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Thread: Solutions for preppers

  1. Link to Post #1
    United States Honored, Retired Member. Ron passed in October 2022.
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    Default Solutions for preppers

    Solutions for Preppers
    Updated 04-16-2021

    Food - Repackaging and Vacuum Packing At Home with and without electricity.
    Food - Camp Stoves. Some are multi-fuel capable.
    Food - Camp Stove Fuels: wood twigs, propane, butane, fuel tablets, charcoal and alcohol
    Clothes Washing without electricity
    Communication, Amateur Radio, FRS, GMRS. Have a plan with family (and a backup plan) of where to meet in case of separation.
    Dehydrating Food With Tammy, a wealth of how-to information.
    Electricity – Generators – Propane does not go bad. Gasoline does go bad and can be a problem.
    Electricity - Portable Power Stations rechargeable from commercial power, solar and automobile.
    Electricity – Whole House Solar is expensive. Affordable systems require a change of life style. Propane is the suggested fuel for the cook stove and water heater
    Fire Starting using cotton ball & Vaseline, ferro rod, and magnesium
    Health and Hygiene – Get first aid training and stock up on soap and toilet paper.
    Shelter - On The Road if you have a camper.
    Shelter – For The Homeless
    Space Heating using wood stoves, propane, electricity and kerosene
    Toilets, basic model and composting.
    Water – Filters, Purifiers, Pasteurization, Distillation
    Clean drinking water is a critical resource in an emergency. Three days without clean drinking water then nothing else will be needed.
    Plan ahead or it will be too late. How far must you travel to collect water? Do you have suitable containers? Filters? You need a plan.
    Water - Heating with solar, wood and propane fuel. An outdoor propane powered turkey cooker is a simple, easy and inexpensive hot water heater for a shower. This has been used in off grid shower applications with a 12V Shurflow water pump and kitchen dish sprayer. If an extended shower is wanted fill more buckets.
    Water - Rain Collection - Quick Deploying Rain Catchment There is a treasure chest of information about collecting and storing rain water on Youtube. 5 gallon buckets of water will not survive a freeze.
    Rain water storage for human consumption requires blocking sunlight from the water to prevent algae growth. Water for a survival garden can have algae. Filter before drinking.
    Water - Rain Water Collection and Storage
    Water – Shower using 12 volts or a weed sprayer.The average shower is 17.2 gallons, 8.2 min @ 2.1 gpm and 105 degrees F. Use a military shower technique to save water.
    Water – Retrieval Without Electricity
    Tools knife sharpening and a back packing wood saw.

    Last edited by Ron Mauer Sr; 18th April 2021 at 18:33.

  2. The Following 36 Users Say Thank You to Ron Mauer Sr For This Post:

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    Avalon Member palehorse's Avatar
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    Default Re: Solutions for preppers

    Thank you Sir,
    I am going through all these stuffs right now as I am writing some sort of field guide for hard times, with your permission I will borrow some of your materials.

    Looking forward for the "Electricity - Solar Energy" part.
    Last edited by palehorse; 1st April 2021 at 12:09.
    A chaos to the sense, a Kosmos to the reason.

  4. The Following 13 Users Say Thank You to palehorse For This Post:

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    United States Honored, Retired Member. Ron passed in October 2022.
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    Default Re: Solutions for preppers

    Everything I post is available at no cost, no credits needed.
    My reward is feeling that I have made another happy.

    My original post has been updated with "Electricity - Solar Energy". Expect more updates to the original post.
    Last edited by Ron Mauer Sr; 1st April 2021 at 15:45.

  6. The Following 12 Users Say Thank You to Ron Mauer Sr For This Post:

    Bill Ryan (31st May 2021), Harmony (3rd April 2021), Hym (3rd April 2021), Johan (Keyholder) (2nd April 2021), Karen (Geophyz) (1st April 2021), magicmanx (1st April 2021), mountain_jim (31st May 2021), palehorse (2nd April 2021), RunningDeer (24th August 2021), Stephanie (1st April 2021), tendril (24th August 2021), Victoria (30th May 2021)

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    Sweden Avalon Member Metaphor's Avatar
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    Default Re: Solutions for preppers

    Great stuff! Appreciated :-)

  8. The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to Metaphor For This Post:

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  9. Link to Post #5
    Canada Avalon Member CurEus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Solutions for preppers

    Very informative.

    For those looking to DL a librariy of useful prepper info here is my old thread linking to 13GB of books.


  10. The Following 8 Users Say Thank You to CurEus For This Post:

    Bill Ryan (31st May 2021), Harmony (3rd April 2021), Hym (3rd April 2021), mountain_jim (31st May 2021), palehorse (3rd April 2021), RunningDeer (24th August 2021), tendril (24th August 2021), Victoria (30th May 2021)

  11. Link to Post #6
    Avalon Member palehorse's Avatar
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    Default Re: Solutions for preppers

    Quote Posted by CurEus (here)
    Very informative.

    For those looking to DL a librariy of useful prepper info here is my old thread linking to 13GB of books.

    I downloaded it all, thanks for that, I am reorganizing it little by little, found out I had already some of the docs, there is some pearls in there, have to harvest

    To complement it, I found this one http://augmentinforce.50webs.com which I also downloaded lots of docs, very prep oriented..

    and here is another resourceful website with literally tons of data (140TB) not only for prep, but nearly about everything.
    A chaos to the sense, a Kosmos to the reason.

  12. The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to palehorse For This Post:

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    Philippines Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Solutions for preppers

    Things can be a lot easier if you don't mind being dirty or eating anything edible. As in KISS principle.

    "KISS, an acronym for keep it simple, stupid, is a design principle noted by the U.S. Navy in 1960.[1][2] The KISS principle states that most systems work best if they are kept simple rather than made complicated; therefore, simplicity should be a key goal in design, and unnecessary complexity should be avoided. The phrase has been associated with aircraft engineer Kelly Johnson.[3] The term "KISS principle" was in popular use by 1970.[4] Variations on the phrase include: "Keep it simple, silly", "keep it short and simple", "keep it simple and straightforward",[5] "keep it small and simple", "keep it simple, soldier",[6] or "keep it simple, sailor".

    Things that I normally carry when I go to the wild. At least 5 lighters with light, place on different locations. the cheap china brand cost a dollar for 5 pieces. Plastics and parasail to keep everything dry and to catch rain. Water filter. knife and bolo. headlamp. At least 1 cooking pot. some rope. small butane stove for emergency use only.

  14. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to Bubu For This Post:

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  15. Link to Post #8
    Avalon Member palehorse's Avatar
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    Default Re: Solutions for preppers

    yeah agree, I have been using the KISS principle in programming for the last 20 years or so, i like it simple, but we a not talking about a camping trip, but a homestead, an off-grid life, something not temporarily, which will require a little more effort to setup, most of the documents in those links use the KISS principle as well (I mean, the idea is simplistic), I personally found many of these documents very useful, since I do not know how to do all the stuffs I need, one of the options is to learn how to do and do it to best of my ability, the other option is just pay someone to do that, but then what I would be learning in the process? probably nothing to almost nothing.
    A chaos to the sense, a Kosmos to the reason.

  16. The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to palehorse For This Post:

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  17. Link to Post #9
    United States Honored, Retired Member. Ron passed in October 2022.
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    Default Re: Solutions for preppers

    Did I think about this? A self examination.


    How can I get clean water to drink?
    What water filters do I have?
    Are containers with a lid available to carry water?
    How far must water be carried to flush a toilet? Is a composting toilet a better alternative?
    What types of energy will be available?
    Is dry firewood available?
    Is a small ax available to make small pieces of wood suitable for a wood fired camp stove?
    Is solar powered emergency lighting available?
    How can food be preserved without electricity?
    How can I store food? For how long?
    Is a manual can opener available?
    How can the shelf life of food be preserved after opening a large container?
    How can cooking be done without electricity or propane?
    Can I start a fire without matches?
    How can cooking be done without electricity or propane?
    Do I have a wood fired camp stove?
    Who is growing my food?
    Can I preserve food from the garden?
    Can I dehydrate frozen food?
    How do I save seed?
    Do I have enough seed to plant the next season’s harvest?
    How can I communicate with my friends without commercial electricity to power phone or radio?
    Is a small solar system available to charge various size batteries?
    What size solar system is within my budget?
    Do I know first aid?
    How can I take a shower?
    How can clothes be washed?
    Are personal hygiene supplies adequate? Soap is inexpensive.
    Last edited by Ron Mauer Sr; 24th August 2021 at 13:14.

  18. The Following 13 Users Say Thank You to Ron Mauer Sr For This Post:

    Ankle Biter (24th August 2021), avid (24th August 2021), Bill Ryan (24th August 2021), Brigantia (24th August 2021), Harmony (24th August 2021), indiana (24th August 2021), mountain_jim (24th August 2021), palehorse (27th September 2021), Peace in Oz (25th August 2021), RunningDeer (24th August 2021), Sadieblue (24th August 2021), tendril (24th August 2021), Victoria (25th August 2021)

  19. Link to Post #10
    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Another angle on this. There's more to prepping than taking care of food, water, health, cooking, heating and power.

    Things around you break, which may cause big problems if there are prolonged shortages of supplies in (e.g.) hardware stores.

    So besides basic tools, one might need
    • wire
    • electric flex
    • electric switches, connectors and plugs
    • G-clamps
    • drill bits and hacksaw blades (they break)
    • lengths of rebar
    • wooden spars, planks, sheets of plywood
    • door/window bolts
    • spare keys for everything (they can get lost)
    • epoxy glue, superglue
    • rubber glue (for mending shoes and boots)
    • rope and twine (all kinds)
    • padlocks
    • sand and cement (store the cement double-bagged in plastic, as it mustn't get wet)
    • lengths of pipe, pipe joints, hose clamps, silicon sealant
    • clip ties
    • old inner tubes (can cut pieces of useful thin rubber to any shape)
    • a spare wheel/tire for your wheelbarrow
    • spare wooden handles for spades and pickaxes (they break, too)
    • nails, screws, bolts, hooks and washers of every size
    • plastic sheeting/ tarps
    • spare bulbs and fuses for your vehicle
    • velcro
    • sandpaper
    • duck tape, masking tape, electric insulating tape
    • (if you have a silver generator) - distilled water
    • work gloves, plastic goggles
    • pens, pencils and paper
    • (and for the guys reading this) - don't forget needles and thread.
    All this is very inexpensive. For very little outlay one can stock up on most of the above. Some of these small items may make a LOT of difference if something unexpected goes wrong.

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  21. Link to Post #11
    United States Honored, Retired Member. Ron passed in October 2022.
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    Default Re: Solutions for preppers

    "Did I think about this?" page has been updated with links to solutions.

    Last edited by Ron Mauer Sr; 17th September 2021 at 00:57.

  22. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Ron Mauer Sr For This Post:

    Bill Ryan (12th September 2021), Brigantia (10th September 2021), Harmony (20th September 2021), palehorse (27th September 2021)

  23. Link to Post #12
    Canada Avalon Member CurEus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Solutions for preppers

    Reminder 13 GIGABYTES of books.....yes, it is QUITE an enormous # of books and materials.

    Quote Posted by CurEus (here)
    Very informative.

    For those looking to DL a librariy of useful prepper info here is my old thread linking to 13GB of books.


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  25. Link to Post #13
    Canada Avalon Member Justplain's Avatar
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    Default Re: Solutions for preppers

    I think that we may need to be prepping for a long period of isolation. Quite possibly this will require several years to resolve, if not considerably longer, if we get driven into hiding. Given this scenario it's best to plan to survive without electricity unless you have an independent generation source.

    With long-term in mind, you also might want a guide on foraging local wild edible plants. I downloaded hundreds of pages on edible plants available in my vicinity and grouped them into plants, berries and mushrooms. This research can also be used to find natural medicinal plants.

    Tarps are also essential. Great for rain and even snow protection.

    I would also suggest finding a way to build a reliable shelter with mostly local materials. There are lots of internet videos on how to do this, just concentrate on those tailored to your local environment. Also plan on disguising your habitation in case you want to avoid unwanted visitors.

    Regarding camouflage, one other suggestion would be to acquire material you can line your dwelling and clothes with that will stealth out your body heat, such as mylar and possibly just aluminum foil.

    You might also consider the need to dump all your 'smart' electronic gadgets since you can be tracked with that junk, if times get that bad.

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  27. Link to Post #14
    Canada Avalon Member CurEus's Avatar
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    I am of the opinion that considerable more thought is necessary as well as preparation.

    As we enter into periods of exceptional uncertainty as it relates to cyclical cosmic, solar, and planetary events we must also acknowledge the planned destruction of our critical infrastructure, food and energy production and social stability.

    Yes, one could live in a cave.....
    Yes, one can build a self sufficient homestead
    Yes, one can buy and build out a mobile home, camper van, bunkie or tiny home.

    What is at issue is that it is impossible to plan for all possible scenarios that could be regionally specific or globally impactful.

    I think we need to deal with what we have a pretty good indicatation of what is "likely" to happen.

    In the Northern hemisphere we will be greatly affected by the Grand Solar minimum. Temps will drop, food production will be devastated, it is entirely likely we will not have electricity for quite some time and temperatures will drop precipitously. We have been through this in the past but not to the extent that we are obnoxiously dependent on stable infrastructure and really are clueless on how to produce our own tools, foods, medicines.

    That is before extreme earth changes hit...be it flooding, earthquakes, mud floods, volcanoes, tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes, wildfires.
    Certainty some "safer" locales have been proposed. But then we have the implosion of civil society to contend with. It won't be very "civil" So unless you have a 'golden ticket" to a DUMB. Consider moving elsewhere that is much more stable and secure. Now.

    Unless you are exceptionally adroit at self sufficiency you will probably need a community of like minded people to get though this......a GSM usually lasts between 40-60 years. Noting there is boundless conjecture about juch more "extreme" Earth changes ranging from pole shifts to global impacts or radiation events. A deep cave seems nice right about now....unless an ocean is dropped on your head.

    We also have politics to deal with....if you move out of country will you be welcome where you go? people become violently tribal during times of crisis. You may not be allowed to cross borders so NOW is the time to settle in where ever you may feel is best to be. A gentle reminded, this covid crisis will still be playing out...currently we have "light" restrictions on travel. That can literally change in an hour.

    No, a good tent and tarp will do nothing for you at all.
    I would gently refer to that as "aggressively naive" or "fatally stupid". Both are unpleasant and it is not my intention to be insulting . Some people do survive just on dumb luck alone.

    Determine where u need to be and get there. And prep accordingly.

    I will go where I feel I can weather the storm and will outfit a land vehicle, a home and another boat.
    options are important...I'd buy a hot air ballon if I didn't think it would be ripped to shreds almost instantly...maybe I can add that to my boat?

    Most of can feel "something" is going to happen and happen soon......I have felt this for over a decade, it is how I found P. Camelot and Avalon.

    Whatever you plan on doing, get busy and get it done now.

    Has anyone noted the deranged migration patterns of animals this year.......?
    They know something is going to happen.

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  29. Link to Post #15
    Canada Avalon Member Ernie Nemeth's Avatar
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    I really wish you guys all the best in your endeavours. If this scenario plays out the world will need people that persevere no matter the cost. Knocked back into the dark ages...

    My wife can't travel, and I've long ago given up on driving. We will be staying put. We have no choice. Besides a little extra rations we will not prepare for calamity. What's the point?

    We all must die. I'm happy to do so by my wife's side.

    God's speed!
    Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless — like water...Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend. Bruce Lee

    Free will can only be as free as the mind that conceives it.

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  31. Link to Post #16
    United States Honored, Retired Member. Ron passed in October 2022.
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    Default Re: Solutions for preppers

    Quote Posted by Ron Mauer Sr (here)
    "Did I think about this?" page has been updated with links to solutions.

    Apologies for the broken link. I am being hacked.

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  33. Link to Post #17
    Avalon Member palehorse's Avatar
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    With the speeding up of the chaotic situation world wide, we have to be prepared as quickly as possible.

    As I said before I got bare land with quite a few perennial plants but no shelter, and I live about 600km away from my bug out place, I was planning to move over there in last January, but I was in doubt about nearly everything, now I had made my mind (wife still reluctant and optimistic about the situation taking a turn and going back to normal, well I don't, but we are working on it ).
    I am preparing backpacks in 3 different sizes - 90L, 50L and 35L(kid), I still have to make to the land, and I don't know how it will look like in a few months, we still have work issues that prevent us to do it right now, which will not be an issue at all if things start to fall apart, anyway here is how I am preparing it.

    The 90L backpack almost fully packed and stored for 72 hours emergency for 2 persons, it is a heavy one, I am building another 2 small backpacks for 1 adult and 1 for a kid, I will keep them ready for whatever may come, if when it happen we just load the truck and hush away, and we will probably leave behind our full house if there is no time to move things to our land, the truck option to bug out is a good one, but there is risks and that is why I am preparing the backpacks, if for whatever reason we have to abandon the truck (hopefully not), we would have to finish our journey on foot (but it is not a plan B in my point of view because we have a goal to reach the land, and we will do even if we have to walk).

    I just got few items days ago, a few more is arriving soon:
    • a pair of dual band radios (aka walkie talkie vhf/uhf).
    • a medical kit with all the basics including suture needles.
    • protein in powder to mix in water, rice porridge in powder, dehydrated coconut, peanuts and sunflower seeds.
    • thermal blankets.
    • a small compact tent for 3 persons.
    • tactical flashlights (2x) and 6 rechargeable batteries.
    • simple compass
    • one short knife for general use.
    • one short sword (tanto) for protection.
    • match box and alternative fire starter
    • small pot/cookware to prepare meals

    I still seeking for some items for the backpack:
    • a compact water filter and another one for backup.
    • a nocturne binocular (it is damn expensive, I may pass it anyway)

    here what I got already in the land
    • a distiller for water, essential oil, home made boozie maybe
    • earth oven.
    • roof water collector and 2 water tanks.
    • 1 small pond (no fish or duck yet, I will have to work out this one).
    • diverse farm tools for planting/harvesting (all manual tools, no tractor)
    • a small barn where I keep the tools and stuffs.
    • old solar panels, charger controller and inverter, but not in use, it is in a box.
    • lots of perennials all over the place (mushrooms, bamboo shoots, wild berries, etc..).
    • a jungle on the edge of the land which connects to a mountain range with caves and dense woods, all part of a national park.
    • wild boars/pigs.
    • wild snakes (they are edible!)

    I never took it so seriously as I am doing right now, my concern is about the distance to the land which is hundreds of km from where I am living.
    (right now there is major floods in this country, road blocks in north and north-east and around Bangkok)

    I do realize I still have a long way to go preparing to have all we need in place, specially a shelter, but if it was going to happen right now, I would just go for it with what I have, I got no other options, no plan B or C, I have only this plan, if I fail me and my family will be probably dead.

    I do appreciate when people come together and take action, I do know it is turning into a major crises everywhere, whatever if it is fabricated crises or not, the outcome will be the same and we have to be prepared for that, because shortage on everything will be a reality.

    Since I live in a foreign country and I have only my family (wife and kid and in laws) and no friends, this is indeed the best thing I can do, it fits my own situation, others may look for a better plan of action for themselves, I believe this is the perfect time to have that very serious talk with family/relatives/friends and have absolute sure who is in the same boat with you and who is not, I had such talk many months ago with my family in my home country and now they won't even talk to me, they truly believe I am a lunatic, conspirator, terrorist, leftist, etc.. (the list of hate adjectives is very long)

    I would like to ask to anyone willing to share any ideas on how you are planing and what is your plan B or even plan C.. what would make a good altenative plan? I know the question is broad and hard to answer because each person are living under different circumstance but if you feel like sharing what you think would work for you, I appreciate that, we can always adapt from other plans.

    I was even thinking about my plan B to be something like not going at all to my bug out place, but that would make no point in having the place at all and I made mistakes in my plan and I do recognize that now.

    Prepare seems for many like an easy thing, my own experience told me it is not.
    Last edited by palehorse; 28th September 2021 at 05:51. Reason: added some more item i remembered.
    A chaos to the sense, a Kosmos to the reason.

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    Default Re: Solutions for preppers

    learn how to forage. seeds and especially quick harvest plant seeds: VV mushroom , radish, salad leaves, spinach etc. Hunting tools to harvest wild animals and fish. I have an electronic fish catcher and other hunting tools. Anyways these are for those that have nothing to start with. My permaculture place is underway.

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    United States Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Solutions for preppers

    Quote Posted by CurEus (here)
    I am of the opinion that considerable more thought is necessary as well as preparation. ..n patterns of animals this year.......?
    They know something is going to happen.
    Just How Prepared Do You Really Think You Will Be?

    I enjoy and have learned from such Prepping post.. but life is more complex than we imagine.

    17 years ago I moved to the Gulf Coast area.. 2 miles from the Gulf.. Massive bays around for fishing, etc..
    Then unexpected things happened..
    Like blowing 2 neck disk (1 from Hurricane Cleanup) and a bad operation.
    Medical issues can ground you 100%... for years. 3+ years in my case. (Twice!)
    Just how do you prep for this?

    Even with good insurance at the time.. I needed more Medical Care than I wished for or ever expected.
    Pain MDs, Physical Therapy, Massages, Rx Drugs, Supplements, etc..

    If you are ever in a hospital for an operation ... you need someone looking out for your well being...
    As you will not be able to make good decisions or follow what is going on if you are distracted by pain or highly medicated for pain.

    My newer brick home has suffered some 4 Hurricanes too.
    This required effort to clean up trees, fences, damages to roof, trees downed.. lack of power for days..
    Repeat and rinse a few times..

    Some have no home to return to.. from forest fires, floods, etc ????
    A 40' Tidal Wave plus the Hurricane destroyed 4,300 homes here in 2004.
    Now what is plan B, or C, D, etc..
    You may not be able to locate your lot.. in rural areas especially...
    As massive trees are down.. road signs are history... if you can get into the area at all.

    Hurricane that hit Panama City left a path of destruction that was 100 miles wide and over 200 miles long.
    Massive number of trees down.. Small towns destroyed.. People moved away and did not rebuild.

    How are you going to tend to the garden, fish, etc to provide food for yourself?
    How are you going to store it to preserve it?

    Who are you going to trust.. while you are away?
    Especially if you have not family near by?
    Who will maintain your animals, if you are confined to a hospital for several days or weeks?
    Do you think your garden will be there if unprotected in a disaster?

    I was on my HOA Board of Directors when the worst Hurricane hit.
    Everyone is busy with cleaning up their own damages and trying to recover.

    There is a shortage of everything.
    Stores closed .. from lack of power if nothing else.
    No one has enough stockpiled.
    Everyone is stressed and dog tired from the heat and work.

    FEMA shows up 3+ days with food rations and water.
    Or things could be really bad for people..
    Some may have tarps to cover your roof.. or mold starts growing inside everything.

    Extra Police, National Guard around.. but still looting in nice homes and even trailers happens.
    People break into such, even with warning signs stating you will be shot!
    Looters showed up with 4 wheel trucks and trailers.
    One ran off the road and killed several electrical workers from out of state helping.

    Street lights, Traffic Lights are all out.
    Numerous auto accidents occur from this..
    Even FEMA worker were killed in people being tired and not noticing it was an Intersection..
    Running through the intersection and causing a wreck.

    And that boat you were surviving in sunk in the middle of the night.
    After last years Hurricane .. there were no boat docks from Pensacola to Mobile, Alabama untouched.
    Big boats were trapped as it too late for them to run.. Just setting ducks in the docks.

    Man decided to ride it out in a Marina in a friends large Sail Boat.
    The entire Marina Boat dock was sunk in the night.
    He ended up in the sinking boat, in the dark.. among large timbers.. splashing in big waves.
    Unable to see anything.. he felt around trying to find a way to get on land.
    This guy was in good shape.. and found something floating.
    Was washed past a bridge.. and swam toward a piling..
    People saw him the next morning.. but could not figure out how to get to him..
    Brave Jet Ski Driver threw him a rope and pulled him to land.

    Being new to the area and knowing nothing about Hurricanes..
    I was the last person out of my neighborhood.
    Trees were reported falling behind me as I drove up the Evacuation Roads.
    Oh, I had not thought of getting trapped... before the Hurricane even hit land.
    So I stepped on the gas and drove faster, as I was the only car on the road.
    Returning.. I saw numerous cars that had been trapped.. and all the windows had been blown out from flying debris.

    Lesson learned.. Evacuate Early.. Not Last.
    If Danger approaches.. start filling up extra gas cans.. and buy food.
    Note: Gas Pumps don't work.. without Electricity - minor detail you know.

    It does not take a Natural Disaster or Riot and one can suddenly find themselves along.. without any resources in a strange location.

    2 months ago.. I was driving late (3:00 am) checking my mailbox and taking a couple of dogs for a walk.
    I noticed this man walking toward the beach.. along a dangerous road.. where many auto accidents happen.
    I turned around and checked on him.. He was going to the beach.. some 4 miles away.
    He did not have anyone to see, or stay with.. but his car had broke in Mississippi a few weeks earlier..
    and he ended up selling it all.. as he had no money, or credit cards to repair it.
    57 years old and from Wisconsin, he thought he could sleep on the beach and eat fruit from the trees..
    I took him to eat at a waffle house and talked to him. He was unaware the Condos owned all the access to the beaches.
    This being an upscale area, some 25 miles from a town.. there were few stores, or jobs.
    He had no idea how far apart they were either.
    Since he was an Ex-Marine Aviation Mechanic, and now a Painter..
    I offered to let him camp out on my back porch, feed him, and pay him some for work.
    This went on for 6 weeks.. I washed his cloths, gave him some of my old ones and let him take showers.
    I took him to sports bars to watch football games, drink and eat on weekends.
    Finally got him to call his family and talk to them 3 times..
    He realized he needed a support network.. and by himself.. he was unable to provide for himself, in his situation.

    It takes more to survive than a pipe dream.
    And "...considerable more thought is necessary as well as preparation."

  38. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Perdido For This Post:

    fifi (29th September 2021), palehorse (29th September 2021)

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