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Thread: PayPal issues, experiences and updates

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    United States Avalon Retired Member
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    Default PayPal issues, experiences and updates

    PayPal Pulls Back,
    Says It Won’t
    Fine Customers $2,500
    for ‘Misinformation’ after Backlash

    The Daily Wire reports:

    A red-faced PayPal walked back a shocking new policy announcement that users who advance “misinformation” could face fines of $2,500 per offense, saying it was all a mistake after The Daily Wire called attention to the chilling scheme.

    The financial services company, which has repeatedly deplatformed organizations and individual commentators for their political views, announced Saturday, one day after The Daily Wire story broke, that the announcement went out in error.

    “An [Accepted Use Policy] notice recently went out in error that included incorrect information,” a PayPal spokesperson said. “PayPal is not fining people for misinformation and this language was never intended to be inserted in our policy. We’re sorry for the confusion this has caused.”

    "The original announcement said PayPal would expand its “existing list of prohibited activities” on November 3. Among the changes were prohibitions on using the platform for “the sending, posting, or publication of any messages, content, or materials” that “promote misinformation” or “present a risk to user safety or wellbeing.” Users were also barred under the policy from “the promotion of hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory.”

    Before posting its initial story, The Daily Wire reached out to PayPal for definitions of the added terms but received no response.

    The report sparked outrage online, with many people tweeting pledges to dump the online payment facilitator. Particularly chilling was the fact that the policy said determinations of what could be deemed “misinformation,” or a threat to the “wellbeing” of other users was to be at the “sole discretion” of PayPal. The now-aborted policy said users could be liable for “damages” — including the removal of $2,500 “debited directly from your PayPal account” per offense.

    “Under existing law, PayPal has the ability as a private company to implement this type of viewpoint-discriminatory policy,” Aaron Terr, a senior program officer at the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression, told The Daily Wire. “Whatever motivation PayPal has for establishing these vague new categories of prohibited expression, they will almost certainly have a severe chilling effect on users’ speech. As is often the case with ill-defined and viewpoint-discriminatory speech codes, those with unpopular or minority viewpoints will likely bear the brunt of these restrictions.”

    The announcement and reversal comes days after PayPal canceled three accounts linked to Toby Young, a commentator who runs a nonprofit called Free Speech Union. The organization has defended clients such as actor and comedian Russell Brand, who recently moved his show from YouTube to Rumble in reaction to censorship from the former platform.

    Platforms such as Amazon, Twitter, and Facebook have censored conservatives over their positions on controversial social issues, including transgenderism, vaccination mandates, and homosexuality. GoFundMe seized millions in funds raised for trucker protests in Canada earlier this year, while Google recently began suppressing search results for crisis pregnancy centers.”

    read full article here

    this is a win

    a win made possible by immediate backlash intending to remove ALL funds

    they are NOTHING without us

    by now it should be CLEAR that EVER allowing them to "control" us

    was a mistake

    it is, however, a mistake well within OUR power to correct

    We should defend our way of life
    to an extent that any attempt on it is crushed,

    so that any adversary
    will never make such an attempt in the future.

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    Avalon Member justntime2learn's Avatar
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    Default Re: PayPal issues, experiences and updates

    PayPal needs to be fined themselves. By their own admission they posted misinformation.

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    United States Avalon Member Vangelo's Avatar
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    Default Re: PayPal issues, experiences and updates

    Quote Posted by iota (here)
    PayPal Pulls Back,
    Says It Won’t
    Fine Customers $2,500
    for ‘Misinformation’ after Backlash
    Yesterday I transferred out all of the auto-renewals from Paypal to a Credit Card and then asked them to delete all of my data. I gave them the reason for cancelling as "Other" and wrote that it was about their $2500 claw-back"

    This is the email I got immediately after hitting the cancel button...
    We're working on your request

    Thanks for letting us know you want to delete your PayPal account data. We've already confirmed your identity. Now, we'll look at your account history, and email you usually within 30 days to let you know the status. Certain factors, such as federal, state, and local laws, can affect what data we can delete.

    You have rights and choices about how your personal data is collected, stored, used, and shared. You can find out more in our Privacy Statement. If you don't want to click on the link, please select Privacy at the bottom of any PayPal.com page.
    I bet they come back requesting that I do not cancel.
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    United States Avalon Member thepainterdoug's Avatar
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    i TRIED TO CANCEL PAYPAL on Saturday. I got a total runaround. Their chat system must be a bot, it ran me around and beck to where I started,
    do you want to cancel your account? and then another bunch of steps and right back to the start again.

    they must be getting slammed with an exodus , or thier bots are stalling to make us weary. But Im encouraged by the response of we the people on this

    people stepping up and reminded them what this is all about.

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    Great Britain Avalon Member samildamach's Avatar
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    They could be close to a run on the bank if enough withdraw.
    A digital runaround being the same as stalling for time

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    Avalon Member Delight's Avatar
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    Default Re: PayPal issues, experiences and updates

    What is the recommended alternative for paypal? I need to shift my recurring payments and don't want to use a credit card?

  12. The Following 10 Users Say Thank You to Delight For This Post:

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    Avalon Member norman's Avatar
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    If you can hang on a bit, the founder of Paypal ( Elon Musk ) is probably just about going to buy it ( back from the CCP ?) for pennies on the dollar and merge it with Twitter and other elements to make a combined app to match the China app that I think is called snap chat but I'm not sure I've named the right one.

    None of this will do anything for me though because it will require a smart phone to do anything with the result.

    I've been having trouble (of the infuriating variety) with Paypal for a couple of years or more and I'm watching developments keenly but I don't have much hope of a proper 'human first' outcome without a complete defeat of the technocratic monster project. Musk makes cheap soundbites and should badge his ideas more accurately in the form of, e.g. ®freespeech

    What good is ®freespeech without freedom, Elon ?
    ..................................................my first language is TYPO..............................................

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    United States Avalon Member thepainterdoug's Avatar
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    Delight. The site Gab has a Gab paypal they are getting going. I believe its up and working. Im planning on signing up

    you could also use Venmo i believe

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    United States Avalon Member Casey Claar's Avatar
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    How is Venmo any different??
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    Avalon Member palehorse's Avatar
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    I stopped using them few years back. I can survive without them, it means close to nothing to me.
    If a merchant accepts PayPal but not credit cards or any local payment system, then find another merchant selling the same merchandise, it is not difficult nowadays, huge competition.
    Boycott PayPal if you can, they are crooks, I know stories of them holding big money from merchants and asking them proof of what they are selling is a real product, even if the review in their websites are real or fake ones... PayPal took justice on their own hand and they themselves are deciding what merchant is qualified or not...

    Just saying it is none of their business to decide such a thing, and when a company act like that, is in the best interest of the merchant to stay far away and BOYCOTT such idiots.
    A chaos to the sense, a Kosmos to the reason.

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    Avalon Member palehorse's Avatar
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    Default Re: PayPal issues, experiences and updates

    Quote Posted by Delight (here)
    What is the recommended alternative for paypal? I need to shift my recurring payments and don't want to use a credit card?
    before someone say, Stripe works in the same fashion way of PayPal.. I don't think there is any alternative to it at all, unless it is 100% decentralized payment system.. but we know business can't qualify to accept decentralized payments.

    I guess, ask if the business can accept cash on delivery or bank deposit, these are good options, I am using them right now, specially the cash on delivery.
    A chaos to the sense, a Kosmos to the reason.

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    United States Avalon Retired Member
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    Default Re: PayPal issues, experiences and updates

    Quote Posted by palehorse (here)
    before someone say, Stripe works in the same fashion way of PayPal.. I don't think there is any alternative to it at all, unless it is 100% decentralized payment system.. but we know business can't qualify to accept decentralized payments.

    I guess, ask if the business can accept cash on delivery or bank deposit, these are good options, I am using them right now, specially the cash on delivery.
    that is correct, i heartily agree!

    at EVERY point in this and ALL other infringements we have been at CHOICE

    the ones that remain standing?

    do so ONLY because of continued support

    support that could and CAN be easily withdrawn

    but THEY? cannot easily do without US

    in fact, without OUR support?

    their existence terminates

    i have to admit, though i make it a practice to put energy into encouragement and support of positive outcomes?

    i DID derive pleasure observing the IMMEDIATE and unmistakable scurry and panic we hurled them into to immediate backtracking

    there is a bit more to all of this that points to a more nefarious end that this whole fiasco gave a CLEAR clue and indication of, that i will post on shortly

    but know this ...

    we DID throw a monkey wrench into their plans

    also ... Venmo and paypal are one and the same

    paypals website informs us here:

    "How is the integration between my Venmo and PayPal accounts?

    Your Venmo payments are handled in the same way as other PayPal transactions, and will be placed in your PayPal account. They are also subject to the same rules as other PayPal transactions, including the rules on holds. Please note that at launch, Venmo-funded payments will not be specially designated in your account activity or reporting - they will look like regular PayPal transactions. We may add a special designation to your transaction activity or reporting in the future.

    How do I track Venmo disputes and chargebacks?

    You can track all of your disputes, including Venmo disputes, through the PayPal Resolution Center. The chargeback and dispute process for Venmo payments is generally the same as the process for PayPal payments, except for that the Venmo Authorized Merchant Payment Protection policy applies, rather than the PayPal Purchase Protection Policy."

    if you are sending money? that can be done as simple as a wire transfer, check, money order, sending money through your bank can be as simple as just knowing their phone number even ...

    i've personally used Zelle and Xoom for international transactions with no issues

    if anyone is a vendor, receiving payments? i can provide support and alternatives to paypal for that, i do have contracts with most of the major companies that are in no way affiliated with paypal including for both in person and gateways for websites or phone/MOTO .. just pm me for more info

    ah ... STILL laughing

    Last edited by iota; 28th October 2022 at 07:05.
    We should defend our way of life
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    United States Avalon Retired Member
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    Default Re: PayPal issues, experiences and updates

    ok ... so did it strike anyone else odd how it is that MSM

    (our number one enemy and deceiver of all things true and beneficial to humanity)

    is breaking form and suddenly reporting the "gaffe" that Musk's baby, PayPal committed and is backtracking on?

    and even attempting to be helpful?

    such as MSM's article on How to delete your PayPal account

    we KNOW they do NOT like us, so what gives?

    well .. turns out ...

    PayPal is Facing Class-Action Suit --
    Involving Fake and Inactive Accounts and Bot users

    The PayPal class action lawsuit alleges that PayPal throughout the Class Period touted the growth in its Net New Active Accounts (“NNAs”) and instructed investors to value the high growth in this metric as one of the most important indicators of how PayPal was performing.

    In addition, the PayPal class action lawsuit alleges that investors were unaware of the lengths PayPal was going to keep inactive customers and fake bot accounts on the platform to prevent churn and inflate its NNA guidance which would have provided a more realistic view of the true demand for PayPal’s platform.
    read all about it here

    the timing of this "accidental release" just begs the question:

    is it being used as a "cover" for the deletion of fake accounts making them indistinguishable with the mass exodus that is taking place as we speak?

    the timing was just so perfect for an accidental release of a document that would lead to mass closures

    Musk is well aware of how the process of discovery works, and this accidental release will now make it difficult, if not impossible, to distinguish between the fake accounts closing and the real ones

    you all didn't think twatter was the only culprit utilizing the "bot/fake accounts scam" did you?

    see Docket here:

    Summarized Complaint here

    suddenly the sudden eagerness to give public disclosure that adds credibility to the immense drop in numbers that will undoubtedly take place makes perfect sense!

    and brings the duplicitous MSM back to their normal activity of scheming to defraud the American Public

    just as they ALWAYS do

    whew ... i actually had to do some research to make sure they hadn't had a sudden change to their normal bias towards deception and manipulation as the standard for conducting their day to day operations!

    false alarm .. the Main Stream Media is STILL in the business of manipulation and control of the Social Narrative through deception ... nothing has changed!

    well ... except for the fact that America HAS demonstrated who ACTUALLY has the power and control

    THAT should continue to unnerve them as they experience the reverberations

    not to mention the fact that other industries would be foolish not to take note

    go WOKE
    go BROKE

    wins AGAIN!

    Last edited by iota; 12th October 2022 at 07:50.
    We should defend our way of life
    to an extent that any attempt on it is crushed,

    so that any adversary
    will never make such an attempt in the future.

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    United States Avalon Member Vangelo's Avatar
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    Default Re: PayPal issues, experiences and updates

    Here is another facet of the Paypal situation to consider.  It may take me a bit to describe this rabbit hole.  

    Governments want to replace cash with digital currency so that they can track every transaction.  They will do this with CBDCs - Central Bank Digital Currencies.  CBDCs will allow them to immediately tax the transaction in addition to keeping track of every transaction you make, who you transacted with, what you bought, and what you did with it after purchase.  They will tell you that this is a good thing because it will allow them to make sure terrorists aren't able to fund their activities (remember who the US Government recently claimed are domestic terrorists).  

    There is an even more insidious and terrifying thing about CBDCs and their ability to track transactions, and that is they can also control each and every transaction. For instance, they will be able to prohibit you from making certain transactions or stop vendors from transacting with you. This is not science fiction.  It is possible for instance, for them to prohibit you from paying for a bus ticket at the point of transaction.  

    Also, they will be able to easily control payments to the population.  For instance, Kamal Harris, our wonderful Vice President recently said this about hurricane relief payments for people and businesses destroyed by Hurricane Ian "We have to address this in a way that is about giving resources based on equity, understanding that we fight for equality, but we also need to fight for equity" ... "If we want people to be in an equal place sometimes we need to take into account those disparities and do that work."

    What does 'Equity' mean?  Yes, I know its a code-word for 'equal outcome' but my point is less about that specific policy and more about their ability to implement any draconian policy immediately and with devastating impact.  It is an unbelievably strong weapon they can use to control us and our behaviors.  It is a means to enslave us.

    Now, how does this relate to the PayPal situation?  The PayPal $2500 claw back is a very real and tangible example of the use of the financial system to enforce desired behaviors from us.  It demonstrates how the financial system can be used to control our behavior.  The fact that so many of us canceled our accounts is a good thing because it sent a message to those in control that we will respond negatively and decisively.

    There are two other items I wish to cover.  First is CBDCs versus Bitcoin.  They are not the same.  Yes, they are both digital and they are implemented on the 'blockchain'.  But, the biggest difference is that CBDCs are controlled centrally while Bitcoin is not.  Bitcoin is fully decentralized which means no one controls it.

    Second, the use of CBDCs will allow governments to by-pass the commercial and retail banking system.  All transactions will be centralized and controlled by the central banking system without the need of the private financial system (for instance, there will be no need for transaction finality via a clearinghouse). This should terrify the banking system but it has not yet (and I don't know why which leads me to wonder if I am missing something).
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    Canada Avalon Member Ernie Nemeth's Avatar
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    Although I agree with the boycott, I also understand that it is all a bit hypocritical, being just another financial tool of a fiat monetary system.

    Money has no value. Only our perception of it does. But our perception of its fake value is manipulated by the big players. So, although we imagine we know its current value, we actually have no idea.

    Also, since the banking system is privately owned, and since those private owners do not disclose their profits, nor do they pay any tax, the system is as rigged as it could possibly be.
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    Avalon Member mountain_jim's Avatar
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    Default Re: PayPal issues, experiences and updates

    Quote Posted by Delight (here)
    What is the recommended alternative for paypal? I need to shift my recurring payments and don't want to use a credit card?
    Have not used myself, but had this email today as I am a Gab member

    Quote In October of 2018 Gab was banned from Paypal. The email we received from PayPal said that the company had opted to pursue its decision as part of its “right to terminate your account for any reason and at any time upon notice to you.” Just like that a major source of our revenue was cut off from our business. From that moment forward we decided that we would never allow something like this to happen again. Not to Gab and not to anyone else who shares our values.
    An alternative to Paypal has never been more important now that the ADL will be combing through your financial transactions and ruining people’s lives for financially supporting people and organizations they don’t like. This week Paypal caught tremendous backlash after it was announced that their new terms of service had a clause that would fine users $2500 for "misinformation." Paypal later claimed that this was a "mistake" and changed course.

    We don't believe them, and neither should you.

    Meet GabPay

    from link

    What is the GabPay App?

    The new GabPay App is a Person to Person payment network. The new app allows users to instantly transfer money from nearly any bank account in the United States to anyone or any business with a cell phone or email*. NOW COMING SOON TO 140 COUNTRIES!

    How Does it Work?

    The app is simple in nature. Transfer funds from a bank account, hold a balance, send and spend with any other user, receive instantly, or cash the amount you have out to nearly any financial institution in the USA. Yes, we said instant. All transactions on the app are instant* and final, with no chargebacks!

    What Does it Cost?

    We know money is important to you, and we have our eye on the ball. We add a small fee of 1.9% plus $0.15 when you transact. You help support the network and the new Parallel Economy. You can pay, choose to have the other party pay, or split it.

    What About Outside the U.S.?

    Since we are in the United States, we began this project at home. We expect to expand into 140+ countries starting in early 2023, reaching several billion people and businesses. Will we bring this to your country? It will depend on each country's laws. Since this operates across the banking network, it will be up to the regulators in your country.

    How Do I Signup

    *Withdrawals to financial institutions are not instant. All withdrawals are subject to our standard schedule.





    Last edited by mountain_jim; 10th October 2022 at 17:35.
    I don't believe anything, but I have many suspicions. - Robert Anton Wilson

    The present as you think of it, and in practical working terms, is that point at which you select your physical experience from all those events that could be materialized. - Seth (The Nature of Personal Reality - Session 656, Page 293)

    (avatar image: Brocken spectre, a wonderful phenomenon of nature I have experienced and a symbol for my aspirations.)

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  33. Link to Post #17
    Avalon Member justntime2learn's Avatar
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    Default Re: PayPal issues, experiences and updates

    Quote WOAH. This PayPal’s stock this morning.

    An absolute nose-dive after Patriots fought back and DELETED their accounts over the woke company’s initial plans to police your First Amendment rights.

    Don’t give them an inch. This is the way.

    We are winning. Can you feel it?
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    “To develop a complete mind: Study the art of science; study the science of art. Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else” – Leonardo Da Vinci

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    Costa Rica Avalon Member
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    Default Re: PayPal issues, experiences and updates

    Quote Posted by Vangelo (here)
    Here is another facet of the Paypal situation to consider.  It may take me a bit to describe this rabbit hole.  

    Governments want to replace cash with digital currency so that they can track every transaction.  They will do this with CBDCs - Central Bank Digital Currencies.  CBDCs will allow them to immediately tax the transaction in addition to keeping track of every transaction you make, who you transacted with, what you bought, and what you did with it after purchase.  They will tell you that this is a good thing because it will allow them to make sure terrorists aren't able to fund their activities (remember who the US Government recently claimed are domestic terrorists).  

    There is an even more insidious and terrifying thing about CBDCs and their ability to track transactions, and that is they can also control each and every transaction. For instance, they will be able to prohibit you from making certain transactions or stop vendors from transacting with you. This is not science fiction.  It is possible for instance, for them to prohibit you from paying for a bus ticket at the point of transaction.  

    Also, they will be able to easily control payments to the population.  For instance, Kamal Harris, our wonderful Vice President recently said this about hurricane relief payments for people and businesses destroyed by Hurricane Ian "We have to address this in a way that is about giving resources based on equity, understanding that we fight for equality, but we also need to fight for equity" ... "If we want people to be in an equal place sometimes we need to take into account those disparities and do that work."

    What does 'Equity' mean?  Yes, I know its a code-word for 'equal outcome' but my point is less about that specific policy and more about their ability to implement any draconian policy immediately and with devastating impact.  It is an unbelievably strong weapon they can use to control us and our behaviors.  It is a means to enslave us.

    Now, how does this relate to the PayPal situation?  The PayPal $2500 claw back is a very real and tangible example of the use of the financial system to enforce desired behaviors from us.  It demonstrates how the financial system can be used to control our behavior.  The fact that so many of us canceled our accounts is a good thing because it sent a message to those in control that we will respond negatively and decisively.

    There are two other items I wish to cover.  First is CBDCs versus Bitcoin.  They are not the same.  Yes, they are both digital and they are implemented on the 'blockchain'.  But, the biggest difference is that CBDCs are controlled centrally while Bitcoin is not.  Bitcoin is fully decentralized which means no one controls it.

    Second, the use of CBDCs will allow governments to by-pass the commercial and retail banking system.  All transactions will be centralized and controlled by the central banking system without the need of the private financial system (for instance, there will be no need for transaction finality via a clearinghouse). This should terrify the banking system but it has not yet (and I don't know why which leads me to wonder if I am missing something).

    What you pointed out is serious. And probably un-Constitutional for them to do this to us - this digital credit crap.
    But we should not panic - it only adds to our growing levels of cognitive disorders.
    We should remember this when we vote, in every election from the dog catcher on up.

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    United States Avalon Member Vangelo's Avatar
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    Default Re: PayPal issues, experiences and updates

    I just logged into the PayPal account I cancelled yesterday. It is still active in that I could log in and it did not say it was closed. So, I removed the links it had to my bank account and a credit card. Now, there is no way for any transactions to occur. When I was deleting these links, it asked what my preferred method of payment was so I selected my 'PayPal balance' which is $0.00
    Happiness comes from within, nowhere else.

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  39. Link to Post #20
    United States Avalon Member Vangelo's Avatar
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    Default Re: PayPal issues, experiences and updates

    PayPal Did NOT Back Down, STILL Threatens $2,500 Fines for Promoting ‘Hate’ and ‘Intolerance’

    Here is the PayPal ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY
    Last updated on September 20, 2021 

    You are independently responsible for complying with all applicable laws in all of your actions related to your use of PayPal's services, regardless of the purpose of the use. In addition, you must adhere to the terms of this Acceptable Use Policy. Violation of this Acceptable Use Policy constitutes a violation of the PayPal User Agreement and may subject you to damages, including liquidated damages of $2,500.00 U.S. dollars per violation, which may be debited directly from your PayPal account(s) as outlined in the User Agreement (see “Restricted Activities and Holds” section of the PayPal User Agreement).
    Happiness comes from within, nowhere else.

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