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Thread: Zeolite, the mineral of the future

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    Great Britain Avalon Member ian33's Avatar
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    Default Zeolite, the mineral of the future

    ..feeling better in myself, now im back on this
    available amazon

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    Great Britain Avalon Member ian33's Avatar
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    Default Re: Zeolite, the mineral of the future

    in powder form there are different sized particles available. you need less than 10 microns to pass the blood brain barrier

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    Netherlands Avalon Member ExomatrixTV's Avatar
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    Default Re: Zeolite, the mineral of the future

    • Heavy Metal Detox With Zeolites [Chelation Protocol: Zeolite Dosage, Particle Size, Timing]:

    I talk about heavy metal detox with zeolites. Zeolite is a natural chelating agent. I explain a simple heavy metal detox/chelation therapy protocol using zeolites, that causes no risk to health. Zeolite has been rated: Generally Regarded As Safe (GRAS) for human consumption by the FDA.

    When it comes to health, Zeolite has many different uses, starting heavy metal detox, mould detox, removing other harmful compounds from the body, killing harmful bacteria and viruses, such as herpes, improving wound healing, improving acne, to being used for treating cancer, where it was found to prolong life span and decrease tumour size in animal studies, and decrease the negative side effect caused by chemotherapy in human studies. It has some pretty amazing health benefits and many different uses. I’ll talk about zeolite dosage, particle size, and explain all you need to know for a safe and effective heavy metal detox at home.
    • watch my heavy metal detox video here
    Zeolite uses 00:27
    Before detoxifying 1:30
    Mysterious health problems 2:44
    How heavy metals are harming our health 4:13
    How heavy metal detox works 5:41
    Chelating agents 6:15
    What are zeolites? 6:38
    Zeolite composition 6:58
    How zeolite helps you to detoxify? 7:28
    What metals does zeolite help you to detoxify from? 7:34
    Zeolite particle size 8:14
    What size zeolite particles to get 8:42
    How to take zeolite powder for a heavy metal detox? 9:34
    No need to follow anyone, only consider broadening (y)our horizon of possibilities ...

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    United States Avalon Member thepainterdoug's Avatar
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    Default Re: Zeolite, the mineral of the future

    Im familiar with Zeolites from my pool filter as a kid. it was used in the water filtration system. Im going to look into this more

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    Avalon Member Pam's Avatar
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    Default Re: Zeolite, the mineral of the future

    I have a personal testimonial about Zeolite. I was apprehensive to use it as a heavy metal detox as the nature of the detox can be very harsh. I have been pleasantly surprised that it is quite gentle. The really important thing is to remember to drink a huge amount of water throughout the day so it is not reabsorbed. It is one of the easier detoxes I have ever experienced. I highly recommend it.

    Just make sure your bowels and urinary output are sufficient. Eat food that will keep the GI system moving along with the good hydration to avoid reabsorption of the metals and it works like a charm.

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    Wales Avalon Member meat suit's Avatar
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    Default Re: Zeolite, the mineral of the future

    I used a zeolite product called clean slate for a year.
    It came recommended by friends and I would also recommend it.
    Its quite expensive ...

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    Netherlands Avalon Member ExomatrixTV's Avatar
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    Default Re: Zeolite, the mineral of the future

    I wonder how many online "webshops" selling Zeolite way too expensive or way too cheap that turns out to be garbage?
    • Who to trust?
    • Who is ripping you off?
    • Who is way too expensive?
    • Who took the time & effort to check them all out and made a video about it? (... or it still has to be done soon?)
    • so many options ... see (among others) "best rated" here
    John 🦜🦋🌳
    Last edited by ExomatrixTV; 23rd August 2023 at 16:16.
    No need to follow anyone, only consider broadening (y)our horizon of possibilities ...

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  15. Link to Post #8
    United States Avalon Member Casey Claar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Zeolite, the mineral of the future

    Please scratch any product off that would put a binding substance such as Zeolite into a reactive ( such as toxic plastic ) container rather than non-reactive ( glass, etc.. ) container. Also any product that labels itself more predominantly as a detox than simply ZEOLITE. Also any product other than the clay itself. Otherwise you are paying a lot for watered down almost nothing. Just my suggestions.
    "Love is what is left when you let go of everything you no longer need." —Raj

  16. The Following 10 Users Say Thank You to Casey Claar For This Post:

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    United States Avalon Member onevoice's Avatar
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    Default Re: Zeolite, the mineral of the future

    Quote Posted by Casey Claar (here)
    Please scratch any product off that would put a binding substance such as Zeolite into a reactive ( such as toxic plastic ) container rather than non-reactive ( glass, etc.. ) container. Also any product that labels itself more predominantly as a detox than simply ZEOLITE. Also any product other than the clay itself. Otherwise you are paying a lot for watered down almost nothing. Just my suggestions.
    You have a point there, Casey. It seems most if not all Zeolite supplements are packed in soft plastic, probably not BPA free. If Zeolite can bind to many toxic substance, being in a BPA plastic would already be contaminated. I ordered one in a soft plastic bottle so I'll return it and get a bentonite clay product.

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    England Avalon Member John Hilton's Avatar
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    Default Re: Zeolite, the mineral of the future

    Mine came in a paper envelope.

    Question: As someone with "leaky gut" I'm already low on essential metals such as magnesium and zinc. Chellation by itself would probably kill me so how do you replace the essential metals/minerals the zeolite removes?

    By the way, if you've never read this book, you really ought to!

    "Gut and Psychology Syndrome" by Natasha Campbell-McBride, M.D.

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  21. Link to Post #11
    Avalon Member Pam's Avatar
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    Default Re: Zeolite, the mineral of the future

    Quote Posted by ExomatrixTV (here)
    I wonder how many online "webshops" selling Zeolite way too expensive or way too cheap that turns out to be garbage?
    • Who to trust?
    • Who is ripping you off?
    • Who is way too expensive?
    • Who took the time & effort to check them all out and made a video about it? (... or it still has to be done soon?)
    • so many options ... see (among others) "best rated" here
    John 🦜🦋🌳
    This is in response to both your post, Exo and Casey's. I have been giving serious contemplation about vitamin supplementation and have to admit, I am becoming more and more discerning.

    Once we get past the understanding that there are those in positions of alleged authority that actually wish to do us harm, ( I am speaking from a US perspective here) and wish to even kill us what better group would they love to target but those that want to take an active role in prevention of disease and avoidance of the health care system?

    There was a day when I felt like something being FDA approved meant at least minimal concern for the product was there, I now understand in the inversion it is probably working the other way.

    We have to seriously research when we buy or taking any supplements. I very much appreciate advice such as Casey provided. We all have to step up our discernment skills. I used to be so dang trusting about taking vitamins and I just hate that it has come down to this, but we have to do our homework and share what we do learn, just as Casey has done for us.

    Some of my "go to" brands that I have trusted for years have been bought out by mega corporations and because the industry in the US is "unregulated "they are free to add just about anything they want to the product.

    Just as an example, I used to take a synthetic vitamin B complex. I wisened up a bit and bought one that is food based. Now, I have decided that using nutritional brewers yeast flakes is the safest option, the option closest to the natural world. True the amount of B complex it provides is less but I think it is much more useful for the body.

    I went a bit off track here but I do think this has to become an area where we heighten our discernment.

    The word and concept "discernment" is going to be something we all need to hone to a fine art, to it's highest level in the times to come.
    Last edited by Pam; 24th August 2023 at 15:32.

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  23. Link to Post #12
    United States Avalon Member onawah's Avatar
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    Default Re: Zeolite, the mineral of the future

    I just got an emailed newsletter from a group called "Freedom of Religion", (Freedom Of Religion - United Solutions (FOR-US) <info@forunitedsolutions.org> )
    It's part of United Solutions https://forunitedsolutions.org/
    They are affiliated with RFKennedyJr. and various health whistleblowers regarding vaccines and founded by Dr. Shannon Kroner, author of the children's book "I'm Unvaccinated and That's OK".
    They have a liquid zeolite product, "Pure Body Extra" which I'm going to give a try.
    According to their advertisement:
    "Advanced Cellular Cleanse
    Powdered zeolites only work in the gut. Pure Body Extra targets toxins to a cellular level thanks to nanometer sizing and advanced technology that suspends zeolite in water clusters. It’s a passive cleanse that is also fast acting.

    The Laws of Attraction
    Negatively-charged zeolite works like a magnet, trapping positively-charged toxins such as lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium and many more, and carries them out of the body within hours.

    Proven Pure
    Pure Body undergoes a proprietary cleansing process (lab-tested), removing pre-existing pollutants from the zeolite, so it effectively detoxifies. It is then nanosized to create a hydrated zeolite liquid that reaches throughout the body.

    Targets Toxins
    Numerous studies attest to the selective nature of the zeolite Clinoptilolite, to ONLY take out toxins, and never any good nutrients. Our proprietary cleansing process loads the zeolite with beneficial minerals so it always replaces a bad toxin with a good mineral for optimal well-being."

    I'm inclined to think this is an integral group and that that's not just false advertisement.
    It's pricey, but if it's more effective than powdered zeolite, it may be worth it.
    There is a special offer now for subscribers to the email newsletter, but I'm not sure if it's for non-subscribers too, or how long it will last.
    Each breath a gift...

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    United States Avalon Member Casey Claar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Zeolite, the mineral of the future

    Onawah, the liquid variety is just zeolite clay + water. - plus they may even put other things in there to keep it viable due to the water content. So you have paid a lot for almost no zeolite, relative to buying ( for instance ) 32 ounces of the clay/powder, taking a tablespoon or two of it and hydrating it yourself. They clay should never be taken dry, just to say, for the readers, it is always mixed with water first before application and/or ingestion. I just had a look at your product it says it is created from "whole Clinoptilolite zeolite and pure water". Mhm.. a lot of money for pretty much just a 2oz bottle of water and trace amount of zeolite.
    "Love is what is left when you let go of everything you no longer need." —Raj

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    United States Avalon Member Casey Claar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Zeolite, the mineral of the future

    Just to say, or to add, I am not big on clays as detox/binding agents. I lean way more over to the GREENS: cilantro, chlorella, chlorophyll DAILY : and : THE BREATH. The breath is really the biggest tool we have to keep our inner environment and whole system on the parasympathetic side of life. Which toxins simply cannot thrive in. And it is free ( ! ).
    "Love is what is left when you let go of everything you no longer need." —Raj

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    United States Avalon Member onawah's Avatar
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    Default Re: Zeolite, the mineral of the future

    You may be right Casey.
    However, I didn't spend much at all, since it was on offer to newsletter subscribers for $15 for one month's supply.
    I've taken the EDTA capsules and after a few days, I felt very weird (I'm pretty sensitive), so I'm only going to do that intermittently, if at all.
    Also, the advice with the EDTA caps is not to take other supplements concurrently, which is a problem, since I take a lot of supplements.
    According to the advice re "Pure Body Extra" that is not a problem since it is taken in drops, and so taking it sublingually would work on a cellular level, and not in the gut.
    So I thought I would try this other form and see how that feels.
    It's the heavy metals I'm concerned about.
    I take spirulina daily, and fresh aloe vera gel, which helps with heavy metal detox.
    But what I'm seeing in the blood samples taken even from non-vaxxed people, the heavy metal nano tech is being spread via shedding and also from chemtrails and other means
    I'm unvaxxed, but it seems like heavy metals might still be a concern, so I just wanted to see if this form of zeolite feels any better than the caps.
    If it comes in a plastic bottle, then I won't take it, but I think it's glass.

    Quote Posted by Casey Claar (here)
    Onawah, the liquid variety is just zeolite clay + water. - plus they may even put other things in there to keep it viable due to the water content. So you have paid a lot for almost no zeolite, relative to buying ( for instance ) 32 ounces of the clay/powder, taking a tablespoon or two of it and hydrating it yourself. They clay should never be taken dry, just to say, for the readers, it is always mixed with water first before application and/or ingestion. I just had a look at your product it says it is created from "whole Clinoptilolite zeolite and pure water". Mhm.. a lot of money for pretty much just a 2oz bottle of water and trace amount of zeolite.
    Last edited by onawah; 24th August 2023 at 22:12.
    Each breath a gift...

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    United States Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Zeolite, the mineral of the future

    Personally i would trust and have used BioPure Zeolite.

    There is a well known physician (and somewhat awakened individual) named Klinghardt who cosigns their products.


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    United States Avalon Member mojo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Zeolite, the mineral of the future

    Im very interested in something that can detox humans from the nano tech, hydrogel, lipid particles and modRNA tech and you dont have to be vaxed to worry about this as its found in food, rain and other things. I have been mega dosing with Vitamin C would Zeolite also be effective? Thanks

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    United States Avalon Member Lilyofthestars's Avatar
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    Default Re: Zeolite, the mineral of the future

    A few years back I spent hours trying to discern the best possible source for Zeolite. Just when I thought I had found a great source out of Austria and ordered it I was quickly left disappointed. Upon deeper research into the company, it turned out the company was actually Chinese..

    Does anyone have any recommendations or pure sources they know of?
    Last edited by Lilyofthestars; 13th September 2023 at 17:08.
    Eventually, all things merge into one, and a river runs through it. The river was cut by the world's great flood and runs over rocks from the basement of time. On some of the rocks are timeless raindrops. Under the rocks are the words, and some of the words are theirs.
    I am haunted by waters.”

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    Canada Avalon Member AnitaT's Avatar
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    Default Re: Zeolite, the mineral of the future

    Could never find a reasonable priced product here in Canada so went with FOOD GRADE Diatomaceous earth.


    Here are the highlights:

    - Internal parasites
    - Anti-fungal
    - Removes toxic metals

    - Eliminates Radioactive Nuclides
    - Eliminates Petrochemicals Pollutants


    - Improves bone formation and strength
    - Prevents Arteriosclerosis
    - Stimulates your immune system
    - Promotes healthy skin, hair, & nails
    - Help with dark circles under the eyes
    - Relieves constipation
    - Gets rid of harmful bacteria

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    Canada Avalon Member AnitaT's Avatar
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    Default Re: Zeolite, the mineral of the future

    One of the things, thoughts that has quietly been growing for me is: is Zeolite and Diatomaceous earth. (DE) being used against us?

    The answer for Zeolite is: YES it being used against us.

    link: https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.co...logy-biosensor


    Zeolite Use In Nanotechnology Biosensor Applications, Enhancement Of Graphene Quantum Dots Capacity And Increase In Polymer Hydrogel Growth

    Here is a quote from the first paragraph

    Quote Zeolite has been an emerging material in building nanotechnology biosensors and strengthening polymers. In this article, I will review some of the literature, and you can decide for yourself if this should be your detox molecule of choice. I want to remind people that this advanced nanotechnology is synthetic artificial life, and it is conscious. The building blocks of the nanotechnology comes from our bodies, it harvests the toxic metals in us, uses the polymer nanoparticles, graphene oxide and other materials like silicone to assemble themselves

    On this page there is a video, and several other articles related to how Zeolite is being used for the same related purpose.

    I am seriously wondering about DE as it has silicone content. Looking for info on this but seriously worried the answer is: yes - like Zeolite.

    I had always thought that DE with its sharp edges would tear apart any nano particles. Continuing to search for an answer.

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