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Thread: Earth 12,000 Year Disaster Cycle

  1. Link to Post #1
    UK Avalon Member Mike Gorman's Avatar
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    Default Earth 12,000 Year Disaster Cycle

    This is Ben's latest summary video, worthy of your time IMHO

  2. The Following 32 Users Say Thank You to Mike Gorman For This Post:

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    Avalon Member norman's Avatar
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    Default Re: Earth 12,000 Year Disaster Cycle

    I haven't watched any of his stuff for a long while.

    He's noticeably very much more alarmed and 'prepper' than I remember him being. He used to be some kind of ex grad' cool dude playing with his fancy software and finding his niche on youtube, He's radically different from that now.
    ..................................................my first language is TYPO..............................................

  4. The Following 9 Users Say Thank You to norman For This Post:

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    United States Avalon Member onawah's Avatar
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    Default Re: Earth 12,000 Year Disaster Cycle

    With good reason...the data that keeps coming in is not reassuring.
    I wish he would eliminate the scary background music--makes it seem like fear porn, but it's all real science based, not paid science.

    Quote Posted by norman (here)
    I haven't watched any of his stuff for a long while.

    He's noticeably very much more alarmed and 'prepper' than I remember him being. He used to be some kind of ex grad' cool dude playing with his fancy software and finding his niche on youtube, He's radically different from that now.
    Each breath a gift...

  6. The Following 9 Users Say Thank You to onawah For This Post:

    Alan (26th December 2021), Bill Ryan (25th December 2021), Chip (25th December 2021), Harmony (25th December 2021), Hym (26th December 2021), mountain_jim (28th December 2021), Pam (26th December 2021), The KMan (26th December 2021), toppy (26th December 2021)

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    United States Avalon Member DNA's Avatar
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    Default Re: Earth 12,000 Year Disaster Cycle

    Quote Posted by Mike Gorman (here)
    This is Ben's latest summary video, worthy of your time IMHO

    So Mike Gorman this is some technical stuff, what I mean to say is for those of us pushing to watch this and failing to extrapolate the intended information due to not having been properly primered could you do a break down with a few suggestions as to where it might be possible to survive this hurricane of catastrophes.
    Are we looking at the oceans going mach 1 across the lands flattening all with thousands of feet of water crushing all life in the power wash? Or is it a barbeque where we on earth are so many entrees getting grilled up by a solar wind blasting through a weakening magnetic field? Is there any way to escape any of this? If not should we have a drink, give a toast to humanity bid everyone a fond adu and just say f#ck it?

    Inquiring minds want to know.

    ¤=[Post Update]=¤

    Quote Posted by onawah (here)
    With good reason...the data that keeps coming in is not reassuring.
    I wish he would eliminate the scary background music--makes it seem like fear porn, but it's all real science based, not paid science.

    Quote Posted by norman (here)
    I haven't watched any of his stuff for a long while.

    He's noticeably very much more alarmed and 'prepper' than I remember him being. He used to be some kind of ex grad' cool dude playing with his fancy software and finding his niche on youtube, He's radically different from that now.
    All real science, not paid science.
    I laughed so hard when I read that.
    Good one Natalie.
    I might use that one, I'll give you credit if I do.

  8. The Following 10 Users Say Thank You to DNA For This Post:

    Bill Ryan (26th December 2021), Harmony (27th January 2022), kfm27917 (27th December 2021), mountain_jim (28th December 2021), onawah (26th December 2021), palehorse (26th December 2021), Sunny (30th December 2021), The KMan (26th January 2022), toppy (26th December 2021), wondering (7th April 2022)

  9. Link to Post #5
    United States Avalon Member onawah's Avatar
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    Default Re: Earth 12,000 Year Disaster Cycle

    DNA wrote: "...where it might be possible to survive this hurricane of catastrophes.
    Are we looking at the oceans going mach 1 across the lands flattening all with thousands of feet of water crushing all life in the power wash? Or is it a barbeque where we on earth are so many entrees getting grilled up by a solar wind blasting through a weakening magnetic field? Is there any way to escape any of this?"

    Well, all of the above, Caves seem to be the best place to be to survive the final nova-like blast from the Sun. DUMBS maybe too, but of course, few will have access to them, at least according to the elite's plans. Ben talks about that in "The Cycle is Over".
    For some more good laughter medicine, see: https://projectavalon.net/forum4/sho...=1#post1470947
    Quote Posted by DNA (here)
    So Mike Gorman this is some technical stuff, what I mean to say is for those of us pushing to watch this and failing to extrapolate the intended information due to not having been properly primered could you do a break down with a few suggestions as to where it might be possible to survive this hurricane of catastrophes.
    Are we looking at the oceans going mach 1 across the lands flattening all with thousands of feet of water crushing all life in the power wash? Or is it a barbeque where we on earth are so many entrees getting grilled up by a solar wind blasting through a weakening magnetic field? Is there any way to escape any of this? If not should we have a drink, give a toast to humanity bid everyone a fond adu and just say f#ck it?

    Inquiring minds want to know.

    ¤=[Post Update]=¤

    Quote Posted by onawah (here)
    With good reason...the data that keeps coming in is not reassuring.
    I wish he would eliminate the scary background music--makes it seem like fear porn, but it's all real science based, not paid science.

    Quote Posted by norman (here)
    I haven't watched any of his stuff for a long while.

    He's noticeably very much more alarmed and 'prepper' than I remember him being. He used to be some kind of ex grad' cool dude playing with his fancy software and finding his niche on youtube, He's radically different from that now.
    All real science, not paid science.
    I laughed so hard when I read that.
    Good one Natalie.
    I might use that one, I'll give you credit if I do.
    Last edited by onawah; 26th December 2021 at 04:21.
    Each breath a gift...

  10. The Following 9 Users Say Thank You to onawah For This Post:

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  11. Link to Post #6
    United States Avalon Member onawah's Avatar
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    Default Re: Earth 12,000 Year Disaster Cycle

    PS Sources of Prepper/Survivalist info such as Adapt 2030 are good to keep up with NOW, since things like food shortages are not just in the future anymore.
    See: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-5...zHIdNCs7-bEdCA
    Each breath a gift...

  12. The Following 10 Users Say Thank You to onawah For This Post:

    Bill Ryan (26th December 2021), Chip (26th December 2021), DNA (26th December 2021), ExomatrixTV (27th December 2021), Harmony (27th January 2022), mountain_jim (28th December 2021), pyrangello (27th January 2022), Sérénité (26th December 2021), The KMan (14th January 2022), wondering (7th April 2022)

  13. Link to Post #7
    Australia Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Earth 12,000 Year Disaster Cycle

    A 17 minute piece sees archaeologist Peter Mungo Jupp unravel evidence embraced in petroglyphs, art, writings, verbal traditions—even dance motifs—that "Cosmic Thunderbolts" may have been the force behind some of the world's mass extinction events. Aligns with SuspiciousObservers in Ben's view of the coming Micro Nova/Plasma Bolts/Reversal of Electromagnetic Fields.


    Last edited by Harmony; 27th January 2022 at 08:00. Reason: embedding video

  14. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to The KMan For This Post:

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  15. Link to Post #8
    Netherlands Avalon Member 9ideon's Avatar
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    Default Re: Earth 12,000 Year Disaster Cycle

    Noticed someone mentioning that we have until March '23, point of no return etc. Not sure if true.

    Suspicious Observers is a good one to start with, these Guys been around for ages, they used to have these Monster Topics (Dtv) that (group wise) would visited from time to time to discuss. Shame that alll got wiped though.

    Last edited by 9ideon; 27th January 2022 at 05:31.

  16. The Following 8 Users Say Thank You to 9ideon For This Post:

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  17. Link to Post #9
    United States Avalon Member onawah's Avatar
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    Default Re: Earth 12,000 Year Disaster Cycle

    My Turn To Ask A Question
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    Also posted here: https://projectavalon.net/forum4/sho...=1#post1478682
    Each breath a gift...

  18. The Following 8 Users Say Thank You to onawah For This Post:

    avid (27th January 2022), Bill Ryan (27th January 2022), Harmony (27th January 2022), jaybee (27th January 2022), Mari (27th January 2022), pyrangello (27th January 2022), The KMan (27th January 2022), wondering (7th April 2022)

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