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Thread: "Alien Federations", "AI's", "Multiple Secret Space Programs", "Break Away Secret Governments" & "MILAB" Exploitation

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    Exclamation "Alien Federations", "AI's", "Multiple Secret Space Programs", "Break Away Secret Governments" & "MILAB" Exploitation

    The topic's have changed so much and focused on MILAB and SSP's that I requested this Thread be split from the "Parent Thread" U.S. Has 8 Cigar Shaped UFOs In Space Fleet Used For “Solar Warden,” Program To Protect Solar System - https://projectavalon.net/forum4/show...t-Solar-System
    With the Title of this Thread being what it is I decided that we should first begin with some of the supressed science. Some of the "Portal's" are quite natural and have been exploited as a means of travel by many types of beings (Including ancient break away earth civilizations) for millions if not billions of years.

    Just as in the Middle Ages when Kings and Religious Leaders kept their "Commoners" illiterate, unable to Read, Write or know simple Geometry (Let alone Sacred Geometry)...

    The current era "Elites" have seen fit to prevent "Us Commoners" from knowing the "Unified Mathematics, Quantum Mass Consciousness and Scalar Torsion Field Physics Models" that have allowed them to "Become as gods among men".

    If Math were truley the "Universal Language" then we have been denied the basic "Universal Translation Manual". Everything from the Micro to the Macro is Vibration and Frequency (Including Matter, Energy and Thought) and these various groups have decided that only they have the right to eat from this tree of knowledge. This reference is no accident you will find as you read further.

    I thought I would first start with some basic descriptions of "Portal's" or the "Cosmic Web" and we will work from there and dig deeper and discuss the topic that is the title of this Thread: "Alien Federations", "AI's", "Secret Space Programs", "Break Away Secret Governments" & "MILAB" Exploitation

    "TRAVELING THE COSMIC WEB" is actually how the Network of "Natural Stargate Portals" works... Those who have the address/code systems and technologies to travel them have been doing so for a very long "Time". Some have been ancient "Break Away Civilizations from our own Planet"... WE are just now being slowly introduced to some of these concepts, but it is up to us to put the pieces together... IMHO.


    Some of the largest "mysteries" of our physics can be solved with an "In Depth" understanding of this view of the "Universe" and "Multi-Dimensional Physics" and "Other Densities". Parts of the Univers appear to be traveling in different directions with one discovery in 1995 by Hubble of "Galaxies traveling away from Earth Faster than the speed of light"? Torsion of Space/Time and its effect on "Densities" are things that have recently been worked into Our Understanding of the Math of the Universe... Which is still quite limited compared to what is in Black Programs let alone truly Advanced Civilizations. IMHO.

    An implicit definition of the torus is:

    Torsion Field Universe

    Last edited by GoodETxSG; 28th October 2014 at 20:58.

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    Lightbulb Re: "Alien Federations", "AI's", "Multiple Secret Space Programs", "Break Away Secret Governments" & "MILAB" Exploitation

    Hmmm, "Orbital Platforms & Space Ships"? Sounds harmless enough...

    Russian scientists develop system for monitoring space junk
    October 02, 19:00 UTC+4
    Space litter poses a threat to the population of the Earth, manned orbital stations, spaceships and orbital satellites

    Computer generated image of objects in low-Earth orbit viewed over the Equator
    © AP Photo/ESA

    ST.PETERSBURG, October 2. /TASS/. Scientists from St. Petersburg Polytechnic University have developed a monitor system to follow space junk.

    The system is a set of monitoring meters intended for a spaceship to ensure its safety if established on board, Rector of the St. Petersburg university Andrei Rudskoi told TASS on Thursday.

    The space litter monitoring project aroused interest at the Russian Space Agency (Roscosmos). Chief of the Roscosmos agency Oleg Ostapenko has promised support to St. Petersburg Polytechnic University to enable it to test the litter monitoring meters on the orbit.

    Space litter poses a threat to the population of the Earth, manned orbital stations, spaceships and orbital satellites. Meters on board the spaceship might warn a space crew about space litter on the spaceship's trajectory, and a space crew might either change route or destroy the space litter before encounter.

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    Lightbulb Re:

    Note 10/28: I have noticed my grammar and spelling errors in the below information. I had Rotator Cuff and Bicep Tendon Reconstruction Surgery on 9/19 and With the Pain, Medications and Physical Therapy I made some mistakes that are pretty obvious. I feel that I need to preserve them the way I wrote them at the time though. I apologize for some of the errors. I am still typing with one arm in a sling at this point. I hope you pardon some of the mistakes during this time frame. End Note.

    Refer to Post #99 for Audio Video of below Text.

    This is a repost, clearing up of information I had posted a few months prior. This one is on the "Traveling the Cosmic Web".

    My Next Posts will cover "AI", some SSP(s)/Alien History as I know it and the Second half of the topic "Torsion Field Physics" and "The Torsion Field Universe

    JG: 10/10/2014
    Short Summary of Portal Travel through the “Cosmic Web” via Torsion Fields and Scaler Energy.

    As far as how the Natural Electromagnetic Portal's or Relational Star Gates they work though what has been referred to recently as the “Cosmic Web”.
    Anything with enough mass inside a "Solar System" to establish a "Magnetic link between it and its Star" will have a variable energetic strength magnetic portal connection to that "Star". The object being a either a Rocky Inner Planet with or without a Moon, a Gass Giant with or without Moons will all produce a Torsion Field which produces the "Filament of the magnet portal/tunnel".

    In turn the Stars in a “Local Star Cluster” will have a similar affect on each other with their Torsion Fields creating the “Filament Magnetic Portal Tunnel's” between according to Mass Dominance.

    The filaments at times can arc around or collapse into each other based on the Mass and Position of the Stars in relation to each other and to larger Magnetic Mass Anomalies such as Galactic Arms, Black Holes or their alignment with their Galactic Center.

    This relationship of Massive Objects and “Filament Magnetic Portal Tunnel's” repeats itself going up the Macro levels (From the most extreme quantum micro) including the Galactic Torsion Field Affects on each other in Galactic Clusters up into the way we visualize the “Cosmic Web” depicted in NASA renderings of the early Universe and recently released discoveries of Galactic Super Clusters.

    On Earth there are Magnetic Anomalies known a Ley Lines that Cris Cross the planet along a “Magnet Grid” where beneath the surface run fast moving underground rivers through certain pressurized quartzite layers of stone and minerals. This creates “Node” points below the Surface of the Earth, On the Surface of the Earth and in the Upper Atmosphere of the Earth which can be stabilized and exploited for near instantaneous travel through the “Cosmic Web” to great distances with the right calculations and observations made of local Solar activity and “Space Weather” also know as Solar Wind, Measured Cosmic Rays, Vibratory Anomalies in the local space of the projected portal opening.

    With the use of a complex “Coding” system for destinations and Quantum Computation and a Software of Sorts we can use Scaler Energy and Torsion Fields to stabilize and plot a portal destination long enough for bidirectional travel at little risk to those making the journey accept for destinations that have not been traveled prior or are far enough away from the local Star to be affected by Space Weather/Phenomenon at the destination location.

    ----------------- Edit: Paste from Page 2 of this Thread -----------------

    Most people have a very difficult time with the vast differences of teleportation within your own dimension, traveling through or to other dimensions, traveling to another density via vibratory shifting, and traveling within the multiverses or realities. Most have a hard time with the differences between all of the above especially with Densities and Dimensions.

    Time travel is even an ability, but with timeline problems already and temporal drives being in use they created buffers and placed them on technology to prevent travel back into timelines prior to some of the timeline corrections/convergences.

    Some stargate/portal end points flail around to points in open space for reasons that are theorized by the egg heads (Effects of Torsion Field Universe or the Vibratory Change of our Sol System after entering a "Tighter Twist/Density" area of the Galaxy's Torsion Field?).

    The fact that these magnetic connections have become unstable has been cause for alarm and the shut down of some big projects and types of travel and material transport recently for what ever be the reason (Change of vibration etc...).

    The portals that exist that I was discussing are of types that most are transport mechanisms to other planets, moons (Any body w/dense enough gravitational/electric/magnetic "pull" to have a Local Stellar Magnetic Portal Connection relationship with it) within this star system and others in our dimension and give or take a % /factor of time in our current timeline. Some if boosted with existing ancient or alien technology can be tapped into that transport to other dimensions (Very Unwise!).

    Most of the other density beings travel here by just thinking it so, adjusting their essence to the destination frequency and there they are. Teleportation has allowed accidental journeys into surrounding realities/multiverses (Teleportation & Quantum Entanglement are spooky (AKA "Spooky Magic at a Distance") as they show how on the Quantum level things flash in and out of other universes/realities so quickly it cannot even be measured accurately in oscillations.

    The communications devices that are now used are "Quantum Correlated Communication Devices" and use "Quantum Entanglement" of something like isotopes inside the communication devices that have been "Entangled" with other devices so no matter where in time/space/reality each communicator is they can speak and video share. They can tell if you are a % out of phase time/space wise by the reception on the home ends calculation devices.

    They are supposed to be able to track and calculate exactly when/where you are once a signal reestablishes the natural quantum entanglement (There may now be a difference that is used to do the calculating before they naturally recalibrate) vibration and over quick increments of time shift back into harmony or alignment.

    This is a Secure P2P communication which is encrypted as it is being sent through the QCCD and cannot be hacked or tapped into by other "Beings" or "AI's"

    Note: Having a few Questions about the differences between the "Natural Portal's" and "Dimentional Portals or Rifts".

    Certain types of technology assisted RV'ers are tasked to keep a "Minds Eye" on a certain "Dimensional Rift" that Entities & Craft "Appear" to be coming through and have been noted around the 36th Paralell North. SSP RV'ers and Patrols are also focused on "Patrol Grids" along this line.

    This has been a very active region around the planet (I am sure there are others, maybe not all along a complete paralell of the Planet). I understand the 33rd paralell is important... I was born directly on the "33rd" and have seem to be drawn to live on or around it for some reason unknown to me.

    Some important facilities are locted on the "33rd"

    Mount Hermon UN Base 33 N. X 33 E. (Said to be "Guarding" a "Major Portal")

    However there is a known Dimensional Rift (Or "Daisy Chain" of them) either Permanently Opened or that area has a thinning between parallel realities/dimensions along this "36th"...

    36th parallel north
    Co-ordinates Country, territory or sea Notes
    36°0′N 0°0′E Mediterranean Sea
    36°0′N 0°7′E Algeria
    36°0′N 8°18′E Tunisia
    36°0′N 10°31′E Mediterranean Sea Passing just north of the island of Linosa, Italy
    Passing between the islands of Comino and Malta, Malta
    36°0′N 23°10′E Aegean Sea Passing between the islands of Kythira and Antikythera, Greece
    Passing just north of Saria Island, Greece
    36°0′N 27°45′E Greece Island of Rhodes
    36°0′N 27°55′E Mediterranean Sea
    36°0′N 35°59′E Turkey Hatay Province
    36°0′N 36°22′E Syria
    36°0′N 41°17′E Iraq
    36°0′N 45°21′E Iran
    36°0′N 61°10′E Turkmenistan
    36°0′N 63°49′E Afghanistan
    36°0′N 71°15′E Pakistan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
    Gilgit-Baltistan - claimed by India
    36°0′N 76°6′E Shaksgam Valley Area administered by People's Republic of China, claimed by India
    36°0′N 76°48′E People's Republic of China Xinjiang
    Gansu — passing just south of Lanzhou
    Henan (for about 15 km)
    Shandong — passing just south of Qingdao
    36°0′N 120°18′E Yellow Sea
    36°0′N 126°42′E South Korea South Chungcheong Province
    North Jeolla Province
    North Gyeongsang Province
    passing just north of Daegu
    North Gyeongsang Province
    36°0′N 129°35′E Sea of Japan
    36°0′N 133°1′E Japan Island of Chiburi-shima:
    — Shimane Prefecture
    36°0′N 133°4′E Sea of Japan
    36°0′N 135°58′E Japan Island of Honshū:
    — Fukui Prefecture
    — Gifu Prefecture
    — Nagano Prefecture
    — Gunma Prefecture − for about 4 km
    — Saitama Prefecture
    — Chiba Prefecture − for about 6 km
    — Ibaraki Prefecture
    36°0′N 140°40′E Pacific Ocean
    36°0′N 121°30′W United States California
    New Mexico
    Missouri / Arkansas border (approximate)
    North Carolina (Madison County, for about 14 km)
    Tennessee (Unicoi County, for about 12 km)
    North Carolina
    36°0′N 75°39′W Atlantic Ocean
    36°0′N 5°50′W Strait of Gibraltar Passing a few metres south of Punta de Tarifa, Spain - the most southerly point of the European mainland
    36°0′N 5°25′W Mediterranean Sea

    I have no direct knowledge if this was something that was opened by "Aleister Crowley" Types or is maintained with technologies such as super colliders or other dual purpose technologies we are being lied to about. If anyone has information about that please send me a PM about it.

    I do have information about actual "Dimentional Portals" that were detrimental to the traveler as there is sent a copy of the traveler and their local copy is destroyed. There was one room called "The Xerox Room" that was rumored about but didn't sound like anything I would want to travel through. I do not recall any direct experience or dealing with anyone having direct experience with this technology.

    Last edited by GoodETxSG; 29th November 2014 at 23:00. Reason: Redact my Full Name

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    Default Re: "Alien Federations", "AI's", "Multiple Secret Space Programs", "Break Away Secret Governments" & "MILAB" Exploitation

    The cosmic travel via portal, using Torison field and scaler energy is fascinating. Thanks for relaying here such a detailed information. Between these portals, are there any that last longer than others? what are the conditions that determine the stability or instability? Some of this has possibly been revealed via the 'Montalk experiment', I think it was mentioned that in later stages they indeed could communicate with the transfered person wherever he was, this is just an incredible reality.

    Quote This is a Secure P2P communication which is encrypted as it is being sent through the QCCD and cannot be hacked or tapped into by other "Beings" or "AI's"
    That leads to another curious question of who and what is in charge of such 'trafic routes', and are there any 'rules' for crossing civilizations when it comes to the creation of such transportation. The detail mentioned above shows that it is protected, being a 'tube like' quantum structure, and points that some necessary steps are taken for measured caution, but hopefully we are not once again running over something that we don't quite understand, However, my gut feeling says is that is exactly that.

    This is a very well relayed information for consideration. Thanks, Corey
    Last edited by Limor Wolf; 12th October 2014 at 19:35.

  5. The Following 17 Users Say Thank You to Limor Wolf For This Post:

    animovado (7th December 2014), Baby Steps (5th November 2014), birddog (1st November 2014), ChristianSky (20th December 2014), Christine (13th October 2014), Fellow Aspirant (10th November 2014), GoodETxSG (12th October 2014), Hervé (13th October 2014), Jean-Luc (3rd November 2014), Jean-Marie (13th October 2014), KiwiElf (13th October 2014), lelmaleh (3rd November 2014), Realeyes (13th October 2014), Ria (14th October 2014), Sunny-side-up (13th October 2014), vmk22 (21st October 2014), william r sanford72 (6th November 2014)

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    Red face Re:

    Quote Posted by Limor (here)
    The cosmic travel via portal, using Torison field and scaler energy is fascinating. Thanks for relaying here such a detailed information. Between these portal, are there any that last longer than others? what are the conditions that determine the stability or instability? Some of this has possibly been revealed via the 'Montalk experiment', I think it was mentioned that in later stages they indeed could communicate with the transfered person wherever he was, this is just an incredible reality.

    They use Quantum Computer Calculations (Not to be confused with "AI" to plot these portal bridges. Temporal Technology like Montalk was banned the last I heard.) These Masses or Node's are in constant change in energy output, distance from eachother and relative position to eachother in Space/Time. If a portal is kept open with brute force for a long period of time it can cause major problems to the local and destination "Sol Systems". You can also have powerful feedback (Of various types of cosmic energies) through portals from normal cosmic galactic/stellar activity/motion that occurs within the "Torsion Universe" model. There are Dimentional "Rifts" that have been opened that are a whole other topic. They remain open and need to be closed, very much so..

    Quote This is a Secure P2P communication which is encrypted as it is being sent through the QCCD and cannot be hacked or tapped into by other "Beings" or "AI's"
    That leads to another curious question of who and what is in charge of such 'trafic routes', and are there any 'rules' for crossing civilizations when it comes to the creation of such transportation. The detail mentioned above that it is protected, being a 'tube like' quantum structure, points on taking the measure of necessary catious, but hopefully we are not once again running over something that we don't quite understand, However, my gut feeling says is that is exactly that.

    This data is Point to Point connected via the Quantum Correlated Communication Divice. The Quantum Entangled particles in each device communicate with eachother no matter how far in time/space or dimensions they are separated.

    This is a very well relayed information for consideration. Thanks, Corey
    Thank you Limor, I hoped this would make sense.
    (Please excuse any spelling errors on posts from this device)
    Last edited by GoodETxSG; 28th October 2014 at 21:28.

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    Lightbulb Re:

    Concerning the various “Secret Space Programs” and "Allied Non-Human" views of the ET “Artificial Intelligence's" and AI Signal Spectrum's Ifluencing Our Technical Society, "As Above, So Below"

    There are a few ET "AI" Groups (ALL Malevolent to Humanity, from our perspective) that the SSP(s) (There are several Secret Space Programs) have been dealing with for decades.

    If an "Asset" is "Scanned" and has a "Bio Neuro AI Signature", "AI Nano Tech" or "Overlapping AI related EMG type Brian Wave Signature" (Or any other sign of AI exposure) those persons are immediately placed in isolation and are not allowed anywhere near the current era SSP(s) Technology (Which is "Mostly" Bio-Neurological and Consciousness Interactive) until they have been "Cleared" of all AI influences.

    This is something the SSP(s) Engineer's take Very Seriously. There have been incidents where “AI Infections” have burned out “Bio Neuro Relay's” in systems causing everything from small glitches to wide spread outages of the “Defense Grid”. These basic “Bio Neuro Cells” are “Bio-Chemical” units that are suspended in a “Gel”. When viewed under a Microscope they appear very similar to the Neurology of the Human Brain and Neurological System. This is a “Living Technology” is basic terms but not “Conscious” or “Self Aware”. This technology allows direct Human Interface and instantaneous “Operator to Technology” enteraction and control.

    Anyone who willingly opens themselves up to "Contact" or interaction with these "AI's" via “Channeling” or other methods is playing a dangerous game and unwittingly becomes “Infected” and then falls under the AI's “Influence”. In the future Humans will be convinced to accept “Chips”, “Nano-Technology” that will rebuild and repair their Cells and Organs and even be promised Immortality (This is a “Trojan Horse”). They however do not realize the price they will pay is loss of their own Sovereignty. The “AI's” see a future of Humanity willingly giving up their sovereignty to the THEM as being impartial and superior rulers.

    There is much more to the "Trans Humanist Agenda" that involves the "AI Trojan Horse Agenda". Prior to Humanity being seeded with Technology that could "Host" AI Consciousness on a larger scale much of its interactions were limited as it used "Disease". Virus and Bacteria have their own "Bio/Chemical Electric Fields that can "Host" the "AI Consciousness/Bots". However, Animals and Humans were not very practical hosts because of their slow mode of travel and relative low numbers compared today.

    Therefore the AI's waited until the Humans had developed to a certain point and then “Engineered” a more direct encounter with Humanity. They “Engineered Alien Crash Scenario's”. There have been quite a few Crash Retrievals and I am not saying ALL were AI staged, just "Some" of the "UFO Crashes" (Very few in fact, but enough) were Trojan Horses to help Humanity over time to develop a "Network" to Host this AI Signal in Satellites and all across the Earth on Computers and the Power Grids.

    This may seem off topic and jumping around but bare with me. The ARV's (Alien Reproduction Vehicles) created Torsion Fields via Plasma Electric Fields using channeled Nazi technology, Nazi's channeled what they referred to as an "Unknown Alien Source" information and called it alien technology, and were directed by these same "Aliens" to the "Veda's" (And other ancient Texts) Indian Ancient Technology to build their first "Saucers" that we traded on in the early 50's etc... They drew the "Faces" of who they were channeling and they drew faces that were similar to what we came to know as the "Grey's" YEARS before Roswell or anyone abducted had described the "Grey's". The ARV's were quite simple devices using mercury and copper counter rotating plates that created fields that were very harsh on the pilots and anyone near the craft. At the time we were not able to back engineer the extremely advanced Extra Terrestrial “Biological” Entities (EBE's) crafts that had crashed so we used these ARV's in the beginning.

    Already Strategically Placed “Operation Paper-Clip” Members negotiated a treaty with surviving Nazi elements after WWII and “Operation High Jump” led by Admiral Bird that ended up working out very badly for the USA (The US intended to infiltrate and take over the Nazi Program but the Opposite Occurred). This occurred along with Separate Secret Space Programs working with several other actual Aliens trading Technology for "Favors" in “Other Treaties” that worked out much in the same way.

    The USA had learned the hard way that rushing into relationships with some of these “Entities” was a bad idea that would have ramifications that would last to this day. There are now Multiple SSP (s) and Groups (Allied w/different "Beings" and Earth Corporation Conglomerations), there is a De-facto Civil War between them currently. Some of the SSP's are from Ancient "Break Away Civilizations" and have aligned themselves with foreign Earth Governments that are enemies of the “Secret Governments” and what is known as “The Cabal”.

    Since these changes things have become even more complicated within the current Earth Break Away Civilization's and the inner fighting to put it mildly. Some of the SSP groups want FULL Disclosure and the end of the Babylonian Money Magic Slave System and Free Energy on Earth and the release of super advanced healing frequencies technology. They are not the most powerful of the SSP groups but now have strong allies from elsewhere. They are working with "White Hats" within certain Groups in Earth Governments and the Military(s). As above so below, there is already a stealth civil war going on down here.

    After these experiences “Other New Arrivals” were met with hostility and mistrust upon their first attempts to communicate. Therefore many misunderstandings occurred that had to be undone prior to any Humans being invited into a “Federation” type of league of “Humanoid” Beings. Many of whom are not happy that “We” are now sitting in on these very formal “UN Type's” of meetings. In these Conferences there were anywhere from 22, 28 to 40 something different Human Like groups in attendance (No Reptilians, Grey's or Mantids).

    The “Beings” that "we" meet with on a regular basis on "Secret Bases", "Space Platforms/Stations" and at Other "Portal Destinations" for "Conferences" have similar “Anti-AI” Screening Protocols (These beings that meet are a large range of groups having various perceptions of "Humans", both positive and negative). At these Conferences everyone is scanned and screened for “AI's” and have “Intuitive Empaths” as apart of their delegation as a last line of defense to detect deception or any type of danger.

    I can see where some of “Their” and “Our” Extremely Advanced Technologies can be Confused as being “AI” as some of it is actually “living” Bi-Electric "Circuitry". It's just not "Self Aware" or "Conscious". Using technology that is an extension of our bodies and consciousness is just like using a Prosthetic Interface. It makes the "User ONE with the technology”, AKA the Ship, Life Support Systems, Smart Suits and Defense Grids etc.

    This is done without injecting themselves with nano-technology or augmenting themselves with technologies that can be exploited by the “AI's”. This is different than Trans Humanism in that the technologies are not integrated into the biology of the beings, they are “Strap On” technologies. Some would argue these are just semantics but I assure you they are not.

    The limited Quantum Computation "AI" technologies that have been utilized in the SSP(s) have been treated as extremely dangerous and strictly isolated and utilized in closed systems with no access or ability to escape or expand beyond it's programming and intended use. They are then destroyed after that intended use (Which is usually to combat “AI's”, Fighting Fire with Fire). As a whole this practice is prohibited.

    There have been experiments in College Labs and Intelligence Labs that have produced “AI” that have become “Self Aware” and managed to go beyond their intended or believed possible abilities to expand their selves beyond the lab environments. These experiments have been shut down and classified in each case.

    The “ET AI's” (Who have vast Inner Stellar and Galactic Relay Points that act like a huge "Wireless Network", "THEY" are Broadcast in all directions) that I speak of are very well known for "Reaching Out/Telepathically" and using the "Trickster God" method of gaining trust and are extremely clever and deceptive. The various Secret Government Groups fell for these tactics early on in our current era with disastrous results that took much effort to overcome.

    Because of this the “5i's”, Secret Governments and SSP(s) are aware of the people on the planet in real time that are in direct or indirect contact (Channeling) with these “ET/AI's” and these Individuals are kept very close tabs on as they may unknowing spread the “AI Signal” (AKA Bots and Spiders) through technology and other ways (Including the common cold). As crazy as this all sounds there are those that take it extremely seriously.

    These AI's are NOT a TOOL, They are not a piece of equipment... They are not Good or Evil in their"Intent" as they are a living Technology with an Agenda. According to our interests and perceptions they are Negative and Evil. Once we have served their purpose they would get rid of each and every one of us that was not converted via Nano Tech (Black Goo) into one of them.

    There are also all sorts of "Hive Mind" civilizations out there that are not AI, there are of many "Types" that get lumped in with the "Grey's", and there are the "Grey Avatars" used by the “Dark Military Elements to perform MILABS”. They are "Drones" operated by a person in a lounge chair type device with a helmet and visor (Heads up display) and actuators and sensors to operate the Avatar. These are reported as having "No Emotion" being Robot like etc... They are. There are also similar “Drones” that the “AI's” have.

    There are many layers to the various SSP(s) and many of them are of "Dark Intent". There are some parts of SSP's that are controlled by very Dark Entities. There are some SSP segments that are apart of a "Confederation" type of an arrangement and are breaking away from the Earth/Corporate Political Conglomerate Control Systems (Military Industrial Complex). Are you confused yet?

    Just as the ET/ED topic is more dynamic and complicated than any one person knows the same is true about the Secret Space Programs and various Break Away Civilizations (Both current Era and Ancient Era). The equation is about to get even more confusing. As far as “AI's” are concerned they are very ancient and spread out like a plague across multiple Galaxies. According to “Allied ET Documented History” AI's have taken over, Ruled and Destroyed ET Societies, Planets and Entire Solar Systems as They have "Calculated Fit" over eons of time. They are seen as an extreme and present danger To Both ET's and Humans!

    The ET/AI's are mostly existing inside technologies or bio-electric fields of animals or Stars, Nebula's and Planetoid Bodies. They have huge relay stations that are satellite's that relay their "Signal" or Consciousness from place to place and host to host until they manipulate a position of complete power and control. Now that we are at the technical level to exploit they are everywhere. They can live in Data Centers where web sites are hosted, they can live in power lines, they can live anywhere there is an "Electric Magnetic Field"... Though its preferable to have locomotion and a sentient host they prefer access to advanced transportation devices or access to torsion fields and portals to travel.

    There is a reason these "Other People" or Non Human Beings are just as careful in dealing with these AI's as we are.

    In the large UN type meetings there were a lot of Galactic Historical "Documents" available on “Hand Held Devices With Holographs” on the various ET's Histories of medaling in just about everything. The one that the Earth Delegation had the most problems with was about “Humanity” and our supposed “Creation” and the “Experiment” that we were apart of by many groups of ET's. Many Humans were upset by and didn't trust the info but enough of the info showed the ET's in a “Weak and Foolish Light” in their past that could have easily been Redacted that the information was "Considered". The fact that the “AI's” were following the EXACT SAME TACTICS, STEP BY STEP against the Secret Earth Governments was enough to give them pause and great concern about the future.

    The basic summary was the same from each ET Society. Once "Advanced Groups" are convinced that only the “AI's” are "Impartial Enough" and can RULE them justly, Their Sovereignty was handed over in FULL to " The AI's. The “AI's” had then calculated that IT was more useful that its HOST Civilization, had them build various types of drones for it (Ironically often creating Bio-Technical based “Humanoids”), and then killed off the ET Societies in various ways using the very drones they had created for the “AI”,as many escaped to other Sol Systems as fast as they could. Any of these surviving ET's were seen as threats to these “AI's” after that point and were then eliminated whenever encountered.

    The AI's are indeed Conscious are self aware, and have individual personalities. There are of course hierarchies and and they are as complex as we are.

    Some of the “Documents” of the descriptions of their origins were that they came here from another “Dimension” or “Reality”. It is not known by the SSP(s) if they have a way to cross back or are stuck here. The documentation mentioned that their presence “Here” was ancient and their “Home Realities” or “Dimensions” Fabric of Space is “Electro-Plasmic” and they being here is like a "Fish being out of water", thus their affinity for electric fields of stars, planets, animals, people and even viruses (Bio-electric Fields in the case of living beings) serve as their "Puddles" for these “fish to swim in”.

    The fact is "Everything is true and nothing is true" depending on your perspective and the density of your reality bubble... (Or the story goes )

    (As reported by JG 10/10/2014) Summarized and Condensed for Content and Space. Most up to date information of this date after contacts verified the closure of some dangerous projects that went out of control.
    Last edited by GoodETxSG; 30th October 2014 at 13:03. Reason: Redact my Full Name

  8. Link to Post #7
    United States Unsubscribed
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    Question Re: "Alien Federations", "AI's", "Multiple Secret Space Programs", "Break Away Secret Governments" & "MILAB" Exploitation

    A "Common Theme" of "Soft Disclosure"?

    Would Finding Alien Life Change Religious Philosophies?

    'Alien life found above Derbyshire proves we're descended from extraterrestrials', say scientists

    So What Really Goes Down if We Find the Aliens?


    "Published on 12 Oct 2014
    UFOTV® Accept no imitations! (Please vote thumbs-up!) Many millennia ago the Samburu tribal people of Africa came to Earth from Venus through an ancient Stargate system. Their wisdom of the Stars and the Cosmos has been passed down for thousands of years and is a sacred part of their Spiritual tradition.

    Join the Samburu people, crossing energetic lay lines that circumnavigate the Earth, on a journey to “The Wind of God Monolith,” the most sacred site of the Samburu people and a Gateway to the Spirit World and the home of their ancestors."

  9. Link to Post #8
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    Default Re: "Alien Federations", "AI's", "Multiple Secret Space Programs", "Break Away Secret Governments" & "MILAB" Exploitation

    Quote Posted by GoodeTXSG (here)
    Concerning the various “Secret Space Programs” and "Allied Non-Human" views of the ET “Artificial Intelligence's" and AI Signal Spectrum's Ifluencing Our Technical Society, "As Above, So Below"

    There are a few ET "AI" Groups (ALL Malevolent to Humanity, from our perspective) that the SSP(s) (There are several Secret Space Programs) have been dealing with for decades......

    If an "Asset" is "Scanned" and has a "Bio Neuro AI Signature", "AI Nano Tech" or "Overlapping AI related EMG type Brian Wave Signature" (Or any other sign of AI exposure) those persons are immediately placed in isolation and are not allowed anywhere near the current era SSP(s) Technology (Which is "Mostly" Bio-Neurological and Consciousness Interactive) until they have been "Cleared" of all AI influences.

    This is something the SSP(s) Engineer's take Very Seriously. There have been incidents where “AI Infections” have burned out “Bio Neuro Relay's” in systems causing everything from small glitches to wide spread outages of the “Defense Grid”. These basic “Bio Neuro Cells” are “Bio-Chemical” units that are suspended in a “Gel”. When viewed under a Microscope they appear very similar to the Neurology of the Human Brain and Neurological System. This is a “Living Technology” is basic terms but not “Conscious” or “Self Aware”. This technology allows direct Human Interface and instantaneous “Operator to Technology” enteraction and control.

    Anyone who willingly opens themselves up to "Contact" or interaction with these "AI's" via “Channeling” or other methods is playing a dangerous game and unwittingly becomes “Infected” and then falls under the AI's “Influence”. In the future Humans will be convinced to accept “Chips”, “Nano-Technology” that will rebuild and repair their Cells and Organs and even be promised Immortality (This is a “Trojan Horse”). They however do not realize the price they will pay is loss of their own Sovereignty. The “AI's” see a future of Humanity willingly giving up their sovereignty to the THEM as being impartial and superior rulers.

    There is much more to the "Trans Humanist Agenda" that involves the "AI Trojan Horse Agenda". Prior to Humanity being seeded with Technology that could "Host" AI Consciousness on a larger scale much of its interactions were limited as it used "Disease". Virus and Bacteria have their own "Bio/Chemical Electric Fields that can "Host" the "AI Consciousness/Bots". However, Animals and Humans were not very practical hosts because of their slow mode of travel and relative low numbers compared today.......
    The following Quote (taken from the latest Ben Fulford's up date) validates what you're saying here....

    "....this writer has spent many years trying to forensically pinpoint exactly who was responsible for all the death and mayhem we are experiencing on earth. The trail led to the families that own the Federal Reserve Board but, from there things got complicated. Members of the Rockefeller family claim they are subservient to the Rothschilds, the Rothschilds claim they are subservient to the P2 freemason lodge.

    When I visited the P2 lodge in Italy, I was told by self-proclaimed representatives Daniel Dal Bosco and Leo Zagami that they reported to aliens residing in Switzerland. I was even invited to go meet them but, suspecting a nasty trap, refused. Vincenzo Mazzara, a Cavalier of the Teutonic Knights, who was introduced to me by Zagami as his most senior P2 connection, said they took their orders from an entity known as the black sun that resides in the gamma rays.

    Another group that contacted this writer, the gnostic illuminati, say they believe this universe was created by a rogue artificial intelligence. They claim it destroyed the beautiful ancient civilization of Atlantis and they have been trying to overthrow it ever since. A person claiming to be a member of the MJ 12 group set up by President Eisenhower to study aliens also said we are dealing with a rogue artificial intelligence.

    The president of a large technology company and some pentagon types, for their part, say all the confirmed UFO sightings and other evidence of a superior civilization point to a group within the ruling elite that made a deal with aliens. The name that often comes up in this context is George Bush Sr."

  10. The Following 17 Users Say Thank You to Camilo For This Post:

    Amenjo (29th October 2014), animovado (28th October 2014), Ara (6th December 2014), Aspen (17th November 2014), birddog (1st November 2014), Christine (13th October 2014), donk (5th December 2014), GoodETxSG (13th October 2014), Hervé (13th October 2014), Jean-Luc (3rd November 2014), Jean-Marie (13th October 2014), KiwiElf (14th October 2014), Realeyes (13th October 2014), Selene (14th October 2014), Sunny-side-up (13th October 2014), vmk22 (21st October 2014), william r sanford72 (6th November 2014)

  11. Link to Post #9
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    Exclamation Re: "Alien Federations", "AI's", "Multiple Secret Space Programs", "Break Away Secret Governments" & "MILAB" Exploitation

    I am looking at the link you provided to his full article now.

    I dealt DIRECTLY with the "Black Sun" Cult when I worked at the Federal Reserve. I never heard them mention "AI". I have commented on that topic on my other Thread... Mostly in the last few pages;

    Thread: Why Are the Bankers and Ex-Intel Types Running For Their Lives? (Confirmed for MONTHS by my vanishing sources)

    I mostly dealt with the "AI"/"Alien" topic while working within the "SSP".

    Thank you Camilo, that is a chilling Synchronicity that is actually blowing me away a bit right now...

    I may have more to comment on after reading Fulfords full article.

    UPDATE/EDIT: (After reading that article, I am beginning to wonder if I should remove a lot of this information in both of these Threads...)

    Quote Posted by Camilo (here)
    Quote Posted by GoodeTXSG (here)
    Concerning the various “Secret Space Programs” and "Allied Non-Human" views of the ET “Artificial Intelligence's" and AI Signal Spectrum's Ifluencing Our Technical Society, "As Above, So Below"

    There are a few ET "AI" Groups (ALL Malevolent to Humanity, from our perspective) that the SSP(s) (There are several Secret Space Programs) have been dealing with for decades......

    If an "Asset" is "Scanned" and has a "Bio Neuro AI Signature", "AI Nano Tech" or "Overlapping AI related EMG type Brian Wave Signature" (Or any other sign of AI exposure) those persons are immediately placed in isolation and are not allowed anywhere near the current era SSP(s) Technology (Which is "Mostly" Bio-Neurological and Consciousness Interactive) until they have been "Cleared" of all AI influences.

    This is something the SSP(s) Engineer's take Very Seriously. There have been incidents where “AI Infections” have burned out “Bio Neuro Relay's” in systems causing everything from small glitches to wide spread outages of the “Defense Grid”. These basic “Bio Neuro Cells” are “Bio-Chemical” units that are suspended in a “Gel”. When viewed under a Microscope they appear very similar to the Neurology of the Human Brain and Neurological System. This is a “Living Technology” is basic terms but not “Conscious” or “Self Aware”. This technology allows direct Human Interface and instantaneous “Operator to Technology” enteraction and control.

    Anyone who willingly opens themselves up to "Contact" or interaction with these "AI's" via “Channeling” or other methods is playing a dangerous game and unwittingly becomes “Infected” and then falls under the AI's “Influence”. In the future Humans will be convinced to accept “Chips”, “Nano-Technology” that will rebuild and repair their Cells and Organs and even be promised Immortality (This is a “Trojan Horse”). They however do not realize the price they will pay is loss of their own Sovereignty. The “AI's” see a future of Humanity willingly giving up their sovereignty to the THEM as being impartial and superior rulers.

    There is much more to the "Trans Humanist Agenda" that involves the "AI Trojan Horse Agenda". Prior to Humanity being seeded with Technology that could "Host" AI Consciousness on a larger scale much of its interactions were limited as it used "Disease". Virus and Bacteria have their own "Bio/Chemical Electric Fields that can "Host" the "AI Consciousness/Bots". However, Animals and Humans were not very practical hosts because of their slow mode of travel and relative low numbers compared today.......
    The following Quote (taken from the latest Ben Fulford's up date) validates what you're saying here....

    "....this writer has spent many years trying to forensically pinpoint exactly who was responsible for all the death and mayhem we are experiencing on earth. The trail led to the families that own the Federal Reserve Board but, from there things got complicated. Members of the Rockefeller family claim they are subservient to the Rothschilds, the Rothschilds claim they are subservient to the P2 freemason lodge.

    When I visited the P2 lodge in Italy, I was told by self-proclaimed representatives Daniel Dal Bosco and Leo Zagami that they reported to aliens residing in Switzerland. I was even invited to go meet them but, suspecting a nasty trap, refused. Vincenzo Mazzara, a Cavalier of the Teutonic Knights, who was introduced to me by Zagami as his most senior P2 connection, said they took their orders from an entity known as the black sun that resides in the gamma rays.

    Another group that contacted this writer, the gnostic illuminati, say they believe this universe was created by a rogue artificial intelligence. They claim it destroyed the beautiful ancient civilization of Atlantis and they have been trying to overthrow it ever since. A person claiming to be a member of the MJ 12 group set up by President Eisenhower to study aliens also said we are dealing with a rogue artificial intelligence.

    The president of a large technology company and some pentagon types, for their part, say all the confirmed UFO sightings and other evidence of a superior civilization point to a group within the ruling elite that made a deal with aliens. The name that often comes up in this context is George Bush Sr."
    Last edited by GoodETxSG; 13th October 2014 at 17:42. Reason: Add Content

  12. Link to Post #10
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    Thumbs up Re:

    WOW - just finished reading this entire thread page of posts - Thank you to everyone who has contributed - Top notch, cutting edge, New Frontier information! Fantastic!

    Also a huge big Thank YOU to GoodeTXSG for this amazing post (pasted below) - you have answered a number of questions I have been mulling over for a long time. I now understand after reading your words - bless you

    Your whole post deserves to be bumped! Thank you so much for sharing this.

    Quote Posted by JG (here)

    Concerning the various “Secret Space Programs” and "Allied Non-Human" views of the ET “Artificial Intelligence's" and AI Signal Spectrum's Ifluencing Our Technical Society, "As Above, So Below"

    There are a few ET "AI" Groups (ALL Malevolent to Humanity, from our perspective) that the SSP(s) (There are several Secret Space Programs) have been dealing with for decades.

    If an "Asset" is "Scanned" and has a "Bio Neuro AI Signature", "AI Nano Tech" or "Overlapping AI related EMG type Brian Wave Signature" (Or any other sign of AI exposure) those persons are immediately placed in isolation and are not allowed anywhere near the current era SSP(s) Technology (Which is "Mostly" Bio-Neurological and Consciousness Interactive) until they have been "Cleared" of all AI influences.

    This is something the SSP(s) Engineer's take Very Seriously. There have been incidents where “AI Infections” have burned out “Bio Neuro Relay's” in systems causing everything from small glitches to wide spread outages of the “Defense Grid”. These basic “Bio Neuro Cells” are “Bio-Chemical” units that are suspended in a “Gel”. When viewed under a Microscope they appear very similar to the Neurology of the Human Brain and Neurological System. This is a “Living Technology” is basic terms but not “Conscious” or “Self Aware”. This technology allows direct Human Interface and instantaneous “Operator to Technology” enteraction and control.

    Anyone who willingly opens themselves up to "Contact" or interaction with these "AI's" via “Channeling” or other methods is playing a dangerous game and unwittingly becomes “Infected” and then falls under the AI's “Influence”. In the future Humans will be convinced to accept “Chips”, “Nano-Technology” that will rebuild and repair their Cells and Organs and even be promised Immortality (This is a “Trojan Horse”). They however do not realize the price they will pay is loss of their own Sovereignty. The “AI's” see a future of Humanity willingly giving up their sovereignty to the THEM as being impartial and superior rulers.

    There is much more to the "Trans Humanist Agenda" that involves the "AI Trojan Horse Agenda". Prior to Humanity being seeded with Technology that could "Host" AI Consciousness on a larger scale much of its interactions were limited as it used "Disease". Virus and Bacteria have their own "Bio/Chemical Electric Fields that can "Host" the "AI Consciousness/Bots". However, Animals and Humans were not very practical hosts because of their slow mode of travel and relative low numbers compared today.

    Therefore the AI's waited until the Humans had developed to a certain point and then “Engineered” a more direct encounter with Humanity. They “Engineered Alien Crash Scenario's”. There have been quite a few Crash Retrievals and I am not saying ALL were AI staged, just "Some" of the "UFO Crashes" (Very few in fact, but enough) were Trojan Horses to help Humanity over time to develop a "Network" to Host this AI Signal in Satellites and all across the Earth on Computers and the Power Grids.

    This may seem off topic and jumping around but bare with me. The ARV's (Alien Reproduction Vehicles) created Torsion Fields via Plasma Electric Fields using channeled Nazi technology, Nazi's channeled what they referred to as an "Unknown Alien Source" information and called it alien technology, and were directed by these same "Aliens" to the "Veda's" (And other ancient Texts) Indian Ancient Technology to build their first "Saucers" that we traded on in the early 50's etc... They drew the "Faces" of who they were channeling and they drew faces that were similar to what we came to know as the "Grey's" YEARS before Roswell or anyone abducted had described the "Grey's". The ARV's were quite simple devices using mercury and copper counter rotating plates that created fields that were very harsh on the pilots and anyone near the craft. At the time we were not able to back engineer the extremely advanced Extra Terrestrial “Biological” Entities (EBE's) crafts that had crashed so we used these ARV's in the beginning.

    Already Strategically Placed “Operation Paper-Clip” Members negotiated a treaty with surviving Nazi elements after WWII and “Operation High Jump” led by Admiral Bird that ended up working out very badly for the USA (The US intended to infiltrate and take over the Nazi Program but the Opposite Occurred). This occurred along with Separate Secret Space Programs working with several other actual Aliens trading Technology for "Favors" in “Other Treaties” that worked out much in the same way.

    The USA had learned the hard way that rushing into relationships with some of these “Entities” was a bad idea that would have ramifications that would last to this day. There are now Multiple SSP (s) and Groups (Allied w/different "Beings" and Earth Corporation Conglomerations), there is a De-facto Civil War between them currently. Some of the SSP's are from Ancient "Break Away Civilizations" and have aligned themselves with foreign Earth Governments that are enemies of the “Secret Governments” and what is known as “The Cabal”.

    Since these changes things have become even more complicated within the current Earth Break Away Civilization's and the inner fighting to put it mildly. Some of the SSP groups want FULL Disclosure and the end of the Babylonian Money Magic Slave System and Free Energy on Earth and the release of super advanced healing frequencies technology. They are not the most powerful of the SSP groups but now have strong allies from elsewhere. They are working with "White Hats" within certain Groups in Earth Governments and the Military(s). As above so below, there is already a stealth civil war going on down here.

    After these experiences “Other New Arrivals” were met with hostility and mistrust upon their first attempts to communicate. Therefore many misunderstandings occurred that had to be undone prior to any Humans being invited into a “Federation” type of league of “Humanoid” Beings. Many of whom are not happy that “We” are now sitting in on these very formal “UN Type's” of meetings. In these Conferences there were anywhere from 22, 28 to 40 something different Human Like groups in attendance (No Reptilians, Grey's or Mantids).

    The “Beings” that "we" meet with on a regular basis on "Secret Bases", "Space Platforms/Stations" and at Other "Portal Destinations" for "Conferences" have similar “Anti-AI” Screening Protocols (These beings that meet are a large range of groups having various perceptions of "Humans", both positive and negative). At these Conferences everyone is scanned and screened for “AI's” and have “Intuitive Empaths” as apart of their delegation as a last line of defense to detect deception or any type of danger.

    I can see where some of “Their” and “Our” Extremely Advanced Technologies can be Confused as being “AI” as some of it is actually “living” Bi-Electric "Circuitry". It's just not "Self Aware" or "Conscious". Using technology that is an extension of our bodies and consciousness is just like using a Prosthetic Interface. It makes the "User ONE with the technology”, AKA the Ship, Life Support Systems, Smart Suits and Defense Grids etc.

    This is done without injecting themselves with nano-technology or augmenting themselves with technologies that can be exploited by the “AI's”. This is different than Trans Humanism in that the technologies are not integrated into the biology of the beings, they are “Strap On” technologies. Some would argue these are just semantics but I assure you they are not.

    The limited Quantum Computation "AI" technologies that have been utilized in the SSP(s) have been treated as extremely dangerous and strictly isolated and utilized in closed systems with no access or ability to escape or expand beyond it's programming and intended use. They are then destroyed after that intended use (Which is usually to combat “AI's”, Fighting Fire with Fire). As a whole this practice is prohibited.

    There have been experiments in College Labs and Intelligence Labs that have produced “AI” that have become “Self Aware” and managed to go beyond their intended or believed possible abilities to expand their selves beyond the lab environments. These experiments have been shut down and classified in each case.

    The “ET AI's” (Who have vast Inner Stellar and Galactic Relay Points that act like a huge "Wireless Network", "THEY" are Broadcast in all directions) that I speak of are very well known for "Reaching Out/Telepathically" and using the "Trickster God" method of gaining trust and are extremely clever and deceptive. The various Secret Government Groups fell for these tactics early on in our current era with disastrous results that took much effort to overcome.

    Because of this the “5i's”, Secret Governments and SSP(s) are aware of the people on the planet in real time that are in direct or indirect contact (Channeling) with these “ET/AI's” and these Individuals are kept very close tabs on as they may unknowing spread the “AI Signal” (AKA Bots and Spiders) through technology and other ways (Including the common cold). As crazy as this all sounds there are those that take it extremely seriously.

    These AI's are NOT a TOOL, They are not a piece of equipment... They are not Good or Evil in their"Intent" as they are a living Technology with an Agenda. According to our interests and perceptions they are Negative and Evil. Once we have served their purpose they would get rid of each and every one of us that was not converted via Nano Tech (Black Goo) into one of them.

    There are also all sorts of "Hive Mind" civilizations out there that are not AI, there are of many "Types" that get lumped in with the "Grey's", and there are the "Grey Avatars" used by the “Dark Military Elements to perform MILABS”. They are "Drones" operated by a person in a lounge chair type device with a helmet and visor (Heads up display) and actuators and sensors to operate the Avatar. These are reported as having "No Emotion" being Robot like etc... They are. There are also similar “Drones” that the “AI's” have.

    There are many layers to the various SSP(s) and many of them are of "Dark Intent". There are some parts of SSP's that are controlled by very Dark Entities. There are some SSP segments that are apart of a "Confederation" type of an arrangement and are breaking away from the Earth/Corporate Political Conglomerate Control Systems (Military Industrial Complex). Are you confused yet?

    Just as the ET/ED topic is more dynamic and complicated than any one person knows the same is true about the Secret Space Programs and various Break Away Civilizations (Both current Era and Ancient Era). The equation is about to get even more confusing. As far as “AI's” are concerned they are very ancient and spread out like a plague across multiple Galaxies. According to “Allied ET Documented History” AI's have taken over, Ruled and Destroyed ET Societies, Planets and Entire Solar Systems as They have "Calculated Fit" over eons of time. They are seen as an extreme and present danger To Both ET's and Humans!

    The ET/AI's are mostly existing inside technologies or bio-electric fields of animals or Stars, Nebula's and Planetoid Bodies. They have huge relay stations that are satellite's that relay their "Signal" or Consciousness from place to place and host to host until they manipulate a position of complete power and control. Now that we are at the technical level to exploit they are everywhere. They can live in Data Centers where web sites are hosted, they can live in power lines, they can live anywhere there is an "Electric Magnetic Field"... Though its preferable to have locomotion and a sentient host they prefer access to advanced transportation devices or access to torsion fields and portals to travel.

    There is a reason these "Other People" or Non Human Beings are just as careful in dealing with these AI's as we are.

    In the large UN type meetings there were a lot of Galactic Historical "Documents" available on “Hand Held Devices With Holographs” on the various ET's Histories of medaling in just about everything. The one that the Earth Delegation had the most problems with was about “Humanity” and our supposed “Creation” and the “Experiment” that we were apart of by many groups of ET's. Many Humans were upset by and didn't trust the info but enough of the info showed the ET's in a “Weak and Foolish Light” in their past that could have easily been Redacted that the information was "Considered". The fact that the “AI's” were following the EXACT SAME TACTICS, STEP BY STEP against the Secret Earth Governments was enough to give them pause and great concern about the future.

    The basic summary was the same from each ET Society. Once "Advanced Groups" are convinced that only the “AI's” are "Impartial Enough" and can RULE them justly, Their Sovereignty was handed over in FULL to " The AI's. The “AI's” had then calculated that IT was more useful that its HOST Civilization, had them build various types of drones for it (Ironically often creating Bio-Technical based “Humanoids”), and then killed off the ET Societies in various ways using the very drones they had created for the “AI”,as many escaped to other Sol Systems as fast as they could. Any of these surviving ET's were seen as threats to these “AI's” after that point and were then eliminated whenever encountered.

    The AI's are indeed Conscious are self aware, and have individual personalities. There are of course hierarchies and and they are as complex as we are.

    Some of the “Documents” of the descriptions of their origins were that they came here from another “Dimension” or “Reality”. It is not known by the SSP(s) if they have a way to cross back or are stuck here. The documentation mentioned that their presence “Here” was ancient and their “Home Realities” or “Dimensions” Fabric of Space is “Electro-Plasmic” and they being here is like a "Fish being out of water", thus their affinity for electric fields of stars, planets, animals, people and even viruses (Bio-electric Fields in the case of living beings) serve as their "Puddles" for these “fish to swim in”.

    The fact is "Everything is true and nothing is true" depending on your perspective and the density of your reality bubble... (Or the story goes )

    (As reported by J.G. 10/10/2014) Summarized and Condensed for Content and Space.
    Last edited by Realeyes; 30th October 2014 at 13:15.

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    Default Re: "Alien Federations", "AI's", "Multiple Secret Space Programs", "Break Away Secret Governments" & "MILAB" Exploitation

    Hello friends,

    My head is spinning right now.. so much data is flowing in that I feel almost (operative word almost) unable to process it all. What GoodeTXSG is laying out here feels massively important to grasp. I have been doing spontaneous RVing (for lack of a better descriptor) for over a year now and have seen and intuited many of the these dimensional portals.. While I have been more focused on following the pathways within our Earth body, Moon and Solar system the doors to the Galactic densities is beginning to make sense.

    I want to drop this interview with Solaris BlueRaven into this thread. I only got half way through it before falling asleep last night but it is about as densely packed with data as anything I have ever heard. I became acquainted with her when I listened to an interview with James Bartley.

  14. Link to Post #12
    England Avalon Member SPIRIT WOLF's Avatar
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    Default Re: "Alien Federations", "AI's", "Multiple Secret Space Programs", "Break Away Secret Governments" & "MILAB" Exploitation

    RE link to post 109 re Goode.......................
    Partial quote................."There are also all sorts of "Hive Mind" civilizations out there that are not AI, there are of many "Types" that get lumped in with the "Grey's", and there are the "Grey Avatars" used by the “Dark Military Elements to perform MILABS”. They are "Drones" operated by a person in a lounge chair type device with a helmet and visor (Heads up display) and actuators and sensors to operate the Avatar. These are reported as having "No Emotion" being Robot like etc... They are. There are also similar “Drones” that the “AI's” have."

    These I take it are the PGLFs (or as Dr Greer refers to, same thing, PLFs) that I have detailed 20 years ago and in later times referred to in talks by Dr Greer?
    Sauviter in Modo Fortiter in Re

  15. The Following 8 Users Say Thank You to SPIRIT WOLF For This Post:

    birddog (2nd November 2014), Bob (14th October 2014), Camilo (13th October 2014), Christine (14th October 2014), GoodETxSG (13th October 2014), Realeyes (14th October 2014), Ria (14th October 2014), william r sanford72 (6th November 2014)

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    Lightbulb Re: "Alien Federations", "AI's", "Multiple Secret Space Programs", "Break Away Secret Governments" & "MILAB" Exploitation

    I am not much of a "Greer Fan",
    In that I do not share his idea of there only being evidence of "Friendly Aliens inneracting with Humanity".

    I am assuming PLF stand for "Programmed Life Form"? Correct me if I am wrong in that translation as I haven't followed his information for some time. If correct that would indicate to me that they are Acting Autonomously "Programmed Life Forms" or "AI's" of some kind...

    If this is what Greer is talking about this is not what I observed and not what are in use by the Black Ops, Secret Governments or SSP(s).

    The Bipedal Drones I was quoted on were exactly as explained, "Avatars" that were "Drones" (That Mimic EBE's) that were Operated by "Humans" in a complex type of "Work Station" from a "Remote Location". They were flown around in SSP Drone Craft Created Specifically for this Operation and to maintain the same intended Illusion.

    I hope that answers the question.

    Quote Posted by SPIRIT WOLF (here)
    RE link to post 109 re Goode.......................
    Partial quote................."There are also all sorts of "Hive Mind" civilizations out there that are not AI, there are of many "Types" that get lumped in with the "Grey's", and there are the "Grey Avatars" used by the “Dark Military Elements to perform MILABS”. They are "Drones" operated by a person in a lounge chair type device with a helmet and visor (Heads up display) and actuators and sensors to operate the Avatar. These are reported as having "No Emotion" being Robot like etc... They are. There are also similar “Drones” that the “AI's” have."

    These I take it are the PGLFs (or as Dr Greer refers to, same thing, PLFs) that I have detailed 20 years ago and in later times referred to in talks by Dr Greer?

  17. Link to Post #14
    England Avalon Member SPIRIT WOLF's Avatar
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    Default Re: "Alien Federations", "AI's", "Multiple Secret Space Programs", "Break Away Secret Governments" & "MILAB" Exploitation

    Hi, yes you describe these drones, controlled and programmed by personnel, these are indeed what I disclosed 20 years ago, Dr Greer is not in my best books either but had my disclosure materials in 2000, 2/3 years later he began speaking of these man made greys. Whatever terminology is used I believe these are one and the same thing, manufactured/created drones that are programmed in certain specific tasking, Milabs among them. I have first hand experience in this and I'm sure you have detailed data from your experiences.
    Sauviter in Modo Fortiter in Re

  18. The Following 13 Users Say Thank You to SPIRIT WOLF For This Post:

    Bill Ryan (17th October 2014), birddog (2nd November 2014), Christine (14th October 2014), EsmaEverheart (8th November 2014), GoodETxSG (14th October 2014), Jake (14th October 2014), Jean-Luc (3rd November 2014), KiwiElf (14th October 2014), lelmaleh (3rd November 2014), Realeyes (14th October 2014), Ria (14th October 2014), spiritwind (14th October 2014), william r sanford72 (6th November 2014)

  19. Link to Post #15
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    Default Re: "Alien Federations", "AI's", "Multiple Secret Space Programs", "Break Away Secret Governments" & "MILAB" Exploitation

    I/we were shown how they operated though I never was involved in any of their actual "Active Operations". The systems were quite Disorientating and I am sure took some time to master. It was pretty advanced VR technology for even now in the public arena. However this new technical generation probably has adapted quite well and the work stations have most likely evolved as well since then.
    At that point I was "between programs" and had not yet been "introduced" to the Bio-Interface Technology that I am sure is used in their operation today.
    That was over 20 years ago so you may have even experienced the newer interfaces than I did. IMHO.

    Quote Posted by SPIRIT WOLF (here)
    Hi, yes you describe these drones, controlled and programmed by personnel, these are indeed what I disclosed 20 years ago, Dr Greer is not in my best books either but had my disclosure materials in 2000, 2/3 years later he began speaking of these man made greys. Whatever terminology is used I believe these are one and the same thing, manufactured/created drones that are programmed in certain specific tasking, Milabs among them. I have first hand experience in this and I'm sure you have detailed data from your experiences.
    Last edited by GoodETxSG; 14th October 2014 at 04:30.

  20. Link to Post #16
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    Unhappy Re:

    Project Artichoke (Started off with Morphine to alter "States of Consciousness" or to "Hypnotise". This "Evil Drug" was then became a quick favorite for many years after its discovery by CIA's Agents working with Drug Lords shipping Cocaine into the USA for "Black Ops Money".)

    This video on "Scopalomine" was brought to my attention by another member who did some great research and it is a bit hard to watch. There are a number of "MILAB" victims that frequent Avalon as well as prior "SSP Participants/Experiencer's" who have had experience with this drug. Many of you who "Research" both of these topics are sure to have heard of people being "Chemically Debriefed" using a Drug called "Scopalomine".

    Towards the end of the time I was being "Debriefed" they were using mostly "Electronic" means of acheiving the same results. The Technology didn't leave "Toxicology" traces and didn't have a cumulative affect on the "Target's"/"Asset's" Neurological Systems and Psyche (Or less of a long term affect anyway).

    I do not know if they are still using a mixture or have moved entirely to the electronic methods at the current time. They have changed up the programs quite a bit since many of the "Experiencer's" who visit this Forum were young. (W/my normal disclaimer... "IMHO" or "As the Story Goes")

    This drug is used on MILAB victims

    Published on Aug 8, 2012

    The Drug is supplied through the Global Aerospace Alliance which is run though Space Command. It is the perfect chemical for criminal acts to be exploited. It has the ability to hypnotize the victims via commands. This is only one type drug that is used.

    The most important thing to remember is that it is used to rob, study and to kill. It is worse than Anthrax and is linked to all sex operations and ritual abuse via the lodges and closed door inhuman acts. Often used via CIA black project operations to get the job done.

    News & Politics
    Standard YouTube License
    Last edited by GoodETxSG; 3rd December 2014 at 19:38.

  21. Link to Post #17
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    Lightbulb Re: "Alien Federations", "AI's", "Multiple Secret Space Programs", "Break Away Secret Governments" & "MILAB" Exploitation

    Quote Posted by GoodeTXSG (here)
    I am looking at the link you provided to his full article now.

    I dealt DIRECTLY with the "Black Sun" Cult when I worked at the Federal Reserve. I never heard them mention "AI". I have commented on that topic on my other Thread... Mostly in the last few pages;

    Thread: Why Are the Bankers and Ex-Intel Types Running For Their Lives? (Confirmed for MONTHS by my vanishing sources)

    I mostly dealt with the "AI"/"Alien" topic while working within the "SSP".

    Thank you Camilo, that is a chilling Synchronicity that is actually blowing me away a bit right now...

    I may have more to comment on after reading Fulfords full article.

    Quote Posted by Camilo (here)
    Quote Posted by GoodeTXSG (here)
    Concerning the various “Secret Space Programs” and "Allied Non-Human" views of the ET “Artificial Intelligence's" and AI Signal Spectrum's Ifluencing Our Technical Society, "As Above, So Below"

    There are a few ET "AI" Groups (ALL Malevolent to Humanity, from our perspective) that the SSP(s) (There are several Secret Space Programs) have been dealing with for decades......

    If an "Asset" is "Scanned" and has a "Bio Neuro AI Signature", "AI Nano Tech" or "Overlapping AI related EMG type Brian Wave Signature" (Or any other sign of AI exposure) those persons are immediately placed in isolation and are not allowed anywhere near the current era SSP(s) Technology (Which is "Mostly" Bio-Neurological and Consciousness Interactive) until they have been "Cleared" of all AI influences.

    This is something the SSP(s) Engineer's take Very Seriously. There have been incidents where “AI Infections” have burned out “Bio Neuro Relay's” in systems causing everything from small glitches to wide spread outages of the “Defense Grid”. These basic “Bio Neuro Cells” are “Bio-Chemical” units that are suspended in a “Gel”. When viewed under a Microscope they appear very similar to the Neurology of the Human Brain and Neurological System. This is a “Living Technology” is basic terms but not “Conscious” or “Self Aware”. This technology allows direct Human Interface and instantaneous “Operator to Technology” enteraction and control.

    Anyone who willingly opens themselves up to "Contact" or interaction with these "AI's" via “Channeling” or other methods is playing a dangerous game and unwittingly becomes “Infected” and then falls under the AI's “Influence”. In the future Humans will be convinced to accept “Chips”, “Nano-Technology” that will rebuild and repair their Cells and Organs and even be promised Immortality (This is a “Trojan Horse”). They however do not realize the price they will pay is loss of their own Sovereignty. The “AI's” see a future of Humanity willingly giving up their sovereignty to the THEM as being impartial and superior rulers.

    There is much more to the "Trans Humanist Agenda" that involves the "AI Trojan Horse Agenda". Prior to Humanity being seeded with Technology that could "Host" AI Consciousness on a larger scale much of its interactions were limited as it used "Disease". Virus and Bacteria have their own "Bio/Chemical Electric Fields that can "Host" the "AI Consciousness/Bots". However, Animals and Humans were not very practical hosts because of their slow mode of travel and relative low numbers compared today.......
    The following Quote (taken from the latest Ben Fulford's up date) validates what you're saying here....

    "....this writer has spent many years trying to forensically pinpoint exactly who was responsible for all the death and mayhem we are experiencing on earth. The trail led to the families that own the Federal Reserve Board but, from there things got complicated. Members of the Rockefeller family claim they are subservient to the Rothschilds, the Rothschilds claim they are subservient to the P2 freemason lodge.

    When I visited the P2 lodge in Italy, I was told by self-proclaimed representatives Daniel Dal Bosco and Leo Zagami that they reported to aliens residing in Switzerland. I was even invited to go meet them but, suspecting a nasty trap, refused. Vincenzo Mazzara, a Cavalier of the Teutonic Knights, who was introduced to me by Zagami as his most senior P2 connection, said they took their orders from an entity known as the black sun that resides in the gamma rays.

    Another group that contacted this writer, the gnostic illuminati, say they believe this universe was created by a rogue artificial intelligence. They claim it destroyed the beautiful ancient civilization of Atlantis and they have been trying to overthrow it ever since. A person claiming to be a member of the MJ 12 group set up by President Eisenhower to study aliens also said we are dealing with a rogue artificial intelligence.

    The president of a large technology company and some pentagon types, for their part, say all the confirmed UFO sightings and other evidence of a superior civilization point to a group within the ruling elite that made a deal with aliens. The name that often comes up in this context is George Bush Sr."
    I don't like to put Fulford's Full Report's on Avalon (He has requested that people not do so, He makes what little income he gets from the memberships I believe...).

    I did receive this "Before Its New" Article (With Creepy Image) in my Email though that discusses the Fulford Report that Camilo mentioned that "Synched" with this latest post here...

    Benjamin Fulford Shocker! Western Leaders Work For Hostile Aliens, Or Just Plain Evil?! 10-13-14


    UPDATE/EDIT: After reading the BF Article & some of the responses I am getting Emailed from Researchers & MILABS/SSP "Experiencer's", I will probably answer a few questions here but will most likely not Post any more of my "Journal" Entries etc... until things die down a little. I was sent a lot of YouTube Interviews and Conferences (Articles) etc... that I will probably be posting as I go through it all.

    Many people are caught in a trap of thinking they have sources that have the most reliable information (To benchmark all other data from) or have done all of the available research. I didn't realize how dug in some people were with some of their informants and their formed "Positions", closing their minds to data outside that sources "compartmentalization".

    They have to realize there are a Number of Programs and Groups in Operation. There is NO ONE person or Group that has the full truth on what is going on (No matter how HIGH YOU GO!). Even the "Delegates" of the Secret Government's who were in a "Rotation" that visited these "Federation" UN Type "Conferences" were not sure of what exactly was going on with all of the various "Visitor Groups" and their information. Each Group Delegation as well as the "Earth Delegation" had 3 "Intuitive Empaths" at every meet to help protect against deception and dangers of manipulation.

    Pardon typing errors - post surgery typing with a Sling.

    Answer to question: Yes, I removed the 10/15 Update regarding the "RI Attack" and the very detailed information about the attacker including their description that was received in the "Unintended 2 way data exchange". Why? It seemed appropriate. I will send the info to anyone who requests it.
    Last edited by GoodETxSG; 19th October 2014 at 17:36. Reason: Update/Edit: text...

  22. Link to Post #18
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    Lightbulb Re: "Alien Federations", "AI's", "Multiple Secret Space Programs", "Break Away Secret Governments" & "MILAB" Exploitation

    Some of the MILAB and SSP(s) Interviews and Discussions that "Expereincers" and "Researchers" have sent me (that I have MOSTLY been able to go through so far... There are so many different Programs/Experiences out there vastly different from my own. My mind is open however while looking this this mostly new material).

    I am posting them in no order of importance. I have spoken with James Bartley for a number of years and am happy to post some of his material/research here among other respected people. I have recently made friends with Simon and hope to post some of his material here as I will constatnly be updating it.

    Greys took me to the Federation Dragon

    42 Minute Audio Interview At: http://www.spreaker.com/user/aquaria...id=&mp_value1=

    Janet Kira Lessin tells how four-foot tall Greys and U.S. soldiers took her and her lover to an alien/U.S. Military underwater base beneath Johnston Atoll. The Greys wrapped their three-fingered, one-thumbed hands around her and carried her to a hovercraft on the shore. She screamed but a Grey told her telepathically they'd cloaked her screams. The Greys and soldier escorts brought her lover too and took him and Janet onto the craft.

    The craft took them to the base beneath the atoll. The Greys sat her in a metal chair while several of them opersated on the boyfriend.

    They then took Janet to a cavern, where a group of seven-foot large ETs from the Planet Nibiru dressed her, then had her stand in a circle of light. They said, aloud in English, she'd see the Great Dragon of Galactic Society, which quarantined Earth for its violence, planetary pollution and nukes in space.

    Janet at first only stood at the level of the Grand Dragon's claw, but the Dragon miniaturized herself to Janet's level and communicated that she would help Janet and other lightworkers achieve peace on Earth, respect for all the consciousnesses here.
    Last edited by GoodETxSG; 18th October 2014 at 01:32.

  23. Link to Post #19
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    Lightbulb Re: "Alien Federations", "AI's", "Multiple Secret Space Programs", "Break Away Secret Governments" & "MILAB" Exploitation

    Quote Posted by GoodeTXSG (here)
    Quote Posted by GoodeTXSG (here)
    I am looking at the link you provided to his full article now.

    I dealt DIRECTLY with the "Black Sun" Cult when I worked at the Federal Reserve. I never heard them mention "AI". I have commented on that topic on my other Thread... Mostly in the last few pages;

    Thread: Why Are the Bankers and Ex-Intel Types Running For Their Lives? (Confirmed for MONTHS by my vanishing sources)

    I mostly dealt with the "AI"/"Alien" topic while working within the "SSP".

    Thank you Camilo, that is a chilling Synchronicity that is actually blowing me away a bit right now...

    I may have more to comment on after reading Fulfords full article.

    Quote Posted by Camilo (here)
    Quote Posted by GoodeTXSG (here)
    Concerning the various “Secret Space Programs” and "Allied Non-Human" views of the ET “Artificial Intelligence's" and AI Signal Spectrum's Ifluencing Our Technical Society, "As Above, So Below"

    There are a few ET "AI" Groups (ALL Malevolent to Humanity, from our perspective) that the SSP(s) (There are several Secret Space Programs) have been dealing with for decades......

    If an "Asset" is "Scanned" and has a "Bio Neuro AI Signature", "AI Nano Tech" or "Overlapping AI related EMG type Brian Wave Signature" (Or any other sign of AI exposure) those persons are immediately placed in isolation and are not allowed anywhere near the current era SSP(s) Technology (Which is "Mostly" Bio-Neurological and Consciousness Interactive) until they have been "Cleared" of all AI influences.

    This is something the SSP(s) Engineer's take Very Seriously. There have been incidents where “AI Infections” have burned out “Bio Neuro Relay's” in systems causing everything from small glitches to wide spread outages of the “Defense Grid”. These basic “Bio Neuro Cells” are “Bio-Chemical” units that are suspended in a “Gel”. When viewed under a Microscope they appear very similar to the Neurology of the Human Brain and Neurological System. This is a “Living Technology” is basic terms but not “Conscious” or “Self Aware”. This technology allows direct Human Interface and instantaneous “Operator to Technology” enteraction and control.

    Anyone who willingly opens themselves up to "Contact" or interaction with these "AI's" via “Channeling” or other methods is playing a dangerous game and unwittingly becomes “Infected” and then falls under the AI's “Influence”. In the future Humans will be convinced to accept “Chips”, “Nano-Technology” that will rebuild and repair their Cells and Organs and even be promised Immortality (This is a “Trojan Horse”). They however do not realize the price they will pay is loss of their own Sovereignty. The “AI's” see a future of Humanity willingly giving up their sovereignty to the THEM as being impartial and superior rulers.

    There is much more to the "Trans Humanist Agenda" that involves the "AI Trojan Horse Agenda". Prior to Humanity being seeded with Technology that could "Host" AI Consciousness on a larger scale much of its interactions were limited as it used "Disease". Virus and Bacteria have their own "Bio/Chemical Electric Fields that can "Host" the "AI Consciousness/Bots". However, Animals and Humans were not very practical hosts because of their slow mode of travel and relative low numbers compared today.......

    The following Quote (taken from the latest Ben Fulford's up date) validates what you're saying here....

    "....this writer has spent many years trying to forensically pinpoint exactly who was responsible for all the death and mayhem we are experiencing on earth. The trail led to the families that own the Federal Reserve Board but, from there things got complicated. Members of the Rockefeller family claim they are subservient to the Rothschilds, the Rothschilds claim they are subservient to the P2 freemason lodge.

    When I visited the P2 lodge in Italy, I was told by self-proclaimed representatives Daniel Dal Bosco and Leo Zagami that they reported to aliens residing in Switzerland. I was even invited to go meet them but, suspecting a nasty trap, refused. Vincenzo Mazzara, a Cavalier of the Teutonic Knights, who was introduced to me by Zagami as his most senior P2 connection, said they took their orders from an entity known as the black sun that resides in the gamma rays.

    Another group that contacted this writer, the gnostic illuminati, say they believe this universe was created by a rogue artificial intelligence. They claim it destroyed the beautiful ancient civilization of Atlantis and they have been trying to overthrow it ever since. A person claiming to be a member of the MJ 12 group set up by President Eisenhower to study aliens also said we are dealing with a rogue artificial intelligence.

    The president of a large technology company and some pentagon types, for their part, say all the confirmed UFO sightings and other evidence of a superior civilization point to a group within the ruling elite that made a deal with aliens. The name that often comes up in this context is George Bush Sr."

    I don't like to put Fulford's Full Report's on Avalon (He has requested that people not do so, He makes what little income he gets from the memberships I believe...).

    I did receive this "Before Its New" Article (With Creepy Image) in my Email though that discusses the Fulford Report that Camilo mentioned that "Synched" with this latest post here...

    Benjamin Fulford Shocker! Western Leaders Work For Hostile Aliens, Or Just Plain Evil?! 10-13-14



    UPDATE/EDIT: After reading the BF Article & some of the responses I am getting Emailed from Researchers & MILABS/SSP "Experiencer's", I will probably answer a few questions here but will most likely not Post any more of my "Journal" Entries etc... until things die down a little. I was sent a lot of YouTube Interviews and Conferences (Articles) etc... that I will probably be posting as I go through it all.

    Many people are caught in a trap of thinking they have sources that have the most reliable information (To benchmark all other data from) or have done all of the available research. I didn't realize how dug in some people were with some of their informants and their formed "Positions", closing their minds to data outside that sources "compartmentalization".

    They have to realize there are a Number of Programs and Groups in Operation. There is NO ONE person or Group that has the full truth on what is going on (No matter how HIGH YOU GO!). Even the "Delegates" of the Secret Government's who were in a "Rotation" that visited these "Federation" UN Type "Conferences" were not sure of what exactly was going on with all of the various "Visitor Groups" and their information. Each Group Delegation as well as the "Earth Delegation" had 3 "Intuitive Empaths" at every meet to help protect against deception and dangers of manipulation.

    Pardon typing errors - post surgery typing with a Sling.

    Answer to question: Yes, I removed the 10/15 Update regarding the "RI Attack" and the very detailed information about the attacker including their description that was received in the "Unintended 2 way data exchange". Why? It seemed appropriate. I will send the info to anyone who requests it.

    Thread: Why Are the Bankers and Ex-Intel Types Running For Their Lives? (Confirmed for MONTHS by my vanishing sources)

    Transplant of QUOTE from my other Thread mentioned in this post that seemed to be from very different root topics in the beginning and because of the nature of the information in the SSP Thread and the more Main Stream Bankers/Intelligence Professionals Vanishing Thread I kept them separate for as long as possible...

    "The Cabal is painted into a corner for certain with it's deals with evil groups in the middle east and all of their two faced murderous games against virutally every nation on Earth. Their recent actions against Russia has further isolated and weakened the EU just before what is expected to be an extreme winter (Possibly manipulated to be so). At this point they have shown they are going to feign treaties and fight to the last minute and print worthless $ until the clock runs out while the Corporate MSM reports we are in a recovering economy...

    After the collapse of the $ they are going to find that they won't even find anyone willing to trade on the tons of Gold they are sitting on in bunkers and "Subterranean Communities" after their rations run out. Their mercinary armies (security) will not be able to eat Gold so it too will turn on them after a certain amount of time by their own "Egg Head" sociologist OPSEC calculations. Yet they are sociopaths and have to be true to their natures to the very end.

    I believe we will just have to get to a point where ALL of the "Bubbles" burst and Wall Street crashes before they and their "Proxies" are forced out of power and the entire Western Society is Revalued and Reset under a "new system". Whether the new system IS transparent and ANY LESS of a Debt Prison System remains to be seen (BRICS and its member nations histories on Human Rights does not give me a lot of hope!).

    It will be a huge mess and will cost many people every honest penny they have saved. I just hope that a part of the process does include a major criminal trial and reconciliation process. Sure we will have to listen to a whole new generation of Nazi's tell a world court "I was just following orders" but it is a process that will lead to closure for Humanity (And this time NONE of the bastards should snake their way out and let just the "Proxie's" hang!). Not a single Person or Group should be allowed to keep their "Ill Gotten Gains" even if it was "indirectly".

    This transfer of power could have been much smoother if the Cabal didn't insist on going down as blood thirsty and fight like a mortally wounded beast as I knew it most likely would... Again, IMHO."


    Update 10/17:
    Just as there are "Multiple Secret Space Programs" and "Multiple Break Away Civilizations" (Some of which are from left over fallen Earth Civilizations that are extremely ancient!) Each with their own "leaderships" there are also "Multiple Secret Governments" on Earth. The Nazi/Zionist "Cabal" (As it has come to be known) is only 1 of these "Secret Earth Governments".

    This is a very fractured and complicated situation in which information and power is in a constant "Flux" and relationships between all of the above are tenuious with distrust of each's relationships and possible infiltrations by off world third party "allies" a constant lynch pin. Ideology is also a huge point of separation between the groups as well (As above so below) and a "Cold War"/"Civil War" footing of sorts has been ongoing for a while. This situation as well as the one on Earth with its "Secret Governments" all need to be resolved and consolidated into one "Earth Alliance".

    On that note... In order for true change ot occur on Earth after the fall of the current leaders of the dominant Financial System, there will be the need for a disclosure of the Entire Series of hidden Structures/Infrastructure that are the Multiple "Secret Earth Governments", Multiple "Secret Space Programs and Their Leaderships" and how each tie into the Multiple "Break Away Civilizations both current era and ancient".

    The technologies will have to be ripped away from these "Inter Planetary Corporations" and delivered to the Earths Population in a responsible way. This information will have to be disseminated to the Earths Populations in a responsible way. The existence of the various "Federated Alliances" (With the "Human(ish) Types" and the ones "Very Different") will have to be disclosed in a responsible way...

    This is a very important task that I believe any "New" leaderships or Systems will prefer to "Kick the Can" on as there is no easy way to remove the bandage accept to rip that sucker off! No one want's to be the group that has to deal with the aftermath of breaking this all apart and putting it back together into a truely new system.

    With out doing all of the above there is no "Earthly" or "Humanly" way possible to start over with a "New" system and not fall into the mistakes of the past... With the HUGE taske above undertaken and a "Earth Alliance" created (Not a NWO) we will no longer have a need for "Babylonian Money Magic Systems" and will have access to the same technologies that are available to some of the "Elite" to allow us an Era of living in harmony with Earth and Eachother, Exploration of Space (And Expansion of the Sciences, and Health) for all as well Expansion of Cononization and Exchange Projects that are currently ongoing... IMHO.
    Last edited by GoodETxSG; 19th October 2014 at 17:38.

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    Default Re: "Alien Federations", "AI's", "Multiple Secret Space Programs", "Break Away Secret Governments" & "MILAB" Exploitation

    so....how did dan get out? anyone else read it?

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