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Thread: Some questions for any time traveler

  1. Link to Post #41
    Administrator Mark (Star Mariner)'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Some questions for any time traveler

    Quote Posted by Gracy May (here)
    Alright JK21, obviously I'm just going to keep getting the runaround by continuing to try and get even a SHRED of evidence, that you really are who you say you are...

    JK21: There is a very great difference between what I am presenting to you and what those you call whistleblowers are presenting to you. My excuse is unique, in that if irrefutable proof was given, it could 'break time'.

    I trust you are familiar with the process of cause and effect. There are laws in place that must be honoured. Some are not written laws, but natural laws. These laws exist to govern time, as do laws exist to govern space. It is the same thing, and they amount, unfailingly, to the same thing. Which is cause and effect. I trust you are also familiar with the concept of undesired or at least unforeseen consequences. You must have had occasion, at some point in your life, to withhold information from someone owing to the negative impact that information might have. You will have secrets too, everyone does, that you do not tell for the same reason.

    Let me present a scenario. You require evidence, proof of my existence and the reality of my existence as a visitor from a future time. Let us call the nature of this proof, for the sake of argument, 'advanced technology'. Let us say you, or another board member here, puts forward an arranged time and a meeting place where said technology could be demonstrated. What if someone, or, what if you, had designs on seizing that technology for yourself – to perhaps claim my reality as your own, for fame or for material gain? I do not know you. What I do know is, that this poisonous world turns on the schemes of mammon, in that there are those who would stop at nothing, nothing, even attempting to kill me - and without a whit of compunction - to get their hands on advanced technology, whether it is time-travel technology, or anti-gravity technology, or teleportation, or the cure for cancer, or how to turn lead into gold, or et cetera. And if it would not be you, then someone you know, someone you tell. There will always be someone you tell. Or someone they tell. The very least possibility is that, dazzled by the true reality of a visitor from the future and the wonders they possess, the knowledge they possess, followers would gather round, and followers all too soon turn into fanatics. My purpose could not be farther from starting a new religion. But that is a real possibility. You do not know, and could never anticipate, the true dangers posed, what harm could potentially be done, even by a well-meaning act.

    I could present yet another, even more dramatic, scenario. The intervention of 'a power', a force, an outside agency – those who watch and monitor. This board is watched and monitored. You would be watched, monitored, and followed if ever we came to meet. And even if you did me no wrong, and had no intention of doing me wrong, do not doubt that you would be putting yourself in great danger. I would protect you, but I am not in 2019 forever. When I am gone they would seize you, question you, even torture you, for what you heard, what you saw, and what you learned. Cause and effect. Sometimes one cause can lead to many, many effects. My leading directive is to eliminates causes, and so prevent any effects.

    Thus, in my refusing to provide you with a glimpse of 'proof', you will get to sleep in your own bed tonight – still wondering perhaps, and doubting maybe, but you will be safe.

    If laws are insufficient, and consequences insufficient, there is also social conscience to consider. I have travelled 81 years back in time. Let us say you travelled 81 years back in time. It would be 1938. Your only purpose there was to learn of that time and see that time. Its people, its culture, its history, for the purpose of research and understanding. Whilst there, perhaps, you proceed to engage with the resident population, and present to them a story of the future to be. The goal: to lend assurance, insight, to add some meaning to their lives in telling them where the world is going. You would give them messages of hope, laced with a sense of wonder perhaps, to brighten up what are dark times for them. But would you tell them, during this discourse, that the most terrible war the world had ever known was about to begin? That millions are soon to die? Would you tell them the near future would bring them terrorism, poverty, crime, atomic bombs, and so forth? Would you give them dates, times, places, details? Or would you just tell them, simply, that no matter how dark it is going to get, that light would come? That it was going to be all right? Perhaps they too would ask you for 'proof'. Would you give it? Would you hand them a cellular telephone to look at? ...How long do you think you might live being in possession of such? And once you have been killed for it, and that would likely chance, how long would it be before the presence of a cellular phone in 1938 did irreversible damage to the resonance of that time?

    When one travels in time, one has reached a level of understanding that knows these things, anticipates these things, and mitigates for these things. One does not qualify to participate in these programs otherwise. You do not become an astronaut until you have completed years and years of study, of training, of conditioning, in the physical, mental, technical, and many such other strains of preparation. It is the same for time-travel. Identical. I studied and prepared for 7 long years before I even stepped near a time portal. I have now been doing this for 20 years. I have embarked on 11 excursions, to 11 different periods, and have lived an aggregated period of 4 years of my life in those different periods. I know time, I perceive time, I have touched time. I know what can happen in time. Sometimes very bad things.

    You require proof, evidence, something tangible, for seemingly the written word is not enough. I therefore provide a projection. It is against my best judgement, but it is within the boundaries of what is acceptable. In the year to come there will be 3 major world disasters. I cannot provide specifics, and will answer no questions that appeal for specifics. I will say only that one of these disasters will be volcanic. I realise such occurrences are relatively frequent, but this one will be severe. Historically severe.
    "When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."
    ~ Jimi Hendrix

  2. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Mark (Star Mariner) For This Post:

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  3. Link to Post #42
    Administrator Mark (Star Mariner)'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Some questions for any time traveler

    Michi: In your time, Do you do commerce/commercials, ads? Casinos, banks?

    JK21: There is commerce, trade, and an economic system. It's based on the exchange of goods, assets, and raw materials. It is a far less complex system than your own. There are no stocks, shares, or indexes that fluctuate up and down, and thus there are no means by which such a system can be played for vast material gain. It is relatively archaic method by your standards, but it is a pure method, where various goods and services are bartered on a mutual supply and demand basis, between people, communities, provinces, nations, and now, even planets (Mars). Since there is more than enough supply to meet every demand, everyone has what they need. The particulars involve mostly striking an agreement for an exchange of goods, then coordinating the timely transportation of those goods from one place to another. There is little more to it than that. It is important to understand, that because everyone has what they need, there is no need, which means that any incentive to 'covet', and in so doing steal, exploit, or cheat, does not exist.

    Rather than banks, there are reserves, depositories, where materials are kept that are in excess of the current demand. The private citizen has no need of a bank, because there is no money. One's inherent talents, gifts, capabilities, is the only currency in town, so to speak. Bringing those talents to bear, and rendering a service to society to the best of your ability, in whatever field that may be, earns you the only wage you will ever need. It guarantees you automatic access to food, clothing, housing, and such. You might liken that to communism, but it is not at all the same. In communism there is wealth, but it is appropriated wealth and it is hidden from the people, with those people kept in poverty. In our world the only wealth that exists is what each of us have in our hearts and in our spirits, and that is not hidden or withheld but freely and openly given. People lead vibrant, productive lives. And not static lives; advancement is always possible. Whatever you contribute, you will be compensated proportionately. But so long as you contribute something, you will have all that you need.

    There are sports and there are games, there are halls of amusements and even amusement parks, especially for the young people. But there are no casinos, no slot machines, no tables for dice, or roulette wheels. I have been to your Las Vegas and it was fascinating and terrible. In 2100 there is nothing that even closely resembles it. Because gambling is all about money, and we have none.

    Advertising, thankfully, does not exist either. In 2019 I find myself, wherever I go, forever bombarded with advertising. If in my time you have need of something, you ask for it, knowing that it is available, and it is simply provided. Again, it is money that drives advertising, the imperative being to drum up as much business as possible and so derive, from you the consumer, as much profit as possible. In the future, a brand, a firm, a manufacturer, will not be driven by profit, but by the promise of professional excellence. If there is any advertising at all, it is by word of mouth, that this company or that business provides the superior service, produces the superior product. This would spur the less favourable company or business to provide a better service or better product. So healthy competition, of a kind, still exists, but it is not nearly so aggressive as it is today.
    "When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."
    ~ Jimi Hendrix

  4. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to Mark (Star Mariner) For This Post:

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  5. Link to Post #43
    United States Unsubscribed
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    Default Re: Some questions for any time traveler

    Quote You require proof, evidence, something tangible, for seemingly the written word is not enough. I therefore provide a projection. It is against my best judgement, but it is within the boundaries of what is acceptable. In the year to come there will be 3 major world disasters. I cannot provide specifics, and will answer no questions that appeal for specifics. I will say only that one of these disasters will be volcanic. I realise such occurrences are relatively frequent, but this one will be severe. Historically severe.
    Okay thank you! That will do, why did we have to weave our way all through the politician like word salad buffet bar, in order to finally get to the point of my very basic question? Now you mention WW2 as an example in your scenario to me, so without any more questions, when you say 3 major world disasters will occur in the next year, one being volcanic, I'm going to be looking for incidents along the lines of a Pompeii, and major world war type of magnitude.

    See you in one year.

    Now so far as how I would handle being a time traveler? I would never make any claims, I might share the knowledge gained from my life experience like a grandparent giving sound, and hard won advice to a young grand child.

    No need to go into the details, just humbly share in the best way they might understand, and lay low. After all it's not about me, it's about them right?
    Last edited by Gracy; 21st December 2019 at 00:14.

  6. Link to Post #44
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    Default Re: Some questions for any time traveler

    Quote Posted by Star Mariner (here)
    Mashika: Doesn't our air makes you sick? How do you handle when your air is probably of a very different quality (not sure of better or worse) than ours and what your body is used to
    JK21: Pollution is a grave concern. It is very bad in the cities, worse than many believe. I must inject a solution into my system each day that dissolves the toxins that I ingest and absorb, just by being here. I suffer no harm in the short-term. I do not know what long-term exposure would mean. I do not wish to discover. For me, the novelty of this time-frame has worn off. I very much look forward to going home for a rest, and then undertaking a new assignment.

    Mashika: How do you avoid bringing back viruses or other bugs that could potentially cause massive uncontrollable devastation? (100 years is a long time, who knows what killer viruses have come and gone that we can't handle)
    JK21: There is provision made. Upon my return, a rigorous quarantine process will be conducted. It will not just be biological in nature. There are other forces, other energies too, that I could potentially transfer to my time, which would be very undesirable. I said before that not all the "corruptions" – which you call diseases, infections, ailments, disorders, syndromes – are biological in origin.

    Mashika: Can you eat our food? Is your stomach able to handle it? With artificial meat and all sorts of stuff that are coming up now, how different is food 100 years from now and have your body adapted/changed so much that our food could make you sick/kill you?
    JK21: I note that three meals a day are common for you in this period, but for me two small meals a day are normal and are sufficient. Attention is given to what I eat. Vegetables, fruits, breads, pulses, is mostly what I consume, dairy only if it is organic. But I do not eat meat. Some people do still eat meat in my time, but it is rare, like a delicacy, and only if the animal that perished to give up its flesh did so naturally. Animals are not herded and harvested for food anymore. Until I arrived, I had never even heard of 'artificial meat'. I found that very strange. I find many things here very, very strange.

    Diet is very different. Some of the things I've seen people eating (and the quantities) are truly terrible. And the range and amount of confection available... A lot of the sickness in this time derives purely from the substances people are consuming. Many do not realise this. But a lot will change, and for the better. It will change because the awareness will change.
    I believe my bad English caused a confusion here. On my second question, it was actually about how do you prevent bringing viruses/bacteria from the future into our present. No quarantine could prevent that and there must be a complicated technical process as to how someone who lives around bacteria and may interact with viruses that your body can handle but we can't can travel back to our time, without risking causing a massive pandemic event.

    How that would be prevented?

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  8. Link to Post #45
    Administrator Mark (Star Mariner)'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Some questions for any time traveler

    Mashika: I believe my bad English caused a confusion here. On my second question, it was actually about how do you prevent bringing viruses/bacteria from the future into our present. No quarantine could prevent that and there must be a complicated technical process as to how someone who lives around bacteria and may interact with viruses that your body can handle but we can't can travel back to our time, without risking causing a massive pandemic event. How that would be prevented?
    JK21: In the first instance, the environment from which I come is much cleaner than it is today. Viral and bacterial threats are far less a concern for us than for you today. But it is a good question. I was sterilized, thoroughly and automatically by way of a bio-filtration particle scan prior to entering your time. It is more to create a blueprint, a benchmark of my bodily condition, so that when I return it can be re-aligned to exactly match the condition of when I left. It is to ensure I do not bring any contamination with me from the past. That includes toxicity of any kind, including radioactive - which has once occurred for me, and it required extensive cellular reconstruction. The process is preventative too, to answer your question. If I were to be carrying anything infectious, it would be detected, and appropriate protocols enacted. So you do not need to worry.

    We have a more advanced understanding of microbiology than you do today. We have a comprehensive database, you might call it, of all biological contaminants reaching back through time. We know how such contaminants function, how they interact, how they are communicated, and how they have mutated in that time. If it were necessary, we could back-engineer the DNA of a bacterium in 2100 to match exactly its genetic condition in 2019, so there would be no cross-contamination. Rest assured, every effort is taken to mitigate the exchange of harmful contaminants, pollutants, and micro-organisms from being introduced from one time into another. And anything potentially pathogenic is safely neutralized by shutting off its ability to replicate.
    "When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."
    ~ Jimi Hendrix

  9. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Mark (Star Mariner) For This Post:

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  10. Link to Post #46
    Germany Avalon Member Michi's Avatar
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    Exclamation Re: Some questions for any time traveler

    The given future timeline would only be possible by clearing the dramatizations of man.

    The current course however shows no widespread implementation of such.
    The contrary is true: Continued efforts go in the direction to impose more rules on man so he doesn't step out of lines.

    Additionally he is being tamed to agree to things without inspection.

    Every being entering this earth plane is affected by amnesia and has to "learn" from parents and friends who often are dramatizing their own past and in the best case (unwillingly) giving infants nonsense data and beliefs.

    The only way then to have a somewhat sane civilization on this earth plane would be by:
    • a: clearing past hidden traumatic incidents (for example past live regressions)
    • b: sane education with true data on how the mind and spirit works from an early age on;
      this education must be in such a way to teach in the same time discernment and and logic and grant the student full self-determination to decide himself, whether the data is true or not for him;
    • c: ethical and responsible social interaction based on reason (and not because of rules or conditioning)
    So - the only way to have your portrayed fairy tale taking form would be either by the above steps (a,b,c) or a sudden removal of all amnesia and past trauma. (a miracle)

    Over and out.

    btw. b and c only won't cut it.
    Last edited by Michi; 21st December 2019 at 15:55. Reason: grammar
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  12. Link to Post #47
    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Some questions for any time traveler

    Three related questions for JK21. All about what happens if you were to try to do or change something major when you're back in our time, now.

    1) I know this is real , but some fictional time travel stories suggest that no matter how much a time traveler tries to change something having gone back in time, they just can't manage to do it, because something inexplicably always goes wrong.

    2) Other stories (like Ray Bradbury's classic A Sound of Thunder) suggest that even a tiny 'Butterfly Effect' change can 'domino' outwards to cause far more major changes many years later.

    3) And a third theory is that a major change just creates a timeline split. So when you 'kill your grandfather' (metaphorically, I hope), and then return to your own time, nothing will have changed: however, the action simply created another parallel universe branch where things are different in that different timeline.

    Which of these applies in reality?

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  14. Link to Post #48
    Administrator Mark (Star Mariner)'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Some questions for any time traveler

    Quote Posted by Bill Ryan (here)
    Three related questions for JK21. All about what happens if you were to try to do or change something major when you're back in our time, now.

    1) I know this is real , but some fictional time travel stories suggest that no matter how much a time traveler tries to change something having gone back in time, they just can't manage to do it, because something inexplicably always goes wrong.

    2) Other stories (like Ray Bradbury's classic A Sound of Thunder) suggest that even a tiny 'Butterfly Effect' change can 'domino' outwards to cause far more major changes many years later.

    3) And a third theory is that a major change just creates a timeline split. So when you 'kill your grandfather' (metaphorically, I hope), and then return to your own time, nothing will have changed: however, the action simply created another parallel universe branch where things are different in that different timeline.

    Which of these applies in reality?

    JK21: When you attempt to change something major in the past, something that would constitute a paradox, you introduce a perturbation, a reverberation, in the time-stream. What results is an echo, a branching-off of. The process is analogous to creating a new branch of a river. The event that you would call a paradox would happen on that river, flowing vaguely parallel to the first (which would remain unaffected). I described paradoxes and the fallacy of paradoxes in a previous post, but the reality generally tallies with your third theory, in that introducing conditions for a paradox to occur will offset the resonance of the time-line, and create a split, and thus a new time-line (new river). My very presence in this time, being so say an 'anachronism', has not created a new timeline. Anything you observe you do change, and I am observing, thus I am changing. But this is allowed, because my presence is not creating a paradox.
    "When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."
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  16. Link to Post #49
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    Default Re: Some questions for any time traveler

    If I may answer this question seriously now, independent from the role playing game on this thread...

    Quote Posted by Bill Ryan (here)
    3) And a third theory is that a major change just creates a timeline split. So when you 'kill your grandfather' (metaphorically, I hope), and then return to your own time, nothing will have changed: however, the action simply created another parallel universe branch where things are different in that different timeline.
    The first part of that supposition is correct. By going back in time and changing the timeline, you are creating a new, separate timeline, and nothing will have changed on the original timeline whence you departed, other than that you'll be missing for a while.

    But here's the catch... There are two possibilities...

    • You could now be stuck on that timeline, in the time frame from the past that you chose to travel to, and you can never return to where and when you came from. On the timeline that you departed from, you have now gone missing, forever.

    • If you do manage to make it back to your original timeline ─ which will be a whole lot more difficult than creating a different timeline by altering the past ─ then this alternate timeline will cease to exist as soon as you make it back to your starting point. And the reason for that is simple: we are all individual as souls, but there is only one consciousness, and it dwells in all of us. It is in a manner of speaking taking turns at being each and every living thing, and because spacetime is an illusion, we can all exist side by side as individuals and experience the dichotomy of the Self and the Other.

      As such, when you created the alternate timeline, only you were on that timeline, and only you are thus aware what happened there. So when you return to your original timeline and time frame, that other reality will cease to exist, and all you have of it are your memories. No one else but you ─ read: the fragment of creator consciousness that dwells in you ─ knows what happened there, and whatever changes you imparted to that alternate timeline (including its creation) have no effect on your original (and once again current) timeline.

      Now, one could posit the question, "What if I didn't go alone? What if I took two witnesses with me to the past?" Well, then it's still the same thing, although increasing the number of players also increases the entropy, which would make it even more difficult to return to your original spacetime coordinates. But if you do make it back, all three of you ─ and this is an absolute requisite ─ then only the three of you will have experienced that alternate timeline, and given that you've made it back "home", the alternate timeline ceases to exist.

      Now, what if only one or two of the three of you make it back? In that case, the alternate timeline will continue to exist for the one(s) staying behind while the others return "home". And as soon as the person(s) who stayed behind has/have died, the alternate timeline itself will cease to exist once again.

  17. Link to Post #50
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    Default Re: Some questions for any time traveler

    That's pretty good Aragorn! You got a link for any of that, or are you the link?

  18. Link to Post #51
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    Default Re: Some questions for any time traveler

    Quote Posted by Gracy May (here)
    That's pretty good Aragorn! You got a link for any of that, or are you the link?
    I'm afraid I am the link, yes. See, it ties in closely with the nature of consciousness and the creation of reality, and those are things I am very intimately connected to.

  19. Link to Post #52
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    Default Re: Some questions for any time traveler

    Quote Posted by Aragorn (here)
    Quote Posted by Gracy May (here)
    That's pretty good Aragorn! You got a link for any of that, or are you the link?
    I'm afraid I am the link, yes. See, it ties in closely with the nature of consciousness and the creation of reality, and those are things I am very intimately connected to.
    Alrighty then, I hereby draft Aragorn to be our next time traveler, should he agree to of course, if/when Star Mariner ever decide he's had enough of being on the hot seat.


  20. Link to Post #53
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    Default Re: Some questions for any time traveler

    Quote Posted by Gracy May (here)
    Quote Posted by Aragorn (here)
    Quote Posted by Gracy May (here)
    That's pretty good Aragorn! You got a link for any of that, or are you the link?
    I'm afraid I am the link, yes. See, it ties in closely with the nature of consciousness and the creation of reality, and those are things I am very intimately connected to.
    Alrighty then, I hereby draft Aragorn to be our next time traveler, should he agree to of course, if/when Star Mariner ever decide he's had enough of being on the hot seat.

    You wouldn't like my report on what the future supposedly looks like, Gracy.

    Don't get me wrong, though. I do like the positive ─ and actually, quite inspiring ─ description of the future Star Mariner gives us, because I believe our politicians and industry leaders could actually learn something from what he writes. As an amateur sci-fi/fantasy writer ─ who never published anything ─ I have described a (not identical but similar) vision of society for an extraterrestrial (or more correctly, extragalactic) civilization in a sci-fi novel I was working on, now almost nine years ago.

    However, in my humble and disappointing opinion, that's not what the future is going to be like, and mankind still has a very, very long way to go before it ever reaches such a state of enlightenment. I don't see human consciousness evolving in a positive way ─ on the contrary, consciousness levels (and IQ levels) seem to be dropping every year ─ and I see more and more violence, territorialism, intolerance and psychopathy in the news every day. I see Donald Trump laying a claim on space. I see Google laying a claim on the entire internet. I see figures of authority no longer hiding the fact that they're toying around with us, because nothing can touch them anymore, and they know, so they don't even need to pussyfoot around it anymore.

    I see the climate going south ─ to whatever extent mankind has contributed and would still be contributing to that ─ and I see the interests of the few taking precedence over the interests of the many. I'll give you an example. It had been a long time since there had been any wolves in the wild in Belgium. There have always been wolves in France and Germany, but not here. And now that they're timidly beginning to show up again, people are shooting them "because they kill our sheep/chickens", although shooting them is illegal, so the shooters remain anonymous. They just write an anonymous letter to a newspaper to report that they shot a wolf.

    I see banks being bailed out with the people's money, and then the next year, their CEO is granted a €600'000 bonus ─ that's "bonus", not "salary". I see politicians still failing to understand that their job is to represent the people, not to enjoy their overpaid careers. I see one million Euro being wasted every month purely for the biweekly relocation of the European Parliament between Brussels and Frankfurt ─ it's already better now, because they used to do it every week.

    And meanwhile disabled people like myself have to struggle to make ends meet ─ I just got my Christmas present from the Federal Tax Department: I have to pay €526 Euro for living in an apartment that I bought from my inheritance. Likewise, in May I will have to pay over €400 to be able to drive the car that I paid for (and that I paid a 10% registration tax on when I bought it, now almost 14 years ago), and which I have to fill up with fuel of which more than half is comprised of taxes, and which I must have insured (upon which I must pay taxes again). Hey, it's austerity. Except for politicians and the employees of banks, because they got a raise.

    And in spite of all the problems, I see the people here in the Flanders becoming more polarized to the political far-right all the time. I'm not kidding ─ many of the members of the largest political party in the Flanders are the ideological descendants of the Flemish-nationalist Nazi collaborators from World War II, who sought to unite with the Nazis in order to rid themselves of the then francophone domination of the country.

    At the same time, the left-wing parties are responding to the far-right with inconsiderate knee-jerks and an "arms wide open" attitude toward immigrants. They don't really care about those immigrants, but they use them as political leverage. And as a result, more than 75% of the population of our highest-security prison facilities is comprised of naturalized foreigners ─ mainly North Africans and Turks with ties to the Grey Wolves, a far-right terrorist group in Turkey.

    Belgium is the size of a handkerchief, but we've got just about as many politicians as the whole of the USA, and a very complex political system that virtually nobody understands anymore. And being only the size of a handkerchief has caused some of our politicians to develop an inferiority complex, so that our government always makes sure that Belgium is among the first to partake in whatever grandiose operation. Billions of Euros are going to "developing nations" ─ read: mainly our former colonies, currently led by dictators, who put that money into their own pockets ─ and we've just bought a whole contingent of F-35 jet fighters from the USA, so that we can help fight the US Empire's wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Yes, we're still there, and we were never even supposed to be in Iraq, because our government had officially denounced the US invasion of Iraq under G.W. Bush. We've got our Special Forces there, and our Air Force is there too. And it's not about logistics support. We're dropping bombs over there.

    That's the world I see around me. And I see things getting worse and worse every day, with no realistic hope that mankind is going to "see the light" any time soon. You might as well start explaining the principles of quantum physics to a mushroom. Intelligence is dropping, social awareness is dropping. Narcissism and psychopathy are on the rise ─ because narcissists and psychopaths make great salespeople and great business leaders.

    So yeah, my depiction of the future would be very, very grim, and would with almost certainty be aligned with director Paul Verhoeven's dystopian idea of the future in movies like "Robocop" and "Total Recall": corporate fascism and social chaos.

  21. Link to Post #54
    Belgium Avalon Member Johan (Keyholder)'s Avatar
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    Being another Flemish individual in Belgium, I can only agree with what Aragorn wrote above. I have experienced the "dumbing down" of the future population, mainly by influencing our studying kids. I was a teacher for a while and I just had to leave, I could not stand the incredible arrogance and narcissistic tendencies of so many so-called "teachers" and school principals. No wonder the young people become like self-serving automaton-like persons. There are a few exceptions, but often these get bullied and pestered, to the point that some of them commit suicide.

    Which doesn't mean I and we shouldn't try to strive for the positive (future) in whatever way we can. Regardless of the result we may have, doing just that is the best anyone of us càn do, and so many here on PA are the proof that it is possible to live that way, though I know it is extremely challenging.

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    Default Re: Some questions for any time traveler

    Quote Posted by Aragorn (here)
    So yeah, my depiction of the future would be very, very grim, and would with almost certainty be aligned with director Paul Verhoeven's dystopian idea of the future in movies like "Robocop" and "Total Recall": corporate fascism and social chaos.

    Hey, variety is the spice of life.

    I happen to see our present day world leading to a future similar to yours Aragorn (my version may even sprinkle a bit of Idiocracy on top just for flavor), but I see no reason why every fake time traveler that comes down the pike has to have some grand, utopian type of story to tell.

    Hee hee, maybe I wouldn't even hassle you TOO much over proving who you say you are.

  24. Link to Post #56
    Administrator Mark (Star Mariner)'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Some questions for any time traveler

    Quote Posted by Aragorn (here)
    So yeah, my depiction of the future would be very, very grim, and would with almost certainty be aligned with director Paul Verhoeven's dystopian idea of the future in movies like "Robocop" and "Total Recall": corporate fascism and social chaos.
    Unfortunately, I see a similar future, but without the social chaos. The leash will tighten to such an extent that chaos will be eliminated. I see humanity being dumbed down to the level of little more than a compliant, programmed biological worker-robot serving a privileged elite.

    But are we, collectively, restricted to just one expression of reality? In my heart of hearts I know that a portion of humanity, the awake portion, however many that is, will never give themselves to that future. Never. I include the members of Avalon among that number. Whether it's in this life, or future incarnations to be. So what happens to us and people like us?

    Maybe, and just saying maybe, they would incarnate into another reality, one better suited to their vibration and the experiences they seek to have. I'm more hopeful, because I don't think there has to be just one Earth-reality, just one version of human civilization. I know it sounds totally woo-woo, but maybe the future you project will not be the only future. Maybe time-lines can split, do split, and one can be very different than the other. Is that not possible in a universe of endless possibility?
    "When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."
    ~ Jimi Hendrix

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  26. Link to Post #57
    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Some questions for any time traveler

    Here's one from a cricket follower. Which nations still play cricket in 2100? What forms of the game are popular? Or is it even played at all 80 years from now?

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    Default Re: Some questions for any time traveler

    Something i would like to know is, what happens to all forums such as Avalon and others, are those still around in some form or another?

    What happened to all the information being archived here and in the other forums? Was it worth it in the end? Did it help forming a better future?

    Do we look naive and dumb in our assumptions or perspective of things, when you look back from a future with answers to things we don't have a clue about?

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    Administrator Mark (Star Mariner)'s Avatar
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    Bill: Here's one from a cricket follower. Which nations still play cricket in 2100? What forms of the game are popular? Or is it even played at all 80 years from now?

    JK21: It is played very widely. Cricket, soccer, hockey, baseball, golf, and the various racket sports including tennis and badminton, are among the most popular sports. The more physical contact sports are not so dominant, and combat sports such as boxing do not exist. I cannot tell how sport operates in detail, or what rules have changed (I would expect differences), as it is not something I know about specifically. I do know that the United States has a cricket team, and it has recorded many successes. I believe it is second only to China (at present). There is still a world cup, but that is contested by continents rather than the individual countries. North America won the last competition, defeating Asia, I believe, by 4 games to 3.

    It should be understood however that in my time sport operates quite differently. In 2019, the purpose of sport as a global industry is not to entertain the public, or engender public health through physical activity, but to distract the masses, and most chiefly to generate revenue (vast sums) for a variety of financial interests, and not all of them good, not all of them benefiting the people. You would call it laundering. Sport is a front behind which such illegal endeavours are quietly achieved. It is endemic, and not widely known (yet).
    "When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."
    ~ Jimi Hendrix

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    Administrator Mark (Star Mariner)'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Some questions for any time traveler

    Mashika: Something i would like to know is, what happens to all forums such as Avalon and others, are those still around in some form or another?

    What happened to all the information being archived here and in the other forums? Was it worth it in the end? Did it help forming a better future?

    Do we look naive and dumb in our assumptions or perspective of things, when you look back from a future with answers to things we don't have a clue about?

    JK21: It's interesting. Because ask yourself, what other forums have I posted on? None. Who else have I shared this information with? No one. So why AM I here? This forum is an important place, and its importance will only continue to grow. How, why and to what extent is one of the reasons I am here - to learn the particulars thereof. I do not mean simply here on this forum, but here in 2019. What do I mean?

    I will tell you a short story.

    In the near future, relatively speaking – let us say 'mid-21st century' – there was, according to records, a migration from earth to space of a group of people. A particular community of people, a few hundreds in number. This was different however to the official colonization program, which settled the Moon and Mars. No, this was quite different. This group was guided, assisted. They certainly did not build their own spaceship. Who was assisting and who was guiding we do not know. We suspect 'they', whoever they are, belong to the outside. Something not of the earth.

    For a long time no one knew what had happened to these missing hundreds (or, where were they taken). At last, a few years ago, an answer. They were discovered living in a distant system, on a small beautiful planet. In three beautiful cities they dwelt, in the lush northern hemisphere. The name of that planet, given to it by its inhabitants, which may or may not be a coincidence, was Avalon.

    Interesting, isn't it.

    I'm here to investigate the beginnings of this group.
    "When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."
    ~ Jimi Hendrix

  33. The Following 8 Users Say Thank You to Mark (Star Mariner) For This Post:

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