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Thread: UFOlogy UAP Developments So Far... 2024-2025

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    Netherlands Avalon Member ExomatrixTV's Avatar
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    Exclamation UFOlogy UAP Developments So Far... 2024-2025

    • 2024: The Year of UFO Revelations - Whistleblowers Ready to Unmask the Truth!

    2024 will be a stellar year for UFO transparency. New UFO whistleblowers will emerge putting pressure on the US Gov. to stop lying about UAP. Further, David Grusch is poised to publish his first op ed about his first hand experience with UFO UAP.
    • Michael Ian Black quote: UFO Whistleblower David Grusch Is "My Hero of 2023" (Daily Beast)
    Study also the latest critical & healthy skeptical videos produced by Daniel Liszt here: youtube.com/@darkjournalist/videos


    This new UFO/UAP P.A. Forum thread is created to focus on the upcoming latest developments in 2024 and 2025!

    John 🦜🦋🌳
    Last edited by ExomatrixTV; 31st December 2023 at 19:44.
    No need to follow anyone, only consider broadening (y)our horizon of possibilities ...

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    United States Avalon Member thepainterdoug's Avatar
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    Default Re: UFOlogy UAP Developments So Far... 2024-2025

    john/ thanks

    at the 11.11 mark James Fox reads a letter. I wonder what he is referring to ,as to why it has not been able to be released thus far but now will .
    What price? , what reprisal is he referring to and why? Reprisal for what do you thinK ? Murders, careers ruined and marginalized?
    What would be happening in the world for all this to be changing? Once it comes out, theres no going back.
    Is official real disclosure going to come under the Biden regime? good god lol

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    Netherlands Avalon Member ExomatrixTV's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Re: UFOlogy UAP Developments So Far... 2024-2025

    Quote Posted by thepainterdoug (here)
    john/ thanks

    at the 11.11 mark James Fox reads a letter. I wonder what he is referring to ,as to why it has not been able to be released thus far but now will .
    What price? , what reprisal is he referring to and why? Reprisal for what do you thinK ? Murders, careers ruined and marginalized?
    What would be happening in the world for all this to be changing? Once it comes out, theres no going back.
    Is official real disclosure going to come under the Biden regime? good god lol
    For now, we can only guess, speculate and wonder ... but at the same time the genie is already out of the bottle ... meaning: they can not stop the Zeitgeist anymore! ... and the more they try to stop it ... the faster it will find dozens of new ways to manifest!

    John 🦜🦋🌳

    Last edited by ExomatrixTV; 31st December 2023 at 17:44.
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    England Avalon Member
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    Default Re: UFOlogy UAP Developments So Far... 2024-2025

    Quote Posted by ExomatrixTV (here)
    • 2024: The Year of UFO Revelations - Whistleblowers Ready to Unmask the Truth!

    2024 will be a stellar year for UFO transparency. New UFO whistleblowers will emerge putting pressure on the US Gov. to stop lying about UAP. Further, David Grusch is poised to publish his first op ed about his first hand experience with UFO UAP.
    • Michael Ian Black quote: UFO Whistleblower David Grusch Is "My Hero of 2023" (Daily Beast)
    Study also the latest critical & healthy skeptical videos produced by Daniel Liszt here: youtube.com/@darkjournalist/videos


    This new UFO/UAP P.A. Forum thread is created to focus on the upcoming latest developments in 2024 and 2025!

    John 🦜🦋🌳
    Thanks John. I really feel this guy's frustration and what he says towards the end of the video - that withholding this information is a huge missing piece of the jigsaw, which could be revelatory to so many different areas of science, and could affect EVERYTHING.
    "Is there an idea more radical in the history of the human race than turning your children over to total strangers whom you know nothing about, and having those strangers work on your child's mind, out of your sight, for a period of twelve years?" John Taylor Gatto

  8. The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to grapevine For This Post:

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    United States Avalon Member Anthony Hale's Avatar
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    Default Re: UFOlogy UAP Developments So Far... 2024-2025

    Thank you for this thread everyone and Happy Holidays to you all !
    I enjoyed the video, it was well done and informed.

    From my perspective there is no good reason to wait for our governments to enlighten us on this subject, or any subject for that matter.
    Otherwise, yes it will continue to be very frustrating, like much of the mind created world.

    Bless the whistle blowers, the brave souls for taking action, they are shining the light in all the dark corners, for all of us to see.

    While I am very excited about what is happening in the world out there regarding this subject, I experience it as sort of a temporal marker
    as I shift from one parallel reality to another.

    It shows me I am on the right track, the right frequency domain, to facilitate shifting to the version of earth/reality, where I and the world out there will experience a global contact event.

    From my perspective that shift has already occurred within myself and what I am seeing in this version of earth/reality is simply a reflection of that.

    How do I know this? I am seeing craft/UAP’s in the sky at my location. I am fully aware of the difference between actual ET craft and back engineered craft.

    More importantly I am already having interactions with other beings, other civilizations. I have been on their vessels, they have been in my house.
    These interactions are occurring on what we might refer to as the Astral Plane, Non-Physical Reality, Spirit, Template Level Reality, take your pick, their just labels.
    For me it’s where I actually exist, Anthony is a projection of my consciousness, one aspect of it. Everything is happening within my consciousness.

    It's much easier for other civilizations to make first contact on the Astral Plane where vibrationally I am operating at a much higher frequency.
    My perspective is more expanded. It’s akin to meeting someone half way.

    More and more the veil between physical and nonphysical reality is quickly dissipating.
    Physical reality for me is becoming more malleable.

    So again from my perspective, first contact at this stage is already happening and has been happening for a long time for many of us, just not what one would expect.
    Instead of Extra Terrestrial, also think Extra Dimensional, Quantum Tunneling. The ability to travel between parallel realities, other dimensions, in some cases.
    As multi dimensional beings this is quite normal, common, nothing “Alien” about it , a term I don’t readily use.

    My experience during these interactions is that of reuniting with family. From my perspective, I am constantly interacting, cross connecting with other aspects of myself.
    Which includes my connections to other civilizations, again for me this is quite common and not the least bit woo woo.

    This is how I imagine first contact is happening right now, in rural areas, on the astral plane, humans quietly and without fan fair making contact. It may be a while before we see ET/ED ships hovering
    above major cities as Hollywood promotes.

    There are some aspects of this discussion where we talk about service to self ET/ED’s , with negative agendas, and even humans using back engineered craft to do nefarious and negative based things against humanity.
    I am well aware of all of that, however I don’t experience those things, because I don’t inhabit the frequency domains where that is occurring. So I have no direct experience of it, so talking about it would just be my opinion or belief.

    I would love to hear any feedback from any others who might already be interacting with other civilizations in a similar manner.

    Re-member, you cannot perceive that which you are the not the vibration of. So if others think your crazy, that’s OK… your crazy good !
    Last edited by Anthony Hale; 31st December 2023 at 20:50.

  10. The Following 10 Users Say Thank You to Anthony Hale For This Post:

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    Netherlands Avalon Member ExomatrixTV's Avatar
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    Exclamation Re: UFOlogy UAP Developments So Far... 2024-2025

    • Farsight Update for January 2024:

    Farsight just published the UPDATE for January 2024, and it includes the next major Earth Mysteries project topic: The Mystery of Lao Tzu! Plus there is the next major Galactic Mysteries project: The Reality of Harvey the ET.

    This is what is going on at Farsight in January 2024, the only place on Earth of its kind.
    Last edited by ExomatrixTV; 31st December 2023 at 21:26.
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    Netherlands Avalon Member ExomatrixTV's Avatar
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    Exclamation Re: UFOlogy UAP Developments So Far... 2024-2025

    • UFOs, Politics, and Power: Unraveling the Complexities of the UAP Disclosure Act:

    In this thought-provoking video made on the day of the signing of the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act, UFO historian Richard Dolan discusses the complexities and implications of the UAP Disclosure Act. He delves into the historical context of the military-industrial complex's involvement in the UFO cover-up, the potential reasons for their reluctance to relinquish control over this issue, and the potential consequences of full disclosure. Dolan also explores the possibility of weaponizing alien technology, the threat to the credibility of the U.S. military, and the potential destabilization that could result from releasing energy secrets to the world. He further discusses the testimonies of David Grusch and the implications of the UAP phenomenon on a global scale. This video is a must-watch for anyone interested in the intricacies of UFO disclosure and its potential impact on our society.

    No need to follow anyone, only consider broadening (y)our horizon of possibilities ...

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    Avalon Member East Sun's Avatar
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    Default Re: UFOlogy UAP Developments So Far... 2024-2025

    Disclosure or not I would bet that it comes down to, a few things, but the first thing
    is Money. That's what the greedy big-money manipulators live by. We have seen it
    through our recent history.

    I would guess that the controllers tried to use aliens/UFO people to advance their military power.
    That would be OK if the public were informed as they always should be. The public generally are
    down to Earth and in favor of what is right for all of humanity.

    Then there are the elite who are for themselves first, always.
    We should watch what they do like a hawk.
    They live off of the masses.

    We need to know, when it is time, what the UFO/people think of humans and meet them halfway
    without govt. interference.
    There are many types I know, so we would need to tread softly and carry a big stick.

    When disclosure comes, we hope it is not another form of manipulation. When we are sure it is legitimate,
    we the public, need to make sure that we are represented fairly, not like the way it has been for ever.
    Question Everything, always speak truth... Make the best of today, for there may not be a tomorrow!!! But, that's OK because tomorrow never comes, so we have nothing to worry about!!!

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    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: UFOlogy UAP Developments So Far... 2024-2025

    Quote Posted by ExomatrixTV (here)
    • Farsight Update for January 2024:

    Farsight just published the UPDATE for January 2024, and it includes the next major Earth Mysteries project topic: The Mystery of Lao Tzu! Plus there is the next major Galactic Mysteries project: The Reality of Harvey the ET.

    This is what is going on at Farsight in January 2024, the only place on Earth of its kind.
    Courtney Brown is a lightweight clown (apologies, but I have to say it!), while some of his RV team are clearly pretty talented. But they can only work on the targets they're tasked with.

    It'd be nice if Farsight actually focused on some topics of genuine importance.

  18. The Following 16 Users Say Thank You to Bill Ryan For This Post:

    Alan (1st January 2024), aoibhghaire (31st December 2023), Denise/Dizi (3rd January 2024), ExomatrixTV (18th August 2024), Heart to heart (5th January 2024), kudzy (1st January 2024), Mark (Star Mariner) (2nd January 2024), mountain_jim (2nd January 2024), NASA Apollo Cartographer (15th January 2024), RatRodRob...RRR (1st January 2024), Rawhide68 (Yesterday), Reinhard (2nd January 2024), Saxondale (31st December 2023), SpookyMulder (2nd September 2024), thepainterdoug (31st December 2023), Violet3 (1st January 2024)

  19. Link to Post #10
    Aaland Avalon Member Blastolabs's Avatar
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    Default Re: UFOlogy UAP Developments So Far... 2024-2025

    What important matters do you think he should focus on Bill?

    While he sure seems to be trying to earn a living with his "disclosure" he also seems to be "not a disinformation agent working for the DIA, which is rare is his subject matter.

    He has become MUCH MORE open about things starting in 2023 after he "came out of the closet" as being an ET and making plans for what he is doing now with his son prior to incarnating as a human.
    I'm not saying what he says is true, just providing context.

    For example he now talks about negative ETs and human trafficking, mind control of human leaders by ET, etc etc.

    This was not mentioned prior to 2023.

    Nearly all content is behind a paywall now other than teasers, and I ain't got time for that

    I still don't know what to think of Courtney Brown but he is completely ignored by what I called the DIA Disclosure PSYOP Group made up of people like Elana Dennan and Dan Burisch.

    This is a plus for me.

    He was also "discredited" and attacked financially/ legally when he first started trying to make other academics aware of the phenomena of remote viewing.

    But the recent drastic shift to an organized "corporate" structure makes me suspicious. Seems odd to criticize greedy business men and then become one yourself.

    For example they want you to sign up for $10 a month, subscription, if you provide them with your credit card number you "get" a "free" 1 week trial.

    Hoping people will forget about signing up for something is wrong plain and simple so...
    Last edited by Blastolabs; 1st January 2024 at 06:26.

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  21. Link to Post #11
    United States Avalon Member section9's Avatar
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    Default Re: UFOlogy UAP Developments So Far... 2024-2025

    Quote Posted by Bill Ryan (here)
    Quote Posted by ExomatrixTV (here)
    • Farsight Update for January 2024:

    Farsight just published the UPDATE for January 2024, and it includes the next major Earth Mysteries project topic: The Mystery of Lao Tzu! Plus there is the next major Galactic Mysteries project: The Reality of Harvey the ET.

    This is what is going on at Farsight in January 2024, the only place on Earth of its kind.
    Courtney Brown is a lightweight clown (apologies, but I have to say it!), while some of his RV team are clearly pretty talented. But they can only work on the targets they're tasked with.

    It'd be nice if Farsight actually focused on some topics of genuine importance.

    Wasn't Courtney Brown a front man for one or more Three Letter outfits? I thought you found that out back in your Camelot days.

    Please let me know if I'm in error.

    That said, he may have employed some very good people (Daz, Prinzess, et al).

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    Netherlands Avalon Member ExomatrixTV's Avatar
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    Exclamation Re: UFOlogy UAP Developments So Far... 2024-2025

    Quote Posted by section9 (here)
    Wasn't Courtney Brown a front man for one or more Three Letter outfits? I thought you found that out back in your Camelot days.

    Please let me know if I'm in error.

    That said, he may have employed some very good people (Daz, Prinzess, et al).
    My personal stance on any accusation (often accompanied by a barrage of insinuations) hinting towards ANYONE being "controlled opposition" should be scrutinized with utmost skeptical approach towards all sides!


    Because big chance that part of the controlled opposition (psyop) tactics is spreading rumors of "alleged controlled opposition" even if it is not the case ... Mostly it is people who DISLIKE someone are happily to join the bandwagon of unchecked accusations/insinuations originally spread by those who instated these rumors and the more people join the badly founded (often unchecked) allegations the faster people will copy it all over the place >>> until it reached a point that many just assume "it must be true then" ... even if it is not the case.
    • Because: "so many said so" ... and when Camelot "said so" ... some people tend to assume then there "must (?) be something to it", right?
    To accuse/insinuate anyone about anything can be easily done without real effort ... but to stop the endless assumptions that go along with it, are almost impossible to stop because so many people feel so good (or think they are so "smart") about it to downplay or demonize those who they love to dislike.

    And I am talking in general terms here ... nobody specific ... I just describe a psychological pattern happening on almost all sides of the political spectrum ... and anyone who questions both sides will often meet with wrath of rage & anger because you're supposed to be a (group think) "tribalist" aka tribalism.

    John Kuhles 🦜🦋🌳
    Last edited by ExomatrixTV; 3rd January 2024 at 17:07.
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    Australia Avalon Member s7e6e's Avatar
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    Default Re: UFOlogy UAP Developments So Far... 2024-2025

    An interesting and chilling deep dive into the dark side of the ufo file (adrenochrome), presented by Alex Collier.

    Source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/3FpucBhifKYK
    Last edited by s7e6e; 3rd January 2024 at 02:16.

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    United States Avalon Member p+52's Avatar
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    Default Re: UFOlogy UAP Developments So Far... 2024-2025

    Now this from Danny Sheehan in a recent interview. Remember, Luis Elizondo is Dannys client. Whould this have been something he said?


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    Netherlands Avalon Member ExomatrixTV's Avatar
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    Question Re: UFOlogy UAP Developments So Far... 2024-2025

    Quote Posted by p+52 (here)
    Now this from Danny Sheehan in a recent interview. Remember, Luis Elizondo is Dannys client. Whould this have been something he said?

    I was laughing out load when (an admitted Jesuit) Daniel Sheehan claiming if all the people of earth see an interview with a real alien (which was already recorded in the past) that: "there is nothing that can be denied anymore" ... Really?

    Lets, for sake of argument, agree it is 100% authentic real for a moment ... but is that genuine awareness / knowledge "enough" for others NOT to question what is seen and shown to the masses?

    Questions like:
    • 01. Is it somebody using an advance costume?
    • 02. Did they use an advanced A.I. Unreal Engine 5.4 (or higher) Type CGI Special Effects?
    • 03. Is it extremely "one-sided" representation of all aliens to serve a specific agenda?
    • 04. Is it a being created through genetic engineering here on Earth? (Hybrid/Tribrid)?
    • 05. Is it a being from the Future, but not from other planets?
    • 06. Is it a being from the Ancient Past brought back to life?
    • 07. Is it from a different dimension? Parallel Universe?
    • 08. Is it a Bio-Robot?
    ... and I can think of dozens more questions before accepting anything on just face value ... and that is not done out of disrespect but being healthy skeptical how something is sold to the masses to what end exactly?

    And every question is just that ... a question ... without assuming "it 'must' be the case" ... To assume there are no questions anymore because it is "undeniable" does not fly in my book, even if people mean well.

    John 🦜🦋🌳
    Last edited by ExomatrixTV; 2nd January 2024 at 23:23.
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    England Avalon Member Did You See Them's Avatar
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    Default Re: UFOlogy UAP Developments So Far... 2024-2025

    NEW - Classified UFO briefing next Tuesday.


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    Netherlands Avalon Member ExomatrixTV's Avatar
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    Default Re: UFOlogy UAP Developments So Far... 2024-2025

    • 20 minute clip. Richard Dolan on 'Theories of Everything' podcast, talking about reverse engineered alien craft.

    Last edited by ExomatrixTV; 4th January 2024 at 22:58.
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  35. Link to Post #18
    Ireland Avalon Member aoibhghaire's Avatar
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    Default Re: UFOlogy UAP Developments So Far... 2024-2025

    Bigelow Aerospace has finally closed as of December 2023.


    Robert Bigelow has provided financial support for investigations of UFOs and parapsychological topics, including the continuation of consciousness after death. He founded the National Institute for Discovery Science in 1995 to fund the research and study of various fringe sciences and paranormal topics, most notably ufology. In 1996, Bigelow purchased Skinwalker Ranch, a 512-acre cattle ranch located in Utah that is the site of purported paranormal phenomena, such as inter-dimensional shape-shifters.

    Department of Defense spent $22 million on a program involving unidentified flying objects, with most of the funds going to his friend Robert Bigelow of then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.).

    The Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, which for years investigated reports of UFOs, was initially largely funded at the request of Reid, who had long held an interest in space phenomena.

    The majority of designated funds went to an Bigelow Aerospace run by Reid's long term friend Robert Bigelow. Bigelow said he was "absolutely convinced" aliens exist and UFOs have visited Earth.

    The program, in collaboration with Bigelow's company, studied videos of reported encounters between military aircraft and UFOs and produced documents about reported sightings.


    Robert Bigelow Tells Bob Lazar Stories

    Last edited by Bill Ryan; 24th October 2024 at 22:22. Reason: embedded the video

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    Netherlands Avalon Member ExomatrixTV's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Re: UFOlogy UAP Developments So Far... 2024-2025

    • Earth's Hidden Inhabitants: The Astonishing UFO Secret Unveiled:

    What if many of our assumptions about UFOs are wrong? What if UFOs, or UAP, are not all coming from other planets or other dimensions, but are native to our planet? That's a very difficult pill to swallow if that ends up true. Let's discussbultra-terrestrials, or cryptoterrestrials as some call them.
    • 01:52 The ultraterrestrial hypothesis is disturbing because it suggests multiple species evolved on Earth, living in shadow biomes or underground, with a stake in our world.
    • 03:17 Ultraterrestrials are not extraterrestrials or spirits; they're like us but more advanced, raising questions about their ethics, intentions, and religious implications.
    • 06:25 If ultraterrestrials evolved earlier, they might have more authority over Earth, challenging humanity's perception of dominance on the planet.
    • 08:29 Governments might cover up ultraterrestrial existence due to the disruptive impact on society, creating paranoia and uncertainty about disclosure.
    • 11:18 Discovering ultraterrestrial presence would be humbling, as they are advanced animals akin to humans, challenging the idea of human superiority.
    • 13:41 Regardless of the truth, disclosure is essential, whether it involves ultraterrestrials or a variety of intelligences, to better understand our home and biosphere.
    Cited article by Bernardo Kastrup: bernardokastrup.com/2024/01/uaps-and-non-human-intelligence-what-is.html
    No need to follow anyone, only consider broadening (y)our horizon of possibilities ...

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    Netherlands Avalon Member ExomatrixTV's Avatar
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    Default Re: UFOlogy UAP Developments So Far... 2024-2025

    • Preview: Congress members get second UFO briefing | NewsNation Prime:

    Members of Congress will attend a classified briefing on UAPs by the Office of Inspector General of the Intelligence Community. Investigative journalist Ross Coulthart joins "NewsNation Prime" to discuss what may be disclosed in the closed-door meeting, saying while the committee members don't have the clearance to hear most of the information on UAPs, the briefing is "still significant."
    • 00:04 Members of Congress will attend a classified briefing on the UFO phenomenon by the US Intelligence Community Inspector General, Thomas Manheim.
    • 00:32 The upcoming closed-door meeting raises questions about the extent of information the committee will be allowed to access, given the classified nature of the UFO-related topics.
    • 01:46 Inspector General Thomas Manheim referred David Rush's aggression allegations about UFOs to Congress, emphasizing the significance of the committee's opportunity to explore these claims.
    • 02:17 Discrepancies between Inspector General's views and the official DOD position on extraterrestrial materials may be discussed, but the extent of evidence presentation remains uncertain.
    • 03:13 Witnesses providing evidence related to UFOs and reverse engineering may not have their detailed evidence presented to the committee, but an assurance of an ongoing investigation is expected.
    No need to follow anyone, only consider broadening (y)our horizon of possibilities ...

  40. The Following 8 Users Say Thank You to ExomatrixTV For This Post:

    Bill Ryan (10th January 2024), graeme22 (17th December 2024), mountain_jim (9th January 2024), NASA Apollo Cartographer (11th March 2024), Patient (15th January 2024), RatRodRob...RRR (13th May 2024), Rawhide68 (28th December 2024), SpookyMulder (2nd September 2024)

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