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Thread: Do you eat meat? Could you, Would you...?

  1. Link to Post #21
    On Sabbatical
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    Default Re: Do you eat meat? Could you, Would you...?

    Quote Posted by Michael Moewes (here)
    Quote Posted by Mashika (here)
    Quote Posted by Michael Moewes (here)
    I'm a Budhhist. therfore and out of compassion, I would never eat a living being. Another point is what happens to your energy and aura. when you eat an animal the negative energy of how they died and the fact that they dind't want to die, puts your aura in to a deep dark red and black energy. this negative energy is destroying your etheral body and not to mention - due to this negative karma, you will be reborn in the hell realms. not my words but the teachings of Siddharta Gautama.
    That's a bit not 'natural' in itself, because animals will gladly eat you without any regards for "energy" either positive or negative. And animals do have feelings, and hurt inside and all those things, they just know how to deal with the nature itself and understand in a basic way, how life works, they are prepared to fight, but they are also aware of death and deal with it way better than most humans, who invent rules to prevent it or attempt to escape it in any possible way even when they know it's unavoidable

    The difference between Humans and animals is the concious mind which gives you the possibility to choose. due to this comment I will refer to you as an animal.

    Since you are a Buddhist, sure you know about the practice of "Transmission of Spirit" or "Sky Burial"?

    Sky burial has nothing to do with tantric Buddhissm

    A big part of the aspect of being alive, is respecting other living beings, but most importantly, respecting nature and its rules. And one of the main rules of nature is that you must not allow waste, because that waste is something taken away from some other living being. So if you have to eat, you eat, because eventually, you will be food for someone else as well

    That's where I see that you're an animal with the same instincts. i will rather die than harming another seinten being. But therefore you need to have conciousness.

    Before you can reach Nirvana, you have to accept the nature of this world, as it is, not as you would like it to be. This also means you have to accept that at some point, you will have to eat some other living being, and plants are also living beings by the way. Or you can eat air and water only, but then you would waste your energy so that it doesn't give back to nature as much as nature gave to you...
    That's where your totally wrong! You can never reach enlightenment when you let your survival depend on the suffering of another seinten being. You definitely have absolute no Idea what Buddhism really means.

    Have a great life and die well,
    Why so much anger?

    You speak on absolutes, in a very fundamentalistic way.

    That's not very buddhist. Do you realize that just by writing that, you have completely rejected all Buddhism teaches?

    I don't think you understand the nature of it, just like if a Lion attacked you because you entered their territory, you would think the Lion is at fault and evil, and not you going where you don't belonged in the first place

    I'm sorry but you are over reacting badly, you need to work more on your understanding of what Buddhism is, based on your own words

    Maybe should step aside for a bit and think or look more into what i said, or ask someone else, is a good choice right now, and for the future

    Just saying. And i did not meant to offend you, but clearly you felt offended somehow?

    Instead of this

    Let's have some tea and relax
    Last edited by Mashika; 2nd April 2021 at 12:06.

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  3. Link to Post #22
    On Sabbatical
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    Default Re: Do you eat meat? Could you, Would you...?

    Quote Posted by Michael Moewes (here)
    Quote Posted by Mashika (here)
    Quote Posted by Michael Moewes (here)
    I'm a Budhhist. therfore and out of compassion, I would never eat a living being. Another point is what happens to your energy and aura. when you eat an animal the negative energy of how they died and the fact that they dind't want to die, puts your aura in to a deep dark red and black energy. this negative energy is destroying your etheral body and not to mention - due to this negative karma, you will be reborn in the hell realms. not my words but the teachings of Siddharta Gautama.
    That's a bit not 'natural' in itself, because animals will gladly eat you without any regards for "energy" either positive or negative. And animals do have feelings, and hurt inside and all those things, they just know how to deal with the nature itself and understand in a basic way, how life works, they are prepared to fight, but they are also aware of death and deal with it way better than most humans, who invent rules to prevent it or attempt to escape it in any possible way even when they know it's unavoidable

    The difference between Humans and animals is the concious mind which gives you the possibility to choose. due to this comment I will refer to you as an animal.

    Since you are a Buddhist, sure you know about the practice of "Transmission of Spirit" or "Sky Burial"?

    Sky burial has nothing to do with tantric Buddhissm

    A big part of the aspect of being alive, is respecting other living beings, but most importantly, respecting nature and its rules. And one of the main rules of nature is that you must not allow waste, because that waste is something taken away from some other living being. So if you have to eat, you eat, because eventually, you will be food for someone else as well

    That's where I see that you're an animal with the same instincts. i will rather die than harming another seinten being. But therefore you need to have conciousness.

    Before you can reach Nirvana, you have to accept the nature of this world, as it is, not as you would like it to be. This also means you have to accept that at some point, you will have to eat some other living being, and plants are also living beings by the way. Or you can eat air and water only, but then you would waste your energy so that it doesn't give back to nature as much as nature gave to you...
    That's where your totally wrong! You can never reach enlightenment when you let your survival depend on the suffering of another seinten being. You definitely have absolute no Idea what Buddhism really means.

    Have a great life and die well,
    Tantra or trantic Buddhism does have the Sky Burial as a concept, and they even have a term for it... Are you even sure you know your own religion? Or are you making a big mistake here right now?

    Surely you know you are talking about Vajrayāna Buddhism, right?

    How odd that people who practice it, tends to negate all what you said on your reply, i don't get you, and i won't even try at this point, but here read this

    Thanks for considering me an "animal", because animals, tend to be more accepting and pure in feelings and intentions than some humans, so for me, that's a compliment

    It's also very odd that a Buddhist practicioner would consider animals as something lower, or a term that can be used to insult someone else, and put her on a lower lever of education or living/education standards

    For Buddhists, animals are sacred, yet you use the term as an insult to me.

    Also, as a side note:

    Buddhist are allowed to eat meat, is just they chose not to . The one thing that is not allowed is to ask someone to kill a cow or a chicken or other animal, and then prepare it so that you can eat it

    But if you are offered some food and it's the only food available and it is meat but you did not ask for eat (Not paid for, but it is a donation) THEN you can eat it

    I hope this helps you in understanding a few things, and if you still feel angry and hateful i'm truly sorry, but you have a few big misunderstandings about life and buddhism and no one but you will get you out of that place. I don't know where you have been learning Buddhism, but it's all wrong in the way you reflected those terrible feelings, specially in the way you talked about animals and me.

    And the way you said i don't understand Buddhism while also using animals as an insult.. nope just nope
    Last edited by Mashika; 2nd April 2021 at 13:32.

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  5. Link to Post #23
    Aaland Avalon Member Agape's Avatar
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    Default Re: Do you eat meat? Could you, Would you...?

    Actually, to be relevant and totally honest with you and the subject : which I’ve experienced in depth while living aside Buddhist monks and practitioners of many traditions, lineages and kinds,
    the differences can be vast when it comes to their lifestyles
    and it’s not always quite in accordance with Buddha’s teachings.

    There are friends who call themselves Buddhists who practice “freedom of action” and mental or meditation trainings with conviction that their actions are empty so also correct, including hunting for animals and so called killings for mercy.

    While at times of planetary scarcity such actions can become handy and glorified ,

    at times of abundance but decline of morals such as we see in the world today

    the same people don’t qualify with me as ethical Buddhists, Muslims or Christians.

    Christ’s teaching itself was robbed of much of its subtle meanings.

    Buddha himself was delicate person like many sages of the past.

    He wasn’t the fat laughing guy sitting on some high throne.

    He insisted on himself living under trees and quite like the rest of his monks and nuns went everyday for alms,
    in morning hours. The Vinaya rule prohibits monks from approaching people’s abodes after noon and advises them to accept to their begging bowls whatever was offered.

    Buddha himself was said to die after eating pork meat, either not well cooked or poisoned.

    Most of Indian sages, yogis and saints of India were strict vegetarians practicing non-violence on every walk of life.

    Unless you’ve ever met some of those subtle people you may not understand what are the differences and benefits of intelligence brushed by compassion,
    to the tiniest of details.

    In my experience though, born on the same planet does not necessarily mean we are all of the same kind.
    Humans in particular are born with different physical constitutions and mental capacity ..and all the rest of diversity that ultimately shapes our destiny.

    Wolves were common ancestors with most breed of dogs, from tiny chihuahua to German Shepherd.

    Some functional diversity between some humans is even bigger than.

    What we eat is “information” and “life force”. The secret is ..we have a choice. A choice of frequency , we can choose on which level we resonate ,
    what we become.

    Our ancestors lived much closer to animals than they do now and it’s probably they will eat the rest of living creatures here before they grow up ?


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  7. Link to Post #24
    Avalon Member palehorse's Avatar
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    Default Re: Do you eat meat? Could you, Would you...?

    I still studying Theravada Buddhism for about 20 years now, it is not my religion (I do not have one) I just study religions in my spare time and I respect their point of view, doesn't mean I will follow it.

    here goes my point of view with all due respect.

    We are talking about the industry of death here right, animal corpses that become industrialized food?

    Something that can not be changed is the law of survive, the strong survive, the weak fall. In my case I killed a pig, my friend was kind of shocked how I could do that, the other option was to try our luck and pick some berries in the jungle to eat and maybe die from poisonous reaction, I would prefer to kill a fish or a smaller animal, but there was none available, the pig was the only option, then let be the pig, otherwise would be us.

    I once heard from a Buddhist monk, if you do not have any option of food, meat could be eaten, and he said that for a room full of Buddhists, and nobody judged him for that, in fact food donated with meat and curries are always served free of charge for everyone.

    Think for a minute, unless one born into a vegetarian family that is very strict about their food rules, the chances of almost everybody in this planet had eaten meat at least once in life, is great! Does it mean almost everybody is going to hell? Nah! please give me a break.

    How many substances use meat in their formulas? Think for a minute again.. In the industry nothing is disposable, everything is transformed into something else. Do you trust the labels of the products in the shelves in your favorite supermarket? probably you can't even say you are a vegetarian or not, because you do not know what is in there and the big corps. lie all the time as part of their business plan for profits.

    Unless the person grows and prepares their own food, nobody can say "I am 100% vegetarian". All vegetarians that I know, they became with time and they told me their struggles, as I said it is hard to be a vegetarian and consume industrialized food (even a soy sauce can contains krill and not be properly informed in the label), specially if one eats out everyday, you will have to rely on trust and not in facts.

    I do not want to go into a long debate here about it, there is other threads discussing it already.

    Looking death in the eyes and nothing else will scare the soul of yours. That's what that monk said in order to contemplate death every day because it is a very real thing, one day we all leave this vessel behind and we have to be aware of it, because it can be anytime, who knows. (I am not quoting it, because the monk didn't say in this exactly words, but it was on these lines).
    Last edited by palehorse; 2nd April 2021 at 14:53.
    A chaos to the sense, a Kosmos to the reason.

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  9. Link to Post #25
    Netherlands Avalon Member ExomatrixTV's Avatar
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    Default Re: Do you eat meat? Could you, Would you...?

    Quote Posted by Mashika (here)
    Quote Posted by Michael Moewes (here)
    I'm a Budhhist. therfore and out of compassion, I would never eat a living being. Another point is what happens to your energy and aura. when you eat an animal the negative energy of how they died and the fact that they dind't want to die, puts your aura in to a deep dark red and black energy. this negative energy is destroying your etheral body and not to mention - due to this negative karma, you will be reborn in the hell realms. not my words but the teachings of Siddharta Gautama.
    That's a bit not 'natural' in itself, because animals will gladly eat you without any regards for "energy" either positive or negative. And animals do have feelings, and hurt inside and all those things, they just know how to deal with the nature itself and understand in a basic way, how life works, they are prepared to fight, but they are also aware of death and deal with it way better than most humans, who invent rules to prevent it or attempt to escape it in any possible way even when they know it's unavoidable

    Since you are a Buddhist, sure you know about the practice of "Transmission of Spirit" or "Sky Burial"?

    A big part of the aspect of being alive, is respecting other living beings, but most importantly, respecting nature and its rules. And one of the main rules of nature is that you must not allow waste, because that waste is something taken away from some other living being. So if you have to eat, you eat, because eventually, you will be food for someone else as well

    Before you can reach Nirvana, you have to accept the nature of this world, as it is, not as you would like it to be. This also means you have to accept that at some point, you will have to eat some other living being, and plants are also living beings by the way. Or you can eat air and water only, but then you would waste your energy so that it doesn't give back to nature as much as nature gave to you...
    Very well said ...

    I think the biggest problem with humanity is our disconnection with nature on so so many levels ...

    When a panther or a lion is captured and fed well every day without using all his senses to survive ... it will still have all the instincts & million years of evolution in their genes so it is not lost yet ... but when the offspring is also in a captured state and fed well every day ... you will see the true meaning of long term domestication effects ... I think same happened to humans on a massive scale.
    Maybe Planet Earth is just one big Zoo for Aliens to "manage" for study, experiments or other purposes like "entertainment" or "future food source" ? Or it was, until other Aliens have a say in it just like we humans do with animals.

    I remember a story reading a book when I was very young ... about Aliens capture an human (without human knowing why and by whom) to study what this human will do with a "lower" life-form: animal ... If it would free the animal the aliens decide to free the human too but the human did not know he was part of this test.
    • maybe we all are being tested now!
    Related?: Domestication and Human Evolution - Richard Wrangham: Did Homo sapiens Self-Domesticate?

    John Kuhles aka 'ExomatrixTV'
    April 3rd, 2021
    Last edited by ExomatrixTV; 4th April 2021 at 09:04.
    No need to follow anyone, only consider broadening (y)our horizon of possibilities ...

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  11. Link to Post #26
    United States Avalon Member thepainterdoug's Avatar
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    Default Re: Do you eat meat? Could you, Would you...?

    I think the entire debate is somewhat silly. we humans are very contradictory and often( be it intentional or not,) hypocrites

    the peaceful vegan will smash a bee, swat a mosquito, a spider, and certainly a snake if in their home or path. not all! but many . these animals and many others can be freighting and also dangerous.

    we walk out the door , step on bugs, cut the lawn, pull out weeds, trim trees , all living things. we also talk of Jesus, and Buddah with a belief that what we "believe" is correct when we werent there and have no idea how history has changed the facts.

    all this stuff is often times ego drama win/loose, stuff. Self assured and content people are usually content with a live and let live attitude that is predominant. Not perfect but for the mainstay. Everything said including what I say here , and out in life has an element of contradiction to it when scrutinized. And im very present to that
    lether seats in my car, gals with leather shoes and handbags. guys too for that matter! lol

    The ufo experiencer and author Lou Baldin told me once when I asked him, what are animals for? His answer was for fresh food for us. thtas how the food remains fresh. Lou wasnt kidding and Lou is a peaceful guy. but that was his answer to me.

    What is tragic for me is the treatment of animals prior to being food. does it really have to be this way? I do have a scary story of how I ate a steak once and felt the suffering of the animal in the food. I was turned off to it and refused it.

    but I eat some of everything in moderation now. I have an 0- blood type and my body does well with meat . not with soy and lentils.

    but then again, I could do it. see, contradiction. haha You judge yourself, not others. Happy Easter!

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  13. Link to Post #27
    Canada Avalon Member TomKat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Do you eat meat? Could you, Would you...?

    I eat meat. About 12 years ago I went vegan for about 3 months. I took B12 and other supplements. After a month or two I had trouble sleeping. After 3 months after a September drive in the country, maybe 2 hours, my face and eyelids swelled up from sun exposure through the windshield (not a convertible car). I suspect, in addition to a low tolerance for sun, I became hyper-sensitive to electro-pollution, keeping me awake. Anyway, animal protein, such as meat or eggs, grounds me in my body so I can sleep. Maybe if I wanted to astral travel I could get out of the city and go vegan for a long time to test these theories.

    I remember occultist Dion Fortune said that people who do magick, especially in the modern age, require meat to strengthen their systems.

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  15. Link to Post #28
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    Default Re: Do you eat meat? Could you, Would you...?

    Pretty sure my diet is something like 60-80% red meat, as few grains as possible and some veggies at times because it's there.

    find what works with your body.. I eat once a day, this works very very well for me.

    Quote Posted by thepainterdoug (here)
    I think the entire debate is somewhat silly. we humans are very contradictory and often( be it intentional or not,) hypocrites

    the peaceful vegan will smash a bee, swat a mosquito, a spider, and certainly a snake if in their home or path. not all! but many . these animals and many others can be freighting and also dangerous.

    we walk out the door , step on bugs, cut the lawn, pull out weeds, trim trees , all living things. we also talk of Jesus, and Buddah with a belief that what we "believe" is correct when we werent there and have no idea how history has changed the facts.

    all this stuff is often times ego drama win/loose, stuff. Self assured and content people are usually content with a live and let live attitude that is predominant. Not perfect but for the mainstay. Everything said including what I say here , and out in life has an element of contradiction to it when scrutinized. And im very present to that
    lether seats in my car, gals with leather shoes and handbags. guys too for that matter! lol

    The ufo experiencer and author Lou Baldin told me once when I asked him, what are animals for? His answer was for fresh food for us. thtas how the food remains fresh. Lou wasnt kidding and Lou is a peaceful guy. but that was his answer to me.

    What is tragic for me is the treatment of animals prior to being food. does it really have to be this way? I do have a scary story of how I ate a steak once and felt the suffering of the animal in the food. I was turned off to it and refused it.

    but I eat some of everything in moderation now. I have an 0- blood type and my body does well with meat . not with soy and lentils.

    but then again, I could do it. see, contradiction. haha You judge yourself, not others. Happy Easter!
    some of the largest organisms on the planet (that also plan routes between hubs as efficiently as our best engineers) are mushrooms.... or huge tree groves.... we are arrogant as **** to think we can claim global warming or confine life to binary terms (everything is a spectrum...) we eat other living organisms or their remains... just like every single thing that exabits signs of "life"... logic eviscerates this topic; emotions force it.... where shall we land (again, spectrum)
    Last edited by TargeT; 8th April 2021 at 00:12.
    Hard times create strong men, Strong men create good times, Good times create weak men, Weak men create hard times.
    Where are you?

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  17. Link to Post #29
    Netherlands Avalon Member gini's Avatar
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    Default Re: Do you eat meat? Could you, Would you...?

    When i was 17 ,and i first read in a rosecrucian book about the benifits of a vegetarian diet for the 'spiritiual adept' and that it was hypocritical to eat meat if one is not able and willing to kill..It just rang so true to me,since i couldnt kill a mouse (when i look it in the eyes,i see myself!)and because i could buy any type of vegetarian food in my hometown,i had no reason to not give it up ,so i did ,right then,and i truly never had any craven for meat since that day ,more then 40 years ago..

    I went through phases of total disgust to see meat and meat eaters,barbeques and the whole culture of meat consumption without -apparently-any conciousness about the unethical ,cruel meatindustry behind the cheap massa production,( let alone the enviromental disasters as a direct consequence of this blind consumers attitude)

    Anyway,i learned to have a heartfelt respect for farmers and hunters,who have often much more respect (love)for animals ,and need it to feed their families.
    When i lived in the streets as a musician,i met many poor people who had very little choice what to eat,even though some of them would love to have a vegetarian diet,but simply coudnt afford it!I felt sometimes like a snob with my expensive vegetarian snacks ,when i woudnt join the group meal and have my own exclusive gooddies..

    I learned loads of yummy vegetarian recepies and seduced quite some number of friends to give a vegetarian diet a try,and some of them sticked to it till today.
    So good alternative cooking tricks must be learned to have a satisfying,balanced veg meal,and since many are no kitchen wisards,vegetarianism is somehow undoable for them.

    Then there is the different lifestyles and types/temperaments of people ,that crave for meat or need it for the energy it gives them,so i came to the conclusion that it is a strict personal choice , never to judge anyone ,since i dont know whats best for another and ones particular circumstances.
    And when i get asked about my reasons for being vegetarian,i have always interesting conversations in a respectful way with 'meat eaters',who often share feelings of guilt and weakness ,and it doesnt help them to feel judged as rude and insensitive for their love for meat,i learned..

    The last years i changed my eathabbits ,and eat a bit of fish almost every week and i enjoy it without disgust anymore,for health and social reasons when i eat with friends and there is no nice veg alternative,i eat fish to join the fun!

    I came to the perspective that the problem is not that we eat meat(in a situation to survive,eating meat could save ones life!),but our connectedness with our body & soul ,and through that soulconnection our relation with all living beings around us .If we follow our hearts i believe the world will be in order,and we will treat eachother (and the anmals)correct.

    "Not what goes into the mouth,but what comes out is what makes one unpure"
    means for me whatever our believesystem ,lifestyle or what we consume , what comes out of us,our attitude ,our behaviour and our integrity is what really matters.
    And when 'meateaters' attack me for being a hypocrit,because perhaps a carrot has as well pain from being eaten ,so whats the difference?Or do you never kill a mosquito?,i often respond that if you dont feel the difference between killing a carrot or a cow,or the difference between killing a mosquito and an elephant,then this whole discussion is a waste of time,because beside the fact that some are in the bottom and other in the top of the foodchain ,mammals are highly emotional beings and one can feel & see that ,when looking in there eyes.
    I believe in the future humans will evolve to become nonviolent vegetarians and will not need to kill to survive anymore due to a better understanding and a more efficient diet.

    As long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other.
    Indeed ,he who sows the seed of murder &pain,cannot reap the joy of love- Pythagoras

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  19. Link to Post #30
    Canada Avalon Member TomKat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Do you eat meat? Could you, Would you...?

    Quote Posted by gini (here)
    The last years i changed my eathabbits ,and eat a bit of fish almost every week and i enjoy it without disgust anymore,for health and social reasons when i eat with friends and there is no nice veg alternative,i eat fish to join the fun!
    Since so many people from India are vegetarians, I asked an Indian guy if he was one. He said his family only ate meat twice a week. I was surprised to hear such a sensible, non-ideological policy. Like yours.

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  21. Link to Post #31
    Avalon Member mountain_jim's Avatar
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    Default Re: Do you eat meat? Could you, Would you...?

    I have not eaten beef, pork, or chicken for over 45 years - still eat occasional seafood and do include dairy in diet.

    Initial reason for trying the change was due to my reading concerning elevating sensitivity of nervous system and energetic awareness by building new cells via vegi, not animal, proteins.

    While I can't prove truth of that, I found out I felt healthier and got ill much less often, stayed with it long term.

    Was later reinforced due to chicken agribusiness ruining a remote homestead for me, violating all sorts of environmental laws, yet being protected by local authorities for financial reasons.

    So then my diet became an economically political act.
    Last edited by mountain_jim; 8th April 2021 at 15:52.
    I don't believe anything, but I have many suspicions. - Robert Anton Wilson

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    Administrator Mark (Star Mariner)'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Do you eat meat? Could you, Would you...?

    No I don't eat meat - with the exception of fish once a week along with several other posters on this thread. Which I found interesting and heartening. I was reluctant to call myself vegetarian with my predilection for one fish dish a week, but now I feel a lot better.

    Humans don't need to eat meat, we (or most of us) simply want to eat meat. Just like people don't need to smoke, but they do, because it's an addiction. Meat is an addiction. It's been part of the human diet for thousands of years. It makes up so many delicious food choices. But we don't need it. So becoming vegetarian - at least for me - came down to breaking an addiction. That was hard, because I grew up (70s) at a time when vegetarian choice just did not exist. At home they did not exist AT ALL. Every meal consisted of one meat or another. At school it was the same. I was brought up on a meat diet.

    As I grew up, vegetarian options began to increase, and that became a different ball game. I could now choose something other than meat. It took a while but I made that choice. Unfortunately for me I am not a fan of vegetarian cooking, those dishes that purposefully substitute the meat for something else, like a pile of mushrooms, or lentils, or worst of all fake meat (Quorn). I've tried a wide range of these things, and dislike them all. But being alone and definitely no 'wizard in the kitchen' as gini says, I mostly settle for carbs and veg, like rice + veg of choice, or pasta + veg of choice. And some bread. A bland and boring diet.

    I really miss the taste of meat though. I adored Indian food, the curries etc. Chicken was also a favourite, bacon, pork chops, plain beef stew - anything. Loved it. I've inched towards being tempted to break my carnivorous fast once or twice, but never have. I remain steadfast in my position, which is simply the ethics of it. I do not want to eat the dead bodies of other organisms. But I also recognise the health attributes that meat brings. Mine is not what it was was since I turned vegetarian (with the occasional fish dish), and I probably do have vitamin deficiencies. I hate pills so won't take supplements. So I've no idea what to do except continue to live on mac + cheese or whatever. Oh well que sera, at least my conscience is clear.
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    UK Avalon Member Brigantia's Avatar
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    Default Re: Do you eat meat? Could you, Would you...?

    For some reason our physiology is different from person to person. Not everyone thrives on a vegetarian diet; not everyone thrives on a meat diet. I'm one of the latter.

    Although I've been vegetarian for most of my life, I don't judge others. I don't care what others eat, as long as there's no meat or fish on my plate. The problem is that meat-eaters are either defiant or apologetic about eating meat, and in my opinion that's due to the 'holier than thou' vegetarians who feel that they have made a saintly choice. I've met many of those, and they are really a pain in the backside.

    It's like religion or politics - a choice based on where you're coming from, though in this case your physiology plays a large part in this. I have no idea why this is, genetics maybe, but I believe that it does.

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    Default Re: Do you eat meat? Could you, Would you...?

    Quote Posted by Brigantia (here)
    The problem is that meat-eaters are either defiant or apologetic about eating meat, and in my opinion that's due to the 'holier than thou' vegetarians who feel that they have made a saintly choice..
    this is a very common outcome of the Hegelian dialect... we see it in the topics of "classism, racism, global warming, nationalism" etc.. a very common pattern, we are divided on so many levels.
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    Default Re: Do you eat meat? Could you, Would you...?

    Thanks everyone for participating, my intent is to bring a fressh awareness to all about animal abuse, especially cows, pigs and chickens. If one saw how these animals were ill-treated, I think one would certainly consider twice before feasting on that big steak etc. I don't see anything wrong with eating meat, however, given that we promote more animal abuse by eating more meat, maybe, just maybe, by reducing the consumption of meat, we might start to turn the tide in the opposite direction for the abused creatures.

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    Avalon Member Arak's Avatar
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    Default Re: Do you eat meat? Could you, Would you...?

    I think this was a very justified and important topic to be shared, so thank you, bones.

    Biologically we humans are designed to eat also meat. But spiritually, we should be concerned about where the meat comes to our plates.

    Personally, I have not eaten pork, beef, chicken or such in 10 years, only for ethical reasons. For health reasons, I do eat fish, dairy products and eggs a few times a week. I think there is this good rule of thumb that you can eat everything you could grow, kill or harvest yourself, although, in the current situation, it is not possible for me to keep a cow for milk or chickens for eggs. For those, I try to choose ethically produced alternatives when possible. The same goes for the fish, although it is quite hard to know how the salmon that ended up in the store, for example, was fished. I am aware of the fact that I could do so much more, and entering into the more sustainable lifestyle is one of my biggest future goals.

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    UK Avalon Member Brigantia's Avatar
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    Default Re: Do you eat meat? Could you, Would you...?

    Quote Posted by Arak (here)
    Biologically we humans are designed to eat also meat. But spiritually, we should be concerned about where the meat comes to our plates.
    Are you sure about the biological design? Humans have long intestines, carnivorous animals have short intestines and that means that meat stays longer in the digestive system of humans than it should. I agree completely with your second statement.

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    Canada Avalon Member TomKat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Do you eat meat? Could you, Would you...?

    Quote Posted by Brigantia (here)
    Quote Posted by Arak (here)
    Biologically we humans are designed to eat also meat. But spiritually, we should be concerned about where the meat comes to our plates.
    Are you sure about the biological design? Humans have long intestines, carnivorous animals have short intestines and that means that meat stays longer in the digestive system of humans than it should. I agree completely with your second statement.
    Humans aren't the only omnivorous animals. Coyotes are omnivorous. And what about rodents? They'll eat anything.

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    United States On Sabbatical
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    Default Re: Do you eat meat? Could you, Would you...?

    Quote Posted by Brigantia (here)
    Quote Posted by Arak (here)
    Biologically we humans are designed to eat also meat. But spiritually, we should be concerned about where the meat comes to our plates.
    Are you sure about the biological design? Humans have long intestines, carnivorous animals have short intestines and that means that meat stays longer in the digestive system of humans than it should. I agree completely with your second statement.
    we have both a short (large intestine) and long (small intestine) track designed to handle both. meat doesn't "stay in the digestive system longer than it should" that's why the large intestine is first in line plant matter is more difficult to break down and needs amore complex digestive track (thus our very long small intestine).
    Hard times create strong men, Strong men create good times, Good times create weak men, Weak men create hard times.
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    Avalon Member Maia Gabrial's Avatar
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    Default Re: Do you eat meat? Could you, Would you...?

    Did everyone know that in order to be permitted to enter Inner Earth you have to be a vegetarian? You have to be off all meats for 6 months to gain entrance.....

    I was trying to remote view Inner Earth years ago and was told I couldn't enter even that way. So, now I'm cleansing my body from the fish and shrimp just so I can remote view there.

    I had a vision about a bright light behind a hill and I wanted to see what was over there. All of a sudden a man with long, blond hair wearing a uniform I've never seen before appeared in front of me. The message I received was that I couldn't enter because I wasn't a vegetarian.... meaning that even the seafood had to go.

    If you think it's worth a chance to see Inner Earth, then you'll have to cleanse your bodies, knocking off ALL meats, including seafood...

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