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Thread: Rupert Sheldrake

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    UK Avalon Member ktlight's Avatar
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    Default Are Human Beings Robots? | Interview with Dr. Rupert Sheldrake

    "Published on 8 Oct 2014
    What is a human being? It is the ultimate question, to which institutional science offers surprising answers. The materialistic paradigm, which has dominated institutional science for well over a century, states that the essence of consciousness can be reduced to the physical components of the brain. However, does an alternative scientific perspective exist?

    One of the most remarkable researchers into consciousness and the evolution of life is biologist Dr. Rupert Sheldrake. Dr. Sheldrake is the author of more than 80 scientific papers and ten books. He has won international acclaim for his experimental research on his hypothesis of morphic fields and morphic resonance.

    Dr. Sheldrake’s official website: www.sheldrake.org "

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    Avalon Member grannyfranny100's Avatar
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    Default Re: Are Human Beings Robots? | Interview with Dr. Rupert Sheldrake

    How refreshing to listen to Dr. Sheldrake in the midst of all the fear mongering that is escalating intensely.

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    Default Re: Are Human Beings Robots? | Interview with Dr. Rupert Sheldrake

    As the hypothesis goes....

    Is it a robot that observes (consciously) that human beings are robots?

  6. Link to Post #44
    UK Avalon Member Mike Gorman's Avatar
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    Default Re: Are Human Beings Robots? | Interview with Dr. Rupert Sheldrake

    I was in contact with Rupert Sheldrake recently, I was discussing the work of Arthur M.Young - he is one of your American genius types who developed the first working helicopter of commercial quality - the Bell Helicopter. Arthur Young went on to develop a totally alternative cosmology and account for the universe and life - moving on from Relativity and even including astrology (!) I saw a lot of parallels with Rupert's' work in breaking down the dogmas of science, and he told me he knew Arthur Young and spoke with him a number of times. Just a little tid bit of relevant information, both men are totally refreshing in their thinking and re-affirmed my faith in modern thought.

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    Default Re: Are Human Beings Robots? | Interview with Dr. Rupert Sheldrake

    What about the thought that we are some other thing than the body and that singly and collectively we are generating holograms of our body, of the areas seemingly exterior to our bodies and eventually to the UNIVERSE, which may or may not be real as we think we see it. Also, possibly that we are a consciousness coming either from a confined space or dwell within a robotic consciousness outside of which there is outer darkness, for the idea of space may simply be mentally generated.

    A random comment, I have recently had looks into the consciousness of acquaintances who have been dead a few days and are still at the funeral home. One was in a coma and I did not learn of it until some considerable time after. His face was disconnected and I knew it was a coma. In other cases, the consciousness of the dead could not move the body. They were vaguely aware of other bodies in their area but placed them in situations of the living rather than the dead. One man who had spent a lot of his life as an alcoholic, saw himself as lying under a cellar alongside of other derelict men who also could not move. My dearest friend of 58 years found herself under a vast overhead net which went on forever, from which there was no exit for her spirit. Much later, her face appeared in my consciousness with a most unusual bejeweled hairdo piled high on her head, showing her exalted spiritual condition of happiness, one she certainly deserved.

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    Lightbulb Exposing Scientific Dogmas - Banned TED Talk - Rupert Sheldrake

    • if taken down, you can see backup-video: here
    Rupert Sheldrake, PhD, is a biologist and author best known for his hypothesis of morphic resonance. At Cambridge University he worked in developmental biology as a Fellow of Clare College. He was Principal Plant Physiologist at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics in Hyderabad, India. From 2005 to 2010 he was Director of the Perrott-Warrick project for research on unexplained human and animal abilities, funded by Trinity College, Cambridge. Sheldrake has published a number of books - A New Science of Life (1981), The Presence of the Past (1988), The Rebirth of Nature (1991), Seven Experiments That Could Change the World (1994), Dogs That Know When Their Owners are Coming Home (1999), The Sense of Being Stared At (2003), The Science Delusion (Science Set Free) (2012), Science and Spiritual Practices (2017), Ways of Going Beyond and Why They Work (2019). Rupert gave a talk entitled The Science Delusion at TEDx Whitechapel, Jan 12, 2013. The theme for the night was Visions for Transition: Challenging existing paradigms and redefining values (for a more beautiful world). In response to protests from two materialists in the US, the talk was taken out of circulation by TED, relegated to a corner of their website and stamped with a warning label.
    • The Science Delusion (Original Unedited) HD720p

    Last edited by ExomatrixTV; 20th February 2023 at 21:35.
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    Netherlands Avalon Member ExomatrixTV's Avatar
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    Default Re: Exposing Scientific Dogmas - Banned TED Talk - Rupert Sheldrake

    • Does Nature Have A Hidden Memory? - Rupert Sheldrake | Modern Wisdom Podcast 379:

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    Netherlands Avalon Member ExomatrixTV's Avatar
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    Exclamation Re: Rupert Sheldrake

    • The Extension of Mind Through Space and the Sense of Being Stared At: Sheldrake-Vernon Dialogue:

    The Sense of Being Stared at and the Extension of Mind Through Space: Sheldrake-Vernon Dialogue

    Do our minds reside solely inside our heads, or perhaps bodies? Or do they extend into the wider world, perhaps even reaching to the stars? In this episode of the Sheldrake-Vernon Dialogues, Rupert Sheldrake and Mark Vernon discuss the extended mind theory, taking a lead from recent work of Rupert’s on the sense of being stared at, and also the problems that contemporary science has with understanding vision. The discussion considers new research carried out by Rupert and others, as well as the theories of A.N. Whitehead. The way in which science since Maxwell has considered light as moving backwards as well as forwards in time is explored, alongside the way that William Blake described how we see, which itself fits the ancient understanding, that seeing is an active process of engagement, not a passive mode of reception.

    Rupert references two published papers. One is on the nature of visual perception, co-written with Alex Gomez-Marin, online here:

    The other is on directional scopaesthesia, co-written with Pamela Smart, online here:
    Dr. Rupert Sheldrake, PhD, is a biologist and author best known for his hypothesis of morphic resonance. At Cambridge University, as a Fellow of Clare College, he was Director of Studies in biochemistry and cell biology. As the Rosenheim Research Fellow of the Royal Society, he carried out research on the development of plants and the ageing of cells, and together with Philip Rubery discovered the mechanism of polar auxin transport. In India, he was Principal Plant Physiologist at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, where he helped develop new cropping systems now widely used by farmers. He is the author of more than 100 papers in peer-reviewed journals and his research contributions have been widely recognized by the academic community, earning him a notable h-index for numerous citations. On ResearchGate his Research Interest Score puts him among the top 4% of scientists.
    Dr Mark Vernon is a psychotherapist and writer with a rich academic background in physics, theology, and philosophy. He contributes to programmes on the radio, writes and reviews for newspapers and magazines, gives talks and podcasts. His books have covered themes including friendship and God, ancient Greek philosophy and wellbeing. His new book, out August 2019, is "A Secret History of Christianity: Jesus, the Last Inkling and the Evolution of Consciousness". He has a PhD in ancient Greek philosophy, and other degrees in physics and in theology, and works as a psychotherapist in private practice. He used to be an Anglican priest.
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    Netherlands Avalon Member ExomatrixTV's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Re: Rupert Sheldrake

    • Presentiment: Waking Before Alarms, Making Millions Through Day Trading:

    Most people have had the experience of waking soon before an alarm clock goes off and some can even wake before a specified time without an alarm. The usual assumption is that this depends on an exquisitely sensitive time sense, but Rupert argues that it may be explained better in terms of presentiment, or ‘feeling the future’, or even in terms of an ‘extended present’. We already know that our sense of the present is not a mathematical instant, but has width, and perhaps it widens over ranges of seconds to include portions of the near future, Presentiment is now a well-established phenomenon in laboratory experiments, carried out at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Cornell University and elsewhere, and may be widely distributed among people and non-human animals. It could play an important part in everyday life, and become especially significant in fast-moving sports like downhill skiing, tennis and ping pong. Some people may make use of this ability in day trading where they make decisions on movements of the markets over very short time periods, sometimes only a few seconds. Rupert Sheldrake discusses how this ability could potentially be trained, enabling airline pilots and racing drivers to be better prepared for potential accidents, and helping some people to get rich quick – as some day traders already have – by using intuitive abilities that cannot be duplicated by computers.


    An Experiment with Time by John William Dunne:
    Listen to the Animals: Why did so many animals escape December's tsunami?:
    Predicting the unpredictable; evidence of pre-seismic anticipatory behaviour in the common toad:
    Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home:
    Unconscious Perception of Future Emotions: An Experiment in Presentiment
    by Dean Radin, Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 163-180, 1997:
    John 🦜🦋🌳
    Last edited by ExomatrixTV; 10th March 2024 at 04:08.
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  18. Link to Post #50
    Netherlands Avalon Member gini's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rupert Sheldrake

    Bumping this thread,i think the subject of the video above in the last post is fascinating and some serious food for thought.. This is an interview with Mr Sheldrake from 3 weeks ago ---- 8 Mar 2024
    'The facts of science, scientific techniques and technologies are real enough. But, the philosophy of materialism that governs conventional scientific thinking is an act of faith grounded in a 19th-century ideology. It is time to set science free. In this webinar, we dialogued with Dr. Rupert Sheldrake on all things consciousness. Does it exist beyond the brain? Where did our ideas on consciousness originate from? How do we move beyond it?

    This webinar was held in celebration of the relaunch of The Rupert Sheldrake Course, now available for purchase on-demand.'

    0:00 - Opening
    1:49 - What is materialist science? How is it a limiting worldview?
    10:15 - The history of modern science, and why it's relevant
    22:41 - The development of consciousness studies
    37:37 - Consciousness, technology and AI
    48:44 - Could we integrate consciousness into mainstream science?
    56:48 - Quantum theory and consciousness
    58:53 - Closing invitation

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  20. Link to Post #51
    Netherlands Avalon Member ExomatrixTV's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Re: Rupert Sheldrake

    Cross-posting from here, because it is highly relevant:

    Quote Posted by Rizotto (here)
    So if matter is "Frozen Light" ... a concept which I heard for the first time in 1991 via contactee Dr. Saskia Bosman in Amsterdam 33 years ago long before Rupert Sheldrake discussed it ... than it is obvious to me, we can not fully grasp what water (H2O) really is if you do not fully study all 3 phases: frozen state, liquid state & gas state!
    • When you study the "frozen" phase of water ... crystals seems to tell us something!
    • Studying fluids & gas has totally different qualities, especially when there is a huge pressure involved.
    The behavior of gases/liquids of other elements of the Periodic Table System also fascinating!

    Shapes within shapes ... angles/fractals etc. also affect the outcome.
    • I remember being exited in physics class when we were observing/studying sublimation/depositionprocesses of certain elements, skipping the liquid state completely.
    You could say "gas form", symbolical speaking, represents the spiritual part and the "frozen form" the more grounded/touch/heaviness/limitations part of the elements.

    If liquids/fluids are the bridges between 2 states, no wonder we are born in water ... in fluids ... and the fluid water represents life of all 3 states depending on where it is ... changing form over and over in a seemingly endless cycle.

    All elements of the Periodic Table System have their own qualities when it comes to the 3 phases ... then there is the "4th phase" transmuting/transforming the properties of the elements.
    • I wonder what plasma symbolical speaking represents and what about electricity being KEY for a functional brain!
    How does electricity relate to "light"? ... If you are in the far, far ancient times when you did not know how to create fire yet ... you saw light being omitted "out of thin air" due to electricity coming from the clouds ... thunderclouds ... a frequency that we now know how it works ... so LIGHT that appears to be created from "nothing".

    All manifestations that are related to what we call "light" is related to our main "light sensor" called: "the eye" which is to many STILL a big mystery how it evolved in the so-called "evolution theory" it has at least 20 unique complex mechanisms that are working together to produce a functional eye ... which even Charles Darwin admitted in his 2nd book not to be "explained" that easily! As you can not have a "half eye" stage before it became a "full working eye" with all necessary complex components.
    • Happening for millions of years: "Luciferase" = FMNH2 + O2 + RCHO → FMN + RCOOH + H2O + Light ... In the reaction, molecular oxygen oxidizes flavin mononucleotide and a long-chain aliphatic aldehyde to an aliphatic carboxylic acid. The reaction forms an excited hydroxyflavin intermediate, which is dehydrated to the product FMN to emit blue-green light. Nearly all of the energy input into the reaction is transformed into light. The reaction 90% efficient >>> in comparison, the incandescent light bulb only converts about 10% of its energy into light and a 150 lumen per Watt (lm/W) LED converts 20% of input energy to visible light.
    John Kuhles 🦜🦋🌳
    May 8th, 2024
    Last edited by ExomatrixTV; 11th May 2024 at 11:43.
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  22. Link to Post #52
    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rupert Sheldrake

    Copying this new post by Helvetic on his thread:


    Rupert Sheldrake | Meet The Scientist BANNED By TED Talks | Sept. 11, 2024

    Source: Jesse Michels youtube


    Join us for a captivating conversation with renowned biologist and author, Rupert Sheldrake. In this thought-provoking interview, we delve deep into Sheldrake's groundbreaking theories on morphic resonance, the nature of consciousness, the sense of being stared at, and the limitations of conventional science. Discover how his controversial and heretical ideas within academia challenge mainstream scientific thinking and open up new possibilities for understanding reality and our place within it.

    Whether you're familiar with Sheldrake's work or new to his ideas, this interview offers valuable insights into the mysteries of life, mind, and the cosmos. Don't miss out on this chance to explore the cutting edge of science and consciousness research with one of its most original luminaries!

    1. Sheldrake has collected an enormous amount of experimental evidence that people can sense when they are being stared at by others, a phenomenon known as “scopaesthesia”

    2. This is (possibly) because consciousness involves a “transaction” (a Wheeler-Feynman handshake) between the outer physical world and the brain which emits/projects an image outwards onto any given object being sensed (if that object is conscious, like a human, they can sense that projection taking place). John Cramer, a Physicist from the University of Washington further developed a transactional interpretation of quantum mechanics which may support Sheldrake’s empirical findings here

    3. Sheldrake has also acquired a lot of evidence around human and animal ability for “presentiment” or “precognition” of the future. This sounds like pseudoscience on the surface, but if the brain has a quantum component (widely hypothesized by Sir Roger @penrose and others), it could send information back in time providing a real physical model for these sorts of phenomena

    4. Biology (morphology and even perhaps cells themselves) per the great work of @drmichaellevin, seem to work towards “conscious” or at least deliberate aims. Sheldrake would say they acquire information through “morphic fields”, a concept Darwin himself may have been open to, but that close minded "neodarwinians" like @RichardDawkins dismiss out of hand. If these fields are at all real (or really, if we have any inherited information transfer transcending DNA), they represent a fundamental update on modern concepts of evolution

    5. The Sun and magnetic field of the earth combine to create the finely tuned conditions of intelligent life. Does this point towards a random universe? Or is that just as dogmatic as inserting God as a creator?

    6. We speak of Sheldrake’s long friendship with legendary scientist and “fungal philosopher” Terence McKenna. We also discuss Sheldrake’s not super well known book “The Physics of Angels”, one with clear implications for the modern UFO conversation…

    7. In 2013, Ted censored Sheldrake's talk with literally no first principles reasoning around his data or experimental protocols. They did it purely because he deviated too much from the consensus "understanding" of consciousness (a subject nobody really understands). This was their explicitly cited reason on their blog. That move, from Ted, was small-minded and contradicts the spirit of true scientific inquiry. Please watch this video (and Sheldrake's others) to engage with his ideas openly! All earnest engagements with them in support or opposition are welcome.

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    Default Re: Rupert Sheldrake

    I interacted with Rupert Sheldrake a few times by e-mail, and found him invariably helpful, courteous and honest. I think it is well worth engaging with his work - even when (like me) one has quite different basic assumptions, and are (like me) much more pessimistic about the state of science than he is!

    We both published books about the state of science in 2012 - mine was Not even trying, his was The Science Delusion. My book (which made negligible impact at the time, though more since) regarded real science as dead so that future real science must be an amateur affair among small groups of honest competent individuals.

    Rupert's book was widely reviewed and discussed, and it regarded professional science as in a bad way but reformable - and he provided a programme.

    (So far, my pessimism has been abundantly correct!)

    However, and I put this to him explicitly, I regard Rupert as mainly a philosopher, indeed a metaphysican, in his writings. Of course he is also a real scientist; but his main arguments are metaphsyical - i.e. concerned with the underlying assumptions within-which science operates. That is why he includes discussion of spiritual phenomena such as angels.

    But Rupert does tend to present his fundamental ideas as if they can logically be derived from scientific considerations, from observational experiments and laboratory studies, for example. But this is not strictly correct, which is why Sheldrake's ideas have no traction with those who reject his assumptions. His data can always be interpreted to fit with mainstream assumptions - and rejected as fraudulent if they apparently don't.

    In this respect he has made no progress since his first book came out in the early 1980s, shortly after which I saw him give a (superb!) lecture at Newcastle University, invited there by Professor Paul Davies (an interesting and unorthodox astrophysicist).

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    Default Re: Rupert Sheldrake

    • How does memory work? Sheldrake-Vernon Dialogue:

    No one knows. Repeated experiments have failed to locate where memories are stored in the brain, casting doubt on the conventional assumption that memories are stored as material traces. In this episode of the Sheldrake-Vernon Dialogues, Rupert Sheldrake and Mark Vernon discuss various kinds of memory, from episodic memory to habits. They consider how memory is linked to emotion and place, drawing on insights from Aristotle to AN Whitehead. Rupert’s own work has led to the theory of morphic fields, within which all self-organising systems dwell. They also ask about Indian ideas of memory and how that is related to ideas about reincarnation and the possibility that everything that exists lives, in some way, in the memory of God.

    00:00:00 - Introduction and Overview of Memory
    00:00:31 - Memory as a Fundamental Principle of Nature
    00:01:22 - Psychological Aspects and Types of Memory
    00:03:41 - Western Philosophical Views on Memory
    00:04:13 - Aristotle's Perception of Memory
    00:05:33 - Medieval and Early Christian Views on Memory
    00:08:03 - Memory, Place, and Emotion in Psychotherapy
    00:10:48 - Scientific Studies on Memory Storage
    00:13:56 - Challenges in Finding Memory Traces
    00:17:26 - Alternative Theories: Memory Beyond Materialism
    00:19:22 - Morphic Resonance and Collective Memory
    00:22:31 - Memory in All Nature: Eastern Philosophies
    00:27:08 - Recollection in Plato and Indian Thought
    00:30:10 - Memory and Reincarnation in Buddhist Philosophy
    00:33:25 - Influence of Eastern Views on Western Thought
    00:35:32 - Quantum Theory and Memory in Nature
    00:36:31 - Idealist Worldview: Memory in the Divine Mind
    00:38:11 - Conclusion: Memory as Fundamental to Nature and the Divine
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    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rupert Sheldrake

    Copying this new post by Helvetic on his thread:

    Rupert Sheldrake | The Scientist Researching Morphic Fields | Oct. 22, 2024

    Source: TOE Curt Jaimungal youtube, sheldrake.org


    In today's episode, biologist Rupert Sheldrake, a former research fellow at Cambridge University with a PhD in biochemistry, explores the concepts of morphic resonance, the extended mind, and telepathy, challenging mainstream scientific paradigms. Sheldrake discusses how memory and habits may exist beyond the brain, proposing that our consciousness and gaze have tangible, measurable effects on the world around us.


    00:00 - Intro
    00:17 - Morphic Resonance
    10:07 - Scopaesthesia (Sense of Being Looked At)
    15:35 - Rupert’s Empirical Research
    28:39 - “This Phenomenon Has to do with Light”
    37:56 - Prey vs. Predator Animals
    47:09 - Extramission
    50:42 - Memories and Organ Transplants
    56:36 - Michael Levin’s Theory of Memory
    01:02:10 - “Morphic Fields Are Physical”
    01:04:45 - Fundamental Reality & Idealism
    01:29:50 - God, Trinity, Cosmic Christ
    01:31:32 - Mysticism & Meditation
    01:35:04 - How to Pray
    01:42:12 - Summary of Episode
    01:50:17 - Outro

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    Canada Avalon Member Neptune7's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rupert Sheldrake

    Hi Bruce

    My own work, Edge theory, provides rigorous mathematical support for Dr. Sheldrake's theories. I too have exchanged emails with him and can confirm that, for a working scientist, he is extremely open, honest, and courteous.

    I agree with you that real science is becoming an amateur affair.

    If you care to, I would like to hear you expand on your statement that Dr. Sheldrake's ideas cannot be logically derived from experiments. I don't see that. To me, he has provided plentiful experimental evidence for his theories. The Lost Boys (main stream science) simply reject evidence that does not match their worldview.

  31. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Neptune7 For This Post:

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  32. Link to Post #57
    Netherlands Avalon Member ExomatrixTV's Avatar
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    Exclamation Re: Rupert Sheldrake

    • Nature's Hidden Intelligence: Morphic Fields | Rupert Sheldrake PhD:

    Can morphic resonance help explain the problem of missing heritability and why memories have not been found in the brain? In this interview, Dr. Rupert Sheldrake discusses with Natalia Vorontsova his theory of morphic fields and its implications for our understanding of the mysteries of nature. Dr. Sheldrake is often called a most original thinker, perhaps because throughout his career he has managed to combine open-mindedness with critical scientific thinking.

    • 00:00:00 Interview intro
    • 00:02:18 Bach, Mozart, or Purcell?
    • 00:03:09 Rupert's background and research.
    • 00:06:37 What genes, epigenetics and evolution by natural selection don't explain.
    • 00:20:36 How does morphic resonance work?
    • 00:24:28 Examples of morphic fields and morphic resonance.
    • 00:29:08 How can we measure morphic fields?
    • 00:32:13 Physarum algorithm and morphic resonance experiments.
    • 00:39:29 Are laws of nature just habits?
    • 00:50:09 Brain, mind, consciousness and where memories are stored.
    • 00:59:43 What is the locus of Mind and consciousness?
    • 01:05:32 How nature is organized: hierarchical morphic fields.
    • 01:07:47 Are thoughts and emotions our own?
    • 01:12:00 Intuition and morphic resonance.
    • 01:16:34 What needs to change in the scientific paradigm?
    • 01:19:17 Science and spirituality.
    • 01:22:06 Advice for students and young scientists.
    Online resources: sheldrake.org
    No need to follow anyone, only consider broadening (y)our horizon of possibilities ...

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  34. Link to Post #58
    Canada Avalon Member Johnnycomelately's Avatar
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    Default Re: Rupert Sheldrake

    I like old Rupert’s ideas and talk, about morphic resonance. I’ve liked them since he was a spry less-old guy. And his mind is still spry enough to best the very smart host Curt Jaimungal at some contentious points.

    Biology's Most Controversial Theory of Morphic Fields

    Curt Jaimungal

    421K subscribers

    3k+ views, 1.13, 2025

    “Main episode with Rupert Sheldrake: • The UK’s Most Controversial Scientist : ... ” (link available in original description)

    Last edited by Johnnycomelately; 14th January 2025 at 09:17. Reason: Necessarily staged.

  35. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Johnnycomelately For This Post:

    Bill Ryan (14th January 2025), Yoda (14th January 2025)

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