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Thread: Clif High Predictions

  1. Link to Post #1
    England Avalon Member John Hilton's Avatar
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    Default Clif High Predictions

    I've been following Clif High for about a year and much of his stuff is interesting, if a little "far out".

    Below, I've posted links to his latest audio uploads and also my own synopsis, which I typed while listening at 1.5x speed.

    Cliff High: "El merda divina - They be flinging it! Hoping some will stick in YOUR mind..."


    Major political upheaval in next 45 days, hypernovelty, consternation of normies, absence of authority, criminal activity recognised by June, excess deaths being noticed, increasing erosion of authority, normies separate from MsM, chatGPT is a normie but updated to 2023 has improved it, proof that normies are awakening, media company possibly going bust, social order discussions, abrahamic religions, they denied that the Elohim existed who live in energetic bubbles, huge problems for Judaism and Christianity because of mistranslations in the Bible, 2/3 of books of the Canon omitted from the Bible, breakdown of the Kali Yuga mindset and of religious authority as Elohim existence is recognised, Yaweh might still be alive - protected by an energetic force field, Catholic church falling apart, bad translation of the Torah, next 4 months assault on religion, UFO activity increased by 1000% from 2019.


    For more details about the Elohim, read "Gods of the Bible" by Mauro Biglino. You can get it for Amazon Kindle or a Yandex search will find a downloadable copy.


    Clif High: Temporal Concentrate - Use only as directed by your shaman....


    Talking about time, 22 Trillion pulses per second, time powers everything, no big bang, matter appears together with space, time trap mirrors, Kozyrev aluminium mirrors 9 feet high, Scrying, welding aluminium, looking into the future, 3-month prescient images, shamanic mushroom effect, book: "Kozyrev on Time", materials exposure to Kozyrev's mirror, effect on water, incompressible water, time is not separate, psychic effects of the mirrors,


    Kozyrev mirrors

  2. The Following 36 Users Say Thank You to John Hilton For This Post:

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  3. Link to Post #2
    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Clif High Predictions

    John, many thanks for this. Just as a reference that some readers may appreciate, here are two more major Clif High threads:

  4. The Following 26 Users Say Thank You to Bill Ryan For This Post:

    AlaBil (16th November 2023), avid (17th November 2023), Bassplayer1 (16th November 2023), BMJ (18th February 2024), bojancan (17th November 2023), Casey Claar (16th November 2023), ClearWater (16th November 2023), Dumpster Diver (28th November 2023), Harmony (16th November 2023), haroldsails (16th November 2023), HopSan (17th July 2024), Inversion (16th November 2023), Ioneo (16th November 2023), Jamie (12th February 2024), John Hilton (27th November 2023), John'sKatya (17th November 2023), mountain_jim (16th November 2023), palehorse (17th November 2023), RatRodRob...RRR (12th July 2024), Sadieblue (16th November 2023), Stephanie (17th November 2023), The KMan (17th November 2023), Tintin (16th January 2024), Vangelo (17th November 2023), Violet3 (17th November 2023), Yoda (16th November 2023)

  5. Link to Post #3
    Avalon Member palehorse's Avatar
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    Default Re: Clif High Predictions

    Kozyrev Mirrors interesting!

    An old friend of mine many years ago, had a NDE and was in a comma for almost 1 week after he got hit in the head in a construction site, what he told me was unbelievable, he was inside of a simulation the whole time, it was a different story of NDE cases that I heard before, for example there was no traditional light at the end of the tunnel which many NDE cases seems to agree upon, in fact there was no tunnel in his experience.

    He told me that this simulation reset itself at some point and then start over the whole thing again just like when you loop in roller coaster supposedly you are in a loop, he used that word "roller coaster", because it described exactly the feeling of going up and down, (when your stomach comes to your mouth), from his memories recollection he described been inside of some sort of capsule/coffin (similar to the Kozyrev Mirrors) with mirrors in the internal walls, he could describe these rounded mirrors (concave maybe but he didn't say that word), and the whole thing took place in there, unfortunately I can't ask him more about that because he passed away already, he was a different person after recovered, I mean he was very often in a state of awe (shock/fear/wonder/bliss/etc) all feelings at once, whatever happened to him, changed his life, he wasn't the same guy I knew once, sometimes he would stare at things for several minutes.. and then he would say a few words that nobody would understand and walk away.

    After his accident people avoided talk to him, they thought he turned insane, me and few others would stick around sometimes and have intense conversation with him, that was when he told me details of what happened, the time I didn't believe him 100%, part of me (the stupid judger) was saying he was a bit broken, but other part of me was pushing me to know more about his case, so I was divided about it and I put this subject to rest after his death, until I see this post today

    Another thing he used to say, that he saw colors that he never knew, he heard sounds that he never listened before, this immediately brought into my attention the use of magic mushrooms and ayahuasca which he did several times throughout his life, he was psychedelic man.

    would be that the manifestation of what he was? is that NDE the manifestation of what we are, that is why experiences can differ from each other? We all heard many cases that are almost identical, but would that be because of the hive mind we have been living (thanks to technologies) ?

    This thread raises so many questions, I am stopping here before I go completely off topic.

    Many thanks John to bring this subject up.
    A chaos to the sense, a Kosmos to the reason.

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    Avalon Member Eva2's Avatar
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    Default Re: Clif High Predictions

    'Clif High returns to the show to discuss his latest analysis and projects. Based on his famed Alta Reports, he shares predictions on the Big Event and the chaos that is still to come. We also discuss Antarctica and what could be occurring in that region. Lastly we discuss Aliens and their role in shaping human history and today. This is a long three part interview. The third part can be seen on my substact @



    Last edited by Bill Ryan; 25th November 2023 at 13:38. Reason: embedded the videos

  8. The Following 22 Users Say Thank You to Eva2 For This Post:

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    Germany Avalon Member Michi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Clif High Predictions

    Quote Posted by Eva2 (here)
    'Clif High returns to the show to discuss his latest analysis and projects. Based on his famed Alta Reports, he shares predictions on the Big Event and the chaos that is still to come. We also discuss Antarctica and what could be occurring in that region. Lastly we discuss Aliens and their role in shaping human history and today. This is a long three part interview. The third part can be seen on my substact @
    Does someone have the 3rd video (or a non-paywall link)?
    "The greatest good you can do for another is not just share your riches, but to reveal to him his own."
    -- Benjamin Disraeli

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  11. Link to Post #6
    Argentina Avalon Member Vicus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Clif High Predictions

    The 1947 Nexus (extract)

    _ In December 1945, an Arab peasant discovered the Nag Hammadi codices concealed in a jar in a cave in Upper Egypt, near Thebes (Luxor), but it was not until June 1947 that a French scholar, Jean Doresse, recognized what the documents were.

    _In the same summer of 1947, a Bedouin shepherd discovered the first of a massive cache of parchments and scrolls in the cave at Khirbet Qumran, overlooking the Dead Sea, about 30 miles south of Jerusalem.

    _Primary chronological nexus: the Nag Hammadi Codices (NHC) and the Dead Sea Scrolls (DSS) emerged from two thousand years of obscurity in the same historical moment.

    _In the fall of 1947, the world was shocked by the announcement of the formation of the sovereign state of Israel. Israeli scholars and soldiers alike were inspired by the realization that a modern state in the "Promised Land" was being established at the very moment the Dead Sea Scrolls resurfaced - no mere coincidence, perhaps, since the Scrolls were evidence of a nationalist and messianic movement in Palestine, headed by an extremist apocalyptic sect whose stated aim was to invoke the intervention of supernatural powers to establish Israel as a sovereign realm: the Zaddikim.

    I challenge the most sober of readers: Can you distinguish the religious language of the "Song of the Holocaust" from a modern description of a UFO sighting?

    "As they rise, a whispered divine voice [is heard], and there is a roar of praise. When they drop their wings, there is a [whispere]d divine voice. The cherubim bless the image of the throne-chariot above the firmament, [and] they praise the majesty of the luminous firmament beneath his Seat of glory. When the wheels advance angels of holiness come and go. "

    "From between His glorious wheels there is as it were a fiery vision of most holy spirits. About them, the appearance of rivulets of fire in the likeness of gleaming brass... The spirits of the living 'gods' move perpetually with the glory of the marvelous chariots. The whispered voice of blessing accompanies the roar of their advance... When the ascend, they ascend marvelously, and when they settle they stand still. "

    This is from 4Q405, fragment 405 found in Cave 4 at Qumran, translated in The Dead Sea Scrolls in English by Geza Vermes, p. 261-2. Other translations are more explicit in describing "shining wheels."

    The celestial chariots or merkaba of the Kenoshim behave in a way that matches the sudden shifts and accelerations of UFOs in modern sightings. Their awesome movements are accompanied by roaring and hushing sounds, also consistent with modern technological vehicles. To answer my own question, just posed: Yes, it is possible to distinguish the religious language in this passage from the language used by modern witnesses and contactees, but the imagery, and the impression of awe felt in the presence of a divine or supernatural entities, is identical.

    UFO-like sightings were by no means unusual in antiquity. The inventory usually starts with the report from the court of Thutmose III, an Egyptian pharoah who lived around 1350 BCE. (See Kerner, The Song of the Greys, p. 5, and Jacques Vallee - Passport to Magonia, for an extensive inventory of sighting in antiquity.)

    At the shift from the Arien to the Piscean Age, circa 120 BCE, radical and apocalyptic movements were sharply on the rise in ancient Palestine. The emergence of the Zaddikim of Qumran was timed to the revolt of the Macabees described in the two apocryphal books. For nearly 200 years, from 120 BCE to 70 AD when Titus destroyed the Temple of Solomon and exiled all Jews from Jerusalem, there was extreme violence, intersectarian conflict, and social unrest all across Palestine, and this destabilization was accompanied by many, many UFO sightings.

    I maintain that it is not at all improbable that the Zaddikim were a UFO contact cult who embraced an apocalyptic agenda so violent and alienating they had to retreat to the caves above the Dead Sea. They perished, along with many other ordinary Jews who we as shocked about the Zaddakite belief-system as we are today, but their agenda survived, and was revived in the program of Christian salvationism.

    To put it the other way around, Christian religion is the full-blown, pandemic virus that mutated from a minute dose (in biological terms, a "vector") incubated in the rabid, hate-driven, apocalyptic visions of the Zaddikim.

    Well, consider this: Because scholars who specialize in the Dead Sea material do not dabble with the Nag Hammadi texts, and vice versa, it has escaped the attention of the experts that the "War Scroll" of the Zaddikim cites at the top of its "hit list" of arch-enemies (and the Zaddikim had plenty of enemies!).

    Likewise, it has escaped notice that a Gnostic text (The First Apocalypse of James) warning that "Jerusalem is the dwelling of many Archons," is a direct reference to the fanatics of the Zaddikim cult. Hence, the Egyptian codices of the Gnostics and the sectarian Scrolls from the Dead Sea present evidence of two cultic groups in conflict, and most probably in contact, as well. It could be said that the secret conflict between the Zaddikim and the Gnostics who attempted to expose them decided the fate of the religious life of humanity.

    Primary intertextual nexus: The Deads Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hamadi Codices, both discovered in 1947, present textual evidence of a spiritual conflict between two groups, Zaddikim and Gnostics, who most certainly had physical contact.

    In the introduction of The Gnostic Scriptures, Bentley Layton presents a map of ancient Palestine (Map 1, "The Gnostic Sect and its Opponents") that shows clear archeological evidence of Gnostics who called themselves "Archontics," encamped on the West bank of the Dead Sea, just below Qumran Khirbet.

    The name "Archontics" was adopted by this particular group because it was their special mission to observe the activity of the Archons in the religious life of ancient Palestine.

    They were, in effect, agents of Archontic counter-intelligence. As such, they detected a wave of Archontic religious mania among the Palestinian Jews and especially in the cult of the Zaddikim.

    Until the surfacing of the Nag Hammadi codices, it was impossible to reconstruct the Gnostic expose of Archontic mania - a socio-religions phenomenon known to scholars as "Jewish apocalyptism," which is misleading, because these extremist views were firmly repudiated by mainstream Jews and even by the more orthodox religious authorities in the Jewhish communities of the time.

    Ignoring the sectarian conflict with Gnostics, scholarship on the Zaddikim has been pursued in an adequate and inaccurate manner.

    With the benefit of cross-textual comparison today, we can understand that Gnostics detected in Judeo-Christian salvationism an alien implant, an ideological virus infecting the human mind. In this view, Christianity is the outgrowth of a UFO contact cult, the Zaddikim. It is truly an extraterrestrial religion whose spurious tenets and supernatural suppositions are alien to human life on Earth.

    Such, in any case, was and is the Gnostic analysis.



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    England Avalon Member John Hilton's Avatar
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    Default Re: Clif High Predictions

    None of the 3 links seems to be part 3.

    Edit. OK, I see someone already commented.

  14. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to John Hilton For This Post:

    Bill Ryan (29th November 2023), Harmony (29th November 2023), tessie999 (29th November 2023), Tintin (16th January 2024), Vicus (29th November 2023), Yoda (29th November 2023)

  15. Link to Post #8
    Canada Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Clif High Predictions

    Quote Posted by Vicus (here)
    The 1947 Nexus (extract)

    — In December 1945, an Arab peasant discovered the Nag Hammadi codices concealed in a jar in a cave in Upper Egypt, near Thebes (Luxor), but it was not until June 1947 that a French scholar, Jean Doresse, recognized what the documents were.

    — In the same summer of 1947, a Bedouin shepherd discovered the first of a massive cache of parchments and scrolls in the cave at Khirbet Qumran, overlooking the Dead Sea, about 30 miles south of Jerusalem.

    — Primary chronological nexus: the Nag Hammadi Codices (NHC) and the Dead Sea Scrolls (DSS) emerged from two thousand years of obscurity in the same historical moment.

    — In the fall of 1947, the world was shocked by the announcement of the formation of the sovereign state of Israel. Israeli scholars and soldiers alike were inspired by the realization that a modern state in the "Promised Land" was being established at the very moment the Dead Sea Scrolls resurfaced - no mere coincidence, perhaps, since the Scrolls were evidence of a nationalist and messianic movement in Palestine, headed by an extremist apocalyptic sect whose stated aim was to invoke the intervention of supernatural powers to establish Israel as a sovereign realm: the Zaddikim.

    I challenge the most sober of readers: Can you distinguish the religious language of the "Song of the Holocaust" from a modern description of a UFO sighting?

    "As they rise, a whispered divine voice [is heard], and there is a roar of praise. When they drop their wings, there is a [whispere]d divine voice. The cherubim bless the image of the throne-chariot above the firmament, [and] they praise the majesty of the luminous firmament beneath his Seat of glory. When the wheels advance angels of holiness come and go. "

    "From between His glorious wheels there is as it were a fiery vision of most holy spirits. About them, the appearance of rivulets of fire in the likeness of gleaming brass... The spirits of the living 'gods' move perpetually with the glory of the marvelous chariots. The whispered voice of blessing accompanies the roar of their advance... When the ascend, they ascend marvelously, and when they settle they stand still. "

    This is from 4Q405, fragment 405 found in Cave 4 at Qumran, translated in The Dead Sea Scrolls in English by Geza Vermes, p. 261-2. Other translations are more explicit in describing "shining wheels."

    The celestial chariots or merkaba of the Kenoshim behave in a way that matches the sudden shifts and accelerations of UFOs in modern sightings. Their awesome movements are accompanied by roaring and hushing sounds, also consistent with modern technological vehicles. To answer my own question, just posed: Yes, it is possible to distinguish the religious language in this passage from the language used by modern witnesses and contactees, but the imagery, and the impression of awe felt in the presence of a divine or supernatural entities, is identical.

    UFO-like sightings were by no means unusual in antiquity. The inventory usually starts with the report from the court of Thutmose III, an Egyptian pharoah who lived around 1350 BCE. (See Kerner, The Song of the Greys, p. 5, and Jacques Vallee - Passport to Magonia, for an extensive inventory of sighting in antiquity.)

    At the shift from the Arien to the Piscean Age, circa 120 BCE, radical and apocalyptic movements were sharply on the rise in ancient Palestine. The emergence of the Zaddikim of Qumran was timed to the revolt of the Macabees described in the two apocryphal books. For nearly 200 years, from 120 BCE to 70 AD when Titus destroyed the Temple of Solomon and exiled all Jews from Jerusalem, there was extreme violence, intersectarian conflict, and social unrest all across Palestine, and this destabilization was accompanied by many, many UFO sightings.

    I maintain that it is not at all improbable that the Zaddikim were a UFO contact cult who embraced an apocalyptic agenda so violent and alienating they had to retreat to the caves above the Dead Sea. They perished, along with many other ordinary Jews who we as shocked about the Zaddakite belief-system as we are today, but their agenda survived, and was revived in the program of Christian salvationism.

    To put it the other way around, Christian religion is the full-blown, pandemic virus that mutated from a minute dose (in biological terms, a "vector") incubated in the rabid, hate-driven, apocalyptic visions of the Zaddikim.

    Well, consider this: Because scholars who specialize in the Dead Sea material do not dabble with the Nag Hammadi texts, and vice versa, it has escaped the attention of the experts that the "War Scroll" of the Zaddikim cites at the top of its "hit list" of arch-enemies (and the Zaddikim had plenty of enemies!).

    Likewise, it has escaped notice that a Gnostic text (The First Apocalypse of James) warning that "Jerusalem is the dwelling of many Archons," is a direct reference to the fanatics of the Zaddikim cult. Hence, the Egyptian codices of the Gnostics and the sectarian Scrolls from the Dead Sea present evidence of two cultic groups in conflict, and most probably in contact, as well. It could be said that the secret conflict between the Zaddikim and the Gnostics who attempted to expose them decided the fate of the religious life of humanity.

    Primary intertextual nexus: The Deads Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hamadi Codices, both discovered in 1947, present textual evidence of a spiritual conflict between two groups, Zaddikim and Gnostics, who most certainly had physical contact.

    In the introduction of The Gnostic Scriptures, Bentley Layton presents a map of ancient Palestine (Map 1, "The Gnostic Sect and its Opponents") that shows clear archeological evidence of Gnostics who called themselves "Archontics," encamped on the West bank of the Dead Sea, just below Qumran Khirbet.

    The name "Archontics" was adopted by this particular group because it was their special mission to observe the activity of the Archons in the religious life of ancient Palestine.

    They were, in effect, agents of Archontic counter-intelligence. As such, they detected a wave of Archontic religious mania among the Palestinian Jews and especially in the cult of the Zaddikim.

    Until the surfacing of the Nag Hammadi codices, it was impossible to reconstruct the Gnostic expose of Archontic mania - a socio-religions phenomenon known to scholars as "Jewish apocalyptism," which is misleading, because these extremist views were firmly repudiated by mainstream Jews and even by the more orthodox religious authorities in the Jewhish communities of the time.

    Ignoring the sectarian conflict with Gnostics, scholarship on the Zaddikim has been pursued in an adequate and inaccurate manner.

    With the benefit of cross-textual comparison today, we can understand that Gnostics detected in Judeo-Christian salvationism an alien implant, an ideological virus infecting the human mind. In this view, Christianity is the outgrowth of a UFO contact cult, the Zaddikim. It is truly an extraterrestrial religion whose spurious tenets and supernatural suppositions are alien to human life on Earth.

    Such, in any case, was and is the Gnostic analysis.


    Thanks! Very interesting. But is it related to Clif High? Should this content be posted in some other thread? Perhaps this thread: https://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?122055-Israel-vs-Hamas-a-New-Middle-East-War

    Mod note from Bill:

    It's not really about the Israel vs Hamas war, more about the UFO-like sightings in antiquity that were mentioned in Clif's recent interview with Sarah Westall posted above. Unless I've misread this, I'm thinking right now that it does probably belong here.
    Last edited by Bill Ryan; 29th November 2023 at 10:37.

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    England Avalon Member John Hilton's Avatar
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    Default Re: Clif High Predictions

    "I'm thinking right now that it does probably belong here."

    But maybe not twice.

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    Bill Ryan (16th January 2024), Vicus (16th January 2024), Yoda (16th January 2024)

  19. Link to Post #10
    Avalon Member Delight's Avatar
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    Default Re: Clif High Predictions

    I think Clif High is very imaginative and has confidence. I have listened to his podcasts and seen him on Twitter more and more vocally insinuating his information. He has a history in my experience with extreme and dysphoric predictions which in my experience do not come true. Lately I listened to this one. I think he is not able to have any POV except his POV. He does not jive with many experiencers.

    In the past he has said he has paranoia. Sometimes I wonder if he is used by these interdimensional beings to create flack? I consider Clif High someone who could destroy good in his pursuit of HIS truth. He never apologizes when he is wrong as far as I know? Maybe he is correct NOW with his focus but I doubt him.

    Source: https://www.rumble.com/video/v44ln46/?pub=mpxgj

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  21. Link to Post #11
    England Avalon Member John Hilton's Avatar
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    Default Re: Clif High Predictions

    Clif High: Vytamana Pilot! Are you going to be a candidate? (Skip to the comments.)

    Clif High: Infighting. Necessary bumps in out get-along.

    Clif High: Investments. Ahead of the curve.

    Clif High: Anon Authors. Personalities don't matter as much as you think.

    Clif High: Crack open the ELohim egg. This will make a BIG BIG mess.

    Clif High: Deep Fear! Good reasons.
    Last edited by John Hilton; 17th February 2024 at 08:01.

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    Default Re: Clif High Predictions

    It has not yet been mentioned on this thread but apart from his official channels the go-to place to check out Clif High's content is here:

    Clif High Videos
    Project to catalog Uncle Clif's videos and interviews in one convenient location

    This is a great site since many of Clif High's interviews are scattered about the place.
    Freedom Activism
    An archive of freedom events from Perth, Western Australia

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    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Clif High Predictions

    A long and detailed prediction from Clif, which he posted today.

    The (possibly important!) full text:
    My ALTA reports, since 2003, had the 'invasion wars' forecast. It forecast the beginning of the Wars in Europe (EU was dying then, as it is now) starting up in Sweden. In this description, the 'invader' population had to WALK & FIGHT to try to make it out of Europe. They fled to the south & the wars followed them from country to country. Fighting through the low-lands, and the main passes in Switzerland and Northern Italy will be particularly vicious and brutal. Tens of thousands will be killed.

    Here in the USA, it pops off as a result of big mobs of invaders torching a suburban area that is mostly Jews in upstate NY. Local rural people come to deal with the fire & find the invaders killing people trying to flee the conflagration. The data sets had described a suburb development of about 400 houses being set ablaze after being surrounded by the invaders. A battle ensues with lots of POC invaders being dead on the 'plains' where previous century had British & Prussians dead in the Revolutionary War. This action sets it all off in USA. Positions are instantly hardened. Some cities are taken over by the invaders & barricaded against local, armed, militias. War ensues that looks like the last days of Saigon. Invaders don't do well. No effective supply chains. Local native communists are shattered by the events when they discover they are being targeted by both the native conservatives AND the invaders. Many blue haired, pierced bodies laying in city streets as the invaders get tired of their presence.

    In both cases, Europe, and America (including Canada), the status quo that created the situation, is instantly destroyed once it becomes kinetic. The invaders are defeated both militarily, and psychologically, by attacks by armed native population who take the tactic of 'attacking their support'. So the invaders are starved out by blockades, AND have their command and control centers (the mother WEFfers & Chabads) attacked. Much of NGOs, and 'government' institutions and agencies (in support of the invasion) are brutally attacked. Much in the way of 'naked WEF bodies' drug through the streets behind small trucks kind of images & videos come out.

    This period, which may start this year, will see all manner of jews, globally, attacked & displaced & killed. Jew owned buildings of all kinds will be occupied and many judaism sites will be destroyed. This will begin as the victory for the native populations becomes visible as the natives will be learning how much of the deaths and destruction of their social order, their country, and the killing of their relatives was jew directed from the WEF & the global rabbinical council.

    i have been trying to warn of this situation since 2005 when it first started appearing in the data sets. Obviously that effort was futile as we are here, now.

    Concurrent with this activity, we can expect the HUGE increase in UFOs around the planet where thousands of sightings & videos will be emerging each day.

    2024. Hell of a year.


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    England Avalon Member John Hilton's Avatar
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    Default Re: Clif High Predictions

    Latest Clif High post (from yesterday). This will upset a few people. Read the comments.


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    Default Re: Clif High Predictions

    Ah cliff high, got to love his candid straight to the source opinions. He always makes a good argument from any direction. There are those that believe and there are those that say they believe, that is what's missing that cliff I believe missed. I always listen to him when I have the chance, he always makes great thought provoking points to ponder. Thx for the link

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    Australia Avalon Member BMJ's Avatar
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    Default Re: Clif High Predictions

    Quote Posted by John Hilton (here)
    Latest Clif High post (from yesterday). This will upset a few people. Read the comments.

    “God Wins”

    Well….maybe not.

    “God Wins”. This is something that you will hear a lot within a certain class of ‘truthers’ in the podcast subset of humanity. This phrase is almost exclusively used by Old Testament christians, and anti-establishment jews.

    The ‘truthers’ label is actually a misnomer as ‘truth’ is an emotion that can be attached to a belief that need not be factual, or a fact, or a perception of an experience. All these may be felt as ‘true’, but not actually be manifest, nor factual. Just the way it is with humans.

    “God Wins” is a phrase used by these truthers, seemingly, as part of a litany. A ‘litany’ in christian, judaism, and other religions is a form of a ‘petition’, that is, a request of the ‘gods’ for some favor. Litany is a form of personal abasement and supplication of action from a more powerful force. Litany is stated as though it has already, or will soon, manifest in our reality. This ‘pre-saying’ of the ‘emerging manifestations’ is a necessary part of the litanical process. One must state it with ‘belief’, on the supposition that such emotional energy put behind it will induce the ‘gods’ to respond favorably.

    “God Wins” is intoned by these podcasters with much deep voice, religious vocalization and solemnity, as though they were priests in a Monty Python movie. But, within their voice, there is always to be heard, by the aware listener, the element of pervasive doubt. It seems as though they are so fearful of the defeat of their position, that they are compelled to ‘religious ritual’ as a form of a ‘spell’ intended to aid, or ensure, the success of their side of the contention and conflict.

    “God Wins” is a litany. It is a supplication. The truthers who use the phrase are requesting of our reality to confirm their position in the contention. “God Wins” is being used as an affirmation in these cases.

    The truthers who use this phrase are, so far, without any real knowledge of their own religion, and become offended when you ask “which god are you calling forth?”. Which of the Elohim, in the Old Testament, and the Torah, are you invoking?

    These podcasters can get a bit pissed at you for these questions. Usually, the response will be that they are talking about ‘The God’, the creator god.

    It’s when you point out that there is NO mention of god, creator or otherwise, within the Torah, or legitimately translated Old Testament, that they get really pissed. These podcasters do not want to have to examine their religion, it’s bona fides, it’s lies, it’s deceptions...they just want the comfort of the phrase.

    And they want you to reflect back, to echo back to them, the phrase and its feeling that they are expressing into Universe. It’s a emotional comfort food for them. They don’t want you spoiling it for them.

    The real problem is that they are, without exception, not willing to accept that their religion is the result of a Stockholm syndrome relationship with these aliens, these extra-terrestrials, called the Elohim, or variously, the Annunaki, or the Theoae, or other names in other cultures. It’s all the same group of space aliens.

    The ‘gods’ being worshiped and invoked by these truthers are corporeal beings that came to earth thousands of years ago and then spent many centuries, abusing, torturing, and harvesting humans. These are the Elohim of the bible. These are the beings behind the many many religions rampant within humanity.

    If you question the podcasters about their statement “god wins”, you find out that they actually have doubt about ultimate success. Of course, if you were speaking of a creator god, the Consciousness from which ALL springs, there are no personality traits, no names, no corporeal manifestations involved. Any of the ‘gods’ who walked the earth are, demonstrably, down here in the Matterium with us guys, that is they are within the reality where we have matter & you can sit your ass on it, therefore they are not its creator. They are not gods.

    It is interesting to be educated to the details of the ‘gods’ of the Torah and Old Testament, and their doings down here in the grit with all us guys. The educated mind does not hide from the reality of the abuse by these Elohim, by what ever name, and their plans for their ‘human herd’.

    The educated mind is aware that the other side of the contention from the truthers podcast world are also praying to these self-same ‘gods’, the Elohim. Both sides are praying to, and attempting to invoke, their particular space alien as god.

    The truthers most frequently cite ‘Yahweh’ as their ‘god’ as that Elohim had been inserted as the ‘god’ of the bible during the scrubbing process by the rabbinical councils attempting to make judaism into a monotheistic religion. But we note that many of the truthers are aware of the stories in their religious texts in which Yahweh lost his battles. He was a terrible loser and would destroy whole villages of his slaves in fits of drunken rage over their loss in battle to other human tribes. Yahweh lost a lot. He drank a lot. Not a really good role model.

    The other side in the current contention, typified by the mother WEFfers, also prays to, and attempts to invoke an Elohim to favor their efforts. These jews, and other forms of Zionists, pray to Azra-El, aka Lucifer, or characterized as ‘the devil’, or ‘satan’. Note that ‘satan’ is not a name, but is a role that was rotated among the Elohim in the Supreme Sky Council from which Humanity was ruled after we were conquered. The last ‘satan’ was Azra-El. When the Elohim left in 70 CE as the Romans invaded Jerusalem, it was Azra-El who spoke to the humans from the flying machines as they departed ahead of the Romans taking over the city, and he said, from high in the sky with an amplified voice, “Now, the Elohim leave this place.”

    We can also note that the WEF prays to Yahweh’s cousin, as their ‘satan’ god is also an Elohim, and of the same species as was Yahweh, and is named as Azra-El.

    Our history has been deliberately distorted, and obscured, by the Elohim worship cultists, that Humanity now battles to secure freedom and self determination without alien direction. There has been about 1000 years since the Elohim left (we think, hard to say definitively as so much yet remains hidden from our vision).

    Now a battle within a much larger contention is raging over Earth. Both sides are saying ‘God Wins’, and both are pointing to space alien cousins as their ‘god’.

    The truthers, for the most part, and excepting the religious grifters, appear to be aligned with the rest of guys in our battle against the mother WEFfers. Some are not. Some are duplicitous, lying agents, of the WEF, who are, and will be, sowing discord, and misdirection, in an attempt to slide the populace back under the control of the Elohim, and their worship cult, headed by the zionist jews.

    The War of Humanity against their space alien abusers marches on. Those humans deluded into worshiping the Elohim, our enemies, our torturers, will march with us, even though they won’t understand, and even though they get violent with any other ‘truthers’ who question their statement of ‘God Wins’ by asking, “ok, dude. Just which of the Elohim are you invoking when you say that?”

    There is no doubt about the outcome. Humanity is freeing itself. Religions, including communism, socialism, marxism, judaism, will die in this process. It is what happens now, during the shift of the ages, into Aquarius, the Age of Knowledge.

    We’ll sort out our relationship with the space aliens in the process of getting deeper into the shift, and this period of contention. It’s a very exciting time.

    We won’t stop fighting in this contention. Humanity wins. **** the Elohim space aliens.
    In hoc signo vinces / In this sign thou shalt conquer

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    England Avalon Member John Hilton's Avatar
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    Default Re: Clif High Predictions

    He just won't go away <grin>

    Clif High: Painful... more than just my speaking of it...pain & suffering.


    Clif High: Stacking... it don't come easy...gotta be serious & work it.


    Clif High: NDA - I gotta talk about it...


    Clif High: A clonez' life... what a real bitch.


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    Avalon Member norman's Avatar
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    Default Re: Clif High Predictions

    Clif argues that 'God' doesn't necessarily win. As far as it goes, that's reasonable and sounds wise.

    But, what Clif shows no indication of grasping, and doesn't attempt to define, is, Wins What ?

    A prosperous single incarnation ?

    Whatever God is, God is not just a God of a single incarnation and how well that goes from the perspective of a trendy intellectual, or a trendy religious spin on faith, or a trendy 'religious' spin by as an atheist.
    ..................................................my first language is TYPO..............................................

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    England Avalon Member John Hilton's Avatar
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    Default Re: Clif High Predictions

    Clif High: Humanity 'Ascends' - It's that Time.


    "The Contention against the ELohim, the space alien 'gods' of the jews, will begin on Earth, though it won't end here.

    It will unfold as the building emotional tension reaches a peak. This will be actually 'triggered' by the EL-ites, the minions of the ELohim, instructing their military to put down popular uprising. The Contention will spark off with a combination of military refusal, and civilian actions. Some military will follow orders. It will not end well for them as the global, western, populace is not willing to be passively killed. Many, very intense, points of fighting will break out in several countries."

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    Default Re: Clif High Predictions

    Quote Posted by Vicus (here)


    With the benefit of cross-textual comparison today, we can understand that Gnostics detected in Judeo-Christian salvationism an alien implant, an ideological virus infecting the human mind. In this view, Christianity is the outgrowth of a UFO contact cult, the Zaddikim. It is truly an extraterrestrial religion whose spurious tenets and supernatural suppositions are alien to human life on Earth.

    Thank you Vicus. The word “cross-textual” sharpens my ears. Texts – languages – ! Could you retrieve the languages considered?

    On the side of the “UFO-cult” from Qumran: Aramaeic? Hebrew? On the Nag Hammadi side: Greek? Coptic?

    “Archontic”.. quite interesting. In which of these texts/languages is it used? Or: considering it is an English word, from which of these languages has it been translated and what is its original form?

    Oh, I see now. Your post actually represents the text of the Pleiades library..

    Do you have an idea where they got this odd "Archontics” from?

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