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Thread: Michael Hudson | Money and Debt | Itīs Our Money with Ellen Brown

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    Switzerland Avalon Member Helvetic's Avatar
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    Default Michael Hudson | Money and Debt | Itīs Our Money with Ellen Brown

    Michael Hudson | Money and Dept | Itīs Our Money with Ellen Brown

    Source: ellenbrown.com, michael-hudson.com

    Source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/ARsPvDlEMvZ7

    Celebrated economist Michael Hudson thinks that the world of academic economics is both deceptive and essentially wrong in its formulations of the role of money and debt. Hudson says today’s oligarchic monetary systems invariably reinforce the flow of profits from labor to the top of the economic ladder. The result is unsustainable debt, which he says is an historical pattern that goes back a couple thousand years. Something has to give. Ellen and Michael spend the hour discussing what that might look like.
    "Earth is currently restricted today for normal development of timeline progress. With us telling you everything would change everything."

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    United States Administrator ThePythonicCow's Avatar
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    Default Re: Michael Hudson | Money and Debt | Itīs Our Money with Ellen Brown

    There should be no confiscatory debt, no collateral that can be confiscated if a debt is not repaid.

    Rather debt should be similar to time expiring stock, enabling the lender to be repaid based on a proportion of the debtor's earnings or profits, for a limited time, for a limited maximum amount to be repaid.

    For example, I might take out a loan for US$ 100,000, to attend an engineering school, paid out over the quarters so long as I remain enrolled and passing the courses, and to be paid back with say 10% percent of my future income in the following 10 years, to a maximum of US$ 110,000.

    If I wanted to attend an art school, or if I was already an old man with little prospect, by the actuary tables at least, to remain gainfully employed as an engineer for 10 more years, then I would not be able to get anywhere near as favorable terms.

    Student loans to those young adults with good student grades and test scores so far, to be used for learning profitable trades would be a lot easier to get than for "basket weaving" or the current equivalent "gender studies".

    Similarly, a basic income for the retirees and invalids would remove the need for people in their working years to "save up" for their retirement or lean years, which "savings" forces active workers to fund the BlackRock and Social Security Funds with their pension and insurance payments, which then essentially blackmails the average citizen to supporting the predatory lending institutions.

    Such worked, in ancient times, when person-to-person interactions and economies enabled more fair distribution of such social services and accounting for the product of people's labor.

    Such failed in far sprung empires, such as the Roman Empire, and in is now failing in the world-wide technology based economy, which have lacked the means to keep people reasonably honest in their dealings.

    This "honest money" and "honest lending" could be done again, now, by restructuring of the world's monetary system using cryptocurrencies that are open source, distributed ledger, widely dispersed across political regions, and (in current crypto parlance) "censorship resistant." The mathematics of such cryptocurrencies enables robust, systems that are essentially fraud resistant.

    This has been what has actually been happening in the cryptocurrency world for the last decade. We have been individually able to invest large or small sums of money into crypto projects that we thought had good prospects. We might gain wonderous profits, if they succeed, or lose all our money, if they fail. But no confiscatory debt is involved in such transactions, and no pervasive, invasive regulation is required. The labor of crypto coders, and lucky or astute investors, has been well rewarded.

    Now the debt-money masters are pushing hard to regulate cryptos, incorporating them into their confiscatory debt-money framework.
    Last edited by ThePythonicCow; 7th April 2022 at 06:57.
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    United States Administrator ThePythonicCow's Avatar
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    Default Re: Michael Hudson | Money and Debt | Itīs Our Money with Ellen Brown

    Unfortunately ... regarding my comment just above ... only some crypto experts can reliably determine whether a given crypto currency based system actually is robustly resistant to fraud, or from unauthorized surveillance or control.

    Moreover, none of the "trusted" experts or institutions who might tell the rest of us what crypto currency systems are to be trusted ... can be trusted.
    My quite dormant website: pauljackson.us

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    Alecs (9th April 2022), amor (8th April 2022), gord (7th April 2022), Harmony (7th April 2022), Johnnycomelately (7th April 2022)

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    United States Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Michael Hudson | Money and Debt | Itīs Our Money with Ellen Brown

    Reply to Pythoniccow: So TRUE. If you cannot understand the underpinning structure of its setup, who set it up and who is allowed to profit or pirate its structure while the ignorant investors, who don't even suspect what is happening, merely being told their investment is GONE, that is even worse than what we have got now. At least we get to hold the worthless paper as some proof of activity in our favor. My view is that not one of those thieves formerly involved in banking should be allowed near any new or old system, and thoroughly deserve to be lined up and SHOT. Why? Look at the consequences to the world, from World Wars set up in their favor to Global Genocides, not only planned but published before they happen. What absolute nerve and evil. Thecomplete chaos caused to every family and home, killing the sick in hospitals, creating a medical system designed to MAKE YOU SICK, TAKE EVERYTHING FROM YOU, AND PAY THE SO CALLED CARE GIVERS TO MURDER YOU IN THE PROCESS. The absolute nerve of these NAZI'S WHO ARE CLAIMING OUR PLANET FOR THEMSELVES, are now setting up an even more thieving, top-down system of CONTROLLED THEFT WITHIN A SYSTEM STRONGER THAN ANY PRISON. THEY MERELY TURN OFF YOUR CODE AND YOU STARVE TO DEATH. TO ALL THE SOLDIERS: ARE YOU GOING TO LET THEM GET AWAY WITH IT????

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