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Thread: The Multipolar World Order (yes, it's coming)

  1. Link to Post #101
    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Multipolar World Order (yes, it's coming)

  2. The Following 20 Users Say Thank You to Bill Ryan For This Post:

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    Avalon Member artamis's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Multipolar World Order (yes, it's coming)

    multipolar is just sooooo good! Looking forward to it, big changes are happening, let's hope for the better!

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    Default Re: The Multipolar World Order (yes, it's coming)

    New US ambassador in Russia, Hooray?

    Quote New US Ambassador Lynn Tracy arrived at the Russian Foreign Ministry for the first time, she was greeted with chants of "war is a US business" and "America is a terrorist country"

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  7. Link to Post #104
    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Multipolar World Order (yes, it's coming)

  8. The Following 14 Users Say Thank You to Bill Ryan For This Post:

    Brigantia (30th January 2023), Dennis Leahy (30th January 2023), DNA (30th January 2023), Ewan (30th January 2023), gini (18th February 2023), Hym (31st January 2023), Mari (30th January 2023), Matthew (30th January 2023), Nasu (13th February 2023), Pam (30th January 2023), pounamuknight (31st January 2023), The KMan (6th March 2023), Vicus (30th January 2023), Yoda (30th January 2023)

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    Default Re: The Multipolar World Order (yes, it's coming)

    Here's the perfect example of "You don't understand that you don't understand", as from the point of view of the US government and anyone working on that level

    All this talk is based on one giant misunderstanding and an even bigger assumption

    "That the US government is trying to do some good therefore the US are the good guys"

    Long story short: No they aren't

    If you start talking about something, you need to first understand how it got to the point you are beginning to talk about, and not just skimp over it and assume it is true. Because if this guy truly understood all what happened before and not just reference it by passing, then he would know all he is saying exists only in Narnia, or la-la land

    Something about Iraq, the Persian Gulf, Afghanistan etc, but let's move on and not inspect the reality over that, we just going to move over and pretend we don't know the crimes against humanity the US performed over there and just call it some "good work".

    "Now let's do a mild criticism of US policy that doesn't involve directly calling our government for the clearly documented crimes of war and against humanity everyone knows about but if i would speak up about i will no longer have a career or a job anywhere"

    Problem: Most countries affected by US policy of "me above and you pay me or die", either directly or not, or who have strategically considered their options, have already figured out that the way is not with them, but "the highway"

    The US government has built a nation that depends on a single strategy for their own survival. This is not known by a lot of American citizens, but it is clear as water for most people outside
    The US lives on a "every other country must pay up or be consumed so we live a better, more privileged life than the rest, therefore we are 'the best'" Otherwise known as 'exceptionalism", the American dream, the myth, the reason why the American continent is called "The Americas" in the US but old books of history and even more recent maps and even website have the entire continent called "America" and not 'The Americas". I even saw books not older than like 1948 or so that had maps in which the entire continent, all the way up from Canada and down to Chile and Argentina was just simply called "Amerika"

    All of them, all of those countries, were part of "Amerika", and history is rewriten of course, but how do people forget? I know people who remember and did not forget

    So to wonder why countries feel off or odd or negative against the entire culture of "We are nice to you, poor friends on the south" ideology, seems off and off all around

    People at the higher ground always looks at the ones at the lower ground as midgets

    And, the best way to keep being the best, is to ensure the others can't become better than you, through any means necessary

    The question is not if the US is doing that, they are. The question is, when will the citizens of the US wake up and realize what their government has been doing all along over the entire planet, 'on the American citizens behalf"?
    Last edited by Mashika; 30th January 2023 at 13:40.

  10. The Following 14 Users Say Thank You to Mashika For This Post:

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  11. Link to Post #106
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    Default Re: The Multipolar World Order (yes, it's coming)

    Also, for people who have not become aware of this misuse of power, here's something to read and ponder about

    Monroe Doctrine (1823)
    Quote The Monroe Doctrine is the best known U.S. policy toward the Western Hemisphere. Buried in a routine annual message delivered to Congress by President James Monroe in December 1823, the doctrine warns European nations that the United States would not tolerate further colonization or puppet monarchs. The doctrine was conceived to meet major concerns of the moment, but it soon became a watchword of U.S. policy in the Western Hemisphere.

    The Monroe Doctrine was invoked in 1865 when the U.S. government exerted diplomatic and military pressure in support of the Mexican President Benito Juárez. This support enabled Juárez to lead a successful revolt against the Emperor Maximilian, who had been placed on the throne by the French government.

    Almost 40 years later, in 1904, European creditors of a number of Latin American countries threatened armed intervention to collect debts. President Theodore Roosevelt promptly proclaimed the right of the United States to exercise an "international police power" to curb such "chronic wrongdoing," in his so-called Roosevelt Corollary (or extension) to the Monroe Doctrine.

    While the Monroe Doctrine’s message was designed to keep European powers out of the Western Hemisphere, Roosevelt would strengthen its meaning to justify sending the United States into other countries of the Western Hemisphere. As a result, U.S. Marines were sent into Santo Domingo in 1904, Nicaragua in 1911, and Haiti in 1915, ostensibly to keep the Europeans out. Other Latin American nations viewed these interventions with misgiving, and relations between the “great Colossus of the North” and its southern neighbors remained strained for many years.

    In 1962, the Monroe Doctrine was invoked symbolically when the Soviet Union began to build missile-launching sites in Cuba. With the support of the Organization of American States, President John F. Kennedy threw a naval and air quarantine around the island. After several tense days, the Soviet Union agreed to withdraw the missiles and dismantle the sites. Subsequently, the United States dismantled several of its obsolete air and missile bases in Turkey.
    After that, it only kept growing, because why not, right? Once you taste power, you are never fed up enough of it

    So the term "our backyard" in reference to the south of what used to be "America" now references "South America" and North America is above and beyond, looking down and out to the 'neighbours" on the poor side of our land

    How could ever someone expect this to work for long?

    Ever heard of the "North American United States"? or simply "North America" but at the same historical time, wasn't "United States of America"? No? I guess not

    The US relationship with the south of America, It's like a violent home scene, the husband beats the wife every day. then one days he takes away the washing machine and sells it to buy drugs or drinks, then gets home and says "Why didn't you wash my clothes as you always do!" And the wife: But you sold the machine.. And he: I don't care, you should wash them the same, buy a new one and then beats the hell our of her, doesn't give her any more money but next day once again asks for ready warm washed clothes. And he forbid hers from working for someone else, because she must only serve him and no other person ever

    That's how that 'relationship' works. And then the wife beater wonders why she wants to leave and find protection somewhere else

    And i could also add some stuff about Biden and the current issues with "Friends" of the Biden family, namely the Aleman family in Mexico, who you have no idea who they are truly, and why they are so important, but so very little talked about across all the "Hunter's laptop" issue all around

    It's just there in front of everyone, but no one has taken a look? lol
    Last edited by Mashika; 30th January 2023 at 14:17.

  12. The Following 14 Users Say Thank You to Mashika For This Post:

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  13. Link to Post #107
    UK Avalon Member Matthew's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Multipolar World Order (yes, it's coming)

    Bill, or anyone else, ... do you think BRICS will sideline Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) or do you think it will lead to it's own rival CBDC? I can't see how BRICS would be any kind of useful alternative to escape CBDC, because I assume it will become centrally digitized too. Happy to have my wrong assumption corrected here.

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  15. Link to Post #108
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    Default Re: The Multipolar World Order (yes, it's coming)

    Quote Posted by Matthew (here)
    Bill, or anyone else, ... do you think BRICS will sideline Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) or do you think it will lead to it's own rival CBDC? I can't see how BRICS would be any kind of useful alternative to escape CBDC, because I assume it will become centrally digitized too. Happy to have my wrong assumption corrected here.

    But centralized around what?

    If the backer of a currency goes away, and another completely disconnected organism comes around, and if everyone switches to the new one, then who cares or bothers to go check what happened to the one that went down?

    The alternatives have already been implemented and slowly progressing towards 'production' quality, at which point countries can do business without going through "that one", then immediately the second part of the world works without any side effects. This is being worked on for several years now, but not yet there. Look around, all countries are building up their own "currency" for international transactions across them, but not including the US or allies

    Russian FM says BRICS group to consider common currency"

    Lavrov said the West uses "the same colonial methods with which it exploited developing continents," and continues using them "to plunder foreign countries and uses resources of global importance to its advantage."
    "By its actions, the West has proved that all the values and mechanisms of globalization that it itself created and promoted, including the inviolability of property, fair competition, the presumption of innocence, can be trampled on at any moment, and can also betray its allies at any moment. This is proved by the practice of not so long ago events in Afghanistan, Iraq, and during the Arab Spring of 2011," he said.
    The thing here is, how do you expect that if all countries want to move away and don't invite 'the bully' into their meetings, they will still go and pay and move their money through the bully's central bank? They don't want to, and they don't want to keep having to 'explain' what they do or with how or when to a 'central authority' that none of them chose or elected or wanted in the first place

    So as soon as they can get rid of the uninvited guest, they will sure will get rid of him

    This is not against the US citizens, this is a reaction to the nasty ways the US government has acted and the constant provocations all across the world of "with me or face the consequences"

    The western central bank will mean nothing once 80 percent of the world does business without it, then it will be just a "once were" thing and eventually it will fade out and whatever countries refused to join the new system will have to apply or die as well

    That's what the west can't handle right now, because it's the same old "WE and then you" ideology that doesn't work anymore
    Last edited by Mashika; 30th January 2023 at 14:31.

  16. The Following 17 Users Say Thank You to Mashika For This Post:

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  17. Link to Post #109
    UK Avalon Member Matthew's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Multipolar World Order (yes, it's coming)

    Quote Posted by Mashika (here)
    Quote Posted by Matthew (here)
    The thing here is, how do you expect that if all countries want to move away and don't invite 'the bully' into their meetings, they will still go and pay and move their money through the bully's central bank? They don't want to, and they don't want to keep having to 'explain' what they do or with how or when to a 'central authority' that none of them chose or elected or wanted in the first place

    So as soon as they can get rid of the uninvited guest, they will sure will get rid of him

    This is not against the US citizens, this is a reaction to the nasty ways the US government has acted and the constant provocations all across the world of "with me or face the consequences"

    The western central bank will mean nothing once 80 percent of the world does business without it, then it will be just a "once were" thing and eventually it will fade out and whatever countries refused to join the new system will have to apply or die as well

    That's what the west can't handle right now, because it's the same old "WE and then you" ideology that doesn't work anymore
    Thanks for taking the time to respond... I guess you're saying you're not so worried about it, so perhaps that's a good sign from my point of view? Is your point that BRICS inherently distributed?

    This gave me a sense of assurance:

    Quote The BRICS will need to investigate the potential of using multiple CBDC bridging technologies and other alternatives to promote international trade and foreign investment from the outset before the currencies are formally adopted. Making changes to these systems at a later stage will prove to be more expensive. To enable international trade through the CBDC, one must explore the broad dimensions of system interoperability and the arrangements that the Central Banks must consider to implement such structures.

    ^ That BRICS is some kind of spanner in the works for CBDC.

    But I guess what I'm wondering is how keen are the BRICS countries on digital currency? I don't assume BRICS is an antidote to CBDC. In 2001 Goldman Sachs didn't know about bitcoin, BRIC[S] primary purpose was as an anti-dollar mechanism, not an anti CBDC mechanism.

    If digital currency, that is tracked and expires so you can't save it, is popular with state leaders why wouldn't BRICS facilitate that? There is nothing I see in BRICS that inherently cares or guards against this issue, it's job is to undermine the dollar only. The big issue in a multipolar world is concerning the dollar but on a personal level the hot topic is about avoiding CBDC.

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  19. Link to Post #110
    Argentina Avalon Member Vicus's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Multipolar World Order (yes, it's coming)

    China ‘counters US dollar hegemony’ with gold reserves, Argentina yuan currency swap deal

    Advancing global de-dollarization, China’s central bank is boosting its gold reserves while signing currency swap deals in yuan with countries like Argentina, encouraging the use of renminbi instead of US dollars.

    China’s central bank has taken a series of steps to accelerate the global drive toward de-dollarization, challenging the hegemony of the greenback.

    The People’s Bank of China is increasing the share of gold in its foreign-exchange reserves, bucking the US dollar, which has for decades been dominant in international central bank holdings.

    This January, China also signed an agreement with Argentina’s central bank for a currency swap deal, in which Beijing will provide 130 billion Chinese yuan (roughly $19 billion USD) to help Buenos Aires stabilize its currency and economy.

    The South American nation said it is “committed to deepen the use of the RMB [renminbi] in the Argentine market for bilateral exchange”. (Renminbi is the official name of the Chinese currency, and is often used interchangeably with yuan, which is the unit of account of that currency.)

    China’s semi-official newspaper Global Times commented that the deal makes it “likely that more Latin American countries will increase the use of Chinese yuan in order to counter the US dollar’s hegemony, and strengthen economic ties with China”.

    These moves show how China is responding to the new cold war that the United States is waging against it.

    Concerned that the aggressive sanctions that Washington has already imposed could expand into an all-out economic war, Beijing is decreasing its holdings of dollars in reserves and encouraging the use of its currency in trade with other nations – thereby chipping away at the global reserve currency.

    Meanwhile, Russia’s central bank has pledged to buy yuan in the foreign-exchange market to hold in its reserves. And Beijing is already purchasing oil from Moscow in its national currency.


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  21. Link to Post #111
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    Default Re: The Multipolar World Order (yes, it's coming)

    ‘Disneyland’ for investors is over, Nassim Taleb warns
    1 Feb, 2023 14:54

    Famed author and former trader says the market is not ready for high interest rates

    Former banker Nassim Taleb, best known for his bestseller “Black Swan,” has advised market players to brace for drastic changes worldwide, due to rising interest rates.

    In an interview with Bloomberg TV, aired on Tuesday, he said that over the past 15 years, investors have grown used to near-zero interest rates, introduced to drag Western economies out of the 2008 financial crisis. This triggered a number of asset bubbles, with assets trading much higher than their true value. Taleb estimates these at more than half a trillion dollars, calling them “illusionary wealth,” with market valuations out of proportion to companies’ cash flow.

    “What do zero interest rates bring? Tumors. All these years, assets were inflating like crazy. It’s like a tumor, I think it’s the best explanation, because you’re happy with the growth, but it’s uncontrolled growth, and then ‘boom’,” Taleb said, explaining that “tumors” include everything from Bitcoin to soaring real estate prices.

    According to the analyst, if a company earns less than 4.75% of its value – the current short-term interest rate in the US – it is losing money. And with interest rates likely to grow further due to lingering inflation, asset bubbles are likely to burst.

    “It doesn’t rain money anymore… Disneyland is over, the children go back to school. It’s not going to be as smooth as it was the last 15 years,” he warned.

    Taleb argued that it is hard to justify current stock market levels unless US interest rates “miraculously” return to near-zero levels, which the Fed will not allow as it has “realized zero-rates don’t work” and create only “cosmetic growth.”

    “The stock market is way too overvalued, for interest rates that are not 1%... and this is unsustainable… The stock market has to adjust to normal levels,” he stated, warning that it will take some time before the situation stabilizes.

    “Things won’t be fine for a while. We have the weirdest valuations in history,” Taleb added.

    Nassim Taleb is known as a writer and economist. He has published three economic bestsellers, and introduced the concept of a ‘Black Swan,’ referring to hard-to-predict and rare events that have significant consequences for financial markets.


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    Belgium Avalon Member All is one's Avatar
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    Default The MULTI system world: ONE world: MULTIPLE systems

    ONE WORLD: different evolutionary roads

    What do you guys think of the idea of having a world run by different systems instead of having our world evolve towards a one world order?
    One world in which one can choose what type of system one wants to use/belong to; similar to having the different valuta being used and recognized amongst different countries today.

    Do you think it is possible to have different societal systems used around the globe simultaneously?
    Whereby every system is recognized, respected and understood, this in order so that they can exist in harmony next to each other.

    (Parallel systems that one can choose to be a part of and which will give people back their natural rights etc. whilst also keeping order, protecting the people and preventing destructive chaos. )

    Possibilities for practical organization:

    Importance of ID cards and privacy

    The ID card could be used to indicate to which system you want to belong to. This would mean that if you’ve indicated to want to follow the technocratic course one would fall under their laws and restrictions, if you’ve indicated you want to follow the other evolutionary road, plan B, one would fall under the protection of that structure.

    (directly choose how you want to live and have it validated on your ID card)

    Overlapping area’s

    How to organize this in one world?

    What about with traffic rules and regulations etc. ?

    Well if one would have 2 (or 3) systems existing parallel to each other in the same society both/all systems would need to agree on some rules as well, like traffic rules, but could diverge from each other on other subjects like health care rules, schooling rules, etc.

    This way people could be free to choose their pathway towards the future.

    People who like the soothing aspects of a system that controls everything can choose to live under that system, people that want to live a lifestyle in accordance with alternative ways of living can also choose that path.

    This way humanity would not only build a harmonious balanced future but one that is strong enough to pass the test of time.

    Alternatives exist

    Many alternatives for current health and education system etc. already exist, but they just ain’t structured and recognized as much as the main stream system …

    So more structuring recognition etc. of the alternative systems could help in setting up a new system of equal value as the mainstream system.

    Importance of a new blueprint

    It is important that a blueprint for the new alternative system is first made and the new societal structures created. So that a choice is an option and not an illusion.

    (In the mean time one maybe could already choose to be part of the creation of that new system, but it will only be able to be finalized in a definitive decision and indication as soon as the system exists completely. This so that the indication is a step on a road to follow and not a step in the void/dark. )

    2 parallel systems in one world is it possible?

    It’s for a large part up to the people to shape reality, but to be able to do this they need to be able to agree on what and how they want things to be. As soon as a large enough group can agree; new systems can be created.

    Thus whether a multi-system world can become a reality depends on the capacity of people to work together and agree on things.

    The real question is if people subconsciously want to be free or if they’ve subconsciously already chosen not to put effort in creating any other options or solutions?

    All is one
    Last edited by All is one; 3rd February 2023 at 18:47.
    Please don’t use the apples of someone else’s tree to satisfy your own thirst. (If you did eat another’s fruit; have the decency to give some fruit back.)

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  25. Link to Post #113
    Canada Avalon Member Ernie Nemeth's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Multipolar World Order (yes, it's coming)

    What happened? This was another thread a moment ago.
    Ya, I thought it was already covered in this thread.
    I lost a long post, probably for the best, one might think. Maybe, but I thought it was alright.
    When I posted it, there was no longer the thread to post it to.
    Okay, rant over.

    edit: calmer now
    found the post
    it is saved but was saved to the new thread, which doesn't exist
    mods, please post it to this thread
    note: deleted most of rant
    Last edited by Ernie Nemeth; 3rd February 2023 at 19:31.
    Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless — like water...Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend. Bruce Lee

    Free will can only be as free as the mind that conceives it.

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    Argentina Avalon Member Vicus's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Multipolar World Order (yes, it's coming)

    Time is up... for the "west"

    Why building a new world order is now an existential issue for Russia

    It is important to understand that the West's proxy war against Russia is not just another slight bump in the road in our centuries-old relations, but rather a deep, protracted conflict with long-lasting consequences. The old strategy, beginning with Peter the Great, to Europeanize the country and take its place in that world, is no longer relevant.

    Which is more important - politics or strategy? Before answering, we need to define the terms. The former is a very broad term. It covers a wide range of meanings - from the political course to the smallest opportunistic steps of a tactical nature. Moreover, politics can refer not only to the activities of a single area, but to an infinite number of topics, such as the domestic politics of Israel, the politics of the great powers in the Pacific, or global politics in the first quarter of the 21st century.

    By comparison, the concept of strategy is much narrower and more defined. It has two main components - the goal the subject is aiming for, and the general path it has chosen to reach the goal. Strategy is very sensitive to circumstances and is constantly being adjusted, but the specific details of moving towards the goal belong to tactics. Unlike politics, which has its origins in civil administration and involves interaction with other forces operating in the same field. Strategy, which has its roots in military affairs, involves resistance. That is, the obligatory presence of an adversary.

    In the time of the Prussian military theorist Carl Clausewitz, who famously said that war is the continuation of politics by other (namely violent) means, strategy meant military strategy, which was strictly subordinate to politics as the highest category. Subsequently, the use of the word changed. Strategy increasingly came to be understood as higher politics, while politics was often understood as political tactics.

    It is clear to everyone that the modern world has entered a period of several crises: geopolitical with an acute phase of great power rivalry and the emergence of new players on the global stage, economic with the regionalization of economics and finance, values including the inability of modern Western obsessions to become universal and the struggle between tradition and innovation within the West itself, as well as between the West and the East and South, and now the North - Russia, and so on. A major factor influencing the course and outcome of each of these crises has been the explosive growth of technology in various fields, from computer science to bioengineering. These circumstances make it extremely difficult not only to anticipate the general course of events, but even to position correctly to deal with their consequences.

    Therefore, when dealing with the crises of our time, it is particularly dangerous to get caught up in fantasies. It is equally reckless to drift at the mercy of the currents. So, it follows that the strategist (planner and navigator) and the politician (the pilot) must work together and in very close contact with each other.

    So far, all this seems rather abstract. Let's sharpen the question. What should be Russia's strategy and policy in the current circumstances, one year after the start of the military operation in Ukraine?

    Let us begin by assessing the current situation. One effect of the conflict has already been a fundamental change in the external environment in which Russia finds itself. Its political relations with the collective West, and its allies, have become openly hostile and the armed conflict in Ukraine is a proxy war by the West against Russia.

    Economic relations with this part of the world have been permanently undermined and are shrinking like Mars bars. Cultural, scientific, sporting and humanitarian ties have been severely curtailed, the information war has reached maximum intensity, and the Iron Curtain in Europe has been rebuilt - this time by the West.

    However, Russia is not completely isolated. It maintains and develops partnerships in many areas with the world's new centers of power, and other countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. This part of the world community includes most of the world's states, where the majority of the human population lives and where more than half of the global economy is concentrated. It can rightly be called a world majority with the clear understanding, of course, that this majority is not a bloc and that its members are not allies of Russia. They are guided primarily by national interests and are deeply integrated into the global economy and the Western-centric institutions that serve it, which significantly limits interaction with Moscow.

    The dramatic shift in the external cycle has led to profound changes within Russia. The old model of mainly exporting raw materials and importing technology no longer works. The political system, which was built on liberal American-French models and then adapted more or less successfully - in substance, not in form - to domestic traditions, is obviously in need of a profound overhaul. The quasi-ideology of pragmatism and the cult of money, which dominated the country after the collapse of the USSR, proved to be flawed and harmful. In short, the end of the historical orientation towards integration with the Western world logically requires Russia to reorient itself. But what does this mean? To which "self"? Soviet, tsarist or otherwise?

    A prerequisite for Russia's long-term strategy is victory in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. The most important criterion for such a victory is a state that is guaranteed not to lead to a renewed war after some time. On the contrary, a defeat - if it is hypothetically possible - could provoke a destabilization of the country, accompanied by the disintegration of Russian statehood. The stakes for Russia in the current conflict are therefore existential and fundamentally higher than those of the US and its allies.

    As far as foreign policy is concerned, Russia's strategy of moving towards the goal outlined above, i.e., the status of a major world player, implies - among many other obvious things - active participation in building a new world order that excludes domination by any one country or group of countries.

    This is an impossible task for Russia alone. That is why it makes sense to start peace-building efforts by developing the existing institutions and practices of non-Western countries such as the BRICS, the SCO, the EAEC and the CSTO. This is a huge and complex task that requires the coordinated efforts of many states, but it is here that the groundwork is being laid for the creation of political, economic, financial and other institutions suited to the realities of the first half of the 21st century.


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    Argentina Avalon Member Vicus's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Multipolar World Order (yes, it's coming)

    "What do you guys think of the idea of having a world run by different systems instead of having our world evolve towards a one world order?"

    post: https://projectavalon.net/forum4/sho...=1#post1541659

    Good idea for communities like Avalon; 13000 members plus 600 visitors...positive thinking in each country the same...
    that make a little city in each country...rest of the world settlement by "sheep people"...sorry, but just look around...they move only by friction...

    History lessons:

    _ Ancient Greek: Warring each other city states just once united Victorious against Persian invaders.30 years later in civil war...

    _ Alexander Imperium dismember after his death, his companions and friends warring each other for pieces.

    _ Roman Empire slowly disintegrated because too much expanded, ring a bell?...
    from his carcasses give birth to European states warring each other until today...

    _ The Americas, after kicking colonial powers civil wars everywhere...

    _ Africa, Asia more of the same...

    _ Today: the Dying "west"

    I try to think positive but "reality is a bitch!"

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    Default Re: The Multipolar World Order (yes, it's coming)

    5 Feb, 2023 08:27
    India ditches dollar to bypass sanctions on Russian oil – Reuters

    Local refiners are reportedly using UAE dirhams to pay for most of the Russian oil bought from Dubai-based traders

    Indian refiners are now using Emirati dirhams instead of US dollars to pay for most of the Russian oil they purchase via traders based in the United Arab Emirates, Reuters reported last week, citing sources familiar with the matter.

    The Indian authorities have not supported the measures against Russia adopted by the G7 in response to the conflict in Ukraine. The steps are aimed at cutting Moscow’s energy revenues.

    A $60-per-barrel price cap on Russian seaborne oil exports was introduced by the EU, G7 countries, and Australia on December 5. The mechanism prohibits Western companies from providing insurance and other services to shippers of Russian oil unless the cargo is purchased at or below the set price.

    A similar measure targeting petroleum exports came into force on February 5. It sets the price of refined petroleum products imported from Russia at $100 per barrel for diesel and $45 per barrel for fuel oil.

    Though New Delhi decided not to take part in the restrictions, Indian banks and financial institutions remain cautious about clearing payments so as not to unintentionally fall foul of the other measures introduced against Russia.

    Previous attempts to pay traders for Russian crude in dirhams through Dubai banks reportedly failed, forcing Indian refiners to switch back to the US currency. The State Bank of India, the country’s top bank, is now clearing the dirham payments, the sources told the news agency, disclosing some details of the transactions.

    Indian refiners reportedly make most of their purchases of Russian crude from Dubai-based traders, including Everest Energy and Litasco, a unit of Russian oil major Lukoil.

    In July of last year, media reports emerged that Russia expected some Indian buyers to pay for crude in dirhams. Later, Indian refineries reportedly turned to the yuan and dirhams for Russian coal as well.


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    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Multipolar World Order (yes, it's coming)

    I had to post this somewhere, and this thread seemed appropriate.

    This is an extremely clever and moving video, just a couple minutes. HIGHLY HIGHLY recommended.


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    Russia to reroute oil exports to ‘friendly’ states – official
    14 Feb, 2023

    Energy supplies will not go to countries that support price caps, Deputy PM Novak has said

    Russia intends to shift the exports of its oil and petroleum products to ‘friendly’ countries this year, increasing their share in total supplies shipped abroad to 75-80%, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandr Novak has revealed.

    “As for supplies to states that maintain illegitimate price restrictions, our position here is widely known and remains unchanged: such countries will not receive Russian oil,” Novak wrote in an article for the magazine Energy Policy on Monday.

    He noted that oil production in Russia amounted to 535.2 million tons in 2022, which is 2% more than in the previous year. Oil exports increased by 7.6%, to 242 million tons, Novak wrote.

    The deputy PM also noted that last year, in order to reorient Russian oil supply to friendly countries, a project was implemented to increase transportation via the major eastern port of Kozmino. As a result, deliveries to the countries in the Asia-Pacific region rose to 42 million tons per year.

    Moscow has been diversifying its energy supplies in response to Western sanctions. The EU’s ban on Russian refined petroleum products, which came into force on February 5, set a price limit of $100 per barrel for diesel, jet fuel, and gasoline from Russia, and a $45-per-barrel cap for other oil products that trade below the crude price, such as fuel oil used in industry.

    The price caps, together with an EU ban on imports of Russian oil products, are part of a broader agreement among the G7 countries. It follows a $60-per-barrel cap on Russian crude that the G7 along with the EU and Australia imposed on December 5.

    The measures prohibit Western companies from financing, insuring, trading, brokering, or carrying cargoes of Russian crude and oil products unless they were bought at or below the set price caps.

    Moscow has opposed any attempts to cap the prices of its energy exports. The Russian government has banned crude sales to buyers that mention the price ceiling in their contracts, and a similar restriction is expected to be introduced in response to the EU’s latest cap on oil products.


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    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Multipolar World Order (yes, it's coming)

    I think this better belongs here than on the Nord Stream sabotage thread. The significance is that while western media and western politicians are largely totally silent about this, the rest of the world now knows the whole story: China, Russia, India, Iran, Syria, all the BRICS and SCO nations, everyone in Africa and South America, and so on.

    The global south's learning point from this is that the US is a pathological rogue state and can never be trusted. The 'rules-based' international order follows no rules at all other than its own hegemonic, self-serving ones. It'll never be allowed to prosper again.


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    Russia and Bolivia Use Their Currencies for International Trade 16 February 2023

    "Financial operations can now be carried out using national currencies, which means a blow to the hegemony of the dollar," said Ledenyov.

    This week, Russian and Bolivian companies began to carry out international commercial transactions using the ruble and the Bolivian instead of the U.S. dollar.

    "Financial operations can now be carried out using national currencies, which means a blow to the hegemony of the dollar," said Mikhail Ledenyov, the Russian ambassador to Bolivia.

    This modality of international trade is possible thanks to agreements that monetary authorities reached after holding several virtual meetings in 2022.

    “As a result, direct correspondent accounts in rubles and Bolivianos were opened between Gazprombank and Union, the largest Bolivian state-owned bank,” Lendenyov said, adding that this facilitates the work of Russian companies in the Andean market.

    The diplomat also mentioned that Bolivian companies are interested in exporting tropical fruits, soybeans, wine, alcoholic beverages, coffee, lithium, tin, gold and silver to Russia.

    To achieve this goal, they are intensifying consultations with the embassy to establish direct contacts with Russian companies.

    "I hope that Bolivians will present their proposals at the next meeting of the Russia-Bolivia Intergovernmental Commission, which is scheduled to take place this year," Ledenyov said, adding that both countries are interested in increasing health cooperation.

    “Bolivia has areas where it is difficult to build and manage a stationary hospital. However, mobile diagnostic methods can be used, with different technologies and special vehicles. This project is under negotiation,” the Russian diplomat pointed out.


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