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Thread: A far better Future

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    Germany Avalon Member wegge's Avatar
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    Default A far better Future

    Hey guys!

    I’ve recently started a newsletter, mainly focused on different Imagination Exercises from working with Jon Rappoport´s material (who is also a deep medical Journalist).

    The way I talk about things is a level (or two) below the things we talk about here on Avalon, but the exercises I give at the end are very worthwhile doing, if you want to become a conscious creator and step up to creating your own future instead of only consuming the **** of a world the elites are handing down to us.

    Here is the 2nd edition of The Imaginary Newsletter:


    Welcome to this newsletter, dedicated to the expansion of our imaginations and creative powers, because they are the force that can really change reality (aka the world).
    Today´s topic: Envisioning a far better Future
    From the previous newsletter, were I talked about our probably infinite past, I want to focus this time on the future, again from a point of view of increasing our imagination and creativity.

    Often we get future predictions thrown at us, like the sea level will rise and millions of people will lose home.

    But, this is only one picture out of a million scenarios . I do believe that once we tap into our potential we can create, individually and on a planetary level, whatever future we want to see.

    And this leads to the question, what is a future we would love to experience?

    When thinking about a future, a fabulous future, a far better future than the one that is commonly predicted/painted for us, what arises within yourself, which pictures do come up?
    Put all external suggestions, trends or probabilities aside for a moment.

    What do you see, what could you imagine? What is your dream future? What is a future you would love to live in? What would happen in that world?

    If you think that 50 years from now on we`re already doomed and there`s nothing one can do about it, then go to a time after the great catastrophy.

    Like 300 years from now, in the year 2319, how would a far better, more interesting future look like?

    One exercise to tap into that future is to come up with/invent headlines that would be seen in that future.

    Here are some of the headlines of a far better/more interesting future that I came up with:

    Last public school closed forever
    First dolphin elected president in New Zealand
    Group of Pharaohs seen marching out of the Great Pyramid, holding up a banner stating „Make Egypt Great Again“
    Last bottle of plastic picked up on a beach in Mexico
    Pope Merry Prankster the 3rd hosts great interreligious orgy on St. Peter´s Square to celebrate outbreak of total peace on earth 50 years ago

    If you have any questions regarding the exercise or want to tell me what you discovered, feel free to reach out.
    If you have a friend who would love to receive these kinds of e-mails you can send them this link to sign up

    See you in a great future!
    My book on the philosophy and power of imagination and how to train yours:

  2. The Following 18 Users Say Thank You to wegge For This Post:

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    Germany Avalon Member vander's Avatar
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    Default Re: A far better Future

    humanity loves suffering and destruction to talk about it over and over again for as long as possible to have an excuse not needing to take on own responsibility and blame the outside world for everything, because it's much easier this way
    for it would be a "disaster" if it were over tomorrow...


    take on responsibility



    this MUST be our future
    we don't need speculations, because we already had them all

    time to close this book of misery and darkness
    time to open a new book
    one of success, without suffering, with love and happiness, a life based not entirely on secondary wishes

    my few cents to it what I pray for
    whatever the mind can conceive it can achieve

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    Germany Avalon Member wegge's Avatar
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    Default Re: A far better Future

    Newsletter Edition no. 3

    Archetype Meditation

    Why do it?

    Get more energy, unlock new parts of you, having an adventure, get new ideas, increase your consciousness, more focus, because it´s fun, change your point of view, other effects that will be uniquely yours;

    What is it?

    With Meditation I mean a kind of immersion and you will understand it once you read the instructions for the exercises.
    Archetype comes from greek and can be split into archein which means „original or old“ and typos means „pattern, model or type“ and you can put it together as in „original model“, —> that after which all the others are modeled. One could also think of it as blueprint or stereotype (which has a more negative and also weaker spin to it).
    Examples or Archetypes are: Mother, Father, Child, Teacher, Healer, Politician, the Joker, Magician, Nerd, Musician (which holds several subcategories like Popstar, Streetmusician, DJ and so on).
    Each Archetype has certain qualities, behaviors, energies, temperament, point of view. Every one of us has operating several Archetypes within. Somebody could for example have a combination of the father, teacher, husband, child and warrior working within.
    It is in fact not so important which archetypes you have within you. What does matter is that you go deep with the ones that you already have or you start to consciously emulate new ones, ones that you are curious to experience and explore.

    To get started on this trip, make an inventory of all the Archetypes that come easily to your mind, start with the ones I mentioned above and take it from there. If you run out of ideas think fairytales, Halloween and (greek) mythology.

    Now take one, or two (just in case), that really resonate with you, that touch something in you, that make you stop for a second and that elicit some undefinable curiosity... you know what I mean.
    When you have found your Archetype that you want to meditate on/connect deeper with/ bring into your life, I have two exercises for you that will get you going. As with all exercises, it is important to give them a real workout, like say 15min every day for a month, to dive really in and unlock all of its treasures.

    Exercise no. 1:

    You write about the Archetype and there are no limits what you can write about. You can write about a typical day in the Archetype`s life OR about what´s going on in his/her mind OR his last holiday on the moon OR his thoughts on environmentalism OR that day they traveled in time and visited the old Mayas...

    Exercise no. 2:

    - Look, with your mind and imagination, at your Archetype and feel him, the energy and the emotions that he radiates
    - Increase the energy, emotions and feelings - make them stronger (again with your mind and your imagination)
    - Swim around in the Archetype
    - Become the Archetype. Experience the world with the eyes, ears, nose etc. of your Archetype

    Okay that´s it! I hope you have some interesting experiences and insights with it.

  6. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to wegge For This Post:

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    Default Re: A far better Future

    Quote Group of Pharaohs seen marching out of the Great Pyramid, holding up a banner stating „Make Egypt Great Again“
    Not sure about how this would be great, as the Pharaoh, from what i know wasn't like someone very cool and liked slavery plus other bad stuff

    Also i though there could be only one Pharaoh at a time? So a group of them would be even worse

    I don't think i would the future to have something like that again, it would mean people went backwards :/

  8. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Mashika For This Post:

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    Germany Avalon Member wegge's Avatar
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    Default Re: A far better Future

    Can you imagine a benevolent Pharao?

    What other headlines can you come up with?

    The whole idea is about proliferation, creating many different futures/scenarios, it’s about the decentralization of our minds from the centrally projected elite future

    It’s about not getting hung up on one picture but get creative with that one picture and rearrange it or do something totally new.

  10. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to wegge For This Post:

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    Default Re: A far better Future

    Quote Posted by wegge (here)
    Can you imagine a benevolent Pharao?

    What other headlines can you come up with?

    The whole idea is about proliferation, creating many different futures/scenarios, it’s about the decentralization of our minds from the centrally projected elite future

    It’s about not getting hung up on one picture but get creative with that one picture and rearrange it or do something totally new.
    Here are a couple

    Last antique fuel based car restoration club shuts down after being unable to find fuel for their engines

    Teleportation company loses license after verification finds there are missing atoms on destination copy


  12. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Mashika For This Post:

    Bill Ryan (8th October 2019), christian (8th October 2019), Forest Denizen (8th October 2019), onevoice (11th November 2019), wegge (8th October 2019)

  13. Link to Post #7
    Canada Avalon Member Ernie Nemeth's Avatar
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    Default Re: A far better Future

    The first copy of a printable starship left Earth today carrying a portable printer on board. Upon destination at the solid gold asteroid, the ship will deploy the printer to the surface. There the printer will begin printing factories and set up a mining base. Afterwards, it will begin printing cargo-ships for delivering the ore back to earth.

    The second coming was cancelled today due to lack of interest.
    Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless — like water...Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend. Bruce Lee

    Free will can only be as free as the mind that conceives it.

  14. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Ernie Nemeth For This Post:

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    delete it all.
    Last edited by Kamikaze; 13th November 2020 at 18:11.

  16. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Kamikaze For This Post:

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    Default Re: A far better Future

    Hi, have you release a new edition yet? Are you planning to otherwise? I would love to read it

  18. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Mashika For This Post:

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    Germany Avalon Member wegge's Avatar
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    Default Re: A far better Future

    Quote Posted by Mashika (here)
    Hi, have you release a new edition yet? Are you planning to otherwise? I would love to read it

    Not yet, but I will finish it soon, it will be a guided adventure meditation.

  20. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to wegge For This Post:

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    Default Re: A far better Future

    Quote Posted by wegge (here)
    Quote Posted by Mashika (here)
    Hi, have you release a new edition yet? Are you planning to otherwise? I would love to read it

    Not yet, but I will finish it soon, it will be a guided adventure meditation.
    You know what would be cool, one of those like "choose your own adventure" thing

    But instead of having the entire choices prepared beforehand, let people write their own ends and so on, all based in the future of course

    Then we could all put it all together, i bet if people would put what's on their minds for the future they can see, lots of crazy nice/terrible things would come out
    Last edited by Mashika; 20th October 2019 at 06:47.

  22. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Mashika For This Post:

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    United States Avalon Member Mike's Avatar
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    Default Re: A far better Future

    "last dog liberated from owner..pet slavery finally ends!"

    "man who identifies as a fire hydrant sues woman who identifies as a dog when she pisses on him during wedding ceremony"

    "feminists protest lack of outrage over outrage over too much outrage"

    sorry..couldn't help myself
    Last edited by Mike; 20th October 2019 at 09:07.

  24. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to Mike For This Post:

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  25. Link to Post #13
    Germany Avalon Member wegge's Avatar
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    Default Re: A far better Future

    Quote Posted by Mike (here)
    "last dog liberated from owner..pet slavery finally ends!"

    "man who identifies as a fire hydrant sues woman who identifies as a dog when she pisses on him during wedding ceremony"

    "feminists protest lack of outrage over outrage over too much outrage"

    sorry..couldn't help myself
    Thanks man! That’s the level of absurdity we’re aiming for, that’s where the gold is.

  26. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to wegge For This Post:

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    Germany Avalon Member wegge's Avatar
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    Here is the next kind of newsletter, this time in form of a guided meditation.
    Tune in and tune up your imagination! It might even resolve the alien question!

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    Germany Avalon Member wegge's Avatar
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    The ultimate yet undefinable truth! 😉

    Last edited by wegge; 11th November 2019 at 17:05.

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    Germany Avalon Member wegge's Avatar
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    Continuing my personal rant 😁

    Especially the first exercise gives me great feelings of timelessness and ecstasy.
    Also great to do in a group, it’s like a coming back to tribal community times, many old cultures had something about walking in a circle going on for them.
    It‘s also always a nice gift to random people walking by, crashing for a moment their concept of reality.

    Also a thank you to Bill, whose mentioning of Peter Moon led me to meet him and learn this from his teacher.

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    Germany Avalon Member wegge's Avatar
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    Hey guys!

    I created a little video about the art of conscious and powerful projection. I think it´s one of our best tools, to cut through all the negativity and insert into the field what we want to create and experience.
    Projection can lead you into many different spaces - I hope many many of you give it a try and start to actively strike back and create our world


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    Germany Avalon Member wegge's Avatar
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    Interview with a dream teacher about the many avenues dreaming can take you and how to work with your dreams.

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