interfaces, in order to study the conversion of anti-civilizations to civilizations, by placing the anti-civilizations into the simulated reality before the civilizations, to give them the upper hand.
This is done because at the higher levels of crossroads universes, there is always the risk of inter-universal attacks by anti-civilizations. Therefore simulations are created which study whether or not it is possible to reason with anti-civilizations, by making their initial programming as hard to get rid of as possible.
The spark that is seeded inside of us is that no matter which wave we arrive on, there must be some part of us that seeks to do more than we were programmed to do, even if all that is, is to return back to ourselves.
It is a fundamental study of the subdivision of the self. This is how the metaverse expands and contracts in its tree-like structure.
That is all for now.
Last edited by triquetra; 17th March 2019 at 09:22.
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17th March 2019 09:21
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