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Thread: Solar Warden

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    Default Solar Warden


    Anybody got any good information on the above topic.I am doing some research


    The One

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    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Solar Warden

    How much time have you got?

    Michael Salla's article is a good one. His references about Henry Deacon confirming SOLAR WARDEN are correct.

    From http://projectcamelot.org/livermore_physicist_3.html:
    Transport is by two means: stargates for personnel and small items, spacecraft for larger items of freight. The alternative fleet is codenamed SOLAR WARDEN.

    We had first heard of this from another source, and queried Henry about the codename. We sent him two separate messages, each simply of one word: SOLAR, and then WARDEN. We offered no context, or reason for our communication.

    The reply came immediately in three e-mails, each from a different address. The first said MARS, the second said ALTERNATIVE, and the third had as its subject "Not listed here" and gave this URL as its only content. We were impressed.
    If you listen to this 2 minute extract of Gordon Novel's interview with George Knapp on Coast to Coast on 17 Jan 2010


    ... you'll hear him describe how the nephew of a friend of his - a professional hiker - was deep in the Utah desert, 25 miles from the nearest road in a high inaccessible area.

    Suddenly, he saw a arrowhead-shaped craft 600 feet long appear and hover, a giant camouflaged sliding door opened in the desert floor, and the craft disappeared into what was a concealed underground base. The hiker was rubbing his eyes wondering what on earth he just saw.

    Kerry Cassidy and I later talked with Gordon about this personally and confirmed the report.

    Out of interest, I put together a diagram of how large this craft would be. Something this large might carry about 2,000 people.

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    Default Re: Solar Warden

    Found this document at http://www.nasa.gov/centers/johnson/...nnj08ta27c.pdf page 27 of 180

    NNJ08TA27C Section C

    On January 14, 2004, the President directed NASA to embark on a spaceexploration
    program that will advancethe nation's scientific,security and economic interests. In
    support of this vision the United States (US)will:
    a. Implementa sustained and affordable human and robotic program to explore the solar
    system and beyond.
    b. Extend human presence across the solar system, starting with a human return to the
    Moon by the year 2020, in preparation for human exploration of Mars and other
    c. Developthe innovative technologies, knowledge, and infrastructuresboth to explore
    and to support decisions about future destinations for humanexploration.

    Interesting how they want to extend human presence over the solar system. We have advanced so much for example in mobile technology but space we haven’t moved on at all well that’s what tptb would like us to think.

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    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Solar Warden


    What I understand - and have been told - is that the technology already exists to leave the solar system. Those huge 600 ft (180 m) long craft are not just going to the Moon or Mars.

    Gordon Novel made enquiries, and learned that there are eight (8) of them. They probably cost tens (maybe hundreds) of billions of dollars each. And we wonder where all the trillions of dollars have gone.

    • On operational black technology such as these (and other) craft.
    • On the bases on the moon and Mars.
    • On the hundreds of deep underground bases - the construction program for which I was told has been increased by 75% over the last four years.

  6. The Following 12 Users Say Thank You to Bill Ryan For This Post:

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    Poland Avalon Retired Member
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    Default Re: Solar Warden

    What always interested me in this topic was how much those projects have common with what we call world. You know, countries, economy, wars etc.

    Those ships/fleet need serious facilities to operate. Imagine a factory needed to build such giant. And resources. And top notch specialists. And completely different brand of science to what is taught here.
    These are not endeavours that can be taken on piecemeal basis, you need continuity in training, repairs, developments.

    Also- having access to space means access to resources there. "Asteroid belt" itself is said to be rich with rare minerals, that given such technology are easily obtainable.

    Logically speaking, only reason for "them" to be concerned with earth matters is having a supply of "fresh blood".. or specialists in exotic fields, if they do not have a "project" in place for them already. Only money they would need are those needed to maintain fronts within our society. After all, do you think they use greenbacks on say, Alpha Centauri?

    We are talking about completely breakaway civilization, with scopes, rules and goals far removed from our "world" ramifications.

    Also- logically such civilization would be working within framework of other such civilizations out there .. say running missions in some kind of "Cosmic NATO" .. or even waging wars there.

    This is completely alien world for somebody using earth's logic.

    Also, one can speculate about existence of Earth as such as a "recruiting post" or "training camp" within much larger structure.

    Just imagine: how to explain ways our society works to somebody that happened to be raised in village in some wild mountains, with medieval level of technology and knowledge.. but it does not mean such men would not make fine soldiers - like Ghurkhas of British Empire.


    Edit: consider this for a moment : in World War Two, Germany alone had about 2 million soldiers "missed in action" .. what if some of them were not "lost" at all? Add to that MIA's from every other conflict here .. through all the ages ...
    Even at high sublight speeds time is not what we think it is .
    And with tech advanced enough, body is not a problem. Soul to drive it in appropriate manner is.
    Last edited by Luke; 24th November 2010 at 12:34.

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    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Solar Warden

    Quote Posted by Luke (here)
    We are talking about completely breakaway civilization, with scopes, rules and goals far removed from our "world" ramifications.
    Exactly right. There's a "Human Civilization" 2.0 being created - and you and I are not part of it. We're still trying to get to grips with 1.0.

    Version 2.0 has advanced spacecraft, fast-than-light communications, off-planet bases, access to all of human history, free energy, has enhanced some people physically, mentally and psychically, and is prepared to leave us all behind. No public sector scientist has made the cut.

  10. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Bill Ryan For This Post:

    Foxie Loxie (11th August 2017), justntime2learn (19th July 2016), silvanelf (20th May 2019)

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    Default Re: Solar Warden

    Hey luke just thinking about what happened to them soldiers do you remeber the tale of the eskimo village


    In November 1930, Joe Labelle, a Canadian fur trapper, snow shoed into a thriving Eskimo fishing village situated on the shores of Lake Anjikuni in Canada. Labelle was greeted with an eerie silence. He thought this was very strange because the fishing village was a noisy settlement with 2,000 Eskimos milling back and forth to their kayaks. But there wasn't a soul about. Labelle visited each of the Eskimo huts and fish storehouses but none of the villagers was anywhere to be seen. Labelle saw a flickering fire in the distance and approached it gingerly, sensing something evil was afoot on this moonlit night. Upon the fire was a smoldering pot of blackened stew. To make matters more mysterious, Labelle saw that not a single human track had left the settlement. Labelle knew something bizarre had happened to the 2,000 people, and so he ran non-stop to the nearest telegraph office and sent a message about his findings to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. The Mounties turned up hours later, and they too were baffled by the mass vanishing act. An enormous search party was sent out to look for the missing villagers, but they were never found, and the search party unearthed some strange findings. All the sleigh dogs that had belonged to the Eskimos were found buried 12 feet under a snowdrift at the perimeter of the camp. All of them had starved to death. The search party also established that all the Eskimos' provisions and food had been left in their huts, which didn't make any sense at all. Then came the most chilling surprise of all; the search party discovered that all of the Eskimos' ancestral graves were empty. Whoever or whatever had taken all the living villagers had also dug up the dead as well, even though the icy ground around the graves was as hard as iron. Later, on that unearthly silent night the Mounties watched in awe as a strange blue glow lit up the horizon. The eerie radiance was not the northern lights, but seemed steady and artificial. As the Mounties watched, the light pulsated then faded. All the newspapers of the world reported the baffling disappearance of the 2,000 Eskimos, although many believed that a rational explanation would eventually come to light, but the Anjikuni mass disappearance is still unsolved

  12. Link to Post #8
    France Avalon Member Elandiel BernElve's Avatar
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    Default Re: Solar Warden

    Quote Posted by Bill Ryan (here)
    Exactly right. There's a "Human Civilization" 2.0 being created - and you and I are not part of it. We're still trying to get to grips with 1.0.

    Version 2.0 has advanced spacecraft, fast-than-light communications, off-planet bases, access to all of human history, free energy, has enhanced some people physically, mentally and psychically, and is prepared to leave us all behind. No public sector scientist has made the cut.
    Is there an application form you know of?

    I've played enough sci-fi video games
    I've seen enough sci-fi movies
    I've read enough information on this subject

    to be ready
    Capitaine Elandiel BernElve

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    Default Re: Solar Warden

    Quote Posted by Bill Ryan (here)
    Exactly right. There's a "Human Civilization" 2.0 being created - and you and I are not part of it. We're still trying to get to grips with 1.0.

    Version 2.0 has advanced spacecraft, fast-than-light communications, off-planet bases, access to all of human history, free energy, has enhanced some people physically, mentally and psychically, and is prepared to leave us all behind. No public sector scientist has made the cut.
    Nasa is now offering one way trips to Mars ... so they must be ready all of of a sudden . I think participation in the secret space program was a one way trip too.
    Once you're in you left this world's civilization.

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    United States Avalon Retired Member
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    Default Re: Solar Warden

    I hate to seem dense but I followed the link to the "CV" listing at: http://www.navy.mil/navydata/ships/carriers/cv-list.asp
    and didn't see anything that seemed amiss. Is there a hint?

    You might want to think that one over. After all, soldiers and such have always been offered a "nice change of scenery". Rarely did it turn out to resemble a travel poster.

  15. Link to Post #11
    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Solar Warden

    Quote Posted by The One (here)
    Hey luke just thinking about what happened to them soldiers do you remeber the tale of the eskimo village


    In November 1930, Joe Labelle, a Canadian fur trapper, snow shoed into a thriving Eskimo fishing village situated on the shores of Lake Anjikuni in Canada. Labelle was greeted with an eerie silence. He thought this was very strange because the fishing village was a noisy settlement with 2,000 Eskimos milling back and forth to their kayaks. But there wasn't a soul about. Labelle visited each of the Eskimo huts and fish storehouses but none of the villagers was anywhere to be seen. Labelle saw a flickering fire in the distance and approached it gingerly, sensing something evil was afoot on this moonlit night. Upon the fire was a smoldering pot of blackened stew. To make matters more mysterious, Labelle saw that not a single human track had left the settlement. Labelle knew something bizarre had happened to the 2,000 people, and so he ran non-stop to the nearest telegraph office and sent a message about his findings to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. The Mounties turned up hours later, and they too were baffled by the mass vanishing act. An enormous search party was sent out to look for the missing villagers, but they were never found, and the search party unearthed some strange findings. All the sleigh dogs that had belonged to the Eskimos were found buried 12 feet under a snowdrift at the perimeter of the camp. All of them had starved to death. The search party also established that all the Eskimos' provisions and food had been left in their huts, which didn't make any sense at all. Then came the most chilling surprise of all; the search party discovered that all of the Eskimos' ancestral graves were empty. Whoever or whatever had taken all the living villagers had also dug up the dead as well, even though the icy ground around the graves was as hard as iron. Later, on that unearthly silent night the Mounties watched in awe as a strange blue glow lit up the horizon. The eerie radiance was not the northern lights, but seemed steady and artificial. As the Mounties watched, the light pulsated then faded. All the newspapers of the world reported the baffling disappearance of the 2,000 Eskimos, although many believed that a rational explanation would eventually come to light, but the Anjikuni mass disappearance is still unsolved
    Here's what seems to be the real story (it took me about 10 mins to find it):


    The story was originally reported by Emmett E. Keller whom the RCMP label, with some justice, as a “journalist of some repute”. The picture that was run with the story was a photo taken in 1905, not at the date of the story (however this is a fairly common news practice).

    It ran in the Toronto Daily Star on November 23, 1930 but was largely forgotten until it was included in “occult investigator” Frank Edwards' book “Stranger than Science” in 1959. And supporting the “Urban Legend” status the Mounties claim, the tale has grown.

    The missing went from 30 to 1200 to 2000; how’s that for a bump. So we will use what we found in the older sources, tell the tale and try to keep the personal commentary to as minimum.

    On a cold November night in 1930 a fur trapper named Armand Laurent was travelling with his two teenage sons. The trio witnessed a “huge light, for it seemed to be as big as a steamship, changed shape from moment to moment…..it was as round as a ball, now like an enormous bullet, now shaped like a star. The light changed course in the sky many times before streaking at a great speed, straight as an arrow, towards the north and out of our sight.”

    A couple of days later a pair of Mounties were said to stop at Laurent’s isolated home. As they partook of a generous standing offer of hot coffee, biscuits and homemade honey Laurent inquired what brought them out his way. They are rumored to have replied “Eskimos disappearing, stuff like that. Nothing important.” Now we include this hearsay to show the PERCEPTION (if not the reality) of the disregard towards Natives. Nothing important.

    Laurent is said to have related his tale and inform the Mounties that the “light seemed to be heading in the direction of the lake.” Laurent was never questioned further, a disappointing but understandable oversight.

    Enter French Canadian trapper Joe Labelle (who the Mounties said was “new to the area”, i.e. an outsider). Labelle claimed to snowshoe to the remote Eskimo village near Lake Anjkuni (Angkun). Normally greeted by the barking of sled dogs and children begging for hard candy, he was instead met with silence.

    The village of approximately 30 people was deserted. It was the manner in which the village was left which has been the source of the long-lived mystery.

    Labelle found “pots of stewed caribou with a thick layer of ice…..children’s toys were scattered on the floor.” He found a sealskin parka with two bone needles still in it. Labelle continued “The boats and the kayaks were tied at the shore. Even the harpoons were still on board, and the half-stripped carcass of a walrus was just as the men left it.” Even the rifles were left behind. Some hanging over makeshift fireplaces, others propped next to the caribou flap doors of empty homes.

    Labelle informed the Mounties (who acknowledge contact and claim they asked neighbors of Lake Village and decided it was false information) and, as the “story” goes, the Mounties came out and investigated the village. They found the missing sled dogs tied to some trees under a snow drift. (At this point the village men would be without their guns, sleds, kayaks and harpoons not one of these items would have been left behind in the village.)

    The Native folk are nomadic, but according to the tale the place seemed abandoned in the middle of a normal day. There were no signs of a struggle and no footprints that lead way from the scene. Supposedly the RCMP employed some of the best trackers in a “search” that spanned all of Canada and even ventured into the northwest United States to no avail. We have been contacted by an individual who claims to have a request from the Canadians in regards to this story but we have not received follow-up information in 6 months.

    The most disturbing claim in this case is the apparent exhumation of an Eskimo grave(s). The rocks marking the grave were undisturbed but the grave had been dug up. If this is true it would be quite the feat. The land was in a state of permafrost; one account tells of an unnamed Mountie who said it would have required a jack-hammer and weeks of back-breaking work to empty the grave. A FOIA request regarding this case has been filed with no reply back yet.

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    Default Re: Solar Warden

    Cheers Bill i will remember to put the link in next time i keep forgetting

  18. Link to Post #13
    France Avalon Member Elandiel BernElve's Avatar
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    Default Re: Solar Warden

    Quote Posted by Fredkc (here)
    I hate to seem dense but I followed the link to the "CV" listing at: http://www.navy.mil/navydata/ships/carriers/cv-list.asp
    and didn't see anything that seemed amiss. Is there a hint?

    You might want to think that one over. After all, soldiers and such have always been offered a "nice change of scenery". Rarely did it turn out to resemble a travel poster.

    The alternative transport (next to stargates) for Mars are huge carriers.
    Not listed in the naval carrier section of course but definately of the same size and class (spatial version). Bill, correct me if i'm wrong but that's what I get out of it.
    Build secretly, launched secretly, funded secretly, operated secretly.

    As to venturing off for a nice change of scenery. It seems the other way around.
    Secret humankind 2.0 will have a fresh start. Abandonded mankind 0.7beta is left to fight over worthless remains.

    Now what's a better prospect?

    No I'm kidding, i wouldn't want to join a faction with everything secret and funded off our backs leaving us abandoned to die like slaves without purpose.

    I have a reason to be here, I've already flew the stars once in a previous and i'll do it again when the time is right.

    Capitaine Elandiel BernElve

  19. Link to Post #14
    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Solar Warden

    Quote Posted by The One (here)
    Cheers Bill i will remember to put the link in next time i keep forgetting
    Thanks. Please always do. It helps members to research and check things, and also removes any misunderstanding that you (or anyone else posting stuff) wrote it personally.

  20. Link to Post #15
    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Solar Warden

    Quote Posted by Fredkc (here)
    I hate to seem dense but I followed the link to the "CV" listing at: http://www.navy.mil/navydata/ships/carriers/cv-list.asp
    and didn't see anything that seemed amiss. Is there a hint?
    Hi, Fred - you missed Henry's subtle point.

    Before the URL (a public-sector list of US Navy aircraft carriers - i.e. regular warships) Henry had written the subject:
    Not listed here.
    His two one-word messages immediately prior to that had been
    To spell it out, he was confirming that SOLAR WARDEN was an alternative fleet consisting of aircraft carrier-sized vessels - but not the kind that floated on water.

    What was really significant is that we had never once talked with Henry about SOLAR WARDEN. We'd heard the codename as a rumor in an anonymous Open Minds Forum message that came from an insider source that was not Henry. So I decided to run it past him.

    My question to Henry was via SMS - just the two words, nothing else. The 3-part reply above came straight back within minutes, from three different e-mail accounts. For us, that was a wrap.
    Last edited by Bill Ryan; 24th November 2010 at 15:56.

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    Not listed here.

    You know, e'ry once in a while I do something stupid... like ask questions while the coffee is still brewing.

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    Default Re: Solar Warden

    Quote Posted by Bill Ryan (here)
    Exactly right. There's a "Human Civilization" 2.0 being created - and you and I are not part of it. We're still trying to get to grips with 1.0.

    Version 2.0 has advanced spacecraft, fast-than-light communications, off-planet bases, access to all of human history, free energy, has enhanced some people physically, mentally and psychically, and is prepared to leave us all behind. No public sector scientist has made the cut.
    I'd still like to know WHY this all exists??? It's never been fully explained, and the whole idea of allowing the uber-rich to escape can't possibly be the full story.... So why? ANd why is it that we on Earth have been allowed to languish with polluting internal-combustion engines etc and all these problems, and overpopulation? If we had access to the interplanetary civilisation it wouldn't be such a problem (and I don't even thinkit's neccessarily a problem anyway - it's only a problem if you look at it from only one point of view)....

    And the whole idea of "we're not ready yet for the truth, look at all the wars and violence".... WHO creates and funds that violence??? The majority of mankind does not want wars....

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    United States Avalon Member Ba-ba-Ra's Avatar
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    Default Re: Solar Warden

    Quote Posted by Bill Ryan (here)
    Exactly right. There's a "Human Civilization" 2.0 being created - and you and I are not part of it. We're still trying to get to grips with 1.0.

    Version 2.0 has advanced spacecraft, fast-than-light communications, off-planet bases, access to all of human history, free energy, has enhanced some people physically, mentally and psychically, and is prepared to leave us all behind. No public sector scientist has made the cut.

    So............who has made the cut? .... and if they have this other world, why don't they just leave here entirely. Is there some reason they still need us or this world 1.0. Somehow that doesn't make sense to me, though I realize this defies logic in terms of what I think logic is.
    Blessed are the cracked, for they are the ones who let in the light!

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    Poland Avalon Retired Member
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    Default Re: Solar Warden

    Quote Posted by jcocks (here)
    I'd still like to know WHY this all exists??? It's never been fully explained, and the whole idea of allowing the uber-rich to escape can't possibly be the full story.... So why? ANd why is it that we on Earth have been allowed to languish with polluting internal-combustion engines etc and all these problems, and overpopulation? If we had access to the interplanetary civilisation it wouldn't be such a problem (and I don't even thinkit's neccessarily a problem anyway - it's only a problem if you look at it from only one point of view)....

    And the whole idea of "we're not ready yet for the truth, look at all the wars and violence".... WHO creates and funds that violence??? The majority of mankind does not want wars....
    Who even says it's about uber-rich ?
    We're discussing DIFFERENT CIVILIZATION that treats earth as ... resupply point? Manpower source? Training ground? Experimental weapon development facility? Well, something like that.

    Very few of current elite even have idea about it - all they have is hints and orders from those ABOVE them in hierarchy .. hierarchy that might span better part of this section of multiverse. Multidude of worlds. Trillions of human-like beings.
    They do not need to know about it - compartmentalization uber alles. They do what they are good at: keeping serfs at bay. Sure, some will get their retirement out there .. but more like a CIA-installed banana republic chief is having his retirement in Miami.

    Now, they hear rumours. That's why the seed vaults and stuff. The guys from front pages are likely to stay here .. because, what good is software manufacturer for fleet that is not running software way we know it ? Just as corporations cannot exist without shelter of monopoly laws and privileges, those guys are powerful within our framework.

    But they are not the ones calling the shots. That is as far as my understanding goes.

    Guys out there are beyond our framework! And if we think about breakaways that used third reich as vehicle (Kammler &CO) we are talking about guys with completely alien "morality"

    As for violence - Imperial Ghurkhas, again ... or maybe Sardaukar.
    What is happening here is but a small fraction of things that are impacting what it is here.

    Linear/Earthcentric thinking begone
    Last edited by Luke; 24th November 2010 at 18:04.

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    The Ubbers worked their whole life to build a mountain of gold...

    don't let them find out we have enough Kinetic energy to turn Nibiru from its destructive path...

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