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Thread: Who Built the Moon..?

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    Australia Avalon Member jackovesk's Avatar
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    Default Who Built the Moon..?

    March 3, 2013

    Quickly becoming a best seller, The Hiram Keywas acclaimed a classic in the field of alternative history, going on to influence a generation of researchers among them The Da Vinci Code’s Dan Brown.

    In the last ten years Knight has written six books, four with Robert Lomas and two, including his latest Who Built the Moon?, with Alan Butler. In Who Built the Moon?, Knight and Butler raise some fascinating and challenging questions, foremost:

    Could it be that the Moon is artificial? Could it even be hollow? And does the Moon really exist through some happy accident, or is a blueprint apparent – and if so, who was the architect? New Dawn recently spoke with Christopher Knight about his controversial new book and his astonishing conclusions.
    – New Dawn

    NEW DAWN: All of mankind’s visits to the Moon have not answered some of the most basic questions about its origin and importance. Your new book Who Built the Moon? (co-authored with Alan Butler) brings to light some extraordinary facts about the Moon, and comes to a mind-blowing conclusion about its origin. Could you briefly outline some of these little known and ignored facts?

    CHRISTOPHER KNIGHT: The Moon sits very close to the Earth yet it is widely regarded as the strangest object in the known universe. It is a bit like knowing that every person in the world is completely normal except the person you live next door to, who has three heads and lives on a diet of broken razor blades.

    The book lists the strangeness of the Moon, which includes the fact that it does not have a solid core like every other planetary object. It is either hollow or has a very low-density interior. Bizarrely, its concentration of mass are located at a series of points just under its surface – which caused havoc with early lunar spacecraft. The material the Moon is made from came from the outer surface of the Earth and left a shallow hole that filled with water and we now call the Pacific. This rock left the Earth to produce the Moon very quickly after our planet had formed around 4,6 billion years ago.

    The Moon is not only extremely odd in its construction; it also behaves in a way that is nothing less than miraculous. It is exactly four hundred times smaller than the Sun but four hundred times closer to the Earth so that both the Sun and the Moon appear to be precisely the same size in the sky – which gives us the phenomenon we call a total eclipse. Whilst we take this for granted it has been called the biggest coincidence in the universe.

    Furthermore, the Moon mirrors the movement of the Sun in the sky by rising and setting at the same point on the horizon as the Sun does at opposite solstices. For example, this means the Moon rises at midwinter at the same place the Sun does at midsummer. There is no logical reason why the Moon mimics the Sun in this way and it is only meaningful to a human standing on the Earth.

    ND: What led you to write Who Built the Moon? And does this latest book relate to your earlier research when writing Civilization One and Uriel’s Machine?

    CK: All of the six books I have had published over the last ten years are part of a continued single piece of research. I came to write Who Built the Moon?with Alan Butler after we had finished Civilization One, because our research led us to study the Moon very closely.

    We had found that the superbly advanced measuring system in use over 5,000 years ago was based on the mass, dimensions and movements of the Earth.

    However, for thoroughness we checked every planet and moon in the solar system to see if there was any pattern. Amazingly, it worked perfectly for every aspect of the Moon but did not apply at all to any other known body – except the Sun.

    It was as though we had found a blueprint where the Moon had been ‘manufactured’ using very specific units taken from Earth’s relationship with the Sun. The more we looked, everything fitted – and fitted perfectly in every conceivable way.

    ND: Most astoundingly, you found that an ancient system of geometry and measurement used in the Stone Age works perfectly on the Moon. What exactly is this system and how could the ancients have attained this knowledge?

    CK: It is not possible to describe the greatness of this ancient system of geometry and measurement without repeating the content of Civilization One.

    The work of Alexander Thom, a brilliant professor of engineering from Oxford University, was our starting point. He identified the existence of what he called the Megalithic Yard. This was a precise unit of measurement that was the basis of late Stone Age structures across Western Europe – such as Stonehenge. Most archaeologists have written his work off as a mistake but when one looks coldly at their objections they are baseless.

    Alan and I were able to show how they made these highly precise linear units based on the rotation of the Earth and how they were also the basis of all time, capacity and weight units in use today. Once again these are exact – not approximations or close fits.

    Where the ancients got such knowledge is quite baffling. All we can be certain of is that they were way ahead of us today! It’s easy to check out by anyone with a calculator.

    ND: Your conclusion is there are more than enough anomalies about the Moon to suggest it is not a naturally occurring body and was quite possibly engineered to sustain life on Earth. How did you reach this conclusion?

    CK: Not only is the Moon an apparently impossible object, it has some unique benefits for us humans. It has been nothing less than an incubator for life. If the Moon was not exactly the size, mass and distance that it has been at each stage of the Earth’s evolution – there would be no intelligent life here. Scientists are agreed that we owe everything to the Moon.

    more Here...


    PS - Yeh, who did build the 'Moon'..?

    Last edited by jackovesk; 10th March 2013 at 07:59.

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    United States Avalon Member dreamer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who Built the Moon..?

    The Swiss, cause everyone knows its made of cheese.... ( sorry I couldn't help myself )
    Blessed is he who clearly see's the world for the trees, to attain a birds eye is to turn a blizzard to a breeze.

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    New Zealand Unsubscribed
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    Default Re: Who Built the Moon..?

    Interesting thread Jack (sorry I accidentally pasted this on one of your other threads - now removed) .

    I could be wrong here - and there are lots of theories - but I remember reading yonks ago that 'someone' had figured out (could have been a whistleblower in NASA in the 70's, after we landed there - but I'm not sure ), that the Moon was older than the Earth, disbanding the earlier theory that the Moon was originally "composed" from the Earth - and further adding to the possibility of this thread's title/content. Anyone else know of this?

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    Australia Avalon Member jackovesk's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who Built the Moon..?

    Quote Posted by KiwiElf (here)
    Interesting thread Jack (sorry I accidentally pasted this on one of your other threads - now removed) .

    I could be wrong here - and there are lots of theories - but I remember reading yonks ago that 'someone' had figured out (could have been a whistleblower in NASA in the 70's, after we landed there - but I'm not sure ), that the Moon was older than the Earth, disbanding the earlier theory that the Moon was originally "composed" from the Earth - and further adding to the possibility of this thread's title/content. Anyone else know of this?
    When I look at the Moon, I go with my own Common-Sense & Knowing...

    Click image to enlarge...

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Atificial Moon.jpg
Views:	388
Size:	188.6 KB
ID:	20756

    ...and that leads me to think/believe its 'Artificial'...

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    France Avalon Member Alexis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who Built the Moon..?

    Hello and thank you for this post !
    I was able to read that the moon was older than the Earth and Solar System.
    I have to work on the question now...

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    New Zealand Unsubscribed
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    Default Re: Who Built the Moon..?

    Yup, I think it's artificial too - have been trying out my new "toy" (a telescope) - unfortunately Moon is almost dark now and not due up for a few more hours. Gives me shivers to see it "that close" but awesome to look at. The really bright light areas are just "too bright" and when you catch them on the band of the shadow ...

    also don't understand why there would be mounds and shapes raised inside the craters?

    Apparently it rang like a bell when they deliberately crashed one of the landers into it after it's use ... indicating it could be at least partly hollow

    EDIT: Got distracted - we just had 3 x "orbs" fly over & change direction - bit of "traffic" up there tonite over us
    Last edited by KiwiElf; 10th March 2013 at 08:41.

  11. Link to Post #7
    Australia Avalon Member bennycog's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who Built the Moon..?

    Yes kiwi elf me and a mate noticed a few large lights fly across the sky tonight only about 15 mins ago.. We know they were not planes.. No flashing lights..
    They were not in our opinion satellites.. Too large and relatively close but higher than commercial aircraft by miles.. Aalso it took around 11 seconds to go from one side of the sky to the other..
    I have seen many like this but will never say extraterrestrial in origin until i see them stop or go another direction..
    For me i think i will just never know what it was at that point in time..
    Atleast until i reach a singularity, and find time as one..

    Hey jacko i also brought a cool telescope about a year back and the first time i looked at the moon there was an extremely bright spot around the middle of the bottom left hand quarter.. It did not look natural whatsoever..
    I am not sure about it being brought here, or made for that matter.. Though the moon is an incredible planetary body that has some very major significance on all of us and Gia itself..

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    South Africa Avalon Retired Member
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    Default Re: Who Built the Moon..?

    The moon is a normal planetary body as all other bodies are. It is not a 'man' made body. It is no longer populated in the way we understand populated and it's density question is a result of the fact that it no longer supports life as we know it and the entity which once inhabited it has left. This can be likened to a dead corpse which slowly decays and breaks apart causing changes in the material structure. This means it will become lighter and will slowly decay and move away from the earth because the magnetic attraction is slowly diminishing. It is destined to break up and cease to exist.
    Current science has no clue about the fact that planets can actually die in the same way as humans do. There is a spiritual entity in every planet.

    The moon was first populated by us and other more advanced races billions of years ago. During this time the current human earth race was in a very early stage of evolution...our form was far from what it is today. The moon is an entity of emotional energy and is the perpetuator of our current state of emotional distress...you can notice this clearly by the various responses of animals and humans in their reactions to this body. The current human emotional state is fed by the energy of the moon and we can see this all around us in the way we go about our lives. Recently, the thread by 9eagle9 had lots to say about this effect. The human race is currently in the throngs of overcoming this energy state and this is the actual reason for the chaotic state of the planet. Emotional states, when combined with mental fixations causes fear, greed, jealousy and all sorts of troublesome conditions. The fact that the moon is in decay is a good sign because it means that the period in our evolution which concerns emotional bondage is on the way out...this is going to take some time still. Here is a little fact, for those who like facts...the quicker the human race overcomes the emotional stage the quicker the moon will decay and cease to exist.

    No doubt that all kinds of ancient ruins and artefacts are present on the moon, but they are from a long past history of the moon. The current wave of humans...which is the majority here on earth came from this moon chain and only individualised recently from an animal state, as far as evolution is concerned.

    The fact that UFO and other phenomena have been reported on and around the moon is far from being of any importance to our well-being here on earth. You need to worry about what crazy humans are up to not what 'aliens' are up to.

    So the moon is a natural body created by the logos of this solar system as a temporary focal point for the emotional state of the solar system and can be likened to the 3rd chakra in the human system. Cast your mind to all the rituals and stories related to the moon. Emotional energy controls and effects the liquid state of a body including the human body. Think of the power of thought and how it can effect water. The less emotional we become the less influence the moon will have on you and the less energy you will feed this body, resulting in it's destruction...so be it.

    The key to controlling emotional states is knowledge transmuted into wisdom, by direct experience of your own actions in your life and what you witness around you.

    Love to all

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  15. Link to Post #9
    Australia Avalon Member jackovesk's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who Built the Moon..?

    Quote Posted by Finefeather (here)
    The moon is a normal planetary body as all other bodies are. It is not a 'man' made body. It is no longer populated in the way we understand populated and it's density question is a result of the fact that it no longer supports life as we know it and the entity which once inhabited it has left. This can be likened to a dead corpse which slowly decays and breaks apart causing changes in the material structure. This means it will become lighter and will slowly decay and move away from the earth because the magnetic attraction is slowly diminishing. It is destined to break up and cease to exist.
    Current science has no clue about the fact that planets can actually die in the same way as humans do. There is a spiritual entity in every planet.

    The moon was first populated by us and other more advanced races billions of years ago. During this time the current human earth race was in a very early stage of evolution...our form was far from what it is today. The moon is an entity of emotional energy and is the perpetuator of our current state of emotional distress...you can notice this clearly by the various responses of animals and humans in their reactions to this body. The current human emotional state is fed by the energy of the moon and we can see this all around us in the way we go about our lives. Recently, the thread by 9eagle9 had lots to say about this effect. The human race is currently in the throngs of overcoming this energy state and this is the actual reason for the chaotic state of the planet. Emotional states, when combined with mental fixations causes fear, greed, jealousy and all sorts of troublesome conditions. The fact that the moon is in decay is a good sign because it means that the period in our evolution which concerns emotional bondage is on the way out...this is going to take some time still. Here is a little fact, for those who like facts...the quicker the human race overcomes the emotional stage the quicker the moon will decay and cease to exist.

    No doubt that all kinds of ancient ruins and artefacts are present on the moon, but they are from a long past history of the moon. The current wave of humans...which is the majority here on earth came from this moon chain and only individualised recently from an animal state, as far as evolution is concerned.

    The fact that UFO and other phenomena have been reported on and around the moon is far from being of any importance to our well-being here on earth. You need to worry about what crazy humans are up to not what 'aliens' are up to.

    So the moon is a natural body created by the logos of this solar system as a temporary focal point for the emotional state of the solar system and can be likened to the 3rd chakra in the human system. Cast your mind to all the rituals and stories related to the moon. Emotional energy controls and effects the liquid state of a body including the human body. Think of the power of thought and how it can effect water. The less emotional we become the less influence the moon will have on you and the less energy you will feed this body, resulting in it's destruction...so be it.

    The key to controlling emotional states is knowledge transmuted into wisdom, by direct experience of your own actions in your life and what you witness around you.

    Love to all
    Quote It is not a 'man' made body
    I don't think anyone was insinuating it was 'Man-Made'...

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    United States Administrator ThePythonicCow's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who Built the Moon..?

    Quote Posted by Finefeather (here)
    The moon is a normal planetary body as all other bodies are. It is not a 'man' made body.
    The question isn't whether it's man made or naturally made. The question is whether it is (all or largely) artificial or natural.

    In other words, it could have been made by other intelligent beings, or heavily adapted from a natural planetary body by other intelligent beings.
    My quite dormant website: pauljackson.us

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    South Africa Avalon Retired Member
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    Default Re: Who Built the Moon..?

    Quote Posted by jackovesk (here)
    Quote Posted by Finefeather (here)
    It is not a 'man' made body
    I don't think anyone was insinuating it was 'Man-Made'...
    Nor was I, that is why I used singular quotes...meaning man as in any form of man...be it alien man, mars man or any other galactic or universal man...
    Last edited by ThePythonicCow; 10th March 2013 at 10:57.

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    United States Administrator ThePythonicCow's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who Built the Moon..?

    Quote Posted by Finefeather (here)
    Nor was I, that is why I used singular quotes...meaning man as in any form of man...be it alien man, mars man or any other galactic or universal man...
    Ah - "man" as a synonym for "intelligent being" ... I misunderstood .
    My quite dormant website: pauljackson.us

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    Ireland Avalon Member Snoweagle's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who Built the Moon..?

    Actually, I have another hypothesis which might be worthy of discussion.

    I propose the Moon was not the Earths moon originally.
    I propose the Moon became Earths Moon when the "planets" were destroyed which now make up the asteroid belts "clumps" of the "Trojans" and the "Greeks".
    I propose the Moon had been occupied by "races" before that extinction level event.

    The loss of two planets in our Solar System would have upset the equilibrium of the gravity of the planetary orbits. This explains in turn the fluctuating Ice Age periods of Earth. This explains the historical reference to Saturn being our original "Sun". This explains why humanity is unable to look directly at our "new" sun as the light intensity is now greater than before.

    Anyways, we should have a beer for all it matters

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    United States Avalon Member DNA's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who Built the Moon..?

    Quote Posted by Finefeather (here)
    The moon is a normal planetary body as all other bodies are. It is not a 'man' made body. It is no longer populated in the way we understand populated and it's density question is a result of the fact that it no longer supports life as we know it and the entity which once inhabited it has left. This can be likened to a dead corpse which slowly decays and breaks apart causing changes in the material structure. This means it will become lighter and will slowly decay and move away from the earth because the magnetic attraction is slowly diminishing. It is destined to break up and cease to exist.
    Current science has no clue about the fact that planets can actually die in the same way as humans do. There is a spiritual entity in every planet.

    I don't think so bro. The moon is far from normal. The moon is the only planetoid of it's size in the solar system that doesn't rotate on it's axis. It's fixed to only display one side towards the earth at all times, this is suspicious for many reasons but most notably the resource it provides as a clandestine possibility for a base on the dark side.
    I like the take on planet death causing density to diminish though. You should provide your source for that. Not doing so gives you a bit of a needy swami vibe.

    Quote Posted by Finefeather (here)
    The moon was first populated by us and other more advanced races billions of years ago. During this time the current human earth race was in a very early stage of evolution...our form was far from what it is today. The moon is an entity of emotional energy and is the perpetuator of our current state of emotional distress...you can notice this clearly by the various responses of animals and humans in their reactions to this body. The current human emotional state is fed by the energy of the moon and we can see this all around us in the way we go about our lives. Recently, the thread by 9eagle9 had lots to say about this effect. The human race is currently in the throngs of overcoming this energy state and this is the actual reason for the chaotic state of the planet. Emotional states, when combined with mental fixations causes fear, greed, jealousy and all sorts of troublesome conditions. The fact that the moon is in decay is a good sign because it means that the period in our evolution which concerns emotional bondage is on the way out...this is going to take some time still. Here is a little fact, for those who like facts...the quicker the human race overcomes the emotional stage the quicker the moon will decay and cease to exist.
    Ingo Swann states the reason for this uneasiness is because the moon is a base for folks projecting a form of mind control that affects the population of the planet.

    Your dying planet thing sounds cool though, but you should provide your source for that, not doing so gives you an all seeing OZ don't look behind the curtain kind of vibe.

    Quote Posted by Finefeather (here)
    No doubt that all kinds of ancient ruins and artefacts are present on the moon, but they are from a long past history of the moon. The current wave of humans...which is the majority here on earth came from this moon chain and only individualised recently from an animal state, as far as evolution is concerned.

    The fact that UFO and other phenomena have been reported on and around the moon is far from being of any importance to our well-being here on earth. You need to worry about what crazy humans are up to not what 'aliens' are up to.
    If Ingo Swann is correct, and the moon is a staging ground for projecting a controlling telapathy on to the earth then yes we should worry about it.

    Also, a good portion of this forum believes that earth and particularly the US is in possession of space bound vessels capable of going to the moon when ever they want.
    You stating what people should and shouldn't worry about kind of makes you sound like your starting a cult and folks should stop listening to they're pastors and families and start listening to you.

    Quote Posted by Finefeather (here)
    So the moon is a natural body created by the logos of this solar system as a temporary focal point for the emotional state of the solar system and can be likened to the 3rd chakra in the human system. Cast your mind to all the rituals and stories related to the moon. Emotional energy controls and effects the liquid state of a body including the human body. Think of the power of thought and how it can effect water. The less emotional we become the less influence the moon will have on you and the less energy you will feed this body, resulting in it's destruction...so be it.
    Robert Morningsky states that his grandfather talked to an alien from a downed UFO craft, and this alien stated that the moon was in fact the equivilient to a death star, a space ship and not a natural body at all. Robert Morningsky gets a boost in this because Val Valerian thinks this as well and puts stock in Morningsky.

    Val Valerian is a freaking genius who has published on just about every concievable conspiracy theory there is at the highest level back in 87'. We are still getting data showing how far Val was ahead of his time.

    Quote Posted by Finefeather (here)
    The key to controlling emotional states is knowledge transmuted into wisdom, by direct experience of your own actions in your life and what you witness around you.

    Love to all Ray
    The one thing I dislike about most channelling is how it asks for you to believe it and disconnect you're own internal barometer for right and wrong. Some of your rants come off like that Ray. Making ascertations in the absolute is asking people to turn off they're internal barometer for right and wrong and to instead trust yours.

    Just my take

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    Scotland Avalon Member greybeard's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who Built the Moon..?

    Regardless---no moon = no life on earth.
    The moon controls the tides and without that movement of water I doubt if life would exist.
    The menstrual cycle also tends to be in harmony with the moon.
    The difficulty with a conspiracy theory mind set is that one tends to find evidence for ones beliefs.
    Investigative mind set is good, its not good to take everything at face value.
    However sometimes things are exactly as they seem to be.
    When an investigation is taken on its important to look at things that confront present belief so that a true picture can emerge.
    When evidence from a book or video is taken on-board then one is taking some one else's word for it---there is no personal independent examination by self. Just because it sounds interesting--looks good and confirms our own belief does not make it true.
    Therefore I can not say that the moon is natural or otherwise.
    I can find evidence supporting both thoughts.

    Be kind to all life, including your own, no matter what!!

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    United States Avalon Member RUSirius's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who Built the Moon..?

    Natural or not, it could still be "used" by "beings" for "purposes".

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    United States Avalon Member Prodigal Son's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who Built the Moon..?

    Quote Posted by DNA (here)
    The moon is the only planetoid of it's size in the solar system that doesn't rotate on it's axis. It's fixed to only display one side towards the earth at all times, this is suspicious for many reasons but most notably the resource it provides as a clandestine possibility for a base on the dark side.
    Yep. If Pink Floyd sang about it, then something is going on there.

    I have no doubt in my mind that some High Intelligence created the moon. Everything in this Universe is engineered to promote life and the evolution of living beings. When I was younger I believed "Jehovah" did it (and he very well might have!) So now maybe it was ET's. No shock there!

    I'd like to know on what scientific basis Knight makes this statement:

    Quote The book lists the strangeness of the Moon, which includes the fact that it does not have a solid core like every other planetary object.
    What *proof* makes this a *fact*? Does anyone know? Because personally I don't even believe that the planet we're standing on is solid at the core. I believe centrifugal force keeps it "round" ... it's actually bulging in the middle and flatter at the poles because of this... and if it stopped rotating it would collapse into itself...
    Last edited by Prodigal Son; 10th March 2013 at 13:39.

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  33. Link to Post #18
    Australia Avalon Member panopticon's Avatar
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    Default Re: Who Built the Moon..?

    The moon rotates.
    Its rotation rate gives the impression that it doesn't from the perspective of someone on earth observing the moon.
    The below short animation shows how rotation and orbital duration relate so we see the same side of the moon all the time (this also happens with other moons):

    Almost all the other moons in the solar system do the same thing.
    This phenomenon is referred to as tidal locking.

    -- Pan
    Last edited by panopticon; 10th March 2013 at 14:01. Reason: was unclear in meaning for other planets satellites
    "What we think, or what we know, or what we believe is, in the end, of little consequence.
    The only consequence is what we do."

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    South Africa Avalon Retired Member
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    Default Re: Who Built the Moon..?

    Hi DNA
    Quote Posted by DNA (here)
    I don't think so bro. The moon is far from normal. The moon is the only planetoid of it's size in the solar system that doesn't rotate on it's axis. It's fixed to only display one side towards the earth at all times, this is suspicious for many reasons but most notably the resource it provides as a clandestine possibility for a base on the dark side.
    I like the take on planet death causing density to diminish though. You should provide your source for that. Not doing so gives you a bit of a needy swami vibe.
    Quote If the Moon didn't spin at all, then eventually it would show its far side to the Earth while moving around our planet in orbit. However, since the rotational period is exactly the same as the orbital period, the same portion of the Moon's sphere is always facing the Earth.
    Quote Be a little careful . . . the Moon does rotate. If you stood on the Moon, the stars would rise and set, just like they do on Earth, except that a lunar day is a month long, the same as the Moon's orbital period. The Moon rotates at just the right speed so that it always keeps one face pointed toward the Earth, which seems like a pretty big coincidence, doesn't it?
    Your question is very interesting because the answer is that, no, the Moon is not unique. Almost all moons in the Solar System keep one face pointed toward their planet. (The only exception we know of is Hyperion, a moon of Saturn.) This tells us it's probably not a coincidence, that there is probably a reason for this to happen, a physical process that happens to most moons to slow their rotation.

    Quote Posted by DNA (here)
    Ingo Swann states the reason for this uneasiness is because the moon is a base for folks projecting a form of mind control that affects the population of the planet.
    Well that may be true but it has nothing to do with who built the moon. What humans are doing is another story.

    Quote Posted by DNA (here)
    Your dying planet thing sounds cool though, but you should provide your source for that, not doing so gives you an all seeing OZ don't look behind the curtain kind of vibe.
    I am not here to educate you...you are here to educate yourself. My information comes from my own interaction with spirit in higher realms and I am not asking you to believe it...you remind of all the people that want proof in the form of someone else's writing...no matter who writes it you still need to verify it for yourself, unless you just believe the one who convinces you the best. So if I would say... “ok..Joe Soap Wrote this and here is the link”...would it make you feel better about it? Or should I run off and write a book quickly to put your mind at ease?

    Quote Posted by DNA (here)
    If Ingo Swann is correct, and the moon is a staging ground for projecting a controlling telapathy on to the earth then yes we should worry about it.
    I am not here to compete with anyone...if you want to worry about it then please do
    Controlling telepathy is only effective on weak minds...strong minds know their thoughts and act in accordance with their inner being and not outside influence.

    Quote Posted by DNA (here)
    Also, a good portion of this forum believes that earth and particularly the US is in possession of space bound vessels capable of going to the moon when ever they want.
    You stating what people should and shouldn't worry about kind of makes you sound like your starting a cult and folks should stop listening to they're pastors and families and start listening to you.
    Cult? God forbid! That's the last thing I need in my life
    Just because a good portion of this forum believes in something does not make it true...millions of people used to think the world was flat.

    Quote Posted by DNA (here)
    Robert Morningsky states that his grandfather talked to an alien from a downed UFO craft, and this alien stated that the moon was in fact the equivilient to a death star, a space ship and not a natural body at all. Robert Morningsky gets a boost in this because Val Valerian thinks this as well and puts stock in Morningsky.

    Val Valerian is a freaking genius who has published on just about every concievable conspiracy theory there is at the highest level back in 87'. We are still getting data showing how far Val was ahead of his time.
    I do not know who Robert Morningsky or Val Valerian is and so cannot comment on what they are really saying, because your interpretation may be quite wrong based on your emotional state, and your current lack of your own found wisdom.

    Quote Posted by DNA (here)
    The one thing I dislike about most channelling is how it asks for you to believe it and disconnect you're own internal barometer for right and wrong. Some of your rants come off like that Ray. Making ascertations in the absolute is asking people to turn off they're internal barometer for right and wrong and to instead trust yours.
    What channeling are you refering to? Mine? I do not channel anything and am quite weary of the process in the hands of the ignorant and the ego driven.
    You have 2 choices in front of you with regard to my post. Dismiss it or try to seek answers somewhere else which will better suit your frame of mind and attitude. Neither I nor anyone can teach you anything...you can read as many books as you like...believe who ever you like...but that does not make you a wise man.

    Take care of yourself dear brother and much love to you

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  37. Link to Post #20
    Brazil Avalon Retired Member
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    Default Re: Who Built the Moon..?

    Quote Posted by panopticon (here)
    The moon rotates.
    Its rotation rate gives the impression that it doesn't from the perspective of someone on earth observing the moon.
    The below short animation shows how rotation and orbital duration relate so we see the same side of the moon all the time (this also happens with other moons):
    Almost all the other moons in the solar system do the same thing.
    This phenomenon is referred to as tidal locking.

    -- Pan
    You´re right mate.

    Just as the Moon causes tides on the Earth, the Earth exerts a tidal force on the Moon. This force tends to stretch the moon out online the line joining it to the Earth.

    At one time, the moon spun at a much higher rate then it does now. But the action of the Earth's tidal force on it caused friction which slowed it down until it reached the state it is in now where it always faces one side towards the Earth.

    Actually, the moon kind of rocks back and forth in a motion called Libration. This is caused by the fact that the Moon does not have a perfectly circular orbit, and therefore its rotation will lag behind or speed ahead a little of its orbit at different points.

    Libration occurs because the Moon's rotation has a constant angular speed, while the Moon's elliptical orbit has a varying angular speed. So it's faster when close to Earth, slower when farther away. So, the orbital angular velocity is sometimes slower than the rotational angular velocity and the Moon seems to rotate a little one way as seen from Earth. Then the orbital angular velocity increases again, catches up, and overtakes the rotational velocity, and the Moon seems to rotate the other way. And so on.

    This phenomenon happens all over the universe; It´s not exclusive to our moon.

    Last edited by RMorgan; 10th March 2013 at 15:11.

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