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Thread: John Christie Magnetic Motor -- 2009 interview

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    Australia Avalon Member gingerperth's Avatar
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    Default John Christie Magnetic Motor -- 2009 interview

    i'm a new member so have limited ideas of how to use this site effectively.

    i came across this Australian video today on FB.


    i assume that others who have studied free energy know all about this already, but just in case they don't, i am sharing it here.

    i'd love to find out what happened to John Christie and his machine.

    so please enlighten us if you can.

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    Lightbulb Re: John Christie Magnetic Motor -- 2009 interview

    Quote Posted by gingerperth (here)
    I have seen that video multiple times, multiple places in much higher quality
    • This version is with French 🇫🇷 Sub-Titles:

    Source: https://www.rumble.com/video/v35ttix/?pub=1hi16y
    Last edited by ExomatrixTV; 1st October 2023 at 10:14.
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    Lightbulb Re: John Christie Magnetic Motor -- 2009 interview

    • Free Energy Generator, John Christie & Ludwig Brits, Overunity Motor Generator

    Patent: google.com/patents/US6630806

    The John Christie Electric Generator was shown to the world in 2001 – a device capable of generating a full 24 kilowatts of electricity. In this article, I will tell you about John Christie, the inventor, and how he and his friend, Lou Brits, came up with the generator. I will also explain to you how free electricity works and how you too can generate your own electricity at home too.

    John Christie And Lou Brits

    Australian mechanical engineer, John Christie, and his electrician friend, Lou Brits, worked hard through the 90s to come up with their own version of the magnetic generator. In 2001, they launched it to the public as the Lutec 1000, a device capable of generating 24 kilowatts of electricity (enough to power a few houses).

    The main claim to fame at the time was that the Lutec 1000 was “the first free energy machine to be developed to commercial stage anywhere in the world”. This was perhaps an exaggeration as, although the device worked, it was far from being full tested and developed to the point where you could buy one off the shelf in the marketplace.

    How Does “Free Energy” Work?

    Part of the problem lies in the name. “Free energy” sounds almost impossible to believe, I prefer to call this concept “zero point” as it is known in physics.

    Zero point is an area of physics that has been studied for over one hundred years. Nikola Tesla, the man who is called by some the “grandfather of electricity”, dedicated half of his life to studying zero point. He even published his work and it met with great approval. Unfortunately, his legacy in this area did not live on after his death due to existing commercial interests using their power to bury it.

    Zero point speaks of obtaining energy without fuel, from a source that is not widely acknowledged in conventional physics. It does this via the use of strategically placed magnets.

    Fast forward around a century later and there has been a resurgence of interest in this area, especially in the last year or two. While Christie and Brits may have been a little premature with their “commercial” launch, real working generators are now being built by enthusiasts in their garages, right across the world, numbering somewhere in the tens of thousands and possibly more.

    How Can You Generate Your Own Electricity?

    The average home does not need 24 kilowatts. In fact, a basic motor is easily constructed for next to nothing that can generate a good 7 kilowatts of power which is more than enough for most households.

    The basic electric generator is a rotor, some magnets and some electrical wiring. John Christie and Lou Brits made their own version but I suggest you keep things very simple. In fact, I strongly recommend that you spend a nominal amount of around 50 dollars on a good set of plans which will give you diagrams and step by step instructions on building your magnetic motor generator. Or you can try to do it for “free” which will see you spending several months on your motor, all the while still paying your monthly bill to the power company.

    Their Claims:

    2005 quote: "Dear Friends of Lutec:

    There is a web site yowusa.com that we suggest will be of interest to you. It is downloadable so you can listen to a web radio interview featuring Marshall Masters interviewing Jacco Van Der Worp, a Dutch physicist and systems failure analyst who, after lengthy telephone consultations with Lou, has examined the physics behind the control system used in Lutec motors, and has confirmed the validity of the technology. Basically Jacco concludes from an academic stand point, that the controlled periodic interruption of a rotating permanent magnetic field, by the temporary and precise introduction of another magnetic field, causes the secondary effect of the naturally occurring polarity flip of the permanent magnet influence, to be accessed, harnessed, and applied to assist in the rotors on-going revolution direction. And most importantly, he agrees that this flip effect is influenced by voltage rather than current, and also allows the flip back to the original polarity to naturally occur at no cost of current, so the rotor is driven onwards at a very small cost of electricity.

    This magnetic field effect is what is covered in our patent applications, but has never before been publicly reviewed by an academic of standing. It is very encouraging to have a notable qualified academic put his name to it, and we are thankful to him for doing so.

    Over the years there have been several other academics, including one of the world’s most notable professors of power electronics, who after evaluating our technology like Jacco Van Der Worp, also agree with us that it works. Commercial confidence arrangements made by the people paying for that particular analysis prevent us from commenting publicly on their findings, other than to say that the mathematical formula we use to prove the input current, and the method we use to prove the output are correct and irrefutable.

    The overall effect of all this allows the motor to run for a relatively insignificant cost of input energy compared to any other electric motor. It is what is causing the Lutec motors and generators to produce such high relative electrical output compared to input, and to run cool. Because fluctuating current is present in the copper coil windings of electric motors there is always significant heat loss evidenced as the coil windings become hot as the motor runs, and even hotter as a load is applied. The heat so evidenced is wasted energy and is found in every other electric motor. If heat is present in the coils, a motor simply can not be over-unity.

    All the coil windings in the prototype Lutec motors and generators demonstrate the remarkable ability to run cool, even when subjected to maximum possible load. They all clearly evidence the technology having superior performance characteristics than any other motor, and that is because of the rotating magnetic field control. And that’s what Jacco refers to when he says. “They have done it, they have pinned it down”.

    Free energy or free electricity. Jacco says it is not a free energy machine. When Lou and I talk of free energy we are meaning free in monetary terms. We are not saying zero point energy, or ether energy, or that any other mystical energy as yet unmapped is being tapped. What we have is a free energy machine because the majority of the energy/electricity produced by a generator using the patented technology costs next to nothing to produce. That’s close enough to free for me.

    In the example quoted by Jacco Van Der Worp 15 times more output than input is given. We know that we can get much bigger returns than that. In fact at present we are demonstrating 19 to 20 times more output than input, using a switching system Lou has designed. It is not solid state electronics, but may yet prove to be suitable to go into the production of a home use size electricity generator.

    As a further matter of interest and contrary to Jacco’s comment, this specific means of controlling a rotary device was never “stumbled” upon, it was actively and purposely sought out by Lou, and then further researched, documented, developed and adapted for practical demonstration by Lou and myself. The over unity (more than 100% efficiency) effect displayed and now confirmed by applied physicist Jacco Van Der Worp as having validity was always the goal.

    For those technical types it actually displays a pure coefficient of performance by combining three separate field effect characteristics. So we would say that if one was using the terminology of the day, then technically it’s not a free energy machine, but a highly efficient machine with a C.O.P. of 20+ or able to produce 20 times more output than input.

    The politics and opinions of Marshall Masters are not those of Lou and me and although we are very pleased he has gone to the trouble to try to help get our technology “out there” there are some comments made on the interview that need clarification by us here.

    Firstly the “University” did not just disappear and not want to do any more work on the project. It seems Marshall has misunderstood Lou during a previous interview or on a phone call, and he then thought we were involved with a University here in Australia, and that university has for some sinister reason pulled the plug. That is not so. There is one University where we have very good relations with some of the teaching staff, and still do.
    We did engage the services of a private company made up of honors graduates from another Australian university, who have elected to withdraw from their contract to provide a solid state switching system for the motor. It appears their reasons are more from a commercial view than for any other. They certainly have not disappeared.

    Marshall also uses very emotive terms including kill off, wipe out, squash and so forth to describe what he thinks is happening to us behind the scenes, and also reckons the US President and Australian government is actively trying to stop us. I doubt this is correct, if they really wanted to do so, they could in a flash and there wouldn’t even be a ripple to show their passing.

    Admittedly we have had no direct support from the Australian Federal government or from the Queensland State Government, but we don’t expect any in any case. That’s because our country has a history of letting many of its best ideas go overseas, and having to buy the technology back. There is nothing sinister in that, just a lack of systems within government to allow private individuals to access government assistance. For example they won’t sign non disclosure and confidentiality agreements. This is standard procedure in the world of commerce, designed to protect the interests of inventors. They claim the public service act prevents government employees from talking about confidential matters. Yeah right. The penalty for breach is a paltry ten thousand dollar fine. Selling the secrets of the Lutec technology before patents were in place could have made a dishonest or desperate public servant an overnight multi millionaire, and disqualified us from being able to obtain patent protection over our invention. That makes it difficult to progress a technology with government assistance when you are a struggling inventor.

    If the Federal government that had invested one million dollars in Lutec technology five years ago, and so sped up the development, production, manufacture, and sale of the products using the technology, the return may have made them a thousand times the investment by now. And also gained international kudos, green house credits to burn, helped save the planet, provided electricity through the biggest storms and disasters, and backed up the ailing grid power system. Imagine the political brownie points they could have gained with the Australian people, you wouldn’t be able to get them out of power with a crow bar. Jacco Van Der Worp estimates that there is the need right now for millions of these little generators in the USA alone, there is no doubt he is right. Do the sums for yourself. Government taxes earned and the flow-on effect from employment of the huge labor force needed to support the massive potential for export, would amount to billions of dollars in government earnings. Even the revenue generated from coal exports would not be slowed one iota, because producing small home size generators to every new dwelling built in the USA would alone account for millions of units. That’s just the growth in private housing, not the existing demand, and not even taking into account the growth in industry that is also caused by natural population growth. It seems Australia has missed the boat, although we are still open to them, but there must be countries and companies or corporations out there that would love to have control of this technology. Give us a call and we’ll talk.

    Where we stand right now is that we do need a million dollars to complete the technology to where we want it before releasing it in the form of a generator. Jacco is dead right in his evaluation there. We are not looking for a free hand-out, so if you dear reader know anyone who might be interested in becoming involved, with a minimum one hundred and fifty thousand dollars available to contribute, please have them email us at infoATlutec.com.au and request information. We will also need their full names, address, and contact phone numbers, this tends to keep the tire kickers away. Enquiries from outside of Australia are welcome.

    Please listen to the interview between Marshall Masters and Jacco Van Der Worp, it is certain to be interesting and educational, exciting, and encouraging for those waiting for clean green sustainable energy to finally be introduced and to improve their own, their children’s and grand children’s quality of life and assist our global environment.

    I apologize for my slackness in replying to your emails. The stream of mail has slowed comparative to the early days, but even so is still daunting and generally the writers ask questions that are answered on our web site, so I don’t answer those. Any questions of a technical nature should be referred to Lou for him to answer, that might make things work a bit faster.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this far.

    John and Lou.
    June 2005".


    2014: Whatever Happened To... "Lutec 1000 Free Energy Generator" ?
    Last edited by ExomatrixTV; 1st October 2023 at 12:16.
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    Netherlands Avalon Member ExomatrixTV's Avatar
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    Default Re: John Christie Magnetic Motor -- 2009 interview

    • Best Instructional Video HOW to Review "Free Energy Generators":

    The above video may also "throw out the baby with the bathwater" on top of that it HELPS "neutrals" to have an excuse not to investigate anything controversial dealing with REAL suppressed inventions ... Then WHY did I just share it to all of you? ... It is to be BETTER than him and prove him wrong IF you can ... and some might do just that!

    John 🦜🦋🌳
    Last edited by ExomatrixTV; 1st October 2023 at 11:01.
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    Netherlands Avalon Member ExomatrixTV's Avatar
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    Default Re: John Christie Magnetic Motor -- 2009 interview

    • This video has almost 1 million views, but is it a HOAX?

    • This video below has almost 6 million views, but is it a SCAM?

    veseloiu quote:

    "The idea of turning a 220/240 V AC electric motor into a generator by adding magnets into the rotor is old and depending on how well and precise the work is done the results may be pretty good. Driving the new generator with an electric motor powered from elsewhere, for demonstration purposes, is also old and practical. With the right amount of power applied to the shaft of the generator, it could probably generate 220VAC. BUT, to suggest that the generator can generate 220V at 4000W (4KW) is MAD :that would mean 18.18 Amps going through those wires in the motor, and they would probably start melting at 5 Amps, not to mention 10 Amps.

    It is also MAD to suggest that the 9V battery can drive the electric motor hard enough for it to generate any significant amount of power. To generate enough power to drive some 5W LED light bulbs is reasonable, and to generate enough power to get the filaments in the bigger bulbs to start glowing is also barely possible. (More so if the motor were wired to a more powerful battery).

    But none of that means FREE energy. The battery costs money. If rechargeable, charging it costs money Even if you could use the battery-powered motor to drive the generator to 50 W, which I really doubt, that would still not be free energy: It would be the energy in the battery converted into mechanical energy by the electric motor and then the mechanical energy from the electric motor converted back into electricity by the new generator. But NO GENERATOR can generate electricity without having some other sort of energy fed into it, and that other energy is not free as such.

    A WIND Turbine generator is the closest, as the wind is actually free, but even then the generator uses the mechanical energy captured from the wind to generate electrical energy.

    AND I could not see the point of moving the plug from one socket to another ... it made no difference, really, as they are all connected in parallel, and they are all like each other. Plugging three bulbs, one per each socket, would most probably have stopped the motor from turning as the battery could not drive the motor hard enough for that, not even for a few seconds. But the creator knew that and did not use three bulbs. SO, yes, torn a fan into a generator... yes, High power generator? ... it depends on what one calls High power. Maybe 220V at 50 Watt, or 100 Watt, might be possible but not 500 Watt, not 1000 Watt and not 4000 Watt. And none of that energy is free".

    Last edited by ExomatrixTV; 1st October 2023 at 12:06.
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    Netherlands Avalon Member ExomatrixTV's Avatar
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    Default Re: John Christie Magnetic Motor -- 2009 interview

    • Can We Create FREE ENERGY Using Zero Point Energy?

    Zero-point energy, also known as vacuum energy or ground state energy, is a concept derived from quantum mechanics. It refers to the lowest possible energy state that a physical system can possess, even at absolute zero temperature. According to quantum field theory, even in empty space, particles and fields are in a constant state of fluctuation, leading to the existence of zero-point energy.

    Do you think we could achieve free energy by means of zero point energy?
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    Question Re: John Christie Magnetic Motor -- 2009 interview

    Quote Posted by gingerperth (here)
    Welcome to our Project Avalon Forum

    Imagine if the "Lutec 1000 device" was 100% legit and "the powers that be" decided to bribe/coerce/threaten/blackmail the inventors to SABOTAGE their own claims/operation in order to help "debunkers" to make a "case" against them ...
    • Simple question: is it really "far-fetched" to consider that possible scenario?
    So, think about it: it is not enough to just "disappear" or quitting everything ... there has to be a way to stop many others to be inspired by them ... from a control-freak perspective wanting to cover up the truth.

    Or it is "just a scam" ?? ... if so, WHY put so much effort and even create this patent and show your face on national TV watched by millions AND building a machine physically that may have taken months to create/design correctly? ... Why?

    John 🦜🦋🌳
    Last edited by ExomatrixTV; 1st October 2023 at 13:19.
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    United States Avalon Member Wade Frazier's Avatar
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    Default Re: John Christie Magnetic Motor -- 2009 interview


    I was asked to comment on the fate of their gizmo. I really don’t keep up on the free energy field, as it is in a state of arrested development, focused on inventors, scientists, promoters, and the like. That approach has not worked and is not likely to. I remember watching that video back in 2009.

    Again, I don’t really keep up on this stuff, but given my position, I can hardly be oblivious to it. An inventor with a gizmo, demonstrating it and excited about developing it for market, is common. Some are scams, so they just slink away, but those are relatively rare. That demo, if legit, shows it unconnected to an external power source, so let’s assume that it is tapping the zero-point field. It looks like they might have gotten past the point where many of these efforts fail, as the inventor has his house mortgaged to the hilt and just can’t get to the next stage, and it collapses.

    Often, at that level, the effort collapses in a self-inflicted bloodbath of greed, usually by the inventor’s “allies,” as they turn into Orcs lusting after the One Ring. Sometimes, a little organized suppression is applied, to get the ball rolling.

    But, it is very possible, and I consider it likely, that the inventor got the friendly buyout offer, and it was then “black-shelved,” as Greer puts it. Then, you never hear about it again. When a gizmo like that disappears, the friendly buyout offer is likely. But, as Greer noted in his list of suppression strategies, the government can seize it for “national security” reasons, and it will also simply disappear, and the inventor is forbidden from discussing it any longer. Since Australia is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the American Empire, that is a common enough approach.

    I recently reviewed Greer’s Lost Century video, and that may help.


    Last edited by Wade Frazier; 1st October 2023 at 12:59.
    My big essay, published in 2014, is here.

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    Lightbulb Re: John Christie Magnetic Motor -- 2009 interview

    • Permanent Magnet Motor Using Magnetic Cancellation

    Free energy motor using magnetic cancellation. This is only a prototype of a free energy magnet motor for testing. The idea here is to have the interaction between the permanent magnets on the rotor and a single permanent magnet on the stator to provide rotation of the rotor for about 300° of the rotation and then at the right timing, to use a pulse from a battery through a coil with reverse polarity to momentarily cancel out the magnetism from the single permanent magnet on the stator (the magnetic lines of the permanent magnet will be compressed momentarily until the rotor passes the sticky point and then will be released to continue providing rotation of the rotor.) This free energy motor is using a magnetic V-Gate with an all north polarity configuration. The stator has a single very powerful neodymium permanent magnet. If the permanent magnet on the stator is reversed, the motor can run in attraction or repulsion mode, clockwise or counterclockwise depending on the polarity of the permanent magnet on the stator. This video was made to motivate people to keep testing these kind of free energy motors to see whether more energy can be pulled out of it then what it takes to pulsate the single electromagnet. The coil also provides a collapsing field energy that can be put back in the battery to keep the battery charged. Also, a small generator can be connected to the shaft of the rotor to generate electricity to keep the battery charged.

    This is only a prototype of a free energy permanent magnet motor. Check out the patent of this invention with this link: patents.google.com/patent/WO2006045333A1/en There is a variety of patents based on this type of motor, they all slightly differ by the number of rotors and permanent magnets and the angle of the permanent magnets. We attempted different configurations of the permanent magnets on the stator. In the last configuration, it seems that there is a positive interaction between the permanent magnets on the rotor and the stator. This free energy permanent magnet motor is attempting to run but after a bit, it slows down and eventually comes to a stop. The original inventors used magnetic shielding to surround the permanent magnets to focus or change the magnetic field of all the permanent magnets. Also, they cut the permanent magnets on an angle which is not the case in our prototype. We believe that if this free energy permanent magnet motor is built according to specifications and according to the patent, with multiple rotors offset to each other to create more imbalance in the motor, it might be an actual working prototype of this type of motor.
    Last edited by ExomatrixTV; 2nd October 2023 at 22:27.
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    Default Re: John Christie Magnetic Motor -- 2009 interview

    • This is a perfect example of how to fake this with hidden batteries ... "or is it real?", think not!:
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