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Thread: What is Reality?

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    Default Re: What is Reality?

    Quote Posted by norman (here)
    Quote Posted by Mashika (here)
    Quote Posted by Red Skywalker (here)

    The Truth cannot be told, it has to be learned, and wow, there is so much to learn.

    I feel like the word should maybe not be "learned" but "experienced"?

    Like so:

    "The Truth cannot be told, it has to be experienced, and wow, there is so much to experience"

    Because i can see how you could say "i learned about death and rebirth" and then say "i experienced death and rebirth" and it goes into a completely different area.. What do you think ?
    It's more neutral and versatile a stance to position oneself with for an intellectual discussion but it's not necessarily more true, unless one defines "learn" inadequately at the outset.

    But anyway, waw, have you got something to tell us about death and rebirth then, Mashika
    Yeah i guess i'm thinking about it in this way, these words may have different meanings depending on upbringing, to me experiencing sounds more focused on the message than learning, because you can learn the same thing from different sources or even change your views about something you had already learned in the past, but experiencing the thing itself mostly leaves no doubt about the nature of the event, right?

    As far as death and rebirth, i have seen a few things, when i was 14 i watched someone die a terrible death. He was completely lost in confusion about what was happening, his eyes going all over the place, he trying to stand up and falling back several times, then realizing he was really dying and just looking into people's eyes in complete silence as we could see his life going away from his body. Then he being very peaceful and not afraid and you could tell also, by how he acted and talked, he was completely aware of what was going on but in the very end very calmed and at peace and then he passed away silently, no cry for help or fear or anything. It was weird but eye opening to experience that moment in his/our life

    About rebirth i don't have much to say, i have not seen or think i have seen this happen, not sure if there's someone who really can say they did, with absolute certainty

    I tend to think we are reborn into this world but more like we are not the same person but a mix of several different people from before, all mixed up into a new person that shares traits from all those other people and sometimes may have memories from their past, i don't think souls are "unique" forever and more like the energy of souls gathers again eventually, into a new being, and this being has been formed from several people's energies so it has become a bigger/greater being by accumulating all those people's experiences and knowledge. The "uniqueness" of a person in a previous life is not kept intact, instead it becomes part of the new being along with several other people's "uniqueness". I don't remember or know when and how i started thinking this way, but that's how i think of "rebirth" right now

    I write a lot LOL, probably all that stuff could be written in two lines , sorry



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    Avalon Member Merkaba360's Avatar
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    Default Re: What is Reality?

    Has anyone read the Kyballion from the ORder of the Golden Dawn? I highly recommend it.


    In chapter 5: The mental universe it has a great explanation for the universe as all mind.

    Although, being a mental person I have been reluctant to this idea as i may be biased. Are feelings mental things. Is the mind types of subtle feelings. It must be both and that they are essentially the same. And the heart chakra is the balance or middle of the mental and emotional chakras. So perhaps the universe is something more than mind as we conceive of the smaller personal mind.

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    Avalon Member Merkaba360's Avatar
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    Default Re: What is Reality?

    Quote Posted by Baby Steps (here)
    I think the work of Garratt Lisi fits here, with his E8 theory, both schools of thought see an order or pattern in the 8th dimension that projects seeming chaos into our 3d space

    This new thinking that is hard to understand for a non physicist I think is saying that all of reality could be an 8 dimensional crystal, ie a single super complex object with in an 8 dimensional space that projects - 'casts a shadow' of itself into our three dimensions. This projection is observed by us as the discrete particles that we see, however in the higher reality of 8 dimensions they are all part of a single object. This then provides an elegant explanation for quantum entanglement, if you postulate that the 8d crystal is very hard or inelastic. Push one bit and another bit moves instantly, which in our 3d space could be at the other end of the universe.


    Have you seen the you tube channel "the 10th dimension?" Not sure if it is still around. I suspect that the universe as imagination is 7/8 dimensional from one perspective. 10 from another perspective, 3 and 12.

    In a similar way i have both seen the universe as one continuous "blanket" of space with no separation and no seems. Then, i have seen it pixelated like little dots of energy that made up the digital matrix. Another time I saw voxels. My room turned into voxel spheres and they all rotated at once and thats what shifting into another dimension is since there is nowhere to go. So, essentially all of these things are true. The universe is imagination. It appears however it can within imagination (creation of images), and yet there are certain patterns it must follow, but still it is ALL possible patterns.

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    Great Britain Avalon Member Baby Steps's Avatar
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    Default Re: What is Reality?

    hi Merkaba,

    The E8 crowd in the first video talk about the fundamental granularity of the crystal being composed of Plank units.

    This then ties in with Nassim Haramein's idea of a surface or event horizon composed of plank spherical units that are oscillators.

    This then leaves a question hanging - is empty space filled with the same oscillators but in a condition whereby a minute fraction of them manifests - the zero point minimum, and where you have the vortex of matter, a greater proportion of these pixels appear in 3d . So 3D space is a screen onto which awareness projects matter by manipulating the plank granularity of the vacuum.
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    Avalon Member Merkaba360's Avatar
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    Default Re: What is Reality?

    Quote Posted by Baby Steps (here)
    hi Merkaba,

    The E8 crowd in the first video talk about the fundamental granularity of the crystal being composed of Plank units.

    This then ties in with Nassim Haramein's idea of a surface or event horizon composed of plank spherical units that are oscillators.

    This then leaves a question hanging - is empty space filled with the same oscillators but in a condition whereby a minute fraction of them manifests - the zero point minimum, and where you have the vortex of matter, a greater proportion of these pixels appear in 3d . So 3D space is a screen onto which awareness projects matter by manipulating the plank granularity of the vacuum.
    I'd have to look at Nassim's idea for further clarification. I will see what i can do with what you wrote. Ultimately there are no divisions but the fractal can make it seem that way thru distortions/vortices. So, what do they mean by units? Oscillations/waves are creating disturbances that create a pattern of apparent units?

    "and where you have the vortex of matter, a greater proportion of these pixels appear in 3d . So 3D space is a screen onto which awareness projects matter by manipulating the plank granularity of the vacuum."

    - this statement is quite interesting. I might need a picture to understand it better.

    What I can say is that 3D space is an appearance. Really the information is on the 2D surface of the sphere. That was created from 1D, 0D. So you wrap that 2D surface around into a sphere to create 3D. Is that surface of the sphere the same as Nassim's event horizon? Which would be the same for a black hole event horizon. If that 2D surface has no pattern (is chaos), then there is no manifestation inside the sphere, which is what a black hole is according to Jacob Bekenstein.

    IF there is a pattern, that sphere's 2D surface acts as the holograpahic plate. Then a reference beam hits it perpindicularly, projecting a holographic prism on the inside consisting of the 7 rainbow chakras and our body etc. lol I agree with Bekenstein and it also is basically what Don Juan/Castaneda said. They call the sphere a "coccoon" and some monks have called it an egg. Don Juan said that the assemblage point that creates all the manifestations within the coccoon and allows perception is behind us at shoulder level. Moving the assemblage point changes what manifests inside the sphere. Thats why when we eat mushrooms, the walls start moving, since perception starts moving or the assemblage point starts moving. In physics terms, that is the reference beam is hitting a different part of the "holographic plate" which changes what we perceive inside the bubble. So, to me this is important to keep in mind when talking about what you are trying to say, even though i cant fully understand what you are getting at.

    Darkness is just light that is so vastly dispersed compared to other more intense sources of light? So, emptiness is a trick of relativity of intensity i guess. Yes, its a screen that is so vast/dispersed, that it highlights the energies that we perceive as matter and light, etc. To be clear, Its an illusion of 3D from the view i'm trying to convey here. I'm not sure what you mean by manipulating the planck granularity or the vaccuum. But from my model, it would be manipulating the information on the 2D surface, which according to bekenstein has planck units as its smallest unit of information. In other words, the patterns on the holograpahic plate (2D surface) are changed by changing the planck units. Similar to a computer screen having pixels. Now if those pixels were 1 planck unit it would be better. Changing those granulated planck pixels changes the computer screen right?

    From an allegorical view. I see us as being the fruit on the tree of life. The branches of the tree are the zillions of luminous conscious filament highways, like internet cables. And those filaments hit the surface of the apple creating a holographic reality inside the apple, which is so delicious! lol

    I hope that wasnt a mess. I'll try to watch the video to see if anything clicks.

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    Great Britain Avalon Member Baby Steps's Avatar
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    Default Re: What is Reality?

    Introducing Octonian mathematics, by Cohl Furey

    The Peculiar Math That Could Underlie the Laws of Nature

    Quote New findings are fueling an old suspicion that fundamental particles and forces spring from strange eight-part numbers called “octonions.”
    Cohl Furey, a mathematical physicist at the University of Cambridge, is finding links between the Standard Model of particle physics and the octonions, numbers whose multiplication rules are encoded in a triangular diagram called the Fano plane.
    Quote Furey has gone further. In her most recent published paper, which appeared in May in The European Physical Journal C, she consolidated several findings to construct the full Standard Model symmetry group, SU(3) × SU(2) × U(1), for a single generation of particles, with the math producing the correct array of electric charges and other attributes for an electron, neutrino, three up quarks, three down quarks and their anti-particles. The math also suggests a reason why electric charge is quantized in discrete units — essentially, because whole numbers are.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Octonians_rev-july-22-2018 first half.jpg
Views:	149
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ID:	43661

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Octonians_rev-july-22-2018-crop 3.jpg
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    we have subcontracted the business of healing people to Companies who profit from sickness.

  11. Link to Post #27
    Avalon Member palehorse's Avatar
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    Default Re: What is Reality?

    Quote Posted by Mashika (here)

    So basically, unless you know God and its nature in a close way, this doesn't really mean much

    We cannot know that for certain, because as above, you would need to have a way to "know" without any doubt that this is what happens, and we don't have it because no one is on intimate speaking terms with God and this makes it an assumption about how things work
    Well, the dudes in the bible claimed that intimate speaking with God. ;D

    What is reality?
    reality could perfectly be recursive self-similarity.
    Last edited by palehorse; 21st May 2020 at 16:10. Reason: added more
    A chaos to the sense, a Kosmos to the reason.

  12. The Following User Says Thank You to palehorse For This Post:

    Mashika (22nd May 2020)

  13. Link to Post #28
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    Default Re: What is Reality?

    Quote Posted by palehorse (here)
    Quote Posted by Mashika (here)

    So basically, unless you know God and its nature in a close way, this doesn't really mean much

    We cannot know that for certain, because as above, you would need to have a way to "know" without any doubt that this is what happens, and we don't have it because no one is on intimate speaking terms with God and this makes it an assumption about how things work
    Well, the dudes in the bible claimed that intimate speaking with God. ;D

    What is reality?
    reality could perfectly be recursive self-similarity.
    Real reality mostly escapes the usual understanding, doesn't it? I mean everyone has their own version of it, so it's mostly worthless because you have a group of people who think like you, and then there's the 'others', no matter what side you are (you can even be on multiple sides) LMAO!

    I can tell that we must look so ridiculous with all those thousands religions/cults/spiritual paths that sometimes agree and sometimes don't, but everyone 'knows' they are right in their path

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  15. Link to Post #29
    Avalon Member palehorse's Avatar
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    Default Re: What is Reality?

    Quote Posted by Mashika (here)
    Quote Posted by palehorse (here)
    Quote Posted by Mashika (here)

    So basically, unless you know God and its nature in a close way, this doesn't really mean much

    We cannot know that for certain, because as above, you would need to have a way to "know" without any doubt that this is what happens, and we don't have it because no one is on intimate speaking terms with God and this makes it an assumption about how things work
    Well, the dudes in the bible claimed that intimate speaking with God. ;D

    What is reality?
    reality could perfectly be recursive self-similarity.
    Real reality mostly escapes the usual understanding, doesn't it? I mean everyone has their own version of it, so it's mostly worthless because you have a group of people who think like you, and then there's the 'others', no matter what side you are (you can even be on multiple sides) LMAO!

    I can tell that we must look so ridiculous with all those thousands religions/cults/spiritual paths that sometimes agree and sometimes don't, but everyone 'knows' they are right in their path
    That's why I pointed "recursive self-similarity", because it would be the stage we are all playing, what each of us see or understand about the environment(stage) depends on which part of the stage we are interacting with, our perception of it will define our reality, and yes we could develop "multiple personas" and have multiple sides (I agree).

    I see religion just like you said, each religion play their own roles on the stage, right, wrong, agree, disagree, good, evil, and so forth and so on, but when we look at the big picture, religion, politics, and everything else just become patterns in the nature, these patterns probably are been interpreted by the creator? a higher AI system? or it would just be all in vain, no meaning at all?

    These are the big questions of life.
    A chaos to the sense, a Kosmos to the reason.

  16. The Following User Says Thank You to palehorse For This Post:

    Mashika (25th May 2020)

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