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Thread: Timeline for the culling of population Earth

  1. Link to Post #21
    United States Avalon Member kaon's Avatar
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    Default Re: Timeline for the culling of population Earth

    Quote Posted by Mulder (here)
    Quote Posted by kaon (here)
    I really believe that it is inevitable that the population will be culled in some manner. The question is WHEN? There are clearly preparations made by F.E.M.A. in the U.S. with the millions of coffins and underground facilities and God knows what else.

    Our population on Earth has more then doubled since 1950 to 7 billion people. How much more can Mother Earth handle? Will technology keep up with the growth? Can we handle 14 billion people? I believe that we cannot sustain ourselves with 14 billion people when resources such a food and fresh water become a widespread problem unless TPTB have something else up their sleeves that we don't know about. Is sustaining that many people even possible?

    There still seems to be a lot of money to bilk out of the population in coming years. I just wonder if most of us (in our age bracket) will be alive to witness the event.
    My mind keeps telling me that when the glass is to capacity, it will break. Is that a reasonable way to estimate the time line?
    So you are a believer in the Rev. Malthus? I disagree that the Earth cannot support larger populations - if resources were shared or given equally, we could support a bigger population. If technology was released, we'd be fine.
    However, I totally believe the Georgia Guidestones and agree there will be a culling. I don't know exactly how, but itwill involve a multi-pronged attack like the illuminati playing card:

    I have heard of Rev Malthus and read some of his work many years ago. Some of his theories do have some merit but seem to be somewhat mathematical. I really don't know enough about him to comment too much, but I will add him to my reading bucket list.
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    Avalon Member T Smith's Avatar
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    Default Re: Timeline for the culling of population Earth

    Quote Posted by Phoenix (here)
    Water is not a problem. How do big cruise ships quench the thirst for all their guests? Desalinization. There is plenty of water, we just need the energy to get the salt out. Solar energy teachnology is getting there. Not to mention free energy, graphene and thorium.

    We can continually grow food without soil, with vertical farms and hydroponics. http://m.inhabitat.com/inhabitat/#!/...fc7b5670503fd9

    The only remaining piece of the puzzle is our conscious effort towards these advances. You are powerful beyond measure. Create what you desire kaon.

    This is exactly right. If the human beings on this planet were ever to be liberated from the yoke of bondage and slavery, all these solutions will spontaneously emerge. Collective consciousness is extremely creative and powerful, and the vast majority of human beings would move to advance these solutions when liberated and driven by human creativity and human freedom. I believe this is the emerging new consciousness the TPTB are ever trying to stunt and repress in their various campaigns waged against humanity. And for those of us who may support the liberation of humanity, it is indeed a frightening concept. Many who subscribe to the Hobbesian view of human nature are likely more contented with the current power structure, as inequitable and unjust as it is.
    Last edited by T Smith; 22nd December 2012 at 16:10.

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  5. Link to Post #23
    Scotland Moderator Billy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Timeline for the culling of population Earth

    Quote Posted by Lazlo (here)
    Quote Posted by billyji (here)
    It is not going to happen. We are not overpopulated, There is plenty to go around.

    As i suggested to another person i met here in Scotland who believes there is a population problem and he said he is not alone in his thinking.

    My suggestion was that he and all his like minded numpties all meet at the top of a very high cliff. All join hands and assist the planet by jumping off. Problem solved. No more over population of planet earth talk ever to be heard of again.

    Lemmings ! That brought a smile to my face
    I do understand that my suggestion would only reduce the population by 1%. But this would leave the other 99% to be able to look after and care for each other and live in peace.
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  6. Link to Post #24
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    Default Re: Timeline for the culling of population Earth

    OP it is pretty obvious that we are on a wicked timeline. I don't see how someone with eyes to see can disagree with that.

    Solutions anyone?

  7. Link to Post #25
    Avalon Member golden lady's Avatar
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    Default Re: Timeline for the culling of population Earth

    Oh Gooty, I so wish you are wrong but sadly I think you're correct.
    Solution, only if enough of us do something about it. Man unfortunatly tends to leave things until the eleventh hour. I just hope it's not too late and that time has Not passed!!
    Last edited by golden lady; 22nd December 2012 at 18:05. Reason: Missed a word out

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  9. Link to Post #26
    Greece Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Timeline for the culling of population Earth

    Overpopulation is a huge and terrible myth to scare the slaves ... erm the people.

    Alot of the replies in this thread are so selve damning ... i can read so many bad things about humans. Its all our fault ... our errors ... our mistakes ...

    Human society "needs" specific products to survive. But we dont decide how they are produced , where or how they are produced. Thats is "decided" by very very few ... that happens to also be the same groups of people that blame us for what is happening to earth ... see the problem? Its problem reaction solution all over again. Humans need - needs are given while destroying the planet while blaming the needs - reduce the need is the solution ... they teach us.

    Hydroponics - Farming inside buildings - Using water to make more lands usable etc etc
    Technologies like 3d printing - like HHO engines etc etc
    Change in the consumer mentality and false growth economies etc etc

    All the above if they were fixed / used would immediately solve overpopulation and pollution.

    Humans are not born evil and consumers ... they are trained to be like that. I hope we all know by whom...

  10. Link to Post #27
    Avalon Member CD7's Avatar
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    Default Re: Timeline for the culling of population Earth

    Quote Posted by Carmody (here)
    Quote Posted by christinedream7 (here)
    Quote How much more can Mother Earth handle? Will technology keep up with the growth? Can we handle 14 billion people? I believe that we cannot sustain ourselves with 14 billion people when resources such a food and fresh water become a widespread problem unless TPTB have something else up their sleeves that we don't know about. Is sustaining that many people even possible?

    UGGGGGGGG....How many times will this line of thought be perpetuated?

    Ill repeat myself as i say this over and over....IF EVERYONE had an eatable garden on their property---would there be a food shortage?? NO

    Has anyone seen the wide expansive places across this globe? Is there a shortage of room? NO

    Ive driven for THREE days with NOTHIN BUT LAND
    I'm only one of 8,700,000 different species, that are occupying that 3 day stretch of land, and the rest of the planet.

    I've not the right to take their future from them. Just the way I roll. I'm in this 'western world' and I'm not fixing it as best I can, so I've got my own form of guilt to contend with.

    I would not mind the idea of people having free energy, but until they grow up, not gonna happen. It's far too dangerous.

    They best they can get, is to have it delivered to them ('discovered' by), in the act of actually growing up.

    And that is probably how it is going to happen.

    So, the faster we grow up, the faster we can have that future. Eat your veggies, Then you can have dessert. But not before.

    Just wondering, when was it suggested we would be taking other species future from them?
    We X Billions want to change the world and it appears we are......

  11. Link to Post #28
    Avalon Member PHARAOH's Avatar
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    Default Re: Timeline for the culling of population Earth

    Quote Posted by kaon (here)
    I really believe that it is inevitable that the population will be culled in some manner. The question is WHEN? There are clearly preparations made by F.E.M.A. in the U.S. with the millions of coffins and underground facilities and God knows what else.

    Our population on Earth has more then doubled since 1950 to 7 billion people. How much more can Mother Earth handle? Will technology keep up with the growth? Can we handle 14 billion people? I believe that we cannot sustain ourselves with 14 billion people when resources such a food and fresh water become a widespread problem unless TPTB have something else up their sleeves that we don't know about. Is sustaining that many people even possible?

    There still seems to be a lot of money to bilk out of the population in coming years. I just wonder if most of us (in our age bracket) will be alive to witness the event.
    My mind keeps telling me that when the glass is to capacity, it will break. Is that a reasonable way to estimate the time line?
    kaon, so long as AMERICANS continue to accept the "FEMA-NI-ZATION" of AMERICA, they won't need to.
    "AMOR", Familia!

    Seek "KNOWLEDGE" from Cradle to the Grave!!! quote, Dr. Malachi Z. York

  12. Link to Post #29
    Canada Avalon Member TomKat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Timeline for the culling of population Earth

    Quote Posted by kaon (here)
    I really believe that it is inevitable that the population will be culled in some manner. The question is WHEN? There are clearly preparations made by F.E.M.A. in the U.S. with the millions of coffins and underground facilities and God knows what else.

    Our population on Earth has more then doubled since 1950 to 7 billion people. How much more can Mother Earth handle? Will technology keep up with the growth? Can we handle 14 billion people? I believe that we cannot sustain ourselves with 14 billion people when resources such a food and fresh water become a widespread problem unless TPTB have something else up their sleeves that we don't know about. Is sustaining that many people even possible?

    There still seems to be a lot of money to bilk out of the population in coming years. I just wonder if most of us (in our age bracket) will be alive to witness the event.
    My mind keeps telling me that when the glass is to capacity, it will break. Is that a reasonable way to estimate the time line?
    I'm bumping this because the question Kaon posed in 2012, 'when will the population be culled?' seems to be happening now. There's an active thread on the depopulation agenda, but I think that's more drastic than what we're actually seeing now. If you look back on the last 50 years, life has gotten increasingly more difficult in the West. Now we seem to be faced with a dangerous "vaccine" that, so far, is only harming a small percentage of its volunteers. That fits with the idea of the continuing gradual culling of the population. Chemtrails are possibly a part of the culling, or could soon be. The gradual march to totaliltarianism is another part of it. Yes, the frog is being boiled, but slowly, always slowly. I'm pretty sure there will be fewer and fewer people living to 100 years as the culling proceeds into the future. Yes, it seems to be speeding up since 2020 with the pandemic hoax and resultant economic hardship. But it's not the "depopulation agenda" yet, it's THE CULLING.
    Last edited by TomKat; 30th May 2021 at 00:02.

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  14. Link to Post #30
    Canada Avalon Member TomKat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Timeline for the culling of population Earth

    Quote Posted by TomKat (here)
    Quote Posted by kaon (here)
    I really believe that it is inevitable that the population will be culled in some manner. The question is WHEN? There are clearly preparations made by F.E.M.A. in the U.S. with the millions of coffins and underground facilities and God knows what else.

    Our population on Earth has more then doubled since 1950 to 7 billion people. How much more can Mother Earth handle? Will technology keep up with the growth? Can we handle 14 billion people? I believe that we cannot sustain ourselves with 14 billion people when resources such a food and fresh water become a widespread problem unless TPTB have something else up their sleeves that we don't know about. Is sustaining that many people even possible?

    There still seems to be a lot of money to bilk out of the population in coming years. I just wonder if most of us (in our age bracket) will be alive to witness the event.
    My mind keeps telling me that when the glass is to capacity, it will break. Is that a reasonable way to estimate the time line?
    I'm bumping this because the question Kaon posed in 2012, 'when will the population be culled?' seems to be happening now. There's an active thread on the depopulation agenda, but I think that's more drastic than what we're actually seeing now. If you look back on the last 50 years, life has gotten increasingly more difficult in the West. Now we seem to be faced with a dangerous "vaccine" that, so far, is only harming a small percentage of its volunteers. That fits with the idea of the continuing gradual culling of the population. Chemtrails are possibly a part of the culling, or could soon be. The gradual march to totaliltarianism is another part of it. Yes, the frog is being boiled, but slowly, always slowly. I'm pretty sure there will be fewer and fewer people living to 100 years as the culling proceeds into the future. Yes, it seems to be speeding up since 2020 with the pandemic hoax and resultant economic hardship. But it's not the "depopulation agenda" yet, it's THE CULLING.
    I must say, though, that if the vaccine is sterilizing people, then it's way beyond CULLING.

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  16. Link to Post #31
    Avalon Member Lookingforrealtruth's Avatar
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    Default Re: Timeline for the culling of population Earth

    The thing is like people that are all about killing everyone is that there's SPACE, asteroids full of scarce resources, asteroids full of water. Space - vast places to live, moon, space stations.. If the planet gets too crowded - then there definitely is elsewhere can relocate if necessary - not just Earth.

    - On the other hand, I think there's a rather sinister group of alien invaders around here I think focused on making a hybrid race out of humans here, and to perhaps kill off most humans as I've gotten a suspicion of from reading 'Walking Among Us by David Jacobs'. Like David Jacobs, which doing many hypnotherapy sessions with many people to find accounts of these aliens - mentions like this mantis alien telling people what they were doing was a 'slow takeover' leaving a small pure stock of humans.

    Like I've thought about whats going on while listening to a lot of information online; David Jacobs, Karla Turner. And so I conclude like what they, the alien invaders that abduct people a ton, WHY they do it - and like so I hear a lot about how these aliens are deliberately deceptive, inducing stockholm syndrom on people - like I hear about someone that when they go to sleep they take all their clothes off naked 'so they can make it easier for the aliens to harvest reproductive material from them' - someone by the name of Eva Draconis. Like THIS kind of stockholm syndrom.. And aliens encouraging very very evil attitudes to people, ie Simon Parkes like I hear in interview just accepting that these aliens teach him how to deal with 'bad little grey aliens that don't do as theyre told' by like turning their head in a disagreeing motion to 'make them spazz out' 'stun them in the head' - I heard this in an interview. And saying like in some invasion scenario to those that don't like whats happening to 'be made sterile' - 'left to die'..

    Like all this evidence - and like Simon Parkes posting all this like 'spiritual space brother aliens' a ton on youtube - so I am pretty sure these abduction aliens definitely had something to do with messing with him. Deliberately deceiving him, making him just absolutely abhorrent, evil attitude.

    I don't care whether are a 'Little Grey' - 'Tall Grey' - 'reptilian' -- human, what ever - all these types of bodies are is just a means for someone to live in, a 'person' inhabits, lives in what ever kind of body it may be.

    And stuff I hear from Karla Turner mention alien having oral sex with 5 year old, sexual interaction with a 3 year old. Just the mindsets of these invaders are absolutely just twisted. David Jacobs mention they sadistic. Karla Turner mentions they drill holes into someones forehead specifically to cause pain - and have it heal afterwards..

    I can relate unfortunately - like I were abducted while I were asleep I think and like I were in a trance and felt like I was put onto a metal table and felt like electric shocks delivered to my head a few times. Another time felt like I were punched in my chest.

    Definitely, definitely , definitely an invasion going on.

    Like how hear about invasions throughout history where the invading people invade a village, abducting people to rape and torture, pillaging the place.. EXACTLY whats going on. David Jacobs mentions the abductors do not view people living here as equal. They've made it clear they only see people as an exploitable resource. Like how they put implants into people, like hear about how people freeze and cannot move their bodies when these aliens show up - Karla Turner mentions they put implant in the spinal cord, the 'reticular formation' of the brain - this is how they paralyze people, implant prevent brain from sending signals down the spinal cord. How people talk about how these aliens are 'telepathic' - Karla Turner also mentions they put implants in each ear, they simply emit sounds into each ear like imagine an Apple Earpod wired up directly into the ear.. Eye implants, attached to the nerve of each eye, this is how they can alter vision - put images into peoples vision. Like a case Karla Turner talk about, a man see a 'beautiful woman' reach out for a hug, as the man got closer the image quickly faded away and just this wrinkly skinned reptilian which quickly tackle the man down to the ground holding him by his neck, man having a tube shoved down his throat - liquid sucked out. Ie the implant like altering the vision to like put this fake woman picture over their reptilian body, like how facial recognition works perhaps, or 'facebook filters' - put fake cat ears on your head, or fake glasses, even move head around.. So like that - but with implants hooked up to eyes instead of just a smartphones camera.

    David Jacobs mentions a man abducted, put onto a metal table I think, and seen like this image of a 'beautiful womans head' appear in his vision and all of a sudden the man feels aroused and then this grey sticks this tube onto his groin to suck out reproductive liquid from the man. So literally - these eye implants. They truly do not view people here as equals.

    I've heard from David Jacobs mention alien told someone 'they intend to change how people think'. Like I am pretty sure definitely they believe that people 'have to see it for themselves'. Ie the aliens tell someone to smoke and as soon as the smoke burns their lungs, turning the lungs black, develop cancer - they think that to teach them a lesson and set an example to other people of what not to do.. Like THIS is basically their twisted mindset.. They think they 'know better' therefore people deserve to suffer.. Culling off the populace because their too stupid they think, oh so lets get this new hybrid race to replace the old human race.. Most humans killed off.

    Greys came to this religious person and they freak out, and all of a sudden this jesus figure appears in their vision (ie the eye implants), and this jesus figure saying "its ok, their with us". The religious person completely convinced they'd just seen jesus.. When in all actuality is merely eye implants. This is the kind of deception of these alien people - if there were any good people with advanced technology, would not just sit around and watch people suffer! -And rape people!

    >> - I think why they abduct people, they like abducting so much people for making their hybrids.

    > This, psychological stuff - ie the religious person. - 'intend to change how people think'.

    I think they, the aliens want to like make people accepting of mindless obedience, 'a good slave mindset', and like I think they believe in doing this so that when people have babies - the offspring's brain to develop instincts of this 'mindless obedience'..

    > Thus people living and dying over hundreds of years, more and more people becoming more authoritarian minded..

    > The abductions all about seeing whether the hybrid race has instinctual traits of obedience, if their obedient enough. Checking up on as much people as possible with abductions, take reproductive material - genetically modify it - result, are they obedient enough?

    I've heard from Eva Draconis, talks some on their website - they too a victim of this abduction stuff, but unfortunately been sucked into this Stockholm syndrome. They talk about somewhere if hybrids are not as they like then they are to be killed off.. Ie I can imagine like these ships all flying around with these incubation chambers, abducting so much people - growing human hybrids - and if deemed not obedient enough, they are promptly killed off..

    Here's an image of a ship I've found and compared to a drawing from someone from David Jacobs apparently:

    And now I think I've found evidence for these very aliens causing the COVID epidemic (and the SARS 1 epidemic earlier as well):

    So, in this video here with David Jacobs with a presentation, at (1:28:42): https://youtu.be/D8qibAtR1Y8?t=5322

    - He mentions:

    "In 2004, Bernard Davidson told me that he talked with his hubrid, Eric and asked him how the abduction phenomenon started." "Eric said that a virus-like substance was released into the atmosphere and if the virus attached itself to a human, he/she might be an abductee."

    - Saying it WAS already released.. See how they said this in 2004.. Ie when the SARS 1 virus epidemic happened during around 2002 - 2004.. However all this abductions did not just start in 2004, this been ie going as early as since 1950s - David Jacobs even mentions in that very lecture he thinks with certainty the 1920s, and less certain 1890s due to lack of evidence.. So, I would assume this been going on perhaps for even longer.. Ie they talk about how they're all about subtly influencing people - ie subtly psychologically manipulating people over hundreds of years..

    Note - I've heard from David Jacobs he talks about alien human hybrids that are more human looking designated as 'hubrid'.

    Now at (1:29:17); https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8qibAtR1Y8&t=5357s

    "A few months ago, an abductee living in England, told me that sometime in the future a virus-like substance would be released into the atmosphere." "He suggested that this would not be good for humans."

    - Saying that they PLAN on releasing the virus later on.. Like maybe SARS 1 failed to infect a lot of people - so then they modified the virus perhaps and turned it into SARS 2 COVID 19.. Releasing it at around 2019.. And this lecture by the way with David Jacobs saying this recent thing was from a few months ago - of 2017..
    Or maybe they intentionally released the first iteration of the virus knowing very well it shouldn't spread too far, and not be a big deal - and then later on they release the second iteration of the virus thus to want to make people believe it all just came from a natural origin as an excuse..

    >> More evidence, from Eva Draconis:

    So Eva Draconis again, Eva by the way someone apparently too kinda been manipulated into this stockholm syndrome attitude and may think these aliens their dealing with are just friendly.. So, I came across this PDF entitled 'Zetas and Plague'.


    Of which apparently Eva mentions being contacted by this 'orange / red dinosaur alien' by the name of 'Hamish' which then proceeds to talk about this 'dream' they were given of this plague epidemic - sometimes talking from the aliens speaking apparently:

    " I had a long dream about a plague epidemic. And being a dream I thought it was my reality, this movie scene that I was living in. There was the plague, and we people didn’t quite understand how to avert it. People were getting sick with it all the time, and then they died. "

    " It catches their lungs. And then it don’t let go. So we designed it that way "

    " But the plague wasn’t as horrendous to have as I would have always imagined. It was just people getting sick. This whole cataclysmic horror wasn’t there. "

    " It affects their lungs. So that they can be our soup next time. We wanted their lungs to collapse, so we designed it that way "

    " Zetas, they created the plague "

    Apparently Eva was contacted in 2011 - and this PDF seems around 2015.

    And furthermore this image I came across on the website which apparently being made in June 18 of 2013 from the file name - which literally depicts a virus in the bottom right of the drawing.. This to me looks a whole lot suspicious :

    So, definitely I think they, I mean all this torture, psycological stuff, hybrid plans.. Like they think presenting people with a crisis to I think 'teach people a lesson' they believe, and people MUST suffer. And like make people more like think that ALL conspiracies are false, and should not question everything - just because maybe a genuinely ridiculous thing, ie 5G causing the virus - when in reality is just radio waves - does NOT mean should completely deny EVERYTHING people say.. Just shutting everyone down.. No these invading people, the aliens are the culprit. They work as as an extremely authoritarian hierarchy.

    -Shutting out, ostracizing people, people more accepting of authoritarianism, COVID crisis, people see it to beat people into a bloody pulp in order to completely stop the virus. And perhaps this 5G stuff people bring up - is genuinely wrong - but then people get completely viscous and attack and destroy people that maybe genuinely do not know better.. Leader people saying vaccines are good, can trust them because they said the truth about 5G just radio waves, can trust a scientific leader all -therefore should ostracize ALL those conspiracy nutjobs..? -Yeah, no - vaccines ARE a good thing, but it does not mean should cease to question everything, visciously attack people and beat them to a bloody pulp, NO! Sift through whats going on.. Yes 5G wrong, but still should not be completely close minded and not care about each other!

    >> THIS is what the abductors want, people that DO NOT question everything in belief 'its all for the official truths' - 'science'..

    The abductors go to a person, the religious person, make this fake jesus thing appear in their vision via eye implants - they completely believe that they'd seen jesus, therefore these aliens are their friends.. (when in reality their just exploiting them, harvesting of reproductive material). And furthermore so this person goes on to talk about what happened and - people that maybe think more realistically know that this jesus stuff isn't real - so then they again that viscious attacking again, just people like that just blame them as being a crazy and schizophrenic..

    > There genuinely aliens that came to them - but not all it seems, no jesus, just eye implants.. And these aliens are deceptive, exploitative..

    So, basically divide and conquer..

    The aliens hoping generation after generation of subtly influencing people - putting visions of destruction, psychological stuff into peoples dreams, after all this time, manipulate how peoples offspring develop instinctual traits of mindless obedience. And the aliens refer to humans living here as a 'pure stock' - ie 'control' group to then want to create this hybrid human race by taking human reproductive material and seeing if the instincts are obedient enough - if not, then kill off and recycle their body to try again with more genetic material.. Do this perhaps over hundreds of years - just maybe until people start to figure out whats going on - finding unusual implants in brain due to advancements in brain technology. So.. Or maybe if the hybrid race is obedient enough perhaps, what they want..

    So.. Just needed to say something - I'm sorry if I come off as confusing - there truly is a lot to say, and I needed to provide with a lot of detail.

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  18. Link to Post #32
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    Default Re: Timeline for the culling of population Earth

    The consensus on this thread seems to be there is not an overpopulation problem ...I whole heartedly agree ... The Earth could sustainably support many more

    There is a Cabal problem. They miss manage everything by design , keeping poor countries poor , so parents have 4 children who they hope will support them when old.. Every developed country has a declining population (ignoring immigration) . Forests are slashed and burned in poor countries in futile attempts by the population to make money ... None of this is necessary as has been pointed out all the food required can be grown on a fraction of the Earth's surface ...
    People like people ... they do like big cities with all the hustle and bustle, so in a free world there will be large cities , and vast areas of open space for nature ....

    But the immediate problem we face is the human Cabal , directed by the evil ET Coalition ... We are informed the ET's are board with the whole game and do plan a complete extermination of humanity ...Soon .... It seems they hope to first bring the world to it's knees with covid , economic collapse , climate collapse and other disasters. Then when we are convinced we cannot run the world ourselves , THEY will land , pretending to help ... with high tech to save us from "global warming" etc ... If only we let them control society! ... This , I believe , is the great scam they hope to pull off ... These will be the same ET's who have been secretly controlling us and sabotaging society for all our history .. This will be a big win for them if they can get us to WILLINGLY surrender control of the world to them . They play us like a computer game ...
    These apparently friendly ET's will also warn of a possible attack from malevolent Rep ET's... and this maybe the final chapter . They will use the SSP to fire on population centers ,pretending to be invading Reps. When most are dead , finally they release their human clone army from DUMB's to mop up any hold outs in remote locations ...

    This is my understanding ( much credit to KM) .. But these are all just plans ...

    There is the Divine realm pushing back ...How hard they can push is dependent on how many humans pray for Divine Intervention ... We cannot fight this in a physical way .
    Last edited by oz93666; 4th June 2021 at 00:12.

  19. Link to Post #33
    Canada Avalon Member TomKat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Timeline for the culling of population Earth

  20. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to TomKat For This Post:

    haroldsails (5th June 2021), janette (6th June 2021), meat suit (5th June 2021), onevoice (6th June 2021)

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