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Thread: Vaccines, pharmaceutical industry, masks and more: a conversation between R.F. Kennedy Jr. and Theo Von

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    Avalon Member guayabal's Avatar
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    Default Vaccines, pharmaceutical industry, masks and more: a conversation between R.F. Kennedy Jr. and Theo Von

    A conversation including current topics of interest: pharmaceutical industry, covid, the Pfizer vaccine, Trump and Fauci, masks and lockdown mandates.

    The info given on this video came to me as a surprise because the title of the video on youtube doesn't reflect the topics discussed. I post it here because you may find it interesting too.
    Last edited by guayabal; 13th November 2020 at 04:38.

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    Avalon Member Andre's Avatar
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    Default Re: Vaccines, pharmaceutical industry, masks and more: a conversation between R.F. Kennedy Jr. and Theo Von

    And here is today's sickening news from the UK in which it becomes even more evident that Boris Johnson is a Big Pharma whore. They're planning for a massive rollout of the COVID19 jab in the UK, ominously starting with those in aged care centers, since they certainly won't complain, despite being the most vulnerable segment of the population. It appears that Boris is a huge fan of the world's biggest (vaccine) drug dealer, Bill Gates. Although if we want to be a bit more candid about it, we could say Boris has been told to go along with anything that Bill says and wants. It's quite frightening what they're planning and it certainly won't be limited to the UK.

    Our destiny is in our hands. Let us visualise a world of truth, freedom and equality.

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    Germany Avalon Member Open Minded Dude's Avatar
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    Default Re: Vaccines, pharmaceutical industry, masks and more: a conversation between R.F. Kennedy Jr. and Theo Von

    It's not different in many other Western countries I suppose. It is getting very dangerous. If you get mandatory treatments and will be injected against your will or must suffer consequences if you don't you know tryanny is here.

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    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Vaccines, pharmaceutical industry, masks and more: a conversation between R.F. Kennedy Jr. and Theo Von

    Here's Robert F. Kennedy Jr in a new interview with Chris Martenson, published 4 days ago. (He didn't put this one on YouTube, smart move)

    Medical Imperialism Driven by Pure Greed

    (My personal comment: no, this isn't about $$ or 'greed'. It's all about control.)


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    Europe Avalon Member Icare's Avatar
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    Default Re: Vaccines, pharmaceutical industry, masks and more: a conversation between R.F. Kennedy Jr. and Theo Von

    Face Masks Decrease Cognitive Function and Increase Reaction Time, Study Finds

    Prolonged wearing of a surgical face mask, made compulsory in many settings in many countries during the Covid years, reduces cognitive function and increases reaction time in addition to increasing shortness of breath and fatigue. These are the findings of a study published in Nurse Education in Practice, an international peer reviewed journal, on September 15th 2023.

    The study, carried out in Turkey and titled ‘The effect of prolonged use of surgical masks during face-to-face teaching on cognitive and physiological parameters of nursing students: a cross-sectional and descriptive study’ involved 61 nursing students who volunteered to participate in the study. The sample size was determined to be adequate for the study using the statistical method of power analysis. Information was collected on cognitive fatigue and dyspnoea (shortness of breath) using a self-administered questionnaire and cognitive reaction time was measured objectively using an app. Body temperature and blood oxygen saturation were also measured.

    The students were asked to complete the questionnaires and measure the above parameters at the start of a five-hour class and to repeat the process at the end. Surgical face masks were worn for the duration of the class. With the exception of blood oxygen saturation, all the remaining parameters were adversely and statistically significantly affected over the course of the class.

    At the end of the class, the students reported greater shortness of breath, cognitive fatigue and had demonstrably slower reaction times. They experienced a rise in body temperature which is an established correlate of physical fatigue.

    The authors of the study are careful to point out that the design of their study was a pre-test/post-test where the participants were, effectively, acting as their own controls. It is possible, therefore, that alternative explanations may exist to explain the observations. For example, we do not know if or to what extent the observed changes in parameters may have taken place anyway after five hours in class. For that reason, as recommended by the authors, further study is required of these phenomena using a parallel control group who undergo the five-hour class but who are not subjected to wearing surgical face masks for the duration. The reported study was carried out under Covid restrictions, therefore, there was no possibility of incorporating a control group.

    Assuming that the outcome of the study does provide evidence for the adverse effects of face masks then further study should be conducted. Furthermore, the implications of the study could be very important if transposed to clinical practice. Prolonged wearing of surgical (and even more restrictive) face masks was compulsory during Covid restrictions. The ramifications for the ability of clinicians to make the correct decisions and to act quickly in emergency situations are surely worrying.

    Declaration of interests: the author is Editor-in-Chief of Nurse Education in Practice.

    Dr. Roger Watson is Academic Dean of Nursing at Southwest Medical University, China. He has a PhD in biochemistry. He writes in a personal capacity.


  10. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Icare For This Post:

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