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Thread: Who/what is running the world?

  1. Link to Post #1
    Canada Avalon Member azproductions's Avatar
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    Default Who/what is running the world?

    Do you think it’s humans? Reptiles? Demons? Aliens? The devil?

    Personally? I cant help but feel like the devil is underground. And I’m not religious in any sense, but I do feel there is a “god” and a “devil” of some unnamed sorts, and not what you see in the bible.. there’s truth to the bible, to all religions actually, but it got skewed and was created to cause separation amongst the human race. And how everything is satanic worship with Adrenochrome etc.. everything is connected to the devil. Idk, I feel like the depths of hell are right under us.

    But I do believe there’s demons or reptile forms that inhabit the earth. I don’t know.. curious to see what others think?

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    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who/what is running the world?

    Well, not 'underground'.

    David Icke pointed out many years ago that no regular humans would ever do some of the things to peoples, nations and the environment that those in positions of power recently seem to do.

    Therefore, he argued, they're not human.

    Digging into that a little more, they still look human. But they may well be possessed or in some other way influenced, controlled or just totally taken over.

    Dr Bill Deagle in his epic and remarkable 2006 Granada Forum Lecture described human leaders as being controlled by "hyperdimensional demonic entities." I'd say that's pretty much correct, whatever the mechanisms in play.

    Last edited by Bill Ryan; 5th October 2020 at 21:28.

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    Canada Avalon Member azproductions's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who/what is running the world?

    Thanks for the video! I’ll check it out

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    United States Avalon Member Bluegreen's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who/what is running the world?

    Pictorial guide:

    Top to bottom (in order):

    Off-world masters
    Illuminati whores
    Government leaders
    Hypnotized population

    . . . . .

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    UK Avalon Member Brigantia's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who/what is running the world?

    Maybe the idea of the devil living underground in his fiery hell comes from where the early Church was (and still is) based - not that far from Naples and the Plegreaean Fields (Campi Flegrei). It is one of the most active volcanic regions in the world, an eruption could be catastrophic but geologists think that one will not happen for thousands of years. Presently it's a sulfurous, steaming, desolate-looking place. The Greeks believed that nearby Lake Avernus was the entrance to the Underworld.

    Attachment 44673

    My point is that the cultural idea of the devil underground goes back centuries, the fiery pits of hell coming from awareness of vulcanism. There is also an idea of caves and other underground structures being liminal places, between this world and the land of the dead.

    To answer your question - are there demons underground? I really don't know, there is certainly a great amount of evil stalking this earth and tunnel systems are rumoured to be far more extensive worldwide than is commonly thought. They could be places where evil beings dwell, or they could be simply there for pragmatic reasons of storage or getting from one place to another - or maybe both. Without firm evidence I wouldn't want to speculate.

    It's a very interesting question!
    Last edited by Brigantia; 5th October 2020 at 23:22.

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    I reckon one thing bothers me about this whole ongoing thing, is the following: whatever the cause of our supposed "fallen state", popular opinion on the subject, regardless of point of view, is always pointed outward and seldom pointed inward.

    It's seldom anything "we" do, it's almost always fault of "the other".

    I do recognize outside influence, but I also recognize our own complicity. Precious few of us have no blood on our hands.

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    Canada Avalon Member TomKat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who/what is running the world?

    Quote Posted by HikerChick (here)
    To answer your question - are there demons underground? I really don't know, there is certainly a great amount of evil stalking this earth and tunnel systems are rumoured to be far more extensive worldwide than is commonly thought. They could be places where evil beings dwell, or they could be simply there for pragmatic reasons of storage or getting from one place to another - or maybe both.
    Red Elk said that there are reptilians mining the inside of the earth. Edward Snowden said something about more intelligent beings than humans inside the earth. UFOs are frequently seen diving into the ocean. Edward Shaver wrote about the Dero and Tero inside the earth. There've been reports of reptilians coming out of the earth in the Superstition Mountains. Indian legends about the sky gods kicking the asses of the underground gods... Faeries, trolls and gnomes are said to come from underground. Hopi legends about the 3rd, 4th and 5th (this) worlds suggests a tiered reality beneath our feet.

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    Default Re: Who/what is running the world?

    Well, there are many accounts of a strong smell of sulphur when interdimentional things materialize into 3D like reptilians or dracos... on the other hand, ghosts, like demons, can go through walls, float in the air or sink in the ground without any troubles... so, that combining the two, one can understand the identification of interdimentionals appearing out of nowhere with the realm of Vulcan's forges and Hades... but, what do I know...

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    United States Moderator (on Sabbatical) Deborah (ahamkara)'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Who/what is running the world?

    I always felt that the "lower" realms were evocative of a lower vibrational frequency- i.e. the lower astral. There is definitely an unseen influence that has been called many things over the years - Archons, Demons, Devils, Jinn -that can influence humans and generally leads to a generation of negative emotions such as fear, anger, hatred, which are apparently harvested or used energetically.The danger that I see is not that humans refuse to take responsibility, but that they are unaware of the manipulation/influence of these forces. This results in mind patterns that are interpreted as depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, psychopathy etc. I feel we are at the point where some will recognize these influences and begin to practice better psychic hygiene.

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    United States Avalon Member thepainterdoug's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who/what is running the world?

    THE C I A

    who runs them, i dont know

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    Avalon Member Hermoor's Avatar
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    From the top down I guess it starts with the ineffable master of all creation.

    From the bottom up I'm looking around and thinking "It's not me or my neighbour. Our anybody else in our street. Well they'll be in another street then, but not anywhere near here." And so the search continues.

    Sometimes I think of it from a historical perspective. If Ghenghis Khan was really the main man back in the day, who and what changed since then? It gets fruity around Napoleon's time. And forever difficult to clearly interpret. The system relies on apparently impregnable levels of secrecy. Yet in time this system too will fall as all inexorably do.

    It fascinates me that, for example, 'England's' Queen Elizabeth II is one of many currently listed as a princesses of the Holy Roman Empire. It begs the obvious question who is the Emperor/Empress and what mechanism put him/her there? And why do these titles exist at all nowadays? Didn't the Holy Roman Empire officially die out in the mid to late 19th century or something?

    I remember watching a BBC history documentary with Tony Robinson. It was all about the Templar Knights. He officially stated that the order died out with de Molay in Paris in the early 13th century. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I know Templar Knights for goodness sake, it's no big secret the order has been very much alive after de Molay!

    The photo of a Rothschild poking Prince Charles in the chest with a big, stiff, podgy finger says a lot. Basically you don't go poking senior royalty in the chest unless you want your head lopped orf or they are your bitches.

    The body language fascinates me. When the Pope meets the top parasites I'm always checking out who is bowing and scraping and who is the cat with the cream?

    I think it's very true that this lot can be all but cracked by their symbolism alone. It's very telling and absolutely everywhere. Their geographical footprint is worth mentioning too along with flags and heraldry.

    I'm pretty sure the Druids have a dog in this fight, but then so many factions do.

    There is always a Boss of all Bosses. And the usual suspects are sticklers for their heirarchy aren't they? Plenty will know in spite of their relatively miniscule numbers.

    Honestly, on one level I reckon it's nothing more than an old wizard or witch of Oz figure competing with and against other allies and wannabees and the control always emanates from that central melting pot. It's a simple enough game played out of our sight and over our heads. They know the numbers would crush them were the game to be played openly.

    Above that level? It goes otherworldly shortly thereafter. At least I've yet to figure out any other logical alternative to that conclusion..
    "A rising tide lifts all boats." Greybeard.

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  22. Link to Post #12
    United States Avalon Member Bluegreen's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who/what is running the world?

    Pictorial guide:

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    Avalon Member holcaul's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who/what is running the world?

    Thank you everyone who shared their thoughts and contributed ideas on that subject. I do have a few issues/questions that have always bothered me.

    1. David Icke, Bill Deagle and others talk about hyper dimensional beings that create the “elites” take over them and/ manipulate them into exexcuting very dangerous things.

    2. What is annunaki’s and reptilians end goal?

    3. Is there such thing As a “cosmic rule” of a level playing field.

    4. Considering these hyperdimensional beings have been interfering with our affairs for thousands of years, why exactly haven’t they succeeded yet.

    5. Are there any hyper dimensional beings that are on the side of mankind? Or are we left to fend for ourselves on a totally uneven playing field.

    Please give me answers to the best of your knowledge. Because, honestly, hopelessness is kind of overwhelming me.
    Last edited by holcaul; 6th October 2020 at 04:15.

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    United States Moderator (on Sabbatical) Deborah (ahamkara)'s Avatar
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    4. One theory: these beings do not have physical form, but use other physical beings to manifest energy in this realm. Since they are parasitical - using us- the goal is to keep the host alive as long as possible. Sometimes they overreach. Possibly they “infected” the destroyed planet that makes up the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, they may have also destroyed beings/ civilizations on Mars. We would be the third planet in our solar system to fall victim. We see parasites sicken and kill populations of wild creatures, so what is happening is just a more sophisticated version of that process.

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  28. Link to Post #15
    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who/what is running the world?

    Quote Posted by holcaul (here)
    Thank you everyone who shared their thoughts and contributed ideas on that subject. I do have a few issues/questions that have always bothered me.

    1. David Icke, Bill Deagle and others talk about hyper dimensional beings that create the “elites” take over them and/ manipulate them into exexcuting very dangerous things.

    2. What is annunaki’s and reptilians end goal?

    3. Is there such thing As a “cosmic rule” of a level playing field.

    4. Considering these hyperdimensional beings have been interfering with our affairs for thousands of years, why exactly haven’t they succeeded yet.

    5. Are there any hyper dimensional beings that are on the side of mankind? Or are we left to fend for ourselves on a totally uneven playing field.

    Please give me answers to the best of your knowledge. Because, honestly, hopelessness is kind of overwhelming me.
    My personal best answers! When you wrote "hopelessness is kind of overwhelming me", I really understand.
    1. I think they're both correct.
    2. I don't know. I was told by Henry Deacon (Camelot witness), who really did know a lot of stuff, that there were two different Anunnaki groups, one friendly and one hostile. (The Anunnaki are a very ancient space-faring race, nothing to do with "Nibiru". See my opening post on this thread: The Anunnaki.)
    3. Yes, but the rules are sometimes broken — just like with humans. There are renegade groups that are pretty powerful.
    4. Great question. They've not yet succeeded because of our own strength and free will. That's easy to forget. If we were that vulnerable, we'd have been enslaved thousands of years ago or more. The very fact you can ask this question, and I can answer it as best I can, should be inspiring to us all.
    5. Yes, we have allies. I'm personally certain of this.

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    United States Avalon Member Bluegreen's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who/what is running the world?

    Quote Thank you everyone who shared their thoughts and contributed ideas on that subject. I do have a few issues/questions that have always bothered me.

    1. David Icke, Bill Deagle and others talk about hyper dimensional beings that create the “elites” take over them and/ manipulate them into exexcuting very dangerous things.

    2. What is annunaki’s and reptilians end goal?
    Ownership of the Beautiful Blue Planet and its resources

    Quote 3. Is there such thing As a “cosmic rule” of a level playing field.
    What comes around goes around

    Quote 4. Considering these hyperdimensional beings have been interfering with our affairs for thousands of years, why exactly haven’t they succeeded yet.
    They are in the process of doing so

    Quote 5. Are there any hyper dimensional beings that are on the side of mankind?

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    United States Avalon Member Elainie's Avatar
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    1. Resources and human/soul trafficking trading.

    2.Power and control, they don't know any other way.

    3.Yes and it's complex.

    4.I believe we have been enslaved for thousands of years.

    5., Christ Jesus as one, unsure of others.

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    Albania Avalon Retired Member
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    If I have to speak from holy scriptures revealed in different times, from Abraham, to Moses, to Jesus and to Muhammad. In this reality we are living, since Adam and Eve made the decision to eat the forbidden fruit, humanity will be free to choose their path, to choose order (following the universal laws) or chaos (following their desires for power and greed). In this world Satan is not in hell (not yet), he sees us from where we do not see him. God has decreed Satan the time until the Day of Judgement, when he will be sent to Hell. So we are living in this world with our greatest enemy misleading masses as much as he can until the Day of Judgement, that will be the dividing point for humanity, the Day when God will be visible and will resurrect all humans and will judge for their deeds.
    Last edited by Eagle Eye; 6th October 2020 at 08:28.

  35. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Eagle Eye For This Post:

    Bassplayer1 (10th October 2020), Elainie (6th October 2020), janette (7th October 2020), Sadieblue (7th October 2020), wondering (6th October 2020)

  36. Link to Post #19
    Greece Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Who/what is running the world?

    We, human souls, are running the planet. The whole cabal structure is only the superficial layer. We, as souls, asked for this cooperation with darkness, because it is the only way for God, by taking the human form, to experience the evolution of consciousness. That cannot happen in heavenly fields where everything is smooth and light. We need the resistance, the pain, so we can realize our true nature and evolve.

  37. The Following 13 Users Say Thank You to ZenBaller For This Post:

    Bassplayer1 (10th October 2020), GaelVictor (7th October 2020), Jackson (8th October 2020), janette (7th October 2020), kfm27917 (6th October 2020), Mark (Star Mariner) (6th October 2020), Sadieblue (7th October 2020), Sunny-side-up (8th October 2020), TomKat (6th October 2020), Wind (6th October 2020), wondering (6th October 2020), XelNaga (12th October 2020), Zanshin (6th October 2020)

  38. Link to Post #20
    Greece Avalon Member OmeyocaN777's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who/what is running the world?

    The universe is alive (source).
    This part of our galaxy is "sick" by a "virus" (I believe from another universe).
    We are the antibodies (maybe not everyone) sent from the source...
    The 3d realm originally was the field where the souls were evolving quickly to become creators (dualism) but now it's corrupt...(that explains the confusion)
    Good and Evil at higher frequencies is the same force but now here is not the case...
    Our purpose here is to bring back balance and to send to the source as many as we can, infected spirits (especially 4d spirits).
    How we can do this? With memory/recollection/evocation...it's a frequency war. Knowledge is power...
    TRUTH / ΑΛΗΘΕΙΑ / Α-ΛΗΘΗ - he/she who is out of oblivion / truth is 'ring' like a bell (remembrance)
    INTELLIGENT, KNOWING /ΕΞΥΠΝΟΣ / ΕΞ-ΥΠΝΟΣ - he/she who is not 'sleeping' / spell of matrix
    Maybe I'm totally wrong or partly...but that is my theory until now...

    Watch from 1h02'30'' until 1h05'45''
    and you will see the end goal of this 'virus'
    Last edited by OmeyocaN777; 6th October 2020 at 09:57.

  39. The Following 11 Users Say Thank You to OmeyocaN777 For This Post:

    Bassplayer1 (10th October 2020), Elainie (6th October 2020), Jad (9th October 2020), janette (7th October 2020), leavesoftrees (6th October 2020), Sadieblue (7th October 2020), Sunny-side-up (8th October 2020), TomKat (6th October 2020), wondering (6th October 2020), XelNaga (12th October 2020), Zanshin (6th October 2020)

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