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Thread: Taxing times just hours away...

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    Scotland Avalon Member scotslad's Avatar
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    Default Taxing times just hours away...

    The Inflation Reduction Act includes three major energy taxes that are expected to
    • increase household energy bills
    • One is a regressive tax on American oil and gas development, estimated to increase taxes by $6.5 billion
    • Democrats are proposing a 16.4 cents-per-barrel tax on crude oil likely to be passed on to consumers in the form of higher gas prices
    • It would shred President Biden's promise not to raise taxes for Americans making less than $400,000 per year
    • US inflation is 7.1% for 12 months to November 2022 after rising 7.7% previously

    Something's got to break or has it already?

    Rising costs, inflation, interest rates, more strikes and walkouts than in 40+ years and even more tax hikes to come...

    More HERE.
    Last edited by scotslad; 30th December 2022 at 07:21.

  2. The Following 9 Users Say Thank You to scotslad For This Post:

    Bill Ryan (30th December 2022), Brigantia (30th December 2022), Franny (30th December 2022), Icare (31st December 2022), Mari (30th December 2022), rgray222 (30th December 2022), Sue (Ayt) (30th December 2022), Vangelo (30th December 2022), wondering (31st December 2022)

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    Finland Avalon Member rgray222's Avatar
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    Default Re: Taxing times just hours away...

    Quote Posted by scotslad (here)
    Something's got to break or has it already?
    Rising costs, inflation, interest rates, more strikes and walkouts than in 40+ years and even more tax hikes to come...
    I honestly believe the goal is to break the system to the point where the majority of the people feel things must change and at that point bring in socialism lite. That would be the first step in radically changing America forever. They are in a massive rush to get this done under Biden's watch.

    Trump set their efforts back 4 years and showed people that energy independence and border security were possible. President Trump showed people that the economy could roar and government coffers would be full when taxes were cut. He talked about peace through strength and stopping all USA participation in wars. He brought home 56 Americans held in prisons in 24 countries with little or no fanfare. The list of accomplishments goes on and on. If/when Trump gets back in or DeSantis becomes President and puts these policies back in place Americans will realize the Democrat Party model is broken beyond repair and the Trump agenda was not an anomaly.

  4. The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to rgray222 For This Post:

    Brigantia (30th December 2022), Icare (31st December 2022), Mari (30th December 2022), onevoice (1st January 2023), RatRodRob...RRR (31st December 2022), scotslad (31st December 2022), wondering (31st December 2022)

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