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Thread: Voices' are like Phishing E-Mails by their methodology

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    Malta On Sabbatical
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    Default Voices' are like Phishing E-Mails by their methodology

    I noticed over the last few months during lockdown that my 'voices' not only mimic a broadcast or a very sly and clever form of covert harassment but essentially their behavior could be compared to a Phishing e-mail, whereby you unwitting respond to them, (Voices) and spoon feed them information, they meaning the Voices, can't tell if that data is real or fiction though they collectively form an assumption that because it's in your head, meaning the thought then it must be some actual factual data.

    I've noticed the tactic known as Phishing being noticed by me during the observation of theses 'voices' I just wondered if anybody has had any experiences or has made any clear observations with regards to this.

    After the phishing tactic is used I think that the idea seems to be to involve or conspire an attempt at entrapment is made, this seems to reflect cyber mobbing trends, though it's the experience of hearing voices and co-existing with street theatre,gaslighting and isolation.

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    France Avalon Member Lunesoleil's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Re: Voices' are like Phishing E-Mails by their methodology

    Your reflection reminds me of the voice of the soul, you should try to sing with the eyes of the soul, Neptune arrives on your Venus in Pisces, that would be an excellent spiritual initiation

    Last edited by Lunesoleil; 5th January 2021 at 19:56. Reason: add link

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