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Thread: Mars & Nuclear War — what's the story?

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    Avalon Member nearing's Avatar
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    Default Mars & Nuclear War — what's the story?

    Hi all,

    I've been gone for 7 years from this forum and was pleasantly surprised to see it still going!!

    I thought of something today that I remember either hearing about here or saw a Project Camelot interview on, I cannot recall. Anyway I thought maybe you all could help

    The story is about humans living on Mars (as slaves to an elite race perhaps?) and the elites got themselves in trouble with another alien race that wanted them to let the humans free, maybe? Anyway there was a nuclear war and Mars became uninhabitable.

    The survivors fled to Earth....

    Does anyone recall this story, who tells it, any details, any links?

    Thank you!
    and I'm glad to touch base with many who still seem to be here after 7 years!! xoxo
    "In science, I discovered, you cannot find the Truth."
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    United States Avalon Member Bluegreen's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mars & Nuclear War — what's the story?

  4. The Following 10 Users Say Thank You to Bluegreen For This Post:

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    On Sabbatical
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    Default Re: Mars & Nuclear War — what's the story?

    Quote Posted by nearing (here)
    Hi all,

    I've been gone for 7 years from this forum and was pleasantly surprised to see it still going!!

    I thought of something today that I remember either hearing about here or saw a Project Camelot interview on, I cannot recall. Anyway I thought maybe you all could help

    The story is about humans living on Mars (as slaves to an elite race perhaps?) and the elites got themselves in trouble with another alien race that wanted them to let the humans free, maybe? Anyway there was a nuclear war and Mars became uninhabitable.

    The survivors fled to Earth....

    Does anyone recall this story, who tells it, any details, any links?

    Thank you!
    and I'm glad to touch base with many who still seem to be here after 7 years!! xoxo

    I believe you can find truth in science, just not the "common' science, or the 'military/political/fund research based one'

    Never heard about that story about mars, would that be before humans lived here, or the 'immigration stage' where humans and 'aliens' got all mixed up some time ago?

    Since you said mars became 'uninhabitable', i'm guessing this means there were no 'native' humans at the time on earth and then 'we' are the martians?



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    United States Avalon Member thepainterdoug's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mars & Nuclear War — what's the story?

    Hi Nearing. welcome back
    love your avitar

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    Netherlands Avalon Member 9ideon's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mars & Nuclear War — what's the story?

    Something to do with the Isotopes over there.



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    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mars & Nuclear War — what's the story?

    Linda Moulton Howe did a serious and detailed piece on Coast to Coast AM back in August 2014 about the supposed lineage of humans migrating from Mars, based on claims by Anthony Sanchez, who wrote the 2011 book UFO Highway. I have to say, this is interesting stuff, and I consider this is all a serious possibility.
    This is my own summary of what Sanchez stated he had been told by an unnamed contact. Linda goes into all this in quite some detail in her C2C broadcast.

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    Great Britain Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Mars & Nuclear War — what's the story?

    Hi Nearing,

    some of what you're recalling regarding the Project Camelot interview, might be the one Bill and Kerry did with a young Russian boy, named Boriska(I think!), who spoke vividly of a past life on Mars, a nuclear war that took place that ultimately destroyed the planet, or leastways made it uninhabitable(officially, at least!) and of being connected with an evac mission to Earth too(I think...it's been a long time since I seen it!).
    Unfortunately, with Camelot's Youtube channel having been taken down I don't know where you'd find it, but I'm sure it's still out there somewhere.

  14. The Following 9 Users Say Thank You to I should cocoa For This Post:

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    United States Avalon Member RunningDeer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mars & Nuclear War — what's the story?

    Quote Posted by I should cocoa (here)
    Hi Nearing,

    some of what you're recalling regarding the Project Camelot interview, might be the one Bill and Kerry did with a young Russian boy, named Boriska(I think!), who spoke vividly of a past life on Mars, a nuclear war that took place that ultimately destroyed the planet, or leastways made it uninhabitable(officially, at least!) and of being connected with an evac mission to Earth too(I think...it's been a long time since I seen it!).
    Unfortunately, with Camelot's Youtube channel having been taken down I don't know where you'd find it, but I'm sure it's still out there somewhere.
    MARCH 25, 2021:   MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT:  YOUTUBE has just deleted my entire channel Over the ROBERT DAVID STEELE interview even though I had (call it a premonition) placed the interview in their category of UNLISTED meaning it was NO LONGER EVEN PUBLIC!!   I am an original YOUTUBE DIRECTOR AND CREATOR.  My channel has been on Youtube for 16 years.  The entire channel was deleted 1 year into operation by “mistake” by Youtube and we put it all back up immediately .  At this time, we had over 300,000 subscribers and over 70 million viewers worldwide.
    We have copies of all videos and are going to make them available via our own server.  So do not worry we have been preparing for this for a long time…since Youtube has become more and more about censorship and less and less open to freedom of speech or thought.  
    Thank you to all my viewers over the years for your love and support.–KERRY CASSIDY, FOUNDER, CEO, PROJECT CAMELOT, projectcamelotportal.com
    The notice from Youtube is copied below.  They claim the interview violated their “community guidelines” and contained “medical misinformation” even though Robert David Steele only made one statement during the hour about Covid.  On top of this, we have a clear MEDICAL DISCLAIMER at the end of this and every video!
    I have appealed their action.

    See below for notice I received.
    continued here

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    France Avalon Member araucaria's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mars & Nuclear War — what's the story?

    Hi Nearing. You could search for Dr John Brandenburg, and his theory of a nuclear holocaust on Mars. There is a lot of material: maybe start here:

    This may tie in with the work of Tomp Van Flandern, whos determined that all asteroids, comets, etc, originated from a single point in time and space, namely an exploding planet, which possibly explains the state Mars is in today. If there was interplanetary nuclear warfare, then Mars actually came off best.

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    Finland Avalon Member Wind's Avatar
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    "When you've seen beyond yourself, then you may find, peace of mind is waiting there." ~ George Harrison

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    Germany Avalon Member Open Minded Dude's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mars & Nuclear War — what's the story?

    I remember another or similar version given in a regressive hypnosis session in one of Dolores Cannon's book.

    In this version the planet (Maldek, Tiamat, Phaeton?) in our solar system that is now an astroid belt between Mars and Jupiter (see pic) was blown up by the civilisation on it. It affected Mars badly and 'blew the athmosphere away' destroying also the civilisation there. It also affected Earth and Jupiter taking hits but these planets were 'surviving'.

    I have an old bookmark for googlebooks where you can read bits of it:


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    Avalon Member nearing's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mars & Nuclear War — what's the story?

    This is great!!! Thank you!
    "In science, I discovered, you cannot find the Truth."
    --Marcel Messing (during an interview with Bill Ryan)

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    England Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Mars & Nuclear War — what's the story?

    I fail to understand why people humans or entities wish to explore nuclear or more to destroy a planet, area or person. IT's is beyond my comprehension. I feel these aliens learned their lessons they see us humans ' doing the same stupid thing as they may have done and want to disarm us before we harm or destroy holy planets which are unnaturally being exploded or impacted by bombs. God only knows what we are trying to do in space in secret projects. It hurts me to even think.

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    Avalon Retired Member
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    Default Re: Mars & Nuclear War — what's the story?

    Quote Posted by nearing (here)
    Hi all,

    I've been gone for 7 years from this forum and was pleasantly surprised to see it still going!!

    I thought of something today that I remember either hearing about here or saw a Project Camelot interview on, I cannot recall. Anyway I thought maybe you all could help

    The story is about humans living on Mars (as slaves to an elite race perhaps?) and the elites got themselves in trouble with another alien race that wanted them to let the humans free, maybe? Anyway there was a nuclear war and Mars became uninhabitable.

    The survivors fled to Earth....

    Does anyone recall this story, who tells it, any details, any links?

    Thank you!
    and I'm glad to touch base with many who still seem to be here after 7 years!! xoxo

    UMM.. not exactly a "nuclear war" but yes nuclear destruction. They had devices on it's surface which were somewhat nuclear powered. Similar to nuclear plants we have today on Earth. Some cosmic force attacked a planet in this system, destroyed it and then attacked Mars. Survivors escaped to Earth.. because the Earth became shielded against the cosmic force.

    That is just my opinion though.. based on what studies I had done.

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    Denise/Dizi (4th April 2022)

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