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Thread: Original Transmission by Robert Krakower is NOT what mainstream Human Design today is all about!

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    United States Avalon Member Sunnyah's Avatar
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    Default Original Transmission by Robert Krakower is NOT what mainstream Human Design today is all about!

    Let's talk about this!
    Mainstream Human Design with the International Human Design School (IHDS) is absolute, 'materialism' at it's best, Boo! If you've dug into the roots or origins of "Ra" (aka Robert Krakower) the guy who engineered the software to create the "Rave Mandala Body Graph" did seem to have created a whole new way of looking at our lives and the 'energies' we each possess by synthesizing 4 esoteric systems we could ponder and contemplate to better understand ourselves (and others) which is fun! (Astrology, Hindu Chakra, Judaic Kabbalah/Tree of Life, and the I'ching) And, I'm always curious about anything new that evokes us to be more contemplative and/or reflective. Where he became a total crack-pot to me (and suspicious of him) was when I realized that he labeled and embellished everything. No longer seemingly divine transmission, but conjured up and systematized for profit. Interpreting 'this and that' all over the Bodychart telling people what everything means as if he'd had an on-going divine download and sat at the right hand of GOD for years taking notes. Even, going so far as to re-name himself Ra'. ??? Needless to say, it took me four years of mainstream studies, thousands of dollars (one class short of certifying as an Analyst) to realize, this whole thing is racket and I'd been had as soooo many had been before me and will after. How did I realize this? I watched multiple video's of a dying women, Zeno Dickenson one of Ra's original students, tell us about her experience with him, read her website blogs, read [I]his[I]first book and then read Zeno's book - HD Revealed it was only then did I conclude Jovian Archive and IHDS was a complete and total scam. And, all the teachers that jumped on this bandwagon weren't any better than him, all very money grubbing scammers. Human Design, is a simple system 'for the masses' and doesn't need years and years of studying or teaching. It's something you can use privately or share amongst your peeps, but shouldn't be a complicated 'money maker'. If there was any need for a teacher at all would be to simply guide you to 'think'... wonder...contemplate (read) aspects of your body chart and draw your own conclusions, without rote memorization, keynoting or intensive studies. Trust me, I've had a lot of teachers over the 4 years studying this stuff and I'm disgusted at their lack of expertise and their boring as f*ck classes. Now with that said, what I do think is pretty cool, stripped of labels IS Human Design, Original Transmission. Which is to talk about your body chart based on the energies YOU experience in whatever Center (Chakra/Tree of Life) as it relates to the I'Ching (Gate/Hexagram that is activated in you)? What's fascinating to me, as we experience stressors, simply from daily living, and if we know our energetic blueprint and how we can better stay in that state of flow/ease otherwise known as coherence, to keep our nervous systems calm and our telomere's long - and live good long lives. Make sense? We're here to learn about ourselves (and each others if we have the capacity and curiosity to do so) and that's fun, to share a system/concept (such as Human Design Original Transmission aka, HDOT) that gives us some framework on how to discuss it. Okay - well, I'm just looking for community on the subject, if you care to chat. Be well ~ warm regards, Sunny
    Last edited by Sunnyah; 6th July 2023 at 22:10.

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    United States Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Original Transmission by Robert Krakower is NOT what mainstream Human Design today is all about!

    Quote Posted by Sunnyah (here)
    What's fascinating to me, as we experience stressors, simply from daily living, and if we know our energetic blueprint and how we can better stay in that state of flow/ease otherwise known as coherence, to keep our nervous systems calm and our telomere's long - and live good long lives.

    That certainly describes one of the main anchors of what I do.

    The rest of everything sounded like a complaint about regurgitated syncretism.

    I have an extraordinarily low opinion of people taking stuff like this and turning around and marketing it.

    I suppose it is what I might call New Age. It is "new" because it no longer has any connection to "ancient", since you are buying someone's intellectual opinion or psychic vision.

    Chinese systems are not connected to anything else, but Hindu Chakras are connected to Hindu Astrology. It may be bothersome if I suggest western Tropical Astrology is imaginary--but it is.

    As much as I am interested in some of the traditional systems, it should come with a warning that there is not one in the west or the English language.

    There was--such as Avalon--but I am not going to put on a costume and pretend like it has been around for the past 2,000 years.

    The guy you described sounds like the founder of Scientology. Used a somewhat legitimate type of bio-feedback machine, but, to what purposes other than materialism, I cannot say. I had one of their books and later had to confess to a Scientologist that I could neither sell it nor give it away.

  4. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to shaberon For This Post:

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    United States Avalon Member Sunnyah's Avatar
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    Default Re: Original Transmission by Robert Krakower is NOT what mainstream Human Design today is all about!

    Hello Shaberon,
    Thank you for the reply post. (I'm just getting familiar with the platform)
    I had to look up the word syncretism. This website, uses words and language I've never seen before. So I have some learning to do - clearly. So what is that you do? (having mentioned - it's one of the main anchors of your work) I'm sensing from what you wrote, we share a similar sentiment about people turning things into marketing opportunities. I do think the 'body graph', Robert (Ra') created is a very interesting and illuminating synthesis, if the person is left to explore those 'said energies' of the 4 esoteric systems it amalgamates on their own to contemplate and build self-confidence in their own uniqueness. However, I didn't really make the connection to scientology, Ra was a bit like Ron Hubbard, but I see now the similarities and appreciate your insight. On a different note. I've studied with the Sisterhood of Avalon...and I'm still a little confused, Project Avalon (though it has the same word - Avalon) it's not at all similar or the same correct? Believing that King Arthur, the Lady of the Lake, Merlin, etc...goddesses are king makers, and King Arthur was the last of great kings, to consult women in important decisions? Not the same, correct? And if not, can you or are you able to illuminate me on the origins/foundational thoughts behind using the word AVALON in the naming of the website? (If not, no worries) Okay - well thanks again for your reply. And if you become interested in the 'original transmission... of Human Design, Rave Mandala Bodychart, that was pretty brilliant and useful for self-discovery" please stay on this thread to continue discussing. Oh and if you need a Bodychart, no worries, they are free all over the internet, or I can generate one for you and pop it back to you, if you want to investigate this further. Warm regards, Sunnyah
    Last edited by Sunnyah; 7th July 2023 at 14:29.

  6. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Sunnyah For This Post:

    Bill Ryan (7th July 2023), Harmony (7th July 2023), Journeyman (7th July 2023)

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