9th July 2014 12:10
Link to Post #1
Captain Kaye Whistleblower on Secret Space Projects & Earth Defence Force
I have heard over the last decade numerous whistleblowers strategically speaking about a number of secret human space programs and sophisticated technology such as wormhole technology and the ability to travel the Solar System interacting with other E.T. civilisations, planets and moons as well as mining minerals etc from other planets. This has always grabbed my interest.
I am aware we are living in times of futuristic technology that can plant false memories - so discernment as always is required.
The below interview with Captain Kaye ‘seems’ to have an amazing story to tell due to him recovering his years of memories that were wiped after his 20 year ‘space service’ which began in 1987 and ended in 2007. Captain Kaye in these interviews comes across as intelligent, articulate and someone relaying what he has personally witnessed and experienced describing the various craft the secret space projects use to traverse our Solar System.
Other topics he fluently describes are:
Earth Defence Force (E.D.F.)
Lunar Operations Command and bases on our Moon.
Mars Colony Corporation – 5 colonies, Aries Prime being the H.Q.
Titan base (one of Saturn’s moons)
He also states the first human colony was built on Mars in 1975.
He talks about the different species that live on Mars besides the Humans such as Reptilians and Insectoids.
The battle that took place when Humans broke a treaty by invading a ‘no go zone’ sacred temple belonging to the Reptilians; only 35 humans survived out of 1000 soldiers (2004).
Wormhole technology that enables machinery and humans etc to be easily transported.
Humans mining the planet.
Trouble with the incoming Draco Reptilians (different to the native reptilians.)
He also explains that when his 20 year space service ended technology was used to return him back to Earth ‘before one technically left’ where the body is rejuvenated – minus the memory of the last 20 years of service.
I am halfway through listening to this interview and would love to hear other’s thoughts on this.
I did do a thread search but couldn’t find anything already posted on this subject (unless it is under a different title) – if so please merge.
IF this account is true then it is a real eye opener to spiral one’s mind and also confirms how humanity has been purposely left behind in the dark about the futuristic technological capabilities hidden in secret military complex projects that have been in existence for almost 5 decades. Humanity it seems has some catching up to do.
Captain Kayes Interview
5 Part interview – this link directs you to all parts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vj4...TtGIHyQzur1u72
Part 1 Super soldiers and Project Moon Shadow
Part 2 Mars Defence Force Defending Human Colonies
Part 3 Earth Defence Force Secret Space Fleet
Part 4 Physical Age Regression and Regaining Memory Wipes
Part 5 Zombie Virus, ET Civilisations Nazis and Holographic Healing
9th July 2014 12:21
Link to Post #2