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Thread: The Reset Button Movement

  1. Link to Post #181
    United States Avalon Member Dennis Leahy's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Reset Button Movement

    Hi loveoneanother (love your moniker!)

    The key is citizens gaining complete control of the electoral paradigm. I suspect that in the UK, as in the US, the Elite now have complete control of the electoral paradigm. We need to reverse this. Each country will be different in the nuts-and-bolts to legally wrest this control, so the UK cannot use the specifics of the amendment and law that are the "brain" of the Reset Button document (written specifically for the US.) But the concept is the same.

    Most activists in the US are falling for the red herring of simply implementing some variation of campaign finance reform (here in the US, the big talk is overturning the Supreme Court decision, "Citizens United"), but it would have literally no effect on the outcome of elections. (Computer dying need to post and reboot...)

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  3. Link to Post #182
    United States Avalon Member Dennis Leahy's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Reset Button Movement

    Interesting... I looked at some movement using the word "reset", based in the UK, maybe 6 months or a year ago, and it seemed extremely vague and did not ever address the fundamental reality that the Elite are supplying the pool of "representatives", so the Elite is represented, not the people. This seems to be a whole new website (probably fleshed-out ideas that were nascent before.)

    Although I do not see a specific attack on the electoral paradigm, it appears that this would probably come out in the referendum process (In fact, for anyone in the UK following/supporting "the Re-Set", I would strongly recommend that you brainstorm a proposal document on that specific subject - electoral paradigm transformation, putting control into citizens' hands - and work to get it included in the Big Picture of the Re-Set movement.)

    I like what I see in the Proposal Documents - powerful and specific. I see The Reset Button in the US (if ever successful) as a complete reset of governance by resetting (transforming, actually) the entire electoral paradigm. After that, the citizen-controlled US government would be fertile ground for systemic change and could actually discuss proposals such as a national income for all. Pounding THAT pulpit now, in the US, is putting the cart before the horse. We (US citizens) need to gain control of our governance first. We have absolutely no control at all right now - at best (in deluded minds) the appearance of having a tiny bit of control.

    Cheers to my UK brothers and sisters! Go after your Re-Set!


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  5. Link to Post #183
    United States Avalon Member Dennis Leahy's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Reset Button Movement

    A "leaderless" (or "leader-full", if you prefer) movement.

    The Reset button cannot have a hero, or a spokesperson, or a leader - and the sooner I become an insignificant member of that movement, the better. We all can sense the truth in this.

    This "leaderless" concept was an integral part of the first published version of The Reset Button document, published in May 2011, about 3 or 4 months before Occupy Wall Street began. I mention that movement because they tried a leaderless movement - I doubt the Occupy instigators read the Reset Button, it was just a ubiquitous vibe, part of the zeitgeist at that time. And, it still vibrates with truth and wisdom. A movement cannot be based on persons and personalities and physical organizations (subject to everything from dilution to infiltration to death.)

    In my opinion, the reason Occupy "failed" (it didn't really, but hear me out), was that the leaderless movement was also devoid of a concrete strategy and single - attainable - goal. It was too wide, and expanded and expanded as more and more people became involved in a democratic process of defining the movement.

    If a few hundred people survived a plane crash, and ended up together on a deserted island - with no Elite opposing force - this organically evolving democratic format would work. Unfortunately, our world, and particularly the nation I'm in, does have an Elite opposing force. They own and control virtually everything, and have a complex web - a matrix - of interlocking support systems to make sure the Elite remain on top.

    The Reset Button Movement is a different approach. It is narrow, honed to the one key issue and aimed at the Achilles Heel of the Elite's grasp on control over our governance.

    "When citizens finally control elections...
    ...citizens will finally control governance."

    We all know that the current electoral paradigm is a sham, a puppet show to embed agents of the Elite into positions of governance. It would be easy to then dismiss elections as worthless, but they are worse than worthless to us non-Elite citizens, we "ordinary citizens" that are not drawing blood from the corporate matrix. Boycotting national elections isn't enough. It won't lead to self-governance, and won't oust the corporate/banking/militarist Elite Mafia from complete control over us.

    Are we smart enough to see that the key to gaining citizen-centric self-governance is citizens taking control over the entire electoral paradigm? I hope so. That's what The Reset Button Movement is all about. http://www.ResetButtonMovement.org

    Print it out, read it, hold your copy in your hand. You are a leader of The Reset Button Movement. Spread the word - make more leaders.

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  7. Link to Post #184
    United States Avalon Member Robin's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Reset Button Movement

    I've been slipping in the Reset Button into my conversations with people whenever I can. Sometimes I write the Reset Button Movement's website on little sheets of paper and hand them out to people who I engage in political conversations with. If I sense that they are somewhat into politics and dislike the current paradigm--even when they are completely clueless about the reality of the puppet show--I slip them the paper so they can check it out. They can just slip it into their wallet and check it on their own time without me lecturing them about the details of the movement or convincing them of the madness that is going on.

    I find it's more effective to plant seeds in the minds of people and make it seem like the idea is their's. Lecturing people does not help...but if you show them the way (in my case show them the website where they can read up on how to change our paradigm) then they will take it in their own hands...and I can say that I tried.

    Keep up the great work as usual, Dennis!
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  9. Link to Post #185
    United States Avalon Member Dennis Leahy's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Reset Button Movement

    The Reset Button Movement website has a new web host, and is paid-up for the next 3 years.

    Again, and as always, you are NOT asked to donate money. Not one penny has ever been asked, and not one penny has ever (or will ever) be accepted in that citizen-based movement.

    What you are asked is - in some ways - harder than donating money. You are asked to read, to educate yourself to the reality of how the Elite control our governance by controlling our elections 9 different ways, and to share the information.

    That's all for now, but that is enough for now. The average US citizen is clueless, and even the above-average politically savvy activist does not yet understand how the Elite control our elections (9 ways) and thus control our governance. This is critical information that must be shared. We cannot solve a problem we don't understand.


    Tweet it, FB share it, nail it to a tree in the town square.

  10. The Following 11 Users Say Thank You to Dennis Leahy For This Post:

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  11. Link to Post #186
    United States Avalon Member cursichella1's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Reset Button Movement

    Quote Posted by Dennis Leahy (here)


    Tweet it
    I just did. (This is brilliant.)

    Qui tacet consentit

  12. Link to Post #187
    United States Avalon Member Dennis Leahy's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Reset Button Movement

    We citizens will not be given control over the electoral paradigm (and thus, control over our own governance) - we will need to take it.


    The Reset Button document is not controversial or "disquieting" until it gets to a plan and strategy to take control of the electoral paradigm.

    The exposé of the 9 methods used by the Elite to control the electoral paradigm (which, to my knowledge, has never really been exposed before - in context and in its entirety - anywhere else) may be eye-opening, but it's not controversial or disquieting. [However, there are many people that can read that section and flip a cognitive dissonance switch in their head to allow them to dismiss 8 out of 9 methods - especially the most powerful 3 - so they can go back to believing that a solution to campaign finances will solve the entire problem.]

    But tell people that they have to actually DO something (other than signing worthless petitions, or voting in an Elite-controlled election system that ensures that Elite-approved minions will win) is disquieting. Other than union workers (who understand the power of strikes), most US citizens are terrified of performing ANY action - even 100% non-violent action.

    The good news is that we don't really need 99% to unite. We don't need 80%; we don't need 50%; we don't even need 20% to unite behind the ideas in The Reset Button. We only need 10%. (The flock or herd is moved by just a few "alphas.")

    Are you one of the people that is going to spread The Reset Button Movement document, and help build up to the critical 10%?

    (US citizens who sign the document are considered as "signers." If you are not a US citizen, but believe that US citizens need to take control of the US government, then please sign The Reset Button document - as a supporter.)
    Last edited by Dennis Leahy; 10th October 2014 at 00:27. Reason: formatting

  13. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to Dennis Leahy For This Post:

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  14. Link to Post #188
    United States Avalon Member Dennis Leahy's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Reset Button Movement

    Published in 2012, two years ago. How far have we come in the past 2 years? Any real progress?

    Time to consider a comprehensive plan and strategy to dethrone the Elite? http://www.ResetButtonMovement.org


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  16. Link to Post #189
    United States Avalon Member Dennis Leahy's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Reset Button Movement

    What can you do to help spread The Reset Button?

    I got inspired yesterday watching a video focused on North American indigenous ("Indian") youth taking up the Idle No More Movement concepts, and especially "owning" the movement. They know they need to protect Mother Earth, earth, sky, and especially water. They know the time is now, and they know it will be they who make the movement happen.

    What do we do to spark more of the rest of the youth? Especially in the US, they seem generally docile, placated, distracted, and selfish. What can we do to ignite their passion for protecting what's left of Nature and fighting for sovereignty? And, with The Reset Button, to want to remove the Elite minions from office and remove the Elite control over elections (so that where we - as a society - go from there will be directed by ordinary citizens, not the Elite.)


    (hit the link in my signature line - and explore)

  17. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Dennis Leahy For This Post:

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  18. Link to Post #190
    United States Avalon Member gripreaper's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Reset Button Movement

    Look at these statistics. 96% of congress was re-elected in the midterms.


    The electorate is totally broken, and the voters who voted are totally clueless. I'm feeling hopeless tonight. When you get that plane ticket to Ecuador, please grab two of them.
    "Lay Down Your Truth and Check Your Weapons
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  19. The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to gripreaper For This Post:

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  20. Link to Post #191
    United States Avalon Member Dennis Leahy's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Reset Button Movement

    (this was something I just posted on Faceboog)

    Scroll down through a few dozen, or even a few hundred Faceboog posts. These are almost exclusively your friends trying to share something with you that they found to be important, (or maybe just entertaining.)

    With the people I'm connected to here, the majority of posts I would consider "alternative news" - real snippets of life, especially injustice, greed, and of corporate "entities" and extremely wealthy people's agendas being met, but not the average person's needs.

    Almost no one posts solution-based posts, and those that do are almost exclusively promoting solutions that are extremely weak, full of bluster but inept, and would leave the same (crooked) people in power and ask/beg/demand of them to solve the problems.

    At some point (hopefully) we are all going to realize that the changes we want will need to be defined by us, and forced into existence by us. ("Force" here does not imply physical violent force - the one thing that tyrannical governments are best at dealing with - but rather the even more powerful force of withdrawing consent, en masse and in unity.) We cannot petition, protest, boycott voting, or vote our desired changes into existence. We cannot simply go off-grid (insulating ourselves from tyranny and injustice) and expect the tyranny and injustice to stop.

    Let's say (or pretend) that we could - with mass and massive demonstration - shout-down our government and demand they resign. This has been done in other countries. What happens next, after the victory? Invariably, a new group of gangsters takes over, and may even be worse. Why? Well, the protesters protested strictly with their hearts, and didn't use their heads. They didn't design a new system first, and the old system (unbeknownst to the protesters) was built by the tyrants and the plutocrats - and using the same old system allows the same old problems to occur, by facilitating the acceptance of "new & improved" agents of the tyrants and the plutocrats.

    So, we need to be smarter than that. We need to prepare before we take action. We need to prepare/create/author a new system that guarantees that new & improved agents of the tyrants and the plutocrats cannot get into power, and that ordinary citizens devoid of ties to the Elite are the only ones that can. (Citizens representing citizens.) We need our new system to ensure that all elected and appointed officials have brief, single terms in office, to ensure they do not become fixtures, empires, dynasties, as well as targets of the tyrants and the plutocrats that will forever be scheming to return to power.

    The current election system in the US was conceived by the financial and power Elite of the mid 1700s, and set up to ensure that the Elite agenda would be represented (and it has been working wonderfully - for them - ever since.) It doesn't make much sense then to reset the system to just before 2010, or 1963, or 1933, or 1913, or 1850... when what is needed is to reset the system to before the 1770s.

    It will take one new law and one new amendment to create a system whereby US citizens actually have a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. This law and amendment are the heart of The Reset Button document. The amendment probably could not pass (we citizens could not force its passage) while the US government is filled with agents of the tyrants and the plutocrats - but, we CAN force the law to be passed, and that alone is enough to remove all of the agents of the tyrants and the plutocrats from power, and allow us to fill all of the seats with ordinary citizens as our representatives (and they can pass the amendment.)

    We either agree to just keep reporting the news of the latest psychopathic behavior of the tyrants and the plutocrats (using their embedded Democrat and Republican agents), or we make a decision to actually stop the tyrants and the plutocrats - and for ordinary citizens to take the helm in citizen-centric self-governance. If you're interested in the latter, read and share The Reset Button document: http://www.ResetButtonMovement.org

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  22. Link to Post #192
    Belgium Avalon Member Violet's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Reset Button Movement

    Quote Posted by swoods_blue (here)
    Dennis, I agree wholeheartedly with the thrust of your efforts. You are pointed in the right direction, and thinking about the right issues. This is extraordinarily important. I have signed the document, and will share it. You have lots of ideas and make many points which I agree with enthusiastically.

    That said, we're going to need to continue to evolve this.

    It is unclear to me who you're writing to or what you're trying to accomplish. Are you espousing a new political philosophy? Or are you trying to build a core organization? Or are you trying to get a Constitutional Amendment passed? Or are you trying to upend the two-party system? I mean, it looks like you're trying to do all those things, but an absence of focus will damn four worthy causes to untimely deaths. One document can't do it all.

    For example, you have a section called "What is this document?". This is on page 29 of 58. Without me getting into any deeper analysis, I think you can probably recognize the inherent problem there.

    I also don't think you can call for a general strike before building the network to support the strikers. Shall I simply begin striking all on my own tomorrow? My employer has 40 people working for him. Although our clients are large corporations, my absence wouldn't mean much to them, though it would really screw my boss. This sounds like a good way to get fired. On the other hand, if I knew 10 million people were going to join me, hey, I'd be happy to call in sick. You can't have a strike without a network.

    I disagree with your abandoning the call to protest in state capitals. H.R. 347 applies to federal buildings occupied by the President or Vice-President, or which is hosting an event of national importance. It doesn't apply to state property. Mass action is, arguably, the single best method of effecting change, and peacable assembly is specifically protected by the Constitution. It's a right that needs to be exercised, and there's no point calling for Constitutional Amendments yourself, if you're afraid to exercise your existing Constitutional rights.

    Crucially, I think a call to action needs to be short -- maybe 2 pages at most. 58 pages is a book. The philosophy, background, analysis and venting needs to be done elsewhere, and are best suited to recruiting fellow activists. But petitions and/or statements need to be short. Ideas are adopted through coalitions (this is the core of "politics" in the broadest sense, which governs human relations from small groups to large organizations or governments). So you don't want to discourage people from signing onto your goals because they aren't in complete alignment with your point of view.

    I would say at this point, if you really are trying to build a movement, you are simply trying to attract a core group of people to your community. Statements and petitions can grow out of that, and will go much further with a network of influencers to support it.

    I hope you accept this feedback in the spirit it is offered -- that is, from someone who supports your general thrust and goals.

    P.S.: "good Behaviour" is mentioned in Section. 1. of Article III., not Article II., of the Constitution. And FWIW, it's spelled with a "U" in the original.
    Swoods, how does it work in the US? Here in Belgium, we have gone into a strike-loop modus since early November with new strikes every two weeks. The last one was last Monday. It was a dead scene outside. No Sunday could compare. Airports not working, public transport not working, our harbours were not working,...

    But about your boss, since these demonstrations are organised by our labour unions - and in Belgium there is a right to demonstrate (derived from the constitutional right to "gather"/unite/unions, much debate followed afterwards) - you can fill in a form afterwards and drop it at your local union to get a compensation for that day. Your boss has to accept that you made use of your right to demonstrate, esp. when it's on a national level, even if all else has decided to work.

    The demands of the participants are that the recently formed government reviews its proposed plan of government which boils down to cutting spending in the most sensitive domains for the middle to lower classes. People are fed up with becoming poorer with no better prospects. But what the people's plan is? Good question. I think a lot of people are making the mistake of trusting that the labour unions have the plans all worked out for us. They organise the strikes after all, so they have our best interests at heart but the truth is also that the labour unions are starting to rot from within as they collaborate with the industry against the workman (but those are still conspiracy theories).

    Basically, it doesn't look to me that the people have a plan. They're an example of demonstrating with the heart and after that...What follows?

  23. Link to Post #193
    United States Avalon Member Dennis Leahy's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Reset Button Movement

    Read John Lennon's message, then realize that I'm typing mine from the USA, the most militarized country in world history, with over 1000 military bases (including secret/'black' prisons and torture facilities) around the world. So yes, each one of us individually can become peaceful and promote peace, but as citizens of this country, we also have a duty - to humanity - to take over the US government.

    The only way the USA is ever going to become a peaceful country and not a thinly-veiled militarist corporatocracy is if ordinary US citizens that are not tied to the corporate structure (including what is currently a huge portion of our gross national product - weapons of war) figure out a way to peacefully take over the US government. We know for sure what doesn't work: protesting, petitioning, blogging, and voting (or boycotting voting) in an electoral system controlled by the (war-profiteering) Elite. The Reset Button Movement (a peaceful plan and strategy for US citizens to quickly gain control of the US government) could be the greatest gift to humanity imaginable. http://www.ResetButtonMovement.org

    Think about it - the USA could quickly become the most benevolent country in the world - but it will never happen unless US citizens are proactive, and have a workable plan and strategy to take over the US government. Unwrap this gift to humanity. As you tear open the paper, let it be your fear that is shredded. The whole world is waiting, and watching, to see if US citizens can stop the madness and give the gift of peace to the world.


    (my Christmas message)

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  25. Link to Post #194
    United States Avalon Member Dennis Leahy's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Reset Button Movement

    Are we going to drag the baggage of failed activism tactics into 2015? (Remain on the mobius strip? Exemplify Einstein's definition of insanity?)

    Or, are we going to stop and seriously consider something different that *could* work?

    We have NO control over our own governance, and are reduced to begging the [s]elected henchmen of the Elite to pretty pretty please listen to us. It ain't working.

    It doesn't matter what your overall (positive) goals are for US governance: whether you want direct democracy, socialism, libertarian anarchy, or just want to finally see what it might be like to actually have a government of the people - all of these, any of these, are *possible* if we first achieve the goal of The Reset Button Movement, and *NONE* of these are possible unless we achieve the goal of The Reset Button Movement.

    *(The goal of The Reset Button Movement is for ordinary citizens to gain complete control of our governance the ONLY way possible: by gaining complete control of the entire election system/"electoral paradigm", and by dismissing *ALL* current elected and appointed officials.)

    Nothing will happen unless we make it happen.


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  27. Link to Post #195
    United States Avalon Member Dennis Leahy's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Reset Button Movement

    I would like to ask you to really stop and analyze the "activists" (the people) that you consider important in any current attempt at making major change happen. I would like to ask you to really stop and analyze their message/ideas/plans/strategy - to get from where we are to where we want to go.

    The Reset Button may look political, or simply electoral, but really, it isn't. It really is about the strategy, and why the strategy makes sense. The strategy leads to ordinary people in control - ordinary people in charge of our own destiny.

    There are thousands and thousands of "activists" - some focused on smaller-scope issues, some focused on larger-scope issues. Overwhelmingly, what I see are people with good intentions and big hearts, but lousy strategies. It's nothing to be ashamed of - no one can wear all hats equally well, and modern education has dismantled the mechanism (the "Trivium") that would have grown more good strategists. We have a dearth of strategists. In fact, it's so bad, that the average "activist" simply cannot tell a good strategy from a bad one. And, since there are so few good strategists putting forth strategies, the vast majority of strategies that activists and activist-minded people follow are poor strategies.

    No wonder we're not getting anywhere.

    The situation also underscores Einstein's definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

    I have had to face the possibility that most people want to be miserable, to be slaves, to be helpless to stop their government's malevolent tyranny, imperialism, corporatism, war-mongering, clean/free energy suppression, surveillance state and police state, acquiescence to poisoned food, water and air, further wealth concentration into 0.05%'s pockets... the list can go on and on. I do find it difficult to believe that people generally like everything the way it is, but then, if people refuse to even listen to ideas to disempower the Elite and their minions, and to empower ordinary citizens, then something is really wrong.

    When ordinary citizens get slammed into survival mode, we as a society will be generations away from another opportunity to change our fate, the fate of the people of the world, and the fate of non-human life on this Blue Gem. We still have an opportunity - right now! - where we (in the US) could effectively take complete control of the US government. To do so requires an extremely well thought-out plan and strategy. The plan and strategy in The Reset Button is the only example that I know of that could possibly work. Isn't it worth your time to check it out? Isn't it worth your effort to support it? Or, do you have to admit to yourself that you are not really interested in change?

    The first challenge is just to acquaint yourself with the plan and strategy in The Reset Button. Read it. Then, share it. http://www.ResetButtonMovement.org

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  29. Link to Post #196
    United States Avalon Member Dennis Leahy's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Reset Button Movement

    This post is for people that are NOT citizens of the USA.

    I'd like to ask you a question: Would YOU appreciate it if US citizens would take away the power of the Elite over US governance?

    Right now, the Elite have complete control of governance of the United States of America, or more accurately, the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. I am assuming that you are "street-wise"/worldly enough to know that this means that the globalist/Elite that control the USA are causing major damage over the entire planet (wars, assassinations, installations of US/Elite-globalist-favorable puppets into positions of governance, imperialism, exploitation, international spying involving every human on the planet using any digital communication, geoengineering, environmental devastation, and exploitation of humans as expendable "human resources" worldwide.) You do know this, right? I mean, you do know that the globalist-Elite use the USA as their major staging area on the planet, and command the most sophisticated military in world history - from satellite and space-based recon/positioning/weaponry to hardened underground D.U.M.B. facilities, and across the surface of the globe. You do know this, right?

    You know that many, many of the most malevolent globalist corporations in the world - such as Monsanto - were born and nurtured and remain protected in the USA, right?

    Maybe the push for US citizens to "get your act together!, and DO something effective!" may have to come from outside of the USA.

    Can I ask you a favor?

    Can you please let US citizens know it's about time they unite and take the power away from the globalist -Elite? Maybe if a massive number of citizens of other countries sign The Reset Button document, as a supporter, it will help to awaken US citizens. It's worth a try.

    Please sign The Reset Button document. US citizens who sign as listed as "signers"; non-US citizens are listed as "supporters." Do you support the idea of US citizens non-violently taking control away from the globalist-Elite? Sign here: http://www.resetbuttonmovement.org/S...esetButton.php

  30. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Dennis Leahy For This Post:

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  31. Link to Post #197
    United States Avalon Member gripreaper's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Reset Button Movement

    Its been two days and no response to your inquiry of non- "US Citizen's". In essence, they are all subject to the same jurisdiction, so they are all US Citizen's no matter what they call themselves.

    At any rate, I want to be a Citizen of the united States, so therefore I will respond in that capacity and NOT as a corporate US Citizen.

    Here is my take on what we need to do, and it is not in any way in conflict with your thesis. It goes into what we need to do from the outside, or from the inside, makes no difference to me. Like Anna von Reitz says, its going to take all 400 million of us to wake up and get it done. It would behoove the other bankrupt corporate nations to join in as well, since they are all in the same boat.

    Notice to Congress—The Days of Legalizing Theft Are Over

    From the writings of Anna von Reitz. Big Lake Alaska September 2014

    The most recent round of fraud began on March 28, 1861. That was the day the Congress of the united States of America adjourned for lack of quorum and never reconvened. Ever since, “Congress” has functioned in one of three roles—(1) as a corporate Board of Directors for private, mostly foreign-owned and deceptively named governmental services corporations operated by banking cartels (the Federal Reserve running the “United States of America, Inc.” and the IMF running the “UNITED STATES”) or (2) the government of a legislative democracy calling itself the United States of America (Minor)— American “states” more often thought of as federal territories and possessions— Guam, Puerto Rico, etc., or (3) operating as a plenary oligarchy ruling the Washington DC Municipal Government. All this time that you thought the members of Congress were representing you and your interests, they’ve been representing other interests entirely. That explains a lot, doesn’t it?

    On March 6, 1933 the “President” of the “United States of America, Inc.” Franklin Delano Roosevelt attended a Conference of Governors meeting. These “Governors” were all “State” franchise managers of the United States of America, Inc., exactly like local franchise owners of Burger King or Sears. They got together and pledged the assets of their customers—their employers—the American states and people——as “sureties” for their private corporate debts. And then they bankrupted the “United States of America” and all the “State” franchises.

    The “federal” States that were created by the 14th Amendment of their private for-profit corporation’s look-alike, sound-alike “constitution” published as the “Constitution of the United States of America” are not the same as the actual States of the Union, nor are their “State” citizens the same as American State Citizens, nor are their “US citizens” the same as Citizens of the united States, but they pretended that they were and the banks gleefully agreed.

    To secure the debt owed by the “United States of America, Inc.” the banks established maritime salvage liens against every parcel of land, every business, every man, woman, and child in America, and continued to operate their doppelganger corporation under Chapter 11 Reorganization. They laid claim to your “good faith and credit” —stole your credit cards— and your identity as an American State Citizen, and they never bothered to tell the victim.

    They also had you declared legally dead and probated your estate and issued bonds based on the value of your labor and private property. Just look at “your” Birth Certificate—signed by the County Registrar, an officer of the probate court, issued in the NAME of a “dead person”—you, numbered as a bond and issued on bond paper.

    At the same time, they converted all your private bank accounts to the ownership of the ESTATE trust they created “in your name” and moved the ESTATE offshore to Puerto Rico where you and your assets supposedly came under the foreign maritime jurisdiction of the United States of America (Minor). Look at the NAME on “your” bank account checks.

    Look at the signature line under a high powered magnifier. The IMF claims that it owns all your bank accounts. It claims that your ESTATE was “abandoned”, and now all the spoils belong to the bank. They are pressing “Congress” to pass “laws” to allow them to seize all American bank accounts—your savings, your retirement accounts, your checking accounts, everything. We’ve seen Dodd-Frank. Now we are seeing “bail-in” proposals. The Big Banks want “Congress” to front for their greed and criminality—again.

    This is all fiduciary trust fraud and fiduciary trust fraud has no statute of limitations. 1862 or 1933 or 2014—it makes no difference. We suggest that members of Congress assume their public offices acting under full 100% individual commercial liability —or be ousted and tried as criminals. Next, we suggest that they honor their contract with America and issue debt-free public money— real American Dollars. Next, liquidate all the “too big to fail” banks, tear up the corporate charters these entities have violated, seize back our purloined assets, and shut them all down.

    Meanwhile, the market for financial services will open up for banks operated under actual state charters. This thing you have thought of as your government is nothing but a multi-national conglomerate run criminally amok. The real government of this country is vested in each of you. You all hold more civil authority on the land than the entire federal government.

    Deal with the “FEDERAL RESERVE” and “IMF” and “CONGRESS” the same way you
    would deal with “TARGET” or “WALMART” or “ARBY’S” if they grossly endangered, cheated, enslaved, and defrauded you. Keep calm and get even. You all know what to do.

    You have the guaranteed Universal Right of Self-Declaration provided by United Nations Conventions, plus the protections of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. You have the Geneva Conventions and the Lieber Code. You have the preserved right to Common Law, guaranteed by Uniform Commercial Code 1-308 and recourse guaranteed by 1-103.6, which includes the right not to be bound by any contract that is unilateral, inequitable, involuntary, undisclosed, tainted by fraud, not in-kind, entered in your behalf by others merely claiming to represent you, or deemed to exist as the result of receiving a compelled benefit or fruit of monopoly inducement. You have the absolute right to Expatriate from their maritime jurisdiction.

    Do so.

    When 400 million Americans stand up and clean house, the world will listen and hear the roar.

    Last edited by gripreaper; 9th April 2015 at 05:47.
    "Lay Down Your Truth and Check Your Weapons
    The Next Voice You Hear Will Be Your OWN"

  32. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to gripreaper For This Post:

    alh02 (9th April 2015), Gardener (12th April 2015), Hawkwind (14th October 2015), heyokah (9th April 2015), kfm27917 (2nd December 2019), TrumanCash (9th April 2015)

  33. Link to Post #198
    Join Date
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    Default Re: The Reset Button Movement

    Quote Posted by Dennis Leahy (here)
    This post is for people that are NOT citizens of the USA.

    I'd like to ask you a question: Would YOU appreciate it if US citizens would take away the power of the Elite over US governance?

    Right now, the Elite have complete control of governance of the United States of America, or more accurately, the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. I am assuming that you are "street-wise"/worldly enough to know that this means that the globalist/Elite that control the USA are causing major damage over the entire planet (wars, assassinations, installations of US/Elite-globalist-favorable puppets into positions of governance, imperialism, exploitation, international spying involving every human on the planet using any digital communication, geoengineering, environmental devastation, and exploitation of humans as expendable "human resources" worldwide.) You do know this, right? I mean, you do know that the globalist-Elite use the USA as their major staging area on the planet, and command the most sophisticated military in world history - from satellite and space-based recon/positioning/weaponry to hardened underground D.U.M.B. facilities, and across the surface of the globe. You do know this, right?

    You know that many, many of the most malevolent globalist corporations in the world - such as Monsanto - were born and nurtured and remain protected in the USA, right?

    Maybe the push for US citizens to "get your act together!, and DO something effective!" may have to come from outside of the USA.

    Can I ask you a favor?

    Can you please let US citizens know it's about time they unite and take the power away from the globalist -Elite? Maybe if a massive number of citizens of other countries sign The Reset Button document, as a supporter, it will help to awaken US citizens. It's worth a try.

    Please sign The Reset Button document. US citizens who sign as listed as "signers"; non-US citizens are listed as "supporters." Do you support the idea of US citizens non-violently taking control away from the globalist-Elite? Sign here: http://www.resetbuttonmovement.org/S...esetButton.php
    This post is for people that are NOT citizens of the USA.

    Oops, I almost missed this one. Was off-line for a while. Thanks Dennis.
    I've been doing the best I can for years now.

    And of course I signed The Reset Button document. I'm a "supporter" !

    I've sent this to my daughter in Seattle as well.
    Last edited by heyokah; 9th April 2015 at 13:46. Reason: add ps

  34. Link to Post #199
    Avalon Member TrumanCash's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Reset Button Movement

    Quote Posted by gripreaper (here)
    Its been two days and no response to your inquiry of non- "US Citizen's". In essence, they are all subject to the same jurisdiction, so they are all US Citizen's no matter what they call themselves.

    At any rate, I want to be a Citizen of the united States, so therefore I will respond in that capacity and NOT as a corporate US Citizen.

    Here is my take on what we need to do, and it is not in any way in conflict with your thesis. It goes into what we need to do from the outside, or from the inside, makes no difference to me. Like Anna von Reitz says, its going to take all 400 million of us to wake up and get it done. It would behoove the other bankrupt corporate nations to join in as well, since they are all in the same boat.

    Notice to Congress—The Days of Legalizing Theft Are Over

    From the writings of Anna von Reitz. Big Lake Alaska September 2014

    The most recent round of fraud began on March 28, 1861. That was the day the Congress of the united States of America adjourned for lack of quorum and never reconvened. Ever since, “Congress” has functioned in one of three roles—(1) as a corporate Board of Directors for private, mostly foreign-owned and deceptively named governmental services corporations operated by banking cartels (the Federal Reserve running the “United States of America, Inc.” and the IMF running the “UNITED STATES”) or (2) the government of a legislative democracy calling itself the United States of America (Minor)— American “states” more often thought of as federal territories and possessions— Guam, Puerto Rico, etc., or (3) operating as a plenary oligarchy ruling the Washington DC Municipal Government. All this time that you thought the members of Congress were representing you and your interests, they’ve been representing other interests entirely. That explains a lot, doesn’t it?

    On March 6, 1933 the “President” of the “united States of America, Inc.” Franklin Delano Roosevelt attended a Conference of Governors meeting. These “Governors” were all “State” franchise managers of the United States of America, Inc., exactly like local franchise owners of Burger King or Sears. They got together and pledged the assets of their customers—their employers—the American states and people——as “sureties” for their private corporate debts. And then they bankrupted the “United States of America” and all the “State” franchises.

    The “federal” States that were created by the 14th Amendment of their private for-profit corporation’s look-alike, sound-alike “constitution” published as the “Constitution of the United States of America” are not the same as the actual States of the Union, nor are their “State” citizens the same as American State Citizens, nor are their “US citizens” the same as Citizens of the united States, but they pretended that they were and the banks gleefully agreed.

    To secure the debt owed by the “United States of America, Inc.” the banks established maritime salvage liens against every parcel of land, every business, every man, woman, and child in America, and continued to operate their doppelganger corporation under Chapter 11 Reorganization. They laid claim to your “good faith and credit” —stole your credit cards— and your identity as an American State Citizen, and they never bothered to tell the victim.

    They also had you declared legally dead and probated your estate and issued bonds based on the value of your labor and private property. Just look at “your” Birth Certificate—signed by the County Registrar, an officer of the probate court, issued in the NAME of a “dead person”—you, numbered as a bond and issued on bond paper.

    At the same time, they converted all your private bank accounts to the ownership of the ESTATE trust they created “in your name” and moved the ESTATE offshore to Puerto Rico where you and your assets supposedly came under the foreign maritime jurisdiction of the United States of America (Minor). Look at the NAME on “your” bank account checks.

    Look at the signature line under a high powered magnifier. The IMF claims that it owns all your bank accounts. It claims that your ESTATE was “abandoned”, and now all the spoils belong to the bank. They are pressing “Congress” to pass “laws” to allow them to seize all American bank accounts—your savings, your retirement accounts, your checking accounts, everything. We’ve seen Dodd-Frank. Now we are seeing “bail-in” proposals. The Big Banks want “Congress” to front for their greed and criminality—again.

    This is all fiduciary trust fraud and fiduciary trust fraud has no statute of limitations. 1862 or 1933 or 2014—it makes no difference. We suggest that members of Congress assume their public offices acting under full 100% individual commercial liability —or be ousted and tried as criminals. Next, we suggest that they honor their contract with America and issue debt-free public money— real American Dollars. Next, liquidate all the “too big to fail” banks, tear up the corporate charters these entities have violated, seize back our purloined assets, and shut them all down.

    Meanwhile, the market for financial services will open up for banks operated under actual state charters. This thing you have thought of as your government is nothing but a multi-national conglomerate run criminally amok. The real government of this country is vested in each of you. You all hold more civil authority on the land than the entire federal government.

    Deal with the “FEDERAL RESERVE” and “IMF” and “CONGRESS” the same way you
    would deal with “TARGET” or “WALMART” or “ARBY’S” if they grossly endangered, cheated, enslaved, and defrauded you. Keep calm and get even. You all know what to do.

    You have the guaranteed Universal Right of Self-Declaration provided by United Nations Conventions, plus the protections of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. You have the Geneva Conventions and the Lieber Code. You have the preserved right to Common Law, guaranteed by Uniform Commercial Code 1-308 and recourse guaranteed by 1-103.6, which includes the right not to be bound by any contract that is unilateral, inequitable, involuntary, undisclosed, tainted by fraud, not in-kind, entered in your behalf by others merely claiming to represent you, or deemed to exist as the result of receiving a compelled benefit or fruit of monopoly inducement. You have the absolute right to Expatriate from their maritime jurisdiction.

    Do so.

    When 400 million Americans stand up and clean house, the world will listen and hear the roar.

    I'd also like to add to this US Code Title 42, Section 666. This essentially requires that every "citizen" must use the social security number to obtain basic natural rights. Bear in mind that a social security number is voluntary so people volunteer to be placed under the jurisdiction of the corporate "political system" of the "United States". So why not just stop volunteering?

    The statement "Be the change you want to see in the world" comes to mind. Why not stop using a social security number?

    Why not stop supporting the voluntary slave system?

    (Of course, the irony is that it is not a "slave" system if it is voluntary.)

    It should also be noted that citizenship was originally dependent on States, not a "federal" government. The United States of America was the earlier version of the European Union consolidation. It was the beginning of the process to usurp sovereignty from states and each human being and transfer sovereignty to the fed gov (see 14th Amendment).

    On the other hand Article 4, Section 4 of the US Constitution "guarantees" a "Republican Form of Government". Of course, most people do not even have a clue what that means so here is Black's Law definition of "republican government" that everyone should be aware of:

    "Republican government. One in which the powers of sovereignty are vested in the people, either directly, or through representatives chosen by the people, to whom those powers are specially delegated."

    So that definition actually sets the stage for two types of government--self government (natural law) and representative government (political statutes). Please notice I do not include "common law" as common law is now considered to include the decisions of corrupt judges.

    The machinations of the elite have produced a consolidated non-local government thereby effectively usurping sovereignty of each human being. So the answer to restore more sovereignty and sanity is to restore more power to the people via local governments (and, of course, stop using their "system" of political codes that usurp natural law).

    Here is a pretty good description of US Code Title 42, Section 666.

    Last edited by TrumanCash; 9th April 2015 at 17:11.

  35. The Following User Says Thank You to TrumanCash For This Post:

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  36. Link to Post #200
    United States Avalon Member Dennis Leahy's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Reset Button Movement

    If you believe in some sort of sovereignty movement, (not just that it is right, but also that it has a realistic chance of success), then put your energy there. I personally do not believe that ANY movement that leaves malevolent overlords in place can possibly have success (and the most visible members of sovereignty movements will simply be jailed/imprisoned. It makes no difference that these people were wrongly convicted, by leaving malevolent people in power, the tactical error is already made.)

    The Reset Button movement is coming from a different angle. As far as I know, nothing like this has ever been proposed. The premise is that the very first thing we need to do is to get the malevolent ones (minions of the militarist-corporatist-fascist-bankster Elite) out of all high office positions, change the system so they (and their ilk) cannot just get back into power, and fill all the seats with ordinary citizens vetted not to have corporate ties.

    I KNOW that doesn't create a warm and fuzzy for anarchists, but it is in fact the only possible way that any anarchist ideology will ever have a chance to move forward. It is true of ANY and ALL changes to the FORM of governance in the US (probably everywhere else, too.) The Reset Button is not an "end-game" strategy or recommendation for which particular change in governance and/or form of governance is evolved - it is the way to remove the "monsters" from having power over us so that we then CAN make the changes.

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