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Thread: A Future Earth

  1. Link to Post #161
    United States Avalon Member Wade Frazier's Avatar
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    Default Re: A Future Earth

    Hi Melinda:

    Those look like those Roads World EM domes. I don't know if those are in Godzilla's Golden Hoard today, but they would be neat to have. One on Mars might need more shielding from the Sun, but I am not sure. My guess that one on Mars would need to be a material dome that would absorb whatever the Sun dished out. But for those on Earth, domes like that would work fine.

    Keep it up!

    My big essay, published in 2014, is here.

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  3. Link to Post #162
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    Default Re: A Future Earth

    I often dream of living in such a floating home Or rather garden, one can simply live in Thanks Melinda
    Best wishes and free energy to all

  4. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Robert J. Niewiadomski For This Post:

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  5. Link to Post #163
    United States Avalon Member Wade Frazier's Avatar
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    Default Re: A Future Earth


    I threatened to do this long ago. I consider this a fictional account of a world that Michael Roads allegedly visited that I do not consider fiction. It is a little perilous to insert a fictional character into a "real" world, as a way to try to imagine what life in that world is like, but I am just the fool to do it. So, without further preamble…

    A Day in Andra's Life

    It was the twilight before morning, and Andra was asleep. However, she was conscious, if in another dimension. She had spent the night, while her body slept, visiting the timeless dimension where her soul resided. All humans did something similar for as long as humans lived on Earth, but only in the past few centuries did humans learn to maintain their conscious awareness while visiting, and could bring back relevant guidance and memories. Rare individuals manifested that ability in the human past, but in Andra's world, everybody did it.

    During that night's dialogue with her soul, she considered becoming a mother and was exploring the possibilities with her soul and the soul that might incarnate as her child. The potential father was also involved that night, on that soul's plane of existence, and Marden's body slept next to Andra's as their waking consciousness visited that other dimension. The meeting was happy and productive, and there would be other meetings before anything was decided. The soul they met was no stranger, as they all shared other lifetimes together, if in different roles. They were all nearing the completion of their incarnation cycles and had specific goals for their final lifetimes, to polish up their souls and prepare for the next chapter of the endless journey.

    They slept in their dwelling, on the edge of the Great Northern Forest, where they spent the past few autumns. Outside their dwelling, nearby plants and animals also slept, as all awaited the coming day. Andra and Marden slept in a community of visitors who came for autumn. Those in the community came to not only enjoy the vibrant colors (the trees were equal parts evergreen and deciduous) and bracing weather, but this community assisted the plants and animals in preparing for their winter's sleep. Spending those autumns there, as wondrous as the experience was, was also part of the training of those community members in becoming tenders. As with all professions, it was a specialization available to anybody who desired it, and a sizable fraction of Earth's population spent some portion of their lives as tenders, as they helped plants and animals live, grow, and die, and some plants provided food for people as well as animals, usually seeds and fruit, but also vegetables. During the autumns that they had come to the Great Northern Forest, Andra and Marden formed a relationship with a herd of animals that resembled elk in centuries past, but were different. The herd slept near the dwelling.

    The community that Andra and Marden lived in would not have been recognizable as such to people in prior epochs, such as agricultural or industrial peoples. The nearest member of their community would have been a day's walk, but with their numerous methods of travel and communication, each was in as much contact as they desired, and in this community, they took their meals together, which provided other opportunities to interact and share.

    As dawn broke, Andra returned to her body and awoke slightly before Marden did, and used her biofacility to ready herself for the day. As she emerged, ready for the day, Marden also emerged from his biofacility. Today would be busy. They walked together for several minutes through the forest, to greet the herd and commune for some time. The herd would soon migrate south for the winter. The herd had a couple of new members, which was balanced by the deaths of two members in the past year. Andra and Marden were present for both births and deaths, assisting the transitions coming to and going from their world. Predation was no longer an aspect of Earth's ecosystems, but a new kind of balance between plants and animals was achieved, and humanity's rising awareness was critical for the transition, which was made generations ago.

    Andra and Marden then heard the technology-assisted chime in their minds that meant that it was nearly meal time, and they summoned their energy bubbles, which took them in mere instants to the food facility, which would have been about 50 miles distant as it was once measured. Distance had a much different meaning in Andra's world than it did in times before the Great Transition, and traveling to anywhere on Earth was quick and effortless, and it was also easy to travel throughout their star system. Traveling to other star systems was a bit of a journey. Andra had only done that once before in her life, to visit a closely related species that was one of the first galactic civilizations that humans visited when they gained the ability, thanks to help from their neighbors.

    At the food facility, Andra and Marden met their fellow tenders. They numbered a few hundred, many of whom had been involved for several seasons, and some had been doing it for a century or more. When their epoch began some centuries ago, when free energy and related technologies were finally made available to the public and the global plutocracy ended, life expectancy soon rose to more than a century for the general population, and some had already lived for centuries. Andra met one once, and that woman's great wisdom was reflected in her being, which nobody could fail to sense. In recent centuries, a globally pervasive love saw all humans gain abilities that only some spiritual masters had attained in the past. Telepathy was normal, some could choose to not eat and receive their energy directly from The Source (often with a little technological help), but usually ate, and conscious control over conception was among humanity's many recently developed abilities. A person's sum total of his/her being was evident to all, and deception was not even possible any longer. All loved and were loved back, without condition.

    At that meal were visitors from elsewhere, including Andra's parents, who planned to stay for a few days. They were scientists who studied the Sun's consciousness, as part of an effort to understand galactic consciousness. Of course, the Sun studied them, too, in a mutual exchange of information and awareness. Andra's mother had one other child with another man, and her father had one other child with another woman, and all of them had familial bonds of affection. As a result of the Great Transition, family structures of the past became vestiges of the prior epoch, and in Andra's time, all of humanity was a family, and the welfare of all of humanity and Earth was everybody's concern. When the pressures of economic survival were removed from human development, human consciousness flowered into something scarcely recognizable to people of prior epochs. Everybody in Andra's time studied the Great Transition as part of their education, and it took a few generations for that transition to complete, as the children of each generation grew progressively more enlightened and the patterns of scarcity and fear finally disappeared from human consciousness and behavior. Every child in Andra's world visited the Epoch of Scarcity in their holo-educational devices, and developed an understanding of how scarcity and fear had influenced human awareness. The humanity of Andra's day consciously chose something very different; they chose love and abundance for all.

    Andra's parents visited the Great Northern Forest at least once each autumn, partly to see Andra, and partly to enjoy the forest and the company of the other tenders. Andra was in contact with her parents, either singly or as a couple, as often as they all wanted, and a few interactions a week served their needs. Their level of interaction was fairly typical, but there was no standard, as each found what worked best for them. Andra's parents spent part of their year in close proximity to the Sun, closer than the planet Mercury, as their station was inside the Sun's immediate sphere of consciousness. They also regularly worked on the outer reaches of their star system, well beyond Pluto, as part of their studies. But they were typical in that they spent most of their time on Earth, although like many people, they lived in numerous locations, taking their dwelling with them or using the extra dwellings that were available to anybody who needed them.

    Most people spent some years of their lives living in one community in one location, usually when they were young or old, but in their middle years (which lasted most of a century), they were generally more mobile. Some lived lives of relative isolation, although communication with anybody in their star system was easy, and it was just one of many different ways that people lived. But all people lived in absolute abundance, which was the greatest observable difference between Andra's time and the days before the Great Transition.

    In the early days of the Epoch of Abundance, humanity was devoted to reversing the damage that humans had inflicted on Earth over many millennia, and they learned to partner with Earth during that time of healing. Nature spirits were known to all in Andra's time, and her community partnered with them, as all tenders did.

    Today was a special day and partly why Andra's parents visited, as the tenders would visit the central grove for an event of significance, as they communed with the great grove in the heart of the forest. The entire forest was inhabited by large trees, and most were larger than the largest trees before the Great Transition, but in the heart of the forest was a consciousness and energy which represented the focus of the forest's awareness, and those trees were unusually majestic. Andra's community held that event each spring and autumn.

    After their meal and interactions, they all rode the energy road that wove through the forest, from the treetops to the ground, to its heart. As with their other methods of transportation, it took as little or as much time as desired, and in a few minutes they all assembled in the grove's heart and entered a state of oneness, and they then expanded that collective awareness to interact with the grove. It was an exchange of energy and awareness that left both people and trees in an exalted state, and it helped set the energy pattern for the descent into winter's slumber. Birds, mammals, and even insects attended the event, and all interacted and benefitted. The love in the air was palpable, and its divine wave rippled through the forest, reaching all of its denizens. That event required no human technology, but was a blend of biology and consciousness.

    By mid-day, the event was complete and the human community had a meal at the forest's heart, and then they left for their various forest activities, to assist plants and animals and commune with them, similar to how Andra and Marden interacted with that herd in the morning. Nearly every day, Andra would interact with her communication device, which created whatever communication experience that she wanted with her larger community, whether by sight, sound, or mental impressions received straight into the mind. With some of those closest to her, Andra could communicate directly, without the need of technology, but for most, they interacted with a mix of technological methods. Andra might interact with her larger community for only a few minutes a day or hours, depending on the circumstances and desires. The previous day, she had an hour-long session with a childhood friend whom she had not seen in years, and Andra would go see her in a few days. Andra's friend lived in a colony on Mars, which Andra rarely visited. Communication happened faster than light speed, although travel was somewhat slower in the star system.

    Andra and Marden had been tenders for several years, and the time was coming when they would change their activities. Marden was particularly gifted and interested in technology, and was thinking of helping design and establish space colonies around their star system, while Andra was an adept at communicating with numerous types of life forms, and might train to be an interspecies diplomat, which would include visitors from other star systems and other dimensions.

    They were considering a few years of that activity and then having that child, but there was no rush to decide. In Andra's world, parenthood was not taxing and a woman's childbearing years spanned to well more than 50. Each year, tenders came and tenders left that community that worked with the Great Northern Forest, but all were welcome to come and go as needed, as they were everywhere.

    The primary motivation of people in Andra's time was that all people find how they could best fulfill themselves, which always included how they could assist the whole of their star system and make the journey of others beings as positive and loving as possible. Their so-called "work" time was fulfillment time, and usually lasted for only a few hours in a day. Some preferred more, some less, but all had the need to contribute to the wellbeing of all; the love in their hearts required no less.

    As the afternoon waned, the tenders once again met at their food facility for their meal. On clear days, they often raised the facility to float just above the treetops to watch the Sun set, which they did that afternoon.

    They then all retired to their dwellings for a couple of hours, which was usually when Andra and Marden had their lovemaking sessions, which occurred on most days. Then for those who wanted to, they met at another facility in the forest in the evening for various activities. Andra and Marden visited the nearby herd of elk-like beings before traveling to the meeting facility. This evening, a visitor from another star system would speak of life on "her" home planet. She was not really a "her," as sexual reproduction was not their way, and the term for such beings in Andra's day would not have been recognizable in the prior epoch, in which the being had no gender but great and loving respect. As with other galactic societies, the easiest way to communicate was mind-to-mind, but this visitor was a diplomat and spoke humanity's language, which was a notable feat. That evening, she communicated in voice and mind about life on her world. Like humanity, her species had difficulties in its earlier times, and like humans, they nearly destroyed their planet and themselves before they learned the lessons of love. The visitor noted that it seemed that every ensouled species encountered in the galaxy, to her knowledge, had a similar developmental path, from fear and scarcity to love and abundance. It seemed to be part of the path of learning that The Creator had arranged in this universe. All galactic cultures had some notion of The Creator, and it went by many names, but the essence, love, was the root of all known conceptions. When the visitor's talk was finished, most of the tenders enjoyed each other's company for a couple of hours before they all headed back to their dwellings.

    Andra once again engaged her communication device for the better part of an hour, interacting with loved ones and monitoring various events in the star system that interested her, and she also maintained a personal record of her days, which she usually devoted a few minutes to; they were mostly about what she learned that day and what happened that she was grateful for. Marden engaged in similar activities, but he was also engaged in studying technology, and he used his educational device. Children generally went to a "school" for their education, with a centralized device, partly for the social experience, but some adults who wanted one had their own, although each community had them available to all. Marden used his, as he was in the "field," and it was more convenient to have his with him. It was just one of the innumerable ways of living that people had. All technology was available to all, as was all information and knowledge, and it was up to each person to find what he/she found most interesting. Children all had the guidance of some of humanity's wisest members to help them decide where their greatest fulfillment would be, which was usually related to what benefitted the most beings.

    Soon, it was time for sleep, and Andra and Marden curled up together, fading to sleep. Unlike last night, when they decided to meet on their souls' plane, this night was for each to pursue his/her own "dreams," and Andra had decided to seek the Godhead. It was a regular activity of hers, which she engaged in perhaps a few times a month. She usually did not recall all that much about the experience, but always awoke with a sense of peace and love that she felt in no other way. Andra then proceeded to dream…

    As Zenith would say, "The End."


    Last edited by Wade Frazier; 13th February 2015 at 18:45.
    My big essay, published in 2014, is here.

  6. The Following 14 Users Say Thank You to Wade Frazier For This Post:

    fourty-two (21st March 2015), JRS (13th February 2015), Krishna (15th March 2017), kudzy (14th February 2015), Mark (Star Mariner) (18th October 2017), Melinda (13th February 2015), Muzz (13th February 2015), Ol' Roy (9th August 2015), Robin (14th February 2015), URIKORN (12th June 2015), wegge (26th February 2021), Wide-Eyed (7th March 2016), zenith (14th February 2015)

  7. Link to Post #164
    Ilie Pandia

    Default Re: A Future Earth

    Lovely, Wade!

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  9. Link to Post #165
    United States Avalon Member Wade Frazier's Avatar
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    Default Re: A Future Earth

    Thanks Ilie:

    That is the kind of writing that I am expecting the choir to do. As I have stated, we need to raise our games and inspire each other. We won't be able to get it done as lone voices in the wilderness. For what I have in mind, only a choir will do. It can be visionary art, as we see Melinda doing, it can be visionary writings such as imagining that Roads world, and it can be the kind of comprehensive writing that is the point of my site. As long as we are zeroing in on the goal and realize that the means become the ends, we can create a harmonic effect that is going to attract others on our wavelength.

    I know that the nuts and bolts to make such a world come to pass are already on Earth, but while we sleep, we don't get any. It is not only fitting that only awake people can help it come to pass, but it also may well be the only thing that will work. When people have FE delivered into their lives, the awakening process will be pretty fast. Until then, it is only the stray person here and there, scattered across the planet, feeling isolated, and not really getting anything done, certainly not on the epochal scale that is needed. I know the feeling, believe me. If I can build that maypole, they will come, but we need to get singing.


    My big essay, published in 2014, is here.

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  11. Link to Post #166
    Avalon Member Journeyon's Avatar
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    Default Re: A Future Earth

    I sit on the front porch of my cosy home, nestled in a meadow on the edge of a thick forest. The air is alive with vibrant energy as it fills my lungs with restorative alive air. As I raise from my rocking chair I feel called to the earth... I slowly and reverently remove my moccasins and let my feet rest on the soft warm earth. The vibrancy of the moss covered soil is like a cradel for my feet. I stand in joy knowing the love that has been restored upon this beloved planet! As I feel the breeze I feel the harmony and purity of the air and the way the earth and the cells of my body join in the dance of devine purification. The return to love has brought profound healing to beloved Gaia and all upon her.

    In peace,

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  13. Link to Post #167
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    Default Re: A Future Earth

    Quote "I sit on the front porch of my cosy home, nestled in a meadow on the edge of a thick forest..."
    That whole post was beautiful Journeyon.

    Quote "Andra and Marden visited the nearby herd of elk-like beings before traveling to the meeting facility."
    Some days ago I was searching images on the web of forest spirits, and a few came up that I was reminded of with your post Wade, with its depiction of a deep, rich forest, full of life.

    Like these ones :

    This last one led me to the Japanese anime, Princess Mononoke. The creature in the picture below represents the form the Great Forest Spirit takes by day. Another character in the film is the trusted red elk Yakul, friend to one of the story's main characters. The film is about humans who are in conflict with the forest gods as they deplete the land's resources, destroying the forest habitat, and it was apparently the highest-grossing film in Japan of all time until Titanic was released later that year. I think the little tree spirits in the picture above are inspired by the same film.

    The fact that films like Avatar and Princess Mononoke fare so well seems to speak of how strongly we feel the connection with the spirit of life. The variety of forms that spirit takes, both subtle and obvious, ethereal and physical.

    This is an extract from a much larger piece I wrote in 2012 about our future world. It was inspired, amongst other things, by astronauts' testimony of how seeing our beautiful planet from space gave them renewed appreciation.

    Astronauts : https://vimeo.com/55073825

    I walked a little further until I found myself passing the eternity garden, named so after the eternity flower; a single flower of an as yet unidentified species that had grown from the earth over a hundred years ago and had yet to fade. The whole of the garden had been built around it. Next door to the garden a post-journey school discussion was about to take place. A group of children had just returned with their parents from their first earth-orbit in a school craft. It was always so moving to see a group of them after their first trip, their faces quivering with love and with awe. Once they were of age, and felt ready themselves, they would be taken up as part of their education to view the earth from high above her atmosphere. It was an event, a learning, unlike any other. Nothing could compare to that first journey off-world. Your tiny craft flown high above the earth, seeing her extravagant globe soaked in light, suspended in the vast reaches of the dark ether. Once you were there you saw her entire nature - the curved edges of her continents, her openings and scars; the magnitude of her dream amidst the lonesome rocks and vacant moons that shared the solar system. The threads of her rivers running glistening to the oceans that swayed across her surface; the green of her life reaching from her body with nourishment, pouring its breath into the world around it. Pale clusters of cloud rode above the land, waiting to return to her, as veils of light danced slowly at her poles. This was our home. Shooting stars would sweep across the view, as she bathed in the sun in her comparative stillness, stirring in the pulse and the depths of men’s hearts. She was an enigma. So magnificent and fragile. So alive and so generous in her support of life. To return to her after your first orbit, was to return changed. I watched the children with their families be seated on the ground for their discussion of the journey. Many were unable to let go of one another’s hands; lost for words, it felt like the only way to convey the renewal of bonds they were feeling, and the new and unfamiliar joy that had been seeded within.

    I love contemplating, feeling, how such things are more than possible. How a future world built on and filled with love is more than possible...

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  15. Link to Post #168
    United States Avalon Member Wade Frazier's Avatar
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    Default Re: A Future Earth

    Thanks Melinda:

    That is my Twilight Zone moment of the morning. The elk-like animals just came up as I was writing, not a conscious mimicking of any movies or art. I never heard of that Japanese movie. I know that the Japanese consider their forests sacred groves, as they import wood from decimated forests from around the world.

    In 1990, as I hiked with my aunt and uncle to here, we ran into a herd of elk on the trail through the forest, on the way to that meadow. For a half hour or so we kept running into elk on the trail. I think that we ran into them coming back, too. They would step off the trail when we came, but not too urgently. I cannot recall if I saw one with antlers, which probably means that I didn’t, but just saw cows. They look like big deer. I have had many amazing experiences while hiking over the years, and hiking through an elk herd was one of them.


    My big essay, published in 2014, is here.

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  17. Link to Post #169
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    Default Re: A Future Earth

    Friends, having just seen and read this thread, I think that here amongst you beautifully strong dreamers of our better future is the place to put this current time notice. Dream strong, hold fast to the light, hold your light high for all to see as a beacon to follow.
    I "looked" ahead in time and saw a small bump on the fabric of time occurring on April 16-17 [2015], after which it appeared that the timelines fanned out horizontally and began to experience different scenarios from one another.
    I make this post because of deeply felt knowing about timelines, and want to send out a "HEADS UP" to take care what future is being energized in these crucial days of new timelines, for by what we hold as our belief dictates what timeline we follow and live.

    The above blue quote came to me through a friend who gets mailings from Adonna of Operation Terra. This fell in front of me today, I felt the truth of it, and so wished to share. My friend sent me this link: http://www.operationterra.com/anthem.html

    Keep your shining vision of your future polished, front and centre, especially in this crux point.

    Thanks for your wonderful happy visions above. May we hear more of them.
    Last edited by Meggings; 6th April 2015 at 14:10.

  18. Link to Post #170
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    Default Re: A Future Earth

    Our planet is so unfathomably beautiful. A wildness, ever shifting. Transformational and complete. Some days my tongue gets tied, and I find that beauty defies words and lives beyond description. But I feel it breathing in, and out, of every aspect of my body. Every layer of my consciousness. That beauty is a landscape where my thoughts, and those of earth, wind around and through one another like endless breezes. As though the same stars that inhabit her sky, are lit in the infinite corners of my heart. Her oceans, mysterious. Her forests, so veiled and deep.

    Those who live here do not see her merely as land, and fire and water. We know that our love for her is a gateway to the higher and deeper realms of this universe. We feel the veins of the lavender roots as they pulse, in gentle music, through our limbs. The power of her sequoia, reaching in through our crowns in a silent prayer. Her maple palms, emerald and velvet, and ours the many colours of the world, all rise to the heavens. The wisdom of the sun seeps in through the skin, melts the weary frozen locks, and reaches to the deepest chasms of the world.

    The birds are singing today. Like tiny bells and wind over crystal, their call is pure and sings, somehow, directly to my heart. They are mothers and brothers and daughters too. They come and go as we do in the world. Born of momentary union and falling to the earth to rejoin the ancestors. What happens in-between is untold adventure. Our souls, every day, write maps to guide the ones who follow. They will glimpse at ours, or study them whole, then draw their own.

    Over the ages, we have renewed our relationship with the natural world. It has strengthened our civilisation. We have advanced our institutions and technologies to assist our growth, not to dictate it. The power of invention, honoured and supported in individuals around our planet, is expressed in harmony with the spirit of the earth, who in turn has helped to heal parts of us we had yet to fully realise. No one is awed by the systems we create, except in so much as they are awed and inspired by an appreciation of the cosmos. We reflect its principals in the sturdiest and tiniest of machines. We are all taught to understand what we make for ourselves, and all who choose have the time and the ease of living to explore the science that enables our culture. In truth we are many billions of cultures, living in harmony. And no technology seems so great, so valuable, as the capacities within us. The capacities to psychically, physically, share and co-create as divine and wholesome energies. Caregivers and stewards, tuned to a path of galactic exploration.

    Many generations have come and passed, since we accessed the realms of free energy. There were concerns amidst our ancestors, about how the suppressed technology would enter the mainstream. The world in their time was quite a different place. Of those who knew the technologies were real, many couldn't foresee how it would be allowed by the authorities, who ruled with terrible weapons and the constant grip of fear, painting the future as bleak and unchanged. Nor were they sure how it would be welcomed by those who struggled to conceive of a life outside of that shadow. It was a world of great extremes. The rich and the poor. The powerful and the weak. A world of great illusion, woven like a spell, where darkness would present itself as light, and true light seemed elusive to many who searched. Even if the technology could be introduced, they asked, how long before the globe's controllers would brand it as terrorism, a destruction to be feared, as a power too great or too unsavoury to be in the hands of a common man or woman.

    The key was not a violent, physical rebellion. It wasn't the taking up of arms, and the stain of blood on the streets. It was a shift that occurred in consciousness. As more and more people grew to understand the technology was real, they focused their minds and their love of their descendants, and began to live with a vision of a healed world. First one, then another, and then another, until it spread through families, through villages, through towns. Across rivers and mountains and over vast distances. Through the ones who discovered that there need be no borders in the realm of human hearts.

    But for many, it was not a great journey. Not in any way arduous. The change took the form of a gentle realisation. As though they had woken one day after being spoken to in a dream. A dream they couldn't quite remember in all its detail, but whose atmosphere lingered. Whose meaning made sense and affected their view of the world. As though their motives, and a vision within, had been healed by the night and called forward to the dawn. It was simply time for a new story to be told. For a new way of living. Old ways had worn themselves out. Their sands had slipped through the hour glass, and a new world was being born that invited souls to see, to feel and to journey differently.

    It became, quite gradually, an idea whose time had come. And the truth of that was not simply felt by a few. It was understood by enough.


    ~ Post Update with Vision Pics ~

    3 of the multi-shaped travel pods, designed to echo their environments, travel in the woods where people can explore the day as they climb, levitate and meditate near the water.

    There is a lightness in our bodies, which even the trees can feel.

    Last edited by Melinda; 16th January 2018 at 20:17. Reason: Changing Picture Links

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  20. Link to Post #171
    United States Avalon Member Wade Frazier's Avatar
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    In case nobody knew it, we have a poet at Avalon. Beautiful, Melinda, beautiful.

    My big essay, published in 2014, is here.

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    Philippines Avalon Member Servant Limestone's Avatar
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    Default Re: A Future Earth

    This thread is one of the reasons why I've joined Project Avalon. You get people like Melinda here trying to put into writing a vision of a free Earth in the future and it makes me feel good. Keep up the good work people.

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    Recently a forum member - Sailing Beyond Knowledge - put out a call to readers for Letters to Gaia, that she offered to publish together in one book (you can read some examples on her thread.) It could be a beautiful way to create a harmonic resonance, from our numerous visions and shared love of planet earth. She suggested we share our feelings about what is unfolding before us, and the solutions we perceive for our evolution and the future of humanity.

    Since it's mostly shaped as a vision for the future, I thought I would share what I sent to her, here on this thread. Perhaps some of it might resonate with some of you passing through.

    With good wishes, always.


    A letter to Gaia. Mother Earth.


    Divine Mother Earth,

    I know you hear me. I can't put into words the extent to which I feel it. I can barely conceive of the breadth of your wisdom. Your knowing. I glimpse only the edges of it. And that is enough to leave me humbled. And in awe.

    When I walk barefoot on the soils and the rocks and grasses, I feel renewed. Something pours up through my skin and shines inside my body. As though I feel how my blood, my bones, my essence, are spinning with life. Some days I feel it so much, that whether people can see from a distance or not, my steps become a dance. When this happens, we dance together, you and I. We did this just weeks ago and a tiny, red-breasted bird came and landed at my feet to sing. We did this just days ago and the sound of crickets swam through the long grass all around me. Their music like medicine. I looked into the grass and asked to see one and one appeared. It landed on my hand, and an age passed where we looked into each other and I felt, beneath the ringing of the summer sun, something like a heavenly joy. The cricket stayed, gazing into my field, brimming with purpose, like an emissary of the nature spirits. As if it didn't wish to leave my palm. The way I didn't wish to leave yours. But eventually... I did go home. And dreamed of you, and the crickets and the bird song that reached into my heart, always and evermore, connecting me with yours.

    I treasure these moments that hold me to you. They are respite from a much heavier feeling. A grieving. As a race of beings, so much that we do makes nothing close to sense. There is too much destruction on your physical plane. Like we are fools, hacking at the branch that holds us to the tree of life. With all the destruction and all of the abuse, towards you, and to each other, we are staring at oblivion. You are our only home. Your forests have been razed, mile upon mile, scorched to ashes. Your lakes and aquifers sapped and dried to a lifeless dust. Your dark veins and wells of oil and gas have been coveted and drilled, deep and then deeper, as they are drained in a fever. Churned to a broken landscape of choking smog and deathly waste. Your oceans, polluted and plundered, ache through this sterility to mend themselves.

    We are enslaved by the mass production and consumption that has spread its infection through our cultures. As if nothing is sacred - and nothing is safe. So many of your children are starving and afraid.

    Perhaps some you could take. Some you could allow. To give us time to learn, to develop, to see where we were going wrong and pull ourselves up into the wisdom of balance. But it's as if we are caught in a blind web of our own making. Because we have tried to avoid dealing with our own pain. The parts of us that seek destruction. The parts of us that acquiesce.

    We have done this. I know I've sleep-walked my way into old habits and patterns that are not the best. I am well aware that prayers and good intentions are not enough to make changes. They are only the start. I continue to try, and some days I succeed, and for those I am truly grateful. So many here, I believe, at their core, mean no harm. But we were raised on fear and distraction, steered by hunger and blame. On scars passed down through generations. Like a weight of lies that couldn't help themselves. Taught to fool ourselves and smile, in endless corners full of quiet desperation.

    Still there is hope.

    A shift is occurring. Powerful and deep.

    It wasn't all that way, through time. There wasn't only recklessness. There wasn't only destruction. And with the link to light that has been tended we are changing. Growing. Learning to look and to walk in a conscious direction.

    There is a new world being called, and dreamed into being. A new way of seeing. I can feel it. I sense it in my heart, and I hold it there, now and then breathing its air, its truth, as though it is reaching from the future into the present moment.

    In this world, there is no more vain degeneration. Nothing to fuel those frequencies of atrophy and devastation. It's a world where we have summoned the strength to face ourselves, and have mended the wounds of loss and abandonment that kept us separate from you, from love, from our rightful place in the cosmos. A place of balance. A place of abundance. Shimmering, dynamic and alive. We have found our deeper nature.

    How long would it take to thank you for your patience? Like the wisest of great, great-grandmothers, watching us grow. Waiting. Wishing us forward to embrace and to honour our greatest potential.

    It is a world where mistakes are viewed instantly as learning experiences, and apologies flow as easily and gladly as forgiveness. Where money has no meaning and no bearing on the quality of life that can be taken, gratefully, for granted by every man, woman and unborn child. The freedom our ancestors dreamed is now in every breath we take, sweeping into our cells and reconfiguring our intention.

    It is a world where new and ancient studies are shared around the globe, and our children find sustenance in aiding one another. Where decency and wisdom qualify souls as the teachers within communities. Where adults understand how the most valuable things they can teach their young are to love themselves, freely and with kindness. To find bliss in learning responsibility for themselves. To discover and to honour the empathy that enriches their bonds with other living beings and the world all around them. To sing from their soul. To live from it. To honour creation.

    It is a world where a child can be schooled at home, outdoors, or anywhere they please. Where what was once calculated as a quotient of intelligence, in numbers of two hundred or more, is now an average measure – but is founded on a spiritual depth of reason and respect that is the guiding light of our beliefs. We are in touch with what we feel. And what we feel is a part of a rich and harmonious world, enlightened by each of our changes, as we journey through our lives. Speaking one another's names from the heart. Nurturing the brightest dreams and visions that we glimpse within ourselves or in our neighbours. Until there is no such feeling as to see a stranger. We are learning each day to embrace the shifts and cycles of your mind, and of a mysterious and radiant universe.

    Around your globe there are homes built with kindness in their living architecture. Houses crafted from organic material that blend into their surrounds. Grounded around and interwoven with the wisdom of trees in the heart of forests. There are levitating homes, bold and opalescent, that can fly their owners from violent earthquakes and hurricanes, and onto safe ground - to marvel over desert dunes at the edge of dusk, or set down beside the journeying sounds of mountain streams and jungle valleys.

    Each of us builds according to a joyful vision. And when people step outside of their home they utter gratitude for the ground on which they walk. Not in words, but instantly with their hearts, where it is felt like a warm glow, and floods down through their feet like a pulse into the earth. As naturally as letting out breath. For many, their love of our world is so great that your grass, your glades, your mountain caves, are the only home they need. Home is beneath and amidst the stars, a feeling of love for the earth and everyone living. Not in sentimental ways that are only an expression, like a sweet song, for a passing moment. But in a way of fundamental respect that courses through our understanding, of how we remain connected.

    We are made of water. The messages of life resound in its structure, like the secrets we forget we hold. We sustain a world where we purify your waters. No more angular pipes, or waste pits, pumped with chemicals. We echo the energising spirals of natural water systems. Desalinating what we need from the ocean. Drawing, in balance, from the air, for the soils and for our bodies, what we need. The more balance we create with our systems (using less of the material world to give us more) the less we need. The less we depend on your body. Instead we are nourished by your glow, its divine luminescence, and the sea of energy in which we swim. Your oceans, from their surface to their wild depths, are cleansed and glowing with the renewed spirit of countless creatures. They replenish the air with oxygen, and the whales and the dolphins sing with relief. Basking alongside us in the glory of our work. It makes us feel as though we have, at last, cured the misguided instincts of the past.

    We draw much of the energy we need from the sun and from the aether with our bodies. Or - to fuel our material creations - with small machines we place in homes and ships. It has enabled us to grow foods and manufacture tools wherever we are. We transmit energy and information using wireless systems and bands that work in harmony with the frequencies of living beings. But even that is changing, as individuals increasingly engage sublime and subtle waves of telepathy, as we enhance and extend our psychic ability.

    All toxic and radioactive wastes that we inherited have been transmuted via the cleanest technologies, and with your assistance. You guide us to where our work is needed. All newly formed waste is recycled without pollution. Mostly on site wherever it is created. The air, the land, the waters thrive. Unpolluted and crystal clear, the lakes around your globe mirror the whispering movements of the clouds.

    Inventors are free to share. Some are invigorated by the task in their elder years, some are as young as the cusp of adulthood. They seek more to refine their ideas, holding one another to the highest standards, so that when they share, they know they are sharing the very best they could conceive together. And the best is always defined as what is best and safest for the good of the whole. The whole being us, and other living beings, as a part of our sentient planet. The motivating rush for fame, or fortune, is firmly obsolete. Faded into the past. Life - not an old-world illusion of leverage - is all that matters. Our systems are benign.

    We have restored the connectivity of countless lands and their ecosystems. Species of all kinds are free to evolve. To migrate. To mingle and to soak the sunlight, or the nutrients in your depths. It is a world made of love and collaboration; of deep forests laden with fruit whose energies spin with vitality, and rich conversations with seasonal blooms and evergreens who soar towards the skies, as our siblings and our elders. We share their destiny, as they absorb our breath and our dreams, and replenish us with their own. In the silence of the dawn we are speaking with our souls. Our palms on the trees, feeling the soft electric bonds. We know they are listening. In the daylight we walk amidst the predators and prey. There are times they feel our light, its sovereignty. They are not so hungry in our presence. When we became different - so did they. They responded. And what made us different was within us all along. It was a spiritual seed, simply waiting to wind its roots.

    Religion and race no longer divide us, because any such divisions had become distortions only out of feelings of fear. Abundance has crafted an utterly different paradigm. God has many names, to many people, but everywhere is understood as the dignity and the courage to love. Where possible - unconditionally. Children see no difference in colour or creed. Some do not perceive the colour in our skins at all. We see only a soul and the beauty of its promise - the diamond light that shines behind the eyes. We have learned we need not be a threat to one another. Instead we have raised our aims through the support of a shared inspiration. The honouring of our home - of the truth that working together, and sensing one another's progress as if it were our own, brings a bliss beyond that to which our ancestors aspired. We thank our ancestors for the journeys that they made. The errors and the sacrifice. They learned so much for us, so that we could learn, in new and lighter ways, for our descendants.

    Our horizons are broad and our cultures inclusive. Filled with an array of scientific symposiums and open platforms that support our innovations. Myriad festivals that celebrate an expanding range of our arts and crafts. Young souls and old souls, whether born into indigenous shamans or technological pioneers - whether poets or physicists, or a fusion of manifold gifts and ways of viewing the world - we are community. Able to respect what we can learn from one another. We have come to realise that by giving and receiving with discernment and with openness, we amplify one another's light.

    It is a world in which medicine begins in the heart and in the hands. Some of us see energies of emerald and azure, like the tones of your surface, flow around the fingertips in shimmering light. It is a world where to heal someone is to perceive them as whole and healed, realigned with their highest good and deepest wish. Where the wealth of wisdom that the shamans had been tending, the plant medicines and spirit guides, their gentle power and vibrant strengths, flourish hand in hand with our leaps and bounds of technological innovation. We build healing chambers and regenerative frequencies, designed to work in harmony with the instinctive, healing processes of our natural bodies. Further enabling instant surgeries, rescues, and swift recovery.

    The landscape of the earth has been reborn. Countless spaces rewilded and rejuvenated. Farms and factories returned to the flow of meadows and woodlands. Dams and bridges recycled, so you can once again channel the energy of your rivers. Mines have been returned to open hills, covered by quilts of flowers and herbs that sway the air with an ethereal scent. Sometimes, when it is agreed necessary, we mine an asteroid for our metal needs. We no longer pierce your skin to plunder the world underground. But even so, that is a tiny fragment of what the surrounding solar systems are to our growing culture. They have been revealed to us as vast and open pathways, where the velvet of the night invites our gaze with planets ascending, ancient souls who glide beyond time, and monumental stars whose wisdom reaches through their fabric into other realms. There is a music woven through the portals of the spheres.

    There are brothers and sisters beyond your borders who have travelled here in greater numbers to face us openly. You know them. These wanderers. Many times they have assisted us, repairing your systems, as we were failing. They travel in vessels, via dimensional gateways previously unknown to many here. It is possible now. As the shadow of a long era of doubt and ignorance diminishes, and the way forward becomes clear.

    I remember, many years ago, reading a letter written by a great poet to a president. She said she believed the world was easier to change than we thought. That it began with a commitment from each of us not to harm anyone or anything, in this moment. Until we could look back on an hour, a day, a week, a year, of harmlessness. Like the principal still taught in the world of medicine, Primum non nocere : First, do no harm. So first we learned that harm was unnecessary. We remembered it. We harnessed it. A harmlessness. And from that stillness we had space to see clearly. Then we became, for the first time, truly creators.

    This new world is one where the word 'trust' may have even become obsolete amongst loving people. Billions of sentient hearts restored to the strength of our natural destiny. Our most conscious vibration. Where those of us who choose love from an emerging instinct and good sense have grown to the influential majority which shapes and represents our culture.

    There is so much to explore. Within and beyond your boundaries.

    It is the world I see for us. It is becoming ours. It has always been ours. And, like you, beloved mother earth, waited patiently for us to claim what we knew we could be. For so long, who we are capable of being may have been shrouded by the blood-soaked burdens of what we had done. But as a race, we are remembering. The breadths and the heights of discovery we were born for.

    I know that others feel and sense this world, gradually, being unveiled as it grows. Even if, for many, it is only in dreams beneath the layers of dense illusion that permeate our minds. As we lay our heads down alone, seeking moments of relief and reconnection. As the sunlight streams through a break in the clouds, revealing deeper dimensions through our windows and across the grids of city streets. As we gather in groups of two, and three, then more, around new born souls, and friends in need. Around the fading grasp and immortal care of those who carried us into this world. As our eyes meet theirs. Around fires over stones, and worn out tables where hopeful glasses clink in prayer.

    Psychically. Perceptibly. A new seed is taking root.

    For my joy, or when I am called, I walk barefoot on your land. Where its surface is alive and glistening with connection. It keeps me sane. Its tones and its rhythm hone a language of compassion. Of intuition. And I am grateful with every breath. As your generosity nourishes my spirit, pouring into my heart, connecting it with yours so it can pulse in resonance. In service to your goodness.

    I'm called, more and more, to lay my hands over your ground each day, simply to give thanks. Others speak their prayers into the wind or across the water.

    Through these means we are being drawn back to life. Recognising your vast body. Profound, delicate and wise. Born millennia before a place for us was even conceived. Cherishing your grace. Your purpose. Your divinity.

    How it sustains us.

    Divine mother earth - I love you. More than words could ever say.

    I love you with all of my heart.

    Last edited by Melinda; 11th August 2015 at 00:52. Reason: Tending to a typo

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    United States Avalon Member bettye198's Avatar
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    Default Re: A Future Earth

    I just saw this thread, very clever to feel out what each member thinks about when looking at the future. If you asked me in the 1970's my level of hope would be invincible. As I inched my way to now, I am more realistic about how things are controlled and manipulated so my dreams of seeing the dreams of a utopian world are thwarted. Mind you, I stay positive in the moment as best I can because I believe all change occurs there. When I studied the history of the planet from various sources, the one that sent me spinning was the Voyagers Vol I and II by Ashayana. Since then, clothed in understanding of how this planet came to be with all the visitations from loving and warmongering extraterrestrials, and where things are shaping up with nations and trends and collapses and struggles on a global level, I went back and listened to what was happening from the Beloveds back in 2012 with Asha. The very cool thing that happened then was our planet Gaia or Mother or Terra or whatever you want to refer to it, made a decision in consciousness to ascend. Now that may mean nothing or everything to you all, but Ascension requires time to prepare and move in vibration. Evidently the word is out in the Universe that Ascension will take place in a matter of time. In other words, the planet as it was created will not dissolve into nothingness despite the threats from the Fallen Angelics. That particular game will play out while we are here ( or not ). Many of the supposed humans of light, Angelic beings, fell. A defect called the dark flowering messed up their mission and caused unrest. But for the rest of us who hung on, we have a choice at the end of our life. More on that in a bit. Regarding the Ascension of Earth, the Angelic Hosts ( anchoring us into light while immersed in darkness) of the planet were fighting an almost losing battle. In 2012, a stronger, bolder, higher dimensional group came in and began the Hosting. I am not talking about a group or craft or Command that will save our butts. This is always our choice as souls to save ourselves from turmoil. I am saying we do have help with a higher frequency shield that is available when things turn south. For me, I ask for that shield every day because each day could be my hardest day and I believe in preparation of the highest order. Naivete must be out the window. We have come this far and we are armed with understanding and knowledge and we have kinship with others of like mind. Get in touch with your plasma bodies which is your capsule, if you will. The Myotic plasma flames come from much higher cosmic matrices. It is a deflection field. It is not normal to have mutations and disease and mental defects in our biologic.

    I will not live long enough to see the end result of all that is hoping to pass ( I say hope because how many times in history have treaties and star wars gone on and shattered dreams?) The plan from my understanding is that things will start happening in 2047. I doubt I will be alive at 100 yrs of age. Certain foldings and finales will play out before a birth wave occurs. It is physics, metaphysics and cyclic and part of waves that will move Earth to its new domain. The whole idea of peace that many of us can see from a different vantage point will be exhilarating because once, we were a part of that. We anchored peace in the long ago and we will know it as part of our consciousness. This is not New Agey lingo. This Earth was ripped away from its original placement. Now it has that chance to go forward with or without us all in the living eternal intelligence that is God Source, which is indestructible.

    When I mentioned we will have a grand choice at the last hour of our lives, it is this. We know all the 12+ stargates are under Fallen Angelic control. We lost many battles at those gates. The stargates were our portal out of this dimension upon leaving as souls. But we do have this choice- to go through the ancient portals, the ancient gates instead. Those are open to Angelics. If we only think it , so shall it be. If you care only to go through the dark tunnel with the so called light beckoning ( as is reported in NDE preceptions) you will only be seeing your own light body anatomy and an arrival in a lower dimension where reincarnation ( a tool to keep us coming back repeatedly so more energy fuel can be used by those in control) brings us back here. The goal is to at least find Andromeda and beyond until we are able to raise our frequencies enough to climb the dimensional ladder.

    These were only my perceptions from those studies.

    Eternal blessings,
    When you realize where you come from, you naturally become tolerant, disinterested, amused, kindhearted as a grandparent, dignified as a king. -- I Ching

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    I don't know where to put this. Above, in post 141 (https://projectavalon.net/forum4/show...l=1#post672748) I just saw that Wade Frazier is quoting from a Michael Roads book I had wanted to buy once but did not have funds for. I read this paragraph copied below and had to leave the computer to walk off my dry sobs and emotion from recognition.

    "Without warning, a bubble containing three people comes sweeping over the grain crop to hover close by us. Staring hard at them, I gasp. Two are tan-skinned human adults, but the other Being, although humanoid, is fine-boned and very slender, with a large hairless head and startling blue skin. For a moment our eyes meet, and I sense an inner recognition. I feel a love for this Being that is so powerful and unexpected, it hurts. In the brief moment our eyes meet, I feel a promise from the Blue Being that I cannot put into words – a promise I cannot define."

    When I was a tiny tyke, maybe three years old, I was outside playing (as all children were in those years). I was "provoked" that I did not have my sphere to travel home in, for I was hot and thirsty, and my little legs were tired and home was so far for me to walk in the summer heat. I remember wanting the sphere in which I travelled in comfort, and that would go wherever my thought directed it.

    Another memory from those early years was of the frequent visits of my most deeply beloved Blue Man. He (perhaps they, but I only remember HIM clearly) would come into my bedroom when I was a small child. In the dark of night I would sit on my bedroom's hard floor and rest my head lovingly on his knee, looking up into his wise and smiling face. He would put his hand on my head and all was as it should be. I felt such vast love for this beloved Blue Man that human speech cannot convey it. I remember being in public school class, in the early grades, thinking of my beloved Blue Man and the lessons of LOVE I was learning from him.

    There are other memories from those early years. Once I was taken aboard a space craft to meet with many gathered around a table. The discussions were about ethics and morals, and I was being asked about human ethics as the beings sought to learn to what stage people had attained. I recall with what authority I spoke to them, reprimanding them that my earth body was only eight years old and had not the experience and knowledge they were asking me to recount to them - and then, despite my brief reprimand of those assembled, I then proceeded to discuss morality and ethics of various earth people - my relatives - that I knew. This meeting, too, I remember contemplating in public school gym class. I declined to run around the track and instead was off to one side contemplating things few eight-year-olds think on.

    This is sufficient to show the emotional link I felt to what Mr. Roads wrote, in a book I have never read or owned. And Michael Roads himself, in his first book "Talking With Nature", which I did own and read, gave me understanding not only that one can communicate with clouds and kangaroos and brambleberries, but that time itself was not linear.

    Thank you for copying this excerpt, Wade, so that I could find it tonight and have my spirits lifted by remembering. I see more clearly that my main work in body is to perfect Love. And man-oh-man, I have been doing poorly at that of late.

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    United States Avalon Member Wade Frazier's Avatar
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    I am happy that you got something out of that. I have been rereading that book lately, as it sits on the floor next to my bed, in the stack.

    Hang in there!

    My big essay, published in 2014, is here.

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    Default Re: A Future Earth

    Echoes of a Bygone Age

    Saul wiped the frayed edges of the old leather chest, one last time, before laying it down on the ground beside him.  He listened as his brother, sat beside him, continued to read from the journal they had found earlier that day, concealed inside the box, wrapped in a single piece of cloth.  The textures were strange.  Neither of them were sure how long it had been buried in the ground.  How many people had walked over it, just a few feet above.  One generation after another.  As through those years, the world within its pages became more distant.  Less familiar to the company of life, changing and growing, only inches away.  With each passing footstep. With the birth and fade of countless seasons. This journal’s secrets lay with a kind of patience, waiting to be uncovered.
    As he looked around at the woodland area in which he and his siblings were gathered, Saul felt his lips stretch to an unexpected smile.  One of recollection and great respect.  He knew perhaps, of all the living things around them, the trees that soared above were the most likely to have lived through the trials and the tests that filled the ancient pages.  At the moment his thoughts moved in this direction, the branches above him swayed in recognition, flooding his chest with their frequencies.  As if nodding in mutual appreciation.  All living things care to be recognised.  Appreciated.  Understood.  When it is done with love, it can be felt.  The feeling that rippled through Saul was that feeling.  Subtle and deep, as it swept around his bones.
    His brother felt it too.  How the trees were listening.  He knew, he could sense, that he and Saul were both taken aback by what was being read.  The hardness of an era that had shaped their ancestors.  It was a mixture of emotion.  They felt privileged to have discovered this account, and grateful to be in a world that was so much freer.  So much kinder.  This world, their world, conceived and lived with openness at its core and in every aspect that reached out, in innumerable threads, from that core in their daily lives.  The balance of that openness was not secrecy, or repression.  It was mystery.  It was a sense of security, of adventure and discovery, in the vast oceans of space – the infinite seas of consciousness, sublime with vitality, that shifted all around them.  It flowed through them like a whisper of the divine.  Lived from the knowing that all are connected.  From the hearts that beat closest, to the promise that filled the uncharted stars. 
    Saul listened as his brother read, by comparison, of a tumultuous time.  The events in the journal described a different earth.  A place of cruelty and isolation.  A time when fear of losing, and of not being valued, too often made people’s minds and lives feel smaller and smaller, until they were in danger of feeling disconnected even from themselves.  Until they no longer knew who they were.  Like ghosts who were searching through a mist in broken vessels, trying to remember from where they truly came.  And to where they might belong.
    The journal spoke to them of an alien world.  Perhaps the saddest part came in the very last lines of its worn, uncensored pages.  The journal’s author, a man named Carl, wrote of how he intended to bury this book into which he’d poured so many years of thoughts and feelings.  People sent by those he called the local authorities, who he’d never even met, were to arrive soon and remove him.  They were to place him in a new home with strangers to live his final days.  Somewhere he felt his belongings wouldn’t be safe.  They would be stolen or discarded as waste when he eventually died.  His thoughts and dreams of little value to those who were soon to forget his name.  His small cluster of things that he had clung to and tended through his life, as proof of his solitary existence, would be buried in the ground.  But not in the careful way in which he’d managed to do with his journal.  Most likely they would end up scattered in what was then called ‘landfill.’  Places where humans once filled the land with objects they no longer used.  Places where motherless children with no currency to live would scavenge for scraps of food in the icy weather, or when the searing summer heat made a stench from the pile, so foul it would soak their skin. 
    The brothers thought of how fortunate they were that their ancestors had survived.  They felt renewed respect for the small number amidst their forebears who had pursued a visionary path, in spite of how the world around them may have abused them, and their designs, with derision and defensiveness.  They thought of how, undeterred, those same forefathers set about crafting the tools and understanding that could reform a global community with new ideas.  With clean energy, inwardly and outwardly.  Remoulding that fragile landscape of the planetary mind with clarity, and love, and purpose.  So that Saul and his brothers could live within and contribute to that world, now, in this time, where it had sunken its roots, firmly with benevolence.       
    They wanted to reach back into that other wounded time, into the heart of its many authors, and show them how the world would change.  So that those evolving souls could find some moment of relief in knowing how so many difficulties they were facing would be relegated to history books in future generations.  The brothers joined hands and inhaled slow, steady breaths into their centre.  They focused their intent with clarity, connecting into a shared mind.  Across the forest, and even in the ships that travelled overhead in the clear Northern sky, other minds heard the call and joined them in their union.  The community connected.  The air became electric.  And in that moment hundreds of bodies breathed together, blowing a healed blueprint of humanity, fortified with light, into the hearts of their ancestors.  Honouring them with gratitude.

  32. The Following 8 Users Say Thank You to Melinda For This Post:

    Billy Vasiliadis (26th July 2016), Krishna (15th March 2017), Limor Wolf (27th July 2016), meeradas (21st December 2020), Meggings (15th February 2016), Servant Limestone (15th February 2016), TelosianEmbrace (15th May 2016), Wade Frazier (15th February 2016)

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    United States Avalon Member Wade Frazier's Avatar
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    Default Re: A Future Earth

    And Melinda does this for free!
    My big essay, published in 2014, is here.

  34. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Wade Frazier For This Post:

    Krishna (15th March 2017), Melinda (15th February 2016), Servant Limestone (15th February 2016)

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    United States Avalon Member Wide-Eyed's Avatar
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    Default Re: A Future Earth

    Quote Posted by Servant Limestone (here)
    This thread is one of the reasons why I've joined Project Avalon. You get people like Melinda here trying to put into writing a vision of a free Earth in the future and it makes me feel good. Keep up the good work people.
    Ray Kurzweil discusses open source , 3-D printing , virtual reality and the impacts of these technologies now and his opinions of advances in technology and future impacts of various technologies. https://youtu.be/YVfHCSJ9GSE

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    TelosianEmbrace (18th June 2016)

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    Australia Avalon Member
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    Default Re: A Future Earth

    Howard Storm, who experienced an NDE which completely changed his life, saw this vision of future Earth during his NDE.
    Quote The world that they showed me in the near future, in a couple hundred years from now, is a world that is difficult for me to understand or accept. What I saw was no visible signs of technology. If there was technology, they hid it from me — or it was so subtle that I couldn’t even see it… I assumed the future would be a world of high technology and they showed me a world of not low technology, but NO technology. Where people’s relationship with God, with the creation, and with one another was so intense that human beings controlled the weather of the planet — not just for the welfare of human beings, but for the welfare of the entire planet. Everybody in the world was telepathically connected to everybody else in the whole world. People raised food by simply meditating or thinking about the food and the food would just grow and then would pick it and eat it… It was not instantaneous, but it happened before your eyes. Cabbage would grow from a seed to a full grown cabbage in a matter of a few minutes.

    People lived in small communities. People could move from community to community, freely, if they wanted to. Most people didn’t move around very much. Some communities put an emphasis on music. Some communities put an emphasis on science. Some communities put an emphasis on celebration, liturgy, worship. Some communities spent their time on physical relaxation and enjoyment, sports, and that sort of thing. Some communities were very contemplative and did seemingly very little. Some communities were very active and were very much engaged with their environment, sort of what we would call gardeners, but they were literally environmental sculptors, making these very beautiful places with the vegetation and the geology around them. Different communities had different emphasis, but they lived in total harmony with the flora and the fauna around them and in complete harmony with one another. The main emphasis of every community was the individuals in the community and most especially the children.

    When people had experienced what they felt was their full life experience, there would be a great celebration, and they would lay down and die and their souls, their spirits would be raised up to heaven. Dying was not seen as a sad thing, or grievous thing. It was a joyous time. It was celebrated as a birth.

    People ate simply. Dressed simply. From what I was shown, there were no possessions other than the clothes on their back and a few simple instruments like musical instruments, or tools, or things like that which were pretty much shared communally.

    It was a world that’s very difficult for me to make any sense of because there was great happiness. There was very little suffering. There was no disease because people, with laying on of hands, could heal diseases immediately. The only real suffering that they showed me was sometimes people felt a sense of separateness. And the community would allow these people to feel that, but they would pray for that person, they would surround that person with love and bring that person back into the community. So it was possible for people to move a little bit away from the spirit of the community, but they were brought back into the community. No one was left, no one was ever lost for very long. It was important sometimes for people to feel; to appreciate what they had, they needed to loose a little bit of it once and awhile.

    The spirit of Christ lived in every heart — fully and completely. It’s a world that is so unlike the world that we live in. How can we ever get there? But they showed me that this is the world that God envisioned for us and it’s not that far away.”

  38. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Billy Vasiliadis For This Post:

    Limor Wolf (27th July 2016), Melinda (28th July 2016), TelosianEmbrace (27th July 2016)

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