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Thread: Technological Remote Viewing

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    Avalon Member Omni's Avatar
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    Default Technological Remote Viewing

    Remote viewing is thought of as something natural. This may be the case. The more I look at subjects like this the more it seems to me it might be solely a covert technological phenomenon. The entire field of paranormal is infested with illusionists, I know this for a fact... Some cases people report that those who will misuse it get it taken away. This could be due to it being a gift given by beings who have certain values(our guides). All that being said people who believe in natural or technological remote viewing, can agree it's a real phenomenon. I know it's very real when technology does it... All it takes is advanced surveillance of many things, and connection to the network, and one can remote view the world(or universe) with technology. Many governments remote view the world with technology. It is far more accurate, and reliable than natural, if there even is natural. I wouldn't mind someone who has experience in remote viewing explaining things though... Whether they have ever considered it being a technological thing or not would be nice to know too.

    One reason I think it could be solely technological I will explain(of course it is only based on one persons experience, but its a dot to connect nonetheless)...

    I remote viewed occasionally random tidbits about reality when younger. Things like 9-11 remote viewing remote controlled flights... I was 17 years old and did not know about my targeting by the US government yet, or how much I was liked by some up above. At the time I didn't consider it remote viewing reality. Just my imagination coming up with logical images...

    Anyway, now I am an overt target by the US shadow government and an ET contactee..., I have had unique views by ETs looking back into my history, of mind control and benevolent influences etc too. Looking back on all the remote views I got, they were all fed to me by technology.. All the real ones I ever got were given to me by extraterrestrials to better understand reality at times(like corruption in government being known to me innately when young). Maybe I'm just not gifted enough to do remote viewing naturally... But my own experiences leads me to believe they are providing covert technological remote viewing for other people as well. And quite possibly the whole phenomenon could be technological. At this point in my situation, knowing technology, technology can explain every paranormal phenomena. From demonic possession, to interdimensional being interaction(which Im sure is at least sometimes technology fooling people), feelings of God/Allah, telepathy, remote viewing, ... Now it may not all be technology. But technology can explain it all. A strong point I think people often are not aware of. So I found it pertinent to post, however dispopular it may be...

    Also, a thought I had. I've never heard of a remote viewer RVing something out in the universe. Maybe I have(iffy memory) but I wouldn't mind Rvers turning their minds eye to the universe. Wouldn't mind seeing what turns up there....
    Last edited by Omni; 14th August 2014 at 20:25.

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    Avalon Member Omni's Avatar
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    Default Re: Technological Remote Viewing

    I'm not sure this topic has ever been discussed on the internet and no replies? What I mean not discussed is the US government doing remote viewing via technology. I guess people aren't interested in this subject. Oh well...

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    Aaland Avalon Member Agape's Avatar
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    Default Re: Technological Remote Viewing

    Hello Omni , there was a long thread to do with TRV , Courtney Brown and the Farsight Institute somewhere here ..


    probably more , I'm not sure it was on this forum but people ran RV experiments , on and off planet as well

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    France On Sabbatical
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    Default Re: Technological Remote Viewing

    Well, if you ever read Ingo Swann's book "Penetration" you'll see that "human" remote viewing isn't too reliable... hence the drive for "reliability" and the certainty that "technology" brings to the table...

    That's one facet.

    The other is that "human reliability" has been undermined by "technologies" in order to be "controllable" and we got to those wars between "thought" and "electronic" people...

    Ultimately, it is still a "spirit" whether it animates a meat body or a doll body, or a computer, that draws the final conclusion and decision.
    "La réalité est un rêve que l'on fait atterrir" San Antonio AKA F. Dard

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  8. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Hervé For This Post:

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    Avalon Member Maia Gabrial's Avatar
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    Default Re: Technological Remote Viewing

    Give them time to think about what you said, Omniverse. It's very uncomfortable knowing that the shadow govt and its militaries can and are doing all these things to people, these targeted people being unaware that it's being done to them. I'm only starting to remember what I've been put through. Btw I used to RV and then astral travel right to what I was RVing. But that seems to be interfered with these days. I hate it that they think they can use me and my abilities and not have consequences for it. I know they will, but it's not soon enough, imo....

    You've given us alot of information to think about, not just in this thread. It's alot to take in. But take heart in the fact that it's in there minds now and they'll think on it from time to time. And when the time's right, it'll benefit them....

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    Default Re: Technological Remote Viewing

    Hi Omniverse, technology is a development of the second half of the last century, psychic phenomena is around much longer.. There are two great books which I am in the middle of reading - (both are recommendations from our Avalon forum : ) -

    'Psychic discoveries' by Ostrander and schroder- contains a decade long scientific work and research done in the Soviet Union. It speaks about the tremendous possibility of psychic powers, RV included and no technology or AI is mentioned.

    The second book which is most recommended is -'China's Super Psychics' by Paul Dong& Thomas Raffill. Here is a quote from the book -

    Quote "Dr. Qian has affirmed that the basic idea of human body science is to view the person as a massive system, and an open system in a close connection with the whole universe around it. Unifying the macroscopic and the microscopic levels, this idea is also called "the man-universe paradigm". This theory deals with the larger systems of man and the environment, and man and the universe..

    Qian Xuesn's ideas are carefully worked out. He states that the human body is an extremely complex macrosystem, a macrosystem open to the outside world and having countless numbers of links to the environment. these include the exchange of matter and energy."
    The research on Psychic phenomena, RV included, is vast and we can find a lot of information about it, most serious publishing seem to concentrate on the Comunist bloc countries, it is also possible to find some literature on shamanism and the culture of the indigenous tribes or to read about Madam Blavetsky's followers who claimed to be able to remote-view the inner structure of atoms.
    None of the above symptoms which are but man's innate ability and heritage mentions technologies.

    Finally, not remote viewing from afar, but remote influencing (don't try this at home)

    Technolgy is but an imitation to the wonders of the human psych, it may enhance and improve such capabilities for the short run, but the longer process of re-connecting with such abilities is the real deal, imo.

  12. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to Limor Wolf For This Post:

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    Avalon Member triquetra's Avatar
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    Default Re: Technological Remote Viewing

    Gratitude to Omni for sending this signal back in 2014.

    Coincidentally I decided to take on this challenge and found something interesting - it was not possible to completely successfully target the nature of the universe until recently. At the same time it became possible to target the reason why it was not previously possible as well. The reason had to do with reaching the event horizon to the singularity, at least close enough to begin to feel the effects of the "temporal gravity".

    So this likely explains why it had not been targeted specifically before - RVers generally reporting on successful targets. The data returned on this topic is incredibly fascinating...

    The other factor that seems to come into play when targeting the nature of the universe is the need to achieve some of the more extreme/less common brainwave frequencies - historically technical remote viewing was done in a fairly common hypnagogic state.

    There seems to be a kind of symmetry to the brainwaves - upper beta (fight or flight) is the counterpart to alpha (mindfulness) with typical waking life (beta) between them.

    Beyond this is on one side is the more fully hypnagogic state of theta, followed by the state of delta typically associated with sleep.

    Matching these up higher than beta are the gamma and lambda bands seen in some meditation practitioners.

    Finally, below delta is the very slow epsilon band, which seems to "wrap around" to meet upper lambda to encompass the gamut of possible brainwave states.

    It is here, at the "Ouroboros wraparound point" where the brain can access details about the nature of the universe (from the perspective of outside of it that is).

    The only further frontier that really exists beyond this is the activation of multiple brainwave states simultaneously, which according to C. Maxwell Cade culminates in achieving the state he calls "The Awakened Mind" (in his book named just that).

    Whereas the wraparound point seems to be for gathering important info, the awakened mind state seems to needed to cross the divide.

    Hopefully it will be possible in the time to come to accumulate a body of knowledge so that anyone can achieve these kinds of psychonautics - so they can discover this information for themselves, rather than accepting the impressions of others.

    It seems that this above topic is perhaps the most crucial of all, something that could be called "spontaneous consensus".

    Whereas we are typically living in a reality with a bewildering number of often contradictory ideas, once reaching this place there seems to be only one body of information which is accessible to anyone without variation - perhaps it is the "gnosis"
    Last edited by triquetra; 26th April 2020 at 12:26.

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    Avalon Member palehorse's Avatar
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    Default Re: Technological Remote Viewing

    Found this unclassified document interesting.

    A chaos to the sense, a Kosmos to the reason.

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    United States Avalon Member Ratszinger's Avatar
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    Default Re: Technological Remote Viewing

    We all resonate. We're all able to zero in on some frequencies that resonate with us that another would get nothing from. Some attract, some pull, but there are those that have affinity for each of us and that we can in fact read even from a distance. A picture of someone is all it takes for me. On some I get details and feelings and ideas about that person and this just happened on facebook the other night as I was scrolling sideways looking at 'people i might know'. I saw my friend from my high school days and instantly began getting feelings and images of him kneeling, praying, singing even in a church and in a flash. Now the guy I knew was a pot smoker, party goer, a cussing fool with the mouth of a sailor and not religious at all so this was so counter to what I knew of him I was taken back. So rather than friend him I contacted my sister to see if she knew anything about him because last I heard back in the early 80s he moved to Florida and I thought he was still there in Port Saint Lucy. Anyway, she confirmed he is a born again preacher with a set of twins, and married and he moved back home so I was spot on with someone I resonate with and even from a pic. But I can look at a thousand pics now and get nothing also. It's kinda just a chemistry thing. Only that isn't the correct word.
    The genius consistently stands out from the masses in that he unconsciously anticipates truths of which the population as a whole only later becomes conscious! Speech-circa 1937

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