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Thread: OverWatch channel

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    United States Avalon Member Ascension's Avatar
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    Default OverWatch channel

    I know we're not supposed to just throw links out without specifics, but this You Tube channel has so many relevant (for me) videos, I couldn't make a decision.


    If you, at some point, realized that humanity has been indoctrinated, that critical thinking is rare, that religion, politics, science and history have been corrupted, that you may have been genetically altered, that your consciousness seems to be stuck in a limited human body, that you are potentially trapped, either by your own choice or by being tricked, to incarnate/reincarnate on planet earth, then videos on this channel may interest you.

    This You Tuber's journey seems to parallel my own and I find myself exactly where he is in terms of belief systems. He comes from a similar background... he's a game player, a comic book reader, he buys into Robert Monroe's oobe experiences and data with almost religious fervor, and has a sincere desire to end his subscription to the game of life on planet earth after his content expires.

    If you have any interest in the above, please check anyone of his videos out. He also is methodical about putting links up to his material.

    (I am not connected to his channel in any way other than being a subscriber.)

  2. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Ascension For This Post:

    celticwarrior (12th April 2019), Sunny-side-up (12th April 2019), toppy (12th April 2019), Valerie Villars (12th April 2019), wondering (12th April 2019)

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