Lilith the asteroid ce 1181 was discovered on February 11, 1927, so it's not a new discovery and yet the confusion between the Black Moon and Lilith is recurrent.

Studying " Lilith" the asteroid will not have at all the same behavioral symbolism as the black Moon which the latter is in a process of average black Moon, corrected and true, the latter is retrograde like the asteroid Lilith. It happens that the Black Moon and Lilith find themselves in conjunction , this was the case recently in the sign of Cancer at 7° on June 8, 2022. An event that recurs approximately every 9 years with some exceptions, this cycle is also that of the Black Moon, that of Lilith the asteroid is 4.36 years old. So Lilith the asteroid will make two rounds of the zodiac when the Black Moon makes one.

At this time Lilith the asteroid is retrograde in Virgo in axis opposition Neptune three times in a row.

Retrograde phase of Lilith from January 18 at 24° Virgo to April 26 at 10° Virgo
The three oppositions between Virgo/Pisces between Lilith and Neptune took place in December 2022 at 22°, then in February at 23° and the last in July 2023 at 27°

So we are engaged in this process of opposition of Lilith and Neptune which has the difference with the black Moon in opposition Neptune, Priapus would necessarily be in conjunction Neptune and you see the nuance in the interpretation between Lilith and the black Moon?

If we analyze the moment of discovery of the asteroid Lilith, we see Neptune at 25° retro Leo in the axis of opposition to the Sun, so with Lilith the asteroid which could be a lack of objectivity or else a surplus of clairvoyance to counteract the square of Saturn and Mercury. The Moon, the notion of soul of Lilith makes the bridge to this opposition Neptune/Sun and Lilith is at the trine of Saturn, everything has been organized to pass the light or even the consciousness of Lilith.

In the cycle of progression since the discovery of Lilith, we are in an after Full moon of the progressed cycle, the Moon in conjunction Saturn, is added a superior conjunction of Mercury / Sun which will be effective in 2025 at the time of the conjunction of Saturn and Neptune 0° Aries. It will be necessary to wait until 2055, for a progressed conjunction of Lilith/Neptune at 24° Leo and just after the transit of the North Node on the progressed conjunction!

There is no chance, there are only encounters ...

It can be seen as Lilith's consciousness evolving on a much more spiritual plane than the Black Moon. Note in passing during the discovery of Lilith, there were no less than four planets in the sign of Pisces (Mercury, conjunction of Venus and Jupiter and Uranus) and the true black Moon was in conjunction Neptune. It is important to distinguish the nuance between the Black Moon and the asteroid Lilith, even if the two are brought to meet and why not to collaborate for a specific purpose. The opposition of Lilith (the asteroid) and Neptune is an opportunity that gave us, to change vibration. What is still interesting is that the position of the Moon was near the North Node when Lilith was discovered.When we know that the Black Moon is the second focus of the Moon and that the first and the Earth.

@article source :

Lilith: Ancient Demon or Dark Deity?