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Thread: Alternative theory of the universe

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    Estonia Avalon Member
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    Default Alternative theory of the universe

    Hello ! Oh boy,i dont even know from where to start ...

    Around 4 years ago i figured out something about space (or at least i think i did) after which i had an out of body experience (which i assume was the so called "enlightenment" experience and i will talk about that in detail ).

    I had my first out of body experiences at age 16 when i randomly stumbled upon introductions how to do astral projection, proceeded to try it and strangely enough i succeeded at first try. Thats when i started to dwell into esoterics, metaphysics, "conspiracys" etc to figure out whats up with this reality. I didnt want to participate in a society which seemed it was made up of whole punch of lies and i wanted to seek truth. So i quit school and at age of 18 i moved to Spain (I was born in Estonia), became a squatter and here i am still. Im 34 now, havent had an passport or bank account for 16 years. Never had legal job in my life, no idea how to pay taxes etc.. So i guess im pretty far from normal. I havent talked much to anybody for the last 4 years and i aint gonna lie, that is starting to affect mental health a bit. People seek attention and approval daily to get some encourangement or confirmation that they are going in the right direction.

    Well i havent had that luxury. I tried to tell about my experiences to several people but they ofc didnt react well to it. So i've kept quiet for years, reading and learning and now i will try to share what i came up with.

    It's kind of an model of universe which is rather simple once one understands it. I came up with it quite accidentally. I was reading in wikipedia about astrophysical jets (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astrophysical_jet) and then i got curious - astrophysical jets start at the poles of black holes but where do they end? And more importantly ,does something interesting happen in there? Do they fade into open space like fart into the wind or do they go out with a bang? What is the jet made out of and how it works?

    So i wondered if maybe in one of those countless images of space there could be seen what happens to the jet. It took me less than 5 minutes to stumble upon an image that made my spirit tingle. And i think everyone has seen that picture. It was the image of Cat eye nebula https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cat's_Eye_Nebula

    I assumed the astrophysical jet is an double-helix, just like some forms of Birkeland current.
    So i proceeded to read what the heck is a nebula. Short answer - birthplace of stars.
    Hmm. We got the accreation disk and the so called black hole where whole galaxies get devoured and out of it come jets that create stars? Is it that simple? What is the official explanation, where do nebulae come from?

    Nebula is an aftermath of supernova. Which is an aftermath of an collapse of Neutron star. Before neutron star you got magnetar/pulsar, red giant and then white dwarves. All those funky stars with their pecularities. Are they really stars? Or are they the end point of astrophysical jet?

    So i started to read and compare my speculations to wikipedia explanations. It took me several days to read countless pages on wikipedia about different stars, galaxys, etc, trying to disprove my speculations but the more i read the more it seemed that i was on the right path.

    So,trying to put it shortly what i came up with. After the astrophysical jet stops accelerating away from the accreation disk (which is where every element in the spiral galaxy breaks into helium, releasing alot of pressure) it will start appearing to us as white dwarf (binary star, always 2 of them). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_dwarf

    Next phase is when the double helix starts to collide onto/into itself . This will appear as 2 spinning reverse whirlpools of Helium-4 that orbit around each other. On radio telescope data it will look like 2 spinning magnetic fields orbiting each other rapidly.

    What happens when alot of helium-4 collides with other helium-4? Answer - nucleosynthesis of oxygen and carbon happens https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triple-alpha_process

    This phase we will see as red giant ,star that supposedly throws out its atmosphere made out of carbon and oxygen into open space. Never sphericly ,equally into all directions but in a weird funky way.


    After Red giant phase would come the magnetar and pulsar phase. Their main characteristics is ridiculously strong magnetic fields which also spin at unrealistic speeds. Look up and read about those stars and see how much more they make sense if you think of them as end points of astrophysical jet.

    Now the next phase happens - neutron star and supernova . Read about supernovae and you will see they always explode/implode into one direction,sort of . Very strange thing to do for a spherical object.

    In my theory what happens is like when you stretch out an piece of rubber and let one end go and you get slapped against your fingers. Same with jet. The jet slams/collides onto itself and that creates what we call supernova . And that is followed by nebula. After supernova we got these giant chunks flying around called cometary knots. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cometary_knot

    I assume these are created when jet slamms onto itself, creating enough pressure to create these unstable giant things that will spinningly break apart into smaller pieces that can become smaller galaxys or star systems.

    As wiki puts it "They are generally larger than the size of the Solar System ". One fun thing is that supernovae often happen 2 at the exact time but very far apart from each other. No explanation why . But if we got astrophysical jets flying out from both poles of the accreation disks then there would be 2 bangs ,which would create 2 new galaxys (which would also solve parallel galaxy mistery). At first flying away from each other, later starting to move closer to each other. That i think has largely to do with galactic filaments which i assume are like smoketrails behind rocket, except these are left by astrophysical jets and they keep the galaxys connected from birth until the end (until they meet their opposite galaxy or if the galaxy gets destroyed by accreation disk) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galaxy_filament

    By the time the parralel galaxys meet they have usually both shifted 90 degrees from their original axis. While separating from each other and forming into a spiral galaxy they are connected by the poles. After establishing their own toroidal magnetic field and shifting 90 degrees they become connected equatorially. Galactic filament becomes like a bike chain between 2 galaxys, through which i assume they move closer together.

    Oh i forgot to mention that each supernova creates a toroidal helium that will become the center of spiral galaxy. It will becme the central torus in the magnetic field of the galaxy. It is what spins the magnetic filaments while being spinned by them. In later phase of spiral galaxy when that poloid of helium starts to devour the galaxy we call it accreation disk. Then it becomes luminous and visible,otherwise it is hard to spot. There are no black holes, just the toroidal accreation disk.

    One good example of that central torus where 929 years ago supernova happened

    Some thoughts about how the cycles of universe might happen - So if we imagine that the beginning of our universe aka the big bang happened this way that 2 giant old galaxys or helium toroids collided, created enormos jets and one of the end parts was our side of universe. Other side we might not see or even when we do it aint gonna be mirror image because of distance.

    The bigger the jet, the further it goes,the bigger the galaxy it creates. If the time it takes to meet up its opposite galaxy is too great, instead after it has flipped 90 degrees it will create 2 new galaxys (because everything in galaxy spirals into helium poloid, increase in pressure stretches out the magnetic flux lines at poles,creating the jets).

    Every time they split without meeting their opposite they will be closer and smaller. Splitting like cells, but the more they split the more they lose in size and distance from each other. 2 big galaxys split into 4 smaller ones, those 4 split into 8 smaller ones than themselves etc.

    Oh boy, it is 3.20 AM and i have to wake up at 8 AM so i will try to continue my explanation tomorrow. Took longer than expected lol. In short conclusion, everything is connected to everything else in this universe through magnetic fields. If something starts to tingle or buzz in the middle of the skull, concentrate on it ...


    [P.S. -- In order that I could more easily read Jaak's above post, I just now adjusted the spacing of paragraphs and punctuation to more "conventional" standards. -- ThePythonicCow, June 16, 2024]
    Last edited by ThePythonicCow; 16th June 2024 at 16:20.

  2. The Following 40 Users Say Thank You to Jaak For This Post:

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    United States Avalon Member thepainterdoug's Avatar
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    Jaak. i find your life story fascinating, far more than your universe concept, not that i dont give it creedence, seems to me as good as any when it comes to theories and mathematics etc. Im not much for the big bang. And ever since i started studying NDE experiences, I lost my interest in science, astrophysics and so on.
    I feel the bigger a telescope we build, the more we will see,not by whats out there, but by what we collectively agree to create to be out there. Our conciousness first, telescope after.

    When i think big bang, i can't help but think, give us one miracle, and we will explain the rest. explain the big bang to a child, and the obvious question is, but what was there before the big bang ? .ill go with the kids on this. and where did they get the space for it to bang into? ha

    but you have a fascinating life in that you have an education completely to the contrary of what most strive for. Harvard? yale? you know stuff they and others dont know just by the road you have taken.
    i would like to know more of that and how you are able to have an obe?

    all my best

  4. The Following 24 Users Say Thank You to thepainterdoug For This Post:

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    Belgium Avalon Member Johan (Keyholder)'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Alternative theory of the universe

    Hi Jaak! Thanks for the very interesting opening post of this thread. I agree with thepainterdoug that your life story is very fascinating. Maybe not a whole lot of people will be able to follow your new theory of the universe, but I am also sure 'there is something to it'.

    Right away, when reading, I had to think about Walter Russell's cosmogony. Somehow I think yours and his theory are related. He goes beyond the "physical" aspects of cosmology, so maybe his book will interest you. You can find it in the Avalon library here: "A new concept of the Universe" (written in 1953. Especially the drawings at the end of the book... have a look at pages 162 and 163 (it's all about helixes and toroids).

    And as very few people can OBE the first time, like thepainterdoug, I also would like to know more about these abilities you have. Solitude "breeds" ingenuity... and you are a perfect example thereof.

  6. The Following 15 Users Say Thank You to Johan (Keyholder) For This Post:

    aoibhghaire (25th February 2023), Bill Ryan (25th February 2023), Brigantia (11th March 2023), ExomatrixTV (26th February 2023), Harmony (25th February 2023), Jaak (25th February 2023), Johnnycomelately (25th February 2023), Journeyman (25th February 2023), Marbelo (25th February 2023), Miller (25th February 2023), Nasu (25th February 2023), palehorse (10th April 2024), RMF808 (9th April 2024), thepainterdoug (25th February 2023), XelNaga (25th February 2023)

  7. Link to Post #4
    Estonia Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Alternative theory of the universe

    I have read Walter Russells books and i largely agree with him ( as much as i understand them.Cant say i understand or agree with all of it totally) . I am an autodidact like he was . I do believe that Walter Russel also experienced enlightened state,as he claimed . His level of understanding is quite extraordinary .One main thing that i agree with W.Russel is that light is not made of photons or electrons or virtual particles etc but like is the case with all waves ,it is pressure propagating in a medium . All waves are pressure propagating through medium. No medium or no pressure difference then you cant have waves. Yet light is a wave ...
    Metaphoricly you can imagine the universe like a swimming pool with water inside that is invisible and cant be detected in no way as long as it is still . When something happens inside that pool we can see the waves but we cant see the medium/water. And thats how i suspect the EMF spectrum and the universe works. What we call atoms is made out of same medium,difference is density and volume. Ice and steam are rather different things yet they are the same thing ,their main difference being the volume or how large area they occupy and how tightly they are packed in that area(and some other things).
    Shortly after i came up with that universe theory i started to read and learn more about electricity ,mainly because i was rather ignorant about it and i wanted to understand it more.I sort of figured out the pattern how things work on big scale so i decided to learn about the small scale things (basics of nuclear physics,went through history of electricity,learned how different electrical things work,wave modulation etc ). Quite soon i found Eric Dollard's lectures on YT which i also think are top notch. From Eric Dollard i stumbled upon Ken Wheeler (YT channel called Theoria Apophis) and i got to say i largely agree with both of them . From Ken Wheeler i ended upon Walter Russel . I read his books first time around 2 years ago. Still got to work through Divine Illiad at some point ..
    "And as very few people can OBE the first time, like thepainterdoug " - What i have heard is that when someone can get out of body experience first time they try then they are either and old soul(they have gone through more reincarnation cycles than others) or they have been in the shamanic path in their previous lives (most likely they experienced reality as an fungi/mushroom which is very different than experiencing reality as an normal tree or a plant).
    I tend to agree with this view that soul evolves out of spirit and it starts at mineral level (experiencing the geometric forms and the basic rules of the universe which are balance and order.Magnetic fields balance themselves and keep themselves orderly unlike anything other and yet everything that we can detect or measure in this existance has an magnetic field.Where you got balance and order,you will ger harmony.
    No pain or discomfort on that geometric mineral level,probably is a dream-like state which is rather hard to imagine).Then spirit moves to plant level(combination of minerals,learning to keep the balance within itself and with its environment),then to animal level and then to human one.
    Every toroidal magnetic field seems to be pierced through the poles by an double-helix . Like water poured down a perfect hyperbolic funnel will form a double-helix which can be seen in this Viktor Schaubergers documentary https://youtu.be/yXPrLGUGZsw?t=3733 around 1 hour and 2 minutes should show it . Who hasnt seen the whole doc or who hasnt read "Living water" by Olof Alexandersson , i do recommend it .
    If we look at the spirit as the double-helix of the magnetic field (or it could be the whole toroidal magnetic field.From my experiences it seemed the energy flow was most intense in our spine and through the center of the skull but that golden-copper coloured "string" was also very strongly present in the center of arms and legs. The first and only time i experienced that golden-copper colored string was during my enlightenment experience which i will talk about now .
    I had been sitting and reading about universe for hours and i was in really extatic state from coming to understand how the cycles of the universe possibly work . I decided to take a nap because i had some stuff to do in the evening and as i stood up i was stretching myself and cracking my body ,doing neck-rounds etc because i had been sitting for hours in an discomfortable position . So as i stood and just enjoyed myself there ,standing stretched out with my head all the way on the back i noticed something i had been ignoring all that time. My whole body was very strongly buzzing,just as it does moment before you pass out when falling asleep or when you try to get out of body.
    So i half-jokingly started breathing slowly and rhytmicly while thinking nothing ,just directed all my attention to that buzzing .Very quickly after that the buzzing turned into a very high-pith tune which was very strong and loud in either center of the skull or in the back of the skull.
    Maybe easiest way to describe it ,just listen to this sound that comes on on seventh minute in this instrumental tune https://youtu.be/N_GnrC9lp3I?t=422
    It didnt sound exactly the same but it was kind of similar and its pitch kept going higher the more i concentrated on it.The pitch got so annoyingly high that i thought if i heard that sound with my ears i would lose or damage my hearing.
    And then suddenly i was out of my body which really wasnt my goal . And immediatly i noticed where that sound came from and what makes it . I observed an golder/copper colored string in my arm which was oscillating. As soon as i spotted it i thought to myself "oh sh*t i've read about this string from Drunvalo's book!" and while i was thinking it,the string oscillated/bounced to the rhytm of my thoughts. The way the string bounced depended on my thinking.Ok.Gotcha.Then i started to follow the string (since we have no physical eyes while out of body you kind of have to direct your attention at something and the more you pay attention to it the clearer it becomes. Like listening to an orchestra put you only concentrate and listen to violin player while ignoring everything else) .Then i noticed that my elbows and knees both tingle ,same way as some other parts where the chakras are supposed to be .Chakra ofc means "wheel" because,well,its a torus. And that string pierced through middle of them.So from there i eventually followed the string to my head where it did not go straight through but made some strange zig-zag movement to the back of the skull before exiting from the top of the head . So i was directing my attention above,wanted to see where that string goes.Where was supposed to be ceiling was just large empty void and above my head,around 1.5-2 meters up was a giant torus,it seemed like 2 meters in diameter.And the golden-copper colored string dissapeared in the middle of it.That torus was dark,didnt seem to make a sound or atleast i dont recall it making one.As i was looking at it and going "Wtf?" it suddenly started dropping down rather fast while decreasing in size. It stopped like 20-30 cm above my head and then it "activated",i started to sense it just like all other toroids/chakras. As i later learned after the experience it was most likely the chakra everybody has above their head.Why it appeared so big and far though i have no idea.Alot what happened then is pretty hard to describe,literally thousand thoughts a second went through my mind.My mind never had worked that fast but also i was thinking "symbolicly" ,like wathcing a movie where no words are needed and where you dont construct sentences.
    it really felt like my mind had been a pile of puzzle pieces and at that moment i realised so many things for myself,all the pieces neatly felt to their place and i saw i had alot of missing pieces.Still so much to learn.Mainly i was seeing in that moment how i and everything else is connected to everything else through these strings .And that everything is made out of light. And then a luminous figure appeared in front of me and i am not sure what that was. It sort of was same size as me ,just made out of "light" and was weakly transparent.It didnt say anything,didnt move. I was just looking at it while thoughts were rushing through my mind and soon after the experience ended .
    I suspect that our soul is split in 2 and what i saw was my other part,aka the "higher self". That other part seems to be staying in spiritual realm,maybe acting as an backup?Even if you get nuke dropped on you,your other part will always be safe where nothing can harm it(except your own actions).It sort of made sense to me then,its kinda similar how a galaxy gets ripped apart into 2 new galaxys by astrophysical jets which will be then connected through galactic filament.
    The torus above my head was active for almost 2 weeks and i aint gonna lie,it felt amazing. Thoughts were so fast and imagination so clear and vivid and every time when i concentrated my attention to that torus my whole body would start to buzz pleasantly and i felt very extatic and energetic. I hardly slept or ate for 2 weeks.
    But as i tried to share my wonderful experienve with people around me they all decided that i am not well in the head and went on with watching their garbage on YT and didnt want to hear nothing about it.And then i had a nasty break-up with my gf who also didnt react well when i tried to explain what i had found out and experienced . We had some other issues also before and i consciously made an wrong decision to stop being calm and told her to go where sun dont shine and some other places.No physical violence happened. But thats when i lost my "torus" above my head and dropped down from higher state to my own little hell of depression.I got cast down from heavenly state of being and i lost my angels crown ,thats literally how it felt . No one to blame but myself and no one to talk about it ,which didnt help with depression.
    Soon after all that an 5G router got installed on the other side of my wall and i have not been able to have an out of body experience ever since.

    I pretty much meditate always a bit before going to sleep,occasionally i try to go out of body but it is so energy consuming,alot of patience and concentration goes into it so i havent put much effort lately into trying to have one.Havent been in a right state of mind and havent had an good reason/motivation to try go out of body.
    I can type a short explanation how i usually did it . I always layd on my back,stretched out.Might but something under your neck but no pillow.When head is bent back the energy seems to flow better.So next step i would start with toes and move upwards,seeking out every muscle in your body and move it,stretch it ,become aware of it/relax it. At the same time i would try to slow my breathing into a similar rhytm that we have while sleeping.Always leave some air in the lungs and never exhale everything and dont fill them completely. Something i learned from Estonian shamans - its always good to start your meditation with declaration . You loudly and clearly declare in your mind about your intent and goal of that meditation .
    It would be best to avoid any kind of thinking while attempting to go out of body but for most of us it aint an easy task.Mind wont shut up. So i would usually avoid emotional thinking and try to go with neutral imagination,just visualise some cube or another geometric form,turn it around,add some stuff to it etc .
    Which brings us to another thing - imagination is very important in all of this. I learned to read way before going to school,i think my older sister teached me. I was reading alot of books as an kid (mostly garbage) but even that helped to develop imagination alot.
    So once you have been laying on your back for some time,could take 15-60 minutes 2 things that might happen next.Your body will start buzzing or it will start to itch from different places. Thats a body's way of blocking your attempt,trying to make you move . It can get pretty rough trying to ignore those,takes quite some will-power. It also will probably get very uncomfortable and you will get the urge of turning onto your side and passing out into blissful sleep .Just have to ignore it and power through it.
    Once the buzzing starts,direct all your attention to it.Keep the breathing rhytm. It might be useful at that point to imagine the sensation that you get when elevator starts moving up or down .
    Often my failed attempts ended with sleep paralysis ,when you are half in ,half out. That is when some spiritual parasites might appear that at first scare you into lower vibration and once you fall for it ,they will attatch themselves to you and suck your energy. Happened to me twice . Very unpleasant experience. As i later learned and multiple times succesfully tested ,saying the name Jesus will make them scatter immediatly and also you might regain control over your sleep paralysis. I aint christian,i dont follow anything or anyone but i can admit that this works.
    Soon after i had my first out of body experience i tried to exit my body downwards,sort of an shamanic journey. In that one i imagined while meditating going lower and lower down the steps into a cellar,dungeon. Thats when insted of exiting my body i had an strange experience which i think was the third eye opening. It felt like i had an hole in my forehead where very very strong wind was blowing through ,both in and out at the same time. Many years later i figured that chakras are poloids/toroidal and that what probably caused the effect .

    Ok i must take a nap now.Slept only 3 hours at night.Questions,constructive critisism,whimsical insults in pm etc - all welcome . I will try later to add some photos that might help better understand the cycles of the universe the way i understand them.
    Oh and as i found out later ,i wasnt the first one to find out that astrophysical jets create galaxys.Halton Arp told about it back in his days,and then got banned from every observatory in USA .But i dont know if he figured out that all those neutron stars,magnetars etc are actually astrophysical jets end point.
    Sorry for bad grammar.
    Last edited by Jaak; 15th March 2023 at 17:57.

  8. The Following 13 Users Say Thank You to Jaak For This Post:

    arjunaloka_official (13th May 2024), Bill Ryan (10th April 2024), Brigantia (11th March 2023), ExomatrixTV (26th February 2023), Harmony (26th February 2023), Johan (Keyholder) (26th February 2023), Johnnycomelately (25th February 2023), leavesoftrees (6th May 2024), Lunesoleil (17th June 2024), Marbelo (25th February 2023), Orph (25th February 2023), Sue (Ayt) (28th February 2023), thepainterdoug (7th March 2023)

  9. Link to Post #5
    Estonia Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Alternative theory of the universe

    Pavo–Indus Supercluster . Notice the patterns. Why in universe things happen to be in planes,like balls floating on top of water.

    While coming up with this theory i scribbled on paper one possibility how the galaxys split .Couple days later found an image of an supercluster that has a tiny bit of resemblance.Notice the planes and 90 degree angles.


    After galaxy or collision of galaxys create astrophysical jets out of both poles it leaves behind a void and galactic filaments. At the end point of jets ,2 new galaxys get created.Since astrophysical jet is an spinning double helix it is also what gives the shape for spiral galaxy that it creates.
    Nice image of 2 new galaxys in early stage being created by jets while old galaxy is being consumed in the center.

    First time when astronomers got some good data about neutron stars what did they see ? They saw 2 magnetic fields orbiting around one another . To my theory that data fits perfectly. For them it was puzzling,why would both poles of magnetic fields orbit around each other at close proximity ? They came up with some lame explanation that some strong galactic wind is blowing the magnetic fields to the same side. What causes that galactic wind they didnt explain.

    Lanikea supercluster. Notice the toroidal shape .

    Cat Eye Nebula ,shape given by A-Jet .

    It will at later stage look something like this .

    Sn 1987A

    Why did Betelgeuse go dim ? My theory explains it easily because im 99.9% certain it is also an endpoint of A-jet and it is in a phase where jet is colliding strongly into itself ,creating alot of carbon and oxygen that dims out the light. It will certainly go supernova at some point but i dont know when.

    After the jet has collided onto itselt like a stretched out rubber band snaps onto itself , it will create an helium torus that is going to chase after the new galaxy it created,eventually pulling everything onto its equatorial orbit and forms an spiral galaxy . I suspect the torus be made out of Helium-4,since it got superconductive properties at certain states.Perfect central gear for the magnetic field of an galaxy .


    Veil Nebula . I dont know why they call that one nebula ,it looks to me like A-jet .

    Last edited by Jaak; 7th March 2023 at 23:25.

  10. The Following 14 Users Say Thank You to Jaak For This Post:

    arjunaloka_official (13th May 2024), Bill Ryan (10th April 2024), Brigantia (11th March 2023), ExomatrixTV (26th February 2023), Harmony (26th February 2023), Johan (Keyholder) (26th February 2023), Johnnycomelately (26th February 2023), leavesoftrees (6th May 2024), Lunesoleil (17th June 2024), Orph (25th February 2023), palehorse (10th April 2024), RMF808 (9th April 2024), ronny (7th March 2023), Sue (Ayt) (28th February 2023)

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    Estonia Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Alternative theory of the universe

    I wonder how long it will take for them to figure out that those filaments are leftovers of astrophysical jets ...

    Neutron stars are pure nonsense unless you look at them as an endpoint of astrophysical jet . Then it's nothing mysterious about their mass or behavior. Something supermassive accelerates its spin into unrealisticly enormous speeds and instead of turning into a pancake or flying apart because of centrifugal force it turns more spherical . I say it again,pure nonsense . All so called neutron stars are end points of astrophysical jet


    The mergers of neutron stars expel a heavy-element enriched fireball that can be observed as a kilonova1,2,3,4. The kilonova’s geometry is a key diagnostic of the merger and is dictated by the properties of ultra-dense matter and the energetics of the collapse to a black hole. Current hydrodynamical merger models typically show aspherical ejecta5,6,7. Previously, Sr+ was identified in the spectrum8 of the only well-studied kilonova9,10,11 AT2017gfo12, associated with the gravitational wave event GW170817. Here we combine the strong Sr+ P Cygni absorption-emission spectral feature and the blackbody nature of kilonova spectrum to determine that the kilonova is highly spherical at early epochs. Line shape analysis combined with the known inclination angle of the source13 also show the same sphericity independently. We conclude that energy injection by radioactive decay is insufficient to make the ejecta spherical. A magnetar wind or jet from the black-hole disk could inject enough energy to induce a more spherical distribution in the overall ejecta ; however, an additional process seems necessary to make the element distribution uniform.

    From Walter Russell

    "Huge young galaxies seen by JWST may upend our models of the universe"
    Yeah well because big bang model is wrong . All galaxys didnt come to existence at the same time ,they are being created and destroyed all the time .In accreation disk all galaxy gets unfolded into helium,at the end point of astrophysical jet they will be folded into new elements (through tripple alpha process and later through supernova/when jet slams into itself,creating the heavier elements and cometary knots). And then the process of unfoldment and seeking balance starts all over again (forming new spiral galaxy) . Which later again gets unfolded into helium and split apart (or it collides with it's opposite).
    Endless cycle of creation and destruction .
    Last edited by Jaak; 15th March 2023 at 17:11.

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    Sweden Avalon Member Rawhide68's Avatar
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    Thanks for telling Jaak !

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    Estonia Avalon Member
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    If anybody bothers to understand this model they should see that everything in the galaxy is always connected to the central torus from it's beginning to end .The spin of astrophysical jet's magnetic field gives shape to the spiral galaxy that it creates . Also those mysterious Fast Radio Bursts are created by astrophysical jet . Also those mysterious "gravity waves" are from astrophysical jet since there are no such things as neutron stars.

    Gravity seems to be strongly tied to electromagnetism. Or mainly with the density and volume of the magnetic field . If an airbubble is moving towards surface what sort of energy is it using to change it's location ? It is moved by the magnetic medium towards the density where it's magnetic field fits in .Magnetic buoyancy .Both water and atmosphere compose of tiny magnetic fields which all are part of earths magnetic field .Earths magnetic field is affected by suns and the whole solar systems magnetic field while the sun is affected by the magnetic field of the milkyway galaxy . All magnetic fields are tied to one another,one way or other .
    I dont agree with this explanation that planets and stars are formed from dustclouds etc .All planets and stars come from cometary knots which will break apart into smaller pieces.Large amount of very heavy and very unstable elements ,breaking apart into a smaller,more stable ones. Farts dont collect themselves into a turd, so is the same with stars and planets . Might be exceptions in places like saturns rings where smaller moons get created but all the big stuff like saturn itself comes from cometary knots . Stars and planets unfold from very dense unstable condition to a one where they are more in balance .

    The origin of cometary knots in planetary nebulae is still unknown and subject to active research.
    As i told previously,cometary knots get created when the out-stretched astrophysical jet acceleratingly slams onto itself ,smashing alot of helium together into those giant unstable bundles of heavy elements. Thats why they got deceived into believing neutron stars - because of all the heavy stuff that flies out of there after supernova .
    Many nonsense concepts like neutron stars and dark matter that has mislead people came from one source - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fritz_Zwicky

    Supernovae and neutron stars
    Together with colleague Walter Baade, Zwicky pioneered and promoted the use of the first Schmidt telescopes used in a mountain-top observatory in 1935. In 1934 he and Baade coined the term "supernova" and hypothesized that supernovae were the transition of normal stars into neutron stars,[15] as well as the origin of cosmic rays.[16][17] This was an opinion which contributed to determining the size and age of the universe subsequently.

    In support of this hypothesis, Zwicky started looking for supernovae, and found a total of 120 by himself (and one more, SN 1963J, in concert with Paul Wild) over 52 years (SN 1921B through SN 1973K),[18] a record which stood until 2009 when passed by Tom Boles. Zwicky did his laborious work, comparing photographic plates with the human eye, which is far more challenging and difficult than Boles accomplished using modern technology for his record.

    Zwicky was full of all kinds of "brilliant" ideas but luckily most of them were ignored .
    Zwicky also considered the possibility of rearranging the universe to our own liking. In a lecture in 1948 he spoke of changing planets, or relocating them within the solar system. In the 1960s he even considered how the whole solar system might be moved like a giant spaceship to travel to other stars. He considered this might be achieved by firing pellets into the Sun to produce asymmetrical fusion explosions, and by this means he thought that the star Alpha Centauri might be reached within 2500 years.
    Last edited by Jaak; 7th March 2023 at 16:30.

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    Estonia Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Alternative theory of the universe

    Quote Posted by ExomatrixTV (here)
    • James Webb Telescope sees Galaxies Too Big To Exist:
    Fits into my model . Destruction of the old universe would be the collision of 2 giant galaxies that would create 2 new ones with astrophysical jet and those 2 new galaxies would be very very far from each other .First 2 would be same size as old ones.Those 2 new ones will split into 4 new smaller ones after they have matured into old spiral galaxy that will destroy the old galaxies . The more they keep splitting,the smaller they get while also not being so far from each other . The bigger the galaxy the bigger the jet it eventually creates.The bigger the jet the further it travels and makes a bigger bang/supernova. The bigger the galaxy the more heavy-elements should be in there and vice versa. So at some point they wont be flying too far from each other (like in a supercluster) and the small galaxies will start to merge in that unstable system into a new bigger ones until all the split parts are again merged into one giant galaxy . At that point its opposite part has done the same and they will start pulling towards each other .
    One way to look at it ,its like 2 giants magnetic fields splitting apart into smaller ones until they come back together to make 2 big magnetic fields once again that will eventually meet,rip each other apart and create 2 new ones .Every time they split in 90 degree angle compared to their previous axis/plane (galaxy gets consumed equatorially and gets spit out from poles of accreation disk).

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    Estonia Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Alternative theory of the universe

    Quote Posted by ExomatrixTV (here)
    Why has the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) not aimed at The Pleiades yet ... Knowing how it is interlocked with almost all ancient cultures of the past worldwide ... including Native people of America & Australia and Ancient Egypt etc. ... Or they did but kept it secret for whatever reason?
    Exomatrix asked an interesting question in other topic ,i can try to answer that .
    Because i think we lack technology to view the universe as it is .We can only see it as it was . Pleiades is 444 light years away (or so they say) so we see it as it was 444 years ago .How it looks right now,got to wait for 444 years to know that.Some wavelenghts propagate a bit faster than others so by combining and comparing data from radio and infrared telescopes etc they can see some difference ,what sort of changes have happened .
    I compared Pleiades to my model of universe and it seems to be largely an supernova aftermath and many of the bright stars in there are cometary knots,which will break down into either small galaxies or solar systems,depending on the size of the knot and its composition.
    From wiki -
    The Pleiades have long been known to be a physically related group of stars rather than any chance alignment. John Michell calculated in 1767 that the probability of a chance alignment of so many bright stars was only 1 in 500,000, and so surmised that the Pleiades and many other clusters of stars must be physically related. When studies were first made of the stars' proper motions, it was found that they are all moving in the same direction across the sky, at the same rate, further demonstrating that they were related.
    All moving in the same direction with same speed ? Probably popped out from the same place .

    Cometary knot IC 349 , also known as Barnard's Merope Nebula, is a nebula which lies 3500 AUs (0.06 light years)[2] from the star Merope in the Pleiades cluster. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IC_349

    I was reading abit about different nebulas and stars in Pleiades and there might have happened more than 1 supernova over there at the same time.Cant tell for sure atm.

    Found a nice example from there of an cometary knot breaking apart .

    HD 23514, is a star in the Pleiades. It is a main-sequence star of class F6, and has been seen to have hot dust particles orbiting around it. These materials, otherwise known as planetesimals which orbit within a circumstellar disc, are evidence of possible planetary formation.The debris disk shows evidence of being rich in silica.

    The star system itself is very young, in the 35~100 million years range, meaning that it is very well likely at the stage of forming planets.

    So i would say it is quite possible that in Pleiades right now there are stable solar systems that can support some kind of life .

    All have seen the pic of "Pillars of creation" from Eagle Nebula. Those are also cometary knots,flying away from the supernova that created them while breaking apart into smaller more stable stars and planets.
    Last edited by Jaak; 7th March 2023 at 22:23.

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    Estonia Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Alternative theory of the universe

    Nice image of astrophysical jet . Since the other part of jet moves away from us we cant see it in visible spectrum.


    HH46 infrared


    Cygnus X-1 ,famous massive black hole with its astrophysical jets creating new galaxies.One we see,other we dont .

    Cygnus X-1 is a galactic X-ray source in the constellation Cygnus and was the first such source widely accepted to be a black hole. It was discovered in 1971 during a rocket flight and is one of the strongest X-ray sources detectable from Earth, producing a peak X-ray flux density of 2.3×10−23 W/(m2⋅Hz) (2.3×103 jansky). It remains among the most studied astronomical objects in its class. The compact object is now estimated to have a mass about 21.2 times the mass of the Sun and has been shown to be too small to be any known kind of normal star or other likely object besides a black hole. If so, the radius of its event horizon has 300 km "as upper bound to the linear dimension of the source region" of occasional X-ray bursts lasting only for about 1 ms.[17]

    Cygnus X-1 belongs to a high-mass X-ray binary system, located about 2.22 kiloparsecs from the Sun, that includes a blue supergiant variable star designated HDE 226868, which it orbits at about 0.2 AU, or 20% of the distance from Earth to the Sun. A stellar wind from the star provides material for an accretion disk around the X-ray source.Matter in the inner disk is heated to millions of degrees, generating the observed X-rays. A pair of relativistic jets, arranged perpendicularly to the disk, are carrying part of the energy of the infalling material away into interstellar space

    The Cygnus X-1 jets are inefficient radiators and so release only a small proportion of their energy in the electromagnetic spectrum. That is, they appear "dark". The estimated angle of the jets to the line of sight is 30°, and they may be precessing. One of the jets is colliding with a relatively dense part of the interstellar medium (ISM), forming an energized ring that can be detected by its radio emission. This collision appears to be forming a nebula that has been observed in the optical wavelengths. To produce this nebula, the jet must have an estimated average power of 4–14×1036 erg/s, or (9±5)×1029 W.[71] This is more than 1,000 times the power emitted by the Sun.[72] There is no corresponding ring in the opposite direction because that jet is facing a lower-density region of the ISM.

    Or maybe the jet is a poor radiator because it is more or less superconductive helium-4 so it aint losing/emitting any energy as it splits the old galaxy or helium torus into apart.
    And maybe the jet is not colliding with the interstellar medium but it is colliding into itself and by doing so is creating the interstellar medium and energized torus.
    This is what happens when alot of helium collides
    Helium 4 x 3 = Carbon 12
    Helium 4 x 4 = Oxygen 16
    If the central temperature rises to 108 K, six times hotter than the Sun's core, alpha particles can fuse fast enough to get past the beryllium-8 barrier and produce significant amounts of stable carbon-12.As a side effect of the process, some carbon nuclei fuse with additional helium to produce a stable isotope of oxygen and energy:
    Nuclear fusion reactions of helium with hydrogen produces lithium-5, which also is highly unstable, and decays back into smaller nuclei with a half-life of 3.7×10−22 s.

    Fusing with additional helium nuclei can create heavier elements in a chain of stellar nucleosynthesis known as the alpha process, but these reactions are only significant at higher temperatures and pressures than in cores undergoing the triple-alpha process. This creates a situation in which stellar nucleosynthesis produces large amounts of carbon and oxygen but only a small fraction of those elements are converted into neon and heavier elements. Oxygen and carbon are the main "ash" of helium-4 burning.
    The triple-alpha steps are strongly dependent on the temperature and density of the stellar material.

    Well since the end point of A-jet acts as an giant helium collider then it seems like an suitable spot where this happens.
    Last edited by Jaak; 8th March 2023 at 03:28.

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    Canada Avalon Member Johnnycomelately's Avatar
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    Hi Jaak. I like that you like astrophysical stuff, and your pics are wondrous and piquing of thought.

    I often greet stars, usually ones I see, as I think Rupert Sheldrake’s theory — Morphic Resonance — need not be only local in actuality. I heard that stars are spirit entities, and I guess that they are some kind of ‘children’ of the Mineral Kingdom, so I call them my little big buddies (same as my tiniest, yet mature, bug buddies).

    Am not sure galaxies could be seeded by jets from anything. Anything less than a supermassive so-called Black Hole would not have enough mass to produce the entities ‘galaxies’. Hawking Radiation seems to be the only theorized way that BH’s can lose mass, so only the swirled local star-stuff mass is what makes it’s way rapidly away (in whatever fraction to the swallowed bit).

    I am fully onboard with your jets’ progenitor being ‘external’ influence. And also with the Birkland Currents’ structure and function, extance. Well done.....so far. ~8D 👀 🙄 🤪😎

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    Estonia Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Alternative theory of the universe

    Quote Posted by Johnnycomelately (here)
    Hi Jaak. I like that you like astrophysical stuff, and your pics are wondrous and piquing of thought.

    I often greet stars, usually ones I see, as I think Rupert Sheldrake’s theory — Morphic Resonance — need not be only local in actuality. I heard that stars are spirit entities, and I guess that they are some kind of ‘children’ of the Mineral Kingdom, so I call them my little big buddies (same as my tiniest, yet mature, bug buddies).

    Am not sure galaxies could be seeded by jets from anything. Anything less than a supermassive so-called Black Hole would not have enough mass to produce the entities ‘galaxies’. Hawking Radiation seems to be the only theorized way that BH’s can lose mass, so only the swirled local star-stuff mass is what makes it’s way rapidly away (in whatever fraction to the swallowed bit).

    I am fully onboard with your jets’ progenitor being ‘external’ influence. And also with the Birkland Currents’ structure and function, extance. Well done.....so far. ~8D 👀 🙄 🤪😎
    Constructive critisism much appreciated ! I got evicted and was briefly homeless ,otherwise i would have ansered sooner .I got 20 minutes to try to answer this because im writing this at an coffe shop .So the explanation will probably be a lacking i might try to add to it somaday soon.
    It was probably Schwarzschild who came up with the concept of black holes yet none has ever seen one or has been able to prove that one exist. All we see is accretion disk . So how does one measure something that has never been seen or proven to be exist ? Well,they try to measure the approximate weight of galaxy and then they assume whatever is in the center of it must be heavier than the entire galaxy . Every magnetic field is pretty much a torus or toroidal,and in the center of it is an area of void with no magnetism .
    As i explained before ,the whole galaxy gets ejected by astrophysical jet and after the so called supernova it creates an helium torus that will be in the center of all that mess and all that mess will eventually spiral back to it. All that mess around the torus has been in heavy spiraling magnetic field created by jet. Its what gives shape to the spiral galaxy (which is still a unsolved mystery officially) , I do suggest to go over those pictures and add in your imagination the magnetic fields to it.
    And as i told before , torus acts as an transformer : pressure entering from equator area will leave from poles and what enters from poles gets evenly distributed from equator area.
    Double helical jet creates an torus to the center of the galaxy and the spiraling magnetic field from it becomes a giant toroidal magnetic field which will be going around the central one,starting to drag everything to it's equator .
    So the magnetic field is what moves the galaxy ,the volume and so called mass will be proportional to the galaxy it created. The central torus dont need to be "heavy" for that.
    I see every element as an area of pressure. Helium got twice the pressure than hydrogen,beryllium has twice the pressure of helium etc . Like octaves and half-tones/isotopes.Areas of pressure.
    The heavier the element,the more pressure it contains.So by looking at that way all the mass of the galaxy is actually around the central torus and in the central torus there is very little of it.
    When the helium torus starts to release that pressure from galaxy (accretion disk phase,when it becomes hot and visible) where will that pressure go ? It will orbit that helium torus until it is breaked down to helium that will join the torus. Remember,torus is an only geometrical object that can spin and turn itself inside out while not losing its shape and size.
    When that unpacking and release of pressure happens in accelerating way ,not steady continuous process but it is constantly speeding up thats when the magnetic flux line stretch out from poles and make jets .Helium-4 (superconductive) will use those outstretched magnetic fields to conduct if u wish to imagine it that way. i have no time but you can if it mentions in this wiki page that after plasma conducts in magnetic filaments then the filaments may change polarity https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetohydrodynamics
    The fundamental concept behind MHD is that magnetic fields can induce currents in a moving conductive fluid, which in turn polarizes the fluid and reciprocally changes the magnetic field itself.
    So that means that after the jet has happened ,the galactic filament that leaves behind starts moving towards where it came from . And thats what bring parallel galaxys eventually closer together .
    OK,im getting kicked out lol , please ask more questions i will try to answer soon.
    All is made of same substance that is no substance. Call it aether or whatever.
    Last edited by Jaak; 13th March 2023 at 20:02.

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    Estonia Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Alternative theory of the universe

    Lol what an week.I got evicted on wednesday by police and yesterday night once again,but this time by meth-heads (too long story to tell). I got a temporary place to crash so no worries . I see it as an school for soul,gotta keep your integrity in every circumstance ,no matter how uncomfortable it might get phyisicly.

    Ok back to my explanation attempt.Coffeshop is couple hours away from closing so i got plenty of time now to try to explain it a bit better.Even if you disagree with this model it would be very great if you could understand it so well that you can watch it like a 4-D movie in your imagination. Because after i managed to do that then i had my so called "enlightenment experience" through extactic joy of understanding.
    In a way i hope that someone who starts to understand this model might get similar experience. If that does happen then we are step closer for a paradigm shift .

    All is made of same substance that is no substance.Universe of white light of stillness ,like Walter Russel sayd. Like neutrons or neutrinos ,no spin and no vibration,we cant detect that .We can only detect EMF spectrum aka waves in that stillness,we cant detect stillness itself.
    All waves are pressure propagating in a medium . Light and the rest of the EMF spectrum are pressure waves in this universe of stillness. Waves are temporary change of density moving through the medium ,like a shockwave. The word 'moving' aint correct though . Waves reproduce themselves,they dont move .It's an illusion of movement . Just like there are no sound particles created and flying out your mouth.It's just pressure in the medium propagating,reproducing itself as it fights against the medium.Yet in particle physics etc they say those waves are made out of some special stuff.Yet turn off the pressure/turn off the lights and that stuff ceases to exist. Look up what is "Newtons cradle",thats one way to imagine it.
    Watch different simulations from this video,might also help with imagination .

    In this universe of stillness there seems to be going around an endless repetitive cycle of creation and destruction ,and the very central piece of it is an torus.

    A very large amount of pressure and spin keeps on cycling/looping or propagating in that universe of stillness .

    The helium torus that creates and destroys galaxies is the medium that carries over both spin and pressure from old galaxies to the new ones ,from one destruction to another creation .There is certain amount of pressure in this universe spinningly looping around.This looping pressure will never dissapear nowhere and it will never stop spinning.Why would it ?
    Rather simple i would say.
    Astrophysical jets can cover enormous distances while shooting straight yet as soon as pressure stops being aplied from helium torus it will start to spin into itself,thats when we see it as white dwarves,always binary stars because of the double helix of A-jet and from there it goes to later stages ->red giant->magnetar->pulsar->neutron star collision->supernova->nebula/starburst galaxy->spiral galaxy.).
    All motion is curved.Leave that curved motion undisturbed and it will form a spiral ,which will form a torus (or toroidal field around it).

    I add some reading about helium that might also help .
    Because of helium’s relatively low molar (atomic) mass, its thermal conductivity, specific heat, and sound speed in the gas phase are greater than any other gas except hydrogen. For its inertness and high thermal conductivity, neutron transparency, and because it does not form radioactive isotopes under reactor conditions, helium is used as a heat-transfer medium in some gas-cooled nuclear reactors

    The unusual stability of the helium-4 nucleus is also important cosmologically. It explains the fact that, in the first few minutes after the Big Bang, as the "soup" of free protons and neutrons which had initially been created in about a 6:1 ratio cooled to the point where nuclear binding was possible, almost all atomic nuclei to form were helium-4 nuclei. The binding of the nucleons in helium-4 is so tight that its production consumed nearly all the free neutrons in a few minutes, before they could beta decay, and left very few to form heavier atoms (especially lithium, beryllium, and boron). The energy of helium-4 nuclear binding per nucleon is stronger than in any of those elements (see nucleogenesis and binding energy), and thus no energetic "drive" was available to make elements 3, 4, and 5 once helium had been formed. It is barely energetically favorable for helium to fuse into the next element with a higher energy per nucleon (carbon). However, due to the rarity of intermediate elements, and extreme instability of beryllium-8 (the product when two 4He nuclei fuse), this process needs three helium nuclei striking each other nearly simultaneously (see triple alpha process). There was thus no time for significant carbon to be formed in the few minutes after the Big Bang, before the early expanding universe cooled to the temperature and pressure where helium fusion to carbon was no longer possible. This left the early universe with a very similar hydrogen–helium ratio as is observed today (3 parts hydrogen to 1 part helium-4 by mass), with nearly all the neutrons in the universe trapped in helium-4.

    In 1938, Pyotr Kapitsa, John Allen and Don Misener discovered that helium-4 became a new kind of fluid, now known as a superfluid, at temperatures less than 2.17 K (the lambda point). Superfluid helium has many unusual properties, including zero viscosity (the ability to flow without dissipating energy) and the existence of quantized vortices. It was quickly believed that the superfluidity was due to partial Bose–Einstein condensation of the liquid. In fact, many properties of superfluid helium also appear in gaseous condensates created by Cornell, Wieman and Ketterle (see below). Superfluid helium-4 is a liquid rather than a gas, which means that the interactions between the atoms are relatively strong; the original theory of Bose–Einstein condensation must be heavily modified in order to describe it. Bose–Einstein condensation remains, however, fundamental to the superfluid properties of helium-4. Note that helium-3, a fermion, also enters a superfluid phase (at a much lower temperature) which can be explained by the formation of bosonic Cooper pairs of two atoms (see also fermionic condensate).

    Helium torus that gets greated after the jet smacks into itself(supernova) might expand afterwards,and by doing so it would cool. After it is cooled to superfluid temperatures it will contract ,forms a more stable/symmetrical torus. At that stage the helium torus would be hard to find/detect since it aint radiating much of anything .We might detect the magnetic field going around that torus but not torus itself.
    After it starts consuming the galaxy it created then it will get hot outer layer ,aka becomes an accretion disk. So that superfluid torus can spin there very fast while not losing its shape and size and there would be no friction going on inside that torus.Now add some elliptical magnetic flux lines that go around that torus (magnetic field of the galaxy).

    As i mentioned before ,astrophysical jet from helium torus acts as an helium collider at its end points.
    He 4 + He 4 = Be 8
    He 4 + He 4 + He 4= C 12
    He 4 + He 4 + He 4 + He 4 = O 12

    When that double helix breaks apart from each other,it makes an toroidal magnetic field. When that double helix instead shoots straight and later instead of breaking apart,collides into itself then we got astrophysical jet.Large toroidal field (old spiral galaxy) gets split into 2 smaller ones with astrophysical jets (that would explain the mystery of simultanous supernovas and parallel galaxys).

    Axis of evil: Some large features of the microwave sky at distances of over 13 billion light years appear to be aligned with both the motion and orientation of the solar system. Is this due to systematic errors in processing, contamination of results by local effects, or an unexplained violation of the Copernican principle?

    This problem can easily be solved with this model ,why largely everything appears to be in some sort of invisible X-Y-Z axis (i explained in one previous post how that happens).

    What would be the shape of the universe in the case of this model ? Depending at what stage we would look at it.End of the old universe would look like an collision of 2 giant mega-galaxies (2 big spiral galaxies colliding equatorially). Why those mega-galaxies would not split into 2 before meeting each other ?
    I would guess it has to do something with the galactic filament between them that might stretch them out equatorially,not letting the galaxy spiral into the helium torus in the center.
    When the parallel galaxies are too far from each other then they will split into 2 when galaxy spirals into the helium torus .
    I would guess the shape of our universe is 2 giant toroidal fields,side by side with their poles being parallel to each other and inside those 2 toroidal fields are a ton of other smaller toroidal fields/galaxies in different sizes in different stages of creation/destruction,largely on same planes ,with 90 degree angles between planes.
    While trying to imagine how the universe looks like then dont forget to use all the EMF spectrum not only the visible spectrum.

    Best way for the so called god or universal consciousness to experience itself probably that way,keep on splitting into tinier parts. No creation is permanent and no destruction is final.Whatever goes too much out of balance and order destroys itself,what manages to keep balance and order in its magnetic field will grow and evolve.I guess all the experience gets stored somewhere,maybe it carries over from one cycle to another .Dont know.
    Now that i think about it then it probably does get carried over with astrophysical jets as some form of vibration.The string running through our magnetic field (our "birkeland current" or spiritual jet) wobbles to the rhytm of our thoughts and it gets carried somewhere.
    All magnetic fields are connected to each other through there strings .
    Ok i should wrap it up.
    Again,some questions would be nice. I dont know how to explain it better,maybe i try to search for more images or something. Maybe next time.

  28. The Following 8 Users Say Thank You to Jaak For This Post:

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    Estonia Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Alternative theory of the universe

    I was flipping through the lists of known supernovae events. Pretty much all of them are end points of astrophysical jet after it is slammed onto itself ,not remnants of exploding stars.

    Nice pic of keplers supernova/end point of astrophysical jet .Double helix from astrophysical jet gives shape to a new spiral galaxy that it will eventually form.

    X-ray, Optical & Infrared Composite of Kepler's Supernova Remnant "On October 9, 1604, sky watchers -- including astronomer Johannes Kepler, spotted a "new star" in the western sky, rivaling the brilliance of nearby planets. "Kepler's supernova" was the last exploding supernova seen in our Milky Way galaxy. Observers used only their eyes to study it, because the telescope had not yet been invented. Now, astronomers have utilized NASA's three Great Observatories to analyze the supernova remnant in infrared, optical and X-ray light." [1] Color Code (Energy): Blue: X-ray (4-6 keV), en:Chandra X-ray Observatory, The higher-energy X-rays come primarily from the regions directly behind the shock front. Green: X-ray (0.3-1.4 keV), en:Chandra X-ray Observatory; Lower-energy X-rays mark the location of the hot remains of the exploded star. Yellow: Optical, en:Hubble Space Telescope; The optical image reveals 10,000 degrees Celsius gas where the supernova shock wave is slamming into the densest regions of surrounding gas. Red: Infrared, en:Spitzer space telescope; The infrared image highlights microscopic dust particles swept up and heated by the supernova shock wave.

    Caption: A long look by Chandra at 3C58 shows that the central pulsar - a rapidly rotating neutron star formed in the supernova event - is surrounded by a bright torus of X-ray emission. An X-ray jet erupts in both directions from the center of the torus, and extends over a distance of a few light years. Further out, an intricate web of X-ray loops can be seen. These features are due to radiation from extremely high-energy particles moving in a magnetic field, and show a strong resemblance to the rings, jets and loops around the Crab pulsar. The 3C58 pulsar, the Crab pulsar, and a growing list of other pulsars offer dramatic proof that strong electromagnetic fields around rapidly rotating neutron stars are powerful generators of both high-energy particles and magnetic fields.

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    United States Avalon Member RMF808's Avatar
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    Default Re: Alternative theory of the universe

    Fantastic thread my brother. Our journeys have multiple synchronicities. Mainly, it seems that we enjoy allowing others to see as we do. Deconstructing the universe.

    I chose to learn from nature with sharks which read magnetic fields naturally in the best medium available to us. The ocean… it has a magnetic resistance of 2 ohm where fresh water is 2 million ohm and air is 100 million ohm as per calculations with Prof Lewin of MIT.

    I used that coil and several other designs in the water with Great Whites, Tiger Sharks, Galapagos & Sandbar sharks hoping to improve human understanding of magnetic fields.

    I have a lot to teach but even more to learn.

    I found OBEs first in a coma for a few weeks then gained far more control with brain hemisphere synchronization. That’s why I share a thread here. In Focus 15 and beyond I have seen many things conversing with Creator but now I just sit back and enjoy. All of it. The “good and the bad” haha. However, I understand what the Tao te Ching refers to saying that the moment we decide something is good or bad, we set heaven and earth apart.

    Heaven is NOW

    After recreating countless experiments from Michael Faraday, Nikola Tesla and Edward Leedskalnin I chose my screen name.

    RMF…Rotating Magnetic Fields…

    Now, I see it all as self. Keep up the curiosity and share it with all who will listen.

    Aloha & namasté
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    Last edited by RMF808; 10th April 2024 at 00:40.

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    Canada Avalon Member Neptune7's Avatar
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    Default Re: Alternative theory of the universe

    Hi Jaak

    Can you point to the evidence you have for these points:

    "...it will start appearing to us as white dwarf(binary star,always 2 of them)..."

    Are you saying the white dwarf stars always appear as binaries?

    "...supernovae often happen 2 at the exact time but very far apart from each other. No explanation why..."

    "...which would also solve parallel galaxy mystery..."

    "...By the time the parralel galaxys meet they have usually both shifted 90 degrees from their original axis..."

    Can you link to the source of these three observations?

    Great work.


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    Estonia Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Alternative theory of the universe

    Quote Posted by Neptune7 (here)
    Hi Jaak

    Can you point to the evidence you have for these points:

    "...it will start appearing to us as white dwarf(binary star,always 2 of them)..."

    Are you saying the white dwarf stars always appear as binaries?

    "...supernovae often happen 2 at the exact time but very far apart from each other. No explanation why..."

    "...which would also solve parallel galaxy mystery..."

    "...By the time the parralel galaxys meet they have usually both shifted 90 degrees from their original axis..."

    Can you link to the source of these three observations?

    Great work.

    Sorry for not noticing your questions before . I will try to answer them as best as i can tomorrow . I will dedicate as much time as i can for it (i have been busy last couple days and havent had much sleep).
    5 -6 years ago i spent alot of time researching this stuff but i have lost 2 PC´s in the process and with them thousands of books i had saved on harddrives and most of those i never had a chance to read and all other materials i saved throughout my research... And my memory aint the greatest so answering some of those questions might take a bit time to seek up some data and information i used. But i have been thinking alot to return to this topic and help people understand it who are interested in it so thank you very much for asking and sorry for the delay ! I will have some free time next couple of days and i will try to seek some answers for those questions.

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    Canada Avalon Member Neptune7's Avatar
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    Default Re: Alternative theory of the universe

    I suspect that most of this comes from Halton Arp's work. Here is a playlist that I found for the See The Pattern youtube channel that seems to substantiate the evidence you introduced above.

    Thanks again!


  38. Link to Post #20
    Estonia Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Alternative theory of the universe

    Quote Posted by Neptune7 (here)
    I suspect that most of this comes from Halton Arp's work. Here is a playlist that I found for the See The Pattern youtube channel that seems to substantiate the evidence you introduced above.

    Thanks again!

    Thats a great YT channel ! I tried to reach out to this guy to take a looksie at some of my findings but he never responded..
    After i came up with this model (that galaxies create new galaxies etc) i was puzzled how no one had figured this out before.
    Then after some research i found Arp and he had reached to similar conclusions through observations .He observed quasars creating new galaxies if i recall correctly. But the ¨big bang¨ promoters didnt like it since it didnt fit into their faulty model and Arp got banned from every observatory .

    I can try to answer some questions you asked before ,sorry again for the delay.
    Are you saying the white dwarf stars always appear as binaries?
    First white dwarfs were found through visual observation . A peculiar bright shiny dot and it got named.
    Later when some of them were observed with radio telescopes they started to see two magnetic fields ,spinning at the same direction while orbiting around each other.
    So some of the white dwarfs became binary stars. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_white_dwarfs
    From my perspective this is caused by astrophysical jet which is a double helix.
    Same happened with many other kinds of stars.

    As i also believe that there is never a single super nova happening, always atleast 2. We only see the waves that come to our direction ,if other supernova is pointing the opposite direction then we wont see it.
    Also to see 2 of them at the same time we should also be rather equal distance from them both to see them happen at the same time.
    I found one example,i seek if i find more.

    Every supernova from my point of view has nothing to do with stars and are the effect of astrophysical jet colliding into itself. Every action has an opposite re-action and so is the same with astrophysical jets. They always exit from both poles at same time so two new galaxies get always created .

    Why galaxies flip 90 degrees ?
    I guess just like magnets flip when coming into contact with another magnet to lign up . When two new galaxies get created ,the astrophysical jet leaves behind what we call galactic filament (cant prove it,its from my perspective logical conclusion) and that filament will connect the 2 new galaxies.First connecting their poles and later their equators ,like a bicycle chain around gears . Again, at this point, purely a theory that is hard to prove.
    Universe exists largely in planes that are often in 90 degree angles and it made sense that if this is the way cycles of the galaxies/universe goes then they always flip 90 degrees compared to the galaxy they came from.
    I didnt find much material about collisions of galaxies to prove this part. Seems i got alot of homework to do...

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