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Thread: Quick Kundalini Awakening

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    United States Avalon Member
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    Default Quick Kundalini Awakening

    Years ago, I was drawn to this site. I still did not understand so much. Today, I joined back in, searching for more info. After watching Kerry talk about opening her 3rd eye and Kundalini. I seem to be on some fast track to clearing my 3rd eye. Which was helped by the Man above. Four days, I felt the area pulsating for about 20 mins. I got real sleepy, but did not lay down. I was drawn to a site which had, lets just say, not of this earth beings. Well, after that week, I went back to working on opening the chakra's up. I would get 1,2, and 3 open. I kept at it for weeks. About 3/4 weeks later, I got all the way up to my throat chakra. I could not get past it. Finally, I had a big blow out with my daughter, and that night, it too opened. I also made it the 3rd eye. A few days later, after watching Kerry again, I knew I had to go for this Kundalini. I really didn't know what it was. Wow, like a snake, it was very agressive. It went to 1 and 2. I tired, and it went back down. Two days later, again I tried. Got it to go up to heart, but not past it. It went up and down. I tried to control it, had it go up and down a few times, then quit for the night. I practiced a few nights later and it was much calmer. I had more control over it. Almost very night after, it tried to release, just after laying down. Not even relaxed yet. I knew it wanted to be released bad. So I looked up about the cobra breathe. I never really watched but 1 min on how to use it. That night, I released the Kundalini, with much feelings of love, for my pet. I got it to go to 3rd, it stopped. I tried the breathe, boom, it went past to 4, did breathe, for 5, went to 3rd eye. Just pulsed and vibrated alot. That was night before election. That day, I woke up so calm, I knew everything was ok. I felt full trust in the lord. Mind you, I was not that great of a christian. But, I know he is in control, fully. Now, I am not sure what I am to do next? Any body else, have this problem? I felt rushed into opening it, not sure why?

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    United States Moderator Sue (Ayt)'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Quick Kundalini Awakening

    Quote Posted by dlnewton (here)
    That day, I woke up so calm, I knew everything was ok. I felt full trust in the lord. Mind you, I was not that great of a christian. But, I know he is in control, fully. Now, I am not sure what I am to do next? Any body else, have this problem? I felt rushed into opening it, not sure why?
    Well, I think you may already have your answer, dlnewton.
    Just continue to surrender to Source and allow the guidance given you.
    "We're all bozos on this bus"

  4. The Following 17 Users Say Thank You to Sue (Ayt) For This Post:

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  5. Link to Post #3
    Germany Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Quick Kundalini Awakening

    Three cases of kundalini awaking

    So far I had contact with 3 clients, that had an awakening kundalini. At that time none of the three women was aware about the true nature of what was happening with them.
    All three had very strong energetic "discharges", that made them symptoms and pain.
    Two managed it very well (to my knowing, we are not longer in contact), after learning about the phenomenon.

    One woman in her 40ths did not so well. She played with that strange energy when she did it to herself, being fascinated of that strange sensation, and she drew the energy up to her head, not knowing what she was doing. She never had learned about circulating the energy back in the body to the lower chacras. So more and more energy went to her head.
    This women ended in a psychiatric hospital.
    I was not able to help her with homeopathic remedies and instructions to stop her behaviour and first learn about energy cycles.

    That given as a warning.

  6. The Following 13 Users Say Thank You to Olaf For This Post:

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    Scotland Avalon Member greybeard's Avatar
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    Default Re: Quick Kundalini Awakening

    All I can say is --leave well alone.
    Kundalini awakened in me about twenty years ago -- it was spontaneous - I had never heard of it.
    Shi dis followed --healing abilities.
    I was advised not to get ego take over this.
    The energy is still on the move -- nothing bothers the me now.
    Enlightenment is left to Divine providence. They will be done.

    A lot of information here.
    Be kind to all life, including your own, no matter what!!

  8. The Following 14 Users Say Thank You to greybeard For This Post:

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  9. Link to Post #5
    UK Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Quick Kundalini Awakening

    I have seen one person in great distress after an accidental Kundalini awakening from falling off a horse. If the Kundalini does not have a clear chakra run it will come out where it can. In this person's case it came out the heart Chakra. This brought many physical problems with it. Nausea, inability to lie down or bend down, dizzyness and more. This became a problem hard to fix and as far as I know wasn't because any healer who went near them triggered more energy rush and more symptoms. Doctors could only guess at what the cause was and administered some medications that did nothing to ameliorate symptoms. So all in its own time once all the chakras are clear and all baggage sorted.

  10. The Following 13 Users Say Thank You to Trisher For This Post:

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  11. Link to Post #6
    Ireland Avalon Member pueblo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Quick Kundalini Awakening

    Quote Posted by greybeard (here)
    All I can say is --leave well alone.
    Kundalini awakened in me about twenty years ago -- it was spontaneous - I had never heard of it.
    Shi dis followed --healing abilities.
    I was advised not to get ego take over this.
    The energy is still on the move -- nothing bothers the me now.
    Enlightenment is left to Divine providence. They will be done.

    A lot of information here.
    I had what I think was a spontaneous Kundalini experience too.

    I was meditating (sort of discursive meditation) on forgiveness and felt an overwhelming sense of forgiveness for myself, others and the whole world when suddenly what I can only describe as a 'lightning bolt' of energy shot up from the base of my spine and 'blew out' the top of my head.

    The force was so strong it knocked me backwards (I was sitting). It felt like white hot electricity. I do not know for sure if this was a Kundalini experience or not, I only learned about Kundalini after this experience. I have never tried to recreate this experience.
    Last edited by pueblo; 28th January 2021 at 11:53.

  12. The Following 12 Users Say Thank You to pueblo For This Post:

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  13. Link to Post #7
    United States Avalon Member Ratszinger's Avatar
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    Default Re: Quick Kundalini Awakening

    One day a few months ago I got up and could not walk without great pain! The discomfort was tremendous! It felt like my hip was going to snap to take a step! I began using a cane just to get around. Then it became two canes using them like a walker. I had to purchase a donut seat cushion with deep cushion to it and it was still uncomfortable for me to sit. A heating pad was best friend and I was laying on it a lot. After tolerating it for weeks on end, then a month I was to the point I was not happy with life at all.

    I was in bed in great pain on Dec 24th of 2020. I said a prayer then that if this was bone cancer and my cancer was back and had now traveled to my hip that God had to help me with all these cats because my wife couldn't take care of them on her own without me. Then on Christmas day one of my favorite cats, "Angel" died right in front of the wife and myself at about 6 pm that evening. I took it as a direct answer to my prayer. I buried her the next day out back. Then I scheduled with my cancer doctor after explaining to him what I had been dealing with and went in on the 31st for a CT and bone scan.

    The bone scan showed an unusual uptake on the right hip in seven places. It also appeared that I had a hair line crack in it. I was told there was a very good chance it was bone cancer and that when I had stage four cancer in my lymph system that it must have been they didn't get it all. They wanted to do a biopsy to be sure and I had that scheduled to do before cancelling it. I was wheeled back to the car where I drove home after being told to prepare for the worst and then if was cancer I can't have any treatment! He tells me my body has already had all the radiation and chemo it can take and there is really nothing they could do. So I decided I didn't want to know that badly.

    Needless to say I went home pretty hopeless that day! That was the beginning of 2021 for me! I was in bed again laying on my heating pad once more aching miserably and my youngest brother texted me. I rarely hear from him but he got me when I was rather cranky and I explained I was in a great deal of pain and that I didn't really want to text right now. He apologized and said he was not aware of m situation. We hung up, and since was awake now I decided to take a shower. So I undressed and got in and I had just finished washing my hair and cleaning and was rinsing off. Being that standing was painful I have become accustomed to taking short showers so when I turned around to rinse my back side I was stunned by the amount of steam in the shower! However, I soon discovered it was not steam!

    It was a mist and I soon realized it was alive and lifting me up! I began tearing up and crying big tears in this embrace and was suddenly like 7' tall, my chest expanded, and I felt this tremendous strength! I breathed in a breath that was like no other in my life, a deep satisfying breath, like a holy breath and it went right down through me so satisfying I can't even describe it! I've never taken a breath like that and I had these appendages on my back and I could feel them as my strongest part of my body and they were wings! I had wings and I could feel them! I said out loud what is this? I couldn't see! I was crying and this mist was all around me and then it put me down. I know how crazy it sounds but it seemed although I could feel great strength in my arms, they seemed short for my size like they were not long enough but I was so overwhelmed by this glimpse of like a next level above ours that it was but a fleeting thought!

    I was unable to see clearly and was struggling due to the tears and the mist but I got out of the shower, and dried off and actually got as far as getting my second leg in my underwear before I realized I had done it all without a cane and without any pain whatsoever! Further I put my underwear on one leg at a time balancing myself like I did when young and I had not been able to do that for a long time! At that realization I cried again and had to sit down!

    My cancer doctor is actually from London where he lives and I texted him right away. My doctor and I wanted to do another scan after I told him what happened but insurance won't pay for it until three months out so I scheduled it for then but I know I was healed! I have not had issues since. While I don't know that I was healed completely and that it could be a reprieve I will take it! All I do know is that I can walk without a cane now, and without pain! And I could not do that before! I am sleeping fine again no matter my position and sitting isn't bothering me anymore. I don't know if it is a Kundilini or the Holy Spirit but I'll take it and I'm ready to do that again!

    When I told my youngest brother Joe about it (he is a Rev) he told me that it was his wife and the prayer group and that when they prayed things happened but it wasn't them! It was Jesus! Not being sure of that but knowing something greater than myself was indeed in the shower with me I was humbled by the entire thing. I would probably roll my eyes if someone told me such a story. I know how it sounds.

    Two days after this occurred I said a prayer for that Angel that came to me in the shower, and out of the blue I did this with no forethought I was just praying and said in my prayer that I wished the angel that gave me a lift up would get a lift up himself on his level equal to or greater to the one I had on my own and in that instant the mist was right back in front of me again and once more I cried and this time I felt a touch on my head and the words, "This is quite a change in you!" You have no idea!I thought to myself! This experience has changed my entire life perspective and is the single greatest fully awake spiritual contact I've ever had! I wasn't sure where to share this. Forgive me if this is the wrong place.
    The genius consistently stands out from the masses in that he unconsciously anticipates truths of which the population as a whole only later becomes conscious! Speech-circa 1937

  14. The Following 37 Users Say Thank You to Ratszinger For This Post:

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    United States Avalon Member wondering's Avatar
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    Default Re: Quick Kundalini Awakening

    Dear Ratzinger, What an amazing experience! Thank you so much for sharing it. I am beyond happy to hear of your healing and please know, as I know you must, that sharing this is an uplifting experience for me, and I don't doubt for many. Blessings!!! Diane

  16. The Following 15 Users Say Thank You to wondering For This Post:

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    Canada Avalon Member Ernie Nemeth's Avatar
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    Default Re: Quick Kundalini Awakening

    Wow. Ratzinger, that was an uplifting story. I was wondering if you had prayed to be healed beforehand? Have you done anything to raise your Kundalini?

    I want to believe such things can happen.

    You have been blessed.

    Blessed be.
    Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless — like water...Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend. Bruce Lee

    Free will can only be as free as the mind that conceives it.

  18. The Following 13 Users Say Thank You to Ernie Nemeth For This Post:

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    Scotland Avalon Member greybeard's Avatar
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    Default Re: Quick Kundalini Awakening

    I have read sages say that The Holy Spirit is the same as Kundalini rising.
    It rewires the nevous system so that the body can accept a higher spiritual vibration.
    The late Dr David Hawkins was enlightened and kundalini awakened within his body.
    He maintained that happened to Jesus.
    Said also that the highest spiritual vibration that this heavy density world could stand was within the Chris and also The Buddha.
    Anything higher would fry the body.
    Regardless "God" is within all -- there is no where that the Divine energy is not.
    Its just different vibration (form) of the same energy.
    As the saying goes "Keep it simple"
    Be kind to all life, including your own, no matter what!!

  20. The Following 15 Users Say Thank You to greybeard For This Post:

    Bill Ryan (29th January 2021), Billy (29th January 2021), Harmony (8th March 2023), Hermoor (25th January 2023), Hym (29th January 2021), Journeyman (28th January 2021), pueblo (28th January 2021), Ratszinger (28th January 2021), Rosco1 (15th February 2021), Sadieblue (28th January 2021), Sirus (29th January 2021), Sue (Ayt) (28th January 2021), Trisher (29th January 2021), wondering (28th January 2021), Zirconian (29th January 2021)

  21. Link to Post #11
    UK Avalon Member Journeyman's Avatar
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    Default Re: Quick Kundalini Awakening

    Quote Posted by Ratszinger (here)
    This experience has changed my entire life perspective and is the single greatest fully awake spiritual contact I've ever had! I wasn't sure where to share this. Forgive me if this is the wrong place.
    I don't think there can be a wrong place for such an honest and inspiring account. I'm just pleased I clicked on this thread and got to read it. Thank you for sharing it with us and I hope all goes well for you in the time ahead.

  22. The Following 16 Users Say Thank You to Journeyman For This Post:

    Bill Ryan (29th January 2021), Billy (29th January 2021), Constance (28th January 2021), Deborah (ahamkara) (29th January 2021), Eva2 (28th January 2021), greybeard (30th January 2021), Harmony (8th March 2023), Karen (Geophyz) (28th January 2021), pueblo (29th January 2021), Ratszinger (28th January 2021), Rosco1 (15th February 2021), Sadieblue (28th January 2021), Sue (Ayt) (28th January 2021), Trisher (29th January 2021), wondering (28th January 2021), Zirconian (29th January 2021)

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    United States Moderator Karen (Geophyz)'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Quick Kundalini Awakening

    Thank you Ratzinger for sharing that amazing experience. You are indeed blessed!
    "If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, Infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things thro' narrow chinks of his cavern.” William Blake

  24. The Following 14 Users Say Thank You to Karen (Geophyz) For This Post:

    Bill Ryan (29th January 2021), Billy (29th January 2021), Constance (28th January 2021), Eva2 (28th January 2021), Harmony (8th March 2023), Hym (29th January 2021), pueblo (28th January 2021), Ratszinger (28th January 2021), Rosco1 (15th February 2021), Sadieblue (28th January 2021), Sue (Ayt) (28th January 2021), Trisher (29th January 2021), wondering (28th January 2021), Zirconian (29th January 2021)

  25. Link to Post #13
    United States Unsubscribed
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    Default Re: Quick Kundalini Awakening

    Here's the fastest way I know of.

    Autobiography of a Yogi
    At his touch, a great light broke upon my
    being, like glory of countless suns blazing together. A flood of ineffable bliss,
    overwhelming my heart to an innermost core, continued during the following
    Sri Yukteswar seldom indulged in riddles; I was bewildered. He struck gently
    on my chest above the heart.
    My body became immovably rooted; breath was drawn out of my lungs as if
    by some huge magnet. Soul and mind instantly lost their physical bondage,
    and streamed out like a fluid piercing light from my every pore. The flesh
    was as though dead, yet in my intense awareness I knew that never before
    had I been fully alive. My sense of identity was no longer narrowly confined
    to a body, but embraced the circumambient atoms. People on distant streets
    seemed to be moving gently over my own remote periphery. The roots of
    plants and trees appeared through a dim transparency of the soil; I discerned
    the inward flow of their sap.
    The whole vicinity lay bare before me. My ordinary frontal vision was now
    changed to a vast spherical sight, simultaneously all-perceptive. Through the
    back of my head I saw men strolling far down Rai Ghat Road, and noticed
    also a white cow who was leisurely approaching. When she reached the space
    in front of the open ashram gate, I observed her with my two physical eyes.
    As she passed by, behind the brick wall, I saw her clearly still.
    All objects within my panoramic gaze trembled and vibrated like quick
    motion pictures. My body, Master's, the pillared courtyard, the furniture and
    floor, the trees and sunshine, occasionally became violently agitated, until all
    melted into a luminescent sea; even as sugar crystals, thrown into a glass of
    water, dissolve after being shaken. The unifying light alternated with
    materializations of form, the metamorphoses revealing the law of cause and
    effect in creation.
    An oceanic joy broke upon calm endless shores of my soul. The Spirit of God,
    I realized, is exhaustless Bliss; His body is countless tissues of light. A
    swelling glory within me began to envelop towns, continents, the earth, solar
    and stellar systems, tenuous nebulae, and floating universes. The entire
    cosmos, gently luminous, like a city seen afar at night, glimmered within the
    infinitude of my being. The sharply etched global outlines faded somewhat at
    the farthest edges; there I could see a mellow radiance, ever-undiminished.
    It was indescribably subtle; the planetary pictures were formed of a grosser
    The divine dispersion of rays poured from an Eternal Source, blazing into
    galaxies, transfigured with ineffable auras. Again and again I saw the creative
    beams condense into constellations, then resolve into sheets of transparent
    flame. By rhythmic reversion, sextillion worlds passed into diaphanous
    luster; fire became firmament.
    I cognized the center of the empyrean as a point of intuitive perception in my
    heart. Irradiating splendor issued from my nucleus to every part of the
    universal structure. Blissful amrita , the nectar of immortality, pulsed
    through me with a quicksilverlike fluidity. The creative voice of God I heard
    resounding as Aum , 14-1 the vibration of the Cosmic Motor.
    Suddenly the breath returned to my lungs. With a disappointment almost
    unbearable, I realized that my infinite immensity was lost. Once more I was
    limited to the humiliating cage of a body, not easily accommodative to the
    Spirit. Like a prodigal child, I had run away from my macrocosmic home and
    imprisoned myself in a narrow microcosm.

    Muktananda - The Guru's Touch 1/2

    Muktananda - The Guru's Touch 2/2

  26. Link to Post #14
    UK Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Quick Kundalini Awakening

    Quote Posted by Ratszinger (here)
    One day a few months ago I got up and could not walk without great pain! The discomfort was tremendous! It felt like my hip was going to snap to take a step! I began using a cane just to get around. Then it became two canes using them like a walker. I had to purchase a donut seat cushion with deep cushion to it and it was still uncomfortable for me to sit. A heating pad was best friend and I was laying on it a lot. After tolerating it for weeks on end, then a month I was to the point I was not happy with life at all.

    I was in bed in great pain on Dec 24th of 2020. I said a prayer then that if this was bone cancer and my cancer was back and had now traveled to my hip that God had to help me with all these cats because my wife couldn't take care of them on her own without me. Then on Christmas day one of my favorite cats, "Angel" died right in front of the wife and myself at about 6 pm that evening. I took it as a direct answer to my prayer. I buried her the next day out back. Then I scheduled with my cancer doctor after explaining to him what I had been dealing with and went in on the 31st for a CT and bone scan.

    The bone scan showed an unusual uptake on the right hip in seven places. It also appeared that I had a hair line crack in it. I was told there was a very good chance it was bone cancer and that when I had stage four cancer in my lymph system that it must have been they didn't get it all. They wanted to do a biopsy to be sure and I had that scheduled to do before cancelling it. I was wheeled back to the car where I drove home after being told to prepare for the worst and then if was cancer I can't have any treatment! He tells me my body has already had all the radiation and chemo it can take and there is really nothing they could do. So I decided I didn't want to know that badly.

    Needless to say I went home pretty hopeless that day! That was the beginning of 2021 for me! I was in bed again laying on my heating pad once more aching miserably and my youngest brother texted me. I rarely hear from him but he got me when I was rather cranky and I explained I was in a great deal of pain and that I didn't really want to text right now. He apologized and said he was not aware of m situation. We hung up, and since was awake now I decided to take a shower. So I undressed and got in and I had just finished washing my hair and cleaning and was rinsing off. Being that standing was painful I have become accustomed to taking short showers so when I turned around to rinse my back side I was stunned by the amount of steam in the shower! However, I soon discovered it was not steam!

    It was a mist and I soon realized it was alive and lifting me up! I began tearing up and crying big tears in this embrace and was suddenly like 7' tall, my chest expanded, and I felt this tremendous strength! I breathed in a breath that was like no other in my life, a deep satisfying breath, like a holy breath and it went right down through me so satisfying I can't even describe it! I've never taken a breath like that and I had these appendages on my back and I could feel them as my strongest part of my body and they were wings! I had wings and I could feel them! I said out loud what is this? I couldn't see! I was crying and this mist was all around me and then it put me down. I know how crazy it sounds but it seemed although I could feel great strength in my arms, they seemed short for my size like they were not long enough but I was so overwhelmed by this glimpse of like a next level above ours that it was but a fleeting thought!

    I was unable to see clearly and was struggling due to the tears and the mist but I got out of the shower, and dried off and actually got as far as getting my second leg in my underwear before I realized I had done it all without a cane and without any pain whatsoever! Further I put my underwear on one leg at a time balancing myself like I did when young and I had not been able to do that for a long time! At that realization I cried again and had to sit down!

    My cancer doctor is actually from London where he lives and I texted him right away. My doctor and I wanted to do another scan after I told him what happened but insurance won't pay for it until three months out so I scheduled it for then but I know I was healed! I have not had issues since. While I don't know that I was healed completely and that it could be a reprieve I will take it! All I do know is that I can walk without a cane now, and without pain! And I could not do that before! I am sleeping fine again no matter my position and sitting isn't bothering me anymore. I don't know if it is a Kundilini or the Holy Spirit but I'll take it and I'm ready to do that again!

    When I told my youngest brother Joe about it (he is a Rev) he told me that it was his wife and the prayer group and that when they prayed things happened but it wasn't them! It was Jesus! Not being sure of that but knowing something greater than myself was indeed in the shower with me I was humbled by the entire thing. I would probably roll my eyes if someone told me such a story. I know how it sounds.

    Two days after this occurred I said a prayer for that Angel that came to me in the shower, and out of the blue I did this with no forethought I was just praying and said in my prayer that I wished the angel that gave me a lift up would get a lift up himself on his level equal to or greater to the one I had on my own and in that instant the mist was right back in front of me again and once more I cried and this time I felt a touch on my head and the words, "This is quite a change in you!" You have no idea!I thought to myself! This experience has changed my entire life perspective and is the single greatest fully awake spiritual contact I've ever had! I wasn't sure where to share this. Forgive me if this is the wrong place.
    Thank you Ratzinger for sharing such a beautiful happening. You really have been blessed.

  27. The Following 9 Users Say Thank You to Trisher For This Post:

    Anka (29th January 2021), Bill Ryan (29th January 2021), Billy (29th January 2021), Harmony (8th March 2023), Hym (29th January 2021), pueblo (29th January 2021), Ratszinger (29th January 2021), wondering (29th January 2021), Zirconian (29th January 2021)

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    Great Britain Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Quick Kundalini Awakening

    Thank you Ratzinger.
    I truly loved reading this account of your sacred healing.
    Truly an uplifting and inspiring story.
    The power of prayer is much needed in these times. Your story may encourage others.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Made my evening.
    Last edited by Zirconian; 29th January 2021 at 20:33.

  29. The Following 8 Users Say Thank You to Zirconian For This Post:

    Anka (29th January 2021), Bill Ryan (29th January 2021), Deborah (ahamkara) (29th January 2021), greybeard (30th January 2021), Harmony (8th March 2023), Hym (29th January 2021), pueblo (29th January 2021), Ratszinger (29th January 2021)

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