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Thread: The NEPHILIM: Earliest report of Alien Abductions?

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    Costa Rica Avalon Member
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    Default The NEPHILIM: Earliest report of Alien Abductions?

    I'm a historian and translator. I currently work with proto-Hebrew, proto-Sumerian, classical Sumerian, Anglo-Saxon, Mayan, and other ancient languages. I'm familiar with Ugaritic and Hurrian writing forms as well. Some of you may know this already but I mention it here in the beginning since I will be providing translations from some of those languages.

    From time to time I perform re-translations of what mainstream scholars have provided for us. Sadly, they are mainly wrong, and that is usually due to a preconceived agenda that they hold, and one that allows it to flavor their translations, which is bad science. I won't and don't do that, but some who are "evangelical or strict" Christians may not always like what I say, so if you believe you may fall into that category, please step away from this thread and God Bless you.

    Otherwise, those with eyes that see and ears that hear may learn something different today. I am a Christian myself by the way, but I also fallow the sayings of Odin and others, so really more of a mixed-bag type, although I was once a lay reader and Deacon in the Anglican faith., and yes, I have not only read the Bible but translated a good portion of it from the original Hebrew. But enough about that, let's dig in.

    We certainly can be assured that the Nephilim did not represent Angels, since Jesus assures us that Angels neither Marry nor take someone in Marriage, and his is, after all, the final word on the subject.

    The Hebrews told us that the Nephilim were the "fallen ones", the sons of God, or the sons of the gods, depending upon your outlook, and thus we might easily assign them the role of the sons of the sky gods, of Sumerian fame, who fell, or dropped down from the skies, in order to take Earthly women for a wives.

    Interestingly, the Hebrew Old Testament was written without vowels, which were added perhaps a thousand years later, and so their Nephilim was actually N-P-L with the "im" added to signify that it was a plural, since there were more than one.

    My research tells me that there were 600 in fact, with some on Earth and the rest orbiting in space.

    How did all of the surrounding cultures, both prior to the Hebrews entering the land of Canaan and during their early days in Canaan, define this NPL?

    Ugaritic: ( a precursor to Canaanite ) NPL, ‘to fall’; fall to the ground, fall off a horse, fall from power , Example: the goddess Anat in Ugaritic myth ... npl ar~ he fell to the underworld.

    Hebrew: From the root (n-p-l), forming words relating to falling.

    Aramaic npl : to fall; ex: the moth fell into the snake's dwelling.

    Classical Syriac: to fall, fall, falling, also: piece, bit, scrap, fragment

    Akkadian roots npl for napalu(m) and napalsuhu, "to fall to the ground"

    So there is quite a bit of evidence for "Nephilim" indicating a son of the gods who descended from the skies, and very little to support the idea of "giants" but I will not speak against the idea of giants at this time, since the Nephilim were often described as being mighty, powerful, important, and large in stature. Please note that I do not say that there were no giants in the world; on the contrary, the historical records are filled with mentions of them.

    Here is the passage from the Masoretic Text Old Testament in Hebrew , and this
    translation is by King James and company:

    (Genesis 6:1-2) 1 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, 2 That the sons of Elohim saw the daughters of men that they [were] fair and they took them wives of all which they chose.

    Wow, that almost sounds like it could be a love story. But is it?

    Here are each of the original Hebrew words in Genesis 6:2 translated by lines:

    and, therefore, yet, then
    to look at, see, regard, learn about, observe, watch
    plus the prefix Yud meaning he, they will
    sons, grandsons, children, members of a group
    the, this
    gods (Elohim) plural of God
    daughter, girl,
    the, this,
    man, human being
    that, for, because, when, as though, as, because that
    good, pleasant, agreeable (to the senses)
    they, these, the same, who
    and, therefore, also, then, yet
    to take, get, fetch, lay hold of, seize, receive, acquire, buy,
    bring, marry, take a wife, snatch, take away (from a primitive root meaning to take )
    to, for, towards, belonging to, in regard to, according to, plus the suffix her + their
    woman, wife, female
    a part, from, out of
    all, the whole, each, every, anything
    which, who, that which,
    to choose, elect, decide for

    So with all apologies to King James, what we have is something more like:

    And therefore they are observing, these sons of God,
    the daughters of the humans,
    because (they were) pleasant, agreeable.
    They therefore snatched her for their woman/wife,
    which they had selected from the whole.

    They may have made them their wives, and certainly their females, but the text speaks of taking hold of their selection out of the ones available, and does not seem to indicate that this was with the consent of the chosen ones.
    In fact, it sounds suspiciously similar to a modern-day alien abduction scenario.
    They watched, they picked one (or more), they snatched them up.

    This is by no means a complete list, but here are four steps common to
    the events that abductees have associated with their abductions:
    1. observation
    2. target selection
    3. abduction
    4. women in particular

    UFOs are frequently observed either by the abductees themselves or by others in the immediate vicinity of an upcoming abduction event.
    (1) They watch the scene. Aliens then circle a house or make a landing nearby, select someone to abduct, (2)
    and this is most often a female, snatch them, (3) take samples of their ovum and DNA, (4) and sometimes decide to use them to create hybrid alien-human babies.

    So let's look at this verse in Genesis once more:

    Genesis 6:2
    And therefore they will observe, (1) these sons of God,
    the daughters of the humans,
    because (they were) pleasant, agreeable.
    They therefore snatched (3) her for their woman/wife, (4)
    which they had selected (2) from the whole.

    And now that we have had the opportunity to examine this with fresh eyes, and a calm head, we each need to decide whether or not this is actually the first written report of an abduction by extraterrestrials. If these "Nephilim" fell from the sky, selected women and took them, this certainly changes the way that we probably thought about this mention in the Bible, but it goes beyond that. It tells us that very probably those were difficult times indeed for the early Hebrews and their neighbors - filled with frustrating terror beyond belief. Is this any different from the way that some parts of humanity, and especially our Military, feel today? Unable to defeat them with conventional weapons and yet frustrated in those attempts, is this what drives our Governmental policies of denying aliens and yet conspiring with them?

    Thoughts, comments, torches anyone?

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    UK Avalon Member Forever's Avatar
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    Default Re: The NEPHILIM: Earliest report of Alien Abductions?

    This is of great interest Jim. I can’t offer any meaningful comments at this stage but this post called out to me as I am currently reading Zecharia Sitchins, The 12th Planet and some of what you say here has been touched upon in what I have read so far…

  4. The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to Forever For This Post:

    Ankle Biter (27th July 2021), ByTheNorthernSea (27th July 2021), Inversion (27th July 2021), Marianne (5th July 2024), pabranno (30th July 2021), Peter UK (28th July 2021), toppy (27th July 2021)

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    United States Avalon Member
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    Default Re: The NEPHILIM: Earliest report of Alien Abductions?

    Could N-P-L refer to Nephilim that crash landed?

    Beresh*t is the Hebrew word for genesis and anagrams to See Birth.

    Genesis anagrams to See Sign.

    At-Tin is the 95th chapter of the Quran and anagrams to Titan/Taint. Tin is (Sn) atomic number 50 and Enlil’s designation number. List of chapters

    Annunaki ranking system

    NPL acronyms
    Nepal (ISO Country code)

    Neuro-Linguistic Programming (behavioral science)

    Network Protocol Library
    Last edited by Inversion; 27th July 2021 at 17:24.

  6. The Following 8 Users Say Thank You to Inversion For This Post:

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  7. Link to Post #4
    Costa Rica Avalon Member
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    Default Re: The NEPHILIM: Earliest report of Alien Abductions?

    Quote Posted by Forever (here)
    This is of great interest Jim. I can’t offer any meaningful comments at this stage but this post called out to me as I am currently reading Zecharia Sitchins, The 12th Planet and some of what you say here has been touched upon in what I have read so far…
    Thank you for your kind comment. Although Sitchin worked in the later Akkadian language, we both seem to have investigated the "traditional" translations - that seem to be quite different than what the original authors meant.

  8. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to Jim_Duyer For This Post:

    Journeyman (28th July 2021), Marianne (5th July 2024), Nasu (31st July 2021), pabranno (30th July 2021), Peter UK (28th July 2021), Victoria (9th August 2021)

  9. Link to Post #5
    Costa Rica Avalon Member
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    Default Re: The NEPHILIM: Earliest report of Alien Abductions?

    Quote Posted by Inversion (here)
    Could N-P-L refer to Nephilim that crash landed?

    Beresh*t is the Hebrew word for genesis and anagrams to See Birth.

    Genesis anagrams to See Sign.

    At-Tin is the 95th chapter of the Quran and anagrams to Titan/Taint. Tin is (Sn) atomic number 50 and Enlil’s designation number. List of chapters

    Annunaki ranking system

    NPL acronyms
    Nepal (ISO Country code)

    Neuro-Linguistic Programming (behavioral science)

    Network Protocol Library
    Interesting associations.
    Interesting that you mention Genesis. In the first sentence we see:
    In the beginning (et) God created the Heavens (et) and the earth (et), and
    this et, which is not translated in any version of the Bible, even the Hebrew Torah,
    means "written, with stick, marks" which really means "written in Cuneiform", referring
    to the way that this epic was originally recorded prior to the Bible being written.
    In the Beginning, as it was written in Cuneiform, God Created the Heavens, as it is
    written in Cuneiform, and the Earth.
    That's straight from the original text in Massoretic Hebrew.
    So why do they choose not to translate this word, many times?
    Perhaps because people would think that the Sumerians wrote the Bible.
    But they would be incorrect - the Sumerians themselves tell us that
    a great many people wrote in Cuneiform prior to the time when the gods confused the languages and caused groups of men to come up with their own alphabets.

    In fact that is the reason why so many people find fault with the Flood tale. They say it could not have happened in 2400 BC or so because there are no floods recorded in that period, and there was no language prior to that. And that's where they are also wrong. The flood was in about 7300 BC, and there is direct written evidence of this in the Sumerian language texts themselves, although modern scholars have either not seen it or not wanted to speak of it.
    And a flood in that period of most of the Near East all the way to England, is actually a historical fact - evidenced by Doggerland tales (Google this).
    Last edited by Jim_Duyer; 27th July 2021 at 21:16.

  10. The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to Jim_Duyer For This Post:

    Inversion (27th July 2021), Journeyman (28th July 2021), Marianne (5th July 2024), Nasu (31st July 2021), Peter UK (28th July 2021), Siphonemis (28th July 2021), Victoria (9th August 2021)

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    United States Avalon Member
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    Default Re: The NEPHILIM: Earliest report of Alien Abductions?

    Spes unica anagrams to Anu's Epics. Wordsmith
    spes unica

    Image of the painting.

    God/Anu Quad outside the church and to the left is a pentagram.

    Here's the interior of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart at 101 Basilica Dr, Notre Dame, IN.

    Here's the elements that contain the letters A-N-U.
    List of elements

    12. Mg – Magnesium – Anu

    13. Al – Aluminum – Anu (one letter off the 23rd chapter of the Quran Al-Mu’minun) List

    21. Sc – Scandium – Anu

    22. Ti – Titanium – Anu

    23. V – Vanadium – Anu

    32. Ge – Germanium – Anu

    57. La – Lanthanum – Anu

    64. Gd – Gadolinium – Anu

    72. Hf – Hafnium – Anu

    73. Ta – Tantalum – Anu

    78. Pt – Platinum – Anu

    87. Fr – Francium – Anu

    89. Ac – Actinium – Anu

    91. Pa – Protactinium - Anu

    92. U – Uranium - Anu

    98. Cf – Californium - Anu

    103. Lr – Lawrencium – Anu
    Last edited by Inversion; 19th December 2022 at 05:52.

  12. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Inversion For This Post:

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  13. Link to Post #7
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    Default Re: The NEPHILIM: Earliest report of Alien Abductions?

    This thread is about Nephilim ...

    From Search ...

    "The Nephilim are mysterious beings or people mentioned in the Hebrew Bible. They are large and strong; the word Nephilim is loosely translated as giants in some Bibles..."

    And this is what we would expect to result from a mating of an Annunaki and a human .... The Annunaki came down , ruled us , walked among us , passed themselves off as "Gods" ... These Annunaki ET's are human like but over twice our size .... They were attracted by Earth women and mated with them , they didn't abduct them (take them off world) , they lived on Earth .... the Nephilim that resulted could not be carried full term by the woman , but was removed by C-section at around 7 months ... It grew up with loyalty to the Annunaki and was used to subjugate and rule humans ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eyC-F9eRu0E

    3 humans on left ...Annunaki on right (over twice as tall)

    So giants (Nephilim) result from this natural mating between Annunaki and human ... but the Annunaki are also expert geneticist and can also manipulate DNA in labs and created many other variants of humans ...

    The abductions going on today ... reported to be many thousands EACH DAY , are not done by the Annunaki who tend to take a back seat now , ... It's the Greys. Arcturians , reptilians (and military) , who all work with the Annunaki . ...Abductions now are often for producing hybrids or clones for half a dozen different agendas.
    Last edited by oz93666; 30th July 2021 at 03:26.

  14. Link to Post #8
    Costa Rica Avalon Member
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    Default Re: The NEPHILIM: Earliest report of Alien Abductions?

    Quote Posted by oz93666 (here)
    This thread is about Nephilim ...

    From Search ...

    "The Nephilim are mysterious beings or people mentioned in the Hebrew Bible. They are large and strong; the word Nephilim is loosely translated as giants in some Bibles..."

    And this is what we would expect to result from a mating of an Annunaki and a human .... The Annunaki came down , ruled us , walked among us , passed themselves off as "Gods" ... These Annunaki ET's are human like but over twice our size .... They were attracted by Earth women and mated with them , they didn't abduct them (take them off world) , they lived on Earth .... the Nephilim that resulted could not be carried full term by the woman , but was removed by C-section at around 7 months ... It grew up with loyalty to the Annunaki and was used to subjugate and rule humans ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eyC-F9eRu0E

    3 humans on left ...Annunaki on right (over twice as tall)

    So giants (Nephilim) result from this natural mating between Annunaki and human ... but the Annunaki are also expert geneticist and can also manipulate DNA in labs and created many other variants of humans ...

    The abductions going on today ... reported to be many thousands EACH DAY , are not done by the Annunaki who tend to take a back seat now , ... It's the Greys. Arcturians , reptilians (and military) , who all work with the Annunaki . ...Abductions now are often for producing hybrids or clones for half a dozen different agendas.
    I was on the fence about abductions by aliens. Two things changed that for me. First is the fact that the PTB tried to trick me into publishing a book that had some false notions in it. Most of them are true but in regards to the part about abductions - false. So I fooled them by publishing it as a fiction.

    The second thing is I immediately did a very thorough bit of research on the idea of abductions. Who has reported it, who has pushed the idea forward, who has published it as if it were a given truth. And the answer to that question, in every case that I can find, is someone connected to an intelligence agency. Every case, strong connections.

    So, I have had to re-evaluate my position on alien abductions, and I am no longer on the fence but now crossing over to the side that believes they are, in the majority at least, connected to some government operation or another. Sorry, but I go by facts, and evidence, and that is where it has taken me.

    Yes, some are taken aboard. But not in the form of abduction of the same type that we hear of. And no, I do not believe that they are all "warm and fuzzy nice guys" since I know for a fact that some are very very evil. But I walk with caution and no longer give full support to the topic as it is being presented.

    And yes, you are correct in the main with your giants and ideas, but please recall that Jesus is in that same ancestry - we are told in the Bible that he is. So they can't all be that bad, right?

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    Default Re: The NEPHILIM: Earliest report of Alien Abductions?

    Quote Posted by Jim_Duyer (here)
    So, I have had to re-evaluate my position on alien abductions, and I am no longer on the fence but now crossing over to the side that believes they are, in the majority at least, connected to some government operation or another. Sorry, but I go by facts, and evidence, and that is where it has taken me.
    I'm in agreement with that Jim .... We have overwhelming evidence that the secret government /military are working with these ET's , helping with abductions , working with them in DUMB's .. See the testimony of forum member Spirit Wolf ... https://projectavalon.net/forum4/sho...archiving-2021...

    We Know Eisenhower's agreement with the ET's was to allow a limited number of abductions in exchange for tech help ... this was the foot in the door , now they have tight control of the secret US military , and the US SSP , which resulted from this tech assistance ...

    Many abductions will be done by SSP craft , piloted by humans ... They can cloak , materialize aliens into your bedroom and teleport you out , and mind wipe any witnesses...

    The SSP is a big part of this ....

    As for the bible telling us Jesus has the same ancestry as the Nephilim... We can't take the bible as literal truth , parts have been manipulated and edited by the dark forces to suit their agenda

  17. Link to Post #10
    Costa Rica Avalon Member
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    Default Re: The NEPHILIM: Earliest report of Alien Abductions?

    Quote Posted by oz93666 (here)
    Quote Posted by Jim_Duyer (here)
    So, I have had to re-evaluate my position on alien abductions, and I am no longer on the fence but now crossing over to the side that believes they are, in the majority at least, connected to some government operation or another. Sorry, but I go by facts, and evidence, and that is where it has taken me.
    I'm in agreement with that Jim .... We have overwhelming evidence that the secret government /military are working with these ET's , helping with abductions , working with them in DUMB's .. See the testimony of forum member Spirit Wolf ... https://projectavalon.net/forum4/sho...archiving-2021...

    We Know Eisenhower's agreement with the ET's was to allow a limited number of abductions in exchange for tech help ... this was the foot in the door , now they have tight control of the secret US military , and the US SSP , which resulted from this tech assistance ...

    Many abductions will be done by SSP craft , piloted by humans ... They can cloak , materialize aliens into your bedroom and teleport you out , and mind wipe any witnesses...

    The SSP is a big part of this ....

    As for the bible telling us Jesus has the same ancestry as the Nephilim... We can't take the bible as literal truth , parts have been manipulated and edited by the dark forces to suit their agenda
    In the first part of the book I published (as fiction, since it was the only way they would accept it on Amazon), it details the cooperation between the two as well. I owe you one for pointing me to the link above and the Wolfe who speaks.

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    Chip (31st July 2021), Marianne (5th July 2024), oz93666 (31st July 2021), Peter UK (1st August 2021), Victoria (9th August 2021)

  19. Link to Post #11
    United States Avalon Member Ratszinger's Avatar
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    Default Re: The NEPHILIM: Earliest report of Alien Abductions?

    Quote Posted by Jim_Duyer (here)
    I'm a historian and translator. I currently work with proto-Hebrew, proto-Sumerian, classical Sumerian, Anglo-Saxon, Mayan, and other ancient languages. I'm familiar with Ugaritic and Hurrian writing forms as well. Some of you may know this already but I mention it here in the beginning since I will be providing translations from some of those languages.

    From time to time I perform re-translations of what mainstream scholars have provided for us. Sadly, they are mainly wrong, and that is usually due to a preconceived agenda that they hold, and one that allows it to flavor their translations, which is bad science. I won't and don't do that, but some who are "evangelical or strict" Christians may not always like what I say, so if you believe you may fall into that category, please step away from this thread and God Bless you.

    Otherwise, those with eyes that see and ears that hear may learn something different today. I am a Christian myself by the way, but I also fallow the sayings of Odin and others, so really more of a mixed-bag type, although I was once a lay reader and Deacon in the Anglican faith., and yes, I have not only read the Bible but translated a good portion of it from the original Hebrew. But enough about that, let's dig in.

    We certainly can be assured that the Nephilim did not represent Angels, since Jesus assures us that Angels neither Marry nor take someone in Marriage, and his is, after all, the final word on the subject.

    The Hebrews told us that the Nephilim were the "fallen ones", the sons of God, or the sons of the gods, depending upon your outlook, and thus we might easily assign them the role of the sons of the sky gods, of Sumerian fame, who fell, or dropped down from the skies, in order to take Earthly women for a wives.

    Interestingly, the Hebrew Old Testament was written without vowels, which were added perhaps a thousand years later, and so their Nephilim was actually N-P-L with the "im" added to signify that it was a plural, since there were more than one.

    My research tells me that there were 600 in fact, with some on Earth and the rest orbiting in space.

    How did all of the surrounding cultures, both prior to the Hebrews entering the land of Canaan and during their early days in Canaan, define this NPL?

    Ugaritic: ( a precursor to Canaanite ) NPL, ‘to fall’; fall to the ground, fall off a horse, fall from power , Example: the goddess Anat in Ugaritic myth ... npl ar~ he fell to the underworld.

    Hebrew: From the root (n-p-l), forming words relating to falling.

    Aramaic npl : to fall; ex: the moth fell into the snake's dwelling.

    Classical Syriac: to fall, fall, falling, also: piece, bit, scrap, fragment

    Akkadian roots npl for napalu(m) and napalsuhu, "to fall to the ground"

    So there is quite a bit of evidence for "Nephilim" indicating a son of the gods who descended from the skies, and very little to support the idea of "giants" but I will not speak against the idea of giants at this time, since the Nephilim were often described as being mighty, powerful, important, and large in stature. Please note that I do not say that there were no giants in the world; on the contrary, the historical records are filled with mentions of them.

    Here is the passage from the Masoretic Text Old Testament in Hebrew , and this
    translation is by King James and company:

    (Genesis 6:1-2) 1 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, 2 That the sons of Elohim saw the daughters of men that they [were] fair and they took them wives of all which they chose.

    Wow, that almost sounds like it could be a love story. But is it?

    Here are each of the original Hebrew words in Genesis 6:2 translated by lines:

    and, therefore, yet, then
    to look at, see, regard, learn about, observe, watch
    plus the prefix Yud meaning he, they will
    sons, grandsons, children, members of a group
    the, this
    gods (Elohim) plural of God
    daughter, girl,
    the, this,
    man, human being
    that, for, because, when, as though, as, because that
    good, pleasant, agreeable (to the senses)
    they, these, the same, who
    and, therefore, also, then, yet
    to take, get, fetch, lay hold of, seize, receive, acquire, buy,
    bring, marry, take a wife, snatch, take away (from a primitive root meaning to take )
    to, for, towards, belonging to, in regard to, according to, plus the suffix her + their
    woman, wife, female
    a part, from, out of
    all, the whole, each, every, anything
    which, who, that which,
    to choose, elect, decide for

    So with all apologies to King James, what we have is something more like:

    And therefore they are observing, these sons of God,
    the daughters of the humans,
    because (they were) pleasant, agreeable.
    They therefore snatched her for their woman/wife,
    which they had selected from the whole.

    They may have made them their wives, and certainly their females, but the text speaks of taking hold of their selection out of the ones available, and does not seem to indicate that this was with the consent of the chosen ones.
    In fact, it sounds suspiciously similar to a modern-day alien abduction scenario.
    They watched, they picked one (or more), they snatched them up.

    This is by no means a complete list, but here are four steps common to
    the events that abductees have associated with their abductions:
    1. observation
    2. target selection
    3. abduction
    4. women in particular

    UFOs are frequently observed either by the abductees themselves or by others in the immediate vicinity of an upcoming abduction event.
    (1) They watch the scene. Aliens then circle a house or make a landing nearby, select someone to abduct, (2)
    and this is most often a female, snatch them, (3) take samples of their ovum and DNA, (4) and sometimes decide to use them to create hybrid alien-human babies.

    So let's look at this verse in Genesis once more:

    Genesis 6:2
    And therefore they will observe, (1) these sons of God,
    the daughters of the humans,
    because (they were) pleasant, agreeable.
    They therefore snatched (3) her for their woman/wife, (4)
    which they had selected (2) from the whole.

    And now that we have had the opportunity to examine this with fresh eyes, and a calm head, we each need to decide whether or not this is actually the first written report of an abduction by extraterrestrials. If these "Nephilim" fell from the sky, selected women and took them, this certainly changes the way that we probably thought about this mention in the Bible, but it goes beyond that. It tells us that very probably those were difficult times indeed for the early Hebrews and their neighbors - filled with frustrating terror beyond belief. Is this any different from the way that some parts of humanity, and especially our Military, feel today? Unable to defeat them with conventional weapons and yet frustrated in those attempts, is this what drives our Governmental policies of denying aliens and yet conspiring with them?

    Thoughts, comments, torches anyone?
    you know I think I know you. I believe, like myself you have a rather 'remarkable memory' yes? No worries mate I understand your bias but the truth could be so much simpler than your example here. Does it really have to be some 'Off world" species?? Fallen could be those that came down from the mountains as easily as the sky hello? I mean lets be realistic the mountain people with taller upper bodies mated with the low landers with taller lower bodies and shorter upper bodies and this is what can be traced in the genetic record to show the time line! You're off on the wrong trail!! Look here!
    The genius consistently stands out from the masses in that he unconsciously anticipates truths of which the population as a whole only later becomes conscious! Speech-circa 1937

  20. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Ratszinger For This Post:

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  21. Link to Post #12
    Costa Rica Avalon Member
    Join Date
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    In a Log Cabin in the Mountains
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    Default Re: The NEPHILIM: Earliest report of Alien Abductions?

    Quote Posted by Ratszinger (here)
    Quote Posted by Jim_Duyer (here)
    I'm a historian and translator. I currently work with proto-Hebrew, proto-Sumerian, classical Sumerian, Anglo-Saxon, Mayan, and other ancient languages. I'm familiar with Ugaritic and Hurrian writing forms as well. Some of you may know this already but I mention it here in the beginning since I will be providing translations from some of those languages.

    From time to time I perform re-translations of what mainstream scholars have provided for us. Sadly, they are mainly wrong, and that is usually due to a preconceived agenda that they hold, and one that allows it to flavor their translations, which is bad science. I won't and don't do that, but some who are "evangelical or strict" Christians may not always like what I say, so if you believe you may fall into that category, please step away from this thread and God Bless you.

    Otherwise, those with eyes that see and ears that hear may learn something different today. I am a Christian myself by the way, but I also fallow the sayings of Odin and others, so really more of a mixed-bag type, although I was once a lay reader and Deacon in the Anglican faith., and yes, I have not only read the Bible but translated a good portion of it from the original Hebrew. But enough about that, let's dig in.

    We certainly can be assured that the Nephilim did not represent Angels, since Jesus assures us that Angels neither Marry nor take someone in Marriage, and his is, after all, the final word on the subject.

    The Hebrews told us that the Nephilim were the "fallen ones", the sons of God, or the sons of the gods, depending upon your outlook, and thus we might easily assign them the role of the sons of the sky gods, of Sumerian fame, who fell, or dropped down from the skies, in order to take Earthly women for a wives.

    Interestingly, the Hebrew Old Testament was written without vowels, which were added perhaps a thousand years later, and so their Nephilim was actually N-P-L with the "im" added to signify that it was a plural, since there were more than one.

    My research tells me that there were 600 in fact, with some on Earth and the rest orbiting in space.

    How did all of the surrounding cultures, both prior to the Hebrews entering the land of Canaan and during their early days in Canaan, define this NPL?

    Ugaritic: ( a precursor to Canaanite ) NPL, ‘to fall’; fall to the ground, fall off a horse, fall from power , Example: the goddess Anat in Ugaritic myth ... npl ar~ he fell to the underworld.

    Hebrew: From the root (n-p-l), forming words relating to falling.

    Aramaic npl : to fall; ex: the moth fell into the snake's dwelling.

    Classical Syriac: to fall, fall, falling, also: piece, bit, scrap, fragment

    Akkadian roots npl for napalu(m) and napalsuhu, "to fall to the ground"

    So there is quite a bit of evidence for "Nephilim" indicating a son of the gods who descended from the skies, and very little to support the idea of "giants" but I will not speak against the idea of giants at this time, since the Nephilim were often described as being mighty, powerful, important, and large in stature. Please note that I do not say that there were no giants in the world; on the contrary, the historical records are filled with mentions of them.

    Here is the passage from the Masoretic Text Old Testament in Hebrew , and this
    translation is by King James and company:

    (Genesis 6:1-2) 1 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, 2 That the sons of Elohim saw the daughters of men that they [were] fair and they took them wives of all which they chose.

    Wow, that almost sounds like it could be a love story. But is it?

    Here are each of the original Hebrew words in Genesis 6:2 translated by lines:

    and, therefore, yet, then
    to look at, see, regard, learn about, observe, watch
    plus the prefix Yud meaning he, they will
    sons, grandsons, children, members of a group
    the, this
    gods (Elohim) plural of God
    daughter, girl,
    the, this,
    man, human being
    that, for, because, when, as though, as, because that
    good, pleasant, agreeable (to the senses)
    they, these, the same, who
    and, therefore, also, then, yet
    to take, get, fetch, lay hold of, seize, receive, acquire, buy,
    bring, marry, take a wife, snatch, take away (from a primitive root meaning to take )
    to, for, towards, belonging to, in regard to, according to, plus the suffix her + their
    woman, wife, female
    a part, from, out of
    all, the whole, each, every, anything
    which, who, that which,
    to choose, elect, decide for

    So with all apologies to King James, what we have is something more like:

    And therefore they are observing, these sons of God,
    the daughters of the humans,
    because (they were) pleasant, agreeable.
    They therefore snatched her for their woman/wife,
    which they had selected from the whole.

    They may have made them their wives, and certainly their females, but the text speaks of taking hold of their selection out of the ones available, and does not seem to indicate that this was with the consent of the chosen ones.
    In fact, it sounds suspiciously similar to a modern-day alien abduction scenario.
    They watched, they picked one (or more), they snatched them up.

    This is by no means a complete list, but here are four steps common to
    the events that abductees have associated with their abductions:
    1. observation
    2. target selection
    3. abduction
    4. women in particular

    UFOs are frequently observed either by the abductees themselves or by others in the immediate vicinity of an upcoming abduction event.
    (1) They watch the scene. Aliens then circle a house or make a landing nearby, select someone to abduct, (2)
    and this is most often a female, snatch them, (3) take samples of their ovum and DNA, (4) and sometimes decide to use them to create hybrid alien-human babies.

    So let's look at this verse in Genesis once more:

    Genesis 6:2
    And therefore they will observe, (1) these sons of God,
    the daughters of the humans,
    because (they were) pleasant, agreeable.
    They therefore snatched (3) her for their woman/wife, (4)
    which they had selected (2) from the whole.

    And now that we have had the opportunity to examine this with fresh eyes, and a calm head, we each need to decide whether or not this is actually the first written report of an abduction by extraterrestrials. If these "Nephilim" fell from the sky, selected women and took them, this certainly changes the way that we probably thought about this mention in the Bible, but it goes beyond that. It tells us that very probably those were difficult times indeed for the early Hebrews and their neighbors - filled with frustrating terror beyond belief. Is this any different from the way that some parts of humanity, and especially our Military, feel today? Unable to defeat them with conventional weapons and yet frustrated in those attempts, is this what drives our Governmental policies of denying aliens and yet conspiring with them?

    Thoughts, comments, torches anyone?
    you know I think I know you. I believe, like myself you have a rather 'remarkable memory' yes? No worries mate I understand your bias but the truth could be so much simpler than your example here. Does it really have to be some 'Off world" species?? Fallen could be those that came down from the mountains as easily as the sky hello? I mean lets be realistic the mountain people with taller upper bodies mated with the low landers with taller lower bodies and shorter upper bodies and this is what can be traced in the genetic record to show the time line! You're off on the wrong trail!! Look here!
    OK. Personally? My objective was to show what the Biblical verses might have been trying to express. First I was attempting to show people that the Bible was being used, perhaps, to spread propoganda, even in that early period. That the messing with our heads did not begin with Roswell - that type of psychological impression creation was being done from the jump. But I was trying to do so in a less offensive manner. I wanted to provide written evidence for events that others like Greer and Icke and Sitchen have never provided - just talked about.

    And my other objective was to show that those early people may have been suggesting, or having their authors suggest it for them, that something fell down from the sky, and thus creating the long-term narrative that has been dusted off and served back to us on a plate in recent times. Now, as to whether or not that is believable in my opinion? No. I do believe in the ancient aliens idea, but not that they came down and created hybrids then, any more than they are doing so now. And here's why.

    Noah and Esau and perhaps others in the Bible, were said to have clear eyes, perhaps blue, and whitish colored hair, perhaps blonde. We see this exact same features mentioned in the best friend of Gilgamesh.

    From lots of research I have found evidence, strong evidence, that Abraham and his mothers family came from the region of the Caucasus mountains. They were Hurrians, just as the Bible said (your father Amorite, your mother Hittite - which was what we called Hurrians until a few centuries ago).

    That area produced blond and red-haired people, in the right time frame, and they were tall, very tall in comparison to the lighter-skinned Canaanite people.
    I don't believe that they fell out of a sky ship, but rather came down out of those mountains. In fact I will go one further - I believe that the Philistines were the same group of people as they were.

    Either Gaulish or Scandinavian peoples, or perhaps they were even earlier Lower Russian equivalents, prior to moving into Europe. The mention of Noah drinking wine is reflective of that same area as well, since the earliest
    domestic production of wine is found there. As well as shoes and other items. But the real evidence is in their pottery, which matches what we find near Jerusalem territory in the period prior to Abraham and the Amorites entering there.

    That's my belief and opinion based on the evidence. My only goal here was to explain what the Bible actually was trying to tell us -- since the idea of thirty foot beings is not what was meant at all. And by showing that Jesus was of that same lineage, I was hoping that people would understand that they must have been only about two meters tall and not twenty feet or more, since he was not.

    David, who is also in that lineage, was very tall, not like the Bible stories told to children. After he slew Goliath, he bent down and picked up is sword.

    Could a small skinny kid lift that? No. And other sections confirm that he was tall.

    As to knowing me - perhaps you do. I was on another forum until the owner let it go and the new managers started screening my posts and deleting some of them and so I left. If you are that same person then Hello again. And if you are not, then Hello!
    Last edited by Jim_Duyer; 1st August 2021 at 14:13.

  22. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Jim_Duyer For This Post:

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  23. Link to Post #13
    United States Avalon Member Ratszinger's Avatar
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    Default Re: The NEPHILIM: Earliest report of Alien Abductions?

    Quote Posted by Jim_Duyer (here)
    Quote Posted by oz93666 (here)
    This thread is about Nephilim ...

    From Search ...

    "The Nephilim are mysterious beings or people mentioned in the Hebrew Bible. They are large and strong; the word Nephilim is loosely translated as giants in some Bibles..."

    And this is what we would expect to result from a mating of an Annunaki and a human .... The Annunaki came down , ruled us , walked among us , passed themselves off as "Gods" ... These Annunaki ET's are human like but over twice our size .... They were attracted by Earth women and mated with them , they didn't abduct them (take them off world) , they lived on Earth .... the Nephilim that resulted could not be carried full term by the woman , but was removed by C-section at around 7 months ... It grew up with loyalty to the Annunaki and was used to subjugate and rule humans ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eyC-F9eRu0E

    3 humans on left ...Annunaki on right (over twice as tall)

    So giants (Nephilim) result from this natural mating between Annunaki and human ... but the Annunaki are also expert geneticist and can also manipulate DNA in labs and created many other variants of humans ...

    The abductions going on today ... reported to be many thousands EACH DAY , are not done by the Annunaki who tend to take a back seat now , ... It's the Greys. Arcturians , reptilians (and military) , who all work with the Annunaki . ...Abductions now are often for producing hybrids or clones for half a dozen different agendas.
    I was on the fence about abductions by aliens. Two things changed that for me. First is the fact that the PTB tried to trick me into publishing a book that had some false notions in it. Most of them are true but in regards to the part about abductions - false. So I fooled them by publishing it as a fiction.

    The second thing is I immediately did a very thorough bit of research on the idea of abductions. Who has reported it, who has pushed the idea forward, who has published it as if it were a given truth. And the answer to that question, in every case that I can find, is someone connected to an intelligence agency. Every case, strong connections.

    So, I have had to re-evaluate my position on alien abductions, and I am no longer on the fence but now crossing over to the side that believes they are, in the majority at least, connected to some government operation or another. Sorry, but I go by facts, and evidence, and that is where it has taken me.

    Yes, some are taken aboard. But not in the form of abduction of the same type that we hear of. And no, I do not believe that they are all "warm and fuzzy nice guys" since I know for a fact that some are very very evil. But I walk with caution and no longer give full support to the topic as it is being presented.

    And yes, you are correct in the main with your giants and ideas, but please recall that Jesus is in that same ancestry - we are told in the Bible that he is. So they can't all be that bad, right?
    I do not know the age of the tale of Rip Van Winkle but that has all the elements of a abduction scenario as well, including being taken, missing time, akin to Enoch really in the way it's told. Interesting topic.
    The genius consistently stands out from the masses in that he unconsciously anticipates truths of which the population as a whole only later becomes conscious! Speech-circa 1937

  24. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Ratszinger For This Post:

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  25. Link to Post #14
    United States Avalon Member Ratszinger's Avatar
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    Default Re: The NEPHILIM: Earliest report of Alien Abductions?

    Quote Posted by Jim_Duyer (here)
    Quote Posted by Ratszinger (here)
    Quote Posted by Jim_Duyer (here)
    I'm a historian and translator. I currently work with proto-Hebrew, proto-Sumerian, classical Sumerian, Anglo-Saxon, Mayan, and other ancient languages. I'm familiar with Ugaritic and Hurrian writing forms as well. Some of you may know this already but I mention it here in the beginning since I will be providing translations from some of those languages.

    From time to time I perform re-translations of what mainstream scholars have provided for us. Sadly, they are mainly wrong, and that is usually due to a preconceived agenda that they hold, and one that allows it to flavor their translations, which is bad science. I won't and don't do that, but some who are "evangelical or strict" Christians may not always like what I say, so if you believe you may fall into that category, please step away from this thread and God Bless you.

    Otherwise, those with eyes that see and ears that hear may learn something different today. I am a Christian myself by the way, but I also fallow the sayings of Odin and others, so really more of a mixed-bag type, although I was once a lay reader and Deacon in the Anglican faith., and yes, I have not only read the Bible but translated a good portion of it from the original Hebrew. But enough about that, let's dig in.

    We certainly can be assured that the Nephilim did not represent Angels, since Jesus assures us that Angels neither Marry nor take someone in Marriage, and his is, after all, the final word on the subject.

    The Hebrews told us that the Nephilim were the "fallen ones", the sons of God, or the sons of the gods, depending upon your outlook, and thus we might easily assign them the role of the sons of the sky gods, of Sumerian fame, who fell, or dropped down from the skies, in order to take Earthly women for a wives.

    Interestingly, the Hebrew Old Testament was written without vowels, which were added perhaps a thousand years later, and so their Nephilim was actually N-P-L with the "im" added to signify that it was a plural, since there were more than one.

    My research tells me that there were 600 in fact, with some on Earth and the rest orbiting in space.

    How did all of the surrounding cultures, both prior to the Hebrews entering the land of Canaan and during their early days in Canaan, define this NPL?

    Ugaritic: ( a precursor to Canaanite ) NPL, ‘to fall’; fall to the ground, fall off a horse, fall from power , Example: the goddess Anat in Ugaritic myth ... npl ar~ he fell to the underworld.

    Hebrew: From the root (n-p-l), forming words relating to falling.

    Aramaic npl : to fall; ex: the moth fell into the snake's dwelling.

    Classical Syriac: to fall, fall, falling, also: piece, bit, scrap, fragment

    Akkadian roots npl for napalu(m) and napalsuhu, "to fall to the ground"

    So there is quite a bit of evidence for "Nephilim" indicating a son of the gods who descended from the skies, and very little to support the idea of "giants" but I will not speak against the idea of giants at this time, since the Nephilim were often described as being mighty, powerful, important, and large in stature. Please note that I do not say that there were no giants in the world; on the contrary, the historical records are filled with mentions of them.

    Here is the passage from the Masoretic Text Old Testament in Hebrew , and this
    translation is by King James and company:

    (Genesis 6:1-2) 1 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, 2 That the sons of Elohim saw the daughters of men that they [were] fair and they took them wives of all which they chose.

    Wow, that almost sounds like it could be a love story. But is it?

    Here are each of the original Hebrew words in Genesis 6:2 translated by lines:

    and, therefore, yet, then
    to look at, see, regard, learn about, observe, watch
    plus the prefix Yud meaning he, they will
    sons, grandsons, children, members of a group
    the, this
    gods (Elohim) plural of God
    daughter, girl,
    the, this,
    man, human being
    that, for, because, when, as though, as, because that
    good, pleasant, agreeable (to the senses)
    they, these, the same, who
    and, therefore, also, then, yet
    to take, get, fetch, lay hold of, seize, receive, acquire, buy,
    bring, marry, take a wife, snatch, take away (from a primitive root meaning to take )
    to, for, towards, belonging to, in regard to, according to, plus the suffix her + their
    woman, wife, female
    a part, from, out of
    all, the whole, each, every, anything
    which, who, that which,
    to choose, elect, decide for

    So with all apologies to King James, what we have is something more like:

    And therefore they are observing, these sons of God,
    the daughters of the humans,
    because (they were) pleasant, agreeable.
    They therefore snatched her for their woman/wife,
    which they had selected from the whole.

    They may have made them their wives, and certainly their females, but the text speaks of taking hold of their selection out of the ones available, and does not seem to indicate that this was with the consent of the chosen ones.
    In fact, it sounds suspiciously similar to a modern-day alien abduction scenario.
    They watched, they picked one (or more), they snatched them up.

    This is by no means a complete list, but here are four steps common to
    the events that abductees have associated with their abductions:
    1. observation
    2. target selection
    3. abduction
    4. women in particular

    UFOs are frequently observed either by the abductees themselves or by others in the immediate vicinity of an upcoming abduction event.
    (1) They watch the scene. Aliens then circle a house or make a landing nearby, select someone to abduct, (2)
    and this is most often a female, snatch them, (3) take samples of their ovum and DNA, (4) and sometimes decide to use them to create hybrid alien-human babies.

    So let's look at this verse in Genesis once more:

    Genesis 6:2
    And therefore they will observe, (1) these sons of God,
    the daughters of the humans,
    because (they were) pleasant, agreeable.
    They therefore snatched (3) her for their woman/wife, (4)
    which they had selected (2) from the whole.

    And now that we have had the opportunity to examine this with fresh eyes, and a calm head, we each need to decide whether or not this is actually the first written report of an abduction by extraterrestrials. If these "Nephilim" fell from the sky, selected women and took them, this certainly changes the way that we probably thought about this mention in the Bible, but it goes beyond that. It tells us that very probably those were difficult times indeed for the early Hebrews and their neighbors - filled with frustrating terror beyond belief. Is this any different from the way that some parts of humanity, and especially our Military, feel today? Unable to defeat them with conventional weapons and yet frustrated in those attempts, is this what drives our Governmental policies of denying aliens and yet conspiring with them?

    Thoughts, comments, torches anyone?
    you know I think I know you. I believe, like myself you have a rather 'remarkable memory' yes? No worries mate I understand your bias but the truth could be so much simpler than your example here. Does it really have to be some 'Off world" species?? Fallen could be those that came down from the mountains as easily as the sky hello? I mean lets be realistic the mountain people with taller upper bodies mated with the low landers with taller lower bodies and shorter upper bodies and this is what can be traced in the genetic record to show the time line! You're off on the wrong trail!! Look here!
    OK. Personally? My objective was to show what the Biblical verses might have been trying to express. First I was attempting to show people that the Bible was being used, perhaps, to spread propoganda, even in that early period. That the messing with our heads did not begin with Roswell - that type of psychological impression creation was being done from the jump. But I was trying to do so in a less offensive manner. I wanted to provide written evidence for events that others like Greer and Icke and Sitchen have never provided - just talked about.

    And my other objective was to show that those early people may have been suggesting, or having their authors suggest it for them, that something fell down from the sky, and thus creating the long-term narrative that has been dusted off and served back to us on a plate in recent times. Now, as to whether or not that is believable in my opinion? No. I do believe in the ancient aliens idea, but not that they came down and created hybrids then, any more than they are doing so now. And here's why.

    Noah and Esau and perhaps others in the Bible, were said to have clear eyes, perhaps blue, and whitish colored hair, perhaps blonde. We see this exact same features mentioned in the best friend of Gilgamesh.

    From lots of research I have found evidence, strong evidence, that Abraham and his mothers family came from the region of the Caucasus mountains. They were Hurrians, just as the Bible said (your father Amorite, your mother Hittite - which was what we called Hurrians until a few centuries ago).

    That area produced blond and red-haired people, in the right time frame, and they were tall, very tall in comparison to the lighter-skinned Canaanite people.
    I don't believe that they fell out of a sky ship, but rather came down out of those mountains. In fact I will go one further - I believe that the Philistines were the same group of people as they were.

    Either Gaulish or Scandinavian peoples, or perhaps they were even earlier Lower Russian equivalents, prior to moving into Europe. The mention of Noah drinking wine is reflective of that same area as well, since the earliest
    domestic production of wine is found there. As well as shoes and other items. But the real evidence is in their pottery, which matches what we find near Jerusalem territory in the period prior to Abraham and the Amorites entering there.

    That's my belief and opinion based on the evidence. My only goal here was to explain what the Bible actually was trying to tell us -- since the idea of thirty foot beings is not what was meant at all. And by showing that Jesus was of that same lineage, I was hoping that people would understand that they must have been only about two meters tall and not twenty feet or more, since he was not.

    David, who is also in that lineage, was very tall, not like the Bible stories told to children. After he slew Goliath, he bent down and picked up is sword.

    Could a small skinny kid lift that? No. And other sections confirm that he was tall.

    As to knowing me - perhaps you do. I was on another forum until the owner let it go and the new managers started screening my posts and deleting some of them and so I left. If you are that same person then Hello again. And if you are not, then Hello!
    Having worked all our careers in the Indian Health Service and being tall and white I can understand where the term, "Giants" would come up certainly. Many times among the natives like the Zuni as well as others I was several heads taller than all of them and stood out quite a bit. I imagined at the time that in an earlier time they may indeed have considered me some kind of a giant. I did not agree with your posts being removed. FWIW!
    The genius consistently stands out from the masses in that he unconsciously anticipates truths of which the population as a whole only later becomes conscious! Speech-circa 1937

  26. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Ratszinger For This Post:

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  27. Link to Post #15
    Costa Rica Avalon Member
    Join Date
    13th February 2021
    In a Log Cabin in the Mountains
    Thanked 6,400 times in 762 posts

    Default Re: The NEPHILIM: Earliest report of Alien Abductions?

    Quote Posted by Ratszinger (here)
    Quote Posted by Jim_Duyer (here)
    Quote Posted by oz93666 (here)
    This thread is about Nephilim ...

    From Search ...

    "The Nephilim are mysterious beings or people mentioned in the Hebrew Bible. They are large and strong; the word Nephilim is loosely translated as giants in some Bibles..."

    And this is what we would expect to result from a mating of an Annunaki and a human .... The Annunaki came down , ruled us , walked among us , passed themselves off as "Gods" ... These Annunaki ET's are human like but over twice our size .... They were attracted by Earth women and mated with them , they didn't abduct them (take them off world) , they lived on Earth .... the Nephilim that resulted could not be carried full term by the woman , but was removed by C-section at around 7 months ... It grew up with loyalty to the Annunaki and was used to subjugate and rule humans ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eyC-F9eRu0E

    3 humans on left ...Annunaki on right (over twice as tall)

    So giants (Nephilim) result from this natural mating between Annunaki and human ... but the Annunaki are also expert geneticist and can also manipulate DNA in labs and created many other variants of humans ...

    The abductions going on today ... reported to be many thousands EACH DAY , are not done by the Annunaki who tend to take a back seat now , ... It's the Greys. Arcturians , reptilians (and military) , who all work with the Annunaki . ...Abductions now are often for producing hybrids or clones for half a dozen different agendas.
    I was on the fence about abductions by aliens. Two things changed that for me. First is the fact that the PTB tried to trick me into publishing a book that had some false notions in it. Most of them are true but in regards to the part about abductions - false. So I fooled them by publishing it as a fiction.

    The second thing is I immediately did a very thorough bit of research on the idea of abductions. Who has reported it, who has pushed the idea forward, who has published it as if it were a given truth. And the answer to that question, in every case that I can find, is someone connected to an intelligence agency. Every case, strong connections.

    So, I have had to re-evaluate my position on alien abductions, and I am no longer on the fence but now crossing over to the side that believes they are, in the majority at least, connected to some government operation or another. Sorry, but I go by facts, and evidence, and that is where it has taken me.

    Yes, some are taken aboard. But not in the form of abduction of the same type that we hear of. And no, I do not believe that they are all "warm and fuzzy nice guys" since I know for a fact that some are very very evil. But I walk with caution and no longer give full support to the topic as it is being presented.

    And yes, you are correct in the main with your giants and ideas, but please recall that Jesus is in that same ancestry - we are told in the Bible that he is. So they can't all be that bad, right?
    I do not know the age of the tale of Rip Van Winkle but that has all the elements of a abduction scenario as well, including being taken, missing time, akin to Enoch really in the way it's told. Interesting topic.

    Yes, there seems to be the element of it in that Van Winkle story. I often suspected that the "little people" of history could be related as well.

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    Costa Rica Avalon Member
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    Default Re: The NEPHILIM: Earliest report of Alien Abductions?

    Quote Posted by Ratszinger (here)
    Quote Posted by Jim_Duyer (here)
    Quote Posted by Ratszinger (here)
    Quote Posted by Jim_Duyer (here)
    I'm a historian and translator. I currently work with proto-Hebrew, proto-Sumerian, classical Sumerian, Anglo-Saxon, Mayan, and other ancient languages. I'm familiar with Ugaritic and Hurrian writing forms as well. Some of you may know this already but I mention it here in the beginning since I will be providing translations from some of those languages.

    From time to time I perform re-translations of what mainstream scholars have provided for us. Sadly, they are mainly wrong, and that is usually due to a preconceived agenda that they hold, and one that allows it to flavor their translations, which is bad science. I won't and don't do that, but some who are "evangelical or strict" Christians may not always like what I say, so if you believe you may fall into that category, please step away from this thread and God Bless you.

    Otherwise, those with eyes that see and ears that hear may learn something different today. I am a Christian myself by the way, but I also fallow the sayings of Odin and others, so really more of a mixed-bag type, although I was once a lay reader and Deacon in the Anglican faith., and yes, I have not only read the Bible but translated a good portion of it from the original Hebrew. But enough about that, let's dig in.

    We certainly can be assured that the Nephilim did not represent Angels, since Jesus assures us that Angels neither Marry nor take someone in Marriage, and his is, after all, the final word on the subject.

    The Hebrews told us that the Nephilim were the "fallen ones", the sons of God, or the sons of the gods, depending upon your outlook, and thus we might easily assign them the role of the sons of the sky gods, of Sumerian fame, who fell, or dropped down from the skies, in order to take Earthly women for a wives.

    Interestingly, the Hebrew Old Testament was written without vowels, which were added perhaps a thousand years later, and so their Nephilim was actually N-P-L with the "im" added to signify that it was a plural, since there were more than one.

    My research tells me that there were 600 in fact, with some on Earth and the rest orbiting in space.

    How did all of the surrounding cultures, both prior to the Hebrews entering the land of Canaan and during their early days in Canaan, define this NPL?

    Ugaritic: ( a precursor to Canaanite ) NPL, ‘to fall’; fall to the ground, fall off a horse, fall from power , Example: the goddess Anat in Ugaritic myth ... npl ar~ he fell to the underworld.

    Hebrew: From the root (n-p-l), forming words relating to falling.

    Aramaic npl : to fall; ex: the moth fell into the snake's dwelling.

    Classical Syriac: to fall, fall, falling, also: piece, bit, scrap, fragment

    Akkadian roots npl for napalu(m) and napalsuhu, "to fall to the ground"

    So there is quite a bit of evidence for "Nephilim" indicating a son of the gods who descended from the skies, and very little to support the idea of "giants" but I will not speak against the idea of giants at this time, since the Nephilim were often described as being mighty, powerful, important, and large in stature. Please note that I do not say that there were no giants in the world; on the contrary, the historical records are filled with mentions of them.

    Here is the passage from the Masoretic Text Old Testament in Hebrew , and this
    translation is by King James and company:

    (Genesis 6:1-2) 1 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, 2 That the sons of Elohim saw the daughters of men that they [were] fair and they took them wives of all which they chose.

    Wow, that almost sounds like it could be a love story. But is it?

    Here are each of the original Hebrew words in Genesis 6:2 translated by lines:

    and, therefore, yet, then
    to look at, see, regard, learn about, observe, watch
    plus the prefix Yud meaning he, they will
    sons, grandsons, children, members of a group
    the, this
    gods (Elohim) plural of God
    daughter, girl,
    the, this,
    man, human being
    that, for, because, when, as though, as, because that
    good, pleasant, agreeable (to the senses)
    they, these, the same, who
    and, therefore, also, then, yet
    to take, get, fetch, lay hold of, seize, receive, acquire, buy,
    bring, marry, take a wife, snatch, take away (from a primitive root meaning to take )
    to, for, towards, belonging to, in regard to, according to, plus the suffix her + their
    woman, wife, female
    a part, from, out of
    all, the whole, each, every, anything
    which, who, that which,
    to choose, elect, decide for

    So with all apologies to King James, what we have is something more like:

    And therefore they are observing, these sons of God,
    the daughters of the humans,
    because (they were) pleasant, agreeable.
    They therefore snatched her for their woman/wife,
    which they had selected from the whole.

    They may have made them their wives, and certainly their females, but the text speaks of taking hold of their selection out of the ones available, and does not seem to indicate that this was with the consent of the chosen ones.
    In fact, it sounds suspiciously similar to a modern-day alien abduction scenario.
    They watched, they picked one (or more), they snatched them up.

    This is by no means a complete list, but here are four steps common to
    the events that abductees have associated with their abductions:
    1. observation
    2. target selection
    3. abduction
    4. women in particular

    UFOs are frequently observed either by the abductees themselves or by others in the immediate vicinity of an upcoming abduction event.
    (1) They watch the scene. Aliens then circle a house or make a landing nearby, select someone to abduct, (2)
    and this is most often a female, snatch them, (3) take samples of their ovum and DNA, (4) and sometimes decide to use them to create hybrid alien-human babies.

    So let's look at this verse in Genesis once more:

    Genesis 6:2
    And therefore they will observe, (1) these sons of God,
    the daughters of the humans,
    because (they were) pleasant, agreeable.
    They therefore snatched (3) her for their woman/wife, (4)
    which they had selected (2) from the whole.

    And now that we have had the opportunity to examine this with fresh eyes, and a calm head, we each need to decide whether or not this is actually the first written report of an abduction by extraterrestrials. If these "Nephilim" fell from the sky, selected women and took them, this certainly changes the way that we probably thought about this mention in the Bible, but it goes beyond that. It tells us that very probably those were difficult times indeed for the early Hebrews and their neighbors - filled with frustrating terror beyond belief. Is this any different from the way that some parts of humanity, and especially our Military, feel today? Unable to defeat them with conventional weapons and yet frustrated in those attempts, is this what drives our Governmental policies of denying aliens and yet conspiring with them?

    Thoughts, comments, torches anyone?
    you know I think I know you. I believe, like myself you have a rather 'remarkable memory' yes? No worries mate I understand your bias but the truth could be so much simpler than your example here. Does it really have to be some 'Off world" species?? Fallen could be those that came down from the mountains as easily as the sky hello? I mean lets be realistic the mountain people with taller upper bodies mated with the low landers with taller lower bodies and shorter upper bodies and this is what can be traced in the genetic record to show the time line! You're off on the wrong trail!! Look here!
    OK. Personally? My objective was to show what the Biblical verses might have been trying to express. First I was attempting to show people that the Bible was being used, perhaps, to spread propoganda, even in that early period. That the messing with our heads did not begin with Roswell - that type of psychological impression creation was being done from the jump. But I was trying to do so in a less offensive manner. I wanted to provide written evidence for events that others like Greer and Icke and Sitchen have never provided - just talked about.

    And my other objective was to show that those early people may have been suggesting, or having their authors suggest it for them, that something fell down from the sky, and thus creating the long-term narrative that has been dusted off and served back to us on a plate in recent times. Now, as to whether or not that is believable in my opinion? No. I do believe in the ancient aliens idea, but not that they came down and created hybrids then, any more than they are doing so now. And here's why.

    Noah and Esau and perhaps others in the Bible, were said to have clear eyes, perhaps blue, and whitish colored hair, perhaps blonde. We see this exact same features mentioned in the best friend of Gilgamesh.

    From lots of research I have found evidence, strong evidence, that Abraham and his mothers family came from the region of the Caucasus mountains. They were Hurrians, just as the Bible said (your father Amorite, your mother Hittite - which was what we called Hurrians until a few centuries ago).

    That area produced blond and red-haired people, in the right time frame, and they were tall, very tall in comparison to the lighter-skinned Canaanite people.
    I don't believe that they fell out of a sky ship, but rather came down out of those mountains. In fact I will go one further - I believe that the Philistines were the same group of people as they were.

    Either Gaulish or Scandinavian peoples, or perhaps they were even earlier Lower Russian equivalents, prior to moving into Europe. The mention of Noah drinking wine is reflective of that same area as well, since the earliest
    domestic production of wine is found there. As well as shoes and other items. But the real evidence is in their pottery, which matches what we find near Jerusalem territory in the period prior to Abraham and the Amorites entering there.

    That's my belief and opinion based on the evidence. My only goal here was to explain what the Bible actually was trying to tell us -- since the idea of thirty foot beings is not what was meant at all. And by showing that Jesus was of that same lineage, I was hoping that people would understand that they must have been only about two meters tall and not twenty feet or more, since he was not.

    David, who is also in that lineage, was very tall, not like the Bible stories told to children. After he slew Goliath, he bent down and picked up is sword.

    Could a small skinny kid lift that? No. And other sections confirm that he was tall.

    As to knowing me - perhaps you do. I was on another forum until the owner let it go and the new managers started screening my posts and deleting some of them and so I left. If you are that same person then Hello again. And if you are not, then Hello!
    Having worked all our careers in the Indian Health Service and being tall and white I can understand where the term, "Giants" would come up certainly. Many times among the natives like the Zuni as well as others I was several heads taller than all of them and stood out quite a bit. I imagined at the time that in an earlier time they may indeed have considered me some kind of a giant. I did not agree with your posts being removed. FWIW!
    No problem on the post removal. I spoke via private PM with the ones who were the new people of that group and they really gave me the strong impression that while they enjoyed my posts they would not allow me to speak on a great many subjects. Obviously nobody likes to feel constrained, so I left. Yes, I have lived in Central America for 26 years, and when in Guatemala, especially in the North, I feel like a giant myself, and a white giant to boot - ha ha. I really enjoy the people down here though.

  30. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Jim_Duyer For This Post:

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