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Thread: Food shortages are unavoidable now.

  1. Link to Post #101
    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Food shortages are unavoidable now.

    Mike Adams (in the previous post) is sometimes pretty wild. Far more grounded, concise and systematic in his presentation is Chris Martenson, in this video published 5 days ago.

    This isn't only about food, it's about everything — starting with the dilution of the money supply so that the $$/££/€€ in your pocket or bank account is worth less and less all the time — while it chases fewer and fewer goods that are available. That doesn't end well.

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  3. Link to Post #102
    UK Avalon Member Brigantia's Avatar
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    Default Re: Food shortages are unavoidable now.

    The price of fuel is rocketing as well, not only here in Britain but I've read it's worldwide. We've seen a rise of 5 pence per litre in the past month, round here a litre of diesel is £1.30. For the benefit of our American friends; 4 litres is a gallon so that's £5.20 per gallon, or USD$7.40.

    That affects the transport industry too, raising the prices of food and all other goods that are not locally produced.

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  5. Link to Post #103
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    Default Re: Food shortages are unavoidable now.

    Green New Deal: California To Cut Off Water Supply Over Drought — After Dumping Trillions of Gallons of Freshwater Into Ocean!

    June 23, 2021 NewsWars, California Globe and Red Right Times

    The Delta viewed from above Sherman Island, with the Sacramento River above and San Joaquin River below. Wiki

    Last month, Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom declared a drought emergency and announced a new $5.1 billion “water infrastructure and drought response” spending package. The US Bureau of Reclamation reported in May that the 2021 water year for the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Basin is currently the driest since 1977, but the year is only half over.

    While California is having a dry year, California has been dumping TRILLIONS of gallons of freshwater into the oceans in recent years to protect a non-endangered bait fish called the Delta Smelt. A Central Valley Farmer said,
    “Our reservoirs were designed to provide a steady five year supply for all users, and were filled to the top in June 2019.”
    She said that by emptying reservoirs, California is on track to have a man-made drought crisis every time there is a dry season.

    “The 2021 water year for the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Basin is currently the driest since 1977,” the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation warned in May.

    Additionally, all residents are being asked to conserve their water consumption.

    But how did this drought really start?

    In recent years, California has been dumping TRILLIONS of gallons of freshwater into the oceans to protect a non-endangered bait fish called the Delta Smelt.

    And that practice of emptying the reservoirs is continuing to this day, according to Central Valley Farmer Kristi Diener.

    “Are we having a dry year? Yes,” Diener said. “That is normal for us. Should we be having water shortages in the start of our second dry year? No. Our reservoirs were designed to provide a steady five year supply for all users, and were filled to the top in June 2019.”

    “How can this year be the driest year on record when it has more than 7 months left? That’s just fake news and crisis creation.”

    “Before our magnificent reservoir projects were built, California never had a steady and reliable supply of water. Now water is being managed as if those reserves don’t exist, by emptying the collected water from storage to the sea, rather than saving it for our routinely dry years,” Diener explained.

    “Our water projects were designed to be managed for the long term providing a minimum five-year supply, but California has now put us on track to have a man-made drought crisis every time we don’t have a wet season,” she added.

    Once again, the Democrats appear to be creating the very crisis they themselves are claiming to address by spending more money the state doesn’t have in the name of saving the environment.
    Read full article here…

    Source article/ California Globe: https://californiaglobe.com/section-...ined-by-state/

    Red Right Times: https://redrighttimes.com/california...ater-shortage/

    Sacramento Citizen: https://sacramentocitizen.wordpress....ack-on-ballot/

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  7. Link to Post #104
    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Food shortages are unavoidable now.

    More from Christian Westbrook, the Ice Age Farmer. (For anyone unfamiliar with him, this guy is impressively smart, cogent and aware.) This video was published 10 days ago, on 19 June.

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  9. Link to Post #105
    United States Avalon Member onawah's Avatar
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    Default Re: Food shortages are unavoidable now.


    Source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/feJtlgIVOl3S

    "The Biden regime has put sanctions on the American People, shutting down pipelines, killing millions of jobs and ending our energy independence, while opening pipelines in Russia and giving away the farm to our enemies.

    “Giving away the farm” is literally correct. Bill Gates and China have been buying up millions of acres of farmland. At this rate, China will dictate what we can grow.

    From this time last year, gas is up 56%, used cars are up 30%, airfares are up 24% and car rentals are up 110%. As Glenn Beck says here, “We’re being priced into submission.”

    Our corrupt political class is completely compromised by the CCP. They are deliberately debasing our currency, to where the dollar doesn’t mean anything anymore.

    Therefore, the banks are no longer content to own your mortgage. They want your house. They want real assets. The big pension funds are buying up entire neighborhoods and towns to rent back to you, because “You Will Own Nothing and You Will Be Happy.”

    General Mark Milley publicly defends the rabid Marxist ideology that is being used to poison our military from within. The infiltration of our government and all of our institutions occurred under his watch.

    Milley needs to face the full force of the Uniform Code of Military Justice and all the penalties it provides for his subversion and duplicity, as do the officers around him who are assisting in this sedition.

    The Pentagon, the National Institutes of Health, Facebook and Google spent hundreds of millions of dollars weaponizing a virus to destroy your immune system and to destroy your brain with prion disease. Then, they developed a vaccine that contains the same bioweapon – only stronger – and they’ve done everything short of tying you down to force you to take it.

    Then of course, the Big Tech companies de-platformed you if you raised questions about any of this.

    The global COVID lockdowns have caused supply chain collapses everywhere; food was unable to be planted or harvested; food was rotting in warehouses because nobody could ship it, because everybody was locked down.

    The Globalists are blaming all of this on “Climate Change” but it is a highly-engineered collapse. We are in the middle of their genocidal campaign and the Satanic elites are cynically blaming it on the victims.

    Farmers, the meat industry, ranchers; they’re all being slowly and methodically run out of business…They want to destroy everything that makes America great. Why? The Great Reset…We were supposed to be in Hillary’s second term right now – and who knows, maybe we are.

    Donald Trump’s presidency was a speed bump for the Great Reset but the Globalist psychopaths are bringing it in, come Hell or high water.

    Glenn Beck has this report about the Great Reset of Food."
    Last edited by Bill Ryan; 29th June 2021 at 20:25. Reason: embedded the video
    Each breath a gift...

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  11. Link to Post #106
    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Food shortages are unavoidable now.

    Just published half an hour ago by Christian Westbrook, the Ice Age Farmer:

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  13. Link to Post #107
    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Food shortages are unavoidable now.

    From Michael Snyder, yesterday — though I'd be confident that most folks reading this will already have been safeguarding and deepening their own supplies.
    5 Specific Reasons Why You Should Stockpile Food Right Now

    For decades, Americans have not needed to be concerned about food prices. Yes, prices would always go up by a little bit each year, but in general we have been extremely blessed for a very long time. Our supermarkets have always been packed with food, and we could always count on the fact that prices would be about the same a month or two down the road.

    Unfortunately, things are now changing, and not in a good way. A massive wave of inflation has hit agricultural commodities, and food producers have felt forced to pass those cost increases along to consumers. Unfortunately, many experts are anticipating that the price hikes that we are currently witnessing are just the beginning.

    So even though food prices have already become quite painful, they are never going to be any lower than they are at this moment.

    Looking forward, there are several factors that are likely to combine to cause food inflation to accelerate even more in the months ahead. The following are 5 specific reasons why you should stockpile food right now…

    #1: Supermarkets are feverishly stockpiling food, and the Wall Street Journal is reporting that they are doing this in anticipation of “the highest price increases in recent memory”…
    Supermarkets are stocking up on everything from sugar to frozen meat before they get more pricey, girding for what some executives anticipate will be some of the highest price increases in recent memory.
    This only makes good business sense. If you can get inventory now for significantly less than you will be able to get it for later, that will help your bottom line.

    The Wall Street Journal is admitting that all of this stockpiling “is driving shortages of some staples”, but it is expected that these shortages will just be temporary.

    I can’t remember a time when we have seen anything quite like this. At this point, some companies are purchasing up to 25 percent more food than normal
    David Smith, CEO of the US’s largest wholesaler Associated Wholesale Grocers, told the Wall Street Journal they have been buying 15 to 20 percent more goods – particularly packaged foods with long shelf lives.
    ‘We’re buying a lot of everything. Our inventories are up significantly over the same period last year,’ said Smith.
    At SpartanNash in Michigan, the retailer has bought up around 20 to 25 percent more than normal including frozen meat.
    #2: The U.S. government is going to continue recklessly spending money, and the Federal Reserve is going to keep pumping more giant mountains of fresh cash into the financial system.

    The Biden administration doesn’t seem to have an “off button”, and neither does the Fed. The U.S. national debt is moving up toward the 29 trillion dollar mark very rapidly, and the Fed’s balance sheet has more than doubled over the past year.
    Unless there is some sort of a dramatic reversal, and I don’t see why there would be, this continual flow of new money will continue to push food prices even higher.

    #3: Gas prices keep surging, and this is making it more expensive to transport food around the country.
    According to the AAA Gas Price Index, the average price of a gallon of gasoline is up 56 percent from what it was last May…
    Transport costs are also rising with gas prices rising 56 percent in May from a year ago.
    On Friday, the AAA Gas Price Index pegged the national average gas price at $3.086, up from $2.171 one year ago.
    #4: The endless “megadrought” in the western states just continues to intensify.

    If you look at the latest U.S. Drought Monitor map, it is a horror show. We haven’t seen anything like this since the Dust Bowl days of the 1930s, and water levels are dropping dangerously low.

    For example, the water level in Great Salt Lake is expected to hit the lowest level in 170 years this summer…
    The lake’s levels are expected to hit a 170-year low this year. It comes as the drought has the U.S. West bracing for a brutal wildfire season and coping with already low reservoirs. Utah Gov. Spencer Cox, a Republican, has begged people to cut back on lawn watering and “pray for rain.”
    For the Great Salt Lake, though, it is only the latest challenge. People for years have been diverting water from rivers that flow into the lake to water crops and supply homes. Because the lake is shallow — about 35 feet (11 meters) at its deepest point — less water quickly translates to receding shorelines.
    Because there is not enough water, many farmers are having to dramatically reduce the amount of crops that they are growing.

    Small farmer Mindy Perkovich is only growing produce on one of her seven acres at this point, and she openly admits that she doesn’t know if she will even have enough water for that…
    Perkovich typically grows things like turnips, squash and tomatoes for the local market on seven acres. This season, though, she’s had to cut her crops down to less than a single acre.
    “We don’t know if we’re gonna have water to keep that alive,” she says. “Financially, I can’t really even express how dramatic it’s changed in the last couple years, water-wise, because without water, we can’t grow crops without crops, we have nothing to sell to our consumers.”
    Agricultural production in the western states will be lower than originally anticipated this year, and that will also put upward pressure on food prices in the coming months.

    #5: On top of everything else, an enormous plague of grasshoppers is now causing massive headaches for farmers in our western states.

    As I discussed on Sunday, the extremely hot and extremely dry conditions are perfect for grasshoppers, and they have been multiplying like crazy.

    In some areas, the swarms are so thick that “it can appear the earth is moving”, and there are times when the swarms are so large that they are actually appearing on radar.

    Seven states are being hit particularly hard, and the federal government is going to begin a large scale spraying campaign. The spraying may reduce the plague, but all of the experts agree that it will not stop it.

    Grasshoppers will continue to eat our crops on a massive scale for many months to come, and this is another factor that will be driving up food prices.

    So, to summarize, the outlook for the months ahead is rather bleak.

    A number of factors are going to combine to push prices significantly higher, and so if you can afford to stock up you should be doing so.

    Our leaders continue to insist that this bout of inflation is just “transitory”, and you can believe them if you like.

    But the truth is that high inflation is here to stay, and what we have experienced so far is just the tip of the iceberg.

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  15. Link to Post #108
    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Food shortages are unavoidable now.

    In Mike Adams' Situation Update for today, just released, from 2:45—26:30 he presents news his company received about a week ago from his largest food supplier about imminent food shortages. His supplier stated that they "couldn't guarantee any delivery of any food after 90 days."

    That means, Mike suggests, that after 1 October no supplier could guarantee any delivery of any food within the USA. He correlates this with the recent widely reported news that major grocery chain distributors are now stockpiling food — for the same reason, with the added factor of serious inflation in prices.

    Mike continues to report much more. There's a perfect storm in process, and the entire food production and distribution machine is coming apart.


    Source: https://www.brighteon.com/embed/c548609c-2146-4f78-bd66-e0da4e8f3d6d

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  17. Link to Post #109
    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Food shortages are unavoidable now.

    More from Christian Westbrook, the Ice Age Farmer, published 12 hours ago.

    It's pretty much an Emergency Broadcast.

    Last edited by Bill Ryan; 22nd July 2021 at 08:04.

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  19. Link to Post #110
    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Food shortages are unavoidable now.

    More from Christian Westbrook, the Ice Age Farmer. Many nations are thinking they'll soon solve their production problems by importing grain from the US. But that's not going to be possible, either.

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  21. Link to Post #111
    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Food shortages are unavoidable now.

    This report was from 20 July, nearly 3 weeks ago now. Of course, the South African situation has been exacerbated by existing political issues. But maybe we shouldn't assume it's impossible to see this elsewhere.
    South Africa: Reality Bites As Food Shortages and Rations Remain

    Although companies affected by the violence are working round the clock to get supplies to shops, South Africans are facing long hours in queues to get basic staples to their families.

    Days of violence and the looting and burning of trucks, retail outlets, malls and warehouses in KwaZulu-Natal and some parts of Gauteng have resulted in food and fuel shortages never seen in post-apartheid South Africa.

    These upheavals saw an appropriation of food and the closing of the N3 highway between the two provinces, which led to a dire shortage of basic supplies. Some customers had to start waiting in shop queues as early as 2am at the few businesses and retailers still operational.

    Even then, they could buy only using bank cards as businesses did not want to handle cash in such volatile situations. Rationing was imposed to prevent panic buying and shoppers were limited to buying 10 or 15 items each. The hours of service were also severely reduced, with shops closing at 2pm for safety reasons and to allow them to restock empty shelves.

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  23. Link to Post #112
    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Food shortages are unavoidable now.

    Cross-posting from the Global Warming, Global Cooling or.. ?? thread. As most people reading this are fully aware, though there are other politically driven factors, unavoidable coming food shortages are inextricably linked to climate change. (And no, it's not global warming.)

    Here's an interesting confluence: J.R Nyquist (historian and researcher into Russian and Chinese dissidents) interviews David DuByne, from Adapt 2030. Enjoy.

    The first half of the video is a very interesting and well-informed discussion about the mechanics of imminent global cooling. For the effects on global food supply, and why this is also on this thread, start in at 42:08.

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    Default Re: Food shortages are unavoidable now.

    I’ve been watching the shelves over the summer in the big box stores. Target seems to be switching things up. As soon as you enter there are large displays of foods, lots of junky cereals and cleaning products.

    There’s already a food section in the store and a run of food displays that clog the aisles with more faux-food-stuff. They add to the mess of shoppers that come every which way through the aisle without looking to see who’s around a corner. The way things are going corporate will offer shoppers insurance. Cha-ching!

    Appearances are deceiving. Many quality items no longer line the shelves and there’s less choices. The shelves aren’t stacked deep.

    I’m also finding it hard to purchase foods, and products for health and body on-line like iHerb.com and vitacost.com. It’s been six month or so that these establishments have notices that say “no longer available” or “discontinued”.

    This PayPal system is reminiscent of the "lay-a-way plan” in the 1970’s. It’s where the store held your items while you paid over time. It was before the credit card era. It's offered where food is sold.
    Last edited by RunningDeer; 14th September 2021 at 13:16.

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  27. Link to Post #114
    Canada Avalon Member TomKat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Food shortages are unavoidable now.

    Mike Adams says a lot of stores are out of canned and other foods. He mentions the easiest food-growing system he knows of, called the Kratky hydroponi method.


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  29. Link to Post #115
    Avalon Member Pam's Avatar
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    Default Re: Food shortages are unavoidable now.

    Guys. Don't forget sprouts. You can grow them anywhere at any time. The seeds last for ages. You will always have fresh greens if you stock up. All you need are a couple of jars and water. I maintain the basics of alfalfa sprouts and mung beans. Also, now is a good time to buy seeds. It is easy to grow lettuce, kale and spinach in tubs. Radishes and zucchini and tomatoes(dependent on your climate). I also read recently about potato growing using bags. Don't need much space to do this.

    A simple water filtration system is a nice backup as well.

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  33. Link to Post #117
    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Food shortages are unavoidable now.

    Christian Westbrook, the Ice Age Farmer (and among the best informed and most articulate of alt media presenters) has now abandoned YouTube and has his own BitChute channel: https://bitchute.com/channel/iceagefarmer.

    Here's his most recent video, published yesterday. It's about crisis-level fertilizer shortages (which are super-important to the global farming industry), but much else besides.

    Farmers Panic, Can't Get Supplies to Grow Food

    Source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/YK2RpvxCsNUt

    The video text:
    Around the world, farmers are panicking as they are unable to get the supplies they need to produce food, from fertilizers to herbicides to tractor parts. India has setup a “War Room” for fertilizers after China stopped exports of DAP (diammonium phosphate), prompting farmers to riot to obtain the product they need.

    Many nations are now limiting exports of food and these inputs, so that they may feed their own people. This was all foreseen by the Food Chain Reaction Game, which — like Event 201 — announced this engineered crisis, and pre-scripted the solution.

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  35. Link to Post #118
    UK Avalon Member Brigantia's Avatar
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    Default Re: Food shortages are unavoidable now.

    I've been watching the supply chain break down, it's getting worse and worse; supermarket deliveries are all over the place with nothing for a few days and then a big delivery arrives.

    I've been told by a reliable source that people who have retrained to become HGV drivers (truckers) are being offered £1000 per day. I looked at driver vacancies for a big UK supermarket chain, they have loads of vacancies at many depots around the country. Their basic salary is £900 per week. So - you could have a 5 day week earning £900, or £5000. Go figure.

    I bet that supermarket drivers are leaving in droves. The irony is that they may well be re-employed as agency workers on the much higher salary, and that is going to push up grocery prices.
    Last edited by Brigantia; 4th November 2021 at 20:58.

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  37. Link to Post #119
    United States Avalon Member Dennis Leahy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Food shortages are unavoidable now.

    Quote Posted by Bill Ryan (here)
    Christian Westbrook, the Ice Age Farmer (and among the best informed and most articulate of alt media presenters) has now abandoned YouTube and has his own BitChute channel: https://bitchute.com/channel/iceagefarmer.

    Here's his most recent video, published yesterday. It's about crisis-level fertilizer shortages (which are super-important to the global farming industry), but much else besides.

    Farmers Panic, Can't Get Supplies to Grow Food

    Source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/YK2RpvxCsNUt

    The video text:
    Around the world, farmers are panicking as they are unable to get the supplies they need to produce food, from fertilizers to herbicides to tractor parts. India has setup a “War Room” for fertilizers after China stopped exports of DAP (diammonium phosphate), prompting farmers to riot to obtain the product they need.

    Many nations are now limiting exports of food and these inputs, so that they may feed their own people. This was all foreseen by the Food Chain Reaction Game, which — like Event 201 — announced this engineered crisis, and pre-scripted the solution.
    Really bright and articulate guy. Very impressive. Great find, Bill.

  38. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to Dennis Leahy For This Post:

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  39. Link to Post #120
    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Food shortages are unavoidable now.

    Quote Posted by Bill Ryan (here)
    Christian Westbrook, the Ice Age Farmer (and among the best informed and most articulate of alt media presenters) has now abandoned YouTube and has his own BitChute channel: https://bitchute.com/channel/iceagefarmer.

    Here's his most recent video, published yesterday. It's about crisis-level fertilizer shortages (which are super-important to the global farming industry), but much else besides.

    Farmers Panic, Can't Get Supplies to Grow Food

    Source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/YK2RpvxCsNUt

    The video text:
    Around the world, farmers are panicking as they are unable to get the supplies they need to produce food, from fertilizers to herbicides to tractor parts. India has setup a “War Room” for fertilizers after China stopped exports of DAP (diammonium phosphate), prompting farmers to riot to obtain the product they need.

    Many nations are now limiting exports of food and these inputs, so that they may feed their own people. This was all foreseen by the Food Chain Reaction Game, which — like Event 201 — announced this engineered crisis, and pre-scripted the solution.

    More on the fertilizer issue, published on 31 October. I think we're going to hear a LOT more about this in the next few months.
    Fertilizer shortages could become the death knell for global food production

    The ongoing energy and logistics crisis is affecting most countries in the world. Many are beginning to feel the "pain" of a shortage of goods and skyrocketing prices for mainly energy. However, another more unknown shortage, which has now emerged, could be the death knell for global food security: Fertilizers.

    The production of fertilizers has stopped for various reasons and prices have reached record highs.

    Sky-high prices for electricity and transport will have a major impact on food prices, but fertilizer shortages risk knocking out large parts of global food production. The consequences could be grave.

    Extreme weather, not least precipitation and cold spells, have disrupted this year’s harvests to such an extent that it has a significant effect on global food production, which in itself creates price increases and a shortage of certain foods. In China, everything from the city’s street lighting to entire factories are being turned off while the Communist Party CCP has been trying to cover up a lousy autumn harvest. The recent floods in China once again hit Henan Province, which is considered China’s granary, seriously affecting China’s food production.

    Poor people in countries like Brazil are even worse off and already have to choose between being able to afford food or energy such as electricity and fuel. In the Philippines, for example, fuel prices have risen by almost 40 percent in just three weeks, but at least warm countries do not have to worry about cold winters.

    The latter is a real threat to northern latitudes, as last winter was historically long and cold in most places in the northern hemisphere. It may be repeated since we entered a Grand Solar Minimum (GSM) in December 2019, and it does not bode well for the coming winter.

    Food and commodity shortages have always created chaos. The example that may still be in fresh memory is the so-called Arab Spring of 2010, which started with bread riots. In countries such as Lebanon, the decline of society has also already begun. After months of week-long power outages, food shortages and skyrocketing commodity prices, the country is falling into chaos with threatening recurrences of civil wars.

    Developed countries will ‘soon feel the pain’

    For a few months now, the shortage of energy and goods has also affected developed countries and has gradually spread and worsened. An opinion poll conducted by the Atlanta-based survey company Trafalgar, which was presented on October 22, showed that more than half of all Americans were already affected by the shortage of goods. Some 54 percent answered “yes” to the question of whether they suffered from “delays or shortages in trying to buy ordinary consumer products”.

    Europe, which imports 90 percent of its natural gas, mainly from Russia, has so far mainly been affected by an energy shortage. On Tuesday 19 October alone, prices rose by more than 20 percent in a single day. Prices have increased fivefold since the beginning of the year, from 19 euros at the time of writing 96 euros per equivalent megawatt hour (MWh).

    Farmers across Europe are hard hit by this, which in turn threatens the entire food chain. An example is Italy, where the prices of methane gas have doubled, which will raise the prices of cereals such as wheat and thus, among other things, bread and pasta. This is because methane, propane and natural gas are used to dry harvested crops so that they do not rot.

    Meat and dairy products are also affected, as prices for animal feed have risen markedly during the year and have accelerated more rapidly in recent times. Valentino Miotto from the trade association Aires Association, which represents the grain sector, describes the increasingly difficult situation of Italian farmers with the words: “From October onwards, we have started to suffer an enormous amount,” Miotto told the AP news agency.

    The EU warns families and businesses

    On Wednesday, October 20, Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, warned that factories in the EU may be forced to close due to high energy prices. “We are seeing a rise in prices that makes it difficult for many families to get their finances together, and we also see that there is a risk that companies will have to close down,” said von der Leyen.

    The European Commission has six stated priorities for the years 2019-2024. The first is that Europe should “become the first climate-neutral continent” on the planet and the second is a “digital strategy” where the people of Europe will have to live with “a new generation of technology”, which will transform Europe during the “digital decade” by 2030. Then at least 55 percent of carbon dioxide emissions must also be eliminated, which requires a total adjustment of everything and not least industry – which now risks having to shut down due to energy shortages.

    Sources with insight at European government level said that behind closed doors around Europe, plans were now being drawn up for electricity rationing, similar to that in China, in case of a cold winter. There are many indications that Europeans are actually facing a record cold winter.

    Epidemic of accidents

    The only thing worse than energy shortages with skyrocketing prices for electricity and fuel is a food shortage. Already in the autumn of 2019, the EU’s Commissioner for Agriculture, the Pole Janusz Wojciechowski, sounded the alarm about how many farms were lost in the EU countries.

    ACCIDENT WITH FREIGHT TRAINS CARRYING FERTILIZER. No fewer than 47 wagons derailed and several began burning in the state of Iowa on May 16 (pictured). Less than a day earlier, another freight train with 28 wagons with chemical products for manure production derailed in Minnesota.

    And something which has the potential to knock out half of all food production in the world all at once, is the lack of fertilizer. As Alfred Henry Lewis (1855-1914), an American investigative journalist and author once noted: “There are only nine meals between humanity and anarchy.”

    Fertilizer manufacturers have suffered countless setbacks in recent times. It is about everything from climate-related political decisions and failed transport capacity, to natural disasters and a wave of strange accidents that occurred during the year. Around the world, everything from factories have been destroyed in explosions to trains loaded with fertilizer derailed. In some cases, sabotage is suspected.

    Natural disasters compounded

    An example of devastating accidents occurred in the US state of Iowa on May 16 earlier this year. A freight train transporting fertilizer in no less than 47 wagons then derailed and several of the wagons also started to burn. Less than a day before, another freight train with 28 carriages derailed in Minnesota. It carried, among other things, hydrochloric acid, which is an important ingredient for fertilizer.

    The accidents with hazardous chemical substances led to both evacuations of surrounding residents and time-consuming clean-up work, which disrupted both logistics and the supply just when demand was high. These are just two of the unusually high number of accidents that have affected manufacturers and transports of fertilizers in the past year. An American train driver with over 30 years of experience commented that “we have more derailments with fertilizer trains this year than during my entire professional time”.

    An example of a natural disaster that seriously affected the availability of fertilizers is when Hurricane Ida swept across the southern United States and Louisiana on August 29, the second most powerful hurricane after Katrina to hit the southern United States.

    In Louisiana, is CF Industries’ largest ammonia factory in the world, but it was closed down for safety reasons the day before Ida struck, but could not resume production after it had passed due to the power outage.

    When the news reached the market, the already sky-high prices of fertilizer skyrocketed. In many respects, the event triggered a negative spiral of rampant prices – which in turn created panic purchases and exacerbated the shortages.
    Fertilizer factories have recently also begun to close down their operations due to the high costs of natural gas, which is used in production.

    A couple of examples are two factories in the UK, one in Billingham and one in Cheshire, which closed in mid-September. The two plants account for no less than around 45 percent of domestic demand. Industry insiders have pointed out how they found it strange that these were owned by CF Industries.

    Instead of compensating for delays due to the hurricane, CF chose to close two more factories two weeks later.

    The same thing has happened in many European countries with “too high natural gas prices”. Austrian fertilizer producer Borealis AG and German SKW Piesteritz, which is Germany’s largest producer of ammonia have scaled down production by 20 percent. The German company said in a statement that “the level that has now been reached no longer enables economically sound production, so we have to take this step”.

    This could be devastating for next season and the 2022 harvest in the northern hemisphere. Hermann Greif, a farmer from the village of Pinzberg in the southern state of Bavaria, told AP that he was shocked when he discovered that he could not even order fertilizer for next year. “There is no product, no price, not even a contract. It is a situation we have never seen before,” said Greif. “If I do not give my crops the nutrition they need, the yield will be much lower. It’s that simple.”

    Ironically or tragically, his corn harvest does not go to food, which soon risks becoming a global scarce commodity, but to biofuels to create so-called emission-free electricity – which globalists have demanded that nation states force their farmers to switch to.

    Billion risk starvation without fertilizer

    China is the largest producer of fertilizer with 37 million tonnes (2019) per year, which is more than the total production in the number two producer India, the number three US and four Russia. After Russia, China is also the second largest exporter of fertilizers. Together, they account for a quarter of all exports. Should one of them suspend exports, it would hit very hard.

    This is exactly what happened on July 30, when the Chinese Communist Party CCP ordered its phosphate manufacturers to suspend their exports one year ahead, until June 2022. China is the world’s largest exporter of phosphate fertilizers and had time to deliver in the first half of this year, before the export ban.

    This happened after CCP has already reduced production due to “climate emission issues at production facilities”. Thus, globalists demand reduced carbon dioxide emissions and CCP reduces production so much that they then realize that they probably can no longer export. The effect of these decisions had an immediate effect on prices, as China accounts for almost a third of the world’s phosphate trade.

    According to studies (Erisman et al.) Published in the scientific journal Nature, 48 percent of the world population in 2008 was dependent on nitrogen fertilizers for their daily access to food. “This means that nitrogen fertilizers in 2015 provided food security for 3,5 billion people who would otherwise have starved to death.”

    Josh Linville is an analyst and expert in, among other things, fertilizers at the large financial services company Stone X. He has almost 20 years of experience in dealing with American and international fertilizer markets. On September 29, he commented on the development: “I have said it before and I continue to say it: This is not like 2008… it is more scary.”

    Translated to today’s population figures, the lack of chemical fertilizers would lead to 3.8 billion people being left without food, with mass starvation, mass death, war, chaos and social decay that have not been seen since the previous Grand Solar Minimum.

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