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Thread: Methylene Blue

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    Default Methylene Blue

    Having just come across this recently I know very little about it. However it appears to be one of those very old medications still in use today with many many beneficial effects if taken in very small doses and is harmful if too much is taken. I do know that Pharmaceutical grade should be used and not fish tank cures. It increases Mitochondrial energy. It has been found to cure UTI's where antibiotics have become useless. It has been used to stop pneumonia in Covid cases. It is used in Carbon Monoxide poisoning and in any fungal and parasitic infection. It is used on skin to rejuvenate and the list goes on. Does anyone have experience of using this?

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    Avalon Member gord's Avatar
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    Default Re: Methylene Blue

    There's a lot of useful information about Methylene Blue on Earth Clinic.
    The only place a perfect right angle ever CAN be, is the mind.

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    UK Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Methylene Blue

    Here is an up to date and in depth interview between Dr Mercola and Francisco Gonzalez-Lima.


    More studies are being done on the effectiveness of Methylene blue for many illnesses like Hypoxia (so helps the vaxxed ), Dementia, Alzheimers , cancer and raising energy levels in the mitochondria. They go into such issues as dosage and when you should not take it. The most effective way according to Dr Gonzalez is to take it with VitC as this makes absorbtion easier. Some people recommend putting tabs of the blue under the tongue because it helps the blue to penetrate the brain but here that idea is refuted as being less effective.

    Having been on this for a few months on a really low dose I can really recommend it for increased energy and I find it enormously helpful when dealing with an overload of EMF's.

    Further to this here is a cut and paste from Jack Kruse. The full article can be found here.

    A lack of UV and IR light with excessive chronic blue light exposure bends light in the brain to make aquaporin 4 water gates stay open and causes more seizures and poor thinking because this lowers dopamine levels……..The longer an AQA 4 gate stays open the more AMPK pathways are up regulated and the more glucose a cell uses and the more ELF-UV light it releases and the more calcium will efflux. Nora Volkow and Allan Frey have published on this. The more ELF-UV light emitted the lower your vitamin D levels will be measured in your blood plasma. This is the basis of the Warburg effect. It is a chronic light stress response and not a cancer pathway as most believe today. Blue light elicits the Warburg metabolism. Hack it.
    What mitigates this effect? Methylene blue might. Biohack with methylene blue. Methylene blue has massive effects on mitochondria. Remember water can be blue shifted when it has less light energy within its molecular networks. By absorbing blue light and appearing blue, it can circulate easily through the bodies’ fluids; it reflects blue light inside of us while acting as another electron donor would in a mitochondria, oxygenating cells and reversing the very damages caused by an excess of blue light at our surfaces.
    Methylene blue combined with sun light has been used to treat resistant plaque psoriasis, AIDS-related Kaposi’s sarcoma, West Nile virus, and to inactivate staphylococcus aureus,[used it in a biohack] HIV-1, Duck hepatitis B, adenovirus vectors, and hepatitis C. It is now being used in autoimmune conditions, neuro-degenertion, TBI, and diabetes. Phenothiazine dyes and light have been known to have virucidal properties for over 70 years. This is why methylene blue works in combating many viral diseases. I have a sense this is why MB is on the ISS in space. It is also why I think endosymbiosis might have been between a virus and a bacteria and not an archea and bacteria. Eukaryotes still benefit from MB treatments, so it means our viral marketing is a deep evolutionary link to our nucleic acid design and function.
    Methylene blue also blocks accumulation of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) by inhibiting the enzyme guanylate cyclase: this action results in reduced responsiveness of vessels to cGMP-dependent vasodilators like nitric oxide (NO) and carbon monoxide (CO). These both work critically in the RPE of the retina where the melanopsin receptors are in our ganglion cells. NO and CO both work with incident UV light to increase O2 in tissues. Most diseases are associated with low venous oxygen saturation. This is why David Sinclair’s work showed most neolithic diseases were always linked to psuedohypoxia and low NAD+. Methylene blue increases O2 by helping hemoglobin’s heme protein offload more O2. Methylene blue can also serve as a non-selective inhibitor of NO synthase based upon the amount of UV light and oxygen present in a stimulus. This is very important in the vascular bed. It also makes every tissues have its own quantum signals. This is why RCT are close to worthless when you understand mitochondria function well. It also points out why the first four thoracic sympathetic rami link directly to the carotid system in humans. This pathway can be used to modulate the central retinal pathways in the eyes of man when his environment is made alien by an altered light frequency or by nnEMF.
    Methylene blue can act as an alternative electron acceptor, and reverses the NADH inhibition in mitochondria. This means it raises NAD+. This is why cardiac and neuro surgeons and orthopedic muscular surgeons like to use it in their sick patients. Methylene blue can be an adjunct in the management of patients experiencing vagoplegic syndrome after cardiac surgery. I’ve used it for neurogenic vasospasm in subarachnoid aneurysmal bleeds. It has been used in compartment syndrome by orthopedic surgeons for these reasons.
    Methylene blue is a monoamine oxidase inhibitor. MAOI’s act by inhibiting the activity of monoamine oxidase, thus preventing the breakdown of monoamine neurotransmitters and thereby increasing their availability. Thusly, methylene blue increases dopamine, melatonin, serotonin, and melanin levels on our surfaces to increase our ability to deal with sunlight properly. This makes MB a classic silent vagal stimulant. It means that vagal tone and UV light assimilation are fundamentally linked in the autonomic nervous system. It will also increase epinephrine and nor-epinephrine levels to increase BP and muscle power on a short term basis. This explains why cold thermogenesis increases beta three sympathetic receptors to liberate protons in brown fat for beta oxidation on mitochondria.
    The parasympathetic nervous system uses chiefly acetylcholine (ACh) as its neurotransmitter, although peptides (such as cholecystokinin) can be used. The ACh acts on two types of receptors, the muscarinic and nicotinic cholinergic receptors. Most transmissions occur in two stages: When stimulated, the preganglionic neuron releases ACh at the ganglion, which acts on nicotinic receptors of postganglionic neurons. The postganglionic neuron then releases ACh to stimulate the muscarinic receptors of the target organ. These changes occur by monitoring how much UV light is being added back into the atomic lattice of our tissues at night. Nicotine is a fluorophore protein.
    8. Nicotinic channels mediates the majority of fast excitation in autonomic ganglia. Nicotine is made from aromatic amino acids that absorb UV light. Nicotine is a nightshade plant. People who’s cells lack a decent quantity of ELF- UV light have trouble tolerating nightshade plants. Nicotine increases dopamine levels naturally. Anything that increases dopamine levels has huge effects on silent vagal stimulation. Not everyone can use this because not everyone can assimilate UV light well photoelectrically.

    9. Methylene blue is also a photosensitizer that generates peroxides and has a huge effect on catalase in RBC’s. MB can used to create singlet oxygen when exposed to both oxygen and light. Singlet oxygen is needed at cytochrome one in small bursts to lower mitochondrial heteroplasmy. This is why diabetics and obese people have no superoxide burst at cytochrome 1. Diabetics and the obese are people who came into the world with loose mito-nuclear coupling that got worse by blue light and nnEMF to lead to their other diseases. My own personal story falls into this here. This is why my job limits my own results. I learned this the hard way in my own bio-hacks. Diabetics and the obese need an ideal superoxide burst to clear our badly functioning mitochondria to increase their coupling to better match the environment they choose to live in. Fasting can help, but those who are leptin resistant have low ELF-UV light so the effect is lowered. Hence why I tell people to do the Leptin reset before using intermittent fasting as a way to shrink their respiratory proteins. MB can be used in this regard to make organic peroxides by a Diels-Alder reaction, which is “electron spin forbidden” with normal atmospheric triplet oxygen.

    10. When you know how light and the photoelectric effect altered electron spin, you simply begin to do better in your chosen alien world. Do you still think any of the autoimmune protocol’s being sold by food guy’s really work, or they all half truths?

    Last edited by Trisher; 30th October 2022 at 11:01.

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    United States Avalon Member Listkov's Avatar
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    Default Re: Methylene Blue

    Fish Tank cleaner is fine at low doses, basically anything lower than as an antidepressant or antimalarial doses.

    I use the Kordon brand occasionally. Can't say I feel much, but it is a cool party trick to piss out blue.

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    UK Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Methylene Blue

    Quote Posted by Listkov (here)
    Fish Tank cleaner is fine at low doses, basically anything lower than as an antidepressant or antimalarial doses.

    I use the Kordon brand occasionally. Can't say I feel much, but it is a cool party trick to piss out blue.
    Using fish tank grade MB is not recommended because it is potentially full of contaminants and heavy metals etc. If you are peeing it out that is not a small dose.
    Only take this if you have a belly full of water and have swallowed live fish.

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    UK Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Methylene Blue

    Found this from a link on Wade Fraziers posts. There are several things to take for vax injuries and Methylene Blue is one of them.


    Methylene Blue:
    Methylene Blue (MB) has a number of biological properties that may be potentially beneficial in vaccine-injured patients. MB induces mitophagy (mitochondrial autophagy) and has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, neuroprotective, and antiviral properties. MB and photobiomodulation (PBM) have similar beneficial effects on mitochondrial function, oxidative damage, and inflammation, and the two treatments are often combined.
    Low-dose MB is a therapeutic option in patients with brain fog and other neurological symptoms. Patients or their healthcare providers need to purchase high-quality methylene blue powder and formulate an orally administered 1% solution (10 mg in 1 ml solution – 0.5 mg/drop) as follows: Mix 1 gram of methylene blue with 100 ml of water.

    Dosing of LDMB: start with 1 or 2 drops in the morning for the first two days. On the third day, increase the dosage to 3 drops daily for the next two days. Continue increasing the dosage by 1 drop every 2 days (guided by symptoms – i.e., improvement in fatigue and/or cognitive improvement) until you reach a maximum of 22 drops. The optimal dose is highly individualized and each patient needs to find the right dose for them. Take LDMB for 6 days in a row. Take the 7th day off every week to allow the body to reset. LDMB will cause your urine to be blue or blue-green. Some patients may experience a Herx reaction. A Herx reaction may cause fatigue, nausea, headache, or muscle pain due to “accumulated toxins” leaving the body. If you experience a Herx reaction, stop the protocol for 48 hours and then resume again slowly.

    DO NOT take MB if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

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    Austria Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Methylene Blue

    Yes, imho Methylene blue deserves so much more attention, than it currently gets. And considering, how cheap it is (though, look for USP grade), it is imho a substance, everybody should get access to try out.

    A friend of mine, having CFS >20 years and trying so many protocols/supplements (probably all vitamins/minerals high dose- from Vitamin C dozens gramm a day, iodine high dose, B Vitamins, etc., hormones, what doctors gave her... nothing helped), finally has found in MB "the magic bullet", that helps her function so much better. Healing is taking place. (she has significantly more energy, when she takes 5-10 drops, 3x/day. And she feels clearly, when the energy MB gives her, is used up. So she feels, when it is time, to take her next dose).

    There is no "one size fits all" - so some I know feel little to nothing taking it, others feel a huge difference right away. Almost everybody I know, who did not feel immediate effects, and kept taking it, started feeling subtle changes after a couple days or weeks. e.g. Histamin Response going down. Not having to go pee all the time, not crashing after excersize or stress.
    Change in sleep paterns. Change in mood and energy.
    Gut/Digestion less delicate etc.

    I only know people taking it rather low dose (a few drops once, twice or three times a day). (Sloan and other recommend taking >=1mg/kg/day. This would be 1-2 Drops/kg of weight, so approximately 70-140 drops for a 70kg (150lbs) person. I do not know anyone taking such high doses yet).

    I myself can take it twice/day, but not too late (if I take it too late, it gives me too much energy and I cannot go to sleep).
    (I take it in a capsule, because I do not like the taste at all).

    If I feel like taking it easy, MB does not change a thing (for me). But when I need to get something done (and do not feel up to it, because of lack of energy), MB makes it really easy to stick to the plan/finish whatever has to be finished.
    eg. after a birthday party from my kid. I had great amount of energy, preparing it and while it was going. But when the party was over/his friends were picked up, I was sooooo exhausted. I could not even lift me up, to get a sip to drink or go to bed.
    Finally, I managed to take some MB and after a while I started cleaning the whole house without a problem for 2 hours without a break. I had not planned on doing it that night. All I wanted to do was was to put away food in the fridge and maybe start the diswasher and then go to bed (and do the rest the next day). Instead - woah - I could not stop myself making a big cleanup on 3 levels. It just happened, because my energylevel suddenly was so high.

    MB could/should help with a lot of aging related aspects.

    Here is an interesting interview (Part 1 of 2) with Dr. Levy on the topic.
    Levy is one of "THE" Vitamin C experts. I find it funny, that he says, he researched vitamin C for over 30 and is now amazed to have found methylen blue doing in many aspects the same as, plus so much more then vitamin C:


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    United States Avalon Member Arcturian108's Avatar
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    Default Re: Methylene Blue

    I have a bottle of MB sitting on my desk, but have been too chicken to start trying it yet. I didn't know there was an Avalon thread devoted to it, and when I have time I will read everything on the thread and more.

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    United States Avalon Member onawah's Avatar
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    Default Re: Methylene Blue

    Self-replicating nanobots in the VAXX are prevented by Methylene Blue from doing what they were designed to do.
    This is a new use for Methylene Blue (though it has been recommended previously for recovery from VAXX side effects and injury) and there is not yet a lot of info about dosage, etc. but no doubt Dr. Ana will be coming out with more detailed info soon.
    Quote Posted by onawah (here)
    Methylene Blue
    Methylene Blue is safe, inexpensive and easy to access online.
    It prevents the formation in the Vaxx of the self-replicating nanobots into what seem to be the equivalent of RFID chips.
    ..And which are now being found in the blood of the unvaxxed as well, not just from shedding, but from distribution via the air, water, food and some pharmaceuticals.
    Methylene Blue not only prevents the formation of RFID- like chips in the blood, but rubbery blood clots as well, and is a safe treatment for other medical conditions.

    Dr. Mihalcea and her colleagues are the best source of scientific data about what's in the Vaxx and how to deal with it that I have found so far.
    There is a lot of technical jargon in this article from her, but there's more about Methylene Blue, and the essential info is not difficult to understand.
    I would stock up on it!

    Methylene Blue Binds Hydrogel In Lantus Insulin - Lantus Insulin Creates Chip Like Crystals, Methylene Blue Prevents Chip Formation

    Uncensored: Russian Study Finds Connection with Nanotech & COVID - Dr. Ana Michalcea:


    Source: https://www.rumble.com/video/v4084in/?pub=ijro7
    Each breath a gift...

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    England Avalon Member John Hilton's Avatar
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    Default Re: Methylene Blue

    Quote Posted by Trisher (here)
    Here is an up to date and in depth interview between Dr Mercola and Francisco Gonzalez-Lima.

    It also makes every tissues have its own quantum signals.
    I didn't want to quote the entire interview, since you can read Trisher's post, above. But I wanted to say that it looks like an absolute "word salad" to me. I'd like someone who understands the terminology to say whether any of it makes sense.

    "It also makes every tissues have its own quantum signals."

    Hmm, from a search: Crudely speaking, quantum signals are electromagnetic excitations of a transmission line that involve only a few photons. The state of these excitations must display some degree of quantum purity for the signals to carry quantum information, which is the subject of interest in Josephson circuits.

    Frankly, I'm non the wiser. I get the fimpression that the authors strung a bunch of technical terms together in the hope that it looked good and nobody would question it. I might be wrong - it's not my field of expertise - but I question it.

    I'm not saying that methylene blue isn't useful but I simply don't understand this explanation.
    Last edited by John Hilton; 20th March 2024 at 12:46. Reason: damn keyboard!

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    Germany Avalon Member wegge's Avatar
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    Default Re: Methylene Blue

    I interviewed someone who created a shampoo based around Methylene Blue, hence it's called Bloo. It's mostly based on Ray Peat's research and thus also contains taurin, coffeine and aspirin.

    By the way, there are now many people on Twitter who are into Ray Peat and health in general, Methylene Blue is also very well known in this bubble, and it seems the bubble gets bigger day by day.

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