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Thread: My Story and the love from Lifechanyuan to all of you

  1. Link to Post #101
    China Avalon Retired Member
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    Default Re: My Story and the love from Lifechanyuan to all of you

    Today Guide Xuefeng writes an article about his now situation:


    拿大炮轰蚊子是一种浪费,但会种花的人去做饭也是一种浪费,有潜力获得诺贝尔奖的人去当集团公司董事长更是一种浪费,让会美容美发的人去工厂流水线上工作同样是一种浪费,让思想家去当政府官员更是一种 浪费。
    才智是一种有巨大潜力的隐形社会财富,才不对位是一种社会资源无形的巨大浪费,人民群众中蕴藏着无限丰富的创造力,比如中国改革开放初期中国社会迸发出来的无限活力就是调动了人民群众无限创造力的结果,才智对位了 ,就会创造出无穷无尽的物质财富、精神财富、心灵财富。
    才不对位主要有两个因素造成,一个是为生存奔波,不管才不才,只要能赚钱就干,没有多少选择的余地;另一个因素是政府管制,政府管制的越多,人们的才智越无法对位,比如中国很难诞生诺贝尔奖获得者,这不是中国人笨 ,而是政府管制干预太多导致的,才不对位怎能诞生伟大的科学家和思想家呢?怎能诞生百年老店和大批工匠人才呢?
    眼睛的功能是看,耳朵的功能是听,脚的功能是行走,手的功能是做事,大脑的功能是思维思想思考,如果让大脑去看去听去做事而停止思考思想,那就是大脑的才不对位,大脑不干大脑的事,却去干眼睛耳朵手脚的事,不仅是 本末倒置,更是大脑资源的一种无形的巨大浪费。
    人类精神和心灵的导游这两年为什么写不出有价值的文章?因为才不对位,他这两年的时间和精力大都花在了为生存奔波的事务上,每天早晨5点起床,洗漱后就给宾客们做早餐,待客人吃过早餐把杯盘桌子收拾停当就已是早晨 十点多了,然后再做自己吃的午餐,接着去客房清理客人留下的垃圾,再把客人用过的床单被单毛巾浴巾等等换下来清洗再重新铺好,把客人房间清扫一遍,做完这些就已经是下午五点左右了,期间还要随时恭候客人们的到来安 排房间,接着再做晚饭,晚饭后清洗全天客人们用过的和自己用过的餐具,接着开始将清洗干净的床上用品和洗澡间用品折叠好,此时已是夜里八点多了,晚上十点必须上床睡觉,否则第二天按时起不了床就会耽误客人们吃早餐 ,一天中,真正空闲的时间超不过两个小时,因为还有一系列其他事要做,比如到三十多公里外采购,比如整理庭院割草,比如修理不妥善之处等等。

    Misalignment is a waste of social resources

    It is a waste to bombard mosquitoes with a big shell, but it is also a waste for those who can grow flowers to cook. It is even more wasteful for those who have the potential to win the Nobel Prize to be the chairman of the group company. Let the people who can make beauty and hairdressing go to the factory. Working on the assembly line is also a waste, and letting thinkers become government officials is even more wasteful.
    Let the cat catch the mouse, let the dog take care of the nursing home is a wise match, let the mouse take care of the home, let the dog catch the mouse is not right, let Churchill be the prime minister, let Montgomery be the field marshal is a wise match, let Churchill go To be a field marshal, it is not right to let Montgomery be prime minister.
    Intelligence is a kind of invisible social wealth with great potential, while being misaligned is a huge waste of invisible social resources. There is infinitely rich creativity among the people. For example, the infinite vitality bursting out of Chinese society at the beginning of China's reform and opening up is mobilization. As a result of the infinite creativity of the people and the talents are aligned, endless material wealth, spiritual wealth, and spiritual wealth will be created.
    There are two main reasons for the misalignment. One is running for survival, regardless of talents or talents, as long as they can make money, there are not many choices; the other is government regulation. The more government controls, the more talented people become. Unable to match up, for example, it is difficult for China to give birth to Nobel Prize winners. This is not because the Chinese are stupid, but because of too much government regulation and intervention. How can we give birth to great scientists and thinkers without being right? How can a century-old shop and a large number of craftsmen talents be born?
    The function of the eyes is to see, the function of the ears is to listen, the function of the feet is to walk, the function of the hand is to do things, and the function of the brain is to think, think and think. It's not right. The brain does not do the brain's work, but does the eyes, ears, hands and feet. This is not only putting the cart before the horse, but also an invisible and huge waste of brain resources.
    Why can't the guides of the human spirit and soul write valuable articles in the past two years? Because of his misalignment, most of his time and energy in the past two years has been spent on running around for survival. He wakes up at 5 a.m. every morning, prepares breakfast for the guests after washing, and tidies the cups and plates after the guests have breakfast. It’s already ten o’clock in the morning, and then I’ll make my own lunch, then go to the guest room to clean up the trash left by the guests, and then replace the sheets, sheets, towels, bath towels, etc. used by the guests, wash them, and re-lay them. Clean the room again. After finishing this, it is already around 5 o'clock in the afternoon. During this period, we have to wait for the guests to arrive at any time to arrange the room, and then make dinner. After dinner, clean the tableware that the guests used and the tableware used by the guests throughout the day. Then began to fold the cleaned bedding and bathroom supplies. At this time, it was past 8 o'clock in the night, and I had to go to bed at 10 o'clock in the evening, otherwise the next day’s failure to get up on time would delay the guests’ breakfast. , The real free time is less than two hours, because there are a series of other things to do, such as shopping more than 30 kilometers away, such as tidying the yard and mowing, such as repairing improper parts and so on.
    Now I have to ask, the tour guides do this every day, is it important to make money or to write valuable articles?
    As the tour guide, I understand in my heart that this is the sorrow of mankind as a whole, and it is also a huge loss for mankind this time, and it is an incalculable loss for the grasses of the temple.
    It's a bit alarmist, isn't it?
    History will tell you the answer.
    As a tour guide, I understand in my heart that misalignment is putting the cart before the horse, but since humans are not aware of this, then I will settle down and enjoy the happiness and tranquility of ordinary life.
    Where is the way out for mankind? How to eliminate the phenomenon of misalignment?
    The answer lies in the tour guide's brain.

  2. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to xidaijena For This Post:

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  3. Link to Post #102
    China Avalon Retired Member
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    Default Re: My Story and the love from Lifechanyuan to all of you







    比如刚到三分院时,曾清扫鸭塘边的公共卫生间,我清扫完后,导游来看说,大理石上的水泥没有清理掉。是啊,我根本就没发现,导游一指出,才看到确实很显眼,怎么办?想办法呗,于是找来木工用的小锉子和小锤子,还有 钢丝球什么的,一点点把粘在大理石上不知有多少年的水泥印迹敲掉,然后觉得好像自己心灵上一些固有的渍迹也清洗掉了一样,自此以后,凡发现大理石或瓷砖上有水泥或其他渍迹,就想给清除掉。

    我做事不快,有时想快点做完的时候容易急躁,常有差不多就行了的想法,后来我想,在第二家园里,什么都不用担心,没有吃穿住行的压力,也没有生老病死的担心,没有工资奖金的忧虑,也没有被督促管理的烦恼,我所做的 工作,也没有超过身体的负荷,没有理由不把自己的工作做好啊,所以后来就提醒自己,不要急,慢慢来,把事情做好,做不到一流,也要尽心尽力做到最好。

    有时候想想,导游真的很了不起,家园里的禅院草大部分是河南人,而我们的家园又建在云南,河南和云南在很多人的意识里是脏乱差和野蛮愚昧的,而就是在这样的地方,导游引导这些人建设出了环境优美、干净整洁、和谐宁 静、高度文明的世外桃源。

    打扫卫生的普霞草,是一位做事追求一流的仙女,每天早上天刚亮,就看到她在清扫院落,打扫室内卫生时,总是等人不在房间时再打扫,托过地后,还用干毛巾再擦一遍。她擦窗户玻璃,也是擦三次,每次用的毛巾都不一样, 第一次用洗涤剂,第二次用清水,第三次用不掉毛的干毛巾再擦干净。每次看到她,我都心生敬意,这就是我学习的榜样。

    还有我们的佛义院长,头脑灵活,身手敏捷,做事干净利索,家园里的电焊铁艺基本都是他做的,偶尔也做些小物件,他做出来的东西既实用又美观;其他的比如同心草做的英文版的家园介绍,从素材拍摄到画面剪辑,从解说到 字幕,以及背景音乐的选择,都恰到好处;还有娥皇草的艺术设计,不管到哪里,总能把家园打造得美观大方,看上去品位不凡;还有竹菡草的舞台设计,高雅大方,清新活泼;还有东方草的舞蹈,每个动作都准确到位,流畅优 美,很有韵味;还有我们的厨仙,总是换着花样为我们做出各样美食;还有很多……


    我相信在导游的引导下,总有一天会美得窒息。因为我们追求一流,我们追求真、善、美、爱、信、诚,我们敬畏上帝,敬畏生命,敬畏大自然,走上帝之道。眼前遇到的困境和磨难,改变不了我们的信念,反而更增加了我们向 往美好生活的信心,这几年家园的实践,和家园内外的兄弟姐妹对家园的爱,就是家园巨大的精神和心灵财富。



    Chasing for the Best Quality of Work


    (Translated by Tongxin and Edited by Kaer)

    Jan 21, 2014

    There is a value in the Second Home (now New Oasis for Life)that is, “whatever your job is, do it the best way you can”.

    Many times, our guide has mentioned his grandmother, who always impressed him with her tidiness. She always cleaned the house very carefully and kept it very tidy, and she especially never ignored any small details that most people would not have even noticed, like the corners under the backs of the tables.

    This draws my respect immediately. My heart says that she is an elegant lady, a person who chases after the best quality, and one who deserves a first-class life.

    Do things carefully and patiently, strive for constant excellence, and chase for a high class of quality -- Such spirit is what I lacked and many members in the Second Home also lacked before. Therefore, the guide always reminds us in our daily lives and work that, ”whatever you do, try to do it in the best way you can”.

    For example, when I first reached the 3rd branch, I was scheduled to clean the public toilets beside the duck pond. After I finished, the guide came to have a look and commented that, “the cement on the rocks were not cleaned”. Oh, I had not noticed that, but once the guide pointed it out, it became quite obvious to me. So, what should I do now? Find a way out! I found a small file and a hammer from the tool room, plus some steel wool. I then hit the cement, which could have been stuck on the bricks for many years, lightly, and I found that it was as if something in my heart was also cleaned. Ever since that time, whenever I see cement or dirt on marble bricks, I want to clean them thoroughly.

    I am not one who does things quickly, and sometimes I just want to finish my work in a hurry. The thought of “just finish it” keeps coming up. Later, I think it through from another angle. In the Second Home, we do not need to worry about anything, there is no pressure with regards to food, clothing, shelter, or transportation, and no worries about birth, aging, sickness, or death, and no troubles about salaries or being pushed by management. My work does not exceed my capability, so I have no reason to not do my job the best way I can. Since then I have reminded myself to not be anxious, but to do all my work slowly and carefully. Even if I cannot do something at a maximum quality level, I should do in the best way I can and with my full heart's spirit into it.

    Sometimes I think about how outstanding our guide really is, because most of Chanyuan celestials are from Henan province and our home was started in Yunnan province, and both of these places are viewed by many as being dirty and untamed, but it was in this place that he led us to build up such beautiful, tidy, elegant, and highly civilized Xanadus.

    Puxia celestial’s job is cleaning the bedrooms, she is a sister who strives for the best quality in her work. Every morning before the sun rises, she begins to clean the yards, then she always cleans the bedrooms after the people have left them for work. Every day she mops the floors twice, the first time with a wet mop to absorb the dirt, and the second time to absorb the liquids with a dry mop. Each time she cleans the windows, she does it three times with different towels. The first time is done with a cleaning liquid, the second is done with clean water, and the third is with a clean and dry towel. Every time I see her, my respect for her goes up. She is a model worker whom is worthy to be studied lot from.

    There are many more examples, such as our branch director Foyi celestial. He is flexible in both mind and body, and he does everything cleanly and quickly. Most of our ironwork is done by him and sometimes he creates small trinkets which are both functional and beautiful. Another example is the English introduction video of the Second Home done by Tongxin celestial, from shooting and editing to the the voice-overs and subtitles, and to the choices of background music, every step shows a pursuit for the highest quality of production. The stage designs of Zhuhan celestial are always elegant, fresh, and lovely, and the dance performances of Dongfang celestial show every pose to be accurate, smooth, and beautiful. Every day, our cooks make delicious, diverse, and healthy food for us, and there are many, many more examples.

    One should not only achieve their best possible work results, but they should also try to accomplish the best human qualities by perfecting their soul gardens, so the relationships among people will grow to be friendlier and more harmonious, relaxed, and pleasant.

    I believe that by following our guide's lead, the day when we live in total happiness will surely come. Because we strive for the best quality of work, we also chase after sincerity, kindness, beauty, love, faith, and honesty, we revere the Greatest Creator, revere LIFE and nature, and we walk on the way of the Greatest Creator. The difficulties we are currently encountering cannot change our faith. On the contrary, they enhance our confidence to continue to chase for the beautiful life. The practice of our home and the love from all our brothers and sisters inside and outside of the community is the huge wealth of spirit and soul of this big family.

    The seed of chasing for the top-level quality has been planted in us, the picture of a wonderful new life mode has been planted in our minds, and the new life mode of human beings of the Second Home has been planted in our hearts. Some day, when the right time comes, it will sprout fully.

  4. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to xidaijena For This Post:

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    China Avalon Retired Member
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    Default Re: My Story and the love from Lifechanyuan to all of you

  6. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to xidaijena For This Post:

    Agape (7th September 2021), Bill Ryan (30th August 2021), Harmony (31st August 2021)

  7. Link to Post #104
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    Default Re: My Story and the love from Lifechanyuan to all of you



    我是生命禅院的百川草,在没有进入生命绿洲(第二家园)生活之前,有一个世俗意义上幸福的家庭,父母疼爱公婆呵护,丈夫百依百顺体贴关爱,孩子活泼可爱,工作顺心如意,可谓一切祥和温馨、岁月静好。因为尝到了婚姻 和家庭的甜头,以至于后来进入家园生活,对理念“婚姻是爱情的坟墓,家庭是人类罪恶的渊薮”,从内心深处一直不认同,所以在进入家园生活的前几年里一直懵懵懂懂,意识忽明忽暗,是没有觉悟的状态。后来在家园生活的 过程中,通过学习文集,践行理念,建设家园,才逐渐地慢慢觉悟起来。

    在成为禅院草之前,可以说我没有任何信仰,只是跟着家人拜过佛像,对外界的各种宗教、神学、功法等没有一点接触,简单说就是一个小家庭主义者,也认同教科书上学到的“进化论”,对太空知识、星际旅游、神秘学、外星 人等之类的内容有一些兴趣,但从来不深究。可以说生活过得平淡而宁静,跟一只每天在树上生活的虫子差不多,只在眼前的一方土地上转着圈圈,还自我感觉良好,以为人生本就如此。一次,在工作的午休时间,在办公室的电 脑上随意浏览网页,不经意间在“天涯论坛”上看到文章《旷世奇书·生命禅院序》《奉旨召集活的灵魂》,一下子被吸引了过去,看到文章末尾留了一个QQ号,就联系上了,当时就在淘宝网上买了一套《禅院文集》,收到后 如饥似渴地阅读,当看到那篇《在爱中复活》时更是泪如泉涌,痛哭流涕,好似听到了亲人那最深情的呼唤。看完了文集,感觉这么好的书一定要跟家人们一起分享,就又买了五套送给父母、姐姐、堂哥堂姐们各一套,可是他们 对这么好的书一点兴趣都没有,我当时不明白为什么,只能劝他们看看。

    2010年5月12日成为禅院草后,我的人生进入了全新的生命天地,一个全新的世界在我眼前展开,从此我认识了造物主上帝,知晓了宇宙的起源、生命的起源、人生的意义,理解了生命的本质、时间空间、天国、修行修炼 、佛法道法、上帝之道、灵性等等,我的灵魂找到了栖息地,这种心灵的依托超越了物质和情感,在精神和心灵领域,灵魂得到了重生。随着对生命禅院理论体系地深入不断学习,越来越感受到生命禅院是一座巨大的宝库,里面 的宝藏应有尽有,无穷无尽,其内涵博大精深、浩瀚辽阔、广袤磅礴,无边无际,越读越感受到作者雪峰灵魂之伟大,思想之高贵,其智慧站在了人类的顶峰,他不是普通意义上的生命。因此我越来越相信他,越来越坚信他,心 甘情愿跟随他。

    每每看《禅院文集》里的《上帝篇》,总能感受到上帝像爷爷一样亲切、慈祥、平易近人,总会莫名的一阵阵感动、震颤。认识了上帝,才发现原来每个生命都是上帝身上的一个细胞,一个分子,是上帝关爱的小宝宝,是一个个 独立的个体,又与上帝是一个整体。上帝是宇宙、生命的终极创造者,我从“他”而生。认识了上帝,我的生命与源头接通了,我有了根,再也不是随风飘动的浮萍了,我浮躁的内心渐渐安定沉淀下来,因为我看到了上帝,上帝 时时处处与我同在,在注视着我关爱着我,只要我敬畏上帝,按照上帝的意愿做人做事,顺道而行,我总能得到奖励,因此内心好感恩,总感觉自己好幸福好幸福。

    以前的我是懵懂的,无明的,愚昧无知的,不知道自己从哪里来,到哪里去,活着是为了什么。成为禅院草后,人生不再盲目,意识越来越清明有序,人生和生命有了明确的目标。知晓了人活着的意义,在宇宙生命大剧本里扮演 好自己的角色,为宇宙生命大舞台增添一朵小小的火花,为上帝、神灵、更高层次的生命服务,实现自身的价值,走向高层生命空间。成为禅院草后,明白了生命的真谛,彰显天性顺应自然,听从上帝的指引,遵循道的安排,做 一个开心快乐自由幸福的生命。人生难得,把握好机遇,偿还债务积累功德,完美品质,完成从人到仙的蜕变。

    通读过《禅院文集》和《雪峰文集》后不难看出,生命禅院理论体系不是普通平凡的理论体系,它涵盖了基督教、天主教、伊斯兰教、佛教、道教、科学、毛泽东思想的精髓,是人升华灵性、获得精神心灵财富的源泉。人类最大 的危机是心灵的危机,危机的根源是争利,争利的根源是自私,自私的根源是婚姻和家庭,由此而导致了社会的不和谐和人与自然的不和谐。一旦解决了婚姻和家庭的问题,一旦解决了人类的吃穿住行生老病死的问题,一旦解决 了心灵的问题,一旦“万教归一、万法归宗”人类有了共同的终极信仰,那么人与人之间,种族与种族之间,人与大自然之间,矛盾和冲突就能降到最低,或者说所有的矛盾都能调和,所有的问题都能化解,地球就 能变成天堂。

    生命绿洲(第二家园)是导游雪峰带领禅院草创建的雪峰式共产主义社区大家园,从2009年4月18日开始建设第一所分院,到2016年10月遭政府解散的芝麻坡,共成功创建了十所分院,曾有二百多人生活其中,接待 过十八个国家的宾客来参观和体验,是人类新生产生活模式的成功样板。生命绿洲的成功创建,是生命禅院理论体系的成功实践和检验,是活生生的现实,这是已经在中国局部实现的共产主义理想。它成功地实现了历代贤哲梦寐 以求的的理想生活,实现了历史上任何一个乌托邦社区想要实现的梦想,人人“一无所有,拥有一切,”“各尽所能,按需索取,”“道不拾遗,夜不闭户,”老有所养,幼有所育,没有婚姻没有家庭,人人平等人人劳动,环境 优美高度文明,丰富的娱乐游戏活动,人们的吃穿住行生老病死个人不再操心,人人开心、快乐、自由、幸福,它是人类社会人与人、人与大自然和谐共处的唯一乐园和可持续发展的成功样板。

    导游雪峰宣扬上帝和上帝之道,为人类认识真正的上帝正本清源,拨乱反正,摇旗呐喊,为让上帝的声音响彻人间而吹响号角,孤军奋战,以笔代戈,力挽狂澜,与陈旧的愚昧的意识势力针锋相对,毫无畏惧,他是伟人,是斗士 ,是菩萨,是天使。他是大乘心愿者,是最上乘心愿者,为全天下普通百姓过上幸福生活供养精神和心灵食粮,为人类创建新生活家园而亲力亲为,他殚精竭虑,呕心沥血,躬耕不辍,以身作则。他言传身教在日常生活点点滴滴 中,给禅院草作榜样,理念奉行在一言一行中,他连一草一虫都不随意伤害,更不用说对家园每一位亲人的关爱和呵护。曾经好几次听到导游说过:家园里要让每一个人都开心,是每一个人,如果为了家园而让人不开心就不对了 ,不能为家园服务,要为人服务,人人开心了,家园才有存在的意义。雪峰导游品质高洁,博古通今,雄韬伟略又虚怀若谷,他是圣人,是众人的良师益友,是每一个人的知音,是爱的化身。因此我信奉他,尊敬他 ,爱戴他。

    雪峰导游为世人画好了通往天国的路线图,为人类中人性相对完美的“成熟庄稼”颁发生命的签证:禅院草名。为禅院草们铺好了一条最明亮、最轻松、最宽阔、最自由的通往天国之路。我们走在上帝之道禅院之路上,在上帝灵 光的照耀下,人生不仅获得了开心、快乐、自由、幸福,人生结束后,生命还能去往天国千年界、万年界,最终到达极乐界仙岛群岛洲——上帝的后花园,宇宙中最自由最美妙的地方,禅院草们能有这么一个无限美好辉煌灿烂的 生命未来,怎能让人不信服他,不跟从他?所以,导游雪峰是我此生生命的依托,是我全部身、心、灵信任的生命。

    人类于2018年1月1日进入了新时代,新时代的思想导航是导游雪峰从2002年开始创作的生命禅院理论体系,《禅院文集》《雪峰文集》和《新时代人类八百理念(第三版)》。新时代人类生产生活模式是生命绿洲模式 ,相信在地球和人类阵痛过后,一切爱好和平,寻求开心快乐自由幸福的人们,都将朝着这个指明灯汇聚而来,都将按着绿洲模式生活,地球将变成风调雨顺、吉祥安泰的欢乐海洋,整个地球将会变成像千年界那样的乐园,从此 人人尽享人生的幸福时光,这是上帝的恩典,是导游雪峰的所愿,因此我信服雪峰,信从导游。

    感谢导游引领我生命升华,我信服雪峰,跟从雪峰,愿把自己的一切奉献给生命禅院,为人类建设共同的家园做无相布施,令地球上所有的生命都受益,同时完美自己的心灵花园,完美品质,完善意识,偿还累世债务,积存财宝 在天国,跟随导游雪峰走向天国。



    Xuefeng tour guide is the beacon of my life and life
    Baichuan grass

    An ant was born before,
    The mortal grasses move with the wind,
    Silent, fascinated by life.
    Encounter Xuefeng, climb the ladder,
    Give directions, solve puzzles,
    Realize the wonderful meaning of life.
    Infinitely grateful!
    All rivers return to the sea, know the truth, get the truth,
    Return to the source of God’s arms,
    Eternal inhabit, infinite joy,

    I am the Baichuancao of the Life Temple. Before I entered the life oasis (the second home), I had a happy family in a secular sense. My parents loved my in-laws and my husband was considerate and caring, my children were lively and lovely, and my work was satisfactory. It can be said that everything is peaceful and warm, and the years are quiet. Because I tasted the sweetness of marriage and family, I later entered home life, and I did not agree with the concept "marriage is the tomb of love and family is the source of human sin" from the bottom of my heart, so in the first few years of entering home life Li has always been ignorant, and his consciousness is light and dark, which is a state of unconsciousness. Later, in the process of living in the homeland, through studying the essays, practicing the ideas, and building the homeland, I gradually realized my consciousness.

    Before becoming a Zen garden grass, I can say that I did not have any beliefs. I only worshipped Buddha statues with my family. I had no contact with various religions, theology, and exercises of the outside world. Simply put, I was a little familyist, and I also agreed with the textbooks. "Theory of evolution", has some interest in space knowledge, interstellar travel, occultism, aliens, etc., but never delves into it. It can be said that life is flat and peaceful, similar to a bug that lives on a tree every day, only circling around the land in front of you, and feeling good about yourself, thinking that life is just like this. Once, during lunch break at work, I browsed the web on the office computer at will, and inadvertently saw the article "The Wonderful Book of Life·The Preface of the Life Zen Yuan" on the "Tianya Forum", and I was suddenly attracted. In the past, I saw a QQ account at the end of the article, and I got in touch. At that time, I bought a set of "The Collection of Zen Academy" on Taobao. After receiving it, I read it eagerly. When I saw the "Resurrection in Love" "When I was in tears, I cried bitterly, as if I heard the most affectionate call from my relatives. After reading the anthology, I felt that such a good book must be shared with the family. I bought five more sets for my parents, sister, cousin and cousin, but they were not interested in such a good book at all. I didn't understand why, so I could only persuade them to take a look.

    After becoming a Zen garden grass on May 12, 2010, my life entered a new world of life. A whole new world unfolded before my eyes. From then on, I got to know the Creator God, the origin of the universe, the origin of life, and the meaning of life. , I understand the nature of life, time and space, heaven, practice, Buddhism, Taoism, God’s way, spirituality, etc., my soul has found a habitat, this kind of spiritual support transcends material and emotions, in the spirit and soul Realm, the soul has been reborn. With the in-depth and continuous study of the theoretical system of the Life Chanyuan, I feel more and more that the Life Chanyuan is a huge treasure house. The treasures inside are all and endless. Its connotation is broad and profound, vast, vast and majestic, boundless, and read more and more Feeling the great soul of the author Xuefeng, the noble thoughts, and his wisdom standing at the peak of mankind, he is not a life in the ordinary sense. So I believe in him more and more, believe in him more and more, and willingly follow him.

    The reasons are as follows:
    1. The Xuefeng tour guide made me know the origin of the universe, the source of life, and the ultimate creator-God.
    Whenever I read the "God Chapter" in "The Collection of Zen Yuan", I can always feel that God is as kind, kind, and approachable as my grandfather, and I am always moved and trembling inexplicably. After knowing God, I discovered that every life is a cell, a molecule, and a baby that God cares about. It is an independent individual and a whole with God. God is the ultimate creator of the universe and life, and I was born from "him". Knowing God, my life is connected to the source, I have roots, and I am no longer a duckweed floating in the wind. My impetuous heart gradually settled down, because I saw God, and God is always with me everywhere. Now, watching me and caring for me, as long as I fear God, behave according to God's wishes, and follow the way, I will always be rewarded, so I am grateful in my heart, and I always feel so happy and happy.

    2. The Xuefeng tour guide made me know the meaning of life and the true meaning of life.
    I used to be ignorant, ignorant, ignorant and ignorant. I didn't know where I came from, where I went, or what I lived for. After becoming the grass of the temple, life is no longer blind, consciousness is more and more clear and orderly, and life and life have clear goals. Know the meaning of human life, play your own role in the universe life script, add a small spark to the universe life stage, serve God, gods, and higher-level lives, realize your own value, and move forward. High-level life space. After becoming the grass of the Zen yard, I understood the true meaning of life, showed my nature, conformed to nature, obeyed God's guidance, followed Taoist arrangements, and became a happy, free and happy life. Life is rare, seize good opportunities, repay debts, accumulate merit, perfect quality, and complete the transformation from human to immortal.

    3. The theoretical system of Life Zen Temple created by Xuefeng tour guide is a perfect system to solve all human problems.
    It’s not difficult to see after reading "Chen Yuan Collection" and "Xue Feng Collection" that the theoretical system of Life Zen Academy is not an ordinary theoretical system. It covers the essence of Christianity, Catholicism, Islam, Buddhism, Taoism, science, and Mao Zedong Thought. People sublimate their spirituality and obtain the source of spiritual wealth. The biggest crisis of mankind is the crisis of the soul. The root of the crisis is the struggle for profit, the root of the struggle for profit is selfishness, and the root of selfishness is marriage and family. This leads to the disharmony of society and the disharmony between man and nature. Once the problems of marriage and family are resolved, once the problems of humanity’s food, clothing, housing, transportation, birth, old age, sickness and death are resolved, once the spiritual problem is resolved, once the "ten thousand religions return to one, ten thousand laws return to the ancestry" human beings have a common ultimate belief, then Between people, between races and races, between people and nature, contradictions and conflicts can be minimized, or all contradictions can be reconciled, all problems can be resolved, and the earth can become a paradise. .

    4. The oasis of life created by Xuefeng tour guides is the only paradise where everyone is happy, free and happy, and is a successful model for the sustainable development of human society.
    Oasis of Life (Second Home) is a Xuefeng-style communist community home created by the tour guide Xuefeng and the Zenyuan grass. The first branch was built on April 18, 2009, and Zhimapo was disbanded by the government in October 2016. , A total of ten branches have been successfully established, with more than 200 people living in them, and guests from 18 countries have been received to visit and experience, which is a successful model of the new production and life mode of mankind. The successful creation of the Oasis of Life is the successful practice and test of the theoretical system of the Life Zen Academy, and a living reality. This is a communist ideal that has been partially realized in China. It has successfully realized the ideal life dreamed by the sages of the past, and realized the dream that any utopian community in history wanted to realize. Pick up the relics and keep the house closed at night. "The elderly have support, the young have the education, there is no marriage and no family, everyone is equal and everyone works, the environment is beautiful and highly civilized, and there are rich entertainment and games activities. Everyone is happy, happy, free, and happy. It is the only paradise where people in human society and nature coexist harmoniously and a successful model of sustainable development.

    5. Xuefeng tour guides are of noble quality, pure, humble, simple, and upright. He unites words and deeds, teaches by precepts and deeds, seeks truth from facts, and is sincere and credible.
    The tour guide Xuefeng preaches God and the way of God, to clear the source for mankind’s understanding of the real God, to set things right, to wave the flag and shout, to sound the horn for the voice of God to ring through the world, to fight alone, to use a pen to replace the situation, to turn the tide, and the old ignorance The conscious forces are tit-for-tat and fearless. He is a great man, a fighter, a bodhisattva, and an angel. He is the Mahayana wisher, the best wisher, to provide spiritual and spiritual food for the ordinary people in the world to lead a happy life, and to create a new life home for mankind. He has worked hard and dedicated himself, working hard, working hard and setting an example. He taught by precepts and deeds in his daily life, setting an example for the temple grass, and his philosophy is in every word and deed. He does not harm even a weed or a worm at will, let alone care and care for every family member in his homeland. I have heard the tour guide say several times: Everyone must be happy in the homeland. It is everyone. It is not right to make people unhappy for the homeland. If you cannot serve the homeland, you must serve others and everyone is happy. Homeland has the meaning of existence. Xuefeng’s tour guides are of high quality, well known to the present, majestic and majestic, and imaginary. He is a saint, a mentor and friend to everyone, a bosom friend, and an incarnation of love. So I believe in him, respect him, and love him.

    6. The Xuefeng tour guide paved a avenue to heaven that leads to heaven.
    The Xuefeng tour guide drew a road map to heaven for the world, and issued a visa of life to the "mature crops" with relatively perfect human nature: the name of the grass in the temple. Paved the brightest, most relaxing, widest, and most free road to heaven for the grasses of the temple. We are walking on the path of God’s Way of Zen Temple. Under the shining light of God, life not only gains happiness, happiness, freedom, and happiness. After life is over, life can also go to the heavenly thousand-year realm, the ten thousand-year realm, and finally reach the bliss realm. Xiandao Islands-God's back garden, the most free and beautiful place in the universe, the grass of the meditation house can have such an infinitely beautiful and brilliant future of life, how can people not be convinced and not follow him? Therefore, the tour guide Xuefeng is the support of my life in this life, the life trusted by all my body, mind, and spirit.

    7. Xuefeng tour guides created the era of life Zen temple for mankind, which is the guiding light of the new era.
    Mankind entered a new era on January 1, 2018. The thought navigation of the new era is the theoretical system of life Zen courtyard created by the tour guide Xuefeng starting in 2002, "The Collection of Zen Academy", "The Collection of Xuefeng" and "The Eight Hundred Ideas of Humanity in the New Era" (Third Edition)". The mode of human production and life in the new era is an oasis mode of life. I believe that after the earth and mankind’s labor pains, all people who love peace and seek happiness, freedom and happiness will gather towards this light and live in the oasis mode. The earth will become a happy ocean of good weather and auspicious Antai, and the whole earth will become a paradise like the Thousand Years Realm. From then on, everyone can enjoy the happy time of life. This is the grace of God and the wish of the tour guide Xuefeng. Therefore I am convinced by Xuefeng and by the tour guide.

    8. Believe in Xuefeng, participate in the construction of a perfect homeland, and make alms to heaven.
    Thanks to the tour guide for leading my life to sublimation. I am convinced of Xuefeng and follow Xuefeng. I am willing to dedicate everything I have to the life monastery, to build a common home for mankind, and to do innocent charity, so that all life on the earth will benefit, and at the same time, I will perfect my own. The garden of the soul, perfect quality, perfect consciousness, repay the debts of many generations, accumulate treasures in heaven, and follow the guide Xuefeng to heaven.

    Therefore, I firmly believe in the Xuefeng tour guide and willingly follow him.


  8. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to xidaijena For This Post:

    Bill Ryan (30th August 2021), Harmony (31st August 2021)

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    UK Avalon Member Heart to heart's Avatar
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    Dear Xid, this evening I sat quietly and read all your posts and thought about the wonderful life that had been created on such high principles. It reminded me of The Findhorn Community in Scotland founded on guidance from ‘God’ to Eileen Caddy and carried out to the letter by her husband Peter and Dorothy Maclean, who communicated with the Devic kingdom about how to grow the best vegetables. Although the original founders have passed on the organisation is still running. I truly know that Faith with true intention can move mountains and create heaven on Earth.
    Also it brought to mind the Shen Yun Chinese dancers who dance the true stories of ancient Chinese culture. The lifestyle of the dancers is based on high spiritual principles as is your community. I understand they are not allowed to perform in China. I was utterly enthralled and captivated by their incredible dance, the finest I have ever seen.
    Thank you for your story of life so different to most here in the West, I feel we all truly hope that life one day will be one of caring, sharing and compassion and love for each other and our Mother Earth.
    I send blessings on all you do.

  10. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Heart to heart For This Post:

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    China Avalon Retired Member
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    Default Re: My Story and the love from Lifechanyuan to all of you

    Quote Posted by Heart to heart (here)
    Dear Xid, this evening I sat quietly and read all your posts and thought about the wonderful life that had been created on such high principles. It reminded me of The Findhorn Community in Scotland founded on guidance from ‘God’ to Eileen Caddy and carried out to the letter by her husband Peter and Dorothy Maclean, who communicated with the Devic kingdom about how to grow the best vegetables. Although the original founders have passed on the organisation is still running. I truly know that Faith with true intention can move mountains and create heaven on Earth.
    Also it brought to mind the Shen Yun Chinese dancers who dance the true stories of ancient Chinese culture. The lifestyle of the dancers is based on high spiritual principles as is your community. I understand they are not allowed to perform in China. I was utterly enthralled and captivated by their incredible dance, the finest I have ever seen.
    Thank you for your story of life so different to most here in the West, I feel we all truly hope that life one day will be one of caring, sharing and compassion and love for each other and our Mother Earth.
    I send blessings on all you do.

    Wow, dear Heart to Heart, I remember you. You are such a beautiful light worker. Yes, I knew some about The Findhorn Community in Scotland from the movie " A New We" and just because the movie, I see hope and my big dream to unit all nice communities into one big family with our Second Home. This is also the dream of our founder Xuefeng to build 256 branches communities.

    China, it is full of wisdom but also with a lot of not good people. I am very happy to be a chanyuan member to know what the Greatest Creator and Jesus are. I love all of you, who are beautiful and kind westerners. I don't know why that when seeing your beautiful eyes, faces, energy, spirit and passion for life, I feel so grateful in my heart.

    Let us build a bridge from east to west to make mother Earth become a paradise for beautiful scenes.

  12. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to xidaijena For This Post:

    Bill Ryan (30th August 2021), Harmony (31st August 2021), Heart to heart (31st August 2021)

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    China Avalon Retired Member
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    Hi dear all and Bill, I am searching some funny games pics on our inner website. I can't help laughing and really miss those happy memories. So I decide to share one post about games every day for all of you to enjoy. Hope all of you can feel our happiness and smile.

  14. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to xidaijena For This Post:

    Agape (7th September 2021), Bill Ryan (31st August 2021), Harmony (31st August 2021), Heart to heart (31st August 2021)

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    China Avalon Retired Member
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    Default Re: My Story and the love from Lifechanyuan to all of you






    导游要求每位进驻家园的禅院草,首先要过劳动关,不管你是百万富翁还是才高八斗,不管你是有劳动能力的八十老翁还是娇滴滴的姑娘,首先要成为一个真正的体力劳动者,只有脏活不嫌累活不怕,在劳动中不偷懒不耍滑的人 ,才是可用之人,才是堪当大任之人。


    家园里每样事情都有人专门负责,分工到人,责任到人,但不是僵死不变的,而是灵活的。在心灵花园还不完美的时候,难免会有不愿意和某人在一起工作的情况,可以提出调换,尽量做到让每个人都开心、快乐、自由、幸福。 如果你不喜欢某种工作,或者想做另一种工作,也可以提出,导游或院长会根据情况随时为你调换工种,这样,就不会因为工作原因做了自己不喜欢的事而感到在家园里不开心、不快乐,同时每个人也有机会体验各种不同的工作 。

    家园里还有各种各样的集体劳动,比如和水泥打地面、搬砖传砖、翻地、施肥、浇水、种花、种树、种土豆、搂树叶等,参加集体劳动是最开心的事,既活动了筋骨,又与大家嘻嘻哈哈打成一片,说说笑笑中就把活干完了,所以 管理网站的和老师们都很喜欢参加集体劳动。


    因为不用担心吃穿住行和生老病死,衣服脏了有人洗,肚子饿了有饭吃,房间有人打扫,每人有单独的卧室可以休息得很好,人与人之间相处和谐融洽,家园的环境又风景如画、干净整洁,不管干什么活,只要尽心尽力就好,也 没有人监督考核。

    家园只要求每人每天满负荷高效率工作6小时,凡事争取一流,并实行超人哲学,浑沌管理,在你负责的领域内,只要你把工作做好,在不影响他人的基础上,什么时候做,怎么做是你自己的事,可以充分自由,导游和院长一般 也不过问。

    因为没有担心、忧虑和压力,所以工作、劳动就成了一种享受、一种游戏,每个人可以充分发挥自己才能,充分享受工作带来的乐趣。家园的劳动大多是与大自然打交道,一个人时,在劳动中可以静静体悟大自然的奇妙和奥秘, 一起劳动时,可以享受与亲人们相互协作,说笑打闹的乐趣。

    体力劳动,直接创造了物质财富,让生活变得舒适、方便,让环境变得美丽、干净整洁,同时也完美着人的心灵,使人变得谦卑,知道尊重劳动者,尊重他人和自己的劳动果实;会感恩,知道一切来之不易,会惜福,不奢侈浪费 ;特别是如果与大自然接触多了,心也会变得柔和,知道敬畏生命,敬畏大自然。




    Everyone Must be a Worker
    (Translated by Conglong and Edited by Kaer)

    January 23, 2014

    This beautiful fairyland is created by hard work, especially manual labor, and it is built with one block at a time. Even the picture in our mind is very beautiful, but everything would be void if we did not do anything.

    The beautiful life and environment are the products of creation, and no matter how grand and beautiful the ideal is, it will not be realized without the practice of hard work.

    Work can purify one’s soul. One who is not willing to participate in labor work is the one who looks down upon laborers and thinks himself superior. It is only when we join the labor work and are grateful for others’ contributions that can we cherish the fruits of other people’s labor and our own labor.

    Xuefeng requests each resident member of the Second Home to pass the labor test first. No matter whether you are a millionaire or a talent, and no matter whether you are a man over eighty but still capable of working, or a young girl, firstly you have to be a manual laborer who is not afraid of doing dirty jobs. One who is not a slacker is someone useful and able to shoulder the responsibilities.

    Every brother and sister in the Second Home must do one or two hours of manual labor each day to avoid becoming corrupt, even if they are a teacher or a website administrator. Actually, doing a manual job for one or two hours each day is a good adjustment for those who sit in front of computers for long periods of time and it is also good for maintaining the body’s vitality.

    Each job in the community has one person in charge, but this is also flexible. When everyone is imperfect, people could have conflicts. so if someone is not happy working with someone else, it is fine to request changing which job they do. Because the community intends to make everyone feel happy and free, you can also request to change if you do not like a particular job or want to try another one. The spiritual guide or the branch manager will make a change when a situation calls for one. Therefore, nobody will feel unhappy because they are doing a job they do not like, and in the mean time, everyone has an opportunity to experience a variety of different jobs.

    There are all kinds of group work projects in the Second Home, for example, mixing cement, moving bricks, fertilizing, watering vegetables, and planting flowers, trees, and potatoes. Collective work is always a happy experience because they are not only physical exercises, but they also make people feel happy as they joke with each other, and by working together, the job can be completed quickly. Therefore, all web administrators and teachers enjoy this kind of collective work very much.

    In the Second Home, working is very enjoyable because no one needs to worry about their basic needs, and specialists in their fields wash the clothes, cook the food, clean the rooms, and do all the other jobs, and each member has a separate bedroom so they can enjoy their privacy and rest well. Members get along with each other very well and the living environment of the community is very beautiful, clean, and tidy. No matter what your job is, you will not be supervised or examined by anyone as long as you try your best.

    Each worker is expected to work for six hours each day with high efficiency and to strive to deliver first-class results. As “paradise management” is implemented, each one has ownership of their job, so as long as the job is done and it does not affect others, it is up to the job owner to decide when and how it is done.

    Because there is neither worry nor pressure, working has become an enjoyable game. Everyone one can put their talents into full play and enjoy the happiness and most jobs in the community are connected with nature. When working alone, one can contemplate the magnificence and secrets of nature quietly, but when working in a group, they can enjoy the comradery of team cooperation in a very relaxed and cordial atmosphere.

    Manual labor can create material wealth directly and make life more comfortable and convenient, as well as preserving the living environment, clean and tidy. It can also purify one’s soul; people become more humble and know the importance of respecting the laborers as well as the importance of respecting both their own work as well as the work of others. They will also become grateful and realize that there is no free lunch, therefore they cherish their blessings and refuse to waste or live extravagantly. When one connects more with Mother Nature, their heart will become softer and they will realize the importance of revering LIFE and nature.

    Therefore, I feel that it is because everyone enjoys working and because nobody even thinks about exploiting or oppressing others, that the Second Home becomes so beautiful and harmonious. Everyone has the spirit of serving others and contributing to community. In this home, people who are diligent are regarded as very beautiful, especially the manual workers.

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    Default Re: My Story and the love from Lifechanyuan to all of you





    我是2008年2月份接触到生命禅院的文章的,那时很迷茫,二十几岁的我比十八岁的小姑娘看起来还幼稚,当时内心有一个声音在呐喊“我要站得更高看得更远,还要懂得更深,我不想这么幼稚”,那时有一段时间,每天骑 着电瓶车从家里到镇上,心中都默念着这句话,没多久就看到了《秘密》电影,然后又看了很多西方的灵性资料,“波粒二象性”“兔子洞里有什么”,净空法师的一些视频,佛学的一些小故事,《与神对话》等,一个叫“未来 战士”的百度空间里转载了生命禅院的文章还有网站链接,然后就经常去生命禅院网站阅读,喜欢读《传道篇》,发现我以前所看到的内容,在这里都有更深入的解析,后来下载了电子版的禅院文集,看了两三个月,还打印了一 本。

    当年8月份回答《雪峰60问》、交作业成草,然后继续在网站上看文章,那时对修行修炼,修仙成佛没有一点概念,但又喜欢看导游的文章,简单易懂,感觉就应该是那样,现在知道那是灵魂深处的共鸣,所以我 很少有疑问。


    我从小就特别向往世外桃源的生活,“把酒话桑麻”“悠然见南山”,当时还没有实体家园,但导游已经勾画了世外桃源的蓝图,记得其中一个意境是“半夜骑驴来敲门,不为赏花看月出,睡不着,醉二锅头”,这种随性和洒脱 ,真的很向往,“想清静时,无人打扰,想热闹时,有人相伴”,这种自由和自在,正是内心渴望。




    4.18后,就有了昆明家园,我特别向往家园生活,可是网上有说生命禅院是“邪教”的帖子,列出了鉴定“邪教”的十几条标准,我逐一仔细对照,觉得不管是从理论还是实践构想,都不是邪教,那是有一些人别有用心的攻 击和污蔑,想当初,基督教也被当时的一些人称之为邪教呢,我决定听凭自己的本心,相信内心最大的驱动,我要结束世俗痛苦的不自由的生活,进入世外桃源第二家园生活,开始新的人生。


    终于有一次,不想再忍受着婚姻家庭的折磨,下定决心,奔赴家园,我几乎没有给家园金钱上的奉献,一无所有,但导游雪峰却丝毫没有嫌弃,安排同心接送我,到了昆明后,是太极娇虹接的我,到了家园后,每个人都是那么和 蔼可亲,没有丝毫隔阂。





    时至今日,我更是明白,家园不仅是自己能生活幸福的地方,更是所有善良勤劳真诚守信的人们对美好生活向往的样板,是他们的希望,是人类的希望,是全人类要想过上“贤不遗野,天下一家”“道不拾遗,夜不闭户,”人人 开心快乐自由幸福的生活,唯一能走的路,就是只要人人都能按照《新时代人类八百理念》生活,人类最美好的理想就能实现。

    今天,我更是认识到,参与生命禅院生命绿洲的建设,是多大的福分,不但与一大群知音知己共同生活,每天嘻嘻哈哈开心快乐做着自己喜欢的工作或参与集体劳动,尽享人生的开心快乐自由幸福,更在此过程中完善完美自己天 仙的意识,成就天仙的生命结构,同时,还通过为人类树立美好生活的样板而偿还累世债务积累天国财宝。


    至于有人攻击生命禅院破坏家庭,情爱性爱自由,我想说,离婚的越来越多,不想结婚的越来越多,人们的情爱性爱生活更加不受婚姻家庭约束,难道你没看出来,这是时代在发展吗?生命禅院只是提前指出来而已 。




    导游很重视娱乐活动,来激发大家的娱乐热情,最初规定每周一次娱乐活动,每个人必须表演节目,可是大家都没有任何这方面的经验,第一次时,有学动物叫的,有学兔子跳的,有说顺口溜的,有学走路的,也有唱歌的、跳舞 的,反正都是超级简单的。

    后来随着大家参与热情的提升和水平的提高,后来就约定一个月举办一次娱乐游戏活动,有专门的主持人,有音响设备,专门布置舞台,节目和游戏分开进行,并且由于节目太多,不是精品节目不让上台,家园的娱乐游戏活动越 来越丰富越来越精彩。

    现在才明白,导游这么引导是有深刻含义的,因为天仙意识结构简图四大元素是“上帝、创造、游戏、娱乐”,导游是在培养我们天仙的意识,是在培养我们仙风道骨的风采,是在培养能歌善舞天国仙人的内涵,是让我们在嘻嘻 哈哈打情骂俏中不知不觉开心快乐地成就仙人的品质。


    导游常说,“凡事不做便罢,要做就做到一流”,我记得有一次家园包饺子,在当晚讲课时,导游就指出了大概11项包饺子可以改进的地方,比如饺皮薄厚要均匀,饺子大小要一致,摆放要整齐,煮饺子要掌握火候不要煮烂等 。

    导游还讲过他奶奶打扫卫生,越是别人看不到的角角落落,桌子凳子下面,都打扫得干干净净,这一点给我的影响很大,我之前在打扫卫生上是很马虎的,听到这个故事后,以后打扫卫生就知道要尽量打扫干净,并且也很注意角 角落落别人看不到的地方。

    说到干净整洁,娥皇给我的印象最深,凡是娥皇所到之处,必定是干净整洁,整齐有序,鸟语花香,赏心悦目,因为不但整洁还有美观艺术性。比如床单要能盖住床下的鞋子等杂物,被子要叠放整齐,放置要美观,衣物更要收拾 整齐,不能乱放。又比如院子里的花花草草要摆放好,让人看起来舒服。又比如厨房的饭菜要色香味俱全,配米饭菜怎么切,配面条菜怎么切,碗筷要摆放整齐等。

    “绝美的事物只配绝美的生命享用”,细节之处见品质,点点滴滴争取一流,正是培养天国生命的品质,在生命绿洲(原第二家园)生活,点点滴滴都是修行修炼,点点滴滴彰显着自己的生命品质,导游点点滴滴的引导,都是为 最终目的——成仙服务的。

    天堂是开心快乐自由幸福的世界,生命绿洲家园是天国千年界在人间的拷贝,如何让家园的每一位兄弟姐妹都过得开心快乐自由幸福,始终是导游雪峰关注的重点,关于家园兄弟姐妹之间如何相处,导游就写了七八篇文章,不厌 其烦苦口婆心地讲道理,在日常生活中更是我们的榜样。

    比如导游对任何兄弟姐妹都是和颜悦色的,偶尔有兄弟姐妹严重违背理念时除外,当兄弟姐妹们有错时,很少当面指责,总是在文章里耐心引导,希望我们自己觉悟,自己改正。比如要对兄弟姐妹们善言善语,不要挑剔指责,要 宽恕兄弟姐妹们的过错,要感恩兄弟姐妹们的付出等等。

    回想自己也曾多次违背理念,也是在导游不断地引导下逐步改正,逐渐明白了导游的良苦用心,也正因为如此,时常提醒自己,不要辜负导游的一片爱心,严格按导游路线图走,最终成就天仙的生命品质,与导游同 飞仙岛。



    导游自称是上帝的使者,是神佛仙圣的化身,来人间宣讲真正的上帝和上帝之道,收割成熟的庄稼,顺便把人类带进人人开心快乐自由幸福的生命禅院时代,使命完成后到仙岛群岛洲的巴丽奇亚岛,“扬起一捧沙,绿树千千万” 。


    从2001年开始,到今天将近20年了,导游已经奋斗了20年了,一个人完成了生命禅院的理论建设,一个人带领禅院草在中国曾经建设过11处家园,虽然现在全部消失了,但每一处都留下了导游的心血,每一处都完美成 就了禅院草的蜕变,每一处都曾闪现了人类最理想最美好生活模式的风采,每一处都是人类史上最宝贵的财富,历史将证明这一点。

    导游说自己是上帝的使者,是因为有《上帝篇》和《传道篇》,古今中外没有任何一位大师对上帝、对道和上帝之道的揭示和描述如此深邃透彻,如此简单易懂,只要你是一个谦虚有灵性的人,只要你用心,用灵觉去读《上帝篇 》和《传道篇》,必然会能明白并理解导游是上帝使者的身份,如果不是,又怎能写出这旷世巨作呢?


    导游说他是神佛仙圣的化身,那是因为他把神耶稣的教诲融汇到禅院理念中,“天国里不娶不嫁”“不要忧虑明天,专心走上帝的道,其他你需要的一切都会加给你了”等;他把释迦牟尼的教诲讲得透透的,《金刚经》是智慧的 喜马拉雅山,无相布施是通向极乐世界的法船等;他把老子的教诲落实到生命绿洲的实践中,走大道,自然之道,“不尚贤使民不争”“不贵难得之货使民不为盗”等;他把圣人默罕默德的品质继承发扬,百分之百虔信上帝,天 下禅院草一家亲。



    导游雪峰有很多绰号,他曾经统计过有20多个,有“帅导”“仙导”“色导”“大公鸡”“周扒皮”“花心大萝卜”“姐夫”等,当然也有攻击生命禅院而被导游回击人说他是“泼妇”,一百个人看雪峰,就会有一百种叫法, 我最喜欢的还是叫他导游,因为我认定他是我人生和生命的导游,事实证明,只要听从导游的引导,一路都是风调雨顺温馨祥和,一旦按自己的意志行事,立马荆棘丛生坎坷不顺。


    导游是勤劳的,在家园的时候,几乎是睡得最晚起得最早的那个,不是写文章就是规划家园建设、参与家园建设,将近二十年,平均每天一篇文章都多,跟帖更是不计其数,及时引导着每一位禅院草的健康成长,11处家园更是 都浸透着导游的心血。


    导游把“敬畏生命、敬畏大自然”落到实处,特别爱惜周围的一草一木,在隐逸山庄时路旁有一棵樱花树,看起来厌厌的了,导游经常去跟她交流,鼓励她,还称她是自己的小情人,后来这棵樱花树长得特别好,还 开了很多花。






    导游特别尊老爱幼,在家园里,始终牵挂着老人的生活,对在家园如何照顾老年人有非常细致的说明,比如要有人专门照顾,老人的衣物床单被罩等三天一洗换,吃饭时要老年人先吃,每晚睡前要有人给老年人道晚安等。家园的 孩子们,从小就受生命禅院理念熏陶和禅院草们的言传身教,都是能歌善舞身心健康热爱劳动的好宝宝,并鼓励他们热爱学习,要有一技之长。



    跟随导游12载,深深被导游高深的智慧,灵活圆融处理事务的能力所折服,不管到哪里都能把生活过得像诗一样,不管到哪里都能把开心快乐带到哪里,不管到哪里都能把温馨祥和带到哪里,不管对任何一冠禅院草,都是全身 心的引导,不管对任何一个人都是真诚相待,这都是我特别佩服的。





    Follow Xuefeng for twelve years



    I came into contact with the article on Life Zen Temple in February 2008. At that time, I was confused. I was in my twenties and looked more naive than an 18-year-old girl. At that time, there was a voice in my heart yelling, "I want to stand more I have to see farther and know more deeply. I don’t want to be so naive.” There was a period of time when I rode a battery car from home to town every day. I chanted this sentence in my heart. It didn’t take long before I saw the "Secret" movie. , And then I read a lot of Western spiritual materials, "wave-particle duality", "what's in the rabbit hole", some videos of Master Jingkong, some short stories about Buddhism, "Dialogue with God", etc., one called "Future Warrior" In the Baidu space, I reproduced the articles and website links of the Life Zen Academy, and then I often read the Life Zen Academy website. I like to read "Evangelism" and found that the content I have seen before has a more in-depth analysis here. Later, I downloaded the electronic version of the collection of Buddhist essays, read it for two or three months, and printed a copy.

    In August of that year, I answered "Xuefeng 60 Questions", handed in the homework, and then continued to read the articles on the website. At that time, I had no idea about practice and cultivation, but I like to read the guide's articles. It is simple and easy to understand. It should be like that. Now I know that it is the resonance in the soul, so I rarely have any doubts.

    Since I was a child, I have been longing for a life in Xanadu. "Talking about wine and sangma" and "seeing Nanshan leisurely". At that time, there was no physical home, but the tour guide had sketched the blueprint of Xanadu. Watching the moonrise to enjoy the flowers, can’t sleep, get drunk Erguotou", this kind of casual and free and easy, I really yearn for, "when you want to be quiet, no one will be disturbed, when you want to be lively, someone will be with you", this kind of freedom and comfort, It is an inner desire.

    Soon, in 2009, April 18 came. At that time, I thought, if there is a disaster, you can just leave the world like this. I feel that I have reached the standard of the millennium world. Just leave. There is nothing to miss in the world, and nothing to do. Unfortunately, it's good to be able to go to the millennium world.

    However, it didn't happen, and I had to live, but knowing that there is another way to live, I can't stand the current life anymore.

    Is the Lifechanyuan a "cult"?

    After 4.18, I have my homeland in Kunming. I especially yearn for my homeland life. However, there are posts on the Internet saying that the Life Temple is a "cult", listing more than a dozen criteria for identifying "cults." Theory or practice is not a cult. It is because some people have ulteriorly attacked and slandered. At the beginning, Christianity was also called a cult by some people at the time. I decided to follow my heart and believe that my heart is the biggest drive. To end the worldly painful and unfree life, enter the second homeland of Xanadu, and start a new life.

    Before I was ready to go home, I called Xuefeng, the tour guide. When I heard the tour guide’s voice full of magnetism and caring, I couldn’t help tearing my eyes. It was the feeling of finding a loved one after a long absence, and I didn’t remember what I said. , But the kind of understanding and care that reaches the soul is still unforgettable.

    Finally, once, I didn’t want to endure the torture of marriage and family anymore, and made up my mind to go to my homeland. I hardly contributed money to my homeland. I had nothing, but the tour guide Xuefeng didn’t dislike it at all. Arranged to pick me up together. After arriving in Kunming, yes. Tai Chi Jiaohong picked me up, and when I arrived at my home, everyone was so amiable, without any barriers.

    Then the tour guide took everyone to visit the Black Dragon Pond Park, walking all the way to make everyone happy. I remember that the tour guide also carried me on his back and took good care of me who was injured at the time.

    In the homeland, my physical and mental wounds are slowly recovering, and my life has brilliance. Although there are stumblings and stumblings due to my imperfections, the tour guides have patiently guided me to grow naturally. I am really grateful.

    I remember that on the eve of the dismissal of the third branch, a provincial leader went to the homeland to find out the situation, and asked me why I came to the life monastery and why I didn’t go home. My answer was, can you guarantee my happiness when I go home? He was speechless.

    Today, I understand even more that home is not only a place where I can live happily, but also a model for all kind, hardworking, sincere and trustworthy people to yearn for a better life. It is their hope, the hope of mankind, and the desire of all mankind. To live a life of "the good will not leave the wild, the world is one family", "the way does not pick up, the house is not closed at night," everyone is happy and free , The best ideal of mankind can be realized.

    Today, I realize even more that it is a blessing to participate in the construction of the life oasis of the Life Buddhist Temple. Not only do I live with a large group of confidants, I am happily doing my favorite work or participating in collective labor, and enjoying life. Happiness, happiness, freedom and happiness, and in the process perfecting and perfecting the consciousness of the gods, achieving the life structure of the gods, and at the same time, by setting up a model of a better life for mankind, repaying the debts of many generations and accumulating the treasures of heaven.

    Twelve years have passed, and I did not see where the "evil" is in the life monastery. Instead, I saw a magical avenue to heaven, a avenue leading to heaven and becoming a heavenly immortal.

    As for people attacking the life monastery to destroy the family and the freedom of love and sex, I want to say that there are more and more divorces and more and more people who don’t want to get married. Is the time evolving? Life Chanyuan is just pointed out in advance.

    Home is the cradle of becoming immortals

    The homeland was established in April 2009. I arrived in June. When I first arrived at the homeland, everyone took their own worldly habits. The tour guide took the trouble to write articles and guides. In the evening, I will give lectures to everyone to help everyone. sublimation.

    The tour guide attaches great importance to entertainment activities to stimulate everyone’s enthusiasm for entertainment. Initially, it was stipulated that once a week, everyone must perform a show, but everyone did not have any experience in this area. For the first time, they learned how to call animals and others. Some rabbits jump, some jingle, some learn to walk, some sing and dance, anyway, it's super simple.

    Later, as everyone’s enthusiasm and level of participation increased, it was agreed to hold an entertainment game event once a month. There was a special host, sound equipment, special stage arrangement, and the show and the game were carried out separately, and because there were too many shows, It's not that high-quality programs are not allowed to be on stage, but the entertainment and game activities of the homeland are becoming more and more abundant and exciting.

    It is only now that the tour guide has a profound meaning to guide this way, because the four elements of the heavenly consciousness structure diagram are "God, creation, game, and entertainment." The demeanor is to cultivate the connotation of being able to sing and dance heavenly immortals, and it is the quality that allows us to become immortals happily and unconsciously while laughing, joking, and flirting.

    The tour guide often said, "If you don't do anything, just do it first." I remember once making dumplings in my hometown. During the lecture that night, the tour guide pointed out about 11 things that can be improved in making dumplings, such as the thickness of the dumplings. The dumplings must be uniform, the size of the dumplings must be the same, the layout must be neat, and the temperature of the dumplings must be controlled so as not to become bad.

    The tour guide also said that his grandmother cleaned up, the corners and corners that were invisible to others, and the tables and stools were cleaned cleanly. This has a great impact on me. I was very sloppy in cleaning before. After hearing this story, I will know to clean up as much as possible in the future, and I also pay attention to the corners that are invisible to others.

    Speaking of cleanliness and tidiness, Ehuang impressed me the most. Where Ehuang goes, it must be clean and tidy, neat and orderly, with birds and flowers, and pleasing to the eye, because it is not only clean but also beautiful and artistic. For example, bed sheets should be able to cover shoes and other sundries under the bed, quilts should be neatly stacked and placed beautifully, and clothing should be neatly arranged and not placed randomly. Another example is that the flowers and plants in the yard should be placed so that they look comfortable. For example, the food in the kitchen should be delicious, how to cut the dishes with rice, how to cut the dishes with noodles, and the dishes and chopsticks should be arranged neatly.

    "The beautiful things are only worthy of the beautiful life". See the quality in the details, and strive for the first-class in every bit. It is to cultivate the quality of life in the heaven. Living in the oasis of life (the original second home), every bit is Practicing and practicing, bit by bit reveals his own quality of life, and the guides guided by bit by bit are all for the ultimate goal-becoming immortal.

    Heaven is a happy, happy, free and happy world, and the Oasis of Life Home is a copy of the world of heaven. How to make every brother and sister in the home have a happy, happy, free and happy life is always the focus of the tour guide Xuefeng's attention. About the brothers of the homeland The tour guide wrote seven or eight articles about how to get along with the sisters, and he took the trouble to speak truthfully, and set an example for us in daily life.

    For example, the tour guide is kind to any brothers and sisters, except occasionally when there are brothers and sisters who seriously violate the concept. When the brothers and sisters are wrong, they seldom accuse them face to face. They always guide patiently in the article, hoping that we will realize ourselves and correct ourselves. For example, we must speak kindly to our brothers and sisters, don't be picky about accusations, forgive our brothers and sisters for their faults, and be grateful for their dedication and so on.

    Recalling that I have violated my philosophy many times, and gradually corrected it under the continuous guidance of the tour guide. I gradually understand the good intentions of the tour guide. Because of this, I often remind myself not to disappoint the tour guide’s love and follow the tour guide’s route map strictly. , And ultimately achieve the quality of life of Tianxian, and Feixiandao with the tour guide.

    The guide Xuefeng is the messenger of God

    The tour guide claims to be the messenger of God, the incarnation of gods, buddhas and immortals. He comes to the world to preach the true God and the way of God, harvest mature crops, and by the way bring mankind into the age of life in the Buddhist temple where everyone is happy, happy, free and happy. After the mission is completed Go to Balikia Island in the Xiandao Archipelago, "a handful of sand is raised, and there are thousands of green trees."

    Regarding the above passage, I have only really understood, understood and firmly believed in the last few years. I am really ashamed. I am a dull type. After more than ten years of getting along and following it, I found that the tour guide has not changed from beginning to end.

    It’s been nearly 20 years since 2001. The tour guide has been fighting for 20 years. One person has completed the theoretical construction of the Life Zen Academy, and one person has led the Zen Garden to build 11 homes in China, although all of them have now disappeared. But every place is left with the hard work of the tour guide, every place has perfectly accomplished the transformation of the grass of the Zen courtyard, every place has flashed the demeanor of the most ideal and beautiful life mode of mankind, and every place is the most precious in the history of mankind. Wealth, history will prove it.

    The tour guide said that he was the messenger of God because of the "God Chapter" and "Preaching Chapter". There is no master in ancient and modern China and abroad who has revealed and described God, the Tao and the way of God so thoroughly, so simple and easy to understand, As long as you are a humble and spiritual person, as long as you read "God" and "Evangelism" with your heart and spirit, you will definitely understand and understand the identity of the tour guide as the messenger of God. If not, how can you write What about this masterpiece?

    The tour guide said that he is the incarnation of gods, buddhas and immortals, because he integrated the teachings of God Jesus into the philosophy of "no marriage in heaven", "don't worry about tomorrow, focus on God's way, and other things you need." Everything will be added to you." Wait; he explained the teachings of Shakyamuni thoroughly, the "Diamond Sutra" is the wise Himalayas, and non-phase generosity is the boat leading to the blissful world; he took Lao Tzu's The teachings are implemented in the practice of the oasis of life, taking the road, the natural way, "not admiring the virtuous so that the people will not fight", "the cheap and rare goods will prevent the people from stealing", etc.; he inherited and carried forward the qualities of the saint Muhammad, 100% devout to God, the whole family of Buddhist temples in the world.

    Following the tour guide for 12 years, whether it is reading essays or looking at reality, the tour guide has been consistent with his words and deeds for 20 years. His original intention and goal have not changed, and the tour guide's route map has not changed.

    Chaos guide

    The tour guide Xuefeng has many nicknames. He has counted more than 20, including "handsome guide", "fairy guide", "color guide", "big cock", "Zhou Papi", "flower heart big carrot", "brother-in-law", etc. Of course, there are also attacks. He was hit back by the tour guide at the Life Buddhist Temple. He was said to be a "shrew". One hundred people will see Xuefeng, and there will be one hundred different names. My favorite is to call him the tour guide, because I believe he is the tour guide of my life and life. , Facts have proved that as long as you follow the guide's guidance, the weather will be smooth and warm along the way. Once you act according to your own will, you will immediately be full of thorns and ups and downs.

    The tour guide Xuefeng is chaotic, and the guidance for everyone is different. For example, the hardworking people will rest more for her or him, and the lazy people will urge him or her to participate in labor more.

    The tour guide is hardworking. When he was at home, he was almost the one who slept the latest and got up the earliest. He either wrote articles, planned home construction, and participated in home construction. For nearly two decades, there were more articles per day on average, and even more posts. It is countless, promptly guiding the healthy growth of every Zen grass, and 11 homes are soaked with the hard work of the tour guide.

    The tour guide is versatile and can sing. The vigorous baritone is particularly fascinating. He can play the flute, harmonica, dulcimer, and occasionally dance. He looks very energetic, passionate and cheerful.

    The tour guide puts "respect for life and respect for nature" into practice, and especially cherishes the surrounding plants and trees. There is a cherry blossom tree beside the road in the Hermitage Villa, which seems to be bored. The tour guide often goes to communicate with her and encourage her , Also said that she was her little lover, and later this cherry tree grew very well and bloomed a lot of flowers.

    The tour guide is humorous and can tell stories, especially the story of eating watermelon.

    The tour guide sometimes "acts like a baby": Hey, my hair is all white, and no sister-in-law loves me anymore.

    The tour guide is super self-confident and dare to be called the most intelligent person in the world. He has that strength and is a capable group.

    The tour guide is very humble, often saying that he knows nothing about mobile phones and computers.

    The tour guides especially respect the old and love the young. In the home, they always care about the life of the elderly. They have very detailed instructions on how to take care of the elderly in the home. For example, someone needs to take care of them. It is necessary for the elderly to eat first, and someone should say goodnight to the elderly every night before going to bed. The children in the homeland have been influenced by the philosophy of the Zen Garden since they were young, and they are all good babies who can sing, dance, and enjoy physical and mental health and love to work. They are encouraged to love learning and have skills.


    Following the tour guide for 12 years, I am deeply impressed by the tour guide’s profound wisdom and ability to deal with affairs flexibly. No matter where you go, you can live life like a poem. No matter where you go, you can bring happiness and happiness to wherever you go. No matter where you can bring warmth and peace, no matter it is a guide for any meditation garden grass, no matter you are sincere to anyone, this is what I particularly admire.

    Following the tour guide for 12 years, I have already confirmed that the tour guide is the tour guide of my life and life, my confidant, my mentor and helpful friend on the road to immortality, and a soul mate that I can deliver wholeheartedly.

    Encounter the life monastery, know the life oasis, and cherish the Xiandao Islands.


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    Default Re: My Story and the love from Lifechanyuan to all of you

    Today I will share the funny games of jumping the rope and turning over the people mountain:

    Pray togther


    Jumping the rope:


    I am looking for some preasures on Daodi

    Tongxin is turning over the mountain


    moving mountain

    Sister Shenyin

    Sister Tianji

    singing and dangcing part

    That's all for today's sharing, thank you for your kind attention.

    Have a nice day.

    Hugs and Love.

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    Default Re: My Story and the love from Lifechanyuan to all of you

    Hi dear all, today I will share the latest Thailand Branch info first and then share some nice pics about climbing mountains when I was living in the first branch.


    “在那如诗如画的地方,有一个美丽的故乡,她就是神奇的第二家园,传送着爱的芬芳。。。”深情嘹亮的歌声从鸡舍里传来,“喂,你们俩别打架,说的就是你俩,别打架”,原来是鸡鸭爸爸在给鸡鸭宝宝们唱歌,调皮的宝宝 偶尔也会被宠爱它们的爸爸说落教导呢。鸭鸭自从来到我们大家庭后下了八个蛋就突然停产了,第一次养鸭的光哥也不明原因,便在网上查询养鸭知识,并向专家请教经验,发现鸭子特别胆小怕生,来到新地方,喂养时间和喂食 量都和之前不一样,再加上新环境新主人,他们不适应受惊了。为了让他们尽快适应新环境,光哥与鸭鸭们朝暮相处,研究它们的作息习惯和饮食规律,每天定时定量科学喂养,几天后他们终于又开始下蛋了,一开始每天五个, 后来八个,九个,十一个。。。我们都被惊呆了,没想到蛋蛋自给自足以后不用花钱买的愿望这么快就现实了,光哥太厉害了!我们吃不完,前后两次送给主持龙炮五十枚鸭蛋,当我们拎着一袋袋沉甸甸的鸭蛋送到龙炮手上时, 光哥的心里一定很开心很自豪!不愧是我们大家的万能给力哥,干啥啥行!

    这些天,龙炮领着工人们继续盖房子,四间独立卧室的框架已完成,屋顶上瓦也接近完工,现在又开始建一栋二层楼房子。盖房子需要人手,辉一说种菜我们先缓缓,多花些时间帮龙炮把房子建起来。可能因为我们干活效率高, 龙炮也特别喜欢叫我们去帮忙,搬瓦片,修路平路,卸土把房子里外的地势垫高,干着简单的体力活,大家大汗淋漓,欢声笑语不断。欢心有时候会帮着Pi露种花种树,俩人脾气相投,配合得甚是默契。

    不需要帮忙时,仰乐辉一欢心去捡牛粪,搂草,堆肥,整地,移菜苗,千姿有时也和他们一起。这里的土壤是黏土,之前好几位师傅尝试种菜都未成功。关于黏土改良,之前仰乐与千姿探讨过好多次,也向有机种植专家Gei学 到了一种改良方法。最后仰乐决定,厨房前的小片菜地上,使用Gei教的方法,把黏土铲碎和大量有机质拌匀,覆盖稻草,喷洒液体肥和em液。七天后便可在土壤上种植蔬菜,让土壤慢慢变松软。厨房后的大片菜地,仰乐打 算用穴施的办法,在木料加工厂的地面上收集松软的土壤,再与有机质和有机肥拌匀,拉运到菜地里,在准备种菜苗的位置把黏土刨出,用拌好的土替换掉原来的黏土。不管用哪种方法,黏土问题不是一时半会可以解决的,需要 有耐心,沉下心来,让时间见证大家的努力!

    上周日,我们休息了一天,光哥想在家照料鸡鸭,欢心千姿想去领略外面不同的美景和花儿,仰乐想去看看别处的蔬菜在雨季是如何种植的,辉一哥哥向来满足我们的愿望,开车把我们带到一个皇家有机种植项目基地。看到长势 健康茂盛的青菜一排排整齐排列着,给人赏心悦目的美感,仰乐对种菜有了新的改观,也打算把我们的菜地逐渐打造成具有观赏性的一道风景。


    Feed the duck eggs scientifically, and you can’t finish eating them, but the clay improvement can be patient.

    "In that poetic and picturesque place, there is a beautiful hometown, she is the magical second home, transmitting the fragrance of love..." Affectionate singing voice came from the chicken coop, "Hey, don't you two Fighting means you two, don’t fight.” It turned out that it was Duck Duck singing to the babies. Naughty babies are occasionally told by their dad who loves them. Since Duck Duck came to our big family and laid eight eggs, it suddenly stopped production. For unknown reasons, the first time he raised Duck Gwang, he inquired about duck raising knowledge on the Internet and asked experts for his experience, and found that Duck was particularly timid. Fearful of living, they came to a new place, the feeding time and the amount of feeding were different from before, plus the new environment and the new owner, they were not used to being frightened. In order to let them adapt to the new environment as soon as possible, Brother Guang and the ducks get along with each other, studying their work and rest habits and eating patterns, and feeding them regularly and scientifically every day. A few days later, they finally started laying eggs again, at first five times a day, and then later. Eight, nine, eleven. . . We were all stunned. We didn't expect that the desire of Dandan to be self-sufficient and don't have to spend money to buy it would become reality so quickly. Guang Ge is so amazing! We couldn't finish it. We gave 50 duck eggs to the host Long Pao twice before and after. When we carried bags of heavy duck eggs to Long Pao, Brother Guang must be very happy and proud! It's worthy of being the omnipotent brother of all of us, what can I do!

    These days, Long Pao led the workers to continue to build the house. The framework of the four separate bedrooms has been completed, and the roof tiles are almost complete. Now, another two-story house is being built. Building a house requires manpower. Huiyi said that we will grow vegetables slowly and spend more time helping Longpao build the house. Maybe because of our high work efficiency, Long Pao also likes to ask us to help, move tiles, build roads and level roads, unload soil to raise the terrain inside and outside the house, do simple physical work, everyone sweats profusely, Cheers and laughter continued. Huanxin sometimes helps Pi show flowers and trees, and the two have a similar temper, and they cooperate very well.

    When they don't need help, Yang Lehui is happy to pick up cow dung, rake the grass, compost, prepare the ground, move the vegetable seedlings, and Qianzi sometimes goes with them. The soil here is clay, and several chefs have tried unsuccessfully to grow vegetables. Regarding the improvement of clay, Yang Le and Qian Zi discussed it many times before, and they also learned an improvement method from the organic planting expert Gei. Finally, Yang Le decided to use the method taught by Gei on the small vegetable plot in front of the kitchen to shovel the clay and mix it with a large amount of organic matter, cover the straw, and spray liquid fertilizer and em liquid. After seven days, you can plant vegetables on the soil and let the soil soften slowly. For the large vegetable plot behind the kitchen, Yangle intends to use acupuncture method to collect the soft soil on the ground of the wood processing plant, mix it with organic matter and organic fertilizer, and pull it to the vegetable plot to prepare the vegetable seedlings. Place the clay out and replace the original clay with the mixed soil. No matter which method is used, the clay problem cannot be solved in a short while. You need to be patient and settle down, let time witness everyone's efforts!

    Last Sunday, we had a day off. Brother Guang wanted to take care of the chickens and ducks at home. He wanted to enjoy the different beautiful scenery and flowers outside. Yang Le wanted to see how vegetables are grown elsewhere in the rainy season. Brother Huiyi It has always fulfilled our desire to drive us to a royal organic planting project base. Seeing the healthy and lush green vegetables lined up neatly, giving people a pleasing beauty, Yang Le has a new perspective on vegetable growing, and plans to gradually turn our vegetable field into an ornamental landscape.


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    continue the Thailand Branch pics:

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    When seeing the smiling faces of our four members, my heart is full of gratitude. They are normal persons, just because they do have the passion and dream to make a paradise for Mother Earth, they get no money but work hard to build a branch of New Oasis for Life Community in Buddhists' places.

    They are awesome in my eyes. For me, I still have my family to raise and still need to find a job to make money because I have to take good care of my mother.

    One of them, whose name is Qianzi, she is a lovely and strong lady. She once had a nice family, but her husband treated her bad and even wanted to kill her. She has a cute daughter, but she has to be strong enough and try her best to build more branches for her cute daughter and herself.

    Every member of Lifechanyuan has a hard stroy in their heart.

    Thank the Greatest Creator, I will try my best to share more light from Lifechanyuan to the world.

    May Peace and Love be full of Mother Earth.

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    Sorry,just now, I can't help tearing when thinking my dear sister Qianzi. Now plz let me share some happy moments about climbing the mountains.


    Okay, that's all for today's sharing.

    Hope all of you can have a nice day or sweet dreams

    Peace & Love

    Jena Xidai

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    Default Re: My Story and the love from Lifechanyuan to all of you

    Hi dear all, yesterday, Guide Xuefeng wrote a new article, I like it very much and I spent one day to make a short video. It is Chinese. So I will still use Google translate. Thank you for kind attention.



    一、天地明鉴 问心无愧
    自禅院草诞生在这个星球上,就标志着人类进入了最文明的时代,十六年,没有一个禅院草有违法行为,没有一个禅院草参与过赌博、吸毒、打人、骂人、偷盗、贪污、抢劫等活动,更没有伤害过大自然、社会、生命。刑律上没 有点滴犯罪,经济上更没有丝毫犯罪,相反,我们为人类做出了最文明的表率,也为人类开辟了一条自有人类历史以来最文明的道路,为人类创建出了完全不同于传统生产和生活模式的天堂式生产和生活模式,天地明鉴,问心无 愧,故而将一如既往继续沿着自然之道方向百折不挠跋涉前行。
    二、初尝天堂味 怎能再回头
    生命禅院创建的第二家园,那是天国千年界的拷贝,虽然由于条件的限制没有全然将千年界生活方式复制出来,但仅仅是部分复制就足以让每一位曾经在第二家园生活过的禅院草兴奋不已,这就如尝过了仙桃滋味,对毛桃再也毫 无兴趣那样,想让禅院草再回头去过原来的生活,根本不可能,虽然可以把人压下去,但心是压不了的,一旦峰回路转,禅院草们必将重建伊甸园。
    三、早已凌绝顶 一览众山小
    禅院草对道及道法,佛及佛法,人及人法等等了然于胸,对人类的未来心知肚明,不论是拜读历史上神佛仙圣的教诲,还是阅读当今大师们的文章,知其优点瑕疵在何处,对许许多多高人们的说教会会心一笑,因为造诣深妙,所 以已达“曾经沧海难为水,除却巫山不是云”的境界,不会徘徊彷徨左右看顾,试想这样的禅院草能被摧垮吗?
    生命禅院里没有领导,没有管理者,没有上司,没有师父,只有一个导游,禅院草对这个导游是信到了骨髓里,爱到了血液细胞里,这个信和爱不是因为导游会吹牛,而是因为导游可亲,导游是个玩童,禅院草可以跟他玩泥巴, 可以跟他开玩笑,可以跟他一起排队打饭,可以跟他一起光屁股下河洗澡,最主要的是,导游说的和做的是一致的,且几乎不搞任何特殊化,也不会把大家的奉献金花到自己身上,更不会把他的意志强加给任何一位禅院草,由此 ,不管导游是近在咫尺,还是远在天涯,禅院草的心始终与导游的心连在一起,可谓亲密无间,这种状态很难摧毁。
    试问,天下有没有一群人,他们宁肯自己穿破衣烂衫吃糠咽菜,也要想办法把自己的血汗钱无偿地奉献给心目中的家园?不是一次两次,不是一年两年哟!而是十次百次,几年十几年哟!有的把一生的积蓄全奉献了,好多年轻禅 院草打工每月的工资自己只留几百元,其余几千全奉献了,有的几乎把每月固定工资的一半都奉献了,有的老年人自己不赚钱,但只要手里有那么几百元,就兴高采烈地把几百元全奉献了出来,想象一下,生命禅院十一年建出了 十二处天堂般家园,每一处投入的资金上百万甚至上千万,怎么做到的?全是禅院草无私无偿连续不断奉献做到的。禅院草是不是有点傻?
    认为傻,那是你人的想法,不是仙佛的意识,禅院草的意识早已不是人的意识,你无法用人的意识推测禅院草的行为。禅院草如此行为不是傻,而是他们找到了天堂亲人,为天堂亲人付出奉献,谁不乐意呢?其实天堂亲人并不需 要他人的付出奉献,一切最终都将回馈到奉献者自己身上,且是加倍的。至于天堂亲人是怎么样的亲人,只有身心灵倾注其中才会发现并找到。
    佛告诉我们,“无相布施的功德胜过恒河沙数的七宝布施,其果报不可思议。”禅院草不给具体的人、组织、团体、民族、国家布施,禅院草的布施上至天庭,下至地狱,从昆虫草木到山河大地到千秋万代的人类,都将因禅院草 们的布施而获益无穷,而禅院草所获得的果报妙不可言,难以用语言尽述。有此机缘,禅院草怎能放过?禅院草怎能被摧垮?
    困境,是暂时现象,一切在瞬息万变,今日高官厚禄,明日可能会落魄成阶下囚,今日家财万贯灯红酒绿,明日可能会饿死在路上,是非自有神辨清,功过自有道评定,天理常在,道法有恒,生命禅院在地球上建出256处世外 桃源的计划一定能实现,人性使然,文明之规使然,谁也挡不住,有此信念,禅院草能被摧垮吗?
    行于是,止于是,造次于是,逍遥于是,百无禁忌,潇洒飘逸,这是禅院草的特性,或许人们以为生命禅院遭到近十次打击禅院草们早已心灰意冷愁苦满肠泪流满面,错!即便428遭受了沉重打击,禅院草们依旧笑逐颜开整天 嘻嘻哈哈,没把那当回事,孩童们在沙滩上筑起了一座城堡,浪花来了,城堡被打碎了,孩童们会哭吗?建家园就是一次次游戏娱乐活动,建是我们的事,毁是他人的事,两不相干,再建再毁,再毁再建,多么好玩的一场游戏, 至于谁对谁错,谁非法谁不非法,自有道裁定,何必计较于心?

    Eight reasons why the grass in Lifechanyuan can't be destroyed

    Twelve picturesque paradise-like homes were built in Yunnan, Jiangsu, Xinjiang, and Guizhou in the spring, summer, autumn and winter of eleven years. They were forcibly driven out of their homes by the government nine times, and spent sixteen years of hard work and sweat and a lifetime of property. It's all gone, should the grasses of the meditation house stop?
    No! If you are intimidated by difficulties, it is not the grass of the monastery.
    If you don't achieve your goal, you will never give up, life will never cease, and you will continue to forge ahead!
    Why is it so?
    1. A clear lesson from heaven and earth, with a clear conscience
    Since the birth of the monastery grass on this planet, it has marked that human beings have entered the most civilized era. For sixteen years, no monastery grass has violated the law, and no monastery grass has participated in gambling, drug abuse, beating, swearing, stealing, and corruption. Activities such as looting and robbery have never harmed nature, society, or life. There is no crime in the criminal law, nor the slightest crime in the economy. On the contrary, we have set the most civilized example for mankind. We have also opened up the most civilized road for mankind since the history of mankind. It has created a completely different The paradise-style production and life mode of the traditional production and life mode, the world has a clear lesson and a clear conscience, so as always, it will continue to march forward in the direction of the natural path.
    Second, the first taste of heaven, how can I look back
    The second home created by the Life Temple is a copy of the Thousand Years Realm of Heaven. Although the life style of the Thousand Years Realm was not completely copied due to the constraints of conditions, only a partial copy is enough for everyone who has lived in the second home. The grass in the Zen courtyard is very excited. It is like having tasted the fairy peach and no longer interested in the Mao Peach. It is impossible for the grass in the Zen courtyard to go back and live the original life. Although it can suppress people, the heart is suppressed. No matter, once the peaks turn, the grasses in the temple will surely rebuild the Garden of Eden.
    Three, it has long been over the top, a glance at the small mountains
    The temple has a clear understanding of Taoism and Taoism, Buddhism and Buddhism, human beings and human beings, and knows the future of mankind, whether it is to read the teachings of gods, buddhas and immortals in history, or to read the teachings of today’s masters. The article knows where its strengths and flaws are, and smiles at many high-level people who say that the church knows how to say that because of its profound accomplishments, it has reached the realm of "it was once a difficult sea, but Wushan is not a cloud." , Just imagine that such a Zen garden can be destroyed?
    Fourth, the letter from the tour guide is in the bone marrow
    There is no leader, no manager, no boss, no master, and only a tour guide in the life monastery. The grass of the monastery believes in the guide in the bone marrow and loves in the blood cells. This letter and love is not because the tour guide can brag, but because the tour guide Dear, the tour guide is a kid, the grass in the zenyard can play with him in the mud, you can joke with him, you can line up with him for dinner, you can go down to the river with him naked and take a bath. The most important thing is what the tour guide says and does. They are consistent, and they hardly make any specializations, and will not impose everyone’s dedication on themselves, and they will not impose his will on any Zen garden grass. Therefore, regardless of whether the tour guide is close at hand, Still far away, the heart of the grass in the temple is always connected with the heart of the tour guide. It can be described as intimate, and this state is difficult to destroy.
    Five, found relatives in paradise
    Let me ask, is there a group of people in the world who would rather wear rags and eat chaffy vegetables on their own, but also find a way to dedicate their hard-earned money to their homeland for free? Not once or twice, not a year or two! It's ten times a hundred times, a few years or so! Some devote all their life savings, many young people who work in the monastery have a monthly salary of only a few hundred yuan, and the other thousands are all dedicated, and some devote almost half of their monthly fixed salary, and some are elderly. People don’t make money by themselves, but as long as they have a few hundred yuan in their hands, they happily give away all the hundreds of yuan. Imagine that the Life Zen Temple has built twelve heavenly homes in eleven years, and every place invested in it. How can it be done with millions or even tens of millions of funds? It's all done by the selfless and unpaid continuous dedication of the monastery. Isn’t the zen-yard grass a bit silly?
    Think stupid, it's your human thoughts, not the consciousness of the fairy buddha. The consciousness of the grass in the temple is no longer human consciousness. You can't use human consciousness to speculate on the behavior of the grass in the temple. The grass in the meditation house is not stupid to act like this, but they find their relatives in heaven and make sacrifices for their relatives in heaven. Who is not happy? In fact, relatives in heaven do not need the dedication of others, everything will eventually be given back to the devotee themselves, and it will be doubled. As for what kind of relatives in heaven are like, you can only discover and find them if you devote yourself to them.
    Six, the grass in the Zen courtyard is doing intangible charity
    The Buddha tells us, "The merits of non-comparative generosity are better than the seven treasures of the Ganges, and the results are incredible." The Zen grass does not give to specific people, organizations, groups, nations, and the country. The Zen grass can extend to heaven and down to hell From insects, plants, mountains, rivers, and earth to human beings for generations to come, they will all benefit infinitely from the alms of Zen grass, and the rewards obtained by Zen grass are so wonderful that it is difficult to describe them in words. With this opportunity, how can we let go of the grass in the Zen courtyard? How can the grass of the temple be destroyed?
    Seven, firmly believe that 256 homes will be built
    Predicament is a temporary phenomenon. Everything is changing rapidly. Today’s high-ranking officials are rich in wealth, tomorrow may be imprisoned, today’s wealth is full of feasting, and tomorrow may starve to death on the road, right from wrong, right from wrong, judge by right and wrong, God’s reason Persistence, Taoism has perseverance, and the plan to build 256 paradise places on the earth by the Life Temple will surely be realized. No one can stop it because of human nature and the rules of civilization. With this belief, can the grass of the temple be destroyed?
    Eight, the Zen garden grass is chic and elegant in the game
    Walk, stop, make inferiority, carefree, without taboos, chic and elegant, this is the characteristics of the Zen garden grass. Perhaps people think that the life Zen garden has been hit nearly ten times. The Zen garden grass has long been discouraged and sad. ,mistaken! Even though 428 suffered a heavy blow, the grasses in the monastery were still laughing and laughing all day. They didn't take that seriously. The children built a castle on the beach. The waves came and the castle was broken. Will the children cry? Building a home is a game and entertainment activity again and again. It is our business to build, and it is others’ business to destroy it. The two are irrelevant. Rebuild and destroy, destroy and build again. What a fun game, as for who is right and who is wrong, who is illegal and who is not. Illegal, you have your own way of ruling, why bother about it?
    With the mentality of playing games like this, can the grass in the temple be destroyed?

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    几千年来,女性一直受着歧视,在婚姻家庭里和社会上都没什么地位,虽然随着人类文明的发展,女性的价值和地位得到了提高,可是在婚姻家庭里和社会上,女性始终是弱势,价值得不到承认,尊严常被抹杀,尤其是在家庭暴 力和性侵犯上,依然得不到令人完全放心的保障。


    第二家园里“乾坤颠倒,仙女为尊”,女性的尊严、基本权利尤其是人身安全得到全面重视和保障,这里没有任何歧视和压迫女性的现象,这里压在妇女头上的“神权、族权、夫权”三座大山已经被搬掉,没有人再随意欺负你, 没有人会打你骂你侮辱你,繁琐、沉重、没完没了的家务活荡然无存,你可以尽情地展现你的风采,尽情地在这里歌舞,这里每一位女性都有自己一间神圣的不允许任何人打搅干扰的自由空间,白天夜晚你可以不锁门窗,绝对没 有任何一个人,尤其是男性敢于未经你允许擅自闯入你的房间,没有任何一个男性敢于对你进行性骚扰,你可以自由地通过手机电话或电脑网络与外界任何人通讯交流,这里没有任何一个所谓的“领导”敢于将自己的意志强加在 你身上,一切活动靠自觉自愿进行,老人们的赡养你不必操心负责,孩子们的抚养教育你不用操心负责,家园会替你操心负责,没有婆婆管教你,没有妯娌或小姑子与你相争,但是,你却有许多亲密的姐妹与你一起聊天、游戏、 娱乐、学习和工作。——这一段摘自《全世界的女性都应该支持第二家园生活》









    Ladies Shall be Firstly Respected


    (Translated by Conglong and Edited by Kaer)

    January 24, 2014

    Women have been suffering discrimination for thousands of years, and their positions are quite low in both marriage and society. Although the development of society has raised the value of women, within marriage, traditional families, and society, they still belong to a disadvantaged group and their values are not acknowledged. Their dignity has been denied and their safety is still not guaranteed, and this can be proven by the amounts of domestic violence and sexual abuse.

    There have been many women living in the Second Home (now New Oasis for Life), the middle-aged are the majority, who have shown that women are awakening and they are not willing to be ruled and discriminated against. Instead, they want to lead dignified, meaningful, and free lives.

    In the Second Home, we have implement the value that, “the positions of men and women are reversed and women should be firstly respected”. The rights, safety, and dignity of women are fully guaranteed. You cannot see women being bullied or discriminated against, and there are no more heavy household chores for women, but they can put their talents into full play. Each woman has her own space which is free from disturbance and it is unnecessary to lock her door at any time because nobody is allowed to enter into a woman’s room without her permission, and nobody dares to sexually harass a woman. Besides, there are no “leaders” who will impose their will on women and all things are done voluntarily. Women do not need to worry about the care of seniors or the education of children because the community takes full responsibility for those chores. There are no more conflicts between women and mothers-in-law or sisters-in-law. On the contrary, they have many close sisters with whom to chat, play, study, and work.

    In Lifechanyuan, women should be firstly respected in all situations. Women are the lotuses, and men are the green leaves.

    1. Men are not allowed to contend with women.

    2. Men should be willing to and be brave enough to sacrifice for women.

    3. It is fine for women to seduce men, but men are not allowed to sexually harass women.

    4. Under any dangerous circumstances, men should be in front to protect women.

    5. Women take precedence over men in the matter of enjoyment.

    6. Men shall take the initiative in doing heavy and dirty tasks, while light and clean work shall be reserved for women.

    7. Men are not permitted to humiliate, desecrate, abuse, beat, maltreat, persecute, scorn, or deride women.

    8. Men are not permitted to limit women's personal freedoms in the name of love, physically or spiritually.

    Experience has shown that having the value that “women should be firstly respected”, all female members feel very happy and safe, and almost none of them are willing to go back to their traditional lives.

    The community also becomes more harmonious this way, because women are naturally more quiet and peaceful, and they like harmony and serenity. They are naturally kind and loving with soft and big hearts.

    Women are firstly respected means that men are not allowed to seduce women in this community. In the aspect of sexuality, women have the great freedom of being able to take the initiative, which is good to foster their independence, and will eventually be helpful for their spiritual development and sublimation.

    Women are firstly respected also means that men are passive in love. This is good for men to cultivate their personalities. “Butterfly will come when the flower scents”. It is only when a man is becoming perfect and he brings happiness and joy to women that his appearance becomes enjoyable, and therefore welcomed by all women.

    As a woman in the Second Home, I often have the feeling of being cared for and loved. I feel very blessed.

    In fact, when a women feels happy, men will be happy too.

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    记得家园还在昆明的时候,那时家园里大概有二、三十人,有一次周日晚上,导游把大家召集在一起,要求每个人都要表演一个节目,那时几乎所有人都没有上台表演或在公众面前表演的经验,因为害羞,都不愿意上台,导游没 法,说,家园拷贝的是千年界的生活模式,千年界每个人都是能歌善舞的,并且游戏娱乐活动层出不穷,所以每个人必须表演,哪怕学动物叫、学兔子跳也行,我还记得第一次晚会还真就是那样了,现在跳舞跳得一级棒的东方草 ,第一个节目就是学兔子跳,我的第一个节目是说了一个河南顺口溜《小老鼠》,那时万年草的肚皮舞就是一个惊艳了,不管怎样,那次晚会带给大家很多开心快乐。

    慢慢地,随着家园的发展,人数也越来越多,大家平时也有意识地练习唱歌、跳舞什么的,晚会上的节目越来越多,也越来越精彩,晚会也越来越正规,主持人、舞台、背景、音乐、服装、道具什么的,都经过精心的布置和准备 ,晚会节目形式和内容也越来越丰富,唱歌、舞蹈、朗诵、小品、相声、笑话、魔术等,特别是舞蹈,有蹦迪、广场舞、交谊舞、古典舞、民族舞、肚皮舞等,晚会从晚上七点到十二点都结束不了,大家也越来越愿意上台为大家 表演,后来不得不提前进行彩排,唱歌看词的、跑调的,舞蹈不熟练的等练习好了下次晚会再上,一次报了三、四首歌曲的,建议只唱两首等。

    最初的设想是每周一次,后来随着家园建设的展开,事务比较多,就改为每月一次,每个分院各自举办,举办时间和地点各分院自己决定。这个时间也不是固定的,比如遇到中秋节、春节等重大节日,晚会会提前或推迟,可以连 续有两到三天的游戏娱乐时间,或者为了赶建设工程进度,也会推迟,等工程完工后当成庆祝活动。后来随着外国友人的来访,为了欢迎客人,我们也会根据情况举办欢迎晚会。


    一般晚会前后会有游戏活动,游戏内容有跳绳、丢手绢、拔河、斗鸡、猜谜语、击鼓传花、猪八戒背媳妇、拷贝不走样、抢凳子、过山门等,一般都会有“惩罚”或“奖励”环节,“惩罚”的手段就是表演节目逗大家开心,大家 乐了,就算过关了,“奖励”一般是有权利提出“惩罚”节目的要求。




    家园的晚会上,常给我感动。特别是孩子们,他们在表演或舞蹈的时候,非常地投入,非常地认真,他们表现出来的童真童趣和幸福,让人觉得生活是那么美好,家园是那么美好,如果我自己的孩子、天下所有的孩子都过这样的 生活该多好。有一次孩子们朗诵《感恩的心》,内容是他们自己写的,感恩家园的生活,感恩成长中的点点滴滴,他们的朗诵,感动了所有人,很多人都流出了感动的泪花。


    现在家园里的乐器也越来越多了,有扬琴、二胡、笛子、口琴、巴乌、葫芦丝、箫、古琴、古筝、电子琴、吉他、月琴等,虽然很多的表演和技术还不是很专业和熟练,但看着自己的亲人们吹奏或弹奏出来的音乐,感觉特别亲切 。




    Monthly Parties

    -- Series of the Bright Spots of the Second Home (now New Oasis for Life)(11)

    Yixian Celestial

    (Translated by Conglong and Edited by Kaer)

    January 24, 2014

    I remember when our community was still in Kunming city and there were only about thirty of us. One Sunday night, our guide asked each of us to perform on the stage. Hardly anyone had experience performing in public back then, so no one wanted to perform because they were all too shy and self conscious. Then the guide said that we were copying the lifestyle of the Thousand Year World and there are many games and entertainment activities there, so everyone should practice singing and dancing. Furthermore, everyone needs to perform something, even if it is just imitating the sound of an animal or a rabbit's bunny jump, and I still remember that things were just like that at our first party. The first performance of Dongfang, who can dance excellently now, was imitating a rabbit jummping and my first performance was reciting a Henan tongue twister. Wannian’s belly dance was very impressive even then. Anyway, we all had a lot of fun at the party that night.

    Gradually, with the development of the community and the growing number of members, people started to practice singing and dancing. There were more and more programs at each party, and the quality was improving. The host or hostess, stage and stage settings, music, costumes, and stage properties were carefully chosen or designed, and we had a variety of programs which included singing, dancing, reciting, short acts, comic dialogue, magic, and others. The dance category included disco, square dancing, ballroom dancing, folk dancing, and belly dancing, to name a few. The parties usually started at 7:00 PM and would not finish until after midnight. More and more people started becoming enthusiastic about performing on stage and we would often need to rehearse our acts.

    The initial idea was that our parties would be weekly, however as everyone became more involved with community work, we reduced them to just monthly parties. Each branch holds parties separately, and they choose their times and locations.

    Sometimes we hold parties in the daytime and use the beauty of nature as our stage setting. For example, the nice flowers and green bamboo in the 3rd branch make a very nice stage background, while in the fourth branch, the lookout deck, taiji garden, and Fengming valley offer both space and fantastic natural environments, so they are ideal natural venues for performers and audiences.

    We usually play group games before or after the parties. They are quite varied and include rope skipping, tug-of-war, game fowl, and many others. There are “punishments” and “rewards” in these games. The punishments for the losers are that they must perform or do something to entertain the audience until he or she is allowed to pass, while the rewards for the winners are that they can punish anyone else. People are very happy playing these games as they experience the beauty of life. Their souls are more like those of children and they become simpler. The relationships among people continue to grow closer and friendlier as well.

    People look more elegant and cultivated by the practices of singing and dancing. They not only have the “simple” quality of “country folk”, but they also have the “elegant” quality of “city slickers”. It becomes very difficult to recognize whether someone who has lived in our community for a long while was originally from the city or the countryside. I am also very often especially touched at the parties by the children. They are so immersed into performing that whether they are singing or dancing, their sincerity and innocence make me feel the beauty of life and the sweetness of the community. How good it would be if my child and every child could experience this kind of life. I remember one time when they recited the poem, “a grateful heart”, which they themselves had written. In that poem, they expressed their gratitude for the community and the love they feel as they are growing up. That poem touched almost everyone and brought many people to tears. The performances of the elderly have also brought a lot of joy and surprises to people. As I watched them, I could feel their sincerity and love of life. They were always so devoted, and sometimes a little nervous, which made them look very lovely.

    As our community developed, we also bought more and more musical instruments. We now have a dulcimer, an erhu, flutes, a harmonica, a xiao, guitars, and several others including the recent addition of a guqin. Although our performance skills are not yet professional, it delights me to hear my brothers and sisters creating these wonderful sounds.

    Very often as I have listened, I have felt that within a few short years, many people’s skills will improve and they will become true artists.

    The games and party activities in the Second Home aim, not only to bring happiness to people, they also have much deeper and more profound meanings.


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