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Thread: Operation Dominic

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    Default Operation Dominic


    If nuclear bombs were detonated in the atmosphere, doesn't that mean that every single person on this planet, at the time, was radiated and basically changed into something else than what humans were before nuclear bombs existed?

    Does that mean that every single human born out of those people who got radiated at that time, had children who are not "human" in the way people used to be? Is there a variation now, so that all people born after that, are not truly 'natural' anymore? If the entire world got radiated over time, because of the nuclear bombs being tested in the atmosphere, how do we even know if we are the same as people from before this happened?

    My mom was born in 1979, she seems to have a view of the world that collides a lot with previous generations, it's like completely incompatible way of being, somehow. Can't fully describe it, but i have compared against people i know who are around 80/90 years old, and it's shocking in several ways, it's completely incompatible, in the way of expectations or what truth or life goals are, plus several other things like perception of what is 'good' and what is 'bad'.

    It's like the entire view or understanding of 'being alive' has changed from how they understood it to how we do, and i don't even get along with my mom, i'm having a very hard time trying to reach a point of understanding with her. She can't see what i see, and i can't find a way to see what she sees. And i'm not talking about normal stuff like generations having different ideas, i'm talking more like, we live on totally different worlds, like trying to breath underwater while being a bird, difference

    I don't think people born after the nuclear tests are even the same 'kind' as previous generations, perhaps that's why there is a very big change in how people see the world now, and so many issues, as compared to how it was in the old days, or how elder people see or expect the world to be. If you were alive in 1962 and old enough to 'see', did you see a change of sorts in the world or in people who were born after?

    Basically every person on this planet, who is alive right now, may not even be 'human kind', but a mutation that is the result of nuclear tests being performed on the atmosphere, who knows how the people got changed after being through nuclear radiation, who knows how many times?
    Last edited by Mashika; 7th August 2021 at 17:51.

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    Avalon Member Lefty Dave's Avatar
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    Default Re: Operation Dominic

    If people can be made to believe absurdities, then they can be made to accept atrocities."

    “Just look at us. Everything is backwards, everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, psychiatrists destroy minds, scientists destroy truth, major media destroys information, religions destroy spirituality and governments destroy freedom.”

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    Default Re: Operation Dominic

    Quote Posted by Lefty Dave (here)
    *Information that people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki would have liked to know in advance:/

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    United States Avalon Member thepainterdoug's Avatar
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    Default Re: Operation Dominic

    hi mashika and i love your thinking and questions. i havent watch the video yet but will

    but im not sure what a human is in the firstplace? what is the definition of a human prior to any altering?

    havent we been altered in some way since whatever our beginnings were?

    we are radiated by the sun, and arent there natural radioactive elements in the earth as well that people of past eras could have been radiated from ?

    imagine a tribe of people sleeping upon uranium?

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    Default Re: Operation Dominic

    Quote Posted by thepainterdoug (here)
    hi mashika and i love your thinking and questions. i havent watch the video yet but will

    but im not sure what a human is in the firstplace? what is the definition of a human prior to any altering?

    havent we been altered in some way since whatever our beginnings were?

    we are radiated by the sun, and arent there natural radioactive elements in the earth as well that people of past eras could have been radiated from ?

    imagine a tribe of people sleeping upon uranium?
    Natural radiation exists, but it doesn't cause harm in the way artificial one, the one that breaks atoms apart by force. Have you seen pictures of the survivors of Hiroshima or Nagasaki, or how their kids later on had health issues no "normal" healthy person has? They were modified by those bombs, in a way that even their children were not regular human beings, by the standard of what a "human being" is.

    So i don't even know if we are even human anymore. I define it as how it has been described across history, and as the people think a dog is, for example, or a bird. It has a behavior and very specific characteristics that say "this is a dog, and this is a bird", If we were modified in odd ways, and people born after that, are born out of mutated human beings, how would we know?

    This is all we can see, we just "are" what we are, but we may not even be similar to people before the event happened, only elders could tell maybe, and once they are gone, it's lost forever

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    Avalon Member Hym's Avatar
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    Default Re: Operation Dominic

    We as a species, just as most living things, are adaptogens of the highest order. The survival, the mere existence of humans is based upon adaptability.

    For me this is much more about the insanity of humans that allowed even one nuclear bomb to go off, let alone all of the others that followed, in their various forms. The same people who would allow rich families to fund wars are the same ones who accept those types of weapons of insanity. Yet, I think we're both off topic here......

    The deal with your mom is another thing than some fallout, though I appreciate you stretching your imagination that far. It shows your humanity, and it may just be all about your journey and your insights being that much more dynamic than hers.

    The world is full of parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters who we get to choose. I say to the family I grew up with.....Thanks for the ride. Be well. I have other homes, and a much larger family that call me.

    Your question may be best answered by answering influences that affected the gestational, childhood and teen growth of your mother, if you are interested enough to investigate her early years. The influences now affecting the body, the spirit, the soul, the mindset of humanity are vast, and airborne fallout is likely not but a very small part of the whole picture.

    I do see the acceptance of such devastating weapons as a completely non human reality, and though relative here in this discussion, I still see the reach your heart takes when trying to understand the life of someone so close, yet so far away.

  12. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Hym For This Post:

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    Aaland Avalon Member Blastolabs's Avatar
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    Default Re: Operation Dominic

    This is kind of a controversial subject but nuclear fallout seems to have been over-hyped as a means for increasing the psychological potency of nuclear weapons.

    I'm not saying radiation can be harmful, but if you look at the long term health of the people at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, you get a picture very different from our assumptions.

    No health effects or radiation-associated mutations have been detected in children of survivors, according to the findings published in the August issue of the journal Genetics.

    A few examples:

    The reduction of life expectancy of survivors has been extremely low (Gy is a unit of exposure to radiation.)

    Quote Median loss of life among cohort members with estimated doses below 1 Gy was about 2 months, but among the small number of cohort members with estimated doses of 1 Gy or more it was 2.6 years. Median loss of life among all individuals with greater-than-zero dose estimates was about 4 months.

    A group of Jesuit Priests were 8 blocks ground zero, and not only survived but lived long healthy lives.

    Quote Nonetheless, there were miracles among the destruction. At a distance of only eight blocks from ground zero of the explosion, a church where eight Jesuit missionary priests lived remained standing and practically intact, unlike buildings three times farther away that were completely destroyed. These Jesuits went down in history as the Hiroshima Eight.

    They didn’t just survive the explosion that had instantly killed 86% of the people in that eight block radius; they lived into old age, unaffected by the radiation which, throughout the following months and years, killed many other survivors of the explosion. The more than 200 tests they underwent over the years all showed negative results for radiation poisoning.

    One alternative explanation that may explain this is the theory that the US did not drop nuclear weapons in Japan, instead they firebombed Nagasaki and Hiroshima just like they did Tokyo. I find this unlikely as scientists claim to detect abnormal levels of radiation in survivors, although I also would not be surprised if this was true.

    My point is I believe the setting off of nuclear weapons in the atmosphere would have far less negative effects on our health than most people have been led to believe

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  15. Link to Post #8
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    Default Re: Operation Dominic

    Quote Posted by Hym (here)
    We as a species, just as most living things, are adaptogens of the highest order. The survival, the mere existence of humans is based upon adaptability.

    For me this is much more about the insanity of humans that allowed even one nuclear bomb to go off, let alone all of the others that followed, in their various forms. The same people who would allow rich families to fund wars are the same ones who accept those types of weapons of insanity. Yet, I think we're both off topic here......

    The deal with your mom is another thing than some fallout, though I appreciate you stretching your imagination that far. It shows your humanity, and it may just be all about your journey and your insights being that much more dynamic than hers.

    The world is full of parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters who we get to choose. I say to the family I grew up with.....Thanks for the ride. Be well. I have other homes, and a much larger family that call me.

    Your question may be best answered by answering influences that affected the gestational, childhood and teen growth of your mother, if you are interested enough to investigate her early years. The influences now affecting the body, the spirit, the soul, the mindset of humanity are vast, and airborne fallout is likely not but a very small part of the whole picture.

    I do see the acceptance of such devastating weapons as a completely non human reality, and though relative here in this discussion, I still see the reach your heart takes when trying to understand the life of someone so close, yet so far away.
    Thank you

    It's just that i see something very odd, not only on her, but in general people of certain age, like they 'see' and describe a very different world than the one i see, it's like as if we were from two different planets, but both our planets look very similar. And yet totally different at the same time. I find it almost impossible to describe. And i don't think it is related to relationship between parents/children, i think it's something else and i wonder if somehow the people born after a while have 'changed' in their nature, like our brains are wired very different than people from other times. I just don't know, but i do see something very odd when i look and try to talk to people older than me or my parents, or elderly people like i was saying, the ones that were born before 1960 or so.

    Like i know an elderly woman who was born in 1938 i believe, and she's very much aware of the current world situation and she's completely "awake", she thinks fast than i could ever, knows everything and is very bright, yet her world view has something very odd to me, in how she describes 'reality'. It's like she thinks we currently are not awake or able to see things for what they truly are. Like we are blinded. I don't know how to explain what i see in her, but it's definitely there

    I thought about this for a while, but did not know how to really express it, and i can see i'm failing at it, just like i thought i would when i created this thread. It's just hard to show to other people, what your own eyes and perception "see'

    What i feel is that somehow our brains work in a different way than people from other ages, somehow, i don't know really, i just 'sense it'

    You would need to talk to her to understand, and her friends around the same age seem to be the same, they seem to know something but not as "we are older so we know stuff", not like that, it's like if you talk to them, and you don't know their age, you would think they are 20 years old. There's something like that going on
    Last edited by Mashika; 7th August 2021 at 22:14.

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    Default Re: Operation Dominic

    Quote Posted by Blastolabs (here)
    This is kind of a controversial subject but nuclear fallout seems to have been over-hyped as a means for increasing the psychological potency of nuclear weapons.

    I'm not saying radiation can be harmful, but if you look at the long term health of the people at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, you get a picture very different from our assumptions.

    No health effects or radiation-associated mutations have been detected in children of survivors, according to the findings published in the August issue of the journal Genetics.

    A few examples:

    The reduction of life expectancy of survivors has been extremely low (Gy is a unit of exposure to radiation.)

    Quote Median loss of life among cohort members with estimated doses below 1 Gy was about 2 months, but among the small number of cohort members with estimated doses of 1 Gy or more it was 2.6 years. Median loss of life among all individuals with greater-than-zero dose estimates was about 4 months.

    A group of Jesuit Priests were 8 blocks ground zero, and not only survived but lived long healthy lives.

    Quote Nonetheless, there were miracles among the destruction. At a distance of only eight blocks from ground zero of the explosion, a church where eight Jesuit missionary priests lived remained standing and practically intact, unlike buildings three times farther away that were completely destroyed. These Jesuits went down in history as the Hiroshima Eight.

    They didn’t just survive the explosion that had instantly killed 86% of the people in that eight block radius; they lived into old age, unaffected by the radiation which, throughout the following months and years, killed many other survivors of the explosion. The more than 200 tests they underwent over the years all showed negative results for radiation poisoning.

    One alternative explanation that may explain this is the theory that the US did not drop nuclear weapons in Japan, instead they firebombed Nagasaki and Hiroshima just like they did Tokyo. I find this unlikely as scientists claim to detect abnormal levels of radiation in survivors, although I also would not be surprised if this was true.

    My point is I believe the setting off of nuclear weapons in the atmosphere would have far less negative effects on our health than most people have been led to believe
    How does that explain things like this? A baby born out of a parent that was exposed to the nuclear bomb in Hiroshima:

    If we were changed in a way, how could we tell? Specially if it was covered to prevent people in the world know what really happened after it, how many other times has a nuclear bomb been deployed against people, after Japan? Not a single time, as far as we know, right?

    How many times did the USSR tested bombs in the atmosphere? We in Russia have a system deployed in Siberia, that could take the entire world down in less than 40 minutes, by launching like 100 bombs with hypersonic missiles in a matter of 10 minutes. The entire planet would die if that were to happen, do you think the USSR developed that system without testing it several times, to ensure it would not fail ever? I mean they depended on it to let the US know any USSR republic was a "no intervention zone". They tested it like a 100 times, at least

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    Avalon Member Hym's Avatar
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    Default Re: Operation Dominic

    Mashika, you are expressing what I see all of the time. I saw this when I was very young and my perception of how people view life and how experience alone changes them over decades of living has not changed.

    What I see that is a very dramatic change in perception is the dominance of electronic, media based communication, both physically, on a cellular and glandular level and psychologically, the mental habituation of external stimulation as a means of expression while holding the illusion of connectivity, deeply subconscious, bleeding out of the disturbed personalities we see more often these days..

    It is so different than anything humanity has experienced that many see habitual connectivity, in all of the harm that such electromagnetic damage does, as normal and not as the truly disconnected influence it is. The influence doesn't leave the body when it is away from it, as the body, the being, the mind carries it wherever it goes.

    That influence affects people of all ages, amplifying the closed mind dealing with it's deeper lack of being natural. I get how this is hard to explain, but only because no one has brought it up before. To someone who did not have that influence so dominant in their lives, their expression is describing the need for the whole being to be more interactive with life and the real living, the sentience that only nature and people can provide.

    Humanity has hypnotically left that primal, vibrant, interactive and nurturing essence of its existence. Your elderly express this, even as their bodies have been habituated over the years, as most civilizations do, to neglect its own health. I have seen it since childhood, as children my age were losing their connection to life itself. They say that life is loud, too loud, and they are right. We cannot hear when its that loud.

    It's not a coincidence that Dominic was a name chosen to lose the value of life by making such a devastating weapon, and those scientists do it so casually, so unethically, so professionally. It is also not lost on me that I was at a peace concert, Peace Sunday ?, at the Rose Bowl in the early 80's where I was the only non Japanese singer scheduled to sing with survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and we had practiced there the day before.

    Because there was so much excessive talking done by dignitaries, with little humanity and not much dignity, our songs were cancelled. I knew then that the peace was only words and the diss of the survivors was the political reality. The cool thing was the two pictures I took at that time that only showed a purple form against the darkness.....and I cannot describe how they looked. Something deeper....expressions in color and form from the reality within, from dimensions deeper and more causal than this one.
    Last edited by Hym; 7th August 2021 at 23:22.

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    Default Re: Operation Dominic

    The people that think the bombing of Japan did not happen, are stupid. I personally know a couple people who are survivors of that event. It DID happen, and it was as worse as you can imagine, and probably way more than that. People are still alive, who went through that, specially those who were children back then, they can tell you all about that day, because it's something that can't be forgotten, and if you talk to one of them, you can see in their eyes, the memories impressed with terrible fear

    That's how i know, for example, that when an atomic bomb, such as the one in Hiroshima, goes off, there's no 'thunder sound' or a big giant 'explosion sound' that lasts for long, instead there is a single, short bang, like if something very heavy got dropped to the grown and hits it very hard, like a "Thump" sound, that lasts only for a second, and then the air burns itself inside your lungs. That's how it really is

    Oh, and apparently, in the first seconds after the bomb detonates, there is no air around you. You are burning alive, and trying to breath, but the air, as most other things around you, is being turn apart at the atom level, there's an empty void, so you try to breath, and you breath "nothing". Imagine that and being a kid, not understanding what's going on, and why suddenly you are melting and when you grasp for air, there's a 'void' instead, nothing enters your lungs because there is 'nothing' around you, not even air, it was decomposed at the same time, while your eyes are popping out and your skin melting down like ice cream in the sun. Imagine that. It only lasts for a second or two, apparently, but for the people living through it, it feels like a 1000 years
    Last edited by Mashika; 7th August 2021 at 23:29.

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    Yes, those who I talked with the day before, on Saturday, when we were practicing the songs and Sunday when we were denied the time to sing, for sure had been thru the explosions on those two days in August, 76 years ago.

    I could see the trauma in them and the peace that drove them to travel so far, then only to be denied the opportunity to sing. I was careful not to ask too much, as I felt them just being there was testimony, proof enough. I didn't even question it.

    What an ignorant bunch of promoters and m.c.'s that didn't allow the group to have their voices heard. It angers me now remembering it, but my anger always looks to learn and act upon the lessons I have learned. I'll look for those pictures of us all there and the two other pictures that I can't yet explain.
    Last edited by Hym; 7th August 2021 at 23:17.

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    Default Re: Operation Dominic

    Quote Posted by Hym (here)
    Yes, those who I talked with the day before, on Saturday, when we were practicing the songs and Sunday when we were denied the time to sing, for sure had been thru the explosions on those two days in August, 76 years ago.

    I could see the trauma in them and the peace that drove them to travel so far, then only to be denied the opportunity to sing. I was careful not to ask too much, as I felt them just being there was testimony, proof enough. I didn't even question it.

    What an ignorant bunch of promoters and m.c.'s that didn't allow the group to have their voices heard. It angers me now remembering it, but my anger always looks to learn and act upon the lessons I have learned. I'll look for those pictures of us all there and the two other pictures that I can't yet explain.
    Would love to see those pictures <3

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    Looking thru my pictures that I haven't looked thru in a while.
    I can see that when my son digitized over 7,000 pictures that he didn't put them back in the small albums, plastic picture holders, etc. where they came from.
    That's a cool journey to take though.
    I did find a pic from the grassy floor of the Rose Bowl on that Saturday during rehearsals, looking up at the bands practicing and I see up on the stage, which was 8 feet above the ground. That's promising.
    A reminder to copy the digital copies and secure the real pictures. Funny, I even found a floppy disc with pics on it. How to copy whatever is on it, I'll contact some IT friends of mine.

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    You need to talk to the real people who were there, honestly

    We, the current generations, don't know of any fear of nuclear bombs, you may, or your parents, since you were raised on the cold war most likely. I was not, i don't know anything about how it feels to fear nuclear bombs, because is not a factor in my life, at all. I just look at the facts i have found so far, and the evidence i can see from the people i have talked to. I don't care about studies because anyone can write anything to push their own agenda, but real people, with real lives and experiences, say a different story
    Last edited by Mashika; 8th August 2021 at 00:28.

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    Canada Avalon Member CurEus's Avatar
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    We may also want to consider that occasionally, but with some regularity, we are bombarded with massive bursts of cosmic and solar radiation. Radiation from a Blazar can tear apart DNA and create stupendous level changes and mutations. In essence, a forced near immediate "adaptation" in offspring. This to me, is a bit more compelling than billions years long "evolution"...

    From a bit more Biblical perspective it is suggested that the great floods were sent to wipe out the corrupted DNA of hybrids and genetic experiments ( IE Chimeras) gone wrong. Noah ((( purportedly) was one of the very few people on the planet with "pure" human DNA and every attempt has been made to corrupt it. His sons were also "pure" but some of their wives (again purportedly) were not. This leads to the belief that the returned Messiah can ONLY come from a pure bloodline. I consider this "food for thought" but interesting nonetheless.

    Our experiments with Nuclear technology is MUCH more likely to be playing a huge role in climate and health changes IMHO. We are aware that cancers have risen dramatically from the more than 4,000 detonations globally but we blame cigarettes...our ozone layer has effectively been burnt off but no one consider that the tests could have anything to do with increased radiation ( on top of our much lower geomagnetic shielding).

    We are continually surrounded by many forms of radiation and it is thought that small amounts of some specific types may be beneficial. Even our granite counter tops are radioactive...but too much of anything can create harm.

    I would posit that the changes between generations are not due to "radiation" per se but more of a shift in consciousness by some other mechanism of action. I have no doubt it would be nearly impossible to relate to someone born 500 years ago be they peasant or queen. They hold a completely and utterly different worldview, perspective, and approach to life. Apart from the basic fact we would not understand what they are saying.

    We are at an interesting and critical juncture. Our ability to gather information and communicate at this level has never existed before. As each person grows I believe it tends to expand their consciousness and that of others as well. This presents a danger to those who wish to control other through ignorance and fear, but that old tool tool is still being used to great effect.

    This may be the LAST chance and effort to end that permanently and plunge us common folk back into a dark age of ignorance forever...while our "masters" have free reign and unfettered access to the universe. If the Yugic cycles are correct, the enemies of humanity will not prevail and we will grow beyond the ability of anyone to directly control us.

    here's hoping!

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    Default Re: Operation Dominic

    Understood, but hear me out, what i see is this, people who were born "before" and people who were born "after" the bomb, seem, as far as i can see from all i have looked into so far, completely different personalities and world views, and i mean, i know people who were born in 1950, for example, so they are not exactly young as if there were 20/30, but somehow, from comparing them against the people i know that were around way before "the bomb", these people (born after) seem to be and act as if they were blind or deaf, somehow, like mostly negative in general, while the people from "before" the bomb, seem to have a very odd and open way of being, like if they were still 20, they laugh naturally, they joke around, in general they act like they have not aged one year after 20.

    And the total opposite of people "after", the ones "after", they negate things, they consider young people dumb, they are hostile against us, they keep saying they had a better life and ours is crap, regardless of the clear lack of understanding that "this current crappy world" was created by them in the first place

    Somehow, they are not compatible very much with either my generation or the one pre-war. I've been watching this for a long time now, but as i was saying earlier, it's very hard to put into words what i can see. Maybe i'm just looking at people very close to me and the situation is different in other parts of the world.

    I just don't know anymore

    If you were changed, in some way, you would not know! Because the perspective of reality is all from within you, so how would you know if yesterday you thought of the color "black" as "red" by name, and today you were reprogrammed and now what we know as black is suddenly "yellow", and all your memories from the past are basically changed and now you see black and think "yellow", you would not know any better. But if someone was not affected, they may say "that's black" and you are going to say "lol no old timer, that's yellow! Everybody knows that!" And then you'll think the elder person has mental issues because of age, while it may actually be that they are not blinded in the same way as we are...


    Quote Posted by CurEus (here)
    We may also want to consider that occasionally, but with some regularity, we are bombarded with massive bursts of cosmic and solar radiation. Radiation from a Blazar can tear apart DNA and create stupendous level changes and mutations. In essence, a forced near immediate "adaptation" in offspring. This to me, is a bit more compelling than billions years long "evolution"...

    From a bit more Biblical perspective it is suggested that the great floods were sent to wipe out the corrupted DNA of hybrids and genetic experiments ( IE Chimeras) gone wrong. Noah ((( purportedly) was one of the very few people on the planet with "pure" human DNA and every attempt has been made to corrupt it. His sons were also "pure" but some of their wives (again purportedly) were not. This leads to the belief that the returned Messiah can ONLY come from a pure bloodline. I consider this "food for thought" but interesting nonetheless.

    Our experiments with Nuclear technology is MUCH more likely to be playing a huge role in climate and health changes IMHO. We are aware that cancers have risen dramatically from the more than 4,000 detonations globally but we blame cigarettes...our ozone layer has effectively been burnt off but no one consider that the tests could have anything to do with increased radiation ( on top of our much lower geomagnetic shielding).

    We are continually surrounded by many forms of radiation and it is thought that small amounts of some specific types may be beneficial. Even our granite counter tops are radioactive...but too much of anything can create harm.

    I would posit that the changes between generations are not due to "radiation" per se but more of a shift in consciousness by some other mechanism of action. I have no doubt it would be nearly impossible to relate to someone born 500 years ago be they peasant or queen. They hold a completely and utterly different worldview, perspective, and approach to life. Apart from the basic fact we would not understand what they are saying.

    We are at an interesting and critical juncture. Our ability to gather information and communicate at this level has never existed before. As each person grows I believe it tends to expand their consciousness and that of others as well. This presents a danger to those who wish to control other through ignorance and fear, but that old tool tool is still being used to great effect.

    This may be the LAST chance and effort to end that permanently and plunge us common folk back into a dark age of ignorance forever...while our "masters" have free reign and unfettered access to the universe. If the Yugic cycles are correct, the enemies of humanity will not prevail and we will grow beyond the ability of anyone to directly control us.

    here's hoping!
    Last edited by Mashika; 8th August 2021 at 01:05.

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  37. Link to Post #19
    United States Avalon Member thepainterdoug's Avatar
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    Default Re: Operation Dominic

    no matter how many iterations, how many genetic alterations, humans are still a creature whos ego runs the show, who is hypocritical and a scammer and liar, and also a loving sincere being. wow what a combo.
    General Smedly Butler who i painted in my whistleblower series said in his 1935 book "war is racket " stated all this. its true and its never changed.

    its buisness, power, control and money. this was the game we were thrown into.

    my question is, ?? any solutions ?

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    Last edited by thepainterdoug; 8th August 2021 at 01:43.

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  39. Link to Post #20
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    Default Re: Operation Dominic

    Quote Posted by thepainterdoug (here)
    no matter how many iterations, how many genetic alterations, humans are still a creature whos ego runs the show, who is hypocritical and a scammer and liar, and also a loving sincere being. wow what a combo.
    General Smedly Butler who i painted in my whistleblower series said in his 1935 book "war is racket " stated all this. its true and its never changed.

    its buisness, power, control and money. this was the game we were thrown into.

    my question is, ?? any solutions ?

    Attachment 47121
    Not yet, but if we keep thinking about it, something may come up. I remember someone who was crazy nazi like, back when i used to still live in Moscow, and when i spent some time in Crimea around 2014, he basically had this idea of "let's break the world apart, so that the previous generation can't affect or lead the newer ones, and once they all die out, the world will have a new chance of starting again, without the influence of the previous generations, who made all the mistakes that lead us to be here today" or something on those lines.

    You can imagine how broken that brain was lol, but yeah, if people think a lot about current issues, some ideas may come up, some good, some Hitler-like ones too, but we need to push hard for a brainstorming session, in any case

    ¤=[Post Update]=¤

    It's 5 am, going to sleep now :D Need to fix my bad "no sleeping" habit soon lmao

  40. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Mashika For This Post:

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