Lin Wood would be born on October 19, 1952 at the time of a new moon.
In December 2020, Mars in transit found itself in the objective of opposition to its Sun, Neptune and Saturn leading to a very murky period, I would even say irrational.
In January 2021 Mars in transit will have joined Uranus and this time in the opposition obligation Mercury, for the Moon without the time of birth is either in the group of December or January, but it does not matter in view of the news of the moment.

In its progressed sky, from February, Mars in transit, will arrive in conjunction with the Moon / Jupiter progressing at the apex of a square T, you see the red triangle on the map, Jupiter / Moon is at the tip of this red triangle and activated by the transit of the Sun on the progressed conjunction of Venus / Mars, indicates a period of tension and why no danger?
This critical period can be assessed between the last days of January and the first week of February ...

If other astrologers want to give their opinion, are welcome