6th July 2022 17:35
Link to Post #1
Avalon Member
Remote Viewing the Year 2060 with Stephan A. Schwartz
The researcher uses consensus methodology in remote viewing. It means majority of votes will dictate the end result of remote viewing about future.
I'm skeptical about this kind of remote viewing approach. The source contamination at collective level is possible. If ninety percent of the remote viewers see an identical future event, dose it implies the human world is heading towards the future?
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Bill Ryan (6th July 2022), ClearWater (6th July 2022), eagle0027 (7th July 2022), Eva2 (7th July 2022), ExomatrixTV (11th July 2022), Harmony (11th July 2022), Inversion (6th July 2022), mountain_jim (6th July 2022), Nasu (6th July 2022), Patient (6th July 2022), Peace in Oz (7th July 2022), Satori (11th July 2022)
11th July 2022 13:49
Link to Post #2