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Thread: Reports from Southern Chile, 1945-1950.

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    Avalon Member
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    Default Reports from Southern Chile, 1945-1950.

    Agence France Press reported on 25 September 1946:

    "The continuing rumours about German U-boat activity in the region of Tierra del Fuego between the southernmost tip of Latin America and the continent of Antarctica are based on true occurrences."

    When Professor Waldemar Verdugo Fuertes was researching UFO sightings in the south of Chile around 1950 for his book Cronica de Antarktos (Part III), he talked to local householders who had taken in "Aryan" families arriving there after the German defeat. He spoke with fisher families at Punta Arenas and along the coast as far north as Bahia Darwin in the Taitao Peninsula (46.5 degrees S) opposite the archipelago of Chonos (45 degr.S).

    At Punta Arenas there were many Germans who had arrived there after the defeat. A fisherman's wife told him: "At that time we received in our house a German couple passing through with a lot of luggage including radio equipment. In Aysen there were no hotels then. Visitors had to lodge in our houses, a tradition which is still followed. That couple with child came in a jeep. They spoke no Spanish. The wife was a doctor and paedriatrician, her husband a mechanical engineer. This German family was going to the island Madre de Dios (50 degrees 10'S) near the icefield and from there to Punta Rescue where a U-boat would be waiting to take them to Wellington Island (49 degrees 10'S) and then on to a secret destination."

    Her husband don José told him, "At that time many Germans were crossing, hundreds of families. They said they would be taken from Madre de Dios island by U-boat. German U-boats were common in the region after Hitler took power in Germany, he believed that there was a portal to another world at some place into Antarctica, and sent various expeditions. Anyway, this couple knew they were going to some hidden place. They were Nazi Party members like the others who came. These Aryan "refugees" were all card-carrying, badge-wearing Nazis."

    Now we see sense in the statement made pre-war: "The German U-boat fleet is proud to have discovered a terrestrial paradise and impregnable fortress for the Führer and Reich Chancellor in some part of the world," allegedly admitted by Dönitz to an SS-General. Nowhere is our world is "impregnable". The Kriegsmarine had been engaged in looking specifically for some place in the region with a portal into the adacent world, their information probably being based on local legends and what Canaris had found out during the sojourn of the cruiser Dresden among the islands in 1914 and early 1915. Since Dönitz announced it, one assumes the Germans must have found it, otherwise there was no point in saying anything.

  2. The Following 11 Users Say Thank You to Mecklenburger For This Post:

    9ideon (20th May 2021), Alecs (7th May 2021), Bill Ryan (6th May 2021), Brigantia (6th May 2021), Chris Gilbert (6th May 2021), Ewan (6th May 2021), Journeyman (6th May 2021), Karen (Geophyz) (6th May 2021), Mike (6th May 2021), Sue (Ayt) (6th May 2021), toppy (6th May 2021)

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    UK Avalon Member Journeyman's Avatar
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    Default Re: Reports from Southern Chile, 1945-1950.

    A look on the map shows Punta Arenas could be a logical stopping point if one were to arrive in the South Atlantic from the West. I'd not realised there was a passage through and Tierre del Fuego is actually split from the continent. Wellington island would be quiet enough, although there are indigenous peoples living there.

    I'd not seen accounts of Canaris there in WW1 but there was a battle of the Falklands then I think?

    Would the Americans have been keeping close tabs on South America back then?

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    Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Reports from Southern Chile, 1945-1950.

    In 1911 Canaris as a lieutenant aboard the Dresden had been dropped off and involved in setting up the naval intelligence Etappendienst along the coast. For this purpose he had many local contacts. The Americans do not appear to have had an interest in South America at that time. Since it was mentioned, Wellington Is. was on the route to wherever the portal was located.

  6. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Mecklenburger For This Post:

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    Netherlands Avalon Member 9ideon's Avatar
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    Default Re: Reports from Southern Chile, 1945-1950.

    Quote Posted by Mecklenburger;1426848

    Now we see sense in the statement made pre-war: "The German U-boat fleet is proud to have discovered a terrestrial paradise and impregnable fortress for the Führer and Reich Chancellor in some part of the world," allegedly admitted by Dönitz to an SS-General. Nowhere is our world is "impregnable". The Kriegsmarine had been engaged in looking specifically for some place in the region with a portal into the [I

    adacent [/I]world, their information probably being based on local legends and what Canaris had found out during the sojourn of the cruiser Dresden among the islands in 1914 and early 1915. Since Dönitz announced it, one assumes the Germans must have found it, otherwise there was no point in saying anything.
    Part of my theory has been that our Elongated Cousins, flying the flat disc craft from our pre-flood setup, are still able to access sub-Terran " cities" , although I reject hollow Earth theory I do embrace the sub-Terran enclave possibility. We still find evidence of that on the Planet, not to speak about the ancient and current folklore in which the "Gods" enter the Earth either trough volcanoes or bodies of water. It is of a very likely possibility the Germans found entry to some abandoned sub-Terran dwelling while setting up Nue-Schwabenland, hence the fleet of US warships going over there post WOII. The eye witness accounts speak of flat disc craft, my guess is that Germany found a stash of those in that same dwelling or near it. Reason they started to try and built them themselves, Donitz would have known about this. Many People think Hitler survived, either went to Argentina or Neu-Schwabenland, he could never have survived it , his physical and mental health were already irreversibly damaged by the Parkinson's and all the other crap endured during war, Himmler could have gone, but got caught and was made to setup certain elements in the US clandestine services, his death picture was not a real one, the clue is in the eyes, all I want to say about t his.

    So if the Germans were able to access the sub-Terran world being kept secret till this day, why did our Elongated Cousins allow this? They had no collaboration going on, despite what certain People would like you to believe. In any case, interesting claim by Donitz.

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