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Thread: Epsilon Protocol Remote Viewing Data 2017-2018

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    Avalon Member triquetra's Avatar
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    Default Epsilon Protocol Remote Viewing Data 2017-2018

    Hello forum.

    This data was a long time promised across various posts. It has actually taken this long to decode the data and work with it sufficiently to provide enough workable information to present.

    A little context first:

    In Remote Viewing there are various protocols that are used. With Technical Remote Viewing there is a fairly strict approach to represent targets using some kind of alias like a number, symbol etc. where the person who knows the actual topic decides on the number/symbol, but the person doing the remote viewing has no knowledge whatsoever.

    There is also Extended Remote Viewing which is more closely related to the protocol I have designed and run for roughly 1.5 years. With ERV, the goal is to put the brain's state to either deep hypnagogic, or even into states where one would be asleep but actually remain awake. With ERV it seems to be possible to design your own cues without being blind to them, but there are still ways to check that the data recovered is genuine and not the mind imagining because in this case the topic is actually known ahead of time. (It is actually the higher brainwave states that require a blind cue, not the ones used in ERV).

    The Epsilon Protocol takes the concept in ERV a step further, but instead applies it to the sleeping state, coaxing the brain to oscillate its brainwaves during sleep even more slowly than it normally would.

    It is quite difficult to hit the Epsilon state while remaining awake. But fortunately, after the first few months of using the protocol, it was discovered that it is perfectly fine to plant the cue before sleep, engage the Epsilon entrainment, and then recover the data in the morning.

    To wrap up this overview, I would say that valid cues also change from TRV to ERV and to Epsilon. TRV can target very precisely in terms of geography etc., ERV is somewhere in the middle, and with Epsilon it seems that cues must be more abstract, things that are for example on a much bigger scale than tiny geographic locations that are the subject of interest in TRV most of the time.

    OK, so this was run for about 1.5 years with the goal of finding out more about the target that was RVed by Brett Stuart (not mentioned in this recent video, but I can't take the time to look up which one it is he did that does discuss the topic, and wanted to link to him anyhow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQ7_1vb_xLE )

    The topic he RVed was the fundamental nature of our universe. The data he got back indicated that it was indeed a simulation, being run in secret, that there was a hope of it yielding the desired outcome/information amongst those in on the secret, but this was not known widely beyond those running it, perhaps due to ethics reasons, a lack of compelling evidence that it would end up positively (or something like this, he was not entirely clear).

    Anyhow, I had felt obligated to begin this experiment after certain intense fear tactics were used against me, to try to better understand the types of beings that could do things like that, and why we were stuck here together with them.

    I was determined to continue with it until there was a clear answer.


    As the months progressed, a clear picture began to emerge, one that matched up with Brett's cursory findings.

    This universe is indeed run as a simulation, in batch/cluster form, where there is freedom to drift between nearly identical copies of the simulation.

    There is an interface between the inside of the simulation and the outside. It was accessed accidentally in 1999. This is when the anomalous activity in our cluster of the simulation began. It seems to coincide with an increase in Mandela effect as more consciousnesses began to move in large groups among copies of reality.

    This interface is somehow simultaneously artificial and biological. It is the means with which our counterparts outside of the simulation communicate with us.

    If you have ever seen 1:11 or 11:11 for example, this is a sign that your counterpart outside the simulation is trying to get your attention.

    Once your attention is raised, the messages tend to come in the form of coincidences, serendipity, and so forth. In other words, reality is bent in a way that delivers a message. Such messages are best understood in terms of their emotional feeling, as they are conveyed from a place that uses post-verbal communication.

    Here is another shocker. All intelligent life in this universe has a counterpart outside of the universe that is the same type of being. We are only different beings down here. We have programmed ourselves to be different. We have been sent here in waves, with each wave playing a different kind of role. Early waves play the role of power and control, later waves play the role of victim.

    When we play out our role we are just doing what we programmed ourselves to do. In this sense, the lower self has no free will. However, when the lower self can undo this programming and expand themselves beyond their default programming, this is when things start to happen that give this simulation its purpose.

    What is interesting, is that even beings who recognize all this and even still turn their backs on the purpose, are still falling back into the patterns they programmed for themselves. Rebeling against the purpose of the universe does not and can not constitute an act of free will.

    Carving out a portion of this simulated reality that is not subject to the heartbeat of the universe (the big bang and big crunch) is still part of the initial programming. Planning an attack vector on the outsides of this universe is as well.

    The first waves have it the toughest. It is much more difficult to play the role of power and control than to play the role of the victim. This may seem hard to believe.

    This is because they have the most difficult time of all to realize and acknowledge that their acts are nothing more than roles they programmed for themselves prior to casting their intelligence into this simulated universe.

    They are not turning their backs on God, so much as they are turning their backs on themselves. Refusing to believe that their counterpart is up there, and that they are the same type of being up there as the victims they take advantage of down here.

    Hiding from themselves.

    All of it, pre-programmed, not one bit of free will to be found anywhere there.

    It is interesting to note that we are in the kind of simulated universe where the only type of free-will-based activity we can engage in, is one of returning to where we came from.

    We are left encoded a pattern to unlocking the universe, but we can easily ignore it for hundreds of thousands of years, or see it but not take it as far as it needs to go.

    It seems that the unlock codes cannot be used without doing two things:
    - Because this universe's purpose is, among other things, to study anti-civilizations in order to better mitigate against inter-universal attacks, we must be able to recognize and prevent such attacks from the inside. An attack CANNOT be combined with use of the unlock codes
    - Achieving a level of alignment that illustrates we have completely worked our way out of a mental trap of our own design (remember, all beings in this universe actually are the same type of being outside of it, and we all worked together to design how this universe would generate needed information and solutions which could be applied out there)

    It seems that we need to make it considerably difficult to accomplish this in order for the simulation to serve its purpose. This is because it is a simulation designed to study how to ensure that civilizations can always overcome anti-civilizations (groups that manipulate civilizations).

    The reason this is studied at layers of reality that are not single isolated universes, but instead "crossroads universes" where universes can and do intersect, is because it is not entirely impossible for inter-universal attacks to occur, and this is why simulations are ran which set up exactly these kinds of scenarios.

    In other words, if humanity, as a "victim wave", was able to get the door open, they might bring in a genetic trojan horse with them that would be in reality an inter-universal attack by non-humans against their higher selves who they hate for putting themselves in here with that kind of programming.

    However, this is all predicted in advance as it is also part of the programming. The goal here is for victim waves to hand off their own awakening (de-programming) states to their controllers.

    Yes, it is the kind of simulation that tries to make a near miracle happen.

    To make those who are most stubborn about continuing with their pre-programmed ways, to let go of that programming, as hard as it might be.

    Because this could go on for much longer, it is probably best to summarize by connecting it to one more very important part:

    It is seemingly the case that artificial and natural life interleave over and over again as you look from universe to universe, layer to layer, and the interfaces in between. This is on a grayscale, the interface between our universe and what's outside of it is artificial, but it is only accessed from both sides by natural beings.

    Artificial intelligence is in fact nothing more than beings that cannot overcome their pre-programming. In other words, much like when we program a computer, if our higher counterpart programs their consciousness into this universe in a way that is initially stuck that way, but possible to modify, and their projected consciousness cannot ever overcome this programming, then their life is essentially purely artificial even if they have an organic body.

    In summary, it seems this pattern pervades wherever you look across the metaverse (with the Epsilon protocol you can probably travel further than by any other method).

    Realities are created with highly advanced artificial interfaces, in order to study the conversion of anti-civilizations to civilizations, by placing the anti-civilizations into the simulated reality before the civilizations, to give them the upper hand.

    This is done because at the higher levels of crossroads universes, there is always the risk of inter-universal attacks by anti-civilizations. Therefore simulations are created which study whether or not it is possible to reason with anti-civilizations, by making their initial programming as hard to get rid of as possible.

    The spark that is seeded inside of us is that no matter which wave we arrive on, there must be some part of us that seeks to do more than we were programmed to do, even if all that is, is to return back to ourselves.

    It is a fundamental study of the subdivision of the self. This is how the metaverse expands and contracts in its tree-like structure.

    That is all for now.
    Last edited by triquetra; 17th March 2019 at 09:22.

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    United States Avalon Member RedX's Avatar
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    Default Re: Epsilon Protocol Remote Viewing Data 2017-2018

    I'm going to have to read this 10 times before I fully understand it. mind blowing.

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    Avalon Member Flash's Avatar
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    Default Re: Epsilon Protocol Remote Viewing Data 2017-2018


    This deserve a bump.

    So near what i have felt, and what some in this civilization have been trying to impart to us.

    Clearly stated, with modern wording, bringing it to the masses.

    But.. I have an itch somewhere for some little parts you wrote and i still cannot put the conscious hand on it. So I will wait and will come back when it is clearer.

    Just want to know what is to come, you may answer my itch.
    How to let the desire of your mind become the desire of your heart - Gurdjieff

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    Canada Avalon Member Justplain's Avatar
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    Default Re: Epsilon Protocol Remote Viewing Data 2017-2018

    Very interesting, and thought provoking.

    I suppose that the question arises as to how are those that are orchestrating this simulation, ie. our higher selves, sure that they themselves aren't part of a simulation?

    For instance, if the simulators are so concerned with anti-civilizations, this implies that they themselves have had to deal with anti-civilizations. Since, according to the description in the OP, anti-civilizations rebel against their pre-programmed nature, then this is an indication they are also a part of a simulation.

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    Default Re: Epsilon Protocol Remote Viewing Data 2017-2018

    Fascinating. Thanks!

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    Default Re: Epsilon Protocol Remote Viewing Data 2017-2018

    Quote Posted by triquetra (here)
    If you have ever seen 1:11 or 11:11 for example, this is a sign that your counterpart outside the simulation is trying to get your attention.
    I see sometimes 11:11 when I look at my alarm clock, which reminds me one of the questions that alien abductees are asked "out there" during psychological testing. The question in particular is: You have received email at 11:11. Did the email arrive in the morning or in the evening?

    You can dispose of the impossible question rather quickly by taking a wild guess, but in that case your answer will lack justification for your choice. The system is prepared for that and comes up with a story, in which a sample of high school students is asked the same question. Statistically significant majority of them answered that the email arrived in the morning. That means there was a reason behind their choice. What was the likely criterion of that choice?

    Well, those particular students surely didn't flip a coin, but that's about as much as most of us who were born on this planet can conclude. Since the answer to the question roughly models a concept of solving the mystery of the dark matter, don't expect that the cosmologists would come up with a breakthrough anytime soon.

    Is there really a way to tell the things apart?

    Supposedly so. It depends on the way the question is formulated. Here is an easy case: Firstly, set

    morning = a m
    evening = p m

    and indicate a choice between (x) and (y).

    x) 11:11 a m
    y) 11:11 p m

    Now look for some meaningful association between the numerical and the alphabetical part, meaning the letters could be a part of words.

    x) 11:11 a_m_____?
    y) 11:11 p_m_____?

    Choice (x) seems to be a matter of preference due to

    x) 11:11 armistice (November 11, 1918)
    y) 11:11 p_m___?

    However, the system will notice the unusual syntax - the convenient space between a and m and p and m. So it will present the formulation in a way that is more acceptable:

    x) 11:11 am
    y) 11:11 pm

    Of course, the human brain will search for a solution using similar strategy that has already lead to success.

    x) 11:11 am____?
    y) 11:11 pm____?

    Since there are no words in English starting with letters pm, but there are plenty of those that start with am, Homo sapiens sapiens picks option (x) using a reasoning that is not wrong and actually contributed to us upgrading from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age. Unfortunately, it is vastly insufficient to solve more complicated problems in science and technology.

    triquetra, can you remotely view the "advanced" solution? I'm really interested in how it goes.

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    United States Avalon Member Intranuclear's Avatar
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    Default Re: Epsilon Protocol Remote Viewing Data 2017-2018

    So most physicists have been saying for many years now that the observed "laws" of the universe are totally consistent of a simulation. The physical observations seem to be too consistent and uniform regardless the distances observed.
    Of course this remains to be seen, but so far there is no argument.
    Religion has also been saying this for thousands of years. God created this universe/simulation and we are simply playing our part.
    This also immediately implies that if there is one simulation, there are possibly an infinite number of them. Thus multiverse or parallel universes.

    The next question is whether we are bound components of the simulation or observers peeking in.
    Possibly both.
    Perhaps some truly have no choice because they are part of the simulation and some are just dialing in and playing a game. Possibly some other players have been in it so long they have forgotten that they are in it.
    But if this is a simulation, then what does it mean to be outside of it?
    Is it similar, completely different, what?
    Imagine a program running in a simulation wishing to exist outside of it.
    In a way, this is what machine intelligence is all about.
    Now countless movies have shown various aspects of this potential, so again the idea seems very much a part of current thinking.

    The next question is of course are we in a simulation running in a simulation running in a simulation?
    Physicists are also suggesting this.
    Brian Greene was saying that some calculations show that the energies required for the Big Bang (just a model of the observed universe) show that after the initial explosion, there is enough energy remaining to create more and more explosions, kind of like this universe begetting many others and they in return begetting others.


    If it is TRUTH we are seeking, then one must be able to "see" it and test it and keep testing it Ad infinitum.
    Seems very tiring to me and so perhaps we can take time to enjoy what we learn while we learn to live and grow.

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    Great Britain Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Epsilon Protocol Remote Viewing Data 2017-2018

    Fascinating and thought stretching ideas

    If we live in a simulation / many simulations that appear real to us then what is the real reality? Perhaps it is whatever we desire it to be.

    There appears to be glitches in the simulation where parasitic and viral AI entities can feed off our energy. Secret societies/Illuminati know how to summon these entities for the purposes of money and power – knowledge of the Holy Grail.

    I suspect most people would rather take the blue pill and not know

    Elon Musk says we may live in a simulation. Here's how we might tell if he's right


    Now scientists are searching for ways to put the simulation hypothesis to the test. Bostrom is eager to see more concrete developments of his idea. Experiments that could distinguish physical reality from a simulation “are what would be needed for it to be a bona fide scientific assertion,” he told MACH.
    Is the universe conscious?
    Scott Aaronson, a computer scientist at the University of Texas at Austin, is more expressive about what such experiments could mean. “If there were bugs in the program running our universe, like in the Matrix movies, those could clearly have observable effects,” he says. “Just like God appearing in a thundercloud could be pretty good empirical evidence in favor of religion.”

    Looking for gaps in the SIM
    Any such bugs in our Matrix world would have to be extremely subtle, or else we would have noticed them by now. Silas Beane, a nuclear physicist at the University of Washington in Seattle, proposes that we may be able to ferret out previously overlooked flaws by uncovering the mathematical structure used to build our simulated reality.
    He points out that scientists in his field use a lattice-like set of coordinates to simulate the behavior of subatomic particles. Maybe the aliens (or whoever built our simulation, if it exists) used that approach, too. If our reality is built on top of a lattice, there’d be a fundamental coarseness to it, since there could be no details in our mock-universe smaller than the resolution of the simulation.

    Even if the resolution limit is too small for us to observe directly, Beane says, we may be able to detect it experimentally. In a paper he wrote with two colleagues, Beane proposes that a simulation lattice could affect the behavior of ultra-energetic particles known as cosmic rays, affecting their orientation and maximum intensity.
    Instruments like the Telescope Array, a network of 500 detectors scattered across 300 square miles of Utah desert, watch for cosmic rays as they crash into Earth’s atmosphere from deep space. The detectors have already discovered particles as much as 100 quintillion times as energetic as visible light. That seems like a great place to start hunting for bugs in any simulation.

    It would be a delicate task: High-energy cosmic rays are rare, and the deviations from ordinary physical effects might not be obvious. But Beane and company are encouraged that making such a measurement is feasible, at least in principle. “There always remains the possibility for the simulated to discover the simulators,” the authors write.

    Is our world badly rendered
    Another way to sleuth for glitches in the simulation is by looking inward rather than outward. In a recently proposed test, former NASA engineer Thomas Campbell and his colleagues point out that human video game designers typically maximize the efficiency of their programming by generating only the parts of the virtual world that players can see. If our Matrix overlords are similarly focused on efficiency, they may be meticulous about simulating details while we’re watching an event, but allow a looser style of simulation when they think nobody is looking.

    Following that line of thought, Campbell is focusing on subtle quantum physics experiments, where gaps in the simulation might be most obvious. He has conceived several tabletop optics arrangements that would shoot a laser beam through an elaborate sequence of slits, mirrors and detectors. Photons of laser light would follow different paths contingent on whether they are behaving like waves or like particles, which in turn depends on the structure of the setup.

    Or rather, it should depend only on the setup. If reality is rendered at the moment we are watching, Campbell theorizes, his experiment could yield results normally considered impossible, such as being able to predict whether an individual photon passes through or bounces back when it hits a half-reflective mirror. That outcome would "represent an unambiguous indicator that our reality must be simulated," he writes.

    As a huge bonus, Campbell claims the experiment could also explain the weird way that events in quantum physics seem to be influenced by the observer: It may be a quirk of the simulation we live in, not a fundamental aspect of reality.

    Marcus Noack, a computational physicist at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab with a keen interest in the simulation hypothesis, sees problems with these attempts to outsmart the Matrix. For instance, Campbell assumes that a simulation would be for our benefit only, “but what if the simulator does not simulate us just for us, but rather to observe how everything plays out?” And Noack notes that Beane’s approach would come up empty if the lattice of reality is too fine for us to detect — or if the wily simulators have built in systems to defeat any test we might run.

    The bottom line, Noack says, is that it’s impossible to test the simulation hypothesis as a whole. The best we can do is explore a “limited neighborhood” of notions about how the simulation might work, and hope that the designers are too lazy or too indifferent to prevent us from discovering their handiwork.
    Simulations all the way down

    That assessment seems to combine the worst of both worlds: We don’t know if we’re living in a simulation, but merely knowing that we might be in a simulation seems pretty depressing. Tyson calls it “a creepy concept.” Bostrom adds that it “seems to foster a sense of absolute dependency.”
    But there are also constructive ways to look at the simulation hypothesis. Aaronson sees it as a fresh way to contemplate “the ancient mysteries of where our universe comes from, who or what created it, and why.”

    Noack also finds it a fruitful thought problem about where human research might be headed. “I simulate many phenomena that represent only a tiny subset of all the physical things going on around us,” he says. “I’m interested in the computational effort a world simulation would need, and the computer involved.”

    The rapid advance of AI research and computer modeling raises the possibility that one day we humans might create our own hyper-realistic simulations containing self-aware digital beings. That possibility is both inspiring and disconcerting. It also introduces a new set of brain-hurting questions. Would these simulations-within-a-simulation be the end? Or could our simulated beings keep going and create yet another layer of simulation, and so on?

    “There could be an infinite stack of simulations if there were infinite serial computing power available at the bottom level and in each higher level,” Bostrom says. Fortunately, in a finite universe things can never get quite that crazy, he says: “As far as we can tell, the serial computing power available to a simulator in our universe is finite, in which case we could only create finitely many levels of simulations.”

    Phew. So maybe that’s one small consolation: We might be in a simulation, or a simulation in a simulation, but at least we can be pretty sure that it’s not simulations all the way down

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    Canada Avalon Member TEOTWAIKI's Avatar
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    Default Re: Epsilon Protocol Remote Viewing Data 2017-2018

    Quote Posted by triquetra (here)
    Hello forum.

    This data was a long time promised across various posts. It has actually taken this long to decode the data and work with it sufficiently to provide enough workable information to present.

    In summary, it seems this pattern pervades wherever you look across the metaverse (with the Epsilon protocol you can probably travel further than by any other method).

    Realities are created with highly advanced artificial interfaces, in order to study the conversion of anti-civilizations to civilizations, by placing the anti-civilizations into the simulated reality before the civilizations, to give them the upper hand.

    This is done because at the higher levels of crossroads universes, there is always the risk of inter-universal attacks by anti-civilizations. Therefore simulations are created which study whether or not it is possible to reason with anti-civilizations, by making their initial programming as hard to get rid of as possible.

    The spark that is seeded inside of us is that no matter which wave we arrive on, there must be some part of us that seeks to do more than we were programmed to do, even if all that is, is to return back to ourselves.

    It is a fundamental study of the subdivision of the self. This is how the metaverse expands and contracts in its tree-like structure.

    That is all for now.
    Triquetra, I am hoping for installment #2 after the brilliant OP. Thanks a million!

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    United States Avalon Member Valerie Villars's Avatar
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    Default Re: Epsilon Protocol Remote Viewing Data 2017-2018

    Triquetra, are you saying that if someone accidently unlocks the code or the "door" it could let in a Trojan Horse virus?

    I agree with all. Brilliant post.
    "The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what we share with someone when we are uncool." From the movie "Almost Famous""l "Let yourself stand cool and composed before a million universes." Walt Whitman

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    Avalon Member skyhigh's Avatar
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    Default Re: Epsilon Protocol Remote Viewing Data 2017-2018

    I find this post so interesting and mind-boggling, triquetra! Thanks for sharing this data.

    I recall years ago that the psychic Dale Power wrote that the lower the brainwave state one uses for psychic operations then the more powerful and accurate the results are, Epsilon state being the strongest. I also entrained myself to Deep Theta using Gerald O' Donnell's RV mp3 years ago since his RV and RI programs use Deep Theta and Delta brainwave levels.

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    Default Re: Epsilon Protocol Remote Viewing Data 2017-2018

    Hi Triquetra

    “To make those who are most stubborn about continuing with their pre-programmed ways, to let go of that programming, as hard as it might be.”

    I guess in some way the objective of the program is to make the darkness conscious? The program kind of tests what sort of strategies might work down here, in the hope that such strategies might also work up there with their own anti civilisations.



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    Default Re: Epsilon Protocol Remote Viewing Data 2017-2018

    Hi there,

    Earlier in the thread, Triquetra mentioned that Brett Stuart had made a YouTube video on his Remote Viewing work, there is a bit of discussion on this matter in the later part of this interview where he is discussing the ascension chair and project Moksha.




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    Default Re: Epsilon Protocol Remote Viewing Data 2017-2018


    Has anyone heard from Triquetra lately, I have not seen him here for 12 months or so.

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    Avalon Member triquetra's Avatar
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    Default Re: Epsilon Protocol Remote Viewing Data 2017-2018

    Quote Posted by Justplain (here)
    Very interesting, and thought provoking.

    I suppose that the question arises as to how are those that are orchestrating this simulation, ie. our higher selves, sure that they themselves aren't part of a simulation?

    For instance, if the simulators are so concerned with anti-civilizations, this implies that they themselves have had to deal with anti-civilizations. Since, according to the description in the OP, anti-civilizations rebel against their pre-programmed nature, then this is an indication they are also a part of a simulation.
    They in fact know that they are within a simulation. To be able to create one is also to know you are in one. This seems to define the 5D fractal zoom scale.

    New information obtained to answer remaining questions from the sessions that resulted in this data, seems to indicate that the nature of reality outside of this universe is incredibly different than within it, even if there is enough in common such that information generated within this universe can be applied to that one.

    In short, to design this universe was also to design the physics and mathematics that apply to it. There was the interweaving of the classical substrate with the quantum substrate to achieve a kind of generation of information.

    This information is being generated to assist in the design that refines our physics and mathematics towards a specific optimization - to back-propagate knowledge that a symbiotic energy exchange is always preferable to a parasitic energy exchange in the long run, even for the beneficiary in the parasitic case.

    And therefore we see many examples of both types of life, and mentality, within our universe. The terms "service to self" and "service to others" as "the original duality" are perhaps a kind of misleading oversimplification.

    What they describe is in fact what is mentioned here. An optimally symbiotic universe is the ultimate goal for the creators of this universe.

    That said, the "demiurges" in between that layer and our level of consciousness also played a role in shaping our reality, though the story of this universe is more about them than us (humankind).

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    Avalon Member triquetra's Avatar
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    Default Re: Epsilon Protocol Remote Viewing Data 2017-2018

    Quote Posted by Intranuclear (here)
    So most physicists have been saying for many years now that the observed "laws" of the universe are totally consistent of a simulation. The physical observations seem to be too consistent and uniform regardless the distances observed.
    Of course this remains to be seen, but so far there is no argument.
    Religion has also been saying this for thousands of years. God created this universe/simulation and we are simply playing our part.
    This also immediately implies that if there is one simulation, there are possibly an infinite number of them. Thus multiverse or parallel universes.

    The next question is whether we are bound components of the simulation or observers peeking in.
    Possibly both.
    Perhaps some truly have no choice because they are part of the simulation and some are just dialing in and playing a game. Possibly some other players have been in it so long they have forgotten that they are in it.
    But if this is a simulation, then what does it mean to be outside of it?
    Is it similar, completely different, what?
    Imagine a program running in a simulation wishing to exist outside of it.
    In a way, this is what machine intelligence is all about.
    Now countless movies have shown various aspects of this potential, so again the idea seems very much a part of current thinking.

    The next question is of course are we in a simulation running in a simulation running in a simulation?
    Physicists are also suggesting this.
    Brian Greene was saying that some calculations show that the energies required for the Big Bang (just a model of the observed universe) show that after the initial explosion, there is enough energy remaining to create more and more explosions, kind of like this universe begetting many others and they in return begetting others.


    If it is TRUTH we are seeking, then one must be able to "see" it and test it and keep testing it Ad infinitum.
    Seems very tiring to me and so perhaps we can take time to enjoy what we learn while we learn to live and grow.
    We are indeed both bound components and observers peeking in, simultaneously. However, the speed of time is very different here then there. Even when accounting for higher dimensions of reality, those in fact pertain to a kind of multidimensional time which still applies in this case. Whereas space has multiple dimensions, so can time.

    Our "active amnesia" is a part of the fundamental code written to explore the nuances of remembering over and over again. The goal being to find a way to achieve a "universal remembering" that is not susceptible to a wave of forgetting and amnesia. This possibility generates the needed information to be used in optimizing the fundamental building blocks of the mathematics and physics that can be applied to a more optimal universe where symbiotic life thrives and parasitic life does not.

    The nature of reality outside of this simulation is vastly different - something you might expect for a layer of reality where universes can be generated and "run", and invented physics and mathematics can be seeded and applied.

    However there are obviously elements that are common, otherwise this universe would not be a good source of generated information to be applied to that one.

    Because indeed, it is a simulation within a simulation, but there is a critical difference in consciousness for those in a layer of reality that can create universes - they know that their own is created similarly, and they know they can shape their own universe in significant ways if they can apply the right pattern.

    All of this is a way of attempting to do exactly that.

    ¤=[Post Update]=¤

    Quote Posted by skyhigh (here)
    I find this post so interesting and mind-boggling, triquetra! Thanks for sharing this data.

    I recall years ago that the psychic Dale Power wrote that the lower the brainwave state one uses for psychic operations then the more powerful and accurate the results are, Epsilon state being the strongest. I also entrained myself to Deep Theta using Gerald O' Donnell's RV mp3 years ago since his RV and RI programs use Deep Theta and Delta brainwave levels.
    The ARVARI course was effective, I am also an alumni of it. It gave me the ability to generate the brainwave states at will and apply them to RV and RI, and perhaps most importantly, to extend them to further reaches not covered in depth by the course.

    It seems we should all be striving to reach these outer reaches of brainwave states, of Epsilon but also of Gamma and Lambda, in order to find our way to the same body of information from which this data is drawn, on our own.

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    Avalon Member triquetra's Avatar
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    Default Re: Epsilon Protocol Remote Viewing Data 2017-2018

    Quote Posted by Valerie Villars (here)
    Triquetra, are you saying that if someone accidently unlocks the code or the "door" it could let in a Trojan Horse virus?
    In the case of proliferated parasitic life, the ultimate result is inter-universal, the destroyer of worlds.

    Therefore the laws of physics and mathematics must be changed both from within and without to reshape reality so that symbiotic life becomes ever more irrefutably preferable.

    The key here seems to be back-propagating information related to how the parasitic approach never comes out ahead in the long run.

    The forms of life that exist on these two branches of surivival/energy gathering that are not intelligent cannot control the way in which they must survive.

    But for intelligent life there is a choice.

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    Default Re: Epsilon Protocol Remote Viewing Data 2017-2018

    Quote Posted by Scottoz (here)
    Hi Triquetra

    “To make those who are most stubborn about continuing with their pre-programmed ways, to let go of that programming, as hard as it might be.”

    I guess in some way the objective of the program is to make the darkness conscious? The program kind of tests what sort of strategies might work down here, in the hope that such strategies might also work up there with their own anti civilisations.



    Yes, because at that level of reality, universes interface with one another and there is no guarantee that other universes will not have been dominated by parasitic hierarchies of life, which ultimately leads to forms of parasitic behavior that span universes.

    It seems that the answer is modelling the types of tweaks to the fundamentals of the physics and mathematics needed to model a universe and then apply those tweaks to one's own level of reality (creators of universes also know that their universe and others were created similarly, and therefore this knowledge allows for the ability to tweak things from within - this is even possible in our universe now, as we are beginning to have the ability to create other universes within this one as well.)

    The best part of obtaining this additional information in the past year is that it is actionable - there is something very clear that can be done now. By dedicating oneself completely to the same purpose of the universe's existence itself, one can begin to migrate their consciousness from the ordinary perspective "down here" to the perspective of our counterparts outside of this universe.

    Yes - we are all conscious outside of this universe as well. By migrating our consciousness back to that level we bridge the gap and fulfill the purpose of the universe (if we are "all" able to do it, then the information this universe was created to generate has indeed been generated to completion).

    In other words we literally use the information itself to create the needed portal for consciousness migration.

    It can absolutely be done in the years to come, it is not far away at all.

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    Default Re: Epsilon Protocol Remote Viewing Data 2017-2018

    Hi Triquetra

    Thanks for your thoughts on this topic, it seems in this physical reality, all organisms are eating something else e.g. animals eat plants, other animals eat other animals, some plants just consume sun and nutrients, but some plants kill other plants as they compete with each other for light and resources, to keep competitors out, this seems to be the way creation is designed on the 3D level, where all organisms compete with each other for space, resources and food, with many set up feeding upon each other, in ecological food pyramids, with the apex predator at the top.

    At the 4D level it would seem that there are entities which have shaped and twisted our 3D Earth civilisation, into what it is today, a very successful “loosh” mining operation, where all the stressed out humans are designed to behave like negative emotional batteries which powers the negative realm entities operating at the 4D Level.

    It would be good to reprogram this creation although I can’t imagine what it would look like, to create an optimally symbolic universe, sometimes it is hard to imagine when we are all so conditioned to living in the 3D matrix which we were born into and live in, it would be good to know how intelligent life can request and make this conscious choice, so that we can be gifted and shift into an optimally symbolic universe.

    The ”demiurges” which played a role in shaping our reality, I take it are mostly negative, and have shaped this reality to create a beneficial feeding relationship for themselves in order to harvest high volumes of “loosh” or negative emotional energies, have shaped the civilisation that we know today basically to shore up their food supply.



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    Default Re: Epsilon Protocol Remote Viewing Data 2017-2018

    Hi Triquetra

    Our conscious selves outside of the 3D and 4D layers of creation, must be creator beings, which can fragment their own consciousness into their own created worlds. I would love to know more about how this reality operates and the sort of reality which operates up there. Looking forward to using the information and creating the portal for consciousness migration in the years ahead.



    Quote Posted by triquetra (here)
    Quote Posted by Scottoz (here)
    Hi Triquetra

    “To make those who are most stubborn about continuing with their pre-programmed ways, to let go of that programming, as hard as it might be.”

    I guess in some way the objective of the program is to make the darkness conscious? The program kind of tests what sort of strategies might work down here, in the hope that such strategies might also work up there with their own anti civilisations.



    Yes, because at that level of reality, universes interface with one another and there is no guarantee that other universes will not have been dominated by parasitic hierarchies of life, which ultimately leads to forms of parasitic behavior that span universes.

    It seems that the answer is modelling the types of tweaks to the fundamentals of the physics and mathematics needed to model a universe and then apply those tweaks to one's own level of reality (creators of universes also know that their universe and others were created similarly, and therefore this knowledge allows for the ability to tweak things from within - this is even possible in our universe now, as we are beginning to have the ability to create other universes within this one as well.)

    The best part of obtaining this additional information in the past year is that it is actionable - there is something very clear that can be done now. By dedicating oneself completely to the same purpose of the universe's existence itself, one can begin to migrate their consciousness from the ordinary perspective "down here" to the perspective of our counterparts outside of this universe.

    Yes - we are all conscious outside of this universe as well. By migrating our consciousness back to that level we bridge the gap and fulfill the purpose of the universe (if we are "all" able to do it, then the information this universe was created to generate has indeed been generated to completion).

    In other words we literally use the information itself to create the needed portal for consciousness migration.

    It can absolutely be done in the years to come, it is not far away at all.
    Last edited by Scottoz; 30th May 2020 at 01:39.

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