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Thread: Golden Record Oddities

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    Costa Rica Avalon Member
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    Default Golden Record Oddities

    I was checking over the contents of the Golden Records (2) send on quite a few missions, supposedly to "one day" contact aliens. But not for 40 thousand years, they assure us, based on where they pointed them.

    And it's odd. Perhaps they hoped nobody could translate Akkadian or Sumerian symbols on Earth. OOOPPS! I can.

    The Akkadian greeting is Adannis lu Sulmu, said to mean "May all be very well." Yes, it could mean some of that, but more correctly it means:
    Sulmu = healthy, completeness, well-being
    Lu = man, humanity, and especially primeval man
    Adannis = a deadline, time frame, cycle, within the agreed time, time limit, cycle.

    So perhaps: primitive man is doing well, and progressing within the time frame.

    Sort of odd for a message to deep space, right? Which time frame as they speaking of, and do we commoners have a copy of it? Almost signs like a plan - right?

    How about the Sumerian? Silim-ma he me-en is "said" to mean "may all be well".
    I'll let you be the judge:

    Silim = to be healthy, completeness, well-being (cognate with the Akkadian Sulmu above)
    Ma = earth, land, country
    he (actually the sign they show is he2) = be it, be he
    ne = where? wither?
    en = lord, but especially used in the case of sky-gods as in En-Ki lord of the Earth,
    and En-Lil = lord of chaos

    So perhaps something closer to: The Earth is doing well. Where are the Sky-Gods?

    Which again, is not actually similar to what they have translated it as, and somewhat in your face, IMHO.

    What thinks ye, o lords of Avalon?

  2. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Jim_Duyer For This Post:

    Bill Ryan (28th August 2022), Mark (Star Mariner) (29th August 2022), Peace in Oz (29th August 2022), pounamuknight (29th August 2022), Victoria (2nd September 2022)

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