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Thread: Where is Hy-Brasil?

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    Portugal Avalon Retired Member
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    Default Where is Hy-Brasil?

    Thank you for posting the above videos

    Hy Brazil , was a name given in ancient maps, to an isle in the atlantic ocean . Information lost in time. Some said it was in an isle in another dimension (like in celtic legends), in another age (atlantis), a real isle of volcanic origin that sank (volcanic eruption) .

    The idea behind Brasil was to discover a west passage to India. Later, after Columbus (who was convinced that he had discover the Isle of Brasil) came the confirmation by exploraring, that it was indeed a continent.

    «Terra de Vera Cruz» translates to «The Land of the True Cross» .

    Vera comes from the latin term Veritas i.e. truth.

    Later, it was called « The Land of the Holy Cross» (Terra de Santa Cruz) and then, finally, Brasil - some say from Pau-Brasil, a precious wood (like Rosewood, etc) with a redish color, (like wood on fire or BRASA, the portuguese term) for making arcs, etc

    Vera comes from the latin term for Veritas i.e. truth.

    Ps - Being a Portuguese historian, I am well into the whole Brasil «lore».

    Last edited by MariaDine; 3rd January 2011 at 03:24.

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    Default Re: Where is Hy-Brasil?

    From the Seafaring Lore book:

    Hy Brasil (also known as Brasil, Brazil, Hi Brasil, Hy-Breasail, Hy Brazil, and Isle of Brazil) is another far-off island, this one circular, placed by knowing geographers in various parts of the Atlantic—sometimes attached to the Azores group in the North Atlantic, west of Portugal, where it was known as the Isle de Brazi (shown as such in the Venetian map of Andrea Bianco in 1436), at other times located hundreds of miles due west of Ireland.

    The word Brasil or Brazil is from the Portuguese braza, brassa, meaning heat, coals (the source of brazier, a pan for charcoal); this in turn refers to the red dye obtained from brazilwood (earlier Medieval Latin, brasilium), the wood brought from the East for making red dye.

    Hy Brasil was the brainchild of Pliny the Elder (A.D. 23–79), Roman naturalist, encyclopedist, and writer. It was said to be a paradise, and explorers searched assiduously for it; so convinced were early geographers of its existence that the island was included in maps and charts for nearly two thousand years.

    J. Purdy’s chart of 1830 confidently advises the mariner that “Brazil Rock” can be found at 51°10' N and 15°50' W, and it appears on A. G. Findlay’s maritime chart of currents of 1853; in 1865, however, Findlay had rejected the notion of Brazil Island as well as some other legendary islands.

    When the Portuguese navigator Pedro Alvares Cabral (about 1467–1520) discovered a large “island” in the southwest Atlantic on April 22 in the year 1500, he named it Tierra da Vera Cruz but this was later changed to Brasil, no doubt because cartographers thought that he had discovered the elusive island of that name (and, in any event, “Brazil” had long become familiar as a geographical place-name).

    In 1674 a Scottish sea captain named Nisbet claimed that he had landed on Hy Brasil; it was, he said, inhabited by gigantic black rabbits and a magician in a castle; unfortunately for both science and maritime history, he was unable to produce any evidence of what he had seen.

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    Ireland Avalon Member aoibhghaire's Avatar
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    Default Re: Where is Hy-Brasil?

    A search for Hy Brasil can be found on many old maps from Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish, English, Italian, French and Dutch cartographers. Three maps show the super imposition of Hy Brasil on the Penniston coordinates (Rendlesham Forrest encounter). British Admiralty maps also showed it as late as 1870s. However, it was witnessed again later on a number of occasions after the official cartographic maps decided that it now didn’t exist because they couldn’t find it. It seems to be persistent of manifesting at times. An analysis shows a 7 year cycle of appearances and disappearances. According to this cyclic period, the year 2019 was to be be the next appearance. The previous appearance during 2012, three independent witnesses saw it. (pilot and fishermen)

    However, from a more physical method of trying to find it one can explore seabed data.
    An interesting correlation can be gleaned from seabed maps that shows a possible location with characteristics that are similar to the cartographic maps, descriptions,etc.

    Reference map: ’ Seabed geomorphology of the Porcupine Bank, West of Ireland,’ (2016) page 953, section 3.4 and fig. 7a.

    Mound with a central depression:

    'A conical mound with a central depression occurs on the southern part of the bank between 340 and 350 m water depth, see figure (a) This feature has an elliptical ridge with a major axis of 7 km and the minor of 5 km. The average inside height above seafloor is 50 m, with a maximum of 70 m at the crest of the ridge and a total area of 70 km². The outer wall of the cone is steep (slopes of 3° in average and over 4.5° in places) and smooth ending in a sharp elevated crest on the north-eastern side. Higher back scatter response over this feature suggests a hard substrate. Interpretation of the seismic profile with low signal penetration and numerous hyperbolae (Figure 7(b) and (c)) also indicates a hard substrate with probable gravel and/or boulders present at the surface. (see ref. below) A channel like area of low ground shows the similarities to twenty older maps from 1325 to 1876 of two islands joined together in the north. It looks roughly circular with an inlet to the south as described by some seamen. It was also claimed that some sea captains and seaman landed on it.'


    'A new 2016 map of the seabed geomorphology on the Porcupine Bank, located at the western edge of the north-eastern Atlantic shelf west of Ireland, uses high-resolution multibeam bathymetric and backscatter data as well as numerous shallow seismic profiles to identify individual landforms. They are described based on their acoustic signature on the various datasets. The landforms comprise sharp-crested ridges, mounds and outcrops often associated with and expressing underlying bedrock topography; sand waves highlighting modern currents directions; and iceberg scours with strongly preferred orientations. The map is intended as baseline evidence to test models of the palaeoceanographic and palaeoglaciological history of the Porcupine Bank.'


    From Benjamin Thébaudeau, Xavier Monteys, Stephen McCarron, Ronan O'Toole & Silvia Caloca (2016) Seabed geomorphology of the Porcupine Bank, West of Ireland, Journal of Maps, 12:5, 947-958, DOI: 10.1080/17445647.2015.1099573 To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/17445647.2015.1099573

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    Finland Avalon Member rgray222's Avatar
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    Default Re: Where is Hy-Brasil?

    Hy-Brasil: The Legendary Phantom Island of Ireland

    Hy-Brasil is a mysterious island appearing on maps from 1325 to the 1800s. In Irish myth, it was said to be clouded in mist except for one day every seven years, when it became visible but still could not be reached. Stories about the island have circulated throughout Europe for centuries, with tales that it was the promised land of saints or a paradise where an advanced civilization lived.

    On most maps, the island was located roughly 321 km (200 miles) off the west coast of Ireland in the North Atlantic Ocean. One of the most distinctive geographical features of Hy-Brasil on those maps is that it often appears as a circle with a channel (or river) running east to west across it.

    The Many Names of the Mysterious Island
    Hy-Brasil (also called Hy-Breasal, Hy-Brazil, Hy-Breasil, and Brazir) is derived from the name Breasal meaning the High King of the world in Celtic history . It was noted on maps as early as 1325 by the Genoese cartographer Angelino Dulcert, where it was identified as “Bracile.” It later appeared in the Catalan Atlas in 1375, which placed it as two separate islands with the same name, “Illa de brasil”.

    Was Dracula Story inspired by Abhartach, the Bloodsucking Chieftain of Ireland?
    1,000-year-old underground passage discovered in the Caha Mountains of Ireland
    The Dark Reputation of the Dunmore Cave of Ireland
    In 1436, it showed up as “Sola De Brasil” in the Venetian map by cartographer Andrea Bianco. Attached to one of the larger islands of a group in the Atlantic, this was identified for a time with Mater Island. It would show up again in 1595 on the Ortelius Map of Europe and Europa Mercator Map and occasionally show up in slightly different locations on different maps over time.

    To read the rest of the article: https://www.ancient-origins.net/unex...ireland-003608

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    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Where is Hy-Brasil?

  10. The Following 18 Users Say Thank You to Bill Ryan For This Post:

    aoibhghaire (9th October 2019), boja (9th October 2019), BoR (1st November 2019), Cara (9th October 2019), East Sun (9th October 2019), EFO (9th October 2019), Forest Denizen (9th October 2019), Franny (10th October 2019), Hervé (9th October 2019), Islander12 (9th October 2019), pounamuknight (19th June 2022), rgray222 (9th October 2019), RogeRio (9th October 2019), Sadieblue (9th October 2019), Stephanie (9th October 2019), Sunny-side-up (31st October 2019), toppy (9th October 2019), Yoda (9th October 2019)

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    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Where is Hy-Brasil?

    Quote Posted by aoibhghaire (here)
    The previous appearance during 2012, three independent witnesses saw it. (pilot and fishermen)
    That sounded intriguing, so I set about searching for references. I failed to find any sighting by fishermen, but here's the pilot's reported experience:

  12. The Following 19 Users Say Thank You to Bill Ryan For This Post:

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    England Avalon Member Did You See Them's Avatar
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    Default Re: Where is Hy-Brasil?

    Were the Rendlesham "coordinates" from the "binary" for Hy-Brasil ever disproven or shown to be something else ?

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    Ireland Avalon Member aoibhghaire's Avatar
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    Default Re: Where is Hy-Brasil?

    Hi Bill,

    I was lucky to meet two persons in 2017 that had been fishing in 2012. They were sailing a Galway Hooker sailing boat off the west coast of Galway, Ireland. In 2012, during an unexpected bad storm, they were fighting for their lives, when both these persons saw a land mass to the west of there location near the Aran Islands. Although it was a brief sighting of minutes both persons were convinced of its authenticity. The witnesses only reported this incident to friends.

    Considering the circumstances of near death experiences, its possible that they both had entered for a brief time an inter dimensional aspect within this reality.

    Hi 'Did You See Them'

    Regarding Rendlesham Forrest UFO incidence officer Penniston's coordinates: The problem with the coordinates for a possible Hy Brasil location are the following:

    1. The interpretation may be flawed because the interpretation of ASCII could alternatively produce other coordinates that fit nearby Lakenheath USAF base.
    2. It is surprising and suspect that Penniston was only hypnotized 30 years after the 1980 UFO incidence.

    The location and appearances of Hy Brasil may also be interpreted within an inter dimensional portal phenomena. The portal provides manifestations of physical appearances/disappearances at different times within possible regular cyclic periods at even different locations. This may be the reason of the various locations over 800 years. The inter dimensional aspect may be fluidic in its dynamic nature, creating unexpected appearances.

    Interestingly enough, one can explore this hypothesis of the above aspects by researching all cartographic maps.
    Of course the ideal experiment would have had to have continuous monitoring over a considerable amount of time, over decades.
    Considerable work of research with the possibility of discovery would be to analyse the Landsat archives. The Landsat archives have a resolution down to 5m for every day of the year. The recordings of the locations in question go back 20 years.

    Another interesting island at the opposite end of the Earth to 'Hy Brasil' is 'Sandy Island' in the South Pacific near French New Caledonia. I only new about it with this similar phenomena to 'Hy Brasil'.

    This research broadened out further to take into account the two islands. This came about when I met Mauta Kumara who is from New Zealand, Maori Shaman, Ancient Light Navigator, Metaphycisian in 2017.

    He told me the following:

    “When Hy Brasil disappears, it is linked to Sandy Island’s (South Pacific) appearance” “When Sandy Island disappears Hy Brasil appears”
    “It has a cycle of 7 years” “This is an inter dimensional portal”
    “Before we Maori came to New Zealand 700 AD, Neolithic Celts, white, red hair, green eye ones were already here, a sophisticated Neolithic civilization, surveyed the landscape, monuments on both Islands. They had been here since 1600 BC”. Their were no boats seen. We emulated there design tattoos. We couldn’t understand there knowledge of astronomy, mathematics, trigonometry,surveying.

    Did they know how to use portals? or literally navigated all the way to New Zealand? Who knows.

    Here below is a matrix demonstrating the appearances and disappearances of both 'Hy Brasil and 'Sandy Island'. The locations,witnesses, appearances/disappearances/dates,etc have been mainly extracted from cartographic maps and recorded witnessed descriptions over the centuries. The Sandy Island maps have been mainly from New Zealand Admiralty charts. The results show an interesting correlation in recent times for each island. It would have been ideal if both islands were continually monitored for this cyclic phenomena to be authentic.

    Note. Hy Brasil had been mapped on many occasions before 1480. Also I left out all references to a lot of maps in order to compile this matrix. The idea being to see if there is a correlation. 'Landed' within the matrix means landed on the island. Witnesses names appear in the matrix. I haven't heard yet of any body witnessing the 2019 prediction.


    Hy Brasil 2019? predicted

    Hy Brasil 2012 Yes, pilot Niger Gausson Sandy Isle 2012 Yes, Nov 22

    Hy Brasil 1872 Yes, Westropp Sandy Isle 2008 Yes

    Hy Brasil 1865 Yes, Purdy Sandy Isle 1982 Yes

    Hy Brasil 1830 Yes, Purdy Sandy Isle 1973 Yes

    Hy Brasil 1674 Yes, Nisbet,
    Landed Sandy Isle 1967 Yes
    Hy Brasil 1674 Yes, Johnson
    Landed Sandy Isle 1922 Yes

    Hy Brasil 1325
    -1876 Yes, multiple maps Sandy Isle 1908 Yes

    Hy Brasil 1496 Yes, Cabot Sandy Isle 1888 Yes

    Hy Brasil 1480 Yes, mapped Sandy Isle 1876 Yes

    Sandy Isle 1875 Yes

    Sandy Isle 1832 Yes

    Sandy Isle 1792 Yes

    Sandy Isle 1772 Yes

    Sandy Isle 1789 Yes

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    Ireland Avalon Member aoibhghaire's Avatar
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    Default Re: Where is Hy-Brasil?

    The matrix that I compiled got messed up in the previous post. I hope you can differentiate from the text what it means.

    From Bill: if you have it as a document, send it (or a screenshot) to me at bill@projectavalon.net, and I'll happily embed it.

    Last edited by Bill Ryan; 9th October 2019 at 23:36.

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    England Avalon Member Did You See Them's Avatar
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    Default Re: Where is Hy-Brasil?

    Thanks aoibhghaire, I'd never heard of Sandy Isle and its connection. Food for thought.

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    Ireland Avalon Member aoibhghaire's Avatar
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    Default Re: Where is Hy-Brasil?

    New unexpected confirmation of the 7 year cycle this month (Previous details from Post 8)

    Could Hy-Brasil be linked to a mysterious magnetic wave with period 7 years moving round the Earth's core by ESA Swarm satellites.

    Combining satellite measurements from Swarm, as well as from the earlier German Champ mission and Danish Ørsted mission, with a computer model of the geodynamo, a new type of magnetic wave, with a 7 year period, and a westward drift at phase speed of 1500km/year, has been mapped at the Earth’s core-mantle boundary.

    Such Magneto-Coriolis waves may account for a significant part of most of the still unexplained interannual geomagnetic field changes.

    These outcomes of the research carried out within the 4D-Earth Swarm project, have been recently published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, and presented at ongoing Living Planet Symposium in Bonn.


    This research broadened out further to take into account the two islands. This came about when I met Mauta Kumara who is from New Zealand, Maori Shaman, Ancient Light Navigator, Metaphycisian in 2017.

    He told me the following:

    “When Hy Brasil disappears, it is linked to Sandy Island’s (South Pacific) appearance” “When Sandy Island disappears Hy Brasil appears”
    “It has a cycle of 7 years” “This is an inter dimensional portal”

    This is an interesting correlation.

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  23. Link to Post #12
    Avalon Member East Sun's Avatar
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    Default Re: Where is Hy-Brasil?

    When I was a small kid in Ireland almost 80 years ago, my Mother gave me one
    of her school books from when she was a kid like me, to look
    at the drawings.

    One was of a sailor in a sailboat, entitled Hy Brazil and told of the sailor
    going in search of "Hy Brasil--the land of the blessed."
    I still remember some of the words, " and he died on the waters, away
    far away."

    I wondered if there was such a place but never found out.

    Now I know the "rest of the story", after all this time.
    Thanks, aoibhghaire.

    I wonder if the Myth of Oisin going across the
    sea on a horse to the land of Tir Na nOg was
    related to the story Hy Brasil.

    The Myth story says 'Oisin came back to Ireland
    and was not supposed to touch his foot to the
    ground," (long story short) he fell off his horse
    and turned into an extremely old man.

    There may be something to those old Myth story's that
    future humans to find out about,) (if humanity does in
    fact survive.)
    I believe we will, because we have to.
    Last edited by East Sun; 2nd June 2022 at 00:38.
    Question Everything, always speak truth... Make the best of today, for there may not be a tomorrow!!! But, that's OK because tomorrow never comes, so we have nothing to worry about!!!

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