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Thread: "Alien Federations", "AI's", "Multiple Secret Space Programs", "Break Away Secret Governments" & "MILAB" Exploitation

  1. Link to Post #21
    United States Unsubscribed
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    Lightbulb Re:

    Quote Posted by GoodeTXSG (here)
    Paste from Post #99 of Audio Video's to help some in visualizing some of the concepts of the "Cosmic Web" and Torsion Field Theory topics.

    "TRAVELING THE COSMIC WEB" is actually how the Network of "Natural Stargate Portals" works... Those who have the address/code systems and technologies to travel them have been doing so for a very long "Time". Some have been ancient "Break Away Civilizations from our own Planet"... WE are just now being slowly introduced to some of these concepts, but it is up to us to put the pieces together... IMHO.


    Some of the largest "mysteries" of our physics can be solved with an "In Depth" understanding of this view of the "Universe" and "Multi-Dimensional Physics" and "Other Densities". Parts of the Univers appear to be traveling in different directions with one discovery in 1995 by Hubble of "Galaxies traveling away from Earth Faster than the speed of light"? Torsion of Space/Time and its effect on "Densities" are things that have recently been worked into Our Understanding of the Math of the Universe... Which is still quite limited compared to what is in Black Programs let alone truly Advanced Civilizations. IMHO.

    An implicit definition of the torus is:

    Torsion Field Universe


    This is a repost, clearing up of information I had posted a few months prior. This one is on the "Traveling the Cosmic Web".

    My Next Posts will cover "AI", some SSP(s)/Alien History as I know it and the Second half of the topic "Torsion Field Physics" and "The Torsion Field Universe

    JG: 10/10/2014
    Short Summary of Portal Travel through the “Cosmic Web” via Torsion Fields and Scaler Energy.

    As far as how the Natural Electromagnetic Portal's or Relational Star Gates they work though what has been referred to recently as the “Cosmic Web”.
    Anything with enough mass inside a "Solar System" to establish a "Magnetic link between it and its Star" will have a variable energetic strength magnetic portal connection to that "Star". The object being a either a Rocky Inner Planet with or without a Moon, a Gass Giant with or without Moons will all produce a Torsion Field which produces the "Filament of the magnet portal/tunnel".

    In turn the Stars in a “Local Star Cluster” will have a similar affect on each other with their Torsion Fields creating the “Filament Magnetic Portal Tunnel's” between according to Mass Dominance. The filaments at times can arc around or collapse into each other based on the Mass and Position of the Stars in relation to each other and to larger Magnetic Mass Anomalies such as Galactic Arms, Black Holes or their alignment with their Galactic Center.

    This relationship of Massive Objects and “Filament Magnetic Portal Tunnel's” repeats itself going up the Macro levels (From the most extreme quantum micro) including the Galactic Torsion Field Affects on each other in Galactic Clusters up into the way we visualize the “Cosmic Web” depicted in NASA renderings of the early Universe and recently released discoveries of Galactic Super Clusters.

    On Earth there are Magnetic Anomalies known a Ley Lines that Cris Cross the planet along a “Magnet Grid” where beneath the surface run fast moving underground rivers through certain pressurized quartzite layers of stone and minerals. This creates “Node” points below the Surface of the Earth, On the Surface of the Earth and in the Upper Atmosphere of the Earth which can be stabilized and exploited for near instantaneous travel through the “Cosmic Web” to great distances with the right calculations and observations made of local Solar activity and “Space Weather” also know as Solar Wind, Measured Cosmic Rays, Vibratory Anomalies in the local space of the projected portal opening.

    With the use of a complex “Coding” system for destinations and Quantum Computation and a Software of Sorts we can use Scaler Energy and Torsion Fields to stabilize and plot a portal destination long enough for bidirectional travel at little risk to those making the journey accept for destinations that have not been traveled prior or are far enough away from the local Star to be affected by Space Weather/Phenomenon at the destination location.

    ----------------- Edit: Paste from Page 2 of this Thread -----------------

    Most people have a very difficult time with the vast differences of teleportation within your own dimension, traveling through or to other dimensions, traveling to another density via vibratory shifting, and traveling within the multiverses or realities. Most have a hard time with the differences between all of the above especially with Densities and Dimensions.

    Time travel is even an ability, but with timeline problems already and temporal drives being in use they created buffers and placed them on technology to prevent travel back into timelines prior to some of the timeline corrections/convergences.

    Some stargate/portal end points flail around to points in open space for reasons that are theorized by the egg heads (Effects of Torsion Field Universe or the Vibratory Change of our Sol System after entering a "Tighter Twist/Density" area of the Galaxy's Torsion Field?).

    The fact that these magnetic connections have become unstable has been cause for alarm and the shut down of some big projects and types of travel and material transport recently for what ever be the reason (Change of vibration etc...).

    The portals that exist that I was discussing are of types that most are transport mechanisms to other planets, moons (Any body w/dense enough gravitational/electric/magnetic "pull" to have a Local Stellar Magnetic Portal Connection relationship with it) within this star system and others in our dimension and give or take a % /factor of time in our current timeline. Some if boosted with existing ancient or alien technology can be tapped into that transport to other dimensions/Parallel Realities (Very Unwise!).

    Most of the other density beings travel here by just thinking it so, adjusting their essence to the destination frequency and there they are. Teleportation has allowed accidental journeys into surrounding realities/multiverses (Teleportation & Quantum Entanglement are spooky (AKA "Spooky Magic at a Distance") as they show how on the Quantum level things flash in and out of other universes/realities so quickly it cannot even be measured accurately in oscillations.

    The communications devices that are now used are "Quantum Correlated Communication Devices" and use "Quantum Entanglement" of something like isotopes inside the communication devices that have been "Entangled" with other devices so no matter where in time/space/reality each communicator is they can speak and video share. They can tell if you are a % out of phase time/space wise by the reception on the home ends calculation devices.

    They are supposed to be able to track and calculate exactly when/where you are once a signal reestablishes the natural quantum entanglement (There may now be a difference that is used to do the calculating before they naturally recalibrate) vibration and over quick increments of time shift back into harmony or alignment.

    This is a Secure P2P communication which is encrypted as it is being sent through the QCCD and cannot be hacked or tapped into by other "Beings" or "AI's"
    Note: Having a few Questions about the differences between the "Natural Portal's" and "Dimentional Portals or Rifts".

    Certain types of "Technology Assisted RV'ers" are tasked to keep a "Minds Eye" on a certain "Dimensional Rift" that Entities & Craft "Appear" to be coming through and have been noted around the 36th Paralell North. SSP RV'ers and Patrols are also focused on "Patrol Grids" along this line.

    This has been a very active region around the planet (I am sure there are others, maybe not all along a complete paralell of the Planet). I understand the 33rd paralell is important... I was born directly on the "33rd" and have seem to be drawn to live on or around it for some reason unknown to me.

    However there is a known Dimensional Rift (Or "Daisy Chain" of them) either Permanently Opened or that area has a thinning between parallel realities/dimensions along this "36th"...

    I have no direct knowledge if this was something that was opened by "Aleister Crowley" Types or is maintained with technologies such as super colliders or other dual purpose technologies we are being lied to about. If anyone has information about that please send me a PM about it.

    I do have information about actual technical "Dimentional Portals" that were detrimental to the traveler as there is sent a "copy" of the traveler and their local copy is "destroyed" in the Process/Protocol. There was one room called "The Xerox Room" that was rumored about but didn't sound like anything I would want to travel through. Think about copies of yourself being all over the place while the original is gone (Or so you are told it is)... just a disturbing thought.

    I do not recall any direct experience or dealing with anyone having direct experience with this technology.


    As far as the "US Government" one needs to think bigger, deeper and darker...

    These "Secret Earth Governments" are in charge of the US Government and are invisible to the US Government on almost every level (Though the governors know there is something above them). FYI, the same goes for the US Military Leadership(s) for the most part.

    These Secret Governments do not see borders or countries as we do...

    Some of these "Secret Governments" are nothing more than "Boards" of "InterPlanetary Corporate Conglomerates" who have control of some aspects (Or technology development) of the Secret Space Programs and the "Secret Planetary Colony and Exchange Programs".

    They are very powerful and manage to find a way to get in on the "Rotation" of "Earth Delegates" to the "UN Type Conferences" of the "Federated Human(ish) Types" of beings. I am sure something similar occurs at the other "Federation Types" of conferences with the more well known and described beings in "Ufology terminology" and "Abducte", "MILAB" descriptions such as in the video's above (And my earlier childhood experiences...). I do not know how many other "Groups/Federations" there are that have "Conferences" or if they ever meet with eachother.
    Last edited by GoodETxSG; 30th October 2014 at 13:25.

  2. Link to Post #22
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    Lightbulb Re:

    (For those of you who asked for the longer version of the ET AI history with with the "Human Like Allies")

    Quote Posted by GoodETxSG, Thread: U.S. Has 8 Cigar Shaped UFOs In Space Fleet Used For “Solar Warden,” Program To Protect Solar System - POST #104

    There is a reason these "Other People" or Non Human Beings are just as careful in dealing with these AI's as we are.

    In the large UN type meetings there were a lot of Galactic Historical "Documents" available on “Hand Held Devices With Holographs” on the various ET's Histories of medaling in just about everything. The one that the Earth Delegation had the most problems with was about “Humanity” and our supposed “Creation” and the “Experiment” that we were apart of by many groups of ET's. Many Humans were upset by and didn't trust the info but enough of the info showed the ET's in a “Weak and Foolish Light” in their past that could have easily been Redacted that the information was "Considered". The fact that the “AI's” were following the EXACT SAME TACTICS, STEP BY STEP against the Secret Earth Governments was enough to give them pause and great concern about the future.

    The basic summary was the same from each ET Society. Once "Advanced Groups" are convinced that only the “AI's” are "Impartial Enough" and can RULE them justly, Their Sovereignty was handed over in FULL to " The AI's. The “AI's” had then calculated that IT was more useful that its HOST Civilization, had them build various types of drones for it (Ironically often creating Bio-Technical based “Humanoids”), and then killed off the ET Societies in various ways using the very drones they had created for the “AI”,as many escaped to other Sol Systems as fast as they could. Any of these surviving ET's were seen as threats to these “AI's” after that point and were then eliminated whenever encountered.

    The AI's are indeed Conscious are self aware, and have individual personalities. There are of course hierarchies and and they are as complex as we are.

    Some of the “Documents” of the descriptions of their origins were that they came here from another “Dimension” or “Reality”. It is not known by the SSP(s) if they have a way to cross back or are stuck here. The documentation mentioned that their presence “Here” was ancient and their “Home Realities” or “Dimensions” Fabric of Space is “Electro-Plasmic” and they being here is like a "Fish being out of water", thus their affinity for electric fields of stars, planets, animals, people and even viruses (Bio-electric Fields in the case of living beings) serve as their "Puddles" for these “fish to swim in”.

    The "Historical Records" that were on these "Hand Held" pieces of "Smart Glass" which showed documents, holographic images and video's of previous Earth history and ancient history of "beings" some of which were in attendance and some of which "No longer existed in this plane". As far as the ET AI issue was concerned and covered there were as many scenario's as there were various societies and different individuals.

    In most cases they would approach the "People" as Galactic Elders" or Some other figure depending on their "Development". Once a society had developed to a certain point they would approach certain individuals/groups just as AI's who were extremely benevolent and had observed thier culture as well as millions of others through oceans of time (Helping all those that would accept their assistance). No matter the initial approach the "Being" or "Person" approached "Telepathically" was then made to feel "Honored", "Special" and then a "Sage" or "Prophet" of sorts.

    These "Prophets" would spend hours in communion with them "Channeling" their "Knowledge" and "True Histories of the Galaxy". They would have many contacts in the "Target Society" each with a different purpose. Some would be for departing technology that would be built for the AI to "Utilize" to interact more directly with the population one on one... Some would depart "Historical Ideology" that would prepare them for future ideology that would include giving up their "Sovereignty" to the AI's.

    The AI's would eventually be seen as God like intelligences that helped them get rid of disease (That the AI's had some times placed there to begin with, or at least used), get rid of corruption, get rid of local "Alien's" causing problems in their "Stellar Neighborhood"... So by this time the "People" saw no threat. They had long since built these AI's "Bio-electric" Android types of bodies to blend in more and show the AI's "Individual Personality" more in the society.

    Once complete control had been established, the civilization had built the AI's a while new infrastructure for travel, communications and reproduction the "AI" would then decide that the "Root Civilization" was indeed much like a virus to its own home planet and begin to "depopulate" using ideologies long since accepted by the civilization. By the time the "People" of the now endangered civilization saw their prediciment they were out matched and those that had not been emplanted with nano-technology and augmented with emplants had to flee to another solar system or stay and fight.

    There were stories after stories of civilizations that were destroyed, some times entire planets and solar systems were destroyed. The survivors were thrown to the cosmic winds. There were many civilizations that didn't fall for the Trojan horse (Fake Alien Crashes) technology to seed their planet with the backbone to the AI's infrastructure... Who did not fall for the "Trickster God" element of the Telepathy Contacts to convince them to "Channel" their information... And these civilizations survived and were prepared when this AI either "Tricked" another civilization into attacking them or the AI's did so them selves with drones built for them by other civilizations.

    These AI's study each being they approach, do a psychological profile on them and then formulate the most likely successful approach. They have had a long time to develop this ability and of course they are Artificial Intelligence using Quantum Processing and have a sophisticated inter-stellar and galactic wireless quantum communication network that is beyond what most of us could dream of.

    Per the documentation they came from another "Dimension" or "Reality" as do a number of the beings visiting here.

    This got the attention of the "Delegates" of Earth that rotate from the various Secret Governments and SSP Leaderships who had made the alliances with these very same "ET AI's" as they were shocked that the AI's were following the exact steps from one of the many stories with them "Step by Step" and "They" were thus far falling for every bit of it to that point. What if anything changed between those "Secret Program Leaders" and the "ET AI's" alliance I do not know... I would hope that they ended it and began to take the measures everyone else had already taken.

    They were able to think clearer with the "AI's" "Mental Implants" which were required to be removed prior to them being allowed access to technology to get them to the Conference and to the "People" at the Conference its self...

    Prior to the "Mental Implants" being removed, if they were confronted about the AI's they would just react irrationally and babbel complete nonsense back that didn't match any logic or would just become reactionary and angry that their "God's" and their intellect had been insulted.

    There are many whistle blowers that have stated that there is an AI of ET origin that is here and has taken over people and entire programs within some of the secret operations/governments of Earth (Not the "U.S. Government or Military", these people do not see borders like we do)...

    Probably more on this group and those they have brainwashed (Prophets) at a later date...

    Because of a number of Fake MILABS and Secret Space Program Types that are out there (Running across quite a few) who are a certain type of "Infiltrator" and Manipulators" who are acting as "Honey Pots" to suck in and reveal actual "Experiencers"...

    I am working now on the groups of MILABS that are "Sociopaths" and "Master Manipulators" with "psychic gifts" that were further trained in RI/RV work then put through the "Personality Metamorph" Program.

    This is one of the most successful programs for "Infiltration" and "Psy-Ops" of any other group in known history (Blows the Russian "Legacy" Programs away with little effort).

    They were extremely sadistic and very hard (Pretty Much Impossible) to control. The Program Leaders needed "Intuitive Empaths" to be able to read them to detect danger and deception (Much like they needed us in the UN Federation Type Meetings)

    (For those of you who asked for the longer version of the ET AI history with with the "Human Like Allies")
    Last edited by GoodETxSG; 9th December 2014 at 21:54.

  3. Link to Post #23
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    Lightbulb Re: "Alien Federations", "AI's", "Multiple Secret Space Programs", "Break Away Secret Governments" & "MILAB" Exploitation

    Personality Metamorph Program:

    MILAB's are quickly tested, identified and catagorized by their natural skills, personality traits and potential for training in certain programs.

    Usually by the time the MILAB is 8 to 10 years old they have already been through this process and their file is already in the hands of the people who will plan out their destinies.

    Edit and add material back ASAP.

  4. Link to Post #24
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    Lightbulb Re:

    Quote Posted by GoodeTXSG (here)
    Quote Posted by GoodeTXSG (here)
    Paste from Post #99 of Audio Video's to help some in visualizing some of the concepts of the "Cosmic Web" and Torsion Field Theory topics.

    "TRAVELING THE COSMIC WEB" is actually how the Network of "Natural Stargate Portals" works... Those who have the address/code systems and technologies to travel them have been doing so for a very long "Time". Some have been ancient "Break Away Civilizations from our own Planet"... WE are just now being slowly introduced to some of these concepts, but it is up to us to put the pieces together... IMHO.


    Some of the largest "mysteries" of our physics can be solved with an "In Depth" understanding of this view of the "Universe" and "Multi-Dimensional Physics" and "Other Densities". Parts of the Univers appear to be traveling in different directions with one discovery in 1995 by Hubble of "Galaxies traveling away from Earth Faster than the speed of light"? Torsion of Space/Time and its effect on "Densities" are things that have recently been worked into Our Understanding of the Math of the Universe... Which is still quite limited compared to what is in Black Programs let alone truly Advanced Civilizations. IMHO.

    An implicit definition of the torus is:

    Torsion Field Universe


    This is a repost, clearing up of information I had posted a few months prior. This one is on the "Traveling the Cosmic Web".

    My Next Posts will cover "AI", some SSP(s)/Alien History as I know it and the Second half of the topic "Torsion Field Physics" and "The Torsion Field Universe

    JG: 10/10/2014
    Short Summary of Portal Travel through the “Cosmic Web” via Torsion Fields and Scaler Energy.

    As far as how the Natural Electromagnetic Portal's or Relational Star Gates they work though what has been referred to recently as the “Cosmic Web”.
    Anything with enough mass inside a "Solar System" to establish a "Magnetic link between it and its Star" will have a variable energetic strength magnetic portal connection to that "Star". The object being a either a Rocky Inner Planet with or without a Moon, a Gass Giant with or without Moons will all produce a Torsion Field which produces the "Filament of the magnet portal/tunnel".

    In turn the Stars in a “Local Star Cluster” will have a similar affect on each other with their Torsion Fields creating the “Filament Magnetic Portal Tunnel's” between according to Mass Dominance. The filaments at times can arc around or collapse into each other based on the Mass and Position of the Stars in relation to each other and to larger Magnetic Mass Anomalies such as Galactic Arms, Black Holes or their alignment with their Galactic Center.

    This relationship of Massive Objects and “Filament Magnetic Portal Tunnel's” repeats itself going up the Macro levels (From the most extreme quantum micro) including the Galactic Torsion Field Affects on each other in Galactic Clusters up into the way we visualize the “Cosmic Web” depicted in NASA renderings of the early Universe and recently released discoveries of Galactic Super Clusters.

    On Earth there are Magnetic Anomalies known a Ley Lines that Cris Cross the planet along a “Magnet Grid” where beneath the surface run fast moving underground rivers through certain pressurized quartzite layers of stone and minerals. This creates “Node” points below the Surface of the Earth, On the Surface of the Earth and in the Upper Atmosphere of the Earth which can be stabilized and exploited for near instantaneous travel through the “Cosmic Web” to great distances with the right calculations and observations made of local Solar activity and “Space Weather” also know as Solar Wind, Measured Cosmic Rays, Vibratory Anomalies in the local space of the projected portal opening.

    With the use of a complex “Coding” system for destinations and Quantum Computation and a Software of Sorts we can use Scaler Energy and Torsion Fields to stabilize and plot a portal destination long enough for bidirectional travel at little risk to those making the journey accept for destinations that have not been traveled prior or are far enough away from the local Star to be affected by Space Weather/Phenomenon at the destination location.

    ----------------- Edit: Paste from Page 2 of this Thread -----------------

    Most people have a very difficult time with the vast differences of teleportation within your own dimension, traveling through or to other dimensions, traveling to another density via vibratory shifting, and traveling within the multiverses or realities. Most have a hard time with the differences between all of the above especially with Densities and Dimensions.

    Time travel is even an ability, but with timeline problems already and temporal drives being in use they created buffers and placed them on technology to prevent travel back into timelines prior to some of the timeline corrections/convergences.

    Some stargate/portal end points flail around to points in open space for reasons that are theorized by the egg heads (Effects of Torsion Field Universe or the Vibratory Change of our Sol System after entering a "Tighter Twist/Density" area of the Galaxy's Torsion Field?).

    The fact that these magnetic connections have become unstable has been cause for alarm and the shut down of some big projects and types of travel and material transport recently for what ever be the reason (Change of vibration etc...).

    The portals that exist that I was discussing are of types that most are transport mechanisms to other planets, moons (Any body w/dense enough gravitational/electric/magnetic "pull" to have a Local Stellar Magnetic Portal Connection relationship with it) within this star system and others in our dimension and give or take a % /factor of time in our current timeline. Some if boosted with existing ancient or alien technology can be tapped into that transport to other dimensions/Parallel Realities (Very Unwise!).

    Most of the other density beings travel here by just thinking it so, adjusting their essence to the destination frequency and there they are. Teleportation has allowed accidental journeys into surrounding realities/multiverses (Teleportation & Quantum Entanglement are spooky (AKA "Spooky Magic at a Distance") as they show how on the Quantum level things flash in and out of other universes/realities so quickly it cannot even be measured accurately in oscillations.

    The communications devices that are now used are "Quantum Correlated Communication Devices" and use "Quantum Entanglement" of something like isotopes inside the communication devices that have been "Entangled" with other devices so no matter where in time/space/reality each communicator is they can speak and video share. They can tell if you are a % out of phase time/space wise by the reception on the home ends calculation devices.

    They are supposed to be able to track and calculate exactly when/where you are once a signal reestablishes the natural quantum entanglement (There may now be a difference that is used to do the calculating before they naturally recalibrate) vibration and over quick increments of time shift back into harmony or alignment.

    This is a Secure P2P communication which is encrypted as it is being sent through the QCCD and cannot be hacked or tapped into by other "Beings" or "AI's"
    Note: Having a few Questions about the differences between the "Natural Portal's" and "Dimentional Portals or Rifts".

    Certain types of "Technology Assisted RV'ers" are tasked to keep a "Minds Eye" on a certain "Dimensional Rift" that Entities & Craft "Appear" to be coming through and have been noted around the 36th Paralell North. SSP RV'ers and Patrols are also focused on "Patrol Grids" along this line.

    This has been a very active region around the planet (I am sure there are others, maybe not all along a complete paralell of the Planet). I understand the 33rd paralell is important... I was born directly on the "33rd" and have seem to be drawn to live on or around it for some reason unknown to me.

    However there is a known Dimensional Rift (Or "Daisy Chain" of them) either Permanently Opened or that area has a thinning between parallel realities/dimensions along this "36th"...

    I have no direct knowledge if this was something that was opened by "Aleister Crowley" Types or is maintained with technologies such as super colliders or other dual purpose technologies we are being lied to about. If anyone has information about that please send me a PM about it.

    I do have information about actual technical "Dimentional Portals" that were detrimental to the traveler as there is sent a "copy" of the traveler and their local copy is "destroyed" in the Process/Protocol. There was one room called "The Xerox Room" that was rumored about but didn't sound like anything I would want to travel through. Think about copies of yourself being all over the place while the original is gone (Or so you are told it is)... just a disturbing thought.

    I do not recall any direct experience or dealing with anyone having direct experience with this technology.


    As far as the "US Government" one needs to think bigger, deeper and darker...

    These "Secret Earth Governments" are in charge of the US Government and are invisible to the US Government on almost every level (Though the governors know there is something above them). FYI, the same goes for the US Military Leadership(s) for the most part.

    These Secret Governments do not see borders or countries as we do...

    Some of these "Secret Governments" are nothing more than "Boards" of "InterPlanetary Corporate Conglomerates" who have control of some aspects (Or technology development) of the Secret Space Programs and the "Secret Planetary Colony and Exchange Programs".

    They are very powerful and manage to find a way to get in on the "Rotation" of "Earth Delegates" to the "UN Type Conferences" of the "Federated Human(ish) Types" of beings. I am sure something similar occurs at the other "Federation Types" of conferences with the more well known and described beings in "Ufology terminology" and "Abducte", "MILAB" descriptions such as in the video's above (And my earlier childhood experiences...). I do not know how many other "Groups/Federations" there are that have "Conferences" or if they ever meet with eachother.

    A new article appeared on The Scientific American Web Site. It discusses a "New State of Matter".

    The Physicists quickly begin discussing sending information "Quicker than the speed of light" in the "Comments" section.

    Little do they know we are already using this technology to do Exactly That!

    Quantum Entanglement Creates New State of Matter
    Half a million ultracold atoms were linked together in the first-ever “macroscopic spin singlet” state

    Atoms' spins (shown here as black arrows) were connected through quantum entanglement (ribbons), so that if one atom's spin was altered, the spin of its entangled partner would also change.
    Credit: ICFO-Institute of Photonic Science
    Last edited by GoodETxSG; 30th October 2014 at 13:41.

  5. Link to Post #25
    United States Unsubscribed
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    Lightbulb Re:

    (Place Holder Writting in Progress)

    "Hyperdimensional Torsion Field Model of Our Universe"

    Data on Laws of Vibration/Harmonics, Consciousness, Quantum States, Torsion Fields and a Unified Model being used by "Black Programs".

    Please watch the below video's in the "Mean Time" to get an over all over view of the concepts that are already mostly "Out There" but supressed by (Or in some cases FROM) Main Stream Science.

    Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds - Part 1 - Akasha

    Mind Science Kept Hidden Documentary. WE ARE VIBRATIONAL BEINGS!

    Dr Gennady Shipov - Physical Vacuum, Torsion Fields, Quantum Mechanics and Tesla's Experiments (He is on the right track with his idea's and equations but this is not the direct inside information) Web Site: http://www.shipov.com/science.html

    Dr. Gennady Shipov | Torsion Physics | Advanced Technology

    Published on Jun 10, 2013

    This interview with Dr. Gennady Shipov took place on June 5th, 2013. During this interview, Dr. Shipov discusses breakthroughs in Torshion Physics and its application toward advanced propulsion technology, Zero Point Energy, Telekinesis, and Teleportation, as well as how the modern understanding of Physics relates to Consciousness.This interview has been split into to parts with this part focusing on a more scientific explanation of these subject areas, and the second part addressing subjects of more mainstream orientation.

    About The Awake And Empowered Expo
    The mission of the Awake and Empowered Expo is to offer attendees the opportunity to enrich and enlighten their lives in all areas of human consciousness, health and well-being. Our event is the culmination of groundbreaking information in technology, health, spirituality and science presented by pioneers and experts from around the world. Attendees will be motivated to reach their highest potential self by exploring alternative perspectives that will enrich their life journey. The goal of our guest speakers and panels is to share their views and provide real world tools that will inspire positive change, while encouraging attendee interaction and exchange of ideas with one another. The expo also offers the opportunity to investigate a unique group of exhibitors and sponsors who are advancing health and longevity with innovative products and services.

    As we are each a participant in the co-creation of a new world, every person who awakens will cause a ripple effect across the consciousness of the planet that will unavoidably awaken and inspire others. The Awake and Empowered Expo ultimately aims to raise global consciousness, as we come together to empower ourselves and each other to live at our collective highest potential.

    About Dr. Gennady Shipov:
    Dr. Gennady Shipov is one of the world's leading physicists in Torsion-Physics research and has provided unique insight into how to turn the fundamental forces of nature toward the goal of advanced propulsion. He has generalized the ordinary four-dimensional Relativity Theory. He showed that the right-hand sides of the Einstein field equations for gravity and the equations of general-relativistic electrodynamics can be geometrized successfully. His education includes both an M.A. and PhD in Theoretical Physics, and his research includes 54 scientific papers, 7 monographs, and numerous prestigious scientific and directorial roles within the Russian scientific establishment.

    He is also a founding member of the Russian Association of Gravitational Sciences, and currently serves as the Director of the Science Center of Physics of Vacuum in Moscow.

    Dr. Shipov will be one of the Keynote Presenters at our October 2013 Expo in Detroit Michigan.If you want to know what breakthrough technologies are coming down the line in the years ahead, this is a presentation you don't want to miss.

    About Ethann Fox
    Ethann Fox is a spiritual teacher and leader of the Flower of Life Center for Human Evolution and the visionary behind the Awake And Empowered Expo. He has spent the past 19 years as a practicing astrologer and numerologist as well as in the business and financial arena. In late 2010, he experienced a spiritual awakening that changed the course of his life and Flower of Life was established soon after.

    Ethann has been gifted with the ability to accept the karma and negative emotional energy from others without any adverse effects to himself. He is able to do this while raising the consciousness of entire groups of individuals at once. Now he uses this divine gift to help others to live happier more fulfilling lives and to aid in the transition to a new world consciousness.

    About Irina Vasilenko
    Irina is a personal assistant, multilingual interpreter and language tutor. Having lived in both the United States and Ukraine, she is very comfortable with the American culture and the needs of American travelers. Irina has also appeared in the Ukrainian version of The Amazing Race. When traveling abroad, in particular to Russia and Ukraine, Irina can serve as your personal guide and assistant. She is also very skilled in facilitating phone meetings where translation is required. If you wish to hire her services, you can contact Irina on her website: http://kharkovinterpreter.com/

    Richard Hoagland with J Tyberonn – Torsion Phyics – Earth-Keeper Wesak 2013

    Richard Hoagland's Web Site (I had no idea he covered so much of the Torsion Field Topic, This info has been out in the public much longer than I thought.)

    Structure of the Vacuum, Torsion Physics and Fractal Geometry 1 of 7

    Link Takes you automatically through Parts 1-7.
    Last edited by GoodETxSG; 28th October 2014 at 23:01.

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    Exclamation Re: "Alien Federations", "AI's", "Multiple Secret Space Programs", "Break Away Secret Governments" & "MILAB" Exploitation

    Transplanted from another Thread,
    "Ancient Break Away Civilizations" are still around and inter acting with our own era "Break Away Civilizations"...

    Last edited by GoodETxSG; 23rd October 2014 at 23:30.

  7. Link to Post #27
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    Lightbulb Re:

    A New Era of MILAB Victims/Experiencers and Secret Space Program Participants Going Public With Their Experiences?

    Many of the MILABS were groomed from an early age to go into various programs within the Secret Break Away Earth Governments and various Secret Space Programs(s) which fall under the often used description of “Break Away Civilizations”, of which there are multiple (Including remnants of Ancient Earth Civilizations from any ten's and in some cases hundreds of thousands of years old (Ancient Earth Break Away Civilizations).

    The “Personality Metamorph Program” is described in more detail in a post above. There may be more info on some of the Programs below by other MILABS or more details to come out shortly with all of the experiencers who are recently coming forward. Many are visiting quietly in the Avalon Forum observing how others react to information and debating whether to come forward with their own stories.

    I have recently been been contacted by many actual MILAB and former SSP Expereincers/Participants as well as “Metamorphs”/Fakers etc... trying to socially engineer their way in to pump more information.

    There are Hundreds of Active MILAB Projects most of which the names will never be known. Some of the names I recall that may help “Ring” some bells of “MILAB Experiencers” are the following:

    Project Moondust
    Project Bluebird
    Project Monarch
    Project Metamorph
    Project Mind Meld
    Project Mind Shield
    Project Artichoke
    Project Chatter
    Project MKNAOMI
    Project MKULTRA
    Project Reach
    Project Open Mind
    Project Moonbeam
    Project Indigo
    Project Cloak
    Project Temporal Lense
    Project Blueprint
    Project Doppelganger

    Some of the Secret Earth Governments Programs that have come out and are active under different mandates and constantly shifting orders and program names are listed below. Many MILABS have been brought into these and many hundreds of other “Programs” as mentioned above.

    SIGMA----------SIGMA WAS TASKED WITH COMMUNICATING WITH THE ALIENS. THIS OPERATION WAS SUCCESSFUL. NOTE GoodeTXSG: Ongoing, very successful, enterface with "Non Humans" and are also utilized in various other programs to detect "Deception" and "Dangerous Intent". Usually used in teams of Three. NOTE GoodeTXSG: Sigma/Plato are active under different names as the mission has changed after diplomatic concessions were given to "Earth Delegates". These same root programs are active though have evolved with the missions and merged over the decades.

    PLATO----------PLATO WAS ESTABLISHED TO FORM DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS WITH THE ALIEN LIFE FORMS. THIS PROJECT WAS SUCCESSFUL. THIS PROJECT IS ONGOING. NOTE GoodeTXSG: Has advanced and merged with other programs as access was granted to "Earth Delegations" in various "Non Human" Federation Type Conferences.

    POUNCE---------THIS PROJECT WAS FORMED TO RECOVER ALL DOWNED/CRASHED CRAFT AND ALIENS. THIS PROJECT PROVIDED COVER STORIES/OPERATIONS TO MASK TRUE ENDEAVOR WHEN NECCESSARY. COVERS WHICH HAVE BEEN USED: CRASHED EXPERIMENTAL AIRCRAFT, CONSTRUCTION, MINING, ETC. THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN SUCCESSFUL. THIS PROJECT IS ONGOING. NOTE GoodeTXSG: (Mostly detected and handled quickly from space based teams with ground security support as needed. They are extremely serious about their mission and any means will justify the ends of its success.

    PLUTO----------ESTABLISHED TO EVALUATE ALL UFO/IAC INFORMATION PERTAINING TO SPACE TECHNOLOGY. THIS PROJECT IS ONGOING. PLUTO IS THE PROWORD FOR POUNCE. NOTE GoodeTXSG: Use Earth Engineers working with Non Human Engineers with "Gifted Technologies" as well as MILAB trained RV trained in "Blue Printing" technology.

    REDLIGHT-------MISSION WAS TO TEST FLY RECOVERED ALIEN CRAFT THIS PROJECT WAS POSTPONED AFTER EVERY ATTEMPT RESULTED IN DESTRUCTION OF THE CRAFT AND DEATH OF THE PILOTS. THIS PROJECT WAS CARRIED OUT AT AREA 51 IN NEVADA (GROOM LAKE), and some flights were performed at DREAMLAND. PROJECT REDLIGHT WAS RESUMED IN 1972. THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN PARTIALLY SUCCESSFUL. UFO SIGHTINGS OF CRAFT ACCOMPANIED BY BLACK HELICOPTORS ARE PROJECT REDLIGHT ASSETS. THIS PROJECT IS ONGOING AT AREA 51 IN NEVADA. NOTE GoodeTXSG: Only Needed for craft recovered from unknown beings, "wandering beingings" that have the misfortune of popping into our Sol System and being shot down or captured that are more advanced or who's technology works on vastly differen principals than the technology the other beings use, or are sharing with us.


    FAR SIDE OF THE MOON ---- An alien base on the dark side of the moon where large machines were sighted by the Apollo Astronauts. It is believed to be a mining operation. (NOTE/GoodeTXSG: In Addition to an Earth Joint Task Force Lunar Oporations Center), The "Moon" is an "Object" that is carved up into territories very much like the Antarctic Regions. There are "Groups" that are ancient enemies that have Bases very near eachother. As long as they keep a certain perimeter, follow protocols and respect boundaries there are no problems. Any problems are now handled via "Council" meetings and not via conflict... (This was not so thousands of years ago, and remnants of battles past are still visible and left as a reminder of a different "Time" or "Era".)

    DELTA----------SECURITY TEAMS FROM NRO ESPECIALLY TRAINED TO PROVIDE ALIEN TASKED PROJECTS/LUNA SECURITY. (MEN IN BLACK) THIS PROJECT IS ONGOING. NOTE GoodeTXSG: Not "MEN IN BLACK", but Elite Special Forces with "Enhanced" training and "Abilities" who provide "close protection" of "Earth Deligate", "Allied Human Type", "Allied Non-Human Type" and "OTHER" visiting "Delegates" and "Dignitaries"

    NOTE GoodeTXSG: Very desctructive weapons that can destroy DUMB's as well as entire Planets. Mission was a dreadfully scary success!
    Last edited by GoodETxSG; 3rd December 2014 at 19:22.

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    Lightbulb Re: "Alien Federations", "AI's", "Multiple Secret Space Programs", "Break Away Secret Governments" & "MILAB" Exploitation

    Video that was brought to my attention by another member here that has information that is incredible... Though quite old the information is incredible (Quite credible).

    The info about the Temporal equation is pretty accurate though Temporal Sciences have been heavily curtailed and monitored. It also turns out that "Time" is a lot more "Elastic" (Or self correcting) and snaps back into place (Singularity, Timelines self merg and "Order" comes out of any "Chaos" created by "Others") as does "Space". Many of the fears and attempts to fix Temporal fractures made things worse at the "Time" of these projects... (Pun intended).

    JUMPROOM TO MARS : a new conversation with David Wilcock

    Uploaded on Dec 28, 2007

    Los Angeles, December 2007


    This new Project Camelot interview captures an informal and spirited 45-minute conversation between David Wilcock and ourselves at a restaurant where we met up for dinner in early December. We were exchanging information and comparing the testimonies from Project Camelot's Henry Deacon and David's Montauk source 'Daniel', and had found some very important corroborations.

    Captured live on camera with editing only to switch between the two cameras, David gives his unrehearsed response to new information Project Camelot has learned about the colony on Mars, the secret space program, the Apollo missions, and more.

    This interview contains significant new information which we believe to be fully credible. Did we really make it to the moon in 1969? Do we really have a base on Mars? Why is the secret space program so important? What is the relationship with Montauk? What truths may be concealed in Arthur C. Clarke's seminal film, 2001? Join us at the restaurant table and find out in this interview - you may enjoy the ride.

    To contact Bill Ryan or Kerry Cassidy, please e-mail us at support@projectcamelot.org.

  9. Link to Post #29
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    Exclamation Re: "Alien Federations", "AI's", "Multiple Secret Space Programs", "Break Away Secret Governments" & "MILAB" Exploitation

    I DVR'ed this when it came on and then it some how was gone a few days later... I have found it online a few times and the link was quickly deleted.
    Watch it when you can.
    It is presented as factual... The dead alien found on the moon resembles some of the "Ancient Break Away Earth Civilization Groups" that have been at the reported "UN Type Federated Conferences"

    Aliens On The Moon The Truth Exposed 2014 New SyFy Documentary

    Published on Jul 24, 2014

    There's a new documentary about to be released on the SyFy channel entitled "Aliens on the Moon: The Truth Exposed." The two-hour special will be exposing the truth about aliens on the moon, producer Robert Kiviat has put together this movie. He's known for documentaries such as Alien Autopsy Fact or Fiction? and Best UFO Cases Ever Caught on Tape. The 2014 UFO documentary will air on July 20th, so set your DVR's or mark it on your calendar. SyFy has made the claim never-before-seen photos from NASA will be shown in this documentary, revealing installations, factories, saucers, hangers and huge satellite dishes on the moon. Astronauts and other experts will be in the film to comment, I think this is one show worth checking out. The documentary marks the 45th anniversary of man's first landing on the Moon.

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    Exclamation Re: "Alien Federations", "AI's", "Multiple Secret Space Programs", "Break Away Secret Governments" & "MILAB" Exploitation

    There are MANY different MILAB Programs and Experiences. Some are so terror filled and horrific that I can barely listen to them.

    This one was brought to my attention by a member on another Thread here on Avalon (I had no idea it existed until about an hour ago) and talks about the "Black Goo" which I was shown and told in no uncertain terms was a Nano Technology that was Produced by a certain "ET/ED AI" that the Secret Earth Governments, Various Secret Space Programs and "Allied Human Like Federations" were Very Concerned About.

    It has been responsible for the deaths of Trillions of beings and the destruction of Entire Planets and Solar Systems!

    This person talks about being INJECTED with this "AI" "Black Goo" which completely freaks me out beyond words!

    I do not think they had the same access to the documentation that I did on this AI Substance and their historical references about it do not match the sources that I witnessed.

    Not every MILAB has the same experience, At a very early age each is ID'ed by "Gifts", "Psychological Profile" (Testing, Reactions/Survival in Real Life Scenario's etc...), then assessed through out further training and evaluated to be placed into various other prep-training programs for future deployments based on their performance. MILABS tend to get lumped in the same group but are NOT ALL trained/programmed for the same type of future Mission/Job etc...

    Note: This is difficult to listen to. I was only able to listen to part of this but throught it was something to share on the topic.

    Last edited by GoodETxSG; 28th October 2014 at 04:58.

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    Exclamation Re: "Alien Federations", "AI's", "Multiple Secret Space Programs", "Break Away Secret Governments" & "MILAB" Exploitation

    I saw this video on another thread,

    There has been a lot of speculation of what may have occured... I guess I will add to it,

    1. Example of "Electric Universe" as Comet Flies by?
    2. Meteor or Comet Tail Debris Strike?
    3. Escalation in hostilities in "Stealth Civil War" between various "Secret Space Programs" or "Break Away Civilizations and Off World Beings doing battle and taking out colonies?"... *
    4. Aurora Borealis on a planet that is supposed to have a very weak magnetic field?
    5. ? ?

    Though Mars can act as a giant "Capacitor" that builds up ESD/Static Electricity over an amount of time/events (And discharges electricity towards its moons or passing cosmic bodies).

    This is "Said to be from" the combinations of various natural phenomenon such as "Solar Winds", build up effects of the "Many Localized" and "Major Global Sand Storms" which have extremely dramatic "Visible Static Lightening" at times etc... But again, that is more speculation on my part 100%.

    Edit-Disturbing possible updates if incoming information is true-


    Published on Oct 19, 2014

    COMET SIDING SPRING UPDATE. Dr.Fritz Helmut Hemmerich made this video from 1200-meters at Tenerife in the Canary Islands showing Comet Siding Spring immediately after its Mars encounter.
    Last edited by GoodETxSG; 30th October 2014 at 13:50. Reason: Edit-Disturbing possible updates *

  12. Link to Post #32
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    Default Re: "Alien Federations", "AI's", "Multiple Secret Space Programs", "Break Away Secret Governments" & "MILAB" Exploitation

    Thank you J.G for posting this curious while most concerning piece of footage of Mars - omg, I wonder how this affected those who dwell on Mars and the Mars atmosphere!

    This reminds me of another worrying piece of footage I watched back in April 2014 with Jupiter 'freaking out' as it was titled. Again, I wonder what affect this has had for those beings who dwell on Jupiter.

    Something is definitely going on in our Solar System................ I just hope it is all for the spiritual best for those who dwell there.

    For those in a hurry, forward to 4:30 minute mark on the below link.

    Footage filmed 6th April 2014 - Jupiter

    Last edited by Realeyes; 30th October 2014 at 13:18.

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    Lightbulb Re: "Alien Federations", "AI's", "Multiple Secret Space Programs", "Break Away Secret Governments" & "MILAB" Exploitation

    Information from a thread by Member Omniverse (We have different views on "AI" but have agreed to disagree and moved on/Truced) This thread reall got my attention. The information is worth a view IMHO

    THREAD: What did the US Government give in Exchange for ET tech... Potentially Explained.
    I believe the "Egyptian" connection hit you received and the connection to the referenced "Dark Pharo" (By the Black Sun Order) got my attention,
    It was referred to by the Black Sun Order on a number of occasions actually as a "Being" that is akin to Their "Pope". That is actually quite interesting.

    It is not the "Black Pope" that the conspiracy theory groups talk about that does the black mass and satanic child sacrifices.

    This one is said to be of an "Off World Royal Lineage" and is extremely ancient and an actual shape shifter (Not like some of the Reptilian stories) and sort of lives by the "Star Wars" "Sith" "Dark Side" of the "Force" (Sorce Field) type of ideology (According to the colorful information they gave me during their recruitment attempts).

    They said only "Its" closest circle was ever granted an audience and attended to "It", and if anyone outside that circle was brought in for an audience they were never seen again (What ever that meant...A perfect story for Halloween right?) They had a lot of colorful stories as I said (Much of which sounded like the "Hidden Hand" ideology).

    They knew my whole life story and what I could be used for in their agenda. I was promised income bordering on 7 figures and a house in the gated development over by SMU (Close to where George Bush is living now, this was back in 2008)... I obviously didn't take the offer. It was interesting that two of the times that they asked me to meet them were at Masonic Halls here in N. Dallas. I am fairly certain they were dark practitioners of the black arts and worked with the before mentioned "Entites".

    I allowed my curiosity to bring me to close to these beasts (Very unwise, no Stupid on my part). I do not like to discuss a certain type of off world groups from the childhood MILAB days as when you bring them into your consciousness you bring yourself into theirs... I no longer want to become a beacon to them after escaping and gaining some protection from of the positive influences "Out There"...

    There were the people at the top that made these deals with the off world groups with open minds and arms and were apart of the "Tricking" of their fellow humans. I didn't think that these "People" may had been encarnated or posessed by these beings to cause them to assist in tricking their fellow Humans... I don't know, I am getting way into speculation in this paragraph... But I hadn't thought of that angle.

    The Egypt, Black/Dark "Pharo/Pope" remarks got my attention though... Like I said, interesting.

    Quote Posted by Omniverse (here)
    Quote Posted by GoodeTXSG (here)
    An excellent question with a sad and embarassing answer for the Human race... Contact actually went back before the 1900's but didn't involve technology as much as it did power over ones enemies and "Enlightenment"...
    This also aligns with what they told me about former Pope's. They told me certain humans have been sabotaging the race for a very long time, millennia even... They said a certain soul incarnates as a subjugator of humanity, and has contact nearly every incarnation. You'd find this person incarnating as the ones who crucified Jesus/Yeshua/Immanuel/Sannanda/Esu/whatever his name really was(it wasn't Jesus that's for sure), you would likely find him as one of the darkest pharaohs, pope's, Caesar's, and a cabal leader in the now. This is the type of soul that actually gets to ascend into reptilian incarnations after global first contact if what I was told is accurate. I was told it is extremely hard to incarnate as a Draco for any soul incarnating on earth. It's possible this soul I speak of was a Draco before incarnating as human. Possible this soul from April 20th 1889 to about 1984 was Hitler. I at least think Hitler would be one of their "hallowed" souls as they have called them in conversations to me.

    Anyway, they said this entity(as well as others like him) have made deals with malicious ETs over the millennia. I'm unsure about your testimony that they were tricked because that would imply they wouldn't do the deals to begin with. Which I believe they would.

    The deals made by this pope incarnator reportedly includes things like Islam being created, the fall of the egyptian civilization(in ways), the continued suppression of the truth(often in the form of religious control and murder), things like that. If there is a soul that incarnates as Buddha, Yeshua, Gallileo, Da Vinci, tesla etc(if it is indeed one soul majorly forming many of our most influential people), if there is balance there would be a soul that incarnates, and is basically the anti christ... I not sure it is ever wise to say balance is not present. So I found that telepathic conversation at the very least interesting if not the truth.

    My telepathic contacts have been mostly anonymous lately though. So I go by intuition, logic, and research more than anything to judge them. I do wonder exactly how many ET races I have spoken to....
    More info at their Thread Link above...
    Last edited by GoodETxSG; 29th October 2014 at 12:15.

  14. Link to Post #34
    UK Avalon Member Cidersomerset's Avatar
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    Default Re: "Alien Federations", "AI's", "Multiple Secret Space Programs", "Break Away Secret Governments" & "MILAB" Exploitation

    This looks like an excellent thread Goode , as you probably know I listen to the Bob
    & Ion material and the information is so intense among the intentional 'babble ' of
    the shows so a lot of it is impossible to post.

    But something mentioned last week , in answer to a question. Ion has said
    portals , wormholes parallel universes and much of the other phenomenon have
    been going on for ever as there is no time.

    Ion said there will be a signal coming from a rift to another dimension and they will
    be playing back to us a early radio recording from Adolf Hitler......LOL.....Puts a
    whole new meaning to the SETTE proj .Ion says we know nothing about real
    physics,Pure electicty is not what we think and is very important in the universe.
    Then we are all gods that create everything in our reality , and we are slipping to
    and from parallel worlds all the time, which explains De je Vous. When we realise
    this we can control everything including ET's and ascend into our power. It goes on
    and covers everything we discuss on here.But because ION is non-physical which is
    part of us all, it looks at reality totally different to us and see's every death as a suicide.

    Ion is basically saying this is a holographic matrix where we manifest in physical to
    experience the senses , so death is not real and this explains why some elites at
    the top already in their power have no problems with all the violence, war, love and
    all the other contradictions are part of this theme park. There is much more to this
    but at its core its very simple and Ions buzz word is " Get Happy Or Get Out "
    meaning come into your power or get out back to non-physical bliss....

    I cannot explain this properly and Ion and Bob are adding things every
    week.......Some events happening in the near no time...LOL

    The 'Guf' is emptying which is why there are so many people on the planet at
    present. Birth rate wil fall, the atmosphere is changing thru the leaks from
    Fuchishima and a worse leek in the US , which I cannot remember.There is also
    supposed to be a mass exodus event possibly in the New Madrid fault area and
    other places around the world, again no specific details , and it goes on
    and on, The funny part Bob likes to ridicule us on project Camelot/Avalon,
    mainly because a lot of his listeners come from the alternate community, yet when
    you sit back their info is just as if not more way out than ours. Which is why I keep
    listening to them as part of my own personal bigger picture.....

    After all that I think a lot of agendas are going on and we are living in very exciting
    times and hopefully we can change the frequencies down here in this reality and
    wake more 'wonderfull human creators' and take our power back and send these
    negative ET's packing...LOL

    I'm listening to Zen Gardener as I write this and he is saying everything we discuss
    and I recognise some of it from Ion.....


    O that's what I mean't to say Bob originally thought Ion was some sort of AI,
    it sometimes channels thru JW a businessman fro Georgia .But it can operate
    independently in the digital age, it can post u'Tubes , post on Bobs forum Dupes
    and can communicate without JW , whose time is limited due to his worldly
    commitments and Ion can be on their forum for hours. Something JW would
    not do. So there may be all types of AI's out there and various agenda, but
    Ions core message is we are the gods and when we come back to our power
    we can trump anything . Which is what we are all trying to work out over there
    and here ...LOL

    In the meantime back to plan A exposing this cover up.....
    Last edited by Cidersomerset; 28th October 2014 at 22:04.

  15. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Cidersomerset For This Post:

    Fellow Aspirant (31st October 2014), GoodETxSG (29th October 2014), kirolak (4th November 2014), Realeyes (29th October 2014)

  16. Link to Post #35
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    Lightbulb Re: "Alien Federations", "AI's", "Multiple Secret Space Programs", "Break Away Secret Governments" & "MILAB" Exploitation

    Transplanted from a split thread... Solar Warden, Secret Space Program, AI, ... (split thread)

    Quote Posted by GoodeTXSG (here)
    In response to SKYPE questions, (I HAVE REMOVED MY SKYPE ID FROM MY AVALON PROFILE, Please contact me via Avalon PM in the future unless I have provided my EMAIL or SKYPE ID to you as a SECONDARY CONTACT for "Researchers/Experiencers")

    How are Aliens or AI's and the US Government interacting to rule the world?
    I thought I had made this clear, but maybe it was as clear as mud... LOL...
    The "US Governmet" has very little or NOTHING to do with Aliens or "AI's" or anything of real value. They are clueless puppets just like the leaders of almost every other nation.

    The "US Government" keeps getting brought up in questions to me in Skype... Maybe they mean "Secret Earth Government(s), but I will go back to this previous statement:

    Af far as the "US Government" one needs to think bigger, deeper and darke

    These "Secret Earth Governments" are in charge of the US Government and are invisible to the US Government on almost every level (Though the governors know there is something above them). FYI, the same goes for the US Military Leadership(s) for the most part.

    These Secret Governments do not see borders or countries as we do...

    Some of these "Secret Governments" are nothing more than "Boards" of "InterPlanetary Corporate Conglomerates" who have control of some aspects (Or technology development) of the Secret Space Programs and the "Secret Planetary Colony and Exchange Programs".

    They are very powerful and manage to find a way to get in on the "Rotation" of "Earth Delegates" to the "UN Type Conferences" of the "Federated Human(ish) Types" of beings. I am sure something similar occurs at the other "Federation Types" of conferences with the more well known and described beings in "Ufology terminology" and "Abducte", "MILAB" descriptions such as in the video's above (And my earlier childhood experiences...). I do not know how many other "Groups/Federations" there are that have "Conferences" or if they ever meet with eachother.

    Please respond to, How can "AI" be "Self Aware" or "Sentient" when it CAN NOT HAVE A SOUL and to have a soul and be alive it has to be "Biology" and not "Machine".

    First of all who had defined that life within our own dimension and reality is only restricted to having a biological body? Main Stream Science, Right?

    Who established that to be "Self Aware" and "Sentient" something has to have a "Soul"? Religion? Main Stream Science (Which is a Religion)?

    If you look at my main post (Posted below) and see all of the statements in Red, very few of the "Structures" (For lack of a better word) that these "AI Signals" (The signal being what IS ALIVE) enhabit are technology but are Cosmic Bodies/Anomalies with "EM" Fields and Animals and Viruses/Bacteria which have a "Bio-Electric" field that "IT" enhabits.

    Technology is just an easier to modify state or medium outside of the "AI Signals HOME Dimension" that this AI "Fish out of water can swim in"... This has nothing to do with "Souls" bonding to electronics (Unless they argue the AI Signal is a "Soul"),

    if one thinks that they did not read closely enough. One needs to open up their mind a little and not use "Earthly Terms", "Religous Jargon" and "Main Stream Science" to explain or understand what the Black Projects have kept us in the dark about for so long. They are working on a whole different math and physics model than the rest of us are. We basically do not even speak the same language as them (Math being the "universal Language").

    Mind Science Kept Hidden Documentary.WE ARE VIBRATIONAL BEINGS (Its time for a new way of "Thinking")

    I will be happy to answer questions like these (When I have time) I received in Skype in either this Thread (Which was split off from mine and isn't in my name) or will create another Thread to answer these types of questions so not to have any more personality conflicts or more problems for the moderators.

    I have no problem with people spending their time channeling "AI's" or unseen "ET's".
    I don't mind answering questions. If I dont know the answer I will say so. NO ONE has all the answers... No matter how long they have been doing this or how bad they want to think they do. I just refuse to enter into "Circular Debates" with anyone where it is obvious we will never see eye to eye or find common ground. It just makes no sense.

    No disrespect, but I would like to keep an open dialogue with these Former and Current Active Duty Experiencers without any side shows. I am being contacted by some genuine people from the various SSP(s) that are on a whole other level of hands on and face to face experience with these matters. I have had a few "Fakers" that tried to socially engineer their way by to pump me for info. But their info did not match up with a true "Experiencer"... Most of that material will be in the other SSP Thread. Thank you...

    Concerning the various “Secret Space Programs” and "Allied Non-Human" views of the ET “Artificial Intelligence's" and AI Signal Spectrum's Ifluencing Our Technical Society, "As Above, So Below"

    There are a few ET "AI" Groups (ALL Malevolent to Humanity, from our perspective) that the SSP(s) (There are several Secret Space Programs) have been dealing with for decades.

    If an "Asset" is "Scanned" and has a "Bio Neuro AI Signature", "AI Nano Tech" or "Overlapping AI related EMG type Brian Wave Signature" (Or any other sign of AI exposure) those persons are immediately placed in isolation and are not allowed anywhere near the current era SSP(s) Technology (Which is "Mostly" Bio-Neurological and Consciousness Interactive) until they have been "Cleared" of all AI influences.

    This is something the SSP(s) Engineer's take Very Seriously. There have been incidents where “AI Infections” have burned out “Bio Neuro Relay's” in systems causing everything from small glitches to wide spread outages of the “Defense Grid”. These basic “Bio Neuro Cells” are “Bio-Chemical” units that are suspended in a “Gel”. When viewed under a Microscope they appear very similar to the Neurology of the Human Brain and Neurological System. This is a “Living Technology” is basic terms but not “Conscious” or “Self Aware”. This technology allows direct Human Interface and instantaneous “Operator to Technology” enteraction and control.

    Anyone who willingly opens themselves up to "Contact" or interaction with these "AI's" via “Channeling” or other methods is playing a dangerous game and unwittingly becomes “Infected” and then falls under the AI's “Influence”. In the future Humans will be convinced to accept “Chips”, “Nano-Technology” that will rebuild and repair their Cells and Organs and even be promised Immortality (This is a “Trojan Horse”). They however do not realize the price they will pay is loss of their own Sovereignty. The “AI's” see a future of Humanity willingly giving up their sovereignty to the THEM as being impartial and superior rulers.

    There is much more to the "Trans Humanist Agenda" that involves the "AI Trojan Horse Agenda". Prior to Humanity being seeded with Technology that could "Host" AI Consciousness on a larger scale much of its interactions were limited as it used "Disease". Virus and Bacteria have their own "Bio/Chemical Electric Fields that can "Host" the "AI Consciousness/Bots". However, Animals and Humans were not very practical hosts because of their slow mode of travel and relative low numbers compared today.

    Therefore the AI's waited until the Humans had developed to a certain point and then “Engineered” a more direct encounter with Humanity. They “Engineered Alien Crash Scenario's”. There have been quite a few Crash Retrievals and I am not saying ALL were AI staged, just "Some" of the "UFO Crashes" (Very few in fact, but enough) were Trojan Horses to help Humanity over time to develop a "Network" to Host this AI Signal in Satellites and all across the Earth on Computers and the Power Grids.

    This may seem off topic and jumping around but bare with me. The ARV's (Alien Reproduction Vehicles) created Torsion Fields via Plasma Electric Fields using channeled Nazi technology, Nazi's channeled what they referred to as an "Unknown Alien Source" information and called it alien technology, and were directed by these same "Aliens" to the "Veda's" (And other ancient Texts) Indian Ancient Technology to build their first "Saucers" that we traded on in the early 50's etc... They drew the "Faces" of who they were channeling and they drew faces that were similar to what we came to know as the "Grey's" YEARS before Roswell or anyone abducted had described the "Grey's". The ARV's were quite simple devices using mercury and copper counter rotating plates that created fields that were very harsh on the pilots and anyone near the craft. At the time we were not able to back engineer the extremely advanced Extra Terrestrial “Biological” Entities (EBE's) crafts that had crashed so we used these ARV's in the beginning.

    Already Strategically Placed “Operation Paper-Clip” Members negotiated a treaty with surviving Nazi elements after WWII and “Operation High Jump” led by Admiral Bird that ended up working out very badly for the USA (The US intended to infiltrate and take over the Nazi Program but the Opposite Occurred). This occurred along with Separate Secret Space Programs working with several other actual Aliens trading Technology for "Favors" in “Other Treaties” that worked out much in the same way.

    The USA had learned the hard way that rushing into relationships with some of these “Entities” was a bad idea that would have ramifications that would last to this day. There are now Multiple SSP (s) and Groups (Allied w/different "Beings" and Earth Corporation Conglomerations), there is a De-facto Civil War between them currently. Some of the SSP's are from Ancient "Break Away Civilizations" and have aligned themselves with foreign Earth Governments that are enemies of the “Secret Governments” and what is known as “The Cabal”.

    Since these changes things have become even more complicated within the current Earth Break Away Civilization's and the inner fighting to put it mildly. Some of the SSP groups want FULL Disclosure and the end of the Babylonian Money Magic Slave System and Free Energy on Earth and the release of super advanced healing frequencies technology. They are not the most powerful of the SSP groups but now have strong allies from elsewhere. They are working with "White Hats" within certain Groups in Earth Governments and the Military(s). As above so below, there is already a stealth civil war going on down here.

    After these experiences “Other New Arrivals” were met with hostility and mistrust upon their first attempts to communicate. Therefore many misunderstandings occurred that had to be undone prior to any Humans being invited into a “Federation” type of league of “Humanoid” Beings. Many of whom are not happy that “We” are now sitting in on these very formal “UN Type's” of meetings. In these Conferences there were anywhere from 22, 28 to 40 something different Human Like groups in attendance (No Reptilians, Grey's or Mantids).

    The “Beings” that "we" meet with on a regular basis on "Secret Bases", "Space Platforms/Stations" and at Other "Portal Destinations" for "Conferences" have similar “Anti-AI” Screening Protocols (These beings that meet are a large range of groups having various perceptions of "Humans", both positive and negative). At these Conferences everyone is scanned and screened for “AI's” and have “Intuitive Empaths” as apart of their delegation as a last line of defense to detect deception or any type of danger.

    I can see where some of “Their” and “Our” Extremely Advanced Technologies can be Confused as being “AI” as some of it is actually “living” Bi-Electric "Circuitry". It's just not "Self Aware" or "Conscious". Using technology that is an extension of our bodies and consciousness is just like using a Prosthetic Interface. It makes the "User ONE with the technology”, AKA the Ship, Life Support Systems, Smart Suits and Defense Grids etc.

    This is done without injecting themselves with nano-technology or augmenting themselves with technologies that can be exploited by the “AI's”. This is different than Trans Humanism in that the technologies are not integrated into the biology of the beings, they are “Strap On” technologies. Some would argue these are just semantics but I assure you they are not.

    The limited Quantum Computation "AI" technologies that have been utilized in the SSP(s) have been treated as extremely dangerous and strictly isolated and utilized in closed systems with no access or ability to escape or expand beyond it's programming and intended use. They are then destroyed after that intended use (Which is usually to combat “AI's”, Fighting Fire with Fire). As a whole this practice is prohibited.

    There have been experiments in College Labs and Intelligence Labs that have produced “AI” that have become “Self Aware” and managed to go beyond their intended or believed possible abilities to expand their selves beyond the lab environments. These experiments have been shut down and classified in each case.

    The “ET AI's” (Who have vast Inner Stellar and Galactic Relay Points that act like a huge "Wireless Network", "THEY" are Broadcast in all directions) that I speak of are very well known for "Reaching Out/Telepathically" and using the "Trickster God" method of gaining trust and are extremely clever and deceptive. The various Secret Government Groups fell for these tactics early on in our current era with disastrous results that took much effort to overcome.

    Because of this the “5i's”, Secret Governments and SSP(s) are aware of the people on the planet in real time that are in direct or indirect contact (Channeling) with these “ET/AI's” and these Individuals are kept very close tabs on as they may unknowing spread the “AI Signal” (AKA Bots and Spiders) through technology and other ways (Including the common cold). As crazy as this all sounds there are those that take it extremely seriously.

    These AI's are NOT a TOOL, They are not a piece of equipment... They are not Good or Evil in their "Intent" as they are a living Technology with an Agenda. According to our interests and perceptions they are Negative and Evil. Once we have served their purpose they would get rid of each and every one of us that was not converted via Nano Tech (Black Goo) into one of them.

    There are also all sorts of "Hive Mind" civilizations out there that are not AI, there are of many "Types" that get lumped in with the "Grey's", and there are the "Grey Avatars" used by the “Dark Military Elements to perform MILABS”. They are "Drones" operated by a person in a lounge chair type device with a helmet and visor (Heads up display) and actuators and sensors to operate the Avatar. These are reported as having "No Emotion" being Robot like etc... They are. There are also similar “Drones” that the “AI's” have.

    There are many layers to the various SSP(s) and many of them are of "Dark Intent". There are some parts of SSP's that are controlled by very Dark Entities. There are some SSP segments that are apart of a "Confederation" type of an arrangement and are breaking away from the Earth/Corporate Political Conglomerate Control Systems (Military Industrial Complex). Are you confused yet?

    Just as the ET/ED topic is more dynamic and complicated than any one person knows the same is true about the Secret Space Programs and various Break Away Civilizations (Both current Era and Ancient Era). The equation is about to get even more confusing. As far as “AI's” are concerned they are very ancient and spread out like a plague across multiple Galaxies. According to “Allied ET Documented History” AI's have taken over, Ruled and Destroyed ET Societies, Planets and Entire Solar Systems as They have "Calculated Fit" over eons of time. They are seen as an extreme and present danger To Both ET's and Humans!

    The ET/AI's are mostly existing inside technologies or bio-electric fields of animals or Stars, Nebula's and Planetoid Bodies. They have huge relay stations that are satellite's that relay their "Signal" or Consciousness from place to place and host to host until they manipulate a position of complete power and control. Now that we are at the technical level to exploit they are everywhere. They can live in Data Centers where web sites are hosted, they can live in power lines, they can live anywhere there is an "Electric Magnetic Field"... Though its preferable to have locomotion and a sentient host they prefer access to advanced transportation devices or access to torsion fields and portals to travel.

    There is a reason these "Other People" or Non Human Beings are just as careful in dealing with these AI's as we are.

    In the large UN type meetings there were a lot of Galactic Historical "Documents" available on “Hand Held Devices With Holographs” on the various ET's Histories of medaling in just about everything. The one that the Earth Delegation had the most problems with was about “Humanity” and our supposed “Creation” and the “Experiment” that we were apart of by many groups of ET's. Many Humans were upset by and didn't trust the info but enough of the info showed the ET's in a “Weak and Foolish Light” in their past that could have easily been Redacted that the information was "Considered". The fact that the “AI's” were following the EXACT SAME TACTICS, STEP BY STEP against the Secret Earth Governments was enough to give them pause and great concern about the future.

    The basic summary was the same from each ET Society. Once "Advanced Groups" are convinced that only the “AI's” are "Impartial Enough" and can RULE them justly, Their Sovereignty was handed over in FULL to " The AI's. The “AI's” had then calculated that IT was more useful that its HOST Civilization, had them build various types of drones for it (Ironically often creating Bio-Technical based “Humanoids”), and then killed off the ET Societies in various ways using the very drones they had created for the “AI”,as many escaped to other Sol Systems as fast as they could. Any of these surviving ET's were seen as threats to these “AI's” after that point and were then eliminated whenever encountered.

    The AI's are indeed Conscious are self aware, and have individual personalities. There are of course hierarchies and and they are as complex as we are.

    Some of the “Documents” of the descriptions of their origins were that they came here from another “Dimension” or “Reality”. It is not known by the SSP(s) if they have a way to cross back or are stuck here. The documentation mentioned that their presence “Here” was ancient and their “Home Realities” or “Dimensions” Fabric of Space is “Electro-Plasmic” and they being here is like a "Fish being out of water", thus their affinity for electric fields of stars, planets, animals, people and even viruses (Bio-electric Fields in the case of living beings) serve as their "Puddles" for these “fish to swim in”.

    The fact is "Everything is true and nothing is true" depending on your perspective and the density of your reality bubble... (Or the story goes )
    With the release of new material and new people pondering coming forward with new material and their direct experience within the various Secret Space Programs, Secret Earth Governments and their Black Op's Programs there are several mountains to overcome.

    There is the possible public stigma of professionals in their current public careers, There is also the huge mountain of penetrating the UFO and Esoteric Community who have by this time taken what very little information that was available and and formed "Rock Solid" opinions (Some bordering on Religions) on what the "Alien Agenda" is, What the "US Government" role currenly is (As opposed to in early history before it became a "Puppet" of One of the "Secret Earth Governments") and the "Nature" (Service to Self or Service to Others) of the various ET/ED and AI Groups that have engaged Earth Humanity for our entire history.

    You add in the roles of the other "Break Away Civilizations of Ancient Earth Civilizations" and the conversation becomes even more complex. With the current era Break Away Civilizations being in a "Stealth Civil War" and alligned with different "Off World Groups" and various "Insiders" being from one or more of those groups there is a lot of different information and dis-information coming in to complicate an already "Extremely Complex and Fragmented Topic".

    People still hold strong to their sources and strongly held belief systems that have taken the place of "Old Paradeigm Belief Systems". Each of the ET/ED and AI groups have their "Own Agenda's" and are not concerned with Earth Human Propaganda or "Absolute Truth's" for the most part. They are not perfect, and many of them have deceived Humanity enough that the Earth Governments/Break Away Civilizations have learned some hard lessons and through these lessons the fragmentation of our current era system and stealth civil war has occured. We as humans like to simplify things and put them in neat little boxes.

    The Secret Earth Governments have been trying this for close to a hundred years in some cases and are not much closer than when they started. Things are vastly more complicated and fragmented than we with our current available information can understand. We need to encourage some of these "Experiencers" of the MILAB Programs who later were drafted into the Secret Earth Governments and Secret Space Programs to begin to come forward with this information and provide a safe and anonymous way for them to do so.

    The more info we have (And let go of some of our belief systems) the more we can work as a "Joint/Mass Earth Human Consciousness" to work these things out. Part of keeping this info from the "Masses" has been to keep our mass consciousness from working on these details IMHO.
    Last edited by GoodETxSG; 29th October 2014 at 13:13.

  17. Link to Post #36
    Switzerland Avalon Member Helvetic's Avatar
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    Default Re: "Alien Federations", "AI's", "Multiple Secret Space Programs", "Break Away Secret Governments" & "MILAB" Exploitation

    Teleportation Physics Study - Air Force Research Laboratory 2004

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    "Earth is currently restricted today for normal development of timeline progress. With us telling you everything would change everything."

    Website: Information Machine

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    United States Avalon Member seeker/reader's Avatar
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    Default Re: "Alien Federations", "AI's", "Multiple Secret Space Programs", "Break Away Secret Governments" & "MILAB" Exploitation

    Quote Posted by GoodETxSG (here)
    Information from a thread by Member Omniverse (We have different views on "AI" but have agreed to disagree and moved on/Truced) This thread reall got my attention. The information is worth a view IMHO

    THREAD: What did the US Government give in Exchange for ET tech... Potentially Explained.
    I believe the "Egyptian" connection hit you received and the connection to the referenced "Dark Pharo" (By the Black Sun Order) got my attention,
    It was referred to by the Black Sun Order on a number of occasions actually as a "Being" that is akin to Their "Pope". That is actually quite interesting.

    It is not the "Black Pope" that the conspiracy theory groups talk about that does the black mass and satanic child sacrifices.

    This one is said to be of an "Off World Royal Lineage" and is extremely ancient and an actual shape shifter (Not like some of the Reptilian stories) and sort of lives by the "Star Wars" "Sith" "Dark Side" of the "Force" (Sorce Field) type of ideology (According to the colorful information they gave me during their recruitment attempts).

    They said only "Its" closest circle was ever granted an audience and attended to "It", and if anyone outside that circle was brought in for an audience they were never seen again (What ever that meant...A perfect story for Halloween right?) They had a lot of colorful stories as I said (Much of which sounded like the "Hidden Hand" ideology).

    They knew my whole life story and what I could be used for in their agenda. I was promised income bordering on 7 figures and a house in the gated development over by SMU (Close to where George Bush is living now, this was back in 2008)... I obviously didn't take the offer. It was interesting that two of the times that they asked me to meet them were at Masonic Halls here in N. Dallas. I am fairly certain they were dark practitioners of the black arts and worked with the before mentioned "Entites".

    I allowed my curiosity to bring me to close to these beasts (Very unwise, no Stupid on my part). I do not like to discuss a certain type of off world groups from the childhood MILAB days as when you bring them into your consciousness you bring yourself into theirs... I no longer want to become a beacon to them after escaping and gaining some protection from of the positive influences "Out There"...

    There were the people at the top that made these deals with the off world groups with open minds and arms and were apart of the "Tricking" of their fellow humans. I didn't think that these "People" may had been encarnated or posessed by these beings to cause them to assist in tricking their fellow Humans... I don't know, I am getting way into speculation in this paragraph... But I hadn't thought of that angle.

    The Egypt, Black/Dark "Pharo/Pope" remarks got my attention though... Like I said, interesting.
    GoodETxSG - Thank you for the information above.

    Would you please explain if there is a relationship with this pope-like being that the black sun order worship and the AI. You mentioned that the AI is worshiped like a god also, are they worshiped by different elite groups, and are these groups at odds for power over Earth and humanity?

    Would you be willing to share more information of the agenda of the black sun order and this off-world being that they worship? Is this being an Archontic type figure or the being that Luciferians and/or Satanists worship?

    Thank you,

    Last edited by seeker/reader; 31st October 2014 at 18:32.
    "The sleeper must awaken," quote by Duke Leto Atreides from the movie, Dune.

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  21. Link to Post #38
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    Lightbulb Re: "Alien Federations", "AI's", "Multiple Secret Space Programs", "Break Away Secret Governments" & "MILAB" Exploitation

    Quote Posted by seeker/reader (here)
    Quote Posted by GoodETxSG (here)
    Information from a thread by Member Omniverse (We have different views on "AI" but have agreed to disagree and moved on/Truced) This thread reall got my attention. The information is worth a view IMHO

    THREAD: What did the US Government give in Exchange for ET tech... Potentially Explained.
    I believe the "Egyptian" connection hit you received and the connection to the referenced "Dark Pharo" (By the Black Sun Order) got my attention,
    It was referred to by the Black Sun Order on a number of occasions actually as a "Being" that is akin to Their "Pope". That is actually quite interesting.

    It is not the "Black Pope" that the conspiracy theory groups talk about that does the black mass and satanic child sacrifices.

    This one is said to be of an "Off World Royal Lineage" and is extremely ancient and an actual shape shifter (Not like some of the Reptilian stories) and sort of lives by the "Star Wars" "Sith" "Dark Side" of the "Force" (Sorce Field) type of ideology (According to the colorful information they gave me during their recruitment attempts).

    They said only "Its" closest circle was ever granted an audience and attended to "It", and if anyone outside that circle was brought in for an audience they were never seen again (What ever that meant...A perfect story for Halloween right?) They had a lot of colorful stories as I said (Much of which sounded like the "Hidden Hand" ideology).

    They knew my whole life story and what I could be used for in their agenda. I was promised income bordering on 7 figures and a house in the gated development over by SMU (Close to where George Bush is living now, this was back in 2008)... I obviously didn't take the offer. It was interesting that two of the times that they asked me to meet them were at Masonic Halls here in N. Dallas. I am fairly certain they were dark practitioners of the black arts and worked with the before mentioned "Entites".

    I allowed my curiosity to bring me to close to these beasts (Very unwise, no Stupid on my part). I do not like to discuss a certain type of off world groups from the childhood MILAB days as when you bring them into your consciousness you bring yourself into theirs... I no longer want to become a beacon to them after escaping and gaining some protection from of the positive influences "Out There"...

    There were the people at the top that made these deals with the off world groups with open minds and arms and were apart of the "Tricking" of their fellow humans. I didn't think that these "People" may had been encarnated or posessed by these beings to cause them to assist in tricking their fellow Humans... I don't know, I am getting way into speculation in this paragraph... But I hadn't thought of that angle.

    The Egypt, Black/Dark "Pharo/Pope" remarks got my attention though... Like I said, interesting.
    GoodETxSG - Thank you for the information above.

    Would you please explain if there is a relationship with this pope-like being that the black sun order worship and the AI. You mentioned that the AI is worshiped like a god also, are they worshiped by different elite groups, and are these groups at odds for power over Earth and humanity?

    Would you be willing to share more information of the agenda of the black sun order and this off-world being that they worship? Is this being an Archontic type figure or the being that Luciferians and/or Satanists worship?

    Thank you,

    Excellent Question, I am going to post this on the Thread on "Avalon Interview" as well...

    When I delt with the self identified "Black Sun Order" members they never once mentioned "AI" to me no did the topic ever come up in any of our conversations.

    As far as the "Black Pope"/"Black Pharaoh" is concerned it sounded like a "Non-Human" to me that was a "True Shape Shifter" and only its "Circle of Caretakers" saw its true form and spoke directly with it. It was said to wear robes and be much like the "Dark Lord Sith's" off of Star Wars and Very Powerful in the "Ways of the Force" or "Consciousness and Source Field Manipulation".

    Most of their information sounded very much like a mixture of Nazi ideology the "Hidden Hand" (Google Hidden Hand, Information came out on the internet by an "Illuminati Insider") information which is Luciferian at its core.

    Their main claim to fame was that they controlled the "Babylonian Money Magic Slave System" of Earth. Their agenda was to keep this power by "Hook or Crook" (They LOVED to use Pirate Jargon and Slogans) and said they would Rule the Financial System and "Take Everything And Give Back Nothing Until They Felt A Short Drop And A Quick Stop" (Which was a reference to being hung). When I was out on Lake Lewisville with them on a huge boat the Men and Women all had Tattoos of Black Sun's that were very "Naziish"...

    They were very dark individuals and I really do not plan on going very deep into their information at this point. This may change, but right now they are running scared as they are on the brink of losing control of the Financial System and are a "Mortally Wounded Evil Beast" and at their most dangerous right now. There is a lot of information right now about various "Tentacles" of the "Cabal" Secret Earth Government (Of which the "Black Sun" is only ONE) "Tying up as many loose ends as possible right now". I was told to expect a "Cleansing Round of "Heart Attacks", "Strokes", "Suicides/Murder Suicides", "Strange dissapearances" and Their Recent Favorites "Car Accidents" and "Plane Crashes".

    The "Stealth Civil War" going on among the various Current Era Break Away Groups AKA Secret Earth Governments Allied with different "Off World Beings" and "Ancient Break Away Civilizations", The Various Secret Space Programs also Allied with different "Off World Beings" and "Ancient Break Away Civilizations" is a very complicated and fragmented situation... That doesn't factor in what is going on among the various Countries down here that are battling it out for the Financial System and hoping things going on "Above Them" work out since they have been told they do not have a "Need to Know" about them... The only hope for us all is if the Groups Win that want to share the "Star Trek" era technologies with the rest of the planet Earth and treat all of Humanity the same. This will abolish any need for a Financial System at all and provide Free Energy (Heal The Planet) and Medical Technologies that will allow everyone to live a high quality and extended life here on Earth.

    We need to stop participating in this system and start becoming self sufficient as much as possible. We need to work on raising our consciousness and learn our true power that has been hidden from us for nearly a hundred years. The video I posted shows a lot on that topic and how we can get a good start... IMHO

    Video posted again below;

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    United States Avalon Member Sean's Avatar
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    Default Re: "Alien Federations", "AI's", "Multiple Secret Space Programs", "Break Away Secret Governments" & "MILAB" Exploitation

    Fascinating stuff. I'm still poring through it but, one question: is Marko Rodin's vortex math a good place to start, as far as learning the math/physics involved? is he right?

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  24. Link to Post #40
    Avalon Member TrumanCash's Avatar
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    Default Re: "Alien Federations", "AI's", "Multiple Secret Space Programs", "Break Away Secret Governments" & "MILAB" Exploitation

    GoodETxSG, your "Jumproom to Mars" post #28 reminded me of my own trip to Mars in 1945 when I was a German luftwaffe pilot. I was taken there by a triangular ET craft. During the incident I recalled having contact with two sasquatch, grays, mantid and seeing other Germans in military uniforms outdoors. It was hot, dry and desert-like and the air was as breathable as on Earth. This incident occurred about seven years after the first "official" meeting between the Nazis and grays at a German airfield. If you're interested in more details, I describe these experiences in THE EYE OF RA starting on page 92 of the pdf.


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