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Thread: The Template

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    Avalon Member Phoenix1304's Avatar
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    Default The Template

    Greetings All,

    A bit of background...

    I had cause, back in the day, to be a part of an esoteric little gathering that was introduced to the work of Juliet Carter. It was a quite mind blowing to be honest, I felt I zoned out a lot of the time and missed half of what was said. Nonetheless I was sufficiently resonating with it to go to the second ‘ceremony’ in Glastonbury some months later and as I drove down there, I shook my logical head incredulous that I was going to get my ‘thirteenth circuit connected’ without being sure I even believed it!

    I experienced the same zoning in and out during that day again, mostly distracted by my mind, the inner critic unwilling to suspend disbelief long enough to grasp all that was said. I couldn’t concentrate long enough, internal dialogues clamoured for attention. But something resonated deeply, the sacred geometry, her voice. Something special I felt without really understanding.

    I remember her saying in passing that we wouldn’t get flu any more after the first ceremony. Twenty-five years on, it’s true, no flu, had a mild cold from a chill once.

    I looked them up the other night, Juliet and her man Jiva, who are very much a team, and was delighted to find this page where if you scroll down you will find links to superb videos of the source code ceremonies that are freely available to view.

    I didn’t find anything already posted about The Template, so here it is.

    They make the most beautiful meditations whatever you ‘think’ - but I’d be interested in what you think, if it resonates with you, or not. Having said that, don’t be mentally writing your response while she’s talking, you’ll need to keep up! LOL

    I hope you enjoy.


    and here is the first from YouTube

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    Switzerland Avalon Member Nasu's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Template

    Love this. I need to re watch this more times to fully understand and take it in, internally. It’s a lot to take in. Watching it feels akin to hypnosis or hypnotic trance. Perhaps I can understand it. It seems too much to understand. Saying that, I thank you for this small gift to my quest…..x… N

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    Avalon Member Eva2's Avatar
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    About 11 years ago I got involved in this and went to one of their workshops (in Sedona at that time). I loved the videos, music and Juliet's articles which I still receive. They moved to Bali many years ago and were conducting most of their workshops in that region and Glastonbury, so I never returned for the remaining "levels" - I think I finished on either 6 or 7. Using sacred geometry, I found the sessions mesmerizing and was always left in a peaceful, content state - it was a magical experience. I know a number of people who finished the "levels" and found it very empowering. They did produce a series of videos for the initial codes so that one could receive the "initiation" without attending the workshops. Juliet wrote a book called "World bridger" which is an interesting history of their life, travels, experiences, coming together and receiving The Template codes. Jiva has a very interesting life history too. His mother was apparently a well known psychic and occult teacher in the U.S. and had a big following. They have produced a number of beautiful code videos which can be found on youtube and their site.

    You can read more and view some of their beautiful videos at: http://thetemplate.uk.com/

    Last edited by Eva2; 20th March 2023 at 01:44.

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    Avalon Member Phoenix1304's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Template

    Hi Eva

    Ah Sedona, the first time I drove into it, I felt I’d come home. I had some extraordinary experiences there when my 2 day visit turned into two weeks…

    I think I heard they went to Bali and so the first two ceremonies were all I did. The second video of the source code vids is particularly good I thought and I was glad to do the other two, there’s 4 initiations in all. I’ve now completed them all and would love to discuss the fourth. The inner critic gives short shrift to the idea of physical immortality!

    Just curious, have you been free of the flu since the first?

    I don’t know about 6 or 7 levels, or her book, I might look into that further, but tbh, I don’t read these days or ‘follow’ any system but my own. Too busy living the dream!

    Many thanks for your response, I’ll check out the vid you posted soon. This equinox seems like a good time for this kind of work.
    Last edited by Phoenix1304; 20th March 2023 at 08:17. Reason: Should have quoted reply

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  9. Link to Post #5
    Avalon Member Eva2's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Template

    Quote Posted by Phoenix1304 (here)
    Hi Eva

    Ah Sedona, the first time I drove into it, I felt I’d come home. I had some extraordinary experiences there when my 2 day visit turned into two weeks…

    I think I heard they went to Bali and so the first two ceremonies were all I did. The second video of the source code vids is particularly good I thought and I was glad to do the other two, there’s 4 initiations in all. I’ve now completed them all and would love to discuss the fourth. The inner critic gives short shrift to the idea of physical immortality!

    Just curious, have you been free of the flu since the first?

    I don’t know about 6 or 7 levels, or her book, I might look into that further, but tbh, I don’t read these days or ‘follow’ any system but my own. Too busy living the dream!

    Many thanks for your response, I’ll check out the vid you posted soon. This equinox seems like a good time for this kind of work.
    Hi Phoenix, Maybe I'm confused but I thought there were 16 "levels" to go through but (as noted on their website), one doesn't need to attend a live workshop as all the "initiations" will soon be in video form. I only attended the one workshop more than a decade ago and recall it as a sort of dreamy, feel good experience. The videos, music and content are quite beautiful and well put together. I agree - I no longer follow any outside system - for my whole adult life, I had been in searching mode looking for answers to what was happening inside me, the phenomena I was experiencing, etc. I have immersed myself for varying periods in shamanism, mystery school teachings, new age stuff, eastern philosophies, the UFO phenomenon, etc., etc. trying to understand myself and how I fit into it "all". I've spent decades confusing myself with other's ideologies and taken on so much of other's stuff that in the last few years I am now in a place where I've dropped most of it and am trying not to focus on so much outside myself and just "leave it all alone" with the attitude "it" will come when I'm ready? Unfortunately, I have never been free of the flu and although once in awhile I miss a season, I've had some "killer" bugs over the years. I've now been continuously sick since January with varying degrees of the flu and other ailments - I've pretty much covered it all now so figure it has to wrap up soon. Interesting that you have been flu free since the ceremonies. Interesting too that you no longer read - I used to be a voracious reader since I was a child and this too stopped all of a sudden. I now have a library of books (on esoteric related themes) that I've ordered but I've never read, so I"ve stopped ordering them. I seem to have gone from one extreme to the other. Sounds like your Sedona trip was a meant to be
    Last edited by Eva2; 20th March 2023 at 15:50.

  10. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Eva2 For This Post:

    Hermoor (20th March 2023), Nasu (20th March 2023), Phoenix1304 (20th March 2023), pueblo (20th March 2023)

  11. Link to Post #6
    Avalon Member Phoenix1304's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Template

    Quote Posted by Eva2 (here)
    Quote Posted by Phoenix1304 (here)
    Hi Eva

    Ah Sedona, the first time I drove into it, I felt I’d come home. I had some extraordinary experiences there when my 2 day visit turned into two weeks…

    I think I heard they went to Bali and so the first two ceremonies were all I did. The second video of the source code vids is particularly good I thought and I was glad to do the other two, there’s 4 initiations in all. I’ve now completed them all and would love to discuss the fourth. The inner critic gives short shrift to the idea of physical immortality!

    Just curious, have you been free of the flu since the first?

    I don’t know about 6 or 7 levels, or her book, I might look into that further, but tbh, I don’t read these days or ‘follow’ any system but my own. Too busy living the dream!

    Many thanks for your response, I’ll check out the vid you posted soon. This equinox seems like a good time for this kind of work.
    Hi Phoenix, Maybe I'm confused but I thought there were 16 "levels" to go through but (as noted on their website), one doesn't need to attend a live workshop as all the "initiations" will soon be in video form. I only attended the one workshop more than a decade ago and recall it as a sort of dreamy, feel good experience. The videos, music and content are quite beautiful and well put together. I agree - I no longer follow any outside system - for my whole adult life, I had been in searching mode looking for answers to what was happening inside me, the phenomena I was experiencing, etc. I have immersed myself for varying periods in shamanism, mystery school teachings, new age stuff, eastern philosophies, the UFO phenomenon, etc., etc. trying to understand myself and how I fit into it "all". I've spent decades confusing myself with other's ideologies and taken on so much of other's stuff that in the last few years I am now in a place where I've dropped most of it and am trying not to focus on so much outside myself and just "leave it all alone" with the attitude "it" will come when I'm ready? Unfortunately, I have never been free of the flu and although once in awhile I miss a season, I've had some "killer" bugs over the years. I've now been continuously sick since January with varying degrees of the flu and other ailments - I've pretty much covered it all now so figure it has to wrap up soon. Interesting that you have been flu free since the ceremonies. Interesting too that you no longer read - I used to be a voracious reader since I was a child and this too stopped all of a sudden. I now have a library of books (on esoteric related themes) that I've ordered but I've never read, so I"ve stopped ordering them. I seem to have gone from one extreme to the other. Sounds like your Sedona trip was a meant to be
    Maybe the ‘levels’ are something different to the source code ceremonies, they’ve been doing this work for decades now, so it surely evolved. I’ll check out those levels, sometime. I enjoyed the vid you posted, cleansing, clearing and transmuting the accumulated energetic influences in my field, has been a motif in my spiritual life of late. So, very timely, thank you.

    In the late 90s I opened a new age shop, self help books, crystals, shamanic drums, workshops, you know the kind of thing. Everyone was searching for truth it seemed, well some of us were! There came a point when I shut up shop with the notion that the time for gurus was over, it is time for all to reclaim their own power and sovereignty. The fundamental teachings of new age philosophies, is that we create our own reality, if a guru is any good, they empower you and you don’t need them any more. You just chop wood, boil water. Or, in my case, dig dirt, plant seeds!

    This is why there’s no more workshops or self-help books for me, my life tells me all I need to know about my inner state. ‘What we focus on expands’ is a great truism from Wayne Dyer one of the gurus of that time. I don’t know who said it more recently, but ‘we don’t see the world as it is, but as we are’ also hits the spot.

    Only you know why you are continually sick, deep down you do know. Another popular author of those ‘new age’ days was Louise Hay who wrote You Can Heal Your Life with its enlightening reference section on the likely psychological cause of most dis-ease. I used to refer to it a lot. But it became ‘integrated’ so I think i reached a point where my spirituality is a distillation of all I ever learnt or read and now it’s just a matter of walking the talk instead of the other way round.

    I never see myself as a victim of anything but rather the creator even when my last big lesson had me in a situation where everyone else thought ‘poor you’ as an innocent victim of nasty, bullying people that lived above me. But I knew it was my doing somehow even though I seemed innocent and victimised, I owned it. It took 5 years to move through that using every tool in my spiritual backpack, practicing forgiveness despite anger and desire for ‘revenge’ and understanding that when I was through it, I would be grateful to the ‘perpetrators’ for moving me forward. And so it was. I had plateaued spiritually. I was severely tested.

    How do you know when you’ve learnt all your lessons? If you’re still here, you haven’t! I think that was from a Richard Bach book.

    I heard an astrologer say, ‘set your intentions’ at this powerful Equinox and I realised there’s nothing I really need or want any more, contentment reigns, all that’s left is intending for a better world for all, and maybe the work I’m currently doing clearing my own energy field of old trauma, toxic energies, siphons, tethers, negative entities and so on, are my required steps to seeing a better world in the bigger picture.

    I wish you well.

  12. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Phoenix1304 For This Post:

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  13. Link to Post #7
    Avalon Member Eva2's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Template

    Quote Posted by Phoenix1304 (here)
    Quote Posted by Eva2 (here)
    Quote Posted by Phoenix1304 (here)
    Hi Eva

    Ah Sedona, the first time I drove into it, I felt I’d come home. I had some extraordinary experiences there when my 2 day visit turned into two weeks…

    I think I heard they went to Bali and so the first two ceremonies were all I did. The second video of the source code vids is particularly good I thought and I was glad to do the other two, there’s 4 initiations in all. I’ve now completed them all and would love to discuss the fourth. The inner critic gives short shrift to the idea of physical immortality!

    Just curious, have you been free of the flu since the first?

    I don’t know about 6 or 7 levels, or her book, I might look into that further, but tbh, I don’t read these days or ‘follow’ any system but my own. Too busy living the dream!

    Many thanks for your response, I’ll check out the vid you posted soon. This equinox seems like a good time for this kind of work.
    Hi Phoenix, Maybe I'm confused but I thought there were 16 "levels" to go through but (as noted on their website), one doesn't need to attend a live workshop as all the "initiations" will soon be in video form. I only attended the one workshop more than a decade ago and recall it as a sort of dreamy, feel good experience. The videos, music and content are quite beautiful and well put together. I agree - I no longer follow any outside system - for my whole adult life, I had been in searching mode looking for answers to what was happening inside me, the phenomena I was experiencing, etc. I have immersed myself for varying periods in shamanism, mystery school teachings, new age stuff, eastern philosophies, the UFO phenomenon, etc., etc. trying to understand myself and how I fit into it "all". I've spent decades confusing myself with other's ideologies and taken on so much of other's stuff that in the last few years I am now in a place where I've dropped most of it and am trying not to focus on so much outside myself and just "leave it all alone" with the attitude "it" will come when I'm ready? Unfortunately, I have never been free of the flu and although once in awhile I miss a season, I've had some "killer" bugs over the years. I've now been continuously sick since January with varying degrees of the flu and other ailments - I've pretty much covered it all now so figure it has to wrap up soon. Interesting that you have been flu free since the ceremonies. Interesting too that you no longer read - I used to be a voracious reader since I was a child and this too stopped all of a sudden. I now have a library of books (on esoteric related themes) that I've ordered but I've never read, so I"ve stopped ordering them. I seem to have gone from one extreme to the other. Sounds like your Sedona trip was a meant to be
    Maybe the ‘levels’ are something different to the source code ceremonies, they’ve been doing this work for decades now, so it surely evolved. I’ll check out those levels, sometime. I enjoyed the vid you posted, cleansing, clearing and transmuting the accumulated energetic influences in my field, has been a motif in my spiritual life of late. So, very timely, thank you.

    In the late 90s I opened a new age shop, self help books, crystals, shamanic drums, workshops, you know the kind of thing. Everyone was searching for truth it seemed, well some of us were! There came a point when I shut up shop with the notion that the time for gurus was over, it is time for all to reclaim their own power and sovereignty. The fundamental teachings of new age philosophies, is that we create our own reality, if a guru is any good, they empower you and you don’t need them any more. You just chop wood, boil water. Or, in my case, dig dirt, plant seeds!

    This is why there’s no more workshops or self-help books for me, my life tells me all I need to know about my inner state. ‘What we focus on expands’ is a great truism from Wayne Dyer one of the gurus of that time. I don’t know who said it more recently, but ‘we don’t see the world as it is, but as we are’ also hits the spot.

    Only you know why you are continually sick, deep down you do know. Another popular author of those ‘new age’ days was Louise Hay who wrote You Can Heal Your Life with its enlightening reference section on the likely psychological cause of most dis-ease. I used to refer to it a lot. But it became ‘integrated’ so I think i reached a point where my spirituality is a distillation of all I ever learnt or read and now it’s just a matter of walking the talk instead of the other way round.

    I never see myself as a victim of anything but rather the creator even when my last big lesson had me in a situation where everyone else thought ‘poor you’ as an innocent victim of nasty, bullying people that lived above me. But I knew it was my doing somehow even though I seemed innocent and victimised, I owned it. It took 5 years to move through that using every tool in my spiritual backpack, practicing forgiveness despite anger and desire for ‘revenge’ and understanding that when I was through it, I would be grateful to the ‘perpetrators’ for moving me forward. And so it was. I had plateaued spiritually. I was severely tested.

    How do you know when you’ve learnt all your lessons? If you’re still here, you haven’t! I think that was from a Richard Bach book.

    I heard an astrologer say, ‘set your intentions’ at this powerful Equinox and I realised there’s nothing I really need or want any more, contentment reigns, all that’s left is intending for a better world for all, and maybe the work I’m currently doing clearing my own energy field of old trauma, toxic energies, siphons, tethers, negative entities and so on, are my required steps to seeing a better world in the bigger picture.

    I wish you well.
    I used the word "levels" but really the proper word should be "code" - I did one workshop where we were "initiated" into the first 6 or 7 codes.

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    Avalon Member Eva2's Avatar
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    "As we witness the acceleration of the deterioration of our environment, social, political and economic structures, it is beneficial to understand the evolutionary influences that are driving this age.
    By so doing we can consciously implicate ourselves within the phenomenal opportunity for transmutation that is available during this phase of culmination.
    It is the transitional phase of conception and deterioration in any cycle which creates the powerful frictions that open the portals for transcendence.
    It is during the degenerative phase that the rotting fruit falls away and the new seed is expelled.
    The global crisis is not a dark event but a redistribution of natural power created by an immense influx of light.
    This influx is being created by the maturing influences of a solar system that is itself reaching higher and higher states of cosmic comprehension, transmitting to Earth and its inhabitants ever new spectrums of radiance data – light.
    Massive beams of this ‘hyper-creation code’ are emanating from the Galactic Core to sweep their influence through the solar system, activating and integrating the symbiotic evolutionary covenants that lie dormant and waiting in every cell of every living creation for this kiss of light to awaken them to a new model of existence, a new paradigm.
    It will be the degree to which we are able to translate and utilize this light code that will allow us to break the barriers of illusion set by this dualistic paradigm and the genetic modifications that are in resonance with it.
    It is because of this light influx that we are now able to answer the three most fundamental questions that define us as conscious Human entities: “Who am I? Where am I from? Why am I here?”
    In order to do so, we must have some ability to understand the implicate order of our own creation and, to some degree, the complexity of the reality in which we find ourselves.
    No living thing within creation exists in isolation.
    The interconnected, interactive, co-creative individual system of each entity is a fractal of the one holographic system that encompasses the subatomic to the multi-universal.
    Transcendence requires the resurrection of the dormant components within the Human hologram, to be re-embraced into the governing mechanism of the universal holography."
    by Juliet Carter

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    Avalon Member Eva2's Avatar
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    When you investigate the endless conspiracies
    now being revealed, the deeper you go the closer you come to the core betrayal of Humanity - the modified matrix that is causing the systemic failure of earths bio-systems and is generating this fear-based reality, establishing a slave race on a prison planet.
    In order to enslave a race you take away its past, its memories, its ancestry…its identity… you downgrade its genetic blueprint… you instigate a program of psycho-social, chemical, electromagnetic, political and religious manipulation of consciousness that renders that race pathologically obedient.
    We are trapped in a corrupt matrix, generated by our own mutant genetic programs and the frequency feedback of our chemically-altered brainwaves.
    Humanity’s release from slavery will not only require that we retrieve the truth of our origins and uncover the identity of those who are manipulating our reality but must also include the resurrection of the original human blueprint prior to our genetic modification.
    Encoded into that blueprint is the resonant template that will initiate our electromagnetic disassociation from the synthetic matrix.
    Resurrect the full divine immortal Human blueprint, and you will realize the visual audible feed-back of the true space/time continuum - a transcendent paradigm.'
    Juliet J Carter

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